[X]Laurentius hang back and warn us of pyromancies You can't burn whats on fire.. Oscar circle around back I'll take her from the front cause I'm wearing the ultra fire retardant gear. Also Aim for the boob flesh.
God damn it you guys, do you have to try and seduce everything?
[X] Get up close and occupy Quelaag's attention, focussing more on blocking her than dealing damage.
-[X] Have Oscar get around and attck her from behind.
--[X] Have Laurentius attack her with fire from a distance, preferentially focussing on the relatively vulnerable ladyflesh.
[X]Laurentius hang back and warn us of pyromancies You can't burn whats on fire.. Oscar circle around back I'll take her from the front cause I'm wearing the ultra fire retardant gear. Also Aim for the boob flesh. No. of votes: 1 Larekko12
[X] Get up close and occupy Quelaag's attention, focussing more on blocking her than dealing damage.
-[X] Have Oscar get around and attck her from behind.
--[X] Have Laurentius attack her with fire from a distance, preferentially focussing on the relatively vulnerable ladyflesh. No. of votes: 1 Skewfiend
[X] Flirt
-[X] Is it hot in here, or is it just you?
-[X] Seduce her into your party.
[X] Run like hell No. of votes: 1 Cjdavis103
...Welp, I told you guys before that I take recruitment seriously, so this just won't work.
Let us call a certain spiky-armored man... the 'Thorn Knight'.
Hiding behind the walls of the old church ruins, he watched as those three fools fought against his Mistress.
...Those chumps... Back at the depths, he had lured the basilisks to attack them, but that attempt had failed.
He made sure a certain ring was secured tightly on his finger. Nobody but he understood the situation...
By the oath of his Covenant, this time, he would surely collect their Humanity.
The Thorn Knight charged.
Those three idiots never saw him coming.
First went the ragged-man, his dying scream served to confuse his allies.
Then went that Astorian, the Mistress' lava melting him down.
Last was that Black Knight-lookalike. He proved to be a bit more of challenge. Knowing how to work around the Mistress' and the Thorn Knight's attacks, as if he already knew how the two would strike... Individually, that is. The Black Knight started rolling, perhaps even observing, once the Thorn Knight and the Mistress started attacking in tandem. But, once he was backed into the corner, he was goner.
Humanity taken.
You awoke at Blighttown's Scaffolding Bonfire.
What the fuck was that, you wondered?
That was... That was Kirk, wasn' it? Your memories seem to recall. But, vague as they were, you certainly don't remember him ever appearing in the middle of that fight before! In fact, why did you not get the Invader Warning? No... You did not receive that with Maneater Mildred either! How did you miss these signs?!
Now Oscar and Laurentius were dead! By the time you went back down to Quelaag's Lair, it would be too late to revive them!
He made sure a certain ring was secured tightly on his finger. Nobody but he understood the situation...
By the oath of his Covenant, this time, he would surely collect their Humanity.