CV12Hornet Cleans Out His Fanfiction Favorites List (Beware of Shit Taste)

Which list should I go through first?


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    Votes: 8 22.2%
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  • Sufficient Velocity.

    Votes: 2 5.6%

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Our prologue to this shameful journey


Tacoma, Washington
Hello, denizens of Sufficient Velocity!

So, I've read fanfiction for quite a while. For eight years, in fact!1​ And in those eight years I've read a lot of fanfics. Thousands. And I know it's thousands, because I've got over 1000 fanfics favorited, watched, or followed on four different websites. The numbers don't lie. And I like to think I do a good job keeping those lists mostly shame-free. There are the inevitable nostalgia fics I can't let go of or guilty pleasures, but between not favoriting anything in my stupid-ass teenage years and a bit of trimming over the years I thought I kept things pretty clean.

Key word being thought.

Now, thanks to @Fernandel deciding to undergo this process in ritual humiliation himself a while back, it has come to my attention that my various lists may not be as clean as I thought2​. As such, I will be following his example and doing a cleanup, going through my favorites lists and the stories therein and either giving them the thumbs-up or drop-kicking them off like a Puntable Child3​. However, since this is my list, there will be a couple of changes from Fernandel's effort. First, I will be going in order of publish date, so I can talk about trends and stuff like that. Second, these will be rereads, because I have nothing better to do, and as such expect some... delays as I muscle through big fanfics4​.

Aside from that, Fernandel's rules go. This is my list, try to avoid massive discussions on fics, be civil to each other (and me), and no reading ahead.

Oh, one other change. Since this is over four websites, I'm going to have you guys choose in the poll above. Which list do you want to see me go through first?

  1. Great, now I feel old.
  2. A Black Comedy will be covered, I promise.
  3. We have all encountered at least one of these in our life. Probably at a grocery store.
  4. *Eyes The Dilgar War. Whimpers in anticipation*
Now, thanks to @Fernandel deciding to undergo this process in ritual humiliation himself a while back, it has come to my attention that my various lists may not be as clean as I thought2.
So, uuuuuuh...

Remember how you told me several times how you repeatedly went over your fanfic lists, since you kept re-reading them, and kept culling the bad stuff?

Remember how confident you were, @CV12Hornet ?


(I will probably never stop teasing you about this)

Also, I have apparently started a trend. What the everloving fuck :o

In any case, hmm, which community to choose first... Decisions, decisions...

EDIT: I seem to have have called you by the wrong name. Goddamn it; it's far too late for shenanigans.
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Oh, boy, CV12 going through his favorites? I'm biased, start with ponyfic because ponyfic has stuff like The Immortal Game, Lines and Webs, and The Conversion Bureau. :V

(Also you have your own fic.)
Ooo, another one! Thread watched, because I'm curious on what fics other people read, and this is in a way a fic rec thread too. Of course, the commiseration of shared (terrible) tastes in fanfiction is also part of the attraction lol.
So, uuuuuuh...

Remember how you told me several times how you repeatedly went over your fanfic lists, since you kept re-reading them, and kept culling the bad stuff?

Remember how confident you were, @CV12Hornet ?


(I will probably never stop teasing you about this)

Also, I have apparently started a trend. What the everloving fuck :o

In any case, hmm, which community to choose first... Decisions, decisions...

EDIT: I seem to have have called you by the wrong name. Goddamn it; it's far too late for shenanigans.
Yes, Fernandel-Senpai, you did, indeed, tell me so.

By the way, crows are annoyingly scrawny. Not much meat to them.



Oh, boy, CV12 going through his favorites? I'm biased, start with ponyfic because ponyfic has stuff like The Immortal Game, Lines and Webs, and The Conversion Bureau. :V

(Also you have your own fic.)
Oh, I ain't touching any of my own fics with a ten-foot pole1​. That's a little too much shame for my poor constitution.

*looks at listed fics*

Besides, I think my Fimfic list will have enough shame for your tastes...

  1. That'll mostly become relevant when we reach SB/SV.
Well, there's still six hours or so still on the poll, but I think it's safe to call the result. My list is up first for scrutiny, and that means we're taking a blast to the past. Yes, everyone, the first fics I'll be covering were published in 2000. Full writeup to come.
Year 2000
Yes, 2000. I like reading old fics, sue me. And because I like to read old fics, I have something of an idea of what internet fanfiction was like before cornered the market.

