I'd had a more recent vote on the previous page, since the original one was more or less 'Lets wait on naming ourselves'.
And I've been busy being almost the only not-sick person in the house/having other ideas for stuff, sorry.
Right, so I've got a fair bit of the next Cycle done, gonna have it up tomorrow. But I'd also had a question about the voting for ya'll.
Right now, we've essentially got one turn of actions to vote on at a time, save for research which chugs along without a ton of input unless we're experimenting on New Things. This leads to us eventually having a fair bit of stored energy and most of the time no direction for it. For example, if we weren't digging through Armite during Cycle 22, we'd have 26,360 energy sitting around at the end, enough for 528 As. matter blocks, or 131 new Base crystals, or 131 Storage crystals (far more than we currently need btw, our current storage blocks add up to 95k), or 37 new Research crystals, or 35 new sections of Armite half-crystal, with a tiny bit leftover.
Would you guys want an extra vote area for longer-term plans, or should we just continue storing it until theres something to use it on or we get close to safe capacity?
Would you guys want an extra vote area for longer-term plans, or should we just continue storing it until theres something to use it on or we get close to safe capacity?
We need a good reserve. So once we get remote crystal dudes we could pump out an actual army asap. Especially if the omnious, ancient, mysterious, built like a doomsday bunker, buried location actually has things not meant to be unearthed in it.
All we'd need is an effective linker crystal type, yes. We have the ones the minions use already for things like solar, but they aren't efficient enough at full scale yet to be more than a neat toy to experiment with later. The Prime Crystal basically takes apart any reactors it gets sent (accidentally by pirates or intentionally by the rare interested trader) and uses them for spare parts in its collection of excessively-scaled borrowed power generation devices. Our Base Crystal is essentially just self-powered structural connectors compared to those.
One of the alterin walks forward to you after the star has decided it would rather be lower in the sky for now and is working on it, with what appears to be a large written scroll of all things. They open it and begin to announce it like its an announcement rather than a wish.
"Wishing well of Crystal Meteor! We would like a forcefield modification device! But not just any forcefield modification device! One that is a cube of exactly 1.5 meters in each direction in size, with emitters of exactly the strength and frequency outlined in this scroll of blueprinting, with circuitry sufficiently hardened to resist explosions without failing, with an artistically engraved outer shell so it looks nice, with a power input port as described in the scroll of blueprinting, with a reasonably solid set of control keys, with liquidproofing, and which can also produce good drinks if toggled from device to drink mode. Now, here is the scroll of blueprinting for your inspection!" They end the speech with a flourish, and the scroll is dropped on top of you after being flung into the air. Its a surprisingly large piece of writing material, and is almost ridiculously detailed, after you scan it while Annoucer Voice walks back to their small camp confidently.
Some sections appear to be direct computer printouts grafted into the scroll, while others appear to have been written by someone with a calligraphy hobby. Its remarkably considerate of them to give you such a blueprint after just assuming you knew what they wanted last time.
It is also, despite very clear effort, flawed: They did not specify the building material of the outer shell, only all of the critical components or likely necessary ones. You could easily confound their wish while also satisfying two requirements at once by simply looking specifically for the enchanted bits of metal around and replicating your Anti-glow results for the entire casing. You could go even further and construct all the sufficiently-large components from the various kinds of metals required, but only of the kinds that produce the lines, to make it rather uniquely bad to use or attempt repairs on for them while only looking mildly worrying from your perspective.
More importantly, its free tech! All you need to do is upscale it and replace that abominably space-inefficient power source with an output link. Your version of the device will not require the entire inside bottom of the device to be a high-tech battery when storage crystals are far better at the job and do not require space inside the device. The control interface can also be torn out and replaced with a control link with freed space given to something else, and these emitters could, if your own experiments in dampening fields are at all applicable, be modified like so and produce fields instead of modifying them, those circuits could be all replaced with crystal lines of higher bandwidth for the same space requirement, those ones could be miniaturized and duplicated for higher-power output if you had enough time to spend focused on it or a nanoforge...
