The Deep is said to be darker then humanity, which is really weird and freaky since humanity are the children of the Dark Soul. How do you even do that?
The Deep is said to be darker then humanity, which is really weird and freaky since humanity are the children of the Dark Soul. How do you even do that?

By letting a bunch of humanity sink and compact on itself until it turns into something else.

Remember the deep is formed from human dregs, sinking down into the lowest depths.

TLDR The Deep is humanity after being exposed to pressure and time.

But fundamentally is still displays the same traits as humanity, Seeking life and what not, and it also should be noted that Greater deep soul looks an awful lot like a humanity sprite.

Also anti abyss weapons Do extra damage to enemies associated with the deep.

Maybe the deep is when humanity gets messed up, like in this zone just before Manus in DaS1?

I actually agree with you here, it should be noted that the black and blue color scheme of most deep related stuff is shared with the stuff that corrupted artorias... Basically the deep is the final stage of the darks corruption.

What better way to snuff a flame, than with water after all?

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Is it twinking if you only use starter equipment?

Because I was on the high wall, 21 + 2, and waiting for invasions, and whenever I tagged an invader with my sword they basically disintegrated. And these guys were wearing abyss watcher capes and pyro gloves and stuff.
Day five of low level invasions, mostly at 30 + 2; You can smell who's new by the way they hold their shield. The more time they give to blocking, the less good they are. There are an awful lot of twinks in the forest, but they don't make up a majority of its inhabitants. The hollowslayer greatsword is an excellent weapon for invasions; hard hitting and swift -- I swap out for the twinblades in response to parrying, and sometimes can chain consecutive combos against people who try out their bucklers. The Dark Hand serves as a weapon of last resort against people with ridiculous setups; though highly unreliable, its signature technique can easily devour half their health bar, while restoring a hit or two to my own. The Watchers seem happy to kill anybody who steps into their territory, friend or foe, but as a mad phantom this troubles me less than it could. When I take up their insignia, however, dark spirits of all stripes are generally quite willing to work together with me.

I've acquired ten tongues, a blue tongue, thirteen shacklebones (ten redeemed for Bloodlust), and eighteen swordgrass leaves (ten redeemed for the Old Wolf Curved Sword). I've also somehow picked up seven sunlight medallions.

I have come to the conclusion that Watcher Summon priority is determined by proximity to the old wolf. Summoning frequency increased dramatically while in the same room as it, and became nigh-constant when in physical contact. I am unsure if this is because the wolf enjoys the company, or wants me to stop standing on its head. It took me quite a while to realize that it was sleeping against a gravestone, but in retrospect this clarifies much of the covenant's lore.

Most of my trouble came from a specific spirit, Hazel The Nut, who dry-fingered and then hid within the level, or else took to battle with a panoply of horrifically powerful elementally buffed weapons, such as the dragonslayer's axe, and the mad crucifix. The tactic she most favored was the "Turn and Burn"; running away to draw her attackers into a sprint, and then pivoting with quick r1's. Despite knowing what would happen, I was unable to devise a counter, and as she'd demonstrated a frustrating proficiency for stealth simply letting her leave was as invalid an option. Her only redeeming feature was a lack of derogatory gestures. She was assisted by many blue phantoms; the most notable of which was a two-handed dagger user named "Kill me". Certainly, I tried, but her quicksteps made her essentially invincible against anything short of dedicated spam.

Does anybody know of any good counters against Turn and Burns? And how does one catch a quick-step spamming dagger user?

Socially, how do you guys usually react to people who make hopeless or begging gestures (Curl Up and Collapse, for instance), as an invader? I have few qualms about fighting new players, but I remember when I was the person asking the invader not to harm me, so my soft spot for that sort of thing is a mile wide. The true use of prism stones seems to be to change the tone of encounters, and the common torch is also seen favorably. (I've heard that binoculars can do so to, but they've been ineffective in my experience).

