Am I making a horrible mistake?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 14 5.7%
  • YES!

    Votes: 233 94.3%

  • Total voters
Also, in my apparent boredness, i decided to record my voice reading de3ta's reaction on this fic (only his reaction,though, too lazy reading the fic's snippet he put on his reading session post), currently at the end of the first part that got cut out by chrome crashing.

It was already uploaded on Vocaroo, let me know if you guys want to hear me.
Also, in my apparent boredness, i decided to record my voice reading de3ta's reaction on this fic (only his reaction,though, too lazy reading the fic's snippet he put on his reading session post), currently at the end of the first part that got cut out by chrome crashing.

For a second I though you said "currently at the end of the first part after chrome crashed and cut it off," and I thought that you crashed while recording. I thought "Even chrome is trying to stop people from reading this!"

It only gets worse

This was from chapter 205 so yes, you are right. This is what I have to look forward to.

*Reaches for revolver*
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AWACS read me lets reading. This is a thing.
For a second I though you said "currently at the end of the first part after chrome crashed and cut it off," and I thought that you crashed while recording. I thought "Even chrome is trying to stop people from reading this!"
No fricking way, i record this on my phone. What i mean is that i am recording from the introduction till the part when De3ta's first reaction at the 1st chapter got cut off by chrome crashing on him.

Tho, that might be hilarious, if my phone decided to stop me to record that.

anyway, Vocaroo | Voice message That's my first recording, let me know if i should continue or ditch this out. I also need to train my female voice attempt though, so if this got ditched out, i need to find something else to read in female voice.
No fricking way, i record this on my phone. What i mean is that i am recording from the introduction till the part when De3ta's first reaction at the 1st chapter got cut off by chrome crashing on him.

Tho, that might be hilarious, if my phone decided to stop me to record that.

anyway, Vocaroo | Voice message That's my first recording, let me know if i should continue or ditch this out. I also need to train my female voice attempt though, so if this got ditched out, i need to find something else to read in female voice.
I actually thought you were female as I just clicked on the link before reading the post. So you can't be doing that bad.
This was from chapter 205 so yes, you are right. This is what I have to look forward to.

*Reaches for revolver*

*took away de3ta's revolver.*

Nope mate. No revolver for you.

*Gives de3ta instead a good old fashion twin barrel shotgun.*

This is better than that old revolver.... :p
Every time I look at something from this thing, I wonder how it has over a thousand reviews.

Then I remember 200+ chapters. There could be ten people reading and reviewing and it would have hit 1k at 100.

The fact it's not at 2k means it doesn't even have that. So it's Red Army style? Quantity over quality since the actual reviewing readership can't be that big.
Every time I look at something from this thing, I wonder how it has over a thousand reviews.

Then I remember 200+ chapters. There could be ten people reading and reviewing and it would have hit 1k at 100.

The fact it's not at 2k means it doesn't even have that. So it's Red Army style? Quantity over quality since the actual reviewing readership can't be that big.
How do you think I ended up with 500 reviews?
The Baltimore arc is indeed introducing quite a bit of supernatural horror bullshit. Seriously, this stuff better end in the next chapter.

Wait till tomorrow if the baltimore arc will really ends there...

It just something tells me that it's not the last supernatural arc that Damon's group will encounter...
Hash's pasta 5
Should I vandalise the TVTropes page?

Its full of...disgusting worship.

I'm sorry, but I do not get what my work on that page constitutes "disgusting worship".

Is it the way I've written some of the examples? My word choices/diction? I'd appreciate some feedback so if it turns out that there are.......unmentionables on the page, I'll know how to NOT write a trope page next time.

Your comment also reminded me that my story writing skills suck, in general. Take for example, a short story I did back in 2009 for a summer English course (PM me for it if interested, I'll send you the story, untouched since its submission for the course). It was essentially a short story about street racing in Los Angeles, specifically on Glendora Mountain Road just north of LA in the neighboring city of Pasadena.

The plot went like this: A guy competing in the now-defunct SPEED World Challenge series, having just completed the 2009 season opener at Sebring, gets a call from one of him long-time friends back in LA saying that there's been a racer challenging the locals to heads-up races on GMR, and then wrecking them during the race, while the mysterious racer drives off unscathed.

If you thought what Hakyuu wrote was bad, well, as I look back on it today, what I wrote was probably worse.

1. Purple Prose? Check
2. Gun Car Porn? Check
3. Bad/Contrived plot points? Check
4. Not doing the right research? VERY CHECK!

The last point? I'll give you an example. During the middle of the story, the main character, having rushed back to GMR after figuring out that one of his friends, the leader of a local car club, may have been ambushed by the mysterious racer earlier that night, finds the wreck of his friend's car, with his friend in need of medical attention. After treating his wounds and stabilizing him as best as he can, he calls for an ambulance.

Now why does this fall under not doing the research? There is actually no cell phone reception in that section of the San Gabriel mountains. I don't remember why, at the time I wrote this, I didn't bother asking my friends living in LA whether or not there was cell phone reception on GMR, but it wasn't until 5 years later, when I actually went to LA in 2014 for Anime Expo and decided on Day 4 to go on a drive up through the San Gabriel mountains to GMR, that I found out that there was no cell phone reception on GMR.

That's all I have to say for now.
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It's mostly me and Gentlemens Dame 883. In the beginning, the workload was almost equally split between us, but I've mostly stepped away from it nowadays.

In terms of the YMMV page, the Audience-Alienating Premise and Squick entries were all me. GD883 put up the other examples, though I had to fix the Hilarious in Hindsight entry because I had the exact date on when the referenced chapter was posted.
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It's mostly me and Gentlemens Dame 883. In the beginning, the workload was almost equally split between us, but I've mostly stepped away from it nowadays.

