Since this is apparently the "Dark Souls 3 cut content thread," here's some more.
In the DS3 alpha, the player could find and read little gravestones known as "epitaphs" that would give bits of cryptic lore.
46 were originally planned, but only four were ever shown to the public in the DS3 network test.
Grave of a nameless retainer.
Raised his sword for the Lord of Cinder.
Which Lord of Cinder would that be, I wonder? Ludleth? Prince Lothric?
Died in soltitude.
May his soul find its way back to the Frgid Valley.
(The "Frigid Valley" was the alpha name for the Boreal Valley.)
To honour and shadowy retreats.
Fear the sun's temptations, and the winged executioner.
The "winged executioner" is almost certainly one of the obese winged knights we see in the final game. "Fear the sun's temptations" is a very curious phrase indeed, however. A warning to avoid falling into the trap of linking the fire, perhaps?
This exile was chased from his homeland,
and haunted by a black sun.
(I'm guessing "black sun" would mean "dark sun," meaning that this exile was hunted by Gwyndolin and the Blades of the Darkmoon. Or it could have something to do with the Bleeding Sun/Darksign Eclipse?)
I do wonder if the basic concept for the Etipaths was reused in the form of the Locust Preachers of The Ringed City, who talked about various other characters? The concept does seem similar.
What's also interesting about this video is that we get walkthroughs of the alpha versions of most of the areas and get to see different enemy placements and so on. The changes we see are minor, and lighting has obviously been improved. However, Farron Keep and the Catacombs of Carthus apparently "changed dramatically during the final months of development."
There's something interesting to see in the video's last few seconds - something that implies that the Catacombs of Carthus could originally have been accessed from the Undead Settlement, meaning that the Abyss Watchers would not neccessarily be the first Lord of Cinder you fight.
The reason I'm posting all this stuff is becaue a) it's interesting to see how different the game could have been and b) it's interesting to see a glimpse of the process behind game development and design decisions that we don't normally see. There's so much that was created, never to be used for one reason or another.
For an idea of how different the game could have been, I refer you all to this post.