Is it twinking if you only use starter equipment?
Because I was on the high wall, 21 + 2, and waiting for invasions, and whenever I tagged an invader with my sword they basically disintegrated. And these guys were wearing abyss watcher capes and pyro gloves and stuff.
Day five of low level invasions, mostly at 30 + 2; You can smell who's new by the way they hold their shield. The more time they give to blocking, the less good they are. There are an awful lot of twinks in the forest, but they don't make up a majority of its inhabitants. The hollowslayer greatsword is an excellent weapon for invasions; hard hitting and swift -- I swap out for the twinblades in response to parrying, and sometimes can chain consecutive combos against people who try out their bucklers. The Dark Hand serves as a weapon of last resort against people with ridiculous setups; though highly unreliable, its signature technique can easily devour half their health bar, while restoring a hit or two to my own. The Watchers seem happy to kill anybody who steps into their territory, friend or foe, but as a mad phantom this troubles me less than it could. When I take up their insignia, however, dark spirits of all stripes are generally quite willing to work together with me.
I've acquired ten tongues, a blue tongue, thirteen shacklebones (ten redeemed for Bloodlust), and eighteen swordgrass leaves (ten redeemed for the Old Wolf Curved Sword). I've also somehow picked up seven sunlight medallions.
I have come to the conclusion that Watcher Summon priority is determined by proximity to the old wolf. Summoning frequency increased dramatically while in the same room as it, and became nigh-constant when in physical contact. I am unsure if this is because the wolf enjoys the company, or wants me to stop standing on its head. It took me quite a while to realize that it was sleeping against a gravestone, but in retrospect this clarifies much of the covenant's lore.
Most of my trouble came from a specific spirit, Hazel The Nut, who dry-fingered and then hid within the level, or else took to battle with a panoply of horrifically powerful elementally buffed weapons, such as the dragonslayer's axe, and the mad crucifix. The tactic she most favored was the "Turn and Burn"; running away to draw her attackers into a sprint, and then pivoting with quick r1's. Despite knowing what would happen, I was unable to devise a counter, and as she'd demonstrated a frustrating proficiency for stealth simply letting her leave was as invalid an option. Her only redeeming feature was a lack of derogatory gestures. She was assisted by many blue phantoms; the most notable of which was a two-handed dagger user named "Kill me". Certainly, I tried, but her quicksteps made her essentially invincible against anything short of dedicated spam.
Does anybody know of any good counters against Turn and Burns? And how does one catch a quick-step spamming dagger user?
Socially, how do you guys usually react to people who make hopeless or begging gestures (Curl Up and Collapse, for instance), as an invader? I have few qualms about fighting new players, but I remember when I was the person asking the invader not to harm me, so my soft spot for that sort of thing is a mile wide. The true use of prism stones seems to be to change the tone of encounters, and the common torch is also seen favorably. (I've heard that binoculars can do so to, but they've been ineffective in my experience).
I think I might intend to run through NG as I am, then return to invading with my increases in Estus. I seem to be doing mostly okay with my current equipment, but having twice my current Estus would give me a lot more leeway to make mistakes. What weapon upgrade level should I stay at? I get lots of action with +2, and am worried about losing that if I go any higher, but SchwaAkari had a whole series of series about invading at 30 + 4, so I don't know.