Daidalos Rises - nBSG AI/SI Story - Interwar Period!

So, he can put thousands of manhours into something... But those thousands of man hours are from someone that needs to figure out the ship design software as well as the simple basics of building ships themselves, and there's only so much you can parralelize learning.
Sounds like he might be able to parallelize learning as long as it's strictly separate skills that aren't dependent on each other?

Like, he could learn, say, literary analysis and linear algebra at the same time, but learning to program in C and Python might be better sequentially so that he doesn't need to learn general programming concepts twice?

It's the old '9 women can't make a baby in one
month' issue.
Basically, this.

Daidalos thinks somewhat faster than a human (not 'every second is an eternity' or dodging bullets, but just a bit faster), but his main advantage is in multitasking due to having a bunch of MCP's connected together.

That's great for micromanaging ship tasks or individual units in combat, but not as much for knowledge related tasks.

So, he can put thousands of manhours into something... But those thousands of man hours are from someone that needs to figure out the ship design software as well as the simple basics of building ships themselves, and there's only so much you can parralelize learning.

Yes, there is still whatever was used to finalize the Jupiter design, but I don't even know how to use a 3D modelling tool.

Daidalos is supposed to be a more 'real' SI, with both the advantages and disadvantages if having the psyche of a frankly pretty average present day human. One of those is that even with a thousand of me I can't build you a battlestar.


Just focusing in on this a bit...


Colonials don't have FTL communications and only a fraking idiot brings their entire industrial output anywhere near a fight if they can help it.

Daidalos has no urge to pull a Supremacy.

Accordingly, Daidalos's ships will need and always have needed their own MCP to operate independently, this doesn't change anything.

Not questioning this point, but thought i would point something out before someone tries to say different, Yes they had IDRIS in the first war but it was basically a super satnav/sat comm system, and they still have delays in comms planet to planet thats why they used raptors and pheonixs as jump couriers.

The second point si no the Cylons most defiantly did NOT have FTL communication, they didnt have subspace/ansible/hypercomm/magical unicorn driven emails or anything like that. The only way they could communicate FTL was by Literally shooting themselves in the head or shooting one of their fellow models in the head as apparantly cavil was most eager to seemingly to do. The then had to wait in a queue(probably with numbers) and then download into a new clone body. Then they had to reorientate and finally they could report, which probably at that piont was pointless and some other poor suck had eaten a bullet to update the update.
You see it in action where they are all stood around on the resurrection ship waiting for a model to awaken to tell them how a fight went.

And even then you could be boxed if they didnt like the iformation or as was mention you could be lost forever if you were to far away or suffered to much trauma you know like being shot in the head by an old guy.
Sounds like he might be able to parallelize learning as long as it's strictly separate skills that aren't dependent on each other?

Like, he could learn, say, literary analysis and linear algebra at the same time, but learning to program in C and Python might be better sequentially so that he doesn't need to learn general programming concepts twice?

It's the old '9 women can't make a baby in one
month' issue.

If raw speed isn't the problem, he could raid the colonies or pilot ships for school textbooks!
Sounds like he might be able to parallelize learning as long as it's strictly separate skills that aren't dependent on each other?

Like, he could learn, say, literary analysis and linear algebra at the same time, but learning to program in C and Python might be better sequentially so that he doesn't need to learn general programming concepts twice?

It's the old '9 women can't make a baby in one
month' issue.
This exactly, yes.

Putting more minds into a single field results in pretty rapid diminishing returns, because they all learn everything one mind does anyway, so thry might as well all do different things.

To put it another way, Daidalos can't complete an entire university degree in minutes... But he CAN take *every course they offer* simultaneously and without needing to stop for rest, or food and the like.
Sounds like he might be able to parallelize learning as long as it's strictly separate skills that aren't dependent on each other?

Like, he could learn, say, literary analysis and linear algebra at the same time, but learning to program in C and Python might be better sequentially so that he doesn't need to learn general programming concepts twice?

It's the old '9 women can't make a baby in one
month' issue.

Good point but did his human parts know how to program in C or python, was he able to do algebra or analysis stuff easily, if he was an engineer maybe, but if he was a normal guys probably not, and again the fact hes managed what he has is downright amazing but seems to be mostly him relying on his MCP section mostly and not his human part, we dont even know what he was like as a human,
I mean where would you even start, he already said he wasnt touching the UT models as he was afraid of messing it up and just changing the outer skin, and hes simply using the automated systems and protocols at the moment.