And let me tell you, for all that FFN gets crap for being a "pit of voles", it's a damn sight better than the old days, when if you were lucky the author had bothered to create a website for their fic. A lot of fanfics were actually .txt files or ghettoed away on some message board somewhere. And a lot of these fanfics are gone, the .txt files deleted or squirreled away on old hard drives, the websites increasingly only accessible via Wayback Machine. FFN centralized things, and with millions of fanfics stored on one set of servers it should be easier to preserve in case the site goes down.

The fandom landscape was also very different. Modern stalwarts like Harry Potter and Naruto have basically no presence in the old, off-FFN scene; they were simply too new. There's quite a bit of old sci-fi stuff: Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5. And of anime? Three stand out: Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, and Ranma 1/2.

And up first is a DBZ fic.

Raditz's Return

By: Dragoness Eclectic
Hey, you just can't keep a bad Saiyan down. Not this one, anyway. And eight years in Hell can change even a Saiyan warrior's attitude.. especially when his dead prince seeks him out in Hell and requires a small favor of him.
Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Raditz, Bulma - Chapters: 13 - Words: 35,660 - Reviews: 255 - Favs: 231 - Follows: 44 - Updated: Feb 2, 2001 - Published: Feb 13, 2000 - Status: Complete - id: 11469

Ah, DBZ. The show has a special place in my heart; it was the first manga I read, the first anime I watched, and I read the manga so many times that I can recall most of it panel-for-panel. And yet, for such a popular show, it's been surprisingly hard to find good DBZ fanfiction. Probably because its heyday was in the early 2000s before fanfiction in general really took off mid-decade. This means that quite a few of the best fics in the fandom are old, like this one1​.

Raditz's Return is actually part of a series, which leads to a few unexplained past events, but for the most part it works as a standalone, and if you really want to read the full series, the author has kindly put the stories in order on her profile page. The basic idea is that Vegeta is dead - again. And this time he can't be brought back by the Earth Dragon Balls. Both he and Bulma set off to find a way to bring him back to life without the Dragon Balls, diving deep into old mythology - real Earth mythology. And while he does so, he has Raditz be a spiritual bodyguard for Bulma, which is a good thing, because when you're looking for old myths you run into some nasty things.

Characterization is on point, toddler Goten is adorable, and everything fits together neatly, but this DBZ, we're not here for that. The big fight does something that Dragon Ball Z itself never did and the fanfiction rarely does: the fight isn't a power to power slugfest. The bad guy isn't stronger than the good guys, he's just really tricky and difficult to kill. That's really refreshing, honestly.

Verdict: Stays on the list for adorable toddler Goten, good characterization, and a bad guy that isn't defeated by blasting him harder.

That's one. And the next fic is from-

Alright, it's time to talk about Ranma 1/2 fanfiction.

All the problems people complain about in Naruto and Harry Potter fanfiction? The rampant fanon masquerading as canon, character bashing and shilling galore, toxic shipping wars, etc etc?

Yeah, the Ranma 1/2 fandom did it first.

Akane especially gets the short end of the stick; her short temper is canon, but fanfiction tends to amp it to screeching harpy levels. I think. It's been a bit since I sat down and read Ranma 1/2 with any sort of intensity. The point is, Ranma 1/2 is a series that would benefit tremendously from a dedicated reread, much like the Naruto reread over on SB.

What does this have to do with the next fic? Well...

The Tomboy Solution

By: C. Jones

Ranma's concerned about Akane's level of skill, and has a unique solution to the problem. Will Ukyou, Kodachi, and Shampoo survive?
Rated: Fiction K - English - Humor - Words: 3,875 - Reviews: 39 - Favs: 85 - Follows: 22 - Published: Oct 13, 2000 - id: 91092

Because when you have rampant fanon infecting a fanfiction scene, someone's gonna start playing with that.

Case in point, this fic, which at first blush seems like it's using the standard fanon characterization of Akane. But then the fic shows that not only is Ranma deliberately winding Akane up as much as he can, when he's not doing that she's actually fairly mellow.

More importantly, the results are hilarious, and I do mean that. I was laughing out loud at points. That said, like most humor, YMMV. The writing style echoes what I use for my own comedy drabble fic, so probably speaks to me more than most.

