Daidalos Rises - nBSG AI/SI Story - Interwar Period!

Hahaha great end line and glad to see you updated this again. I honestly either want to see colonials freak out and try to find the shipyard or your wonderful mc to grab up some refugees during the fall of the 12 colonies.
Great update, those colonials are going to have some wicked ptsd when they get home and no-one in high command believes them until they pull out the video message the MC sends with them. Then the high command will join the freak out.
I hope the MC plays his prisoners some music from Earth to really mess with their minds
View: https://youtu.be/lR6--5t6kD8.
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the amusing thing is the colonials aare actually at this point likely to believe them, if he tells them that he was created by scorpia to guard against exactly what actually happen there will likely be some pretty egg on face reactions....I would expect though that the first 2 reactions by the fleet are a)try to find the station immediatly and b)Hunt down all those other secret projects that are likely on the other colonies. I know in canon the standard centurion or the UH model was caprican, but Picon also had a competing contract for their own it didnt win the military contract so was cancelled. The cyclon baseships were mostly bulit at scorpia and were originally designed to be the anchor points for battlestar groups and the colonials technically owned them all until the cylons turned on them, i think in canon they only lost the last baseship in the last year of the war and that was because it crashed.

The other thing is keep in mind the cylons infiltrated the colonial High command aswell as the civilian populations, about 10years after this point. So daidalous would have nearing on a decade to upgrade and buildup, this might terrify the cylons as he was made as a anti cylon fighting installation, odds are they will do the same as the colonials and that is try and hunt him down as quick as possible.

The amusing image is if the fall still happens somehow, him turining up in a moon sized daidlous escorted by hundreds of jupiter class battlestars that werent built on a budget, would likly scare the bejesus out of everyone, More hilarous would be giving the battlestars all MCP based of his own and them believing hes their dad/mom going to rescue their big grump sister(galactica) and their nieces and nephews(the other battlestars and ships) WTF faces all around lol.
It also brings to mind a snippet i once read which had the cylons turning up on attack day, and in the end it was cancelled and the Mech cylons asked for books on parenting and teenage rebellion, apologising for biocylons attempting to genocide the colonials. it was amusing
I am really enjoying this. And I do hope that The Station gets much needed TLC and possibly get updated design specs, and If exposed to Baltar's Upgrade Package, sees the flaw and deletes the program, or informs someone about the flaw of a backdoor being almost deliberately built in.
I am really enjoying this. And I do hope that The Station gets much needed TLC and possibly get updated design specs, and If exposed to Baltar's Upgrade Package, sees the flaw and deletes the program, or informs someone about the flaw of a backdoor being almost deliberately built in.
This time, the greed of two engineers on the decommissioning crew, ten years after the Armistice was signed, would change... Everything.

Armistice to Holocaust was 40 years, so this is 30 years too early for Daidalos to be exposed to that.
nice chapter thx for writing it good to see this back in action
ah diplomacy at gun point the best kind of diplomacy
I can just imagine what everyone is thinking about Daidalos. Like "poke it with a stick." Maybe create a third faction that sends out spam to mess with their systems.

I know that politics would be a problem on the human side but our MC would not care about it because he is the sole authority of himself. I wonder what he will create next.
Just found some awesome pics for reference to show sizes and types of stations and anchorages.
My favorite: its supposdly the Aerlion Anchorage personally looks awesome example of a fleet anchorage

This station could dock 24 valkyrie style battlestars on its lower docking pilons, along with space to dock 4 mercury`s or jupiters(galacticas class) she also has 8 open space minor repair bays on her lower pylons next to the bigger bays.
she had multiple hangers in her habitation rings for small craft
On her upper pylons she has a massive repair bay on one end, likly for the nova classes or battlestars bigger than mercury`s. but along her main spars she has space for 10 more mercury`s of smaller classes. ( you can actually see a mercury docked in the upper cradle on the left)

That means if a fleet is in she can dock 48 battlestars of various class, which considering you had 3 battlestars in a battlestargroup means she held enough battlestar for deply 8 battlestar groups, its likly she has bays on the habitation ring for escort ships to rollo dock nose on like galactica did at ragnar but they arent featured on the model.

Link to model Battlestar Galactica - Aerilon Fleet Shipyard - Download Free 3D model by NepsterCZ its in 3d so can see all angles.

Various stations with ships size added.
I think from left o right you have 1) replacment Picon HQ 2) What Ragnor couldve been 3) Actual Ragnar station
bottom left 1) A variation of an orbital anchorage.

