Our still-unnamed crystalline understands wishing wells as a concept, but basically has only heard about them in comparison to the Prime Crystal being nice to polite guests since theres plenty of spare power and expects something significantly different than the Alteri acting commander will. (when they eventually catch up to this report, they'll mumble something about magical bullshit details and pretty much come to the same conclusion DreamerGhost mentioned)
Something besides himself to talk to might help deal with the jumping to defensive attack plans as the first idea, unless they turn out to be a war AI or something else with even less idea of culture.
Also, do you want to continue with research buildup or are we good for now?
They're basically doing iterations on already usable (if badly configured/not exactly practical/etc) research, or acting as some major multithreading for us when the focus is on research. Until we build up to actual crystallines that can do *some* thinking (like the diplomat), find our own other friends, or put together some sort of specialized Big crystal for experimentation on our part, its just us and varying levels of focused AIs. And the Alterin.
The crystal designs have been in the Crystals threadmark since we started, just with a (locked) line over them previously, since they needed the trait we finished research on. All they are is just that, like the repair crystal is: crystals that do one thing well and made up by me instead of the thread. Farseers are crystals with vision range equal to core crystal instead of the default 4 squares, and Scrying crystals give you twice that (20 spaces away in a straight line) at quite the cost.
"Look, I said *glows*. Maybe next time I do that, you take a hint that what you get might not be what you want, and explain what the heck an arc shield is."
Every time they ask us for something we don't understand and they don't explain, we should glow at them and make it from that metal.
We're pretending to be a wishing well. We don't have to be a smart one. Our best bet to not be seen as a threat is to look stupid and controllable. Our best bet to make them want to keep us around instead of just mining us for whatever and attacking us is to stay useful and compliant. And if they ever ask too much we can just glow at them and do less than they asked, but more eldritchly.
We're a possibility hostile sentient, but we want them to classify us as a benign useful tool SCP.
So first, because they were quoted: Delegation and Vis-link.
The former is the prereq to all things commandy. Finishing it will unlock the least useful but cheapest command crystal, which can do simple things like 'Report back things you see nearby' and 'keep your surroundings repaired' without our direct input. It can also act as an alarm if its setup out at a distant branch outpost and suddenly attacked. The better command type can be given more responsibility.
Lesser crystallines in particular can be given the abstract jobs like 'Help us with these experiments' or 'Be our representative to the xenos base' or 'Try to hack in and steal their datas' or 'Scout over yonder for us, heres x energy to do so.' and, while we certainly could do better personally as long as its research-related, would mean we don't need to cram everything necessary (check on general research/energy/minions/current surroundings, new ideas, old ideas, base expansion, experimentals research, interesting artifacts to experiment on once we find some, things to make, magic to learn once we find some, alterin to trick/suspect/spy on, and decide what else to do today) into only 2 cycles per day.
Vis-link is a trait you can add to crystals. it lets you have +2 sight range to all adjacent non vis-link crystals. its basically a shared pair of crystal binoculars.
The offensive tech I had made 1:1 research to energy cost instead if attempting to just give it a good-enough sounding amount, since I'm still not 100% sure on how one prices research tech when we can quickly gain swathes of new crystals quickly later. Its different types of attacks you can equip to crystal types, and a bunch of defenses that you also can equip.
if you want us to have a new crystal type or a Big crystal type, just give me a color (preferably in hex, but words are fine), a name, a template (refined, space-filling, or intrusive), and any traits you want. If its an upgrade of something, it doesn't need a template. Crystals threadmark has examples for all of the above except an armed crystal, and should have all of the traits we have or can get with current tech tree knowledge. The most recent cycle's status section will have all our currently unlocked traits and current fabrication cost limit.
Happy new year('s eve) guys, and sorry for not updating this as often as I probably should.
Cycle 17
The extra alterin have setup camp nearby after someone eventually broke the silence, while a pair of them left with the packed-up shield. The time gave you plenty of itself to calm down, and eventually notice they aren't aiming anything in your direction.
...Huh. You gave them the wrong thing though, thats not how these things work?
For now, you've got the remaining nighttime to put together a Science Plan to throw at that suspicious material below you.
Tald was not having a good evening. On one hand, there was good news: Ro & Das were alive.
On the other hand, there was some...well, not exactly unexpected, but some interfering eldritch bullshit going on here. Again. Like practically every vaguely-magical exploration site on this godforsaken ruin of a planet. At least Somn had agreed camping next to a mysterious wishing well was bad luck and came with on the trek back to base so that there was someone to talk to.
The plan is thus: Material exploded after a number of successively-higher energy bombardments, so it might be a form of reactive armor, or it may have just shattered from the power level. Thus, the first step is actually the last step from the original plan: Full power blast, and examine the resulting slag.
The result is even more suspicious, but at least for the right reasons: Slag it is not. Its not even especially degraded, though it is remarkably loud in particular EM frequencies now. Perhaps former enemy comms levels? At least its confirmed to be artificial material now, which narrows down the priorities of the rest of the Plan.