...oh. Right. You had more to check up on this cycle than forcefields, possible relations to wireless technologies, and how much you could improve on their design as a more static device instead of a mobile unit, since you're the only one here. Stupid interfering whatever-it-was that knocked you down and dropped you here without any assistants or support or at least something to delegate the less important things to while you got on with the experimenting!
New tech gained: Forcefield Modifigenerator (Alterin-scale)!
Research cost: 1.5 cycles of time; 1 for upscaling tests, half a cycle for modifications to your own standards and tinkering. Research crystals will be refocused on enhanced multitasking assistance during the upscaling tests and won't produce points that cycle.
So with a whole lot of mental grumbling and a quick skimming of the overall status of yourself, you turn to the other, now more dubious but still worthwhile use of energy: The potentially-doomy bunker exploration. First priority being to investigate the open area the Farseer crystal was within. Having no light sources in it and no difference between the top and the bottom of the area nor the walls, this was either an open space above the actual ceiling or an extremely large ventilation shaft. One trio or armite sections taken later, you find your first two actual rooms.
The left room was full of small ceramic installations, about a third of which were damaged. It also appeared to be water damaged in places after who-know how long of broken ceramic and light flooding. Only the now-exposed armite of the doorway looked untouched by age. The door itself was completely ruined, but still attached by a single upper-corner piece to its former doorway defiantly. The handle/lock area if it ever had one, along with the majority of the door, there was no trace of. Near the damaged ceramics were large, rather worrying scorch marks torn into the armite in the floor. The micro-rooms for those ones had been completely vaporized by whatever attack was used.
The right room was some sort of common area, and not at all flooded or littered with ceramic shrapnel. It was instead, full of random junk. Weirdly but very precisely organized junk, like something had been trapped in here and had started methodically organizing, labelling, reorganizing, and perfecting the piles to keep from panicking. Even the garbage is so.
The door was fully intact, but entirely covered in sets of lines that were remarkable careful at the top and very erratic near the bottom. You really would like to see if there is anything interesting to get from them, but the whole room gives off a 'must be exactly perfect' vibe, and its a bit worrying how just unbroken it is compared to the room only a single wall apart. You go looking elsewhere before you disturb the place any further and trigger some sort of vengeful perfectionist spirit that may or maynot be there; the bunker will not have changed next cycle, and you need a break from the dissonance of those first rooms.
So, how polite are we going to be to the formal wish-request, given the potential hole in their formulating and the tech gift?
[] Exact Words - It is a forcefield manipulator built to specification. The missing specification was filled entirely by Anti-glow-affected material as a hint, whether they can actually stand to use it is entirely up to them.
[] As Intended (by the letter) - It is a forcefield manipulator built to specification. The local material being very messy is not your fault, and they'll just have to cover up the parts that ended up with anti-glow if they want to use it. Might need a bit of decontamination too.
[] As Intended (by the spirit) - It is a forcefield manipulator built to specification. it is also cleanish and only minimally a cognitohazard, even if they won't actually thank you for the extra work you did.
Original compressed name: Shining-in-the-Space, Prime Crystal, Outer Layer Omega-Current, Xenotech-Specialist/Experimentals-Researcher True Crystalline.
Energy Generation:
Core: 1000/cycle
As. Matter: 0 @ 20/cycle: 0/cycle
Base Crystal: 169 @ 50/cycle: 8,450/cycle
Research costs: 71 @ 10/cycle: -710/cycle
Total Energy production: 8,740/cycle
Max single crystal cost: 10K
Current Stored Energy: 18,110
Storage Status: Fine.
Research Production: 71/cycle
Current Research Project: Dampening Fields [559/1000]
Current Experimental Projects: Minions! [Infiltrator Greatsword type], Forcefield Modifigenerator (Alterin-scale)
Available Research:
Warfare: Offensive Export (1000), Improved Self-Repair (250) (looked over the coretech image earlier and saw I had missed adding this into the status after we got repair tech, sorry!)
Energy Generation: Alternate Power Sources (Experiment), Strengthened Conduits (250,repeatable), Base Crystal Upgrade? (1000), Fusion Amplification (??)