Verdict: Stays on the list because it's hilarious.

Hmm... no shame yet.

*eyes 2001*

Well, we'll see what 2001 delivers on that front. See you next time!
  1. The fic uses Saiyajin instead of Saiyan at a few points, for Pete's sake!
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Isn't C. Jones a member of SV? Or maybe I've mistaken with someone else? Still, I watched Dragonball (and read a bit of the manga when my brother managed to borrow them from his friends) when I was in primary school. That time, I don't even know the existence of fanfictions and I don't have much interest in DBZ's fanfics these days anyway since I don't really try to refresh my interest on them.

Ranma 1/2 however never pinged my radar so nothing to comment on that.

Wow, already earning that "not enough shit taste" tag.
He still got thousands of fics he need to look over. The shit fics may not be here yet.
Oh man, Ranma 1/2. The only anime fandom where you never needed to watch a single minute of the original show to write fanfic about it. :V

And Dragonball fanfic. Huh. Interesting. Not something I came across in my own ramblings. Well, Team Four Star excepted.

Also, I don't know how many fics you got to crawl through, @CV12Hornet, but if it's a lot, might be a good idea to consider blasting through a lot of them.

I assume you don't want to still be here in ten years. :p
Wow, already earning that "not enough shit taste" tag.
Isn't C. Jones a member of SV? Or maybe I've mistaken with someone else? Still, I watched Dragonball (and read a bit of the manga when my brother managed to borrow them from his friends) when I was in primary school. That time, I don't even know the existence of fanfictions and I don't have much interest in DBZ's fanfics these days anyway since I don't really try to refresh my interest on them.

Ranma 1/2 however never pinged my radar so nothing to comment on that.

He still got thousands of fics he need to look over. The shit fics may not be here yet.
Trust me, the shit is coming. Besides A Black Comedy, there are a number of fics that have dropped off my "follow the updates" radar but are still on the list. That should be fairly fruitful. Not to mention I still have the very first fanfic I ever read sitting in the list.

And then there's the other lists.

Oh man, Ranma 1/2. The only anime fandom where you never needed to watch a single minute of the original show to write fanfic about it. :V

And Dragonball fanfic. Huh. Interesting. Not something I came across in my own ramblings. Well, Team Four Star excepted.

Also, I don't know how many fics you got to crawl through, @CV12Hornet, but if it's a lot, might be a good idea to consider blasting through a lot of them.

I assume you don't want to still be here in ten years. :p
Oh, trust me, I'm going to pick up the pace. The next batch is of four fics. At this rate, I'll be finished with every single one of them by the end of next week!

Or maybe not.
lot of fanfics were actually .txt files or ghettoed away on some message board somewhere. And a lot of these fanfics are gone, the .txt files deleted or squirreled away on old hard drives, the websites increasingly only accessible via Wayback Machine.
Those fancy millenials with your Ao's and effeffdotnets!

Back in my day we only had one resolution we only had 1024x768. And the text was left justified leaving half the screen a blinding white!

You brats don't know how good you have it.

Hearts of Ice
I hope some of you like Ranma 1/2 fanfiction, because 2001 is aaaaaallllll Ranma fanfiction. It's not that much different from 2000 in that regard.

Now, let's see what our first fic is...

Hearts of Ice

By: Krista Perry
Shampoo casts a spell with dragon blood and sends Akane to the realm of gods and demons. Ranma decides to get her back, and nothing - not even insanity or death - will stop him. Hearts of Ice is complete as of 6/20/2009.
Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure/Romance - Ranma, Akane, Nabiki, Ryoga - Chapters: 26 - Words: 288,163 - Reviews: 497 - Favs: 859 - Follows: 229 - Updated: Jun 20, 2009 - Published: Apr 24, 2001 - Status: Complete - id: 264446
Oh boy. This might be a while.

Hours later:

Holy shit.

I'm sorry I don't have anything more eloquent to say, and that there's only one fic here instead of the four I promised, but... Jesus Christ this fic was amazing. This is a ship fic, but it's a ship fic that reads like an honest-to-goodness love story. It's painful and tragic and it sucks you in and makes you desperately want a happy ending for Akane and Ranma. It's full of human misjudgement and divine capriciousness and sometimes you just want to scream at your screen because you have the whole story and the characters don't and they're making all the wrong decisions and-!

