Do you have an actual citation?

And tbh, WW aside, I think the DCEU is doomed. WW will probably be good, but afterwards... they've mucked up the premises, setting and characters too much.
Do you have an actual citation?

And tbh, WW aside, I think the DCEU is doomed. WW will probably be good, but afterwards... they've mucked up the premises, setting and characters too much.
And, unfortunately, that means they'll leave live-action DC films fallow for a good few years so it isn't fresh in peoples' minds before trying another reboot.

Just as well as far as I'm concerned; I have a relative who recently got a job the Warner Brothers film division PR team, so the sooner the DCCU goes fallow the less of a chance she has to take an assignment polishing a turd for the media (a turd which I would then be obliged to see because a relative worked on it).
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I heard that Ares was a cloud in the original cut, but it got negative reactions so they changed him into something more badass. I was like "Woah! They listened!" I can't believe is that they took the hint. Things might be turning around for the DCEU.

A cloud? Okay, who could possibly think that would be a good idea? Clouds do not make for good villains. At best, some magical storm a villain summons as a hazard or just to look threatening, but a cloud is not something Diana can slug it out with.
I actually like all those things. It sets them apart from Marvel. Like DC is already bring derivative, being more like Marvel does them no favors.
I'm not proposing they be like Marvel. I'm proposing they drop the cringe levels of edge, have a league roster that feels sufficiently full and actually show us the large section of Batman's career we apparently missed.
have a league roster that feels sufficiently full
They have 5 members in the film. That's one less than Avengers and two less than the original line up.

actually show us the large section of Batman's career we apparently missed.
Have you not seen Batman's origin enough? I sure have. I want to see an embittered and battle weary version of Batman who is the voice of experience to the newer heroes.
They have 5 members in the film. That's one less than Avengers and two less than the original line up.
2 too few.

Have you not seen Batman's origin enough? I sure have. I want to see an embittered and battle weary version of Batman who is the voice of experience to the newer heroes.
Origin, no. But there's a frankly huge gap between origin and the DCEU's - and who says he has to be embittered ffs? I'm sick of grittybat.
2 too few.

Origin, no. But there's a frankly huge gap between origin and the DCEU's - and who says he has to be embittered ffs? I'm sick of grittybat.

I am totally down with him being embittered.

But only if we're talking about a live action Batman Beyond film, with Best Bruce - aka, "grumpy old man Bruce" - who manages to be a considerably more compelling character than most younger iterations of him. He can shout about young people riding around on bikes in clown make-up while making threatening motions with his walking cane.
Judging by the first few trailers, it looks like the main characters is Wonder Woman, Steve Trevor is the secondary protagonist, the more minor secondary characters are Etta and others like Amazons.

The Amazons also give a source for female mooks and red shirts in big battle scenes, as well as secondary character besides WW as the main character.

Ares seems to be the main villain, but I've heard rumors it could be someone like Circe being secretly the main one behind the scenes as a twist.
There also seems like there will be secondary villains. Neutral party. Third party. And of course mooks.

The Amazon origin might be less popular with some people.
Apparently their history in this verse is.

Ares and Zeus got in a fight. Zeus made the Amazons to help him fight Ares. The Amazons in this verse seem less related to Aphrodite, Artemis, or Hera.
Ares gets some members of mankind to try to kill and enslave the Amazons.
Ares and Zeus badly wound each other, and Zeus uses his powers to make Themyscira as a refuge for the Amazons before he fades away.

The issue with this summary, is I saw some worrying that it might portray a stereotype of all men as being savage and evil, and thus be a misandrist film.
While the Amazons might be portrayed as this pure, elf like culture.
If not sexist, then at least annoying like Cameron's Avatar film annoyed some people while not being totally objectionable since it did sell well especially with expensive IMAX tickets.

I also saw some calling out WW beating up all those WW1 era soldiers in the first trailer as worries that they'll back WW1 too black and white for the tastes and expectations for the many of the audience.

This might be solved if the studio made WW film villain a woman as well, but then it might be seen as having too few male characters in major roles.
Also replacing the World War One era mooks with some fantasy female race or alternate universe female group cult or something might strain suspension of disbelief too much for some people.
There's already critics that WW has too little muscle mass in her look. Gal Gadot is in fairly good shape and is ex-military, but from interviews I've heard, there's been some worry the studio had with her appearance. WW shows too much skin to just give her a bulky muscle suit like Superman or Batman unless there's a big costume redesign, and also that much bulk might be seen as her looking too fat or unattractive.
On the other hand, Gadot does have considerable muscle mass, just not the total exaggerated bulk given by the padding on the things like the Batman suits.

I really hope they don't include elements of New 52 Amazons who kidnap and rape men to reproduce.

I wonder if this film continuity Amazon will be immortal, need to reproduce, or have individuals like Wonder Woman who are immortal, while most aren't.

Do you have an actual citation?

And tbh, WW aside, I think the DCEU is doomed. WW will probably be good, but afterwards... they've mucked up the premises, setting and characters too much.

DC. A Cinematic Universe, barely alive.
We can rebuild it, we have the technology.
We can make it better in world building, sleeker in pacing, stronger in theme.
We can make the world's first bionic film.

Don't give up hope. It might work out, even without a hard or soft reboot.
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So, Wonder Woman comes out in like, almost a month. When the heck is WB planning to start actually marketing this film? I only just got reminded that it's coming out by a neogaf topic about the lack of marketing being done.
So, Wonder Woman comes out in like, almost a month. When the heck is WB planning to start actually marketing this film? I only just got reminded that it's coming out by a neogaf topic about the lack of marketing being done.
I suspect that, given how well the last films in DC's little grimfest went down, that they're more timid about this film.
'I'm excited for her to come to America': Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins reveals sequel idea

'I'm excited for her to come to America': Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins reveals sequel idea

"I'm excited for her to come to America and become the Wonder Woman we are all familiar with from having grown up around her as an American superhero," Jenkins told the Sun in a recent interview. "I'd like to bring her a little farther along into the future and have a fun, exciting storyline that is its own thing. Wonder Woman 1 is so much about her becoming the person she is. I can't wait to spring forward with who she is and have another great standalone superhero film."

Jenkins first wanted to make Wonder Woman a decade ago. She grew up admiring Richard Donner's Superman, and she wanted to see an origin story for Diana, princess of the Amazons.

"I always thought the origin story would be the great way to go," she says. "I love origin superhero stories and I love the simplicity you can have with that journey. Also, there was the fact that no one had done her story and the fact that I love her. So it was a treasure trove of potential."

Later this year, Gal Gadot will reprise the heroine in Justice League. But Jenkins tells fans there's plenty to be excited about in DC's upcoming film slate.

"I think there's a lot of directors doing cool things," she says. "I know the storylines for a lot of the films they are working on and they are all vastly different, with very different tones and very different styles of storytelling. ... Jason (Momoa) is off to shoot Aquaman right now and that's such a cool story. It's got its own separate vibe. I'm excited to see each of these films."

Jenkins isn't ruling herself out of directing any of the other planned comic book pics if Wonder Woman 2 doesn't get going right away.

And the Rock wants a piece of her, too, although she might not know that yet.

"Patty has that really cool edge," Dwayne Johnson told the Associated Press, revealing that he has her on his shortlist to direct the Disney pic Jungle Cruise. "I felt like she could be a really cool choice for a movie like Jungle Cruise. Plus, you know what? I'm just a big fan."

The DCEU will survive, it will thrive, it will continue to be good.