I wasn't treble-classing, honest.
What you did there, I see it. Fortunately, I was saved from mental anguish by sheer drowsiness.
With no clear kingdom building (that the OC is involved with), main antagonists (in the cultivation world), or overriding conflicts, the D&D/cultivation progression really carries the lion's share of the story's linear progression. Which is fine, for as long as a build up phase can be drawn out.
It's also clear that Xiao Li's some kind of protagonist, but what of his goals? Power, love and re-incorporating his grandmother? If there were hints of something more, I'm spacing them.
Hopefully Mei Wen doesn't split the group, cause her long term goals seem to be travel and cultivate; which sounds a bit too close to Slice of Life to be interesting.
Also, I'm really really hoping she keeps her relationship with Xiao Li as a friend or sibling. While a gradual change in sexual preferences could be good for story development, especially for a long lived person/race, I'd hate it; Potentially good for storytelling, but disappointing for me.