Create-Your-Own Superhero (or Supervillian) Thread

Teach Everywhere! and Babel would be part of the rogues gallery. I tried to make the descriptions vague enough that pretty much anyone could use them and so that they can have multiple storylines.

They also accomplish other functions. The first is an in universe reason for there to be scientific heroes and villains and for there to be a possible interrupt when they are involved. The second allows storylines involving aliens and ancient magic artifacts andruins.

They are basically designed for both world building and as people who can appear in several stories but because of that they lack certain punch. I mean, they are not main antagonist material and while Teach might do for that in a pinch and fill that role it was not exactly designed with that in mind.
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Personally, I rather like the idea.

Curiously, if you had to organize all the supers in this thread so far into a single narrative, what sort of roles do you think each of them would fill? This can be a quick few-word tag, such as 'main character', or 'outside context problem'.
Well, using my own characters for example, both Action Master and Electrical Gal would be main characters who would have their own comic series. Meanwhile, the Gentleman in Pink would be the mysterious weirdo villian who is, while definitely an important part of the Rogue Gallery, only starts showing up when things enter the cosmic stage, which makes sense considering his origins. That said, he could appear earlier than that and pretend to be a ghost or demon, which would work pretty well considering his powers.
Personally, I rather like the idea.

Curiously, if you had to organize all the supers in this thread so far into a single narrative, what sort of roles do you think each of them would fill? This can be a quick few-word tag, such as 'main character', or 'outside context problem'.
Kapitan Cherep would probably be an important background character.
Well, using my own characters for example, both Action Master and Electrical Gal would be main characters who would have their own comic series. Meanwhile, the Gentleman in Pink would be the mysterious weirdo villian who is, while definitely an important part of the Rogue Gallery, only starts showing up when things enter the cosmic stage, which makes sense considering his origins. That said, he could appear earlier than that and pretend to be a ghost or demon, which would work pretty well considering his powers.
I guess that leaves Complex as the OCP that literally no-one was ready for, exactly as intended. Going into a bit more detail, any physical conflict will in all likelihood resolve instantly in Complex's favor, but their extreme susceptibility to social fu means that there's still significant tension.
You know, we have lots of neutrals for a superhero/villain thread. A lot of chaos too.
Name: Alpha and Omega
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Alignment: Villains
Secret Identity(Optional): Kirigaya Yuiko and Kirigaya Shizuko
Power(s): Technopathy
Weakness: Their stubborness, their greed, desire for attention
Origin: Born alongside a twin sister, Shizuko, both Yuiko and Shizuko led a relatively normal life in the city of Osaka. Until they both began developing powers. While Yuiko developed a power to control technology, Shizuko developed an ability to control emotions of other people. As both twins progressed into teenagers, they became more and more mischievous. They eventually became classified as villains after robbing a bank in Tokyo and evading capture by Police and other Superheroes.
Name: Alpha and Omega
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Alignment: Villains
Secret Identity(Optional): Kirigaya Yuiko and Kirigaya Shizuko
Power(s): Technopathy
Weakness: Their stubborness, their greed, desire for attention
Origin: Born alongside a twin sister, Shizuko, both Yuiko and Shizuko led a relatively normal life in the city of Osaka. Until they both began developing powers. While Yuiko developed a power to control technology, Shizuko developed an ability to control emotions of other people. As both twins progressed into teenagers, they became more and more mischievous. They eventually became classified as villains after robbing a bank in Tokyo and evading capture by Police and other Superheroes.
...Wow, you just came up with a duo that completely trounces Complex while being relatively easy to deal with for pretty much anyone else. I applaud you good sir.

Name: Synchro
Age: Born June 21st, 1983. Biologically ~20.
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Good/Neutral Good
Secret Identity(Optional): Jean Leblanc
Power(s): Quantum Bilocation, a catch-all ability that lets Synchro do a range of things based on quantum physics and the fourth dimension (time). A short list of abilities he's used: Duplication, Teleportation, Flight, Intangibility, Kinetic force multiplication/redirection/blasts, precognition, time-based healing factor, age-based immortality, infinite sustenance...

He could technically pull off time travel and inter-dimensional travel, but his depth of power hasn't reached that scale.

Weakness: While his martial prowress is exponentially better than a baseline human and he can punch several times above his power tier, Synchro still only has human limits of strength and abilities, such as his reaction time. Time-based powers and things that alter dimensional physics (magic, pocket dimensions, etc.) mess with his abilities quite a bit.

