Yes, I know the Catholic Space Nazis are bad, that's the whole fucking point. The problem, however, comes with the setting CONSTANTLY trying to prove them RIGHT about their racism because the new writers aren't as committed to the bit the Rogue Trader devs envisioned. There's far less "oh, look, the Imperium is stabbing itself in its own back because it can't work with people" and more "well, obviously the Imperium can't just work with the Eldar, the Eldar are all liars and racists too!" It's just so boring, fuck Warhammer 40k, why did they have to kill the good Warhammer setting and replace it with some muddled Planescape-style bullshit
my reading of 40k is that it's about a character trying to be as good as they can be in the absolute worst of circumstances, whether those circumstances are societal, environmental, or internal.
and a minor quibble the emperium's culture is bigoted as all hell but the governance is closer to feudalism than classic facist central governments
This is very reductionist given his job is criticizing the right wing and so he wants to be kept up on what dumb shit they're saying. For example the only video he's done on Blaire White involved her debating trans issues with Ben Shapiro where he reluctantly had to take her side but most of the video was spent pointing out how dumb Shapiro is and even jokes about that, but he doesn't have a high opinion of her. I mean you can take a look at his uploads: "Nazi Argument Garbage Dump", "Jordan Peterson is a PSEUDOINTELLECTUAL", etc. A counterexample of this where this criticism would be valid is Pewdiepie who goes on to uncritically platform and follow these people, but this is exactly the opposite of what Vaush is doing and in fact he often has to self-censor how he actually feels about these reactionaries because his views on Nazis and Fascists for example could get him deplatformed for advocating violence against a group of people.

Furthermore you misunderstood his argument. Since that's not been his point at all. In fact he explicitly said they have to justify the inclusion of that ad based upon the consequential outcome of it's inclusion in the real world, not a Thermian argument at all. In fact the opposite of a Thermian argument. This is why he was clear to say you need some form of verbal criticism of that fetishization be it a quest line, a companion, internal narration, or a text or audiofile clearly delineating why that kind of fetishization is bad.

On the other hand, he was caught with a pretty harsh transphobic tweet recently so I have a bit more doubts about him than I had when I commented positively about the video.
Yes, I know the Catholic Space Nazis are bad, that's the whole fucking point. The problem, however, comes with the setting CONSTANTLY trying to prove them RIGHT about their racism because the new writers aren't as committed to the bit the Rogue Trader devs envisioned. There's far less "oh, look, the Imperium is stabbing itself in its own back because it can't work with people" and more "well, obviously the Imperium can't just work with the Eldar, the Eldar are all liars and racists too!" It's just so boring, fuck Warhammer 40k, why did they have to kill the good Warhammer setting and replace it with some muddled Planescape-style bullshit

I thought that was the entire point of 40k - to make a setting that is pretty much as far from regular upbeat and optimistic sci-fi as possible.
And yet it is still a place that have good people doing good things for good reasons. Sometimes things work out, sometimes not so much.
But the really good guys - they never stops trying.
I like that - it's a kitchen sink of a setting - you can tell almost any story you want.
On the other hand, he was caught with a pretty harsh transphobic tweet recently so I have a bit more doubts about him than I had when I commented positively about the video.
Did you read the tweet? I have. It was an attempt to make fun of himself and his big hands in an edgy way that didn't work because he didn't realize people are so bad at reading comprehension on both sides such that reactionaries were agreeing (and whom he was quick to correct) and certain lefties launched into full on cancel culture.

I'd find it very weird if Vaush were transphobic since at last count fully 1/3rd of his community staff are trans including myself. But maybe I'm biased, come check the discord out where we eject a transphobe about daily. :p

Honestly the most I can accuse Vaush of is being a big dumb baby who conflates sources of valid criticism with the sources of invalid criticism. So he's quicker to lash back at the invalid criticism than address the invalid.
Did you read the tweet? I have. It was an attempt to make fun of himself and his big hands in an edgy way that didn't work because he didn't realize people are so bad at reading comprehension on both sides such that reactionaries were agreeing (and whom he was quick to correct) and certain lefties launched into full on cancel culture.