Step 2: Scoop up the rubble from the previous test and crush it back together if its magnetic.
Sadly, its not magnetic, and the rubble stays not-so-firmly on the ground until you put together a tiny scoop-minion and collect it into the center with it. After all, it might as well be clean rubble if its going to stick around.
Step 3b: Explosion! Explosions are important test equipment; if you can blow it up, you don't need to spend the extra energy to melt it.
Plus, it turns out the material isn't especially explosion-proof compared to its energy blasts reaction. The next step will take awhile and most of your attention though, as its a thorough scan of the material in question.
After some breakfast, and some arguments over prioritization so that you didn't have to immediately trek back all that distance to pick up the others (Not that they need a pickup, they have a rover!), you meet back up with a still-tired looking Somn and start on the shield examination.
Artifact Report: Leafed titanium anti-glow shield.
Report team: Tald of the security dept. and Somn, exploration specialist.
Report #1.
Probable unique object after a look through the other reports.
After being transported and removed from Scientist Das' backpack, we tossed it through a bunch of scanners, and most of it came back surprisingly average for this planet. Some traces of previous use remain in how particular formations in the material don't match up completely, but otherwise it appears to simply have been put through some form of instant-forging process, and one lacking in the safety protocols instant-container generation units have.
For example, whatever process was involved did (rather efficiently, see attachment) evenly heat and neatly eradicate any unnecessary impurities in the metal before forging, but resulted with approximately thrice the score on the rad-danger chart than most metallic rubble here. That puts is quite clearly in the 'decontaminate before handling further' category.
Another example would be the engraved circle. Insta-can generators usually leave any engraving or otherwise-careful work to the user, to cut down on costs for disposable ones and cut down on accidents for the more permanent type. The circle is geometrically perfect in relation to the shield's surface and appears to have been carved with a heavy weapons-grade beam emitter, but considering its wishing well origins, was probably not actually made using man-portable strike artillery. It probably was just drawn into it during the creation process with the well's magic. Further analysis will be posted as results are found.
Tald also is of the opinion that man-portable strike artillery is not the sort of thing reasonable alterin make art with, for the record. Even if most of the extinct races here appear to disagree with him on how artistic you can make your military terrors or doombots. - Somn
Subcycle 3
Its certainly some very interesting material, after you've finally completed the scanning. While its unfortunately not a viable target for improving yourself with (It somehow has worse conduit-capability than even the low-grade crystal you dump into As. matter to assume control with, and will explode like it did originally when given only average load), hopefully it has numerous applications.
So since its our first step into High-Tech Materials, you guys get to pick what sort of thing our mystery material is good at, as long as it follows what we've already learned about it (Bad energy conduit, good reactive armor vs energy assaults, average explosion resistance, grey). You can include a name if you want, more descriptive votes will make it a more specific material.
[] War material - Some sort of armor from one of the wars. Or maybe a damage-resistant structure material, for hidden bases?
[] Power material - It used to be part of power generators, but what part would be so crap at conducting power?
[] Anti-mage material - This former civ had a sorcerer problem, and built against it. And against mages, wizards, witches and sorceresses for good measure.
[] Artistic material - Sometimes, you need your art to withstand laser artillery. it might not make sense to others out of context, but when you were making it? It was important. Nearly as important as the actual art itself!
[] Material - For any write-in categories of material.
Integrity: Intact
Core Armor: Unarmored
Energy Generation:
Core: 1000/cycle
As. Matter: 0 @ 20/cycle: 0/cycle
Base Crystal: 114 @ 50/cycle: 5,700/cycle
Research costs: 68 @ 10/cycle: -680/cycle
Total Energy production: 6,020/cycle
Max single crystal cost: 10K
Current Stored Energy: 6,050
Storage Status: Fine.
Research Production: 68/cycle
Current Research Project: Dampening Fields [197/1000]
Current Experimental Projects: Minions! [Infiltrator Greatsword type], New Material [SUSPICION.]
Available Research:
Warfare: Offensive Export (1000)
Energy Generation: Alternate Power Sources (Experiment), Strengthened Conduits (250,repeatable), Base Crystal Upgrade? (1000), Fusion Amplification (??)
Storage: Energy Condensing (250), Enhanced Stabilization (250,repeatable).
Research: None, see tech tree
Command Network: Delegation (500)
Sensors & Exploration: Vis-Link (500), Improved Matter Output (750), Wireless Theory (2000).
Minions Status:
Infiltrator Greatswords (2x): Plenty of reserve power, recording. Shape of a stone greatsword with crystalline hilt components. Tiny solar panel and thermal absorbers. Out of command range.
Arcane: Undiscovered.
High Tech Materials: Undiscovered.
The Alterin Threat:
They are bad at communication security here.
They are at least somewhat organized (managers)
They appear to lack an answer on the more arcane-bullshit sort of thing around here. Though we hardly know much either, how is that island floating...
They do take research data security seriously, and have a logging system.