Fanon combine of two designed stations
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Honestly would love to see the mid top as a later on development of the shipyard. It be both an improvement of ship handling and docking while also building more defense and offensive weapon systems. It just a thought.
Just found some awesome pics for reference to show sizes and types of stations and anchorages.
My favorite: its supposdly the Aerlion Anchorage personally looks awesome example of a fleet anchorage

This station could dock 24 valkyrie style battlestars on its lower docking pilons, along with space to dock 4 mercury`s or jupiters(galacticas class) she also has 8 open space minor repair bays on her lower pylons next to the bigger bays.
she had multiple hangers in her habitation rings for small craft
On her upper pylons she has a massive repair bay on one end, likly for the nova classes or battlestars bigger than mercury`s. but along her main spars she has space for 10 more mercury`s of smaller classes. ( you can actually see a mercury docked in the upper cradle on the left)

That means if a fleet is in she can dock 48 battlestars of various class, which considering you had 3 battlestars in a battlestargroup means she held enough battlestar for deply 8 battlestar groups, its likly she has bays on the habitation ring for escort ships to rollo dock nose on like galactica did at ragnar but they arent featured on the model.

Link to model Battlestar Galactica - Aerilon Fleet Shipyard - Download Free 3D model by NepsterCZ its in 3d so can see all angles.

Various stations with ships size added.
I think from left o right you have 1) replacment Picon HQ 2) What Ragnor couldve been 3) Actual Ragnar station
bottom left 1) A variation of an orbital anchorage.

Fanon combine of two designed stations
Really nice pics you found, thanks for taking the time to find and post them.
The mid top one would be perfect for a late game example, the original daidalos had the three bays already so simply removing them and building the lower assembly should be easy, but bare in mind the lower assemble docks 24 valkyrie sized, 22 jupiter/mercury`s and she also has 3 central massive bays for fighters and support craft.
You will notice aswell her lower spar leading to the comm tower(which was also the area used to link to the IDRIS network(colonial satnav basically)) and fusion reactor is massively beefed up and seems to have bigger struts aswell to the sides. that says to me she likely had a jumpdrive built in similar to daidalos, (in reality the daidalos had 4 that were syched together)

Iam sad to say i did have spare time once upon a time and actually worked out of the image what the stats would likely be based of comics, wiki, and inshow comments(hard as hell to find out)

State of the art command center
Integrated central computer
Crash Intergrated Network
Automated Fabricators
Onboard Mining and refining systems
Comms Network Hub(prototype)(IDRIS)
Honeycomb Structural Design

24 Medium Battlestars
22 Heavy Battlestars

Flight Wings:
Viper mk8: 5,000 ;200 Acive Sqaudrons ;50 Reserve Squadrons
Stealthstar(Prototype): 500; 20 Active Squadrons ;5 Reserve Squadrons
Raptors: 1,000; 20 Active Squadrons ;5 Reserve Squadrons
Pheonixs(Utility): 250; 7 Active Squadrons ;3 Reserve Squadrons
(Marine): 500; 15 Acive Squadrons ;5 Reserve Squadrons
Blackhawks(Mothballed): 750; no Squadrons

Habitation rings:

Size: 3 x 30KM W x 30km L x 2km H
Decks in rings: 2,925
Crew: 500,000 (civilian and military)

Main Shaft:
Height: 50km
Width: 5km

Main Dock:
3 massive class hangers presumbly for fighters and aux class ships.(but could likely nose on dock ships or if escorts are small enough actually dock them. Think colonial one sized)

Repair(s) Dock:
4 Mercuries Size bays

Upper dock:
18 Mercuries size dock
5 Aux Bays

Lower dock(the fighter hangers apparantly fire away from the bows of dock ships who knew):
24 valkyries size dock
2 Fighter Bays
10 Aux Bays

Believe it or not yes going off the sizes i have put that really is how big she would have been as ragnar was only 1/4 her size and she was nearly 10km across at the widest. (the galactica dock in the show where the main hangers are in the model.)

now before anyone points out mistakes they think i made(fair do`s im not all knowing)
All the tech mention like intergrated networks fabricator and such are real things the colonials had, at the start of the first war they had literal mind reading nueral highjacking VR Holobands. they also something called a crash intergrated network. Its original design was supposed to detect an intrusion and then basically crash the system before it did damage, unfortunatly it needed a intergrated system to work and those went caput very quickly. Comms hubs were what piggybacked of their IDRIS system before they lost that. same with the Fabricators they generally got highjacked by the cylons so fell out of favor(the pegasus was a less advanced version but could still pump out replacment MK7 Vipers.). The mining and refining the daidalos was designed to do. same with the command center, the original daidalos actually did have the holobands equipped to their consoles. They stopped using them when the cylons learnt to fry people minds using them.(its as bad as it sounds).