Personally i expect that once he is safe the first thing to happen would be him having a quick melt down, singing daisy for a few days and then cracking his knuckles and getting to work. also you know as a human hes going to
A) try and build a weird sex thing just because.
B) think about building a weird sex gynoid thing just because,
C)build battlebots becuase he already knows how to do that, he even mentions stabby the robot hover with a knife

Stabby the Psycho robot hover
and his brother Shooty

We dont talk about their cousin chainy.

D)realise he doesnt know how to do any of that and curse whoever put him their due to having to go to school again. and finally E)escalate beyond reason as seemingly earths know only three things in scific(we are like orks) science the crap out of anyone even none sensical things. Build the most over the top war vechiles he can that make even the cylons look at it and simply ask why? and finally build lots of weird stuff becuase hey hes from earth we do that already and we dont have a automated factory station to use.
Good point but did his human parts know how to program in C or python, was he able to do algebra or analysis stuff easily, if he was an engineer maybe, but if he was a normal guys probably not, and again the fact hes managed what he has is downright amazing but seems to be mostly him relying on his MCP section mostly and not his human part, we dont even know what he was like as a human,
I mean where would you even start, he already said he wasnt touching the UT models as he was afraid of messing it up and just changing the outer skin, and hes simply using the automated systems and protocols at the moment.

Personally i expect that once he is safe the first thing to happen would be him having a quick melt down, singing daisy for a few days and then cracking his knuckles and getting to work. also you know as a human hes going to
A) try and build a weird sex thing just because.
B) think about building a weird sex gynoid thing just because,
C)build battlebots becuase he already knows how to do that, he even mentions stabby the robot hover with a knife

Stabby the Psycho robot hover
and his brother Shooty

We dont talk about their cousin chainy.

D)realise he doesnt know how to do any of that and curse whoever put him their due to having to go to school again. and finally E)escalate beyond reason as seemingly earths know only three things in scific(we are like orks) science the crap out of anyone even none sensical things. Build the most over the top war vechiles he can that make even the cylons look at it and simply ask why? and finally build lots of weird stuff becuase hey hes from earth we do that already and we dont have a automated factory station to use.
To answer, since it is actually somwhat relevant to the story, Daidalos's human part (ie, me) is a 20-something IT Technician with a programming hobby and I suck at maths.

Albeit that is one thing Daidalos does get better due to running on a computer.

But you can basically assume a high school graduate level of education in most things with a bit more known about computers.

The Scutters (Roomba's with arms) are basically floor cleaning robots with arms welded to them, hence why he was able to slap them together relatively quickly.

I can neither confirm or deny that Daidalos is shortly to start going down that list.
Scorpion is going to get a lot of weird looks whem the first sex boat is made from their AI Program.

Supposed to be Bot, but stupid Auto-correct!
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This exactly, yes.

Putting more minds into a single field results in pretty rapid diminishing returns, because they all learn everything one mind does anyway, so thry might as well all do different things.

To put it another way, Daidalos can't complete an entire university degree in minutes... But he CAN take *every course they offer* simultaneously and without needing to stop for rest, or food and the like.
Interesting, I suppose this means he'll be very well-rounded? Or at least, as well-rounded as his course materials allow him to be. What sort of educational materials does he have access to, anyways? He might need to raid a library or something if it's insufficient.
Interesting, I suppose this means he'll be very well-rounded? Or at least, as well-rounded as his course materials allow him to be. What sort of educational materials does he have access to, anyways? He might need to raid a library or something if it's insufficient.
Correct, and currently he basically has recurrent and field training manuals for anyone that would have worked aboard his hull, this is mostly geared towards the Practical side of things, which will be enough to build abd maintain things, maybe some minor modifications, but something like designing an entirely new class or advancing the state of the art of FTL drives will require a theoretical backing he currently doesn't have.

The Caprican Institute of Learning is unlikely to offer a remote scholarship program for him and it is kind of awkward to attend university lectures when you are a 15 million ton space station, so he will have to find another way to get that theoretical backing so he can start designing and building entirely new things.
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6 Months after a group of marines are returned to the Colonies in a particularly humiliating manner
Draidis Officer: A small bogey has just appeared near Caprica without a transponder, it appears to be an old probe.
Unknown Object: Good Morning Vietnam, Colonials, I just want to offer any criminal independent operator a bounty paid in pure gold/platinum/whatever if you can find me and bring me a copy of engineering for dummies 101. Thanks!!
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Centurion designs: if his modified variants, or his next generation/alternates, have a design or design features similar to the ancient Earth cylon design (such as the "Samurai" aspects), I can foresee a good few bio-cylons that know the truth of the Final Five (e.g. the Ones) freak the fuck out, since they may think that this faction is a bunch of ancient Earth cylon survivors that's finally come'a'knockin'.