I think I might intend to run through NG as I am, then return to invading with my increases in Estus. I seem to be doing mostly okay with my current equipment, but having twice my current Estus would give me a lot more leeway to make mistakes. What weapon upgrade level should I stay at? I get lots of action with +2, and am worried about losing that if I go any higher, but SchwaAkari had a whole series of series about invading at 30 + 4, so I don't know.
The only real counters to turn and burns ive ever found is either be good at anticipating the turn, and already have an attack lined up.

Or use something that allows to hyper armor through the "Burn" part whilst still attacking yourself.

A wweapon art like on Vordt's Great hammer... or the caestus?

To be honest, its been looooooooong time sinced I've done low SL pvp.

my main character is fucking about in SL 230 at this point.

I've had a surprising amount of success with a pyro build.

Because idiots keeps falling for iron flesh+sacred flame.
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So I have been fucking around in NG+ with my pyro build and it is going disgustingly well. I have shredded through the dancer, the champion, and Consumed King without a single death. Such is the power of 40/40 Int and Faith. I also have been trying out some new weapons since I am not giving a shit about pvp. The Witch's Locks are actually decent at dealing with annoying enemies since it can attack through walls and it's WA is pure bullshit. Friede's Scythe is interesting but the weapon art seems kinda hard to use in boss fights where I would want to use it. Onyx Blade has a simple but effective move set and hits hard. I might after finishing NG+ try a "pure" Int build. I say pure but it will probably have at least have 18 strength anyway since I like to wear the shield of want at all times even though I almost never block with the thing. Or maybe I will finally beat a dark souls game with a dex build for once in my life.
Found myself in my first crazy free-for-all in Pontiff's back yard, there were reds, blues, purps, Faithfuls, I had so much fun.
I've also been summoned loads as a Darkmoon Blade this week, I got 14 concords. Some of those were 'legit', outdoing a red in combat without being a deadweight by myself so I feel like I'm getting better at PvP. Feels gud man.
I have come to the conclusion that Watcher Summon priority is determined by proximity to the old wolf. Summoning frequency increased dramatically while in the same room as it, and became nigh-constant when in physical contact. I am unsure if this is because the wolf enjoys the company, or wants me to stop standing on its head. It took me quite a while to realize that it was sleeping against a gravestone, but in retrospect this clarifies much of the covenant's lore.
...huh. I'll have to try this out at some point. I'd have thought that one would be prioritized by being in the Crucifixion Woods (since that's the Farron playpen) or just by level/weapon scaling.

Ah, Dark Souls. You and your numerous frustrating undocumented quirks.
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I need to start giving people stuff, the last person who dropped me some embers reminded me I've forgotten to be so generous to random phantoms, hm.
There's a character by the name of Reverse Flash who's probably hacking, I put my sign down in front of the Armour and when I was summoned, it was fighting on this side of the fog wall. With two other phantoms, we whittled it down to a sliver of health and then it spammed attacks like crazy before it smashed all three of us to death. I dunno if that was luck or if the hacker sucked so much they had to do that. That would've been fun to fight a boss outside of its area if it wasn't for the blatant cheating at the end.
Just traded in 30 proofs without knowing the pain of farming ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ I had 29 yesterday, and this is how I got the last one: got summoned to the Smouldering Lake, I see a red and chase it down with a Blue Sentinel and the Host. The red leads us into a little room and somehow we get into a stare-off - Host and Blue are at each wall, me and the red are facing each other with our backs to the exits. The atmosphere's kinda weird, nobody is goofing off with L1 spam but we're not mauling the red to pieces. Then the red gives the Host something, reminding me to do the same, and then the Host gives me a Divine Blessing! Nice. The red keeps pointing at me and gesturing me to come over, and that's when I realise he wants to duel...? I thought, why not the Sentinel, the fact they don't have Darkmoon yet implies they could be weaker. But sure, I went in there and honored this cool red with a good fight and so that last ear felt well-earned! ...I wonder if that was set up, if they wanted me to get that ear. On another note, Reverse Flash was controlling a giant past Pontiff so uh, look out for that guy.