Sorry. Rambling. Anyway, yeah, this fic is just... I have no words. I don't. Except this: if you have any interest in Ranma 1/2 fanfiction, read this.

Verdict: Stays on the list, because just look at what I wrote above.
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2001 continued and 2002
Well, Fernandel's right about one thing: I need to pick up the pace, especially after Hearts of Ice wrecked my shit and my schedule. So today, we'll finish off 2001 and hopefully get through 2002; five fics in total.

And we start with...


By: Arthur Hansen
What if Ranma wasn't the best?
Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 30,844 - Reviews: 52 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 17 - Updated: Jan 28, 2002 - Published: Jun 10, 2001 - Status: Complete - id: 313272
For want of a nail, a kingdom was lost...

That poem provides the inspiration for endless legions of fanfics that change one small thing, one small change that snowballs into something completely unrecognizable. When done well, it's an organic way to plausibly build an AU setting. When done poorly, you get an incoherent mess.

Birthright is more the former than the latter. Its one small change - namely, that the Tendos get a housekeeper after Mrs. Tendo dies - results in a very different Tendo family when Ranma crashes into their lives, and these differences are all positive - with one major exception. But we'll get to that.

I'm honestly unsure how I feel about this story. On the one hand, I mostly like the changes to the Tendo family and the effect that has on the canon character dynamics. On the other hand, I don't like what the author does with Nabiki, and on a technical level it's a rather telly story with a lot of awkward sentences and sparse descriptions.

Verdict: But on the other hand those technical issues didn't stop me from powering through the story. I think I'll let it stay.

And next up is... oh, this is going to be fun.

Girl Days

By: Kenko
People keep telling me to put this here. Well, all right. It's basically the often used 'Ranma has to be a girl for a while' plot... but, well, not that after all. Because I'm a humorist, I do it without angst. If you haven't seen it before... get rea
Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 20 - Words: 110,866 - Reviews: 385 - Favs: 902 - Follows: 514 - Updated: Jun 18, 2016 - Published: Jul 7, 2001 - id: 345691
As Kenko says, "Ranma has to be a girl for a while" is a common plot in Ranma 1/2 fanfiction, as is its close cousin "Ranma is locked into girl-form for good". And also as Kenko says, this is usually an opportunity for lots of angst. I don't like angst. Or I should say that I have a fairly low tolerance for the stuff.

Kenko does, too, and Girl Days is very firmly a comedy fic. I've found myself laughing out loud multiple times at some of the absurdity of the situations Ranma and company get into. Don't worry, we'll get some more serious examples later in the list to poke at.

Another point in the fic's favor is that it has a very original flavor feel. Aside from some toning down of the comedic sociopathy of canon, the events in Girl Days very much feel like they could fit into the Ranma 1/2 manga. As you might guess, aside from the main plot device acting as connective tissue, most of the parts are standalone.

As for said main plot device, it's Nodoka Saotome deciding that since Ranma turns into a girl, he needs to know how to act as one, and as such coerces him into remaining in girl-form for an extended time. And goddamn am I glad this isn't played for angst, otherwise that idea would come across as rather... abusive. But it is a comedy fic with no angst, so we can enjoy the humor guilt-free.

Verdict: It's funny, so it stays.

Alright, next up is... Ah. It's time to talk about the Fuku Fic.

The Fuku Fic is a very specific type of fanfiction: specifically, it's a crossover between Ranma 1/2 and Sailor Moon where Ranma becomes a Senshi. That last is important. Straight crossovers between the two don't qualify, it has to have Ranma transforming into a Senshi, though not necessarily one of the canon ones. It says something that that specific a premise was common enough to spawn an actual genre.

And like most fanfiction trends, subversions inevitably cropped up.


By: Kenko
Ranma the Magical Girl? Yup. Sailor Senshi? Nope. And the Senshi are DAMN aware of this. Besides, there's the rabbit...
Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 5 - Words: 31,259 - Reviews: 127 - Favs: 297 - Follows: 246 - Published: Aug 25, 2001 - id: 380988
Paragon follows most of the main beats of the Fuku Fic: new threat similar to the last few seasons of Sailor Moon in aesthetic, power, and motivation; Ranma being rather unwillingly dragged into being a Senshi, often with a side-order of being mode-locked; Ranma wowing the rest of the Senshi with her super-awesome skills and powers, etc, etc. Most. Those differences make Paragon a rather more enjoyable read than most Fuku Fics.