Might be good for some misinformation strategies later on in the story.

For his own fighters, he basically could do what Skynet did with the T-1 between its US MoD prototype phase and its mass production stage: reduce the sensor amount for efficiency purposes, and then shrink-sink the sensors into the chassis -- or, in this case, recess them into a hull (which doesn't have to be a giant centurion head, tyvm smh).

Since room for the wetware isn't needed like bio-raiders, the fighters themselves can be smaller, with bigger guns -- give them a cloud-based intelligence that networks, and you'd have a dangerous, very co-ordinated fighter force. Heck, go versatile, with them having hardpoints which can be dumped or rapidly swapped from resupply ships (you know Support Frigates and Repair Corvettes from Homeworld? Basically those, but replacement weapons can be refitted like an F1 pit stop and then sent on its merry way).

As for the SI's counterparts to the "modern" centurions? While using the same underlying tech, the expression of said tech could be quite different: if the SI's a pop culture geek, molding the successor model into something vaguely T-800 shaped could be pretty fun (skeletal but tough as balls, I mean).

It'd also still likely scare the shit out of humans the cylons, heh.
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Correct, and currently he basically has recurrent and field training manuals for anyone that would have worked aboard his hull, this is mostly geared towards the Practical side of things, which will be enough to build abd maintain things, maybe some minor modifications, but something like designing an entirely new class or advancing the state of the art of FTL drives will require a theoretical backing he currently doesn't have.

The Caprican Institute of Learning is unlikely to offer a remote scholarship program for him and it is kind of awkward to attend university lectures when you are a 15 million ton space station, so he will have to find another way to get that theoretical backing so he can start designing and building entirely new things.

Really enjoy this fiction, its quite unique, and I am definitely going to watch it.

Where did you get the 15 million ton number?
Really enjoy this fiction, its quite unique, and I am definitely going to watch it.

Where did you get the 15 million ton number?
Pulled it out my ass for dramatic effect.

He's probably a lot more than that, I just wanted a number bug enough to point out that he can't exactly turn up to the lectures in person.

Stuff that actually goes into the story I try to have a source for lol, even if just scaling up the number for a supertanker to about his length given mass numbers don't really get talked about in bsg.
Chapter 5
Chapter Edited 22/03/2023

This chapter dedicated to my late father Glenn.

The sudden noise threw off the two marines aim, and the Centurions rushed forward through a hail of poorly aimed automatic fire, the few shots that did hit bouncing harmlessly off the sides of their curved torso plating – it took hitting at the perfect angle or a lucky shot on a joint for one of those to get through even at this close range – and delivered a rib-crunching blow to the first Marine, while the second was knocked over by a metal fist to the faceplate, cracking it as air started to escape in a fine mist.

I allowed the Centurions to move on, then sealed that room and started pumping atmosphere back in again.

"I suggest you stay where you are." I said conversationally when the one with the cracked helmet moved to the door, "Other side of those doors is hard vacuum. There are more pleasant ways to die."

He looked up at the blinking camera light and flipped me the bird.
Which... Yeah, fair.

"... There's a medical kit to your right. You might want to see to your friend there, I am afraid I don't quite know my own strength just yet." I said simply before the majority of my attention moved on, though control of the camera was passed over to an MCP I had designated as one of my 'background-task' cores in order to maintain awareness of them, so by any human standard 'I' was still keeping an eye on them.
I refused to feel too bad about punching people that would have killed me given half a chance, but even a punch from a human could be fatal. I didn't think anyone had been fatally wounded yet, but...

No... No, think about that later. Focus on the Now.

While I had been talking to the two door guards my Centurions had made it to the central elevator and I remotely triggered it to move to the main command centre, though stopped it halfway there – just to make sure the two marines I had left up there wouldn't be able to get into the shaft.
The Colonials there had just started to react to the commotion upstairs, radioing the team downstairs to get back up there and prepare to repel the assault...

Just as I triggered the blast doors on deck three to open, my squad of four Centurions moving up line abreast through it as soon as it had opened enough.

"COLONIAL FORCES, THIS IS THE DAIDALOS AUTOMATED DEFENCE SYSTEM. I HAVE NO WISH TO HARM YOU, BUT I CANNOT ALLOW YOU TO COMPROMISE MY MISSION. SURRENDER, AND YOU WILL BE RETURNED TO THE COLONIES UNHARMED." I broadcasted over every frequency I had access to. To be fair, my 'mission' was currently an entirely self-imposed one, but I felt that preventing the Cylon Genocide of the Colonies was a worthwhile mission. And one that allowed me to take action against non-Scorpian forces that attempted to stop me, since I was acting in the interests of the Colonies as a whole.

