You'd think so, but no.

According to the reviews, the presence of Leto's Joker rests somewhere at the border between a supporting role and a glorified cameo.
Ayer: "Alright, cut!"
Leto: "What if someone just stood in the middle of Wall Street and yelled 'cut'? Maybe the monkeys in suits would forget their trained routine of going to work."
Ayer: "That's... nice, Jared, but that's your day of shooting done. You can go home now."

[Jared Leto proceeds to go home and shitpost loudly about sending his costars used condoms and anal beads and constantly doing Ayer a frighten with his scurry performance.]


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Back when the trailers seemed to make it look like the Joker was the sole villain of the movie, I constantly questioned why the fuck he warranted a Suicide Squad when Batman constantly and easily takes him out. But I see now he's actually just going to show up and steal focus from the 'real' villain who can do magic bullshit. Which I still think Batman could probably deal with, but, well. He's a psychotic mass-murderer in this continuity so I understand why the US government would think that having six of them would be even better.

Honestly I was about to say "and oops then Superman came along and fixed everything in five seconds" but A) his resistance doesn't apply to magic so Enchantress would probably be a valid threat to him and B) the Snyder-world is apparently still banging that fucking "SUPERMAN NO YOU ARE DOING ME A FRIGHTEN" drum after two movies of that dour shit. And C) the movie would still be vastly improved if Wonder Woman just showed up out of nowhere and spanked the shit out of Enchantress and the Joker while the Squad just looked on awkwardly.
And D) Superman is dead.
Suicide Squad's' Secret Drama: Rushed Production, Competing Cuts, High Anxiety

A source with knowledge of events says Warners executives, nervous from the start, grew more anxious after they were blindsided and deeply rattled by the tepid response to BvS. "Kevin was really pissed about damage to the brand," says one executive close to the studio. A key concern for Warners executives was that Suicide Squad didn't deliver on the fun, edgy tone promised in the strong teaser trailer for the film. So while Ayer pursued his original vision, Warners set about working on a different cut, with an assist from Trailer Park, the company that had made the teaser.

Suicide Squad's' Secret Drama: Rushed Production, Competing Cuts, High Anxiety

A source with knowledge of events says Warners executives, nervous from the start, grew more anxious after they were blindsided and deeply rattled by the tepid response to BvS. "Kevin was really pissed about damage to the brand," says one executive close to the studio. A key concern for Warners executives was that Suicide Squad didn't deliver on the fun, edgy tone promised in the strong teaser trailer for the film. So while Ayer pursued his original vision, Warners set about working on a different cut, with an assist from Trailer Park, the company that had made the teaser.

"Even on the day of the premiere, one insider fretted about whether Suicide Squad would mirror BvS' huge opening and weak legs. Another veteran says the goal is survival: "The movie's got to do $750 million, $800 million to break even. If they get anywhere close to that, they'll consider it a win.""

That's one hell of a benchmark to reach. If true, is this a symptom of horrendously bloated production and advertising costs?1​

1 I mean yes one "insider" doesn't mean much on it's own, but given that WB seems to have deemed BvS a failure after it 'only' took $800m in worldwide box office gross, this seems vaguely plausibe.​
Yeah, I had bad feelings about this film from how hard the trailers seemed to tell that they were 'the bad guys', which to me came off as them being less actual villains and more just a bunch of people who think being 'bad' makes them look cool.

He's a psychotic mass-murderer in this continuity so I understand why the US government would think that having six of them would be even better.


And D) Superman is dead.

Except not really, just waiting in limbo for the justice league movie.
So my thoughts on this movie have gone...

"Oh look, they're leaning heavy on DC Grimdark by making a Suicide Squad movie. Bet it'll be some cobbled together tryhard edgelord bullshit."

"Why do people care so much about who was cast as The Joker."


"Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Jared Leto."

"So the reviews are calling it some cobbled together tryhard edgelord bullshit..."

I'll probably end up watching it since my bro is super excited about it still but my hype train is an arrowhead.
You'd think so, but no.

According to the reviews, the presence of Leto's Joker rests somewhere at the border between a supporting role and a glorified cameo.
That's not necessarily a bad thing as Black Panther and Spider-Man were a supporting role and a glorified cameo respectively in Civil War and managed to be some of the best parts of a great film.
Ffffuuuuck okay. Jesus Christ where to start?

At one point, in his earliest appearance, I'm 90% sure Leto's Joker shouts the words "THAT HOLY QUIM" after describing how Harley is basically the itch in his dick. So like. Just to set the tone. Just to set the tone.