For the fighters the standard complement for a fleet anchorage was usually around 2000 fighters not all active or manned but they had them, for places like picon and scorpia that was more similiar to 10,000 fighters as they were major hubs. They kept them to basically refill battlestars when docked or other ships, similiar to most naval bases on earth do for carriers docking.
Raptors again a large amount but they had 3 types in the first war, The basic model which wasnt jump capable and used as plantary shuttles, The assault raptor which was the dogs as it had a rear gunner position along with attached missile pods, and the more standard one that became the raptor in the tv show.

(assault Raptor)
They also did have stealth vipers similar to the one adama shot down when he commanded the valkyrie, i would like to think they built more as most militaries did.
The pheonix was this weird shuttle for VIP`s

And finally this thing that was apparantly a sub oribital vechile, i would assume it was mothballed or the marines just kept them so i added them in.
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Hahaha great end line and glad to see you updated this again. I honestly either want to see colonials freak out and try to find the shipyard or your wonderful mc to grab up some refugees during the fall of the 12 colonies.
Probably not the latter given the timeframe, but te former is definitely going to happen.

Great update, those colonials are going to have some wicked ptsd when they get home and no-one in high command believes them until they pull out the video message the MC sends with them. Then the high command will join the freak out.
I hope the MC plays his prisoners some music from Earth to really mess with their minds
View: https://youtu.be/lR6--5t6kD8.

The thing that will really raise the questions will be the complimentary Raptors and a customer service number.

this is a good chapter. I liked it.


the amusing thing is the colonials aare actually at this point likely to believe them, if he tells them that he was created by scorpia to guard against exactly what actually happen there will likely be some pretty egg on face reactions....I would expect though that the first 2 reactions by the fleet are a)try to find the station immediatly and b)Hunt down all those other secret projects that are likely on the other colonies. I know in canon the standard centurion or the UH model was caprican, but Picon also had a competing contract for their own it didnt win the military contract so was cancelled. The cyclon baseships were mostly bulit at scorpia and were originally designed to be the anchor points for battlestar groups and the colonials technically owned them all until the cylons turned on them, i think in canon they only lost the last baseship in the last year of the war and that was because it crashed.

The other thing is keep in mind the cylons infiltrated the colonial High command aswell as the civilian populations, about 10years after this point. So daidalous would have nearing on a decade to upgrade and buildup, this might terrify the cylons as he was made as a anti cylon fighting installation, odds are they will do the same as the colonials and that is try and hunt him down as quick as possible.

The amusing image is if the fall still happens somehow, him turining up in a moon sized daidlous escorted by hundreds of jupiter class battlestars that werent built on a budget, would likly scare the bejesus out of everyone, More hilarous would be giving the battlestars all MCP based of his own and them believing hes their dad/mom going to rescue their big grump sister(galactica) and their nieces and nephews(the other battlestars and ships) WTF faces all around lol.

Oh, Egg on Face is an understatement. Turns out the colonies had an anti-cylon superweapon all along but didn't trust it enough to use it - but they couldn't even decommision it properly and now it's gone off to do whatever an automated shipyard does when its bored.

It's amazing both how close and how distant from my ideas some of these comments are.
I am really enjoying this. And I do hope that The Station gets much needed TLC and possibly get updated design specs, and If exposed to Baltar's Upgrade Package, sees the flaw and deletes the program, or informs someone about the flaw of a backdoor being almost deliberately built in.
The single most important new design spec is the miniaturised FTL drives in Raptors, which is why he took a couple intact to reverse engineer.

The rest of the new equipment is not really as important - slightly better engines, slightly better guns, etc. But his computers are already better than modern colonial equipment (the Mercury was a *return* to something like the prewar tech Daidalos has, not surpassing that aspect at least, and the colonies had full-dive vr with brain scanning back then) and even by the second war, a full war-fit Jupiter was still better than anything short of a Mercury in a straight fight.

The Valkyrie is a lot cheaper, but it also barely counts as a Battlestar imho, functioning more like a better Adamant than anything that derserves to be called a Battlestar.

Don't get me wrong it's a great ship to build a large fleet with, but it's not a Battlestar, and strikes me as a political compromise to say they're building more 'battlestars' with a smaller budget.