Storage: Energy Condensing (250), Enhanced Stabilization (250,repeatable).
Research: None, see tech tree
Command Network: Delegation (500)
Sensors & Exploration: Vis-Link (500), Improved Matter Output (750), Wireless Theory (2000).
Minions Status:
Infiltrator Greatswords (2x): Plenty of reserve power, recording. Shape of a stone greatsword with crystalline hilt components. Tiny solar panel and thermal absorbers. Out of command range.
Arcane: Undiscovered.
The Alterin Threat:
They are bad at communication security here.
They are at least somewhat organized (managers)
They appear to lack an answer on the more arcane-bullshit sort of thing around here. Though we hardly know much either, how is that island floating...
They do take research data security seriously, and have a logging system.
Current base is not a full one.
They appear to not be concerned with nighttime security outside of basic measures.
They have a different definition of 'wishing well' than you do.
Location: In a crater. Pretending to be a wishing well. Near some suspicious alterin.
Assimilated matter
The quick, dirty solution to your lack of range.
Template: Matter
Energy production: 20 per cycle
Fabrication cost: 50 energy, nearby material.
Basic Crystal
Created by converting solid materials, like rock or assimilated matter.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, nearby solid material or crystal.
Storage Crystal
A stabilized hunk of additional crystal, giving you more room to store energy without side effects.
Template: Space-filling
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, empty space.
Research Crystal
Because doing everything yourself is slow and complicated.
Template: Space-filling
Traits: Data Storage (replaces Energy Storage: Basic)
Fabrication cost: 700 energy
Research Output: 1/cycle, Research cost 10 energy/cycle.
Repair Crystal
A good helper.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Traits: Repair Protocols
Fabrication cost: 1,200 energy
Mine Crystal
Storage crystal stripped down and prepared to explode via overcharge.
Template: Space-filling (minimal energy storage)
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, empty space.
Farseer Crystal
An excellent companion to scouting crystal. Energy production alignments have been realigned for exceptional sensory range instead.
Template: Intrusive
Traits: 1st Visual Augmentation
Fabrication Cost: 750 energy
Scrying Crystal
I see you.
Template: Intrusive
Traits: 2nd Visual Augmentation
Fabrication cost: 2250 energy
Available traits:
Energy Generator (Basic), Energy Storage (Basic), Data Storage, Absorption Fields, Defensive Offense, Explosive Entry, Repair Protocols, Visual Augmentation
Check the crystals threadmark for energy costs and details.
Navy Blue - Crystal core Light Blue - Base crystals Orange w/ black S - Storage Crystal Turquoise with small diamond - Farseer Crystal Black with Turquoise diamond - Scrying Crystal Purple/Orchid - Focusing Crystal Darker Purple - Overseer Crystal Blue w/ gold R - Research Crystal Purpleish - Repair Crystal Red - Diplomatic Crystalline Dark purple - Armite Half-Crystal
--- Dark Brown - Empty underground space Light Brown - Dirt or other non-solid material Grey - Rock Sky Blue - Empty aboveground space Teal w/brown diamond - Assimilated matter
(Background) w/ question mark - [Unknown tech]
(Background) w/ small diamond - Mobile Thing (Purple for Alterin) Black - Unknown
--- Red cross-shaped overlay - Damaged Red X overlay - Heavily damaged
"Wishing well of Crystal Meteor! We would like a forcefield modification device! But not just any forcefield modification device! One that is a cube of exactly 1.5 meters in each direction in size, with emitters of exactly the strength and frequency outlined in this scroll of blueprinting, with circuitry sufficiently hardened to resist explosions without failing, with an artistically engraved outer shell so it looks nice, with a power input port as described in the scroll of blueprinting, with a reasonably solid set of control keys, with liquidproofing, and which can also produce good drinks if toggled from device to drink mode.
"You must place it here, beside this shrubbery, only slightly higher so you get a two layer effect with a little path running down the middle. Then, you must cut down the tallest tree on the planet... with a herring!"
[X] Exact Words
I was thinking about the last option but .. nomen est omen and I'm certainly not called 'Seelie'.
