Dawn of Civilization (CK2 quest)

Heads up but since it is no longer the weekend (had Memorial day off) update rate will be slower. Plan to close this one 36 to 60 hours depending on how much work I have.
Not really.
The sad thing is we can´t do much yet / can´t debate anything as our actions are pretty limited at the moment.
The next turn should help with that when we settle down and get more actions.

My short / mid term goals are to find more clans and eat them for their pop. as the 51 one we have is not enough to build an nation on.
In general make sure we have lots of food / clean water / and clean living space / make sure we have no internal problems for the long term growth that a big pop. gives in terms of knowleage / industry.
On the side of that try to get our magic knowleage started, but that is nearly as important as the previous points.
While i do agree with that my current vision for us is basically just get settled first and begin to grow and prosper but mostly what im aiming for is the great dwarven cities within the mountains. huge highways through the earth and all that basically if youve played total war warhammer as the dwarves the cities and their underground fights are basically what im aiming for only this time not to let the dwarves fall into ruin
But yeah it does suck because as of right now we really cant debate much since there no problems yet. Btw what do you all think of the name i picked.
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we really need more pop. for more than one reason.
  • It also us to grow much faster if we eat other tribes /clans (ether through diplo or military actions (ether take them over or for protection))
  • We may get problem with inbreeding if we don´t get more pop. in the mid / long term
  • You can´t build / maintain huge citys with out an pop to go with that

I really want to avoid becomeing standart dwarfs (that means no / almost no innovation / only really slowly) / whf dawi (they have alot of issue that i really don´t want for our people)
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we really need more pop. for more than one reason.
  • It also us to grow much faster if we eat other tribes /clans (ether through diplo or military actions (ether take them over or for protection))
  • We may get problem with inbreeding if we don´t get more pop. in the mid / long term
  • You can´t build / maintain huge citys with out an pop to go with that
  • I really want to avoid becomeing standart dwarfs (that means no / almost no innovation / only really slowly) / whf dawi (they have alot of issue that i really don´t want for our people)
yes i do realize for that vision to come true we will need more pop.
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What issues do standard dwarves have and yes i do realize for that vision to come true we will need more pop.

First most standart dwarfs have a problem with their over all pop. in the "current age" (or when the story / quest happens).
They also are most of the time pretty passive to the outside and have a internal problems thanks to their make up (aka the clans don´t really like each other).
Then they most of the time are pretty good smith / miners, don´t progess as fast as you think they should with the thing they have / can do / could do.
Also the stubbornside that most have is pretty bad in the long term for their nation as they can´t let things go (this can be good, but most of the time it fucks them over).

The biggest problem that standart dwarf have is that they turtle like crazy with defense, which in most case will lead to your enemys killing you in the long run.

Also most of the time they really like the good old times / really don´t want to change anything.
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First most standart dwarfs have a problem with their over all pop. in the "current age" (or when the story / quest happens).
They also are most of the time pretty passive to the outside and have a internal problems thanks to their make up (aka the clans don´t really like each other).
Then they most of the time are pretty good smith / miners, don´t progess as fast as you think they should with the thing they have / can do / could do.
Also the stubbornside that most have is pretty bad in the long term for their nation as they can´t let things go (this can be good, but most of the time it fucks them over).

The biggest problem that standart dwarf have is that they turtle like crazy with defense, which in most case will lead to your enemys killing you in the long run.

Also most of the time they really like the good old times / really don´t want to change anything.
Fair enough. But who said we had to become the standard dwarves we will ensure that we don't end up as bad as that. Mostly for the infighting part I do agree with just assimilating them. As for tech we will make sure to progress it as we see fit as for the turtle tactic we will see how that ends. Though I do like their just outright full plated armor they usual have.
So got home, was going to start working on the turn and I rolled the dice. Fairly good... oh 2 crits, roll to confirm, one confirm... and one nat 100! Rolled for 2nd crit... rolled a 3... would have been a crit failure and reduce the crit a bit except for the +10 for a nat 100 which makes it a 13 and just not another crit. And the action I rolled a 100 for.... Settling Down. Going to have to think about it. Likely you will get a free building out of it. Also amusingly, you guys almost failed the controlling energy roll again, you needed a 20 or better and rolled 20 for it.
Rolls: 72 ; 49 ; 96 ; 96 ; 20 ; 42
Crit Rolls: 73 ; 100
2nd Crit Roll: 3+10 (13)

In order based on the plan, so crit for gathering and Settling Down (which really crit). Interestingly both options that had built in multiple levels of success you only got the first one. Still 72 for hunting and crit on gathering, your reserves should be filled up to the full 2 years even with the feast.
Fantastic. Btw. What does every one think of the name I picked for the city
I like it, both Tolkien and WHF Dwarves are favorites of mine and it has a dwarf feel to it. On the other side since this is at the beginning you guys will get to determine how your branch of dwarves evolves both as a race and as a culture. None of the races are locked into a preset path and different groups are likely to evolve in different manners, though you will begin to see assimilation as the scale gets bigger with groups combining and some traits being enhanced while others lost.

I am going to try to get this out tonight but the settling down crit is throwing me off more than most. Next turn options will likely be tomorrow as I am still working on the building tree based on your tech level and available resources. I do think this will open up some tech options under learning.
Yeah probably going to get it out Saturday. Working on the tech tree to see what I can give worth the crit. I mainly had the first set of unlocks figured out. Now figuring out the second tier.
So got home, was going to start working on the turn and I rolled the dice. Fairly good... oh 2 crits, roll to confirm, one confirm... and one nat 100! Rolled for 2nd crit... rolled a 3... would have been a crit failure and reduce the crit a bit except for the +10 for a nat 100 which makes it a 13 and just not another crit. And the action I rolled a 100 for.... Settling Down. Going to have to think about it. Likely you will get a free building out of it. Also amusingly, you guys almost failed the controlling energy roll again, you needed a 20 or better and rolled 20 for it.

Mhh sound like we could have jump started our agriculture. Found a plant that the dwarfs like and as we settle down here they started building some fields for the plant ?