In terms of the YMMV page, the Audience-Alienating Premise and Squick entries were all me. GD883 put up the other examples, though I had to fix the Hilarious in Hindsight entry because I had the exact date on when the referenced chapter was posted.
You should have put in 'Artistic Licence - History'.

Heck, you should put all the iterations of Artistic Licence in, and trash the author completely :V
@Sheo Darren but IIRC didn't Walker work outta Dallas, not Houston?

Close enough for Crazy Steve, who walks from irradiated Chicago to smoldering Houston and from there to radioactive Charleston at the speed of plot hole. We could probably use A:AFS's plot holes as a faster-than-light propulsion system.

Any of you guys brave enough to post these parodies on for shits and giggles?

It's not really worth the trouble. I mean, I don't use my account that much anymore, but I still have a lot of old works on it and I plan to use it some more.

And given how hostile "Paul" is to criticism, much more parody, I have the feeling he'll retaliate in an unsavory way. I mean, he apparently bothers to scope out this and other threads that criticize A:AFS. But instead of accepting advice and improving his writing, he rants about us in his author's notes, says he gives no f*cks, while continuing to roll out 10,000 words every few days.

(Even Stephen King doesn't write that much that fast, and King is Bestsellersaurus Rex who can write a scary story about the most mundane of things i.e. mist.)

So while I deliberately avoided sniping at him in the parody (I only attacked the awful characters and plot holes, and remember that I restrained myself despite loathing Damon and his writer for brainwashing and slapping Murakumo), I doubt Reality Ensues will go over well with "Paul".

Should I vandalise the TVTropes page?

Its full of...disgusting worship.

Heck, you should put all the iterations of Artistic Licence in, and trash the author completely :V

Don't do it, dude. Doing so is not just worth it, but it is also -and far more importantly- wrong. You're better than "Paul", and the moral high ground is where you situate your artillery for a righteous fire support mission.

I never noticed the 'worship' when I browsed the TV tropes page. I'll have to admit, though, that the first few entries of the TV Tropes page did make A:AFS seem like a totally different story from what I've read and known.

Then again I didn't get past the first ten articles or so before the disconnect proved too great for me and I went back to writing DD tears, which is understandable and tasty.

I'm sorry, but I do not get what my work on that page constitutes "disgusting worship".

It's mostly me and Gentlemens Dame 883. In the beginning, the workload was almost equally split between us, but I've mostly stepped away from it nowadays.

In terms of the YMMV page, the Audience-Alienating Premise and Squick entries were all me. GD883 put up the other examples, though I had to fix the Hilarious in Hindsight entry because I had the exact date on when the referenced chapter was posted.

You actually waded through all those chapters and winnowed through the content to collect the flecks of gold that lay hidden within the overwhelming dross?

Kudos to you, HashiriyaR32. You're dedicated. Yours is a Mind of Steel, and I say that with utter admiration.
Hash's Pasta 6
In all honesty, let me break something down.

On March 21st of last year, I first saw this fic in the Kancolle Fanfic recs page on TV Tropes, and intrigued by the premise, started reading it. Two hours later, I was, and I'm kind of ashamed to say this, drawn in, such that when the major firefights broke out, or when there was a major location change, I actually had Google Maps, and later Earth, booted up so I could follow who was where at certain points in time. By the end of the day, I had gone through all 69 of the chapters that were up at that point.
For reference, this chapter is just before the Kaga/Shoukaku rescue op and assault on an Abyssal outpost in Concepion Bay, Canada, begins. The next chapter came up not an hour after I had finished the previous one

I sat back and just went.....WOW. And so I left a review....

HashiriyaR32 said:
"Hello there. I found out about this fic and started reading it around 13 hours after you put up ch69. I've only just finished reading ch69 a few hours ago, and I gotta say, it's progressing nicely. Though if there's one thing I gotta say, it's the verbal tics. When Yuudachi or Iku are speaking in English, try to cut back on them using their tics.

Also, when I was reading through each of the major engagements, I actually followed along with Google maps so I could actually get a sense of what was going on, and where everyone was to a degree. You really did put effort into this.

Anyway, if there's one thing I'd like to see, it would be good-quality art based on scenes within this fic. Come on, someone out there's bound to be interested."

Two months later, near the end of May, during the beginnings of the Nashville arc, I started the beginnings of the trope page. By that point however, I had seen some one-man army bullshit that is the final portion of the preceding Atlanta arc, but that didn't curb my interest. By mid-June, GD883 was contributing to the page as well.

However, on July 3, which also happened to be my birthday, Chapter 95, which contained the latter half of Operation Little Rock, was posted. What happened in it?

Hakyuu kills off Damon for the lulz

My jaw fucking dropped.

"Did he really just fucking do that?" I said.

A few days later on the 8th, as I was browsing through the Kancolle Fanfics and recs thread on SB, that I was starting to see chatter about that chapter. A search of the fic's title in that thread got me more posts......and some of them talked about how they insta-dropped the fic in the very first chapter after the hacking incident. This not only caused me to question my interest in the fic, but also led me to making my very first post on SB, which I will link HERE

In mid-August, work on the trope page was well underway, though as I mentioned, I backed away from posting new examples on the page a few months later.

Thank you de3ta for starting up your Let's Read, because it's given me a better opportunity to let me express my thoughts about this......drek fic (?), than I would've been able to in the fanfic recs thread.

...and now I realized that I was supposed to be setting other ships on fire in World of Warships tonight....
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