Will Mei Wen remain in the outer sect long-term, or will she get pulled into the inner sect even if she doesn't enter the tournament and sword good? Would she be accepted if she does win the tournament without swording good?
Once she hits the next major stage (shes at 6 of nine minor stages) she goes up to Jade Peak bc she is running the girls society club thingy, and if she doesn't fuck up rather badly that means she gets an autopass into Jade Peak, which is one of the several "Core" sect bits iirc (it goes Outer -> Inner -> Core -> Personal Student). This may be wrong/infected by some other xianxia fic, but I think its accurate.
Again? I sighed. Maybe I should move houses, but I was quite fond of the servants that worked in this one, so I would keep it. Fang'er was proving to be both an intelligent worker and a cultivation prodigy as far as the servant disciples thought. She was already mid-way through the first level of Qi Gathering.
Hey, training servants takes time and effort, even if sitting there being a landmine for newbies who haven't done any research is occasionally annoying.
Wonder what a couple of secondary characters think of our Danger Kitten. Especially Chen Dexin.
Well she's definitely convinced that Mei Wen is a cat now. So that was successful. 😃

So, Mei Wen seems to possibly not realize how much she's helped that young servant of hers. I think her name is Fang something. Anyway, I wonder if accidental apprentice girl has any idea how much she's been helped. She got her ability to sense Qi earlier because of a formation. She has access to the training room that is generally for high ranking outer sect disciples while a servant. Mei Wen is probably also encouraging her growth unlike what most disciples would do.

She's probably going to realize it eventually I just wonder if she knows how luck she got yet.
This whole thing is just delightful. The combo of wizardry and cultivation being OP as hell makes all the sense in the world. The talent stealing thing alone is nuts.

So far Mei Wen has only been doing Wizardry AND Cultivation - sometimes one via the other. I'm really looking forward to the possibility of proper synthesis into ludicrous gains.
Something like using ritual formulation to supercharge cultivation or something Qi related lightening cast/ritual requirements or enhancing spellcast levels.

Or anything Wish related lmao.
Having binged the thread, there's a bit of a stylistic disconnect between recent chapters and the beginning, though I couldn't quite put my finger on exactly how to describe it. Perhaps a flippancy that wasn't originally there.

Also, something that I don't recall anyone remarking on in thread was the MC's sudden about-face on the subject of sleep and dreaming, when after arrival she was using magic to avoid sleeping longer than a few hours to avoid thinking of the goat...but maybe I just missed someone else quoting this and commenting on it.
I dreamt of tentacles and of the woods that wend with a thousand young.

I snapped awake, drenched with sweat and hoarse from screaming and flailing my arms. Panting, I sat there in bed for a while before shaking my head. To call those dreams a nightmare was like calling World War One a small misunderstanding.
This was a tragedy because sleeping had always been one of my great joys. Dreaming was and always has been a hobby of mine, and it was a little sad that I needed less and less sleep as I have grown stronger. I didn't know what I would do if and when I didn't need to sleep at all anymore.
Having binged the thread, there's a bit of a stylistic disconnect between recent chapters and the beginning, though I couldn't quite put my finger on exactly how to describe it. Perhaps a flippancy that wasn't originally there.

Also, something that I don't recall anyone remarking on in thread was the MC's sudden about-face on the subject of sleep and dreaming, when after arrival she was using magic to avoid sleeping longer than a few hours to avoid thinking of the goat...but maybe I just missed someone else quoting this and commenting on it.
I think that's a product of more than two years passing instory, to be honest.
It wasn't surprising to be shocked at the sight of my perfect form.


<This majestic cat did not grant you permission to touch!>


My sudden presence startled her, but the human servant chuckled and rubbed me behind the ears as promised. A little of this sounded good, and afterwards, I would go out onto the roof of my villa and eat the two pigeons that had made the mistake of living in my den. Their presence in my territory was ugly in my eyes. I only permitted the owl to roost near me, and even then, only temporarily!
I love how upon Polymorphing herself into a Celestial Ghost Cat she immediately starts thinking Cat Thoughts.