Question: if I kill a merchant before they've stocked later game items, do I lose the chance to buy those forever? Like, if I killed Greirat before he stocks better arrows, and I give his ashes to the Handmaiden, will she only stock what he had at that point or will stock progress as normal as I play through the game?
Question: if I kill a merchant before they've stocked later game items, do I lose the chance to buy those forever? Like, if I killed Greirat before he stocks better arrows, and I give his ashes to the Handmaiden, will she only stock what he had at that point or will stock progress as normal as I play through the game?
She'll only stock what he'd have had when you gave it to her.
She'll only stock what he'd have had when you gave it to her.
Okay, no murdermode for me then.

And how do I get Gottard's body to spawn outside the Archives? He's not there with the key so I can't get in. I've already killed Abyss Watchers, Yhorm and Aldrich in that order, did Dancer afterwards (forced it by killing Emma because the teleport scene wouldn't trigger) so I don't know why he's not there.
Okay, no murdermode for me then.

And how do I get Gottard's body to spawn outside the Archives? He's not there with the key so I can't get in. I've already killed Abyss Watchers, Yhorm and Aldrich in that order, did Dancer afterwards (forced it by killing Emma because the teleport scene wouldn't trigger) so I don't know why he's not there.

Did you kill Yhorm with Seigward? If you did, you might have to exhaust his dialogue before it counts, I think.

Did you kill Yhorm with Seigward? If you did, you might have to exhaust his dialogue before it counts, I think.
Why the face?

I did, and I think I exhausted his dialogue. He congratulated me then said he'd go to nap. I spoke to him again to check, he said the same stuff, eventually I had to bonfire out and then the next time I went back, he wasn't there but there was a soul pickup with his armour/sword.
He was the second Lord I killed if that makes any difference.
What console do you play on @Pumparum
Okay, no murdermode for me then.
I have no heart for killing folks what ask me not to. The only exceptions I make are because they have plots locked behind them; i.e Friede, or, shamefully, Filianore (and isn't it just annoying that the only covenant in the game that you can experience consequences for betraying, even if it's just a light roasting by Argo, is the one that consists of and also locks the last two boss fights of the game?).
Why the face?

I did, and I think I exhausted his dialogue. He congratulated me then said he'd go to nap. I spoke to him again to check, he said the same stuff, eventually I had to bonfire out and then the next time I went back, he wasn't there but there was a soul pickup with his armour/sword.
He was the second Lord I killed if that makes any difference.


Teleport to Alrich's bonfire and then go back to the archive.
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Long have I tried to figure out, what's my problem with Dark Souls 3? I loved Dark Souls 1, and even greatly enjoyed Dark Souls 2 despite its weirdness. Then what is my problem with DS3? Why do I feel so bored playing it, why do I find it so difficult to even care about it outside of a few specific boss designs and music? It's not the gameplay, because I've actually quite enjoyed DS3s gameplay.

After watching two hours of Lobosjr's stream and I finally realized. I barely even noticed the change in scenery as he was playing. So it was Level Design. Both DS1 and DS2 have a great variety of different locales you get to walk through, and they all look different. Every single one location in those games looks unique, it looks like itself and I can immediately guess where someone is right now just from looking around for a bit. Dark Souls 3 though? Everything looks the bloody same. It's all swamp, or decrepit castle, or swamped castle, or decrepit swamp, or decrepit swampy castle. There are only two locations total that grab at my memory, the starting area with the firelink shrine, and the snowed in Anor Londo. That's it, nothing else in terms of locations grabs my memory, everything else blurs together into one giant mess.

Finally I can sleep calmly knowing what exactly was drawing me away from DS3.
While building a sorcerer build for DS3, I have discovered a love for the spell Snap Freeze. It is fast, does moderate damage, makes the enemy defenses weaker and laughs at shields. It is in my opinion one of the best spells you get before Boreal Valley that is not a buff. The fact that it can apply Frost Bite multiple times with the same cast if you are fast with hitting the enemy with fire and doesn't aggro enemies just makes it even better.
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Does Steam ever do sales for the Season Pass? I heard they do, and I missed it in the previous month. What's the prices?

"Just tell [Gwyn] that I went to accomplish the mission for which I will be remembered...for which I will be revered...and for which will be created a fucking fanservice club of dancing murderers who take possession of the Abyss and kill each other!"
- Knight Artorias
