I assume the basic idea is "shut up and watch all this crazy shit".
That would certainly explain why I have zero interest in the movie.
Ever heard of/seen The Dirty Dozen? 1967, Lee Marvin, Charles Bronson, Telly Savalas, Donald Sutherland? Yeah, it's The Dirty Dozen, except instead of military convicts, it's C and D list supervillains.
Okay, so I exaggerated a little. I'm familiar enough with DC that I know what the Suicide Squad is and what it generally goes around doing.

What I'm getting at is that the trailer is directionless. It doesn't tell me what the gist of the movie is, instead relying on the vague premise of "Bad guys get recruited to go after other bad guys!" because, uh... I dunno. That's pretty much all the trailers tell me. "Bad guys go after other bad guys after being recruited by the government. Also the Joker is in it. And isn't Harley quirky?"

I guess the takeaway here is that the lesson we learned from Batman vs Superman is that all we need to draw people into big superhero movies are a bunch of fight scenes full of meaningless spectacle and brand recognition.
That would certainly explain why I have zero interest in the movie.

Okay, so I exaggerated a little. I'm familiar enough with DC that I know what the Suicide Squad is and what it generally goes around doing.

What I'm getting at is that the trailer is directionless. It doesn't tell me what the gist of the movie is, instead relying on the vague premise of "Bad guys get recruited to go after other bad guys!" because, uh... I dunno. That's pretty much all the trailers tell me. "Bad guys go after other bad guys after being recruited by the government. Also the Joker is in it. And isn't Harley quirky?"

I guess the takeaway here is that the lesson we learned from Batman vs Superman is that all we need to draw people into big superhero movies are a bunch of fight scenes full of meaningless spectacle and brand recognition.

Tempera, "bad guys recruited to fight bad guys" is the core premise of the original material! Seriously, what more do you need to know? If they spelled out the entire plot for you, you'd complain that the trailer showed too much! I'm really not getting your complaint at all.
DC, hold your horses. You will most likely get my monies when Suicide Squad comes out in cinema, so can't you just wait to see if it's successful before planning for this?

And great. Now I know Harley will not be the one to die.

The fact that you thought Margot Robbie, a young talented Warner Bros-promoted actress portraying a high-profile female character was gonna die in the film franchise that they're gonna build around her as a leading lady amuses me more than any joke, retort or quip ever uttered in a Marvel movie.

Barring the unforeseen, Harley Quinn could probably dance away from Darkseid's Omega Beams while singing a ditty and I wouldn't be surprised.
Tempera, "bad guys recruited to fight bad guys" is the core premise of the original material! Seriously, what more do you need to know? If they spelled out the entire plot for you, you'd complain that the trailer showed too much! I'm really not getting your complaint at all.

It's the core premise of the material the way "good guys fight bad guys" is the core premise of Star Wars, but it's leaving quite a bit of relevant information out.
Because it's a trailer. I mean is it any less insightful than Guardians of the Galaxy was?

This is the first trailer to GotG. The first minute and a half introduce and explain the basics of every single character in the group, listing their crimes and backgrounds. I got more character info from this trailer alone than I have from every single Suicide Squad trailer shown so far. Like, I know Harley and Killer Croc, because I watched Batman the Animated Series, but I have no idea who else is in the group, out what they can do, and this movie comes out in like 3 months.

This is the first trailer to GotG. The first minute and a half introduce and explain the basics of every single character in the group, listing their crimes and backgrounds. I got more character info from this trailer alone than I have from every single Suicide Squad trailer shown so far. Like, I know Harley and Killer Croc, because I watched Batman the Animated Series, but I have no idea who else is in the group, out what they can do, and this movie comes out in like 3 months.

They say outright. That guy shoots people, that guy eats people, that guy shoots fire, the girl is just crazy, and the villain is a witch.
Okay, motherfuckers, I'll play. Just how often do trailers fucking spoonfeed you who the protagonists are? Did the trailers for The Expendables do it? How about The Matrix? Blade? Fucking Star Wars? No? Then why the fuck do you expect this movie to?
Did the trailers for The Expendables do it? ?
I've watched all three Expendables movies and I still have trouble working out who all the characters are meant to be, or what their unique character trait is. And I say this as someone who watched all the shitty 80s action movies as a kid. For the rest, I'd argue and debate, but I'm late for work
Warning: Cool Thy Jets
Okay, motherfuckers, I'll play. Just how often do trailers fucking spoonfeed you who the protagonists are? Did the trailers for The Expendables do it? How about The Matrix? Blade? Fucking Star Wars? No? Then why the fuck do you expect this movie to?
cool thy jets As you are not, in fact, Krakatoa, this sort of random volcanic eruption is disruptive and unnecessary. Let's bring this back to a dull roar, okay?
The re-shoots concern me, a bit. Hopefully they're not making it TOO much like Deadpool.

Tho honestly Harley kinda did the Deadpool-thing before Deadpool was really a thing. Or at least did it better.

If we just didn't have Will Smith going 'Will Smith' all over this, I'd be looking forward to it more.
Here's some TV spots

Harley doesn't actually seem to do anything particularly ... a few cool one liners, fires a pistol one time ducks under a sword swing and that's about it. You would think if they wanted Harley Quinn movies that she would make more of an impact. Trailers of course but still most of the rest of squad seem a lot more proactive and badass. OTOH maybe everything she does is plot relevant and if they showed it would spoil everything. -shrug- It just struck me that for all the screen time she gets she was mostly about posing.
Harley doesn't actually seem to do anything particularly ... a few cool one liners, fires a pistol one time ducks under a sword swing and that's about it. You would think if they wanted Harley Quinn movies that she would make more of an impact. Trailers of course but still most of the rest of squad seem a lot more proactive and badass. OTOH maybe everything she does is plot relevant and if they showed it would spoil everything. -shrug- It just struck me that for all the screen time she gets she was mostly about posing.
Looking hot and saying one liners is like 90% of what Harley does in the comics too.
What the fuck is it with people and Will Smith?

Like seriously, do any of you believe that RDJ strains a single acting muscle playing Iron Man? The role he's been doing the same way for a decade now?

This is a meme on the level of "movie reshoots!" Absolute garbage, peddled by some of the worst clickbaiters on the Internet. Just bury it already.