Origin: His origins depend mostly on which universe I'm writing him in, but a shared background is that Jean Leblanc is a Canadian mathematician with a hobby in clockwork mechanisms.

Sometime in 2005 he gets his powers, and ends up downplaying them as he gets used to the wonkyness of their effects on himself and his surroundings. Somewhere in the course of his timeline, he gains super-serum based powers/implants/ A super suit to increase his base physical powers. After about four to five years, he hits a plateau of power, but pushes past it after a traumatic event.

After the event, Synchro can now tap into the memories of alternate versions of himself, and can use that to jump to different dimensions.


Overall, Synchro's a hero that can punch up to multi-city block destroying power, but has more lateral abilities than most heroes to work with. He's a good example of a power that has both no upper limit of strength, so long as he can ramp up, as well as a "weak" beginning power.
...Would Grumpy Suit be considered for putting into a shared setting? Because I can give more backstory and more detail on abilities and limitations.
Well, the backstory does involve a Muslim extremist who's faith was so mighty that they can drive people to become insane zealots by mere proximity to where they fought.
I guess so, although with the current political climate, would instead prefer it to be crusader who commit atrocities in the name of his God and ate children since that was something that actually happened in history and it seems more creepy.
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I guess so, although with the current political climate, would instead prefer it to be crusader who commit atrocities in the name of his God and ate children since that was something that actually happened in history and it seems more creepy.
It can be a zealot of an unspecified religion, as the "make people insane zealots" effect makes them insane zealots about their existing beliefs. A hard Muslim becomes Jihad obsessed, a devout Christian with a dislike of the Middle East calls for new crusades against the heathens, a hardline Republican becomes suicidally obsessed with free trade and shrinking the government and so on. It takes existing beliefs and makes you an insane zealot about them, and the only bit of the situation that's needed is that they be a crazy religious guy who happens to have gotten holy magic for being a crazy religious guy.
It can be a zealot of an unspecified religion, as the "make people insane zealots" effect makes them insane zealots about their existing beliefs. A hard Muslim becomes Jihad obsessed, a devout Christian with a dislike of the Middle East calls for new crusades against the heathens, a hardline Republican becomes suicidally obsessed with free trade and shrinking the government and so on. It takes existing beliefs and makes you an insane zealot about them, and the only bit of the situation that's needed is that they be a crazy religious guy who happens to have gotten holy magic for being a crazy religious guy.
imagine if their god actually shows up, proves beyond a doubt that they are in fact their god, and goes "nope, i never wanted any of this, i am VERY angry at you, you should be ashamed of yourself"
what would their reaction be? (remember, its proven beyond a doubt that it was in fact their god, and they can't eny it)
remember, its proven beyond a doubt that it was in fact their god, and they can't eny it
You seem to think that "logic" really matters, here. That person is a mass-murdering Paladin-equivalent religious extremist. Double think comes standard issue. Willful ignorance is part of their basic psychology.
imagine if their god actually shows up, proves beyond a doubt that they are in fact their god, and goes "nope, i never wanted any of this, i am VERY angry at you, you should be ashamed of yourself"
what would their reaction be? (remember, its proven beyond a doubt that it was in fact their god, and they can't eny it)

Well, it is clearly a test so they would have to double down to prove their faith, right?
Name: Ella Sauna
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Alignment: Neutral Good
Secret Identity(Optional): Freezer Burn
Power(s): She is able to use ice powers. However, as the day goes on, her powers become weaker and weaker, until she ends up spraying lukewarm water instead of effective ice. To remedy this, she has to go into a refrigerator to rest.
Weakness: Very hot days and fire-themed villains are her kryptonite given how her powers work.
Origin: Ella was submitted to the Superhuman Creation program where she came out with the ability to create ice. First, she was applauded for the powers, but then her quirk kicked in and she "melted". To remedy this, the scientists who created this power created a fridge to place her in. From then on, Freezer Burn was born.
Name: Kevin Whales
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Selfish (evil/good is too trite.)
Secret Identity(Optional): The Ram (as part of Active Rapture)
Power(s): CEO of a corporation and two separate criminal empires, one a drug and arms smuggling operation and one a religious apocalypse cult. Incredibly smart and well educated.
Weakness: Kevin's Low functioning autism leaves him unable to verbally communicate or communicate by sign language. He uses a text-to-speech device to communicate orders. Severe mistrust and prone to meltdowns.
Origin: Born to a pair of wealthy, hyper-religious corporate household names, Kevin's disability was a shock and test of faith to Mr and Mrs Whales. Whilst Mrs Whales spent no expense on her son, buying the best aid she could afford; Kevin's father sought absolution, and was slowly lured into the international denomination of Active Rapture.