Edit: Not that I'd expect someone from the Seelie Court to choose the third option, but they might be more inclined to the second one.
[X] As Intended (by the spirit) - It is a forcefield manipulator built to specification. it is also cleanish and only minimally a cognitohazard, even if they won't actually thank you for the extra work you did.
-[X] But replace the battery pack with a more efficient crystal one and fill the now free space with a spy.
Maybe I'm missing something, but is there a reason we'd put in the anti-glow that gives them headaches? It seems like a great way to attract the wrong kind of attention.
Maybe I'm missing something, but is there a reason we'd put in the anti-glow that gives them headaches? It seems like a great way to attract the wrong kind of attention.
[X] As Intended (by the spirit) - It is a forcefield manipulator built to specification. it is also cleanish and only minimally a cognitohazard, even if they won't actually thank you for the extra work you did.
-[X] But replace the battery pack with a more efficient crystal one and fill the now free space with a spy.
[X] As Intended (by the spirit) - It is a forcefield manipulator built to specification. it is also cleanish and only minimally a cognitohazard, even if they won't actually thank you for the extra work you did.
-[X] But replace the battery pack with a more efficient crystal one and fill the now free space with a spy.
Hmph, ignoring such an important thing as the material. What did they think we were going to make it out of, potatoes?
[X] Exact Words - It is a forcefield manipulator built to specification. The missing specification was filled entirely by Anti-glow-affected material as a hint, whether they can actually stand to use it is entirely up to them.
Now hear me out. Those guys did the request with style, giving us maximum detail for our convenience and some free tech. The calligraphy, blue prints and the "request" added extra flourish means they clearly approach us with respect (even if the reason for the respectful approach might be just because of caution.). That is like receiving a letter with wax to seal the package, with the wax having a fancy picture pressed into it, plus I admire the balls for the lab techs to ask for a beer machine stapled to their force field. We should reward that.
Not to mention they probably want a force field modifier to get past the force field room on the island. We are immobile but have access to their comms. Meaning their efficiency of both testing the wishing well AND exploring the island will get us more intel faster than we could get by trying to reach the island by ourselves, while hardly making them a stronger potential foe(it's their tech after all, and reverse engineering the potential island artifacts will take time. Not like flesh and blood can scale like we do).
We should not go by "the spirit" because the assumption we can interpret random things was the reason for the whole arc shield debacle earlier. So it is more consistent with our actions so far.
The material lining get's us the benefit of them scanning future requests with a fine toothed comb therefore needing more time to make sure nothing was forgotten. Meaning we don't have a lot of cycles wasted on quickly(and poorly) made "wishes".
Now i have this story potential in my head that goes like this. Das and crew are super curious and respectful of the loot generating well. And the fact that their expedition was set up without some kind of helper A.I.(otherwise why name drop something so specific while complaining about the lack of support) that exists for their race, but was denied for them means they are not the high echelons of their society.
What happens when some rich guy/politician/ military general gets the news about the wishing well? He arrives, assumes leadership of a poorly organised outpost and just acts like a pompous, stuck up dick to the original personal. When he starts to treat us like a possession/golden goose that he totally controls...WE TURN our better developed base against him. With the following melodrama of "everything was good until YOU pompous jackass broth this curse upon us" teaching every one humility and that you should really be more careful with unknown things. Extra points if we do it while he tries to get us sawed apart and we teach him a moral lesson about greed or something.
Weirdly but very precisely organized junk, like something had been trapped in here and had started methodically organizing, labeling, reorganizing, and perfecting the piles to keep from panicking.
It's wizard Alcatraz with space Sauron on the bottom floor isn't it?
The quest is so far pretty fun and intriguing right now OP.
Spy power source thing. Do we need to? We already have spies. And free reign on most of their communications. Seems like minimum benefits for attracting extra attention unto the crystal.
[X] Exact Words - It is a forcefield manipulator built to specification. The missing specification was filled entirely by Anti-glow-affected material as a hint, whether they can actually stand to use it is entirely up to them.