Truly elves are indeed just human-shaped cats.
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Another goodfic as expected!

I hope the philistines are not what's stopping you from writing Merildwen on Earth POV, which would be SUPER interesting, as I always wanted to read about someone being the only person with powers on otherwise mundane Earth.
That POV would be even more interesting than Cyberpunk Taylor in Worm.

I have a feeling parents will be back, perhaps MC will send them books and some of it will work in their reality. I feel they'd be a good re-addition to the cast.

Minor critique: weak side character development, I feel Xiao Li got shoed in into the friendly guy that gets scared of woman's wrath trope, and then he practically disappeared, same as the parents. Sure there is a reason he's not physically near MC but no reason we occasionally don't see him in the story.
Having binged the thread, there's a bit of a stylistic disconnect between recent chapters and the beginning, though I couldn't quite put my finger on exactly how to describe it. Perhaps a flippancy that wasn't originally there.
Each large chapter can have one or two funny paragraphs, doesn't feel consistent coz the mood isn't quite set for comedy. If this was a xianxia parody, there'd need to be way more jokes.
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Nice chapter thanks for the update, why is she trying to convince everyone she is a ghost cat? It's not like being an elf offers any major advantage… besides a vastly expanded base lifespan and probably a talent for spell casting. In terms of DnD she's pretty damn powerful at this point. To bad she doesn't have access to some of the more utility spells like the pocket mansion… or does she I can't remember.
Nice chapter thanks for the update, why is she trying to convince everyone she is a ghost cat? It's not like being an elf offers any major advantage… besides a vastly expanded base lifespan and probably a talent for spell casting. In terms of DnD she's pretty damn powerful at this point. To bad she doesn't have access to some of the more utility spells like the pocket mansion… or does she I can't remember.
1. She didn't wanna bother explaining what an elf is
2. If she was honest, she'd be hunted as a broodmare by any low level sect(up to Celestial Immortal). She doesn't know cultivation extends her life by percentage or merely a flat bonus, but either way her extended life and affinity for spells would make her wanted
3. She could say she's an elf but downplay the traits so no one cares about the new species

Hmm. Will Mei Wen remain in the outer sect long-term, or will she get pulled into the inner sect even if she doesn't enter the tournament and sword good? Would she be accepted if she does win the tournament without swording good?
She was trying to be low key due to her future patents, but since she didn't read xianxia, so she didn't know there's no benefit to not advancing to inner sect.
She said she will enter the next tournament, and no swording doesn't matter. Each sect is versatile, so maybe the only thing she cannot do is become sect leader, but head of formations/talismans/crafting/logistics is possible.
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why is she trying to convince everyone she is a ghost cat?
This is just my pet guess, but: when someone makes an assumption about you, if you can make that assumption real, you have yourself a nice little advantage. Especially when that assumption is fundamental to their predictions about your capability or reactions. To quote/paraphrase some famous general or another: "when an enemy is making a mistake, don't stop them."
At least she didn't become one of those damn dwarf fortress elves they will eat intelligent beings if they killed them.
Yeah, dying before advancing is one of the main problems people have, besides other cultivators.
That's like third or fourth tier of cultivation lifespan out of the box.
If the expanded lifespan is only additive, that's still five hundred years extra, that others don't have.
A near guarantee to reach at least low mid levels of power.

If it's percentage based, then that's like almost a guarantee for reaching the higher levels because having around five to ten times more time is just a way too unfair advantage, even if it's not a guarantee to progress. If the lifespan doubles every upgrade then that is a guarantee.

Plus, at the lower levels at least, there's no problem with growing too old and struggle with declining health and abilities with that kind of lifespan.
At a guess, based on Xianxia as a whole, it's going to end up being percentage based, given that cultivation is all about *refining* yourself, removing imperfections and deepening abilities, instead of replacing bits of yourself like a magic cyborg. It might not be quite as dramatic for her as it is for a human given there's probably a bit less that *wrong* with elvish aging verses human aging, but even still.