First, Ranma is a magical girl - but not a Senshi. This is a major plot point in what little story there is. That means a different set of motivations and powers, different effects on his home life, and sundry other things. Second, you might notice that this is written by the same author as Girl Days, and it's got a good does of Girl Days' humor. It's not the laugh-out-loud comedy that Girl Days is, but I've always been of the opinion that dramatic works could stand to break things up with a good joke more often.

And I'll admit: this sort of story is a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine, both the magical girl parts (which I unashamedly love) and the look-at-this-awesome-character shilling (which is the guilty pleasure part).

Unfortunately, Paragon was unable to get very far in its story, so there's not a whole lot that's substantive. I like it, but I'd never recommend it.

Verdict: Stays on the list because it subverts the usual Fuku Fic formula and I like this kind of story anyway.

That's 2001 down, finally, and as I said, 2002 is much more spare. We're also moving out of the Ranma fandom - and back into a familiar one.

Reflections by Moonlight

By: CSHayden
Krillin's P.O.V. on the night of his honeymoon
Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - Krillin, Android 16 - Words: 1,441 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 1 - Published: Mar 21, 2002 - id: 672276
This fic is exactly what you'd expect to be: a fluffy one-shot that's really not much more than that. Well, not quite true. It packs in a few small character and background notes in. Surprisingly many for 1400 words. But honestly, even without that it's decently executed fluff, and sometimes that's what you want.

Verdict: Stays on the list because sometimes we need a bit of fluff in our lives.

And one last fic for 2002, which is...
Genma's Journal

By: Thrythlind
Nabiki makes a copy of Genma's journal and reads it. The secrets she discovers are disturbing to say the least. The Ryouga torture is finally somewhat toned down as I promised about two years ago.
Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Romance - Words: 19,525 - Reviews: 58 - Favs: 223 - Follows: 62 - Published: Apr 6, 2002 - id: 705578
Of all the characters in Ranma 1/2, I think only Happosai rivals Genma Saotome in how much the fandom dislikes and outright hates him. And it's not hard to see why. Genma, through sheer, gross negligent stupidity, is responsible for... probably 50% of the problems Ranma faces throughout the series. As far as I remember, it's never malicious, but remember the corollary to Hanlon's razor: sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice.

Genma's Journal is a case in point, reinterpreting Genma's bumbling stupidity into true malice. I'm... not sure I like this interpretation of Genma's character. I don't like how the pairings slide so quickly and easily into each other. Genma only gets chased a bit; we don't get to see any of what could have been a hilarious beatdown. The whole thing is played for more drama than I'd like, in fact. Add on the technical issues and some odd formatting, and... well, I started skimming. That's always a bad sign.

I mean, I can see why I favorited this fic in the first place. It has some good ideas to it beyond the premise, and while it is dramatic that is an appropriate avenue to take. It's more of an execution problem, and I've become harsher on that over the years.

Verdict: Struck from the list for clumsy execution of a potentially good premise1​.

Man, where's the shame? Even my first fic struck isn't very shameful.

*eyes later years*

Yeah... it's coming. Slowly, but it's coming.
  1. Not the last time we'll run into that problem, I suspect.
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A Not so Simple Wish

By: Ebiris
Ranma wishes to be free of the nyannichuan curse, but cursed objects never make things too simple. Now a permanantly female Ranma is stuck in a world where Ranma was never cursed, and the only way to return home (fully cured) is to win Ranma-kun's love.
Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 13 - Words: 54,982 - Reviews: 544 - Favs: 698 - Follows: 413 - Updated: Jul 11, 2003 - Published: Jan 30, 2003 - id: 1210454
Fun fact: I spent most of the first chapter (which is really five jammed together) wondering why I liked this story. And honestly? I don't really have an answer.

Even Past Me doesn't have much of an excuse: this is one of my more recent additions. I mean, I got a few chuckles out of this, especially in the Kodachi parts, and the AU aspects produce some interesting ideas, but it's just... dull. And the wanton cruelty to the poor comma doesn't help either. Maybe it gets better, but I find myself not caring overmuch.

God, I'm struggling to say anything about this fic.

So let's not say anything else!

Verdict: Off the list for being unspeakably dull.