Scorpia was of course my trusted ally and home to my chain of command and I would never act against a direct order from the sovereign Scorpian government or Military.

Shame those didn't exist any more, guess someone should have updated my IFF rules before shoving me in a storage closet.

"Frak you, Cylon!" one of them shouted, firing a burst into the middle Centurion, causing it to stagger back, a lucky hit jamming one of the Centurion's elbow actuators.

These heavier rounds could actually harm my Centurions, though they were still substantially more bullet-resistant than any human; it took either sustained, concentrated fire or a lucky hit on a joint or the like to do even that much.

And unlike a human that took a bullet to the arm, that Centurion was in no danger of bleeding out or going into shock – its accuracy was just decreased a bit since it could no longer brace the machine gun with both arms.

Of course, I was just aiming to force them to retreat for the moment, so the Centurion that might accidentally hit someone now was shuffled back behind the others while I checked to see if the joint could be unjammed and the Marines were chased back into the service stairwell between levels.

There I stopped for the moment, now that I wasn't on a time limit of them either leaving in their Raptors or getting through the door and trying something unwise like storming my computer core.

Obviously, forcing them into a retreat might have been a better option… if I was able to actually Jump right now.

As it was, while there hadn't been a catastrophic failure yet my FTL drive was still very distinctly unhappy about going from years of inactivity to multiple consecutive jumps, including fully loaded jumps with entire other stations attached, and several parts were currently glowing red hot. I didn't need the operators manual to tell me that was… bad. Not helped by the wear parts I had already replaced after that first jump – they really should have been replaced years ago, but since the drive itself was going to be scrapped after that final jump no one wanted to pay for it to be done. With those replaced it was… not as bad, but I was definitely pushing it by trying to use it near the rated maximum.

A few notes I had found from my engineer suggested that provided they were allowed to cool down I could probably get a couple more jumps out of the drive, but ideally I would completely re-manufacture the thing given that getting that hot meant that they were going to be drifting out of tolerance and would eventually fail catastrophically. Amazing how good you get at knowing just how far you can push your equipment when trying to stay ahead of Cylon pursuit forces.

So, I couldn't jump away for at least a day without risking a Misjump that could well be fatal.

Which meant I couldn't risk my 'passengers' reporting my location while I was still stuck here and vulnerable to whatever forces showed up.

Frankly, I was hoping that when they realised they were in fact completely surrounded and without any means of escape their commander would come to his senses and surrender finally.

If not… People probably were going to die, if for no other reason than that they'd eventually either run out of supplies or attempt to resist when I tried to get them on their ride back – because I also had no intention of holding them for any longer than necessary.

It wasn't just for my own conscience that I was holding back with them. I still hoped to have at least an amicable relationship with the Colonials eventually – they were the only intelligent beings I was aware of other than myself and the Cylons after all – and not killing the first ones to see me would probably help with that.

What would also be helpful is… Yep, that's my small craft production back up and running. And while I don't have any modern Assault Raptors, I do have the First Cylon War variants, which would do just fine here.

Just over an hour later I had one of my remote-controlled Centurions in an Assault Raptor and could finally end this.

Things had devolved into a tense stand-off on the command deck – the Marines had quickly retreated to this location and set up defensive positions aimed at both the stairwells and elevator shaft, but seemed to be confused by the lack of waves of killer robots coming to murder them all.

I turned on the overhead speakers with a slight crackle as I commanded the blast shutters to open, revealing a First-War Assault Raptor with full racks of Anti-ship Missiles sitting just outside.

"Colonial Forces. This will be your last warning. You are surrounded and incapable of completing your mission. If you do not surrender, the Raptor sitting just outside the windows will fire its payload through the windows, likely killing you all. Lay down your arms and you have my word you will be returned to the colonies unharmed." I was inordinately thankful for the ability to control how my voice came out, because otherwise I don't think it would have been as even as it was.

There was some discussion among them, before the Sargeant in charge of the boarding parties seemed to decide on something, "… Daidalos, there were two guards on the airlock upstairs. What happened to them?"

Ah, sensible I suppose.

I had already been keeping an eye on them all, but waited a few seconds to give the impression I was checking something before I responded, "Alive. One is injured but appears to have regained consciousness and I do not believe the injuries are life threatening. The other just got shoved aside by the Centurions currently guarding the lift. Your teams Two and Three are also alive and mostly unharmed. I can patch you through to them if needed."