I'd find it very weird if Vaush were transphobic since at last count fully 1/3rd of his community staff are trans including myself. But maybe I'm biased, come check the discord out where we eject a transphobe about daily. :p

Honestly the most I can accuse Vaush of is being a big dumb baby who conflates sources of valid criticism with the sources of invalid criticism. So he's quicker to lash back at the invalid criticism than address the invalid.

Yeah no. I read the tweet and it was him getting angry at trans people for being angry when misgendered. You're just kinder because you know the dude. Maybe he isn't always transphobic, but he did have an angry rant about trans people and the fact we care more about being misgendered than cis people (duh).

And I've heard his reaction to being called out on it has been less than stellar.
Ah fuck I'm gonna have to upgrade my gaming laptop, the poor girl's not gonna be able to handle some of the big cheeses next year otherwise.
That honestly doesn't sound that large compared to other titles - Doom (2016) has an install size of 68.6 GB (largely due to its Virtual Texturing system), Elder Scrolls Online has an install size of 101 GB, and DCS World has an install size of 66.6 GB.

That said, this is definitely not a game I'll by buying on's much more of a "wait until it's deeply discounted" title. I didn't care much for CDPR The Witcher games, so I'm wondering if this game will have the same things I disliked about The Witcher (unlikeable NPCs everywhere, obnoxious attempts to be "edgy," an irritating hyper-macho tone, etc.).
Also, it's a place holder. They're not done with the game yet. It's still going to take almost a year to come out.
we're going to be charitable
My cousin once saw a group of black man (gangsters) assault a old lady. Only white people helped. Being a black man I don't think all black people are criminals but statistically they are more likely to be criminals.
Edgy example. But the form is still bad.
I was trying to say that the quote was silly.
Now, on overall review it's evident enough that you thought the anecdotal story was a weak mention, and tried to illustrate this with deliberately 'edgy' counter-examples. Unfortunately, instead of being an effective rebuttal to Ford's point, you ended up looking sexist, racist, and overall a bit of an obtuse flop at arguing. So while this does not end with you getting points, we strongly recommend that in the future you don't try for 'edgy' in your counter-examples, since you rather missed that one here.
That said, this is definitely not a game I'll by buying on's much more of a "wait until it's deeply discounted" title. I didn't care much for CDPR The Witcher games, so I'm wondering if this game will have the same things I disliked about The Witcher (unlikeable NPCs everywhere, obnoxious attempts to be "edgy," an irritating hyper-macho tone, etc.).

Well the witcher sorta soften by the third one, but didn't quite iron out all it's flaws storywise, I think CP2077 will probably overall have a weak story because it will too busy unpacking it's univers, so they have to do a classic fairly simple macguffin driven story, but it will probably shine in a few personal moment.
Well the witcher sorta soften by the third one, but didn't quite iron out all it's flaws storywise, I think CP2077 will probably overall have a weak story because it will too busy unpacking it's univers, so they have to do a classic fairly simple macguffin driven story, but it will probably shine in a few personal moment.

Kinda got the feeling from all the stuff we have seen so far that there wasn't a main story in the normal sense ya know? Have always figured the main line would just be a method to explain the city and world's history. Still not even sure what a main storline would be. Your a mercenary, not the best monster hunter or what have you, just another person with a gun.

[Edit: Does any of the above make sense or do I seem to be rambling?]

Either way, even if it does fall flat I'm just hoping that they do a good job building out the city. Feels rare that anyone builds a city right ya know? Always feels kinda dead and empty, no matter that game. Maybe that's just me though.
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.... How many of you are still hype for Cyberpunk 2077?
I am.

Less so then Bloodlines 2 but I love Cyberpunk as a genre and I consider CDPR's qualifications as RPG creators to be excellent.