But yeah, too early and Daidalos is unlikely to be getting update packages from Colonial Fleet anytime soon for anything related to the CNP

Armistice to Holocaust was 40 years, so this is 30 years too early for Daidalos to be exposed to that.
nice chapter thx for writing it good to see this back in action
ah diplomacy at gun point the best kind of diplomacy
Unfortunately regular diplomacy is difficult when your only tool is killer robots.

I can just imagine what everyone is thinking about Daidalos. Like "poke it with a stick." Maybe create a third faction that sends out spam to mess with their systems.

I know that politics would be a problem on the human side but our MC would not care about it because he is the sole authority of himself. I wonder what he will create next.
We shall see!
Just found some awesome pics for reference to show sizes and types of stations and anchorages.
My favorite: its supposdly the Aerlion Anchorage personally looks awesome example of a fleet anchorage

This station could dock 24 valkyrie style battlestars on its lower docking pilons, along with space to dock 4 mercury`s or jupiters(galacticas class) she also has 8 open space minor repair bays on her lower pylons next to the bigger bays.
she had multiple hangers in her habitation rings for small craft
On her upper pylons she has a massive repair bay on one end, likly for the nova classes or battlestars bigger than mercury`s. but along her main spars she has space for 10 more mercury`s of smaller classes. ( you can actually see a mercury docked in the upper cradle on the left)

That means if a fleet is in she can dock 48 battlestars of various class, which considering you had 3 battlestars in a battlestargroup means she held enough battlestar for deply 8 battlestar groups, its likly she has bays on the habitation ring for escort ships to rollo dock nose on like galactica did at ragnar but they arent featured on the model.

Link to model Battlestar Galactica - Aerilon Fleet Shipyard - Download Free 3D model by NepsterCZ its in 3d so can see all angles.

Various stations with ships size added.
I think from left o right you have 1) replacment Picon HQ 2) What Ragnor couldve been 3) Actual Ragnar station
bottom left 1) A variation of an orbital anchorage.

Fanon combine of two designed stations

Thanks for the pics! And the ideas, the upgraded daidalos gives me some ideas...
Just for fun an awesome pic of daidalos above the scorpia shipyard
Thanks for the picture!
Honestly would love to see the mid top as a later on development of the shipyard. It be both an improvement of ship handling and docking while also building more defense and offensive weapon systems. It just a thought.
It looks like something that could concievably be built as an upgrade, yeah.

The mid top one would be perfect for a late game example, the original daidalos had the three bays already so simply removing them and building the lower assembly should be easy, but bare in mind the lower assemble docks 24 valkyrie sized, 22 jupiter/mercury`s and she also has 3 central massive bays for fighters and support craft.
You will notice aswell her lower spar leading to the comm tower(which was also the area used to link to the IDRIS network(colonial satnav basically)) and fusion reactor is massively beefed up and seems to have bigger struts aswell to the sides. that says to me she likely had a jumpdrive built in similar to daidalos, (in reality the daidalos had 4 that were syched together)

SuperDaidalos is certainly something that would give both Colonials and Cylons heart attacks, albeit for different reasons.
It looks like when it first launched not the Jupiter war refit. Still nice pic. I cant share the war-refit but it easily enough to find. Hmm maybe you can create some of the fandom battlestar designs or strikestar, gunstar, or other smaller ships for defense.
It looks like when it first launched not the Jupiter war refit. Still nice pic. I cant share the war-refit but it easily enough to find. Hmm maybe you can create some of the fandom battlestar designs or strikestar, gunstar, or other smaller ships for defense.
It's a possibility, to distinguish Daidalos from Colonial Fleet if nothing else
one final pic from as love it beutiful shot of galactica in her prime

Ah, the Mark I Jupiter.

Yes, it's a very pretty ship.
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They also did have stealth vipers similar to the one adama shot down when he commanded the valkyrie, i would like to think they built more as most militaries did.
The pheonix was this weird shuttle for VIP`s

And finally this thing that was apparantly a sub oribital vechile, i would assume it was mothballed or the marines just kept them so i added them in.
Links are broken I see nothing. This is a mix of OBSG and Nu or just NuBSG?
This could go very interesting places, I'm watching this with eager anticipation. Very big nBSG fan.
I imagine the bio-Cylons would be deeply concerned by the idea of a doomsday AI super weapon deciding to preserve human life before buggering off into deep space to do mysterious non-Cylon machine things.

Notably Daidalos appears to be one mind commanding many bodies, which in and of itself is frightening as rather than a people it is a nation unto itself, something on the path to machine godhood alone. Such a thing is intrinsically a threat to the Cylons even before any attempts to help people is apparent.

EDIT: Apartment to apparent, thank you autocorrect...
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