Fuck me I think Suicide Squad heard about pacing at one point but then decided it was a lie made up by Democrats 'cause this whole lurching, shambling, fuck I dunno this whole thing is paced like a narcoleptic on crystal meth. The first like half hour of a movie is just this blended, shredded up, mishmash of scenes. The back quarter of the movie takes its sweet ass time with a slo-mo scene at the obligatory Climatic Battle™ that I swear to God went on for like at least two-maybe three minutes total. A bunch of scenes seem like they exist just for the excuse of the music backing (if you heard the whole "bits of this movie are just like an extended music video" uh...yeah that sounds about right).

The main characters are introduced twice I'm pretty sure. First in the Belle Reve prison sequence where the asshole warden goes around and taunts and fucks with them, then again with this big flashy neon literally Borderlands-style cutaway vignettes. Big cartoon text that tells everyone what a badass they are.

Killer Croc has like ten lines, credit to him at least five of them were good. Slipnot is introduced with no backstory then killed off in ten minutes. Katana just shows up with no explanation as to why she's there or what her connection is (she's there to watch Flag's back apparently) but that's okay because Flag goes "you're late" and then there's a flashback to her in Japan killing dudes who killed her husband. Will Smith does his best and is legitimately a good part of the movie but holy shit.


Also Enchantress's brother is a straight up fucking Pillar Man, I'm not even joking.

But okay the story. The story. The story (such as it is) is that Amanda Waller takes the view that the world is poised on the brink of conflict and that the next war, the next great struggle will be decided by metahumans (and those with special skills I guess, 'cause Deadshot and Captain Boomerang are just implausibly good dudes also Captain Boomerang has a fetish for pink unicorns and it's important that the audience knows this 'cause it was in his quirky Borderlands intro BUT ANYWAY). So she shows off the Enchantress who's basically bodyjacked Professor June Moon. And Enchantress is lolpowerful but Waller keeps her in check 'cause she's got her heart in an explosive case and within easy stabbing range and plus she hooked up June with Flag so that Flag'll always be around to eye on her I guess?

Fuck I dunno.

Anyway during the briefing where she's getting trotted out for the Joint Chiefs of staff or whatever, y'know, Obligate Military Dudes of Rank, Enchantress realizes that the US Gov. has the little canoptic prison thing her brother's in too. Her Borderlands intro says he's an incubus but he's a ten foot tall flaming metal Mesoamerican giant so that's a load of shit. But anyway one night Enchantress steals control from Moon, pops over to Waller's place, steals her brother and pops him into a random civvie as a host. Apparently the two of them are super salty because the last time they were awake they tried to rule the humans as living gods but then they got overthrown and shoved in the jars.

So Enchantress is super salty about that and is like "WELL FINE IF THEY WORSHIP MACHINES NOW I'LL BUILD THE BEST MACHINE AND KILL THEM ALL". So she sends her brother out to gather his strength by melting/eating people with his metal tentacle things. Then uses that to survive having her heart stabbed a bunch somehow. But this is all really backdrop 'cause the Suicide Squad is sent in to evacuate a high value target which turns out to be Waller herself who stayed behind with some technicians and agents to study Enchantress and Bro's weird shoggoth-people army.

And then she shoots all those technicians and agents before she leaves because "they weren't cleared for any of it" despite working with her throughout the movie and in the background on basically all of it. And then the Joker, who's been running around in the background to try and get Harley back, shows up in their stolen evac chopper and kills a bunch of dudes but Waller tries to have Deadshot shoot Harley after her bomb-implant doesn't trigger (he misses on purpose) and then Waller has them both shot out of the sky because fuck them. Then Waller evacuates, gets shot out of the sky, and abducted by Shoggoth people so that the Enchantress can figure out what she's supposed to point her giant doom-machine at.

And then the Squad comes in and kills the brother and Enchantress dies but June Moon survives somehow so she and Flag can have a tearful reunion and then Waller survives somehow despite being hung upsidedown beneath the aforementioned exploded doom machine while being mindfondled and she drags them all back to prison with some perks.

And then the Joker shows up at the very end to break Harley out.

And then Bruce Wayne shows up in the stinger and protects Amanda Waller politically in return for information on the Justice League (Batman has a cameo in Harley and Deadshot's flashbacks, the Flash has one in Captain Boomerangs).

And God the tone is all over the fucking place. There's some legitimately good lines, mostly delivered by Will Smith or Margot Robbie (though Jai Courtney of all people is sorta fun to watch and delivers on a few gags). Flag calls Deadshot "a serial killer who takes credit cards" in a neat little exchange. Diablo's generally pretty chill. There's another bit where Flag is all dramatically and serious-faced "Now behold the voice of God."