Current base is not a full one.
They appear to not be concerned with nighttime security outside of basic measures.
They have a different definition of 'wishing well' than you do.
Location: In a crater. Pretending to be a wishing well. Near some suspicious alterin.
Assimilated matter
The quick, dirty solution to your lack of range.
Template: Matter
Energy production: 20 per cycle
Fabrication cost: 50 energy, nearby material.
Basic Crystal
Created by converting solid materials, like rock or assimilated matter.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, nearby solid material or crystal.
Storage Crystal
A stabilized hunk of additional crystal, giving you more room to store energy without side effects.
Template: Space-filling
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, empty space.
Research Crystal
Because doing everything yourself is slow and complicated.
Template: Space-filling
Traits: Data Storage (replaces Energy Storage: Basic)
Fabrication cost: 700 energy
Research Output: 1/cycle, Research cost 10 energy/cycle.
Repair Crystal
A good helper.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Traits: Repair Protocols
Fabrication cost: 1,200 energy
Mine Crystal
Storage crystal stripped down and prepared to explode via overcharge.
Template: Space-filling (minimal energy storage)
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, empty space.
Farseer Crystal
An excellent companion to scouting crystal. Energy production alignments have been realigned for exceptional sensory range instead.
Template: Intrusive
Traits: 1st Visual Augmentation
Fabrication Cost: 750 energy
Scrying Crystal
I see you.
Template: Intrusive
Traits: 2nd Visual Augmentation
Fabrication cost: 2250 energy
Available traits:
Energy Generator (Basic), Energy Storage (Basic), Data Storage, Absorption Fields, Defensive Offense, Explosive Entry, Repair Protocols, Visual Augmentation
Check the crystals threadmark for energy costs and details.
Navy Blue - Crystal core Light Blue - Base crystals Orange w/ black S - Storage Crystal Turquoise with small diamond - Farseer Crystal Black with Turquoise diamond - Scrying Crystal Purple/Orchid - Focusing Crystal Darker Purple - Overseer Crystal Blue w/ gold R - Research Crystal Purpleish - Repair Crystal Red - Diplomatic Crystalline Dark gray - Unknown high-tech structural material
--- Dark Brown - Empty underground space Light Brown - Dirt or other non-solid material Grey - Rock Sky Blue - Empty aboveground space Teal w/brown diamond - Assimilated matter
(Background) w/ question mark - [Unknown tech]
(Background) w/ small diamond - Mobile Thing (Purple for Alterin) Black - Unknown
--- Red cross-shaped overlay - Damaged Red X overlay - Heavily damaged
You make a shell of it, something hits it with enough force to hurt you, then the force gets negated before it gets through by the explosion and lack of conductivity. Rinse, repeat.
You make a shell of it, something hits it with enough force to hurt you, then the force gets negated before it gets through by the explosion and lack of conductivity. Rinse, repeat.
It tanked a single large blast with minimal damage (aside from drowning part of your scanning equipment in static), and it only blew up when we kept hammering at it. So it'll act like that if it ends up being armor first and other things second.
It tanked a single large blast with minimal damage (aside from drowning part of your scanning equipment in static), and it only blew up when we kept hammering at it. So it'll act like that if it ends up being armor first and other things second.
We use it as armor/isolation like a shell to protekt against energy weapons for our fragile and sensative crystals and minions
P.s happy new Year
Edit:Sorry i was sleppy i did not read all the posts and i vote for [X]Ablative armor
Noticed I'd forgotten to extend part of the vision from the expansion the cycle before this one, so the current image is now fixed. Not much new besides more material though.
[X] Power material - It used to be part of power generators, but what part would be so crap at conducting power?
[X] Ablative Armor.
Double voting because...
The part of power generators so crap at conducting power is the capacitor insulation. This armor plating has a frankly ridiculous resistance to energy weapons. We gain armor that also acts as batteries. It may even eat energy blasts and charge up from it.
[X] Power material - It used to be part of power generators, but what part would be so crap at conducting power?
[X] Ablative Armor.
Double voting because...
The part of power generators so crap at conducting power is the capacitor insulation. This armor plating has a frankly ridiculous resistance to energy weapons. We gain armor that also acts as batteries. It may even eat energy blasts and charge up from it.
But they don't act as batteries, they act as insulators. You can't charge up an insulator with an energy blast, because that would require it to retain the energy.
It's like saying the guy who's really good at maintaining his diet makes for a fine chef, because all of the food he doesn't eat he'll keep with him in a bag and hand to you later.
But they don't act as batteries, they act as insulators. You can't charge up an insulator with an energy blast, because that would require it to retain the energy.
It's like saying the guy who's really good at maintaining his diet makes for a fine chef, because all of the food he doesn't eat he'll keep with him in a bag and hand to you later.
The limiting factor for how powerful you can make a capacitor is the lining which separates the two plates. When you charge a capacitor to bursting, it's that insulating lining that burns through from the power. Making that stronger gets you a better battery.