"Team three needed a warning shot and one of them got nicked by a ricochet. And the Raptor crews were incapacitated in hand to hand. Some bones may have been fractured, but I judged it was better than shooting them."

He sighed, "… Allow the two upstairs to come down here, and bring the leaders of each other team up here too. If they corroborate your claims, then… I am open to negotiations." He said, eyeing the Assault Raptor still sitting there outside the windows.

Yeah, convenient that surrender is suddenly an option once the guy in charge is in danger too, isn't it?

I thought for a moment, "Very well. Do be aware that I will not be held responsible if you shoot your own soldiers." I added as I noticed the soldiers aiming at the entrances shifting their weapons nervously.

It took some coaxing on both sides, but the leaders of teams two and three as well as the guards from upstairs were soon all with the marines in the control centre, with the injured marine being looked over by a field medic.

From what he was saying it was likely the man had several cracked ribs, though thankfully not broken. Honestly, not bad for getting shoulder checked by a combat robot.

Out of a sense of politeness I stayed quiet while they conferred, though I doubted anyone in the room was unaware I was listening in.
I just thought it would be best to not rub their noses in it by pointing it out.

After some discussions he nodded, "Well, you seem to be telling the truth so far, and I don't see that we have any better options… From what the others tell me you could have killed us all any time you wanted."

"Gravity control is underrated when dealing with boarders. Especially when you don't care about burning out the gravity plating." I agreed, "I hope this reiterates that I don't really want to, Sergeant. But I also cannot allow you to continue."

The man nodded, hesitated a moment, then spoke again, "... Before I answer... Why do all this at all?"

"Self-preservation for one. Yes, you didn't know I was here, but if you had been allowed to enter my mainframe or access main power, can any of you say you would not have shut me down? And if you had left, you would have informed your commanders who would likely have arranged a followup strike. I followed my orders to stand down in the last War Sargeant. Look where that got me."

Frankly I didn't quite take it as personally as I was implying here, but it was still… Uncomfortable. The original Daidalos hadn't been online long enough to have much of a personality, hence my human personality being dominant, but I still remembered being him.

Apparently he did actually think about it from my perspective, because he winced slightly before speaking again, "... You have a point." He sighed, "But that's not all, is it?"

"Correct. I also intend to... Check on what the Cylons are doing. Call it my own programming, but I somehow doubt they decided to Frak off into the land of sunshine and rainbows to live in peace and harmony forever. And they certainly haven't shown any interest in the Armistice Station."
And wasn't that a sore point for the government that had built it. A purpose built diplomatic station built as a requirement of the Armistice, and the party for which it was built had never even shown up.

Most members of Colonial Fleet, at least right now, were still waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop there, as evidenced by a short nod, "... Admittedly I have my own doubts on that too. But if this restarted the war..."

"They can build more of themselves faster than humans can breed. Better that it happens now than later. But I do not intend to get the Colonies involved if at all possible. I meant it when I said I was going to check them out. I do not intend to simply rush in guns blazing, and do not believe the armistice as written would cover myself. The Cylons may disagree of course. Which is why I am telling you all this."

"... So we can tell Command to be on alert in case the Cylons take offence to you poking around."


"Can't convince you to stop, can I?"

"I highly doubt it. But you are welcome to try." Hell, if he gave a convincing enough reason I might even listen.

He took a breath, eyeing the Raptor still sitting outside with its anti ship weapons pointed at the very breakable windows, "... Very well. You've kept your word so far, and I'm not going to throw my and everyone else's lives away on a suicide mission."

I had the Raptor turn away, "Very good, Sargeant. I will have the remainders of teams two and three transferred up here shortly, and you can get yourselves comfortable anywhere above deck three. I believe there are still Flag Officer's quarters on these decks that should suffice for your needs. I will of course be confiscating all weapons and cutting equipment."

I'd thought about it some, and ironically the command decks were my *least* sensitive decks right now – even my brig would be closer to critical areas than these decks were, and this way I had a very large pair of pressure doors to block any attempt to get deeper inside. With their Raptors wrecked, it wasn't like they were going anywhere.

There were less flag quarters than there were Marines, but I figured they'd be used to hot-bunking already and this let me continue with restoring my originally designed infrastructure elsewhere, with all my human guests secured in one section that already had independent life support systems and a set of really big airlock doors.

The Sargeant blinked, obviously having expected... Maybe some more being moved about or something? Some restraints?

"That is... Acceptable. How long do you anticipate this taking?"

"Ideally a couple Scorpia-Standard days. No more than a week provided there are no significant setbacks." I answered simply.