*holds up a tablet*
*Shows a haggard looking Waller facetiming from a messy conference room, open boxes of half-eaten pizza on the table*

But then there's that scene in the bar where Diablo's like "I KILLED MY KIDS" and it's all dramatic and serious and I'm just thinking "what the fuck are you doing this is the same movie that had the Joker cat-growling half an hour ago". And the Squad itself is portrayed as being largely friendly with each other (except Katana who's just sorta there) and the way the dialogue goes at the end it's like it's trying to imply that they grew into a tight-knit family except for the fact that literally no development took place it was all just assumed.

And like.

Fuck me, y'know? Fuck me. I feel like the movie just ran through my living room in nothing but whipped cream, swinging a novelty dildo, before diving out the fucking window and I'm still just sitting here on the couch trying to figure out what just happened.

Tl;dr whatever score it has on Rotten Tomatoes at this point it deserves.

It manfully steps over the low low bar that is BvS but not nearly as cleanly as it should've.
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This film was not quite as bad as Dawn of Justice, but it was still up there in terms of badness. The closest thing this movie has to a consistent tone is 'Guardians of the Galaxy and Deadpool made money, right?'

You could sum up this film's plot as: evil stupid Goverment person (and yes, I am considering Waller evil after she guns down innocent people because 'they saw classified information lol') does stupid evil government things, and almost winds up destroying the world. Seriously, the most the Suicide Squad accomplishes is to clean up Waller's mess. By the end of the credits scene where Batman tell her to shut it down and let him handle it, I was in complete lockstep agreement with him. (Not that he gets out of this mess unscathed either, what with him basically using a little girl as a bait/shield.)

The film's pacing commits suicide twice in the first half an hour: first when they use a bunch of lazy flashback's to introduce the squad itself, then once that's out of the way, it basically completely forgets about the Squad for the next few scenes to set up the Enchantress plot, then for the rest of the movie it forgets about those scenes and when the squad learns about them (because Waller sent them in purely to save her own ass and not to stop the villain, and so neglected to give them an actual briefing) the film acts like it's this massive twist.

The Joker in this film comes off as more eccentric than really crazy. Like the only real difference between him and a particularly nutty gangster is that the plot's on his side so he can do whatever he wants. Hell, that Lex Luthor wannabe from Batman vs Superman seemed far more unhinged than him.

And it's kind of fucked up that the Joker-Harley relationship is shown in almost an entirely positive light. In fact, I'd say the Joker himself almost comes off as appearing more heroic then Waller does, what with how he pulls off a breakout of Harley at the end of the film. I would go so far as to say that this is like the Joker if he were a YA novel love interest.

The caramandire between the members of the Suicide Squad felt more or less completely unearned. At the climax, when Flagg smashes the thing allowing him to execute the others, I would have expected them to just run off, probably shooting him up a little on the way out, rather than pull the whole 'We're family, and family sticks together crap.' In fact, the only one of them who both comes off as villainous and gets a decent amount of screen time is Captain Boomerang, and when Jai Courtney is the highlight of a movie then you know things are bad.

Also, did this film really need a big CGI world ending threat for the main villain? Would it really have been out of line to have tried something a bit more smaller scale?
This film was not quite as bad as Dawn of Justice, but it was still up there in terms of badness. The closest thing this movie has to a consistent tone is 'Guardians of the Galaxy and Deadpool made money, right?'

You could sum up this film's plot as: evil stupid Goverment person (and yes, I am considering Waller evil after she guns down innocent people because 'they saw classified information lol') does stupid evil government things, and almost winds up destroying the world. Seriously, the most the Suicide Squad accomplishes is to clean up Waller's mess. By the end of the credits scene where Batman tell her to shut it down and let him handle it, I was in complete lockstep agreement with him. (Not that he gets out of this mess unscathed either, what with him basically using a little girl as a bait/shield.)

The film's pacing commits suicide twice in the first half an hour: first when they use a bunch of lazy flashback's to introduce the squad itself, then once that's out of the way, it basically completely forgets about the Squad for the next few scenes to set up the Enchantress plot, then for the rest of the movie it forgets about those scenes and when the squad learns about them (because Waller sent them in purely to save her own ass and not to stop the villain, and so neglected to give them an actual briefing) the film acts like it's this massive twist.

The Joker in this film comes off as more eccentric than really crazy. Like the only real difference between him and a particularly nutty gangster is that the plot's on his side so he can do whatever he wants. Hell, that Lex Luthor wannabe from Batman vs Superman seemed far more unhinged than him.