Now hear me out. Those guys did the request with style, giving us maximum detail for our convenience and some free tech. The calligraphy, blue prints and the "request" added extra flourish means they clearly approach us with respect (even if the reason for the respectful approach might be just because of caution.). That is like receiving a letter with wax to seal the package, with the wax having a fancy picture pressed into it, plus I admire the balls for the lab techs to ask for a beer machine stapled to their force field. We should reward that.
Not to mention they probably want a force field modifier to get past the force field room on the island. We are immobile but have access to their comms. Meaning their efficiency of both testing the wishing well AND exploring the island will get us more intel faster than we could get by trying to reach the island by ourselves, while hardly making them a stronger potential foe(it's their tech after all, and reverse engineering the potential island artifacts will take time. Not like flesh and blood can scale like we do).
We should not go by "the spirit" because the assumption we can interpret random things was the reason for the whole arc shield debacle earlier. So it is more consistent with our actions so far.
The material lining get's us the benefit of them scanning future requests with a fine toothed comb therefore needing more time to make sure nothing was forgotten. Meaning we don't have a lot of cycles wasted on quickly(and poorly) made "wishes".
Now i have this story potential in my head that goes like this. Das and crew are super curious and respectful of the loot generating well. And the fact that their expedition was set up without some kind of helper A.I.(otherwise why name drop something so specific while complaining about the lack of support) that exists for their race, but was denied for them means they are not the high echelons of their society.
What happens when some rich guy/politician/ military general gets the news about the wishing well? He arrives, assumes leadership of a poorly organised outpost and just acts like a pompous, stuck up dick to the original personal. When he starts to treat us like a possession/golden goose that he totally controls...WE TURN our better developed base against him. With the following melodrama of "everything was good until YOU pompous jackass broth this curse upon us" teaching every one humility and that you should really be more careful with unknown things. Extra points if we do it while he tries to get us sawed apart and we teach him a moral lesson about greed or something.
It's wizard Alcatraz with space Sauron on the bottom floor isn't it?
The quest is so far pretty fun and intriguing right now OP.
Spy power source thing. Do we need to? We already have spies. And free reign on most of their communications. Seems like minimum benefits for attracting extra attention unto the crystal.
[X] Exact Words - It is a forcefield manipulator built to specification. The missing specification was filled entirely by Anti-glow-affected material as a hint, whether they can actually stand to use it is entirely up to them.
Note on the power source: We can optimize their power source (so it takes up half as much space instead of the full bottom), but our miniaturized crystal one assumes you have external storage crystal, which they do not.
[X] Exact Words - It is a forcefield manipulator built to specification. The missing specification was filled entirely by Anti-glow-affected material as a hint, whether they can actually stand to use it is entirely up to them.
Yeah, this seems like the better choice now that I think of it. I'd still want a spy in it because it is likely to go into the forcefield island and I'd want to get first hand info from there.
[X] Exact Words - It is a forcefield manipulator built to specification. The missing specification was filled entirely by Anti-glow-affected material as a hint, whether they can actually stand to use it is entirely up to them.
Edit: can we have thes kind of patterns on the sides of the cube with the white being normal material and the black is the not-lines so that they can have it Exactly like they said
And the fact that their expedition was set up without some kind of helper A.I.(otherwise why name drop something so specific while complaining about the lack of support) that exists for their race, but was denied for them means they are not the high echelons of their society.
The lack of support complaints was us being grumbly about having to manage everything instead of being able to do whatever like before, but does apply to the alterin camp too, actually: Commander Wholo had managed to get a research base permit by himself instead of partnered up with another interested group by essentially not requesting much of all in the way of support, and got away with it because of his reputation for managing to survive shit more often than not. They've got a proper set of base essentials, a long-range comms in case they need new equipment or want to sell their finds, the research data security system, and thats about it.
[X] Exact Words - It is a forcefield manipulator built to specification. The missing specification was filled entirely by Anti-glow-affected material as a hint, whether they can actually stand to use it is entirely up to them.
[X] Exact Words - It is a forcefield manipulator built to specification. The missing specification was filled entirely by Anti-glow-affected material as a hint, whether they can actually stand to use it is entirely up to them.