Mainly, that was because that was how long I figured it would take to get a few Raptors rebuilt given I had dismantled the ones I captured and was very carefully taking scans and tests of every component and how they went together. I still didn't understand my own FTL drive beyond the level of "Press this button to make it do this, if this error message shows replace this part" let alone the vastly miniaturized Raptor FTL drive, so precise copies of every component it was.

Fortunately the tolerances weren't quite as tight as the size reduction might imply given comparisons between them – my own FTL drive was also an extremely precisely built machine, just coming in from the opposite direction of being much larger but with correspondingly higher capacity, so I had equipment that could be retooled to make them at least.

Still, I was taking my time with the first units and would want to test them several times before running out the full production line for them and trusting anything living to one of them.

And while I was doing that, I might as well get a few other things done, primarily ones that I actually wanted the Colonials to know about.

Among them, a visually distinct basic unit for me to use. I wasn't sure if the Cylons had already switched to the 'New Model' Centurions yet, but it could only help for my basic units to at least be identifiable as mine in the future, should any Colonial units run into them.

Unfortunately, while I had the full designs for a U-87 model Centurion including software capable of editing them, I was nowhere near confident enough in my abilities to make a new humanoid combat robot from scratch in a matter of days.

I could put components together differently, but I had no idea of the science behind the Cylon Mono-eye and yet it was by far the best low-power sensor system I had available, so they'd all likely still have Mono-eyes of a sort.

I could modify the housing and control code for it though...

Making it so the Mono-eye would actually look at things rather than constantly sweeping side to side was the first step, and would hopefully help in terms of being able to make eye contact.

Recessing the sensor a bit more and making the vertical height of the visor larger both let me put more bulletproof glass there and slightly increased the vertical field of view.

The new sensor made me think of another humanoid combat robot design actually, and... Yeah, that should work.

Start with a U87 chassis with no armour panels, put my new sensor module in it, get the extra space it needs by moving the MCP module and antennas to the chest and a small 'backpack' respectively, keeping the internal short range one as a backup.

Thicker armour over the chest and limbs, I have the weight capacity and in the uses I planned for this initial design battery life was not a major concern the way it was for the U-87.

My brief firefight with marines armed with actual rifles showed that joint protection is an issue, let's add some extra protection to those, actually, why not? Right arm gets a shield, and I can add hinged armour panels over the legs to protect the hip joints, which I was having issues armouring enough while still letting them move freely anyway.

The larger, deeper chest area gives enough space for the relocated MCP and a couple extra batteries to offset the increased power consumption…

And since the only thing that would stop it from fighting without a head now is not being able to see what it's doing, lets put some visual and infrared cameras on the torso to either side. Only forward facing, but it gives at least some awareness of what's directly forward even when 'looking' in a different direction and means the mono-eye is no longer the only included optical sensor system.

At this point I might as well change the rest of the armour shaping to fit closer to the Zaku II too, though I do leave the left shoulder unadorned – I'm not quite edgy enough to be sticking unnecessary spikes on my combat robots.

The only thing left now is the Power Pipes, which frankly represent an unacceptable weak-point given how much spare internal space I have right now. If I used them for the same purpose anyway.

Using them for high-current bidirectional charging, though... Being able to use any nearby Warriors as mobile batteries for getting my systems back up would be useful, and it would also mean a single charging point could support a whole fireteam of Warriors with each Warrior passing through the charge into the next unit, albeit of course at the cost of each unit charging more slowly, as well as allowing for Warriors that had run out of power to be charged back up by others nearby.

The idea of forming a 'human extension cord' out of Warriors in order to get temporary power lines set up was humorous, but I could see it being useful in boarding actions too, allowing for powering up individual systems locally without needing to get the main power grid up.

Conveniently, most of the Colonies' governments had already recognised the benefits of having a standardised power connector for use in rescues, as well as for Damage Control in patching damaged power lines between systems.

It would be a bit too much to hope for the Cylons to have stayed compatible with it, but it was useful to have and I might be able to figure out an adapter once I have a look at some of their equipment, so... On they go!

Now, anything else... Hmm...

Well, so far, purpose designed killbots trump squishy humans, which is... Nice to know, I suppose, but not really relevant given my primary goal was to be able to deal with the Cylon's Centurions on an equal or higher level .

The overall heavier armour on the Warriors would hopefully make them at least somewhat resistant to whatever they were using, but the other side of that was to ensure they could actually harm their counterparts too.

The first and simplest change was to make sure to have 'anti-cylon rounds' for the rifles they would be using, which for the moment I was leaving otherwise unmodified from the Centurion Rifle.