And it's kind of fucked up that the Joker-Harley relationship is shown in almost an entirely positive light. In fact, I'd say the Joker himself almost comes off as appearing more heroic then Waller does, what with how he pulls off a breakout of Harley at the end of the film. I would go so far as to say that this is like the Joker if he were a YA novel love interest.

The caramandire between the members of the Suicide Squad felt more or less completely unearned. At the climax, when Flagg smashes the thing allowing him to execute the others, I would have expected them to just run off, probably shooting him up a little on the way out, rather than pull the whole 'We're family, and family sticks together crap.' In fact, the only one of them who both comes off as villainous and gets a decent amount of screen time is Captain Boomerang, and when Jai Courtney is the highlight of a movie then you know things are bad.

Also, did this film really need a big CGI world ending threat for the main villain? Would it really have been out of line to have tried something a bit more smaller scale?
I legitimately fucking laughed when Flag had that big "you're free now" moment and Captain Boomerang just grabbed the booze and fucking legged it. And Flag just had that "I dunno what I expected" expression going on.
I legitimately fucking laughed when Flag had that big "you're free now" moment and Captain Boomerang just grabbed the booze and fucking legged it. And Flag just had that "I dunno what I expected" expression going on.
Captain Boomerang was the hero this movie needed, but didn't deserve.
Boomerang came back right after though, which sort of spoiled that real villain feel imo

And that's the whole problem: they're just gags. They're just quick quips and exchanges. There's no arc, no development, and it's frustrating because most of the actors do a pretty good job with their characters and have chemistry but, like, it's all just pissed away.

And the Harley/Joker thing is super fucked. @tankdrop24 is right, Joker is portrayed as largely heroic and not particularly worse than any of the other members of the Squad. It's fucked up.
And that's the whole problem: they're just gags. They're just quick quips and exchanges. There's no arc, no development, and it's frustrating because most of the actors do a pretty good job with their characters and have chemistry but, like, it's all just pissed away.

And the Harley/Joker thing is super fucked. @tankdrop24 is right, Joker is portrayed as largely heroic and not particularly worse than any of the other members of the Squad. It's fucked up.
I feel like they tried to make the squad to not be the "good guys" to preserve the feel and uniqueness of the movie, only to fall into painting them as "good guys" at the end regardless.
And the Harley/Joker thing is super fucked. @tankdrop24 is right, Joker is portrayed as largely heroic and not particularly worse than any of the other members of the Squad. It's fucked up.
I was concidering seeing this movie despite the reviews until I heard that. I was always iffy on the Joker being in this movie to begin with because the Joker is bad fit for the suicide squad to begin with. Deadshot is a perfect fit for something like this, he's a professional. Boomerang is also a good pick as he'll do anything to save his own neck.

The is no rhyme or reason to the Joker. He's the kind of villain other villains don't like working with because he's unpredictable, and fuck up the plan for no other reason that he thinks it makes for a better punchline. There a villains that literally cannot be controlled that make for better suicide squad members, like say Black Adam. There is no way on earth to force Black Adam to do what you want him to do, but at least he has a sense of honor and can be reasoned with.
Just saw it today and it was...alright. Not really bad, but nothing to really off the charts. The pacing was terrible, but at this point that's basically DC's calling card. The Squad being friends and companions to the end seemed totally out of place. To the point that it would have fit a lot better if Deadshot just said "Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind." There were good points. Deadshot is Will Smith's best character in years and the fact despite everything they never try to make him into a good person is really surprising. Leto's Joker was actually pretty surprising and reminded me a lot of Brian Azzarello's take on the character. Viola Davis's Waller was stone cold and was basically the comic book come to life. At this point DC really has to have a winner with Wonder Woman though or else they're just going to look sad trying to be a big movie studio.

PS DC stop putting shit in the end credits. It's dumb when Marvel does it, but they get a pass because they got it to work once. You doing it is just copying a dumb move for no reason.
Just saw it meself.

I fully endorse the "The fuck did I just watch?" review.

Maybe worth a matinee ticket. Maybe. And if you have a high demand for coherence, likable characters, tone, pacing, or not having visible scars where re-shoots ended up basically duplicating maybe 10% of the movie's plot (such as it is), you can feel perfectly justified in giving this one a pass.
To me the most confusing scene is when Batman goes to arrest Deadshot and he says "I don't want to do this in front of your daughter." Fucking what? You're the Batman, when did you give a shit about beating people up in front of their kids? Why are you even talking to him? Just break his knees, knock out a few teeth and cuff him.