A Cold Wind Blows

By: Aondehafka
Akane masters a new discipline that leaves her the strongest fighter in Nerima... but the price is brutally high.
Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Romance - Words: 27,467 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 37 - Follows: 5 - Published: Feb 24, 2003 - id: 1248414
I've mentioned before Ranma's shipping wars. It could get messy back then, especially since the colossal love dodecahedron the various ships created meant that resolving one of the ships involving Ranma would allow other, secondary ships to fall in line. Still, Akane/Ranma was the most prominent, and most reasonable shippers would agree that it had the most canon support. Setting up the other ships properly needed to throw up a change to the status quo.

Of course, given how contentious that relationship could be, you generally only needed one.

Or two, in the case of this fic. The first being that Shampoo is convinced to moderate her behavior towards Ranma, and the second being Akane discovering and mastering the new discipline mentioned in the summary1​. The result is Ranma and Shampoo getting jammed together in a pairing, but these two changes work together to make it seem reasonably organic and plausible. It helps that it's pretty massive for a one-shot.

Granted, the fic isn't anything special, but I see no reason to condemn it, either.

Verdict: Stays on the list for good romantic development and no glaring flaws.

And next... we get out of the Ranma fandom for a bit!


And we move into Hikaru no Go instead!

Okay, that's a little harsh. It's an excellent manga, a big part of my childhood, I heartily recommend it... and the fandom is a mess of yaoi. Like, I understand why, even moreso than action-oriented shonen series, but as someone who doesn't care for that it can really be a pain in the ass.

Brightly Burning

By: Aishuu
In a different world, Hikaru never steps into Touya Kouyo's salon. When he is fifteen, the Go world starts to take notice of a terrifying new insei with amazing strength...
Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 14 - Words: 65,401 - Reviews: 1,686 - Favs: 2,501 - Follows: 2,005 - Updated: Jan 3, 2009 - Published: Jun 17, 2003 - id: 1387722
The basic idea behind Brightly Burning is that Shindo Hikaru, by missing his canon first meeting with Touya Akira, never dives into the Go world. But he's still got Sai in his head, and Sai is still playing online Go, and eventually - much like in canon - Sai disappears. And Hikaru only enters the Go world then.

Thus, only one person gets to see his development as a player, a person who is now happily enjoying his afterlife. Shindo Hikaru, in this fic, is an enigma wrapped up in a mystery, terrifyingly talented and also lonely and still grieving.

The interested part is that the fic never shows anything from Hikaru's perspective. Everything about him is seen through the eyes of others. It's an effective choice, and one think should be used for Outside Context Problems in general, but I do wish the fic could have dived into Hikaru's perspective once or twice.

Verdict: Stays on the list, despite its unconventional structure.

And that's 2003. Tomorrow, 2004 - except for one of that year's fics, because it's a monster that may take a few days to tackle.
  1. Incidentally, that's the weakest part of the fic, not because of the mechanics or the changes that flow, but because it makes you wonder how she ever encountered the technique at all. The short epilogue bit at the end just raises further questions.
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Paragon, Girl Days, various other R1/2 fics from the dawn of this rate I'll never need to do my own list. I'll just be able to point to yours.
Oooo Hikaru no Go. I read HnG manga more as an interesting side story in lieu of other, more interesting manga like Bleach and Naruto and One Piece. In fact, I read it because the artist was the same artist for Death Note manga.

At first. Then I saw the little (a lot) of factoids of Go placed into the manga then I got interested to read it until the end. I am supremely unsatisfied with the ending, but that's the point I think. People move on, including ghosts and their hosts. Life goes on.

Then a few years later I found HnG fanfictions, starting with esama's Watch and Learn series. Like, yaoi may spiced up the interactions if written right, but I actually prefer seeing the non-yaoi interactions. Hikaru/Sai however is a given since how attached both of them to each other, and an arc is dedicated in the manga of Hikaru coping to Sai's loss.

I think I found a few well-written fics that does not include yaoi elements but that's few and far between. The latest ones are mostly on AO3 though, so no on fav list for me. Heck I don't even bookmark any of them, they are so distinct from the rest in the AO3 pile.
Man, I love Girl Days. It's one of the better Ranma 1/2 fics out there. It's just a pity that Kenko dropped off the face of the Earth because I'd have loved to see it continued.