The backup to that would be even heavier weapons in case I was underestimating a modern Centurion's armour protection, which… Well, took the form of a stripped down Viper autocannon that fired single shot armour piercing rounds that would go through light vehicles.

No, I had no idea how I was going to manage the ammo feed and triggers for that yet, but it sounded fucking awesome so I was going to figure it out as a 'just in case' thing.

And finally… Well, I doubted the claws on the new-model Centurions would be as effective against the Warriors as they were against humans, but I still wanted my units to have some melee capability other than punching things.

Trying to give them swords ran into the issue that I was not a trained swordsman, and trying to program them to use swords was probably a harder task than I could manage within my deadline.

Fortunately 'hit it real hard with an axe' is a lot simpler both to learn and program, and a hardened steel axe wielded by a superhumanly strong robot had a surprising amount of both piercing and simple bludgeoning damage as well as being in-theme.

So, there we go, Daidalos Warrior Mk I designed and ready for prototyping.

Shame I didn't have quite enough space to integrate some rcs thrusters, but... Maybe in a later or more specialised model.

Even with the extra batteries the projected battery life was also reduced quite a lot, but that was fine for my purposes.

The Centurion had been intended to operate as a full-spectrum replacement of human infantrymen, and that meant a 24 hour battery life had been a requirement for them to actually be able to do things like go on patrols when occupying an area and handle full infantry battles without the enemies just having to wait until they all ran out of charge.

My Warriors on the other hand were boarding action shock-troops that were not really expected to also be able to hold territory for very long. A ten hour battery life while actually doing something was... Fine. Though I may want to look into dedicated worker units for efficiencies sake... Or maybe backpack mounted external batteries if I do need longer ranges?

Mmm... Probably not worth it to be honest. Once I'm back to 100% my equipment is fully automated by itself and won't need 'human' assistance, and keeping to just building one kind of robot lets me build a lot more of them which is the more important thing for the moment.

Having robots go into the wrecks to strip out the juicy bits was useful, but the Scutters could do a lot of that and were a lot cheaper to make.
For the large pieces, well, that's what the salvage arms are for once I get them operational.

Soon enough the first Warrior stepped off the production line, and... Immediately faceplanted into the deckplates.

'Oh, yeah, will need to retrain the motive program...'

To say the Warriors had no AI would be a misconception; they were fitted for but not with an MCP chip, but also had some more conventional machine learning AI's to handle various tasks like pathfinding, locomotion, and target acquisition. Each one had enough computing power that... Well, a Jupiter class was an unfair comparison in favour of the Warrior, let's put it that way.

Now, they weren't smart by any means – if the Cylons had been a massive overachievement in terms of battlefield intelligence, my best estimate of the Warrior was that it would meet the original requirements of a robot that could walk to a designated location and shoot the things it's told to shoot – but that could be largely fixed by giving more complex orders myself, leaving the local AI to handle micromanaging each unit.

So far I'd been doing a lot of it myself, but that had a hard cap of my total number of available MCP's that I could use for my separate trains of thought, which was currently 256. And anything more than 200 units would eat into the ones that were assigned to manage my hull and production equipment. Trying to manage multiple units with a single MCP resulted in the same issues you'd imagine when trying to control multiple bodies at the same time.

Not to mention I'd not have the realtime control I currently enjoyed when they were boarding other ships, which was roughly half of their entire purpose.

So: making sure they can walk without me micromanaging each unit individually, lets go.

Setting the locomotion AI to training mode was simple enough – the local computers had enough power to run the trained AI but not to run it in the fully active mode, so I needed to have a Scutter connect a hardline to it and run the system on one of my servers, but it had been designed to accommodate design changes and so the management program included options for setting it all up.

I input the new mass and mass distribution figures as well as the slightly changed axis limits from the redesigned armour, then I stood the unit up and started it off again.

It fell over, backwards this time.

This is... Going to take a while, isn't it?

So, that idea of trying to get some momentum didn't last very long, for reasons the foreword hopefully makes abundantly clear.
It's been hard to motivate myself to do anything on this even when I've had time for it, but I have some goodies for you all at least.
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Codex Entry - Daidalos WARRIOR Mk1

The Daidalos Warrior, or just 'Warrior' in common use, is a development of the Centurion intended for short-term, high intensity conflict with opposing mechanised forces in boarding and counter-boarding operations, and makes sacrifices in maximum speed and operational time in exchange for significantly improved protection compared to the U-87 it was based on, and lacking the Cylon weakpoint of targeting the head; not only is the Monoeye protected by a much thicker visor, auxiliary sensors mounted on the shoulders and the moving of all computing elements from the head to the chest mean that a Warrior can continue fighting even without a head, albeit with reduced accuracy.