The only thing that I was worried about would be that it would have a shitty and problematic depiction of trans people, the dev's response has mollified that concern but obviously, we won't know for certain until release.
To be honest, I still am. With so many games going online-first-fuck-SP or always-online-requirement for whatever reason (I'm looking at you, Ubisoft) I'm just glad someone is making games for the single player audience that last longer than 4 hours.
Still am. Even if parts flop, figure the games going to be so large it will have to succeed in some respect. CDPR making it also helps. Say what you will about them, but they're good at their job and it shows. Also, cyberpunk. So there's that.

Actually kind of exited that the game won't have multiplayer at launch. Getting really sick of games as a service, and any game with multiplayer seems to follow that trend. Though I'm not sure if that's still the case. The no multiplayer I mean.
.... How many of you are still hype for Cyberpunk 2077?

I am, but since 48 minutes demo, my expectation have decline somewhat since what we have seen so far is quality, but nothing really out of the box(I think I'm might have been taken by the early claim every class of the orginal game would be playable), I think Bloodline 2 might actually end better in that particular respect (though CP will probably have better world building in the end)

Kinda got the feeling from all the stuff we have seen so far that there wasn't a main story in the normal sense ya know? Have always figured the main line would just be a method to explain the city and world's history. Still not even sure what a main storline would be. Your a mercenary, not the best monster hunter or what have you, just another person with a gun.

it make sense
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I'm definitely interested, because it's a cool setting (although Shadowrun is my cyberpunk RPG of choice), and the gameplay bits we've seen so far look cool. And we need more true single-player games instead of online multiplayer with maybe a half-assed campaign attached. (And more split-screen co-op, dammit. I want to be able to play with friends on my console!)

I don't play many games anymore, and I'm not gonna buy this one until after it's out and I've had a chance to read some reviews. I don't buy shit sight-unseen based on hype. But if the buzz is positive, then there's a pretty good chance that I will.

Kinda got the feeling from all the stuff we have seen so far that there wasn't a main story in the normal sense ya know? Have always figured the main line would just be a method to explain the city and world's history. Still not even sure what a main storline would be. Your a mercenary, not the best monster hunter or what have you, just another person with a gun.
There's been some mentions of an overarching story about the player character stealing a chip that multiple factions want. I suspect that it'll be like Fallout or Skyrim in that you can wander away from the plot as much as you want, but I personally like having a story to follow instead of aimlessly wandering a sandbox. I like games to have a narrative.
Despite the RPS article that made the combat sound lackluster and the story path a bit simplified, I'm still extremely excited. There's enough time for CDPR to sort at least some of it out, and they can always push it back a bit if they need to. I think everyone who's watching this game (or any game, really) would rather the developers turn out a great product later than a subpar product sooner.

But even if the game doesn't fire on all cylinders, it can still be awesome as long as enough parts really work. Mass Effect had a bunch of clunky stuff but there was enough that went right for it to be an all-time classic game. I love cyberpunk, so if this is as good as Mass Effect then it's going to be one of my favorite games of all time, probably.

I mean, I don't play a ton of games, and this is the one that'll get me back into it after a five-year hiatus.
I'm on the fence since even regardless of everything else, I can deal with gameplay I don't like in most other RPGs because I'm not super attached to fantasy melee and spellslinging when it comes to how well it feels (like I like Mount & Blade style but Modded Skyrim is perfectly serviceable) , but make me go through bad shooter gameplay design nowadays and I will give you a multi paragraph rant on how much this sucks to play as and how just giving me options to avoid doing the shooter parts is just a bandage on a giant open wound. :V

Also like once you drop the AAA requirement there's quite a few recent RPGs or RPG adjacent games nowadays that are in my areas of interest so CDPR's marketing strategy of bringing back the old days doesn't really work on me.
Personally, I'd have been full on anti hype a while ago. Now I'm not, because of the double jumping and promising gameplay footage. The transphobia still sucks.
If I can play a man with a woman's body it's a day one purchase for me. Especially if I can swap my body and voice around as I play.