There would always be power dynamics in any relationship,

Not only that, there's also changing power dynamics in a relationship.

In most Xianxia stories, the protagonist is going up faster than anyone else.
They might start lower than a love interest, but they will almost certainly be at a similar level, and stronger in a fight by the time they actually start a relationship.

What if you had a Dao Companion who surpassed you?
You spend 500 years with someone, and they are always junior, then they get a lucky break and suddenly they are your senior!
Even if your personal dynamics remain the same, everyone else would defer to them more.

I could easily imagine a few really ugly breakups, or extremely reckless attempts to "regain the dynamic" happening.
Heh, I really liked how Mei Wen is combining techniques and philosophies to create a more solid foundation. The "Rick and Morty" bit was inspired.

Also, having the Sect actively appreciate her inventions was also a nice touch. She's not just a pretty face and a strong fist. No! She is also a magical nerd and won't let anyone forget that!

You need to drop a drop a blood
drop a drop - drip a drop

I wonder if those Qi tentacles are standard?
"Qi tentacles" ...Yeah, with Mei Wen's tendencies we ALL know exactly what she's going to use those for.
Yaaaa my favorite part is how she interacts with things socially especialy in how people react to her alongside all the little unsaid things that go into actually making all of this work in anything like a functional manner that also includes how the feudal elements are effected by the Cultivator business and alternate ways for Succession to be handled
Yaaaa my favorite part is how she interacts with things socially especialy in how people react to her alongside all the little unsaid things that go into actually making all of this work in anything like a functional manner that also includes how the feudal elements are effected by the Cultivator business and alternate ways for Succession to be handled
I just love how Li Xiao has all those YOU DARES protagonist things, while the people she engages with are all mostly very reasonable.
I really like how Mei Wen held back her cultivation speed when she started feeling pain. That's completely against normal cultivation logic but also makes sense. Pain is your body telling you something is wrong and you should probably do this differently or stop altogether. Her breaking through forcefully but also almost gently was interesting.

As for her spells, is she basically up casting them? Or is it something like having a higher casting level? I am curious if she can pump more magic into a spell to enhance it or if that's not something available to her because she doesn't have metamagic or something.
What if you had a Dao Companion who surpassed you?
Well, there are different perspectives on that. Excluding settings where it's just a fancy title for a mundane marriage, there's always some form of "equalization" for "Heaven-Mandated" Dao Companions. In the worst case, you just can't break through when your stage is one step higher than your partner. In the best case, you share your talents and cultivation speed with your partner. And variations in between.
What if you had a Dao Companion who surpassed you?
You spend 500 years with someone, and they are always junior, then they get a lucky break and suddenly they are your senior!
Even if your personal dynamics remain the same, everyone else would defer to them more.

I could easily imagine a few really ugly breakups, or extremely reckless attempts to "regain the dynamic" happening.
There are two things you're talking about there: comprehension of their Dao (Path/concept) and cultivation levels. The latter is usually based on the Taoist idea of internal alchemy, and while a certain comprehension of their Dao is usually a requirement to higher levels of cultivation, (not unlike the Philosopher's Stone in western alchemy), Dao comprehension isn't one to one with cultivation.

Technically speaking the male/female and Yin/Yang match is just because the idea is that you'll get more insights you'd otherwise never have reached from living with a companion who follows a radically different Dao. And likewise, the sexual overtone is simply due to the advantages of that for dual cultivation. And so any mismatch in power levels is just a pragmatic concern and not really even relevant compared to the insights into your Dao a Dao Companion offers from their differing perspective.

But on the other hand that's like saying marriage is just a contract, it's true but throwing away all the cultural and romantic subtext is missing the forest for the trees. Any real Dao Companions as opposed to 'Dao Companions' who are just another word for lovers would want to keep their relative progress to reaching the formless Dao and cultivation roughly on par, but the latter exist too in a lot of xianxia where the role has less commitment and seriousness.
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So why did she get covered in gunk when ascending to a new cultivation tier? Does that happen every time?
So why did she get covered in gunk when ascending to a new cultivation tier? Does that happen every time?
Yeah, its a refinement of the body, a staple of cultivation stories. The impuraties form as black gunk so fucking disgusting that there are dedicated bathing areas that are then purged in some cultivation chambers.

"Qi tentacles" ...Yeah, with Mei Wen's tendencies we ALL know exactly what she's going to use those for.

Lol, now she can actually fuck 6 women at once, probably more. I wonder if a copy of her would also have the tentacles. Exponential lesbianism, sounds like an amazing band name to be honest.
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At least she didn't have to vomit them out, which is sometimes how it works!

Oh yeah, Ive rarely seen more involved taste descriptions than in those scenes. They love to paint it as the most disgusting thing that could possibly be allowed to exist.
Sometimes it's sudden magic diarrhea or black pee. Other times you breathe it out, so of course it goes right past those scent receptors.
Man, that is one satisfying update. Thanks very much!

Foundation is complete and it's time for some Adventure! Getting confirmation that Mei Wen is known as a bit of a hound was fun.

But if course the real triumph is in Xianxia spreadsheets. I do somewhat wish we had a little more info on the Elder who helped but the way it's contained is well done. Otherwise I'd imagine it might take over a bit too much.

This has been a pretty great fic so far and a solid candidate for Kindle Unlimited. Though the current RR Algo biasing for frequent updates is actively sabotaging chapter quality, there's
I really like how Mei Wen held back her cultivation speed when she started feeling pain. That's completely against normal cultivation logic but also makes sense. Pain is your body telling you something is wrong and you should probably do this differently or stop altogether. Her breaking through forcefully but also almost gently was interesting.

As for her spells, is she basically up casting them? Or is it something like having a higher casting level? I am curious if she can pump more magic into a spell to enhance it or if that's not something available to her because she doesn't have metamagic or something.
All her ranged spells now have a longer range, and she has more spell slots for levels she could already cast.
I shook my head. I didn't think I could beat Xiao Li's love interest unless I attacked her from ambush, and that wasn't possible in the tournament. That bitch was like Lina from DoTA 2, and I couldn't move fast enough to dodge her ult. Even going invisible wouldn't save me, as she could use indiscriminate flame attacks to find me and then lock on like a JDAM. I'd seen her do it.

She won every year, so I didn't see a reason to stay around. I would if Xiao Li wanted to come with me and yet still wanted to compete, but I had a feeling he might want to head out, too. Perhaps we could convince Xi Mengyao to come with us. She was like self-propelled artillery, so it would be a good match-up.
At this point I'm just waiting to see how much she's misinterpreted these relationships, because of course she has.
Pacing seems a little fast but it's reminiscent of other Spira stories. Lingering on certain things for a while then moving way on.
So why did she get covered in gunk when ascending to a new cultivation tier? Does that happen every time?
She's a real woman now, she doesn't poop anymore.

But seriously, I think around Nascent Soul the quality of their spiritual food is so high it's 100% energy, 0% waste. Stuff like 10 000 year old Ginseng or Fire Lotus and whatever, so they eat only to cultivate or for pleasure, they don't need sustenance.

Even more seriously, marry me Mei Wei.
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So I was thinking about how Mei Wen should be able to learn fireball because it's a third level spell. But how it's also not all that useful to her because it's fire. This led to me wondering if it would be possible for her to make a kinda cold/yin fireball. Cold fire actually makes a lot of sense from a magical perspective if you think about it. Fire pulls energy from stuff and converts it into fire. Cold pulls heat (energy) from stuff as well. So couldn't you make something that pulls energy from stuff to make more cold fire? It just needs to not release the heat again.