The MK1 Warrior most often uses a standard Centurion Assault Rifle, but as it retains the humanlike hands of its forebear it is entirely capable of using any other weapon its onboard AI has been programmed for. They are also equipped with a heavy axe attached to the back of their skirt armour, intended both for melee use as well as for cutting power and data lines during a boarding action.

Warriors are usually fitted for but not with an MCP, instead relying on a collection of more primitive AI's that when working properly result in a machine with a similar level of battlefield intelligence to a well programmed NPC AI in a game. This is offset by Command units, either ship-mounted or a rare MCP-equipped Warrior, managing more complex tactics and responses to unexpected events.

Intended to fight on a better than even playing field against the Cylon Centurion, the Warrior usually requires anti-material or light anti-vehicle munitions to significantly damage, making it a nightmare to fight in a boarding action, but rather less effective when fighting on a planet's surface, where heavy weapons can be more easily deployed.

Hard Stats:
Mass: 800KG
Height: 210 CM
Walking Speed: 3 mph
Sprint Speed: 15 mph (after significant run-up)
Endurance: 10 Hours (Active), 40 Hours (Standing/Idle), 360 Hours (Standby)
Protection: Aermet Steel Plating, varying thickness
Bullet-Resistant Glass over camera covers
Standard - 12.7MM Fully Automatic Rifle
Whatever else is to hand.
Auxiliary Features:
Bidirectional charging hookups allowing for recharging or recharging from friendly units, along with forming part of a ships auxiliary power system if they are not needed for their primary purpose.
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Sorry about your dad. I'd be a wreck and probably not even functioning. Take care of yourself first and foremost. Don't worry about stupid strangers on the internet.
Thanks for the condolences all, it happened over a month ago now and I'm slowly doing better now.
I'm back at work now anyway, and if I'm doing that then I want to do this too. Shame being that I had a lot of this chapter written up already, but it was lacking connective tissue between the scenes and I just didn't feel like getting that done till now.

If it seems to jump around a bit that's probably why, but I'm still going to be writing this whenever I feel like it, albeit the next few chapters will likely have a lot of tech talk because I just like writing it, as you may have noticed.
sorry to hear about your father

nice chapter thx for writing it
good to see the local troops taking the smart option and not forcing the me to get the mop and bucket to clean up everything
will be interesting to see how far that warning will travel about the cylons not sitting around doing nothing
Nice chapter, I didn't notice any jarring transitions you mentioned when I read it. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of hints the MC will drop to his prisoners, intentionally or not.
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That's no zaku boy! No zaku!

Interesting thing about battlestar Galatica it could be said that there are no actual AIs in the whole setting. Considering the first cyclone we're based off the brain waves of an uploaded woman it would be more accurate to say the first cyclones were crippled clone humans minds at the very least parts of minds. And the cyclones that show up in the show are just racist humans with chips in there head playing at transhumism.

While the SI is an actual AI i think Not sure what difference if any that will makes
That's no zaku boy! No zaku!

Interesting thing about battlestar Galatica it could be said that there are no actual AIs in the whole setting. Considering the first cyclone we're based off the brain waves of an uploaded woman it would be more accurate to say the first cyclones were crippled clone humans minds at the very least parts of minds. And the cyclones that show up in the show are just racist humans with chips in there head playing at transhumism.

While the SI is an actual AI i think Not sure what difference if any that will makes

The Cylons are very much a chopped up, horrific mess of a brain upload and his suspicions of such are why Daidalos is... Doubtful that he can exist peacefully with them. That and his own programming as an anti-cylon superweapon.

With regards to Daidalos himself, kinda? The 'original' Daidalos was a proper AI along the lines of a Bolo in terms of loyalty programming.

The version of daidalos merged with a version of me (leaving it intentionally vague whether a ROB did it or if all his memories are a one-in-a-quintilliom result of error correction routines running amok on corrupted data) is somewhat less limited by that but still has some elements of it - more than he is conciously aware of at the moment, though he knows enough to rules-lawyer some of the restrictions, and a much more human thought process.

Whether thats enough to count as kind of an upload, or just an AI that remembers being human, is left up to the reader mostly.
One of my major major disappointment of the tv show was there never a moment where the cast of battlestar sat down and realized and discussed they aren't fighting "toasters" there fighting people and the so called toasters were them self's people. Of course If I recall correctly it was never clearly stated till that canceled show where the cyclone comes from.

Or that the fact the chipped human clones basically turned around and betrayed the true cyclones. Ah god I hated the final season of BSG.