Active Rapture believed that it was their mission to bring the rapture upon the earth.

As Kevin grew up and eventually worked for his father, he befriended several people - some shady, some not. These three people became his closest confidantes: Alicia Hammer, Jacob Labounty and Caleb Crosser.

Jacob dragged Kevin into peddling arms and he pulled Alicia and Caleb with him, all united by kinship and ambition. As time went by, Kevin grew invested in Active Rapture as Active Rapture grew interested in Whales and Liemann Corp.

As he inherited and earned the spot as the CEO, he slowly invested and diverted funds into Active Rapture - funding them with Arms through his contacts and money through his funds. Alica became his personal secretary and bodyguard, while Caleb sought a future in Law.

Without the Ram, Active Rapture would have no horns.
Name: Kevin Whales
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Selfish (evil/good is too trite.)
Secret Identity(Optional): The Ram (as part of Active Rapture)
Power(s): CEO of a corporation and two separate criminal empires, one a drug and arms smuggling operation and one a religious apocalypse cult. Incredibly smart and well educated.
Weakness: Kevin's Low functioning autism leaves him unable to verbally communicate or communicate by sign language. He uses a text-to-speech device to communicate orders. Severe mistrust and prone to meltdowns.
Origin: Born to a pair of wealthy, hyper-religious corporate household names, Kevin's disability was a shock and test of faith to Mr and Mrs Whales. Whilst Mrs Whales spent no expense on her son, buying the best aid she could afford; Kevin's father sought absolution, and was slowly lured into the international denomination of Active Rapture.

Active Rapture believed that it was their mission to bring the rapture upon the earth.

As Kevin grew up and eventually worked for his father, he befriended several people - some shady, some not. These three people became his closest confidantes: Alicia Hammer, Jacob Labounty and Caleb Crosser.

Jacob dragged Kevin into peddling arms and he pulled Alicia and Caleb with him, all united by kinship and ambition. As time went by, Kevin grew invested in Active Rapture as Active Rapture grew interested in Whales and Liemann Corp.

As he inherited and earned the spot as the CEO, he slowly invested and diverted funds into Active Rapture - funding them with Arms through his contacts and money through his funds. Alica became his personal secretary and bodyguard, while Caleb sought a future in Law.

Without the Ram, Active Rapture would have no horns.
As some one with autism myself, I find this personally offensive.
Name: Casper Crick
Age: 235

Gender: Male

Alignment: Neutral Obligated

Secret Identity(his mage sobriquet): the North Wind

Power(s): Powerful weather magic focused on wind and frost, able to create localized maelstroms and direct powerful gusts of wind and ice at will, though these powers are highly limited by the seasons, current weather, and access to open sky. Also accomplished in illusion and weather divination. Highly advanced general knowledge of spellcraft and folklore, though with more limited ability to use magic lying outside his specialized fields. Abilities backed up by two centuries of experience in both combat and practical magic.

Weakness: Core magic abilities can be hampered by the turn of the seasons, time of day, and uncooperative weather. Ability to fight effectively hampered by advancing age, alcoholism, and deteriorating mental condition. Tends to be cynical, surly, and prone to mood swings with bouts of temper, obsessiveness and spitefulness. Stuck in his ways and unreceptive to new perspectives and experiences.

Origin: Born in the late 18th century to impoverished tenant farmers in northern Britain, Casper got wrapped into the navy during the Napoleonic wars. At some point during his career he made contact with seaborne wind spirits attracted to his sensitivity to magic and was able to learn from them in a period of desperation, and his newfound abilities allowed him to survive the worst of the wars.

Following the death of Napoleon he began pursuing magic in earnest, becoming a vagabond and con-artist interested in accruing power and knowledge for himself and his self betterment, honing his craft beyond the crude affinity he developed fighting the French and Spanish. He eventually gained the ire of the upper cabal of powerful mages that ruled over and carefully concealed the magical community and europe, and was press into service once again in time for the first World War. Due to several accomplishments and the decimation of the magical community he was granted the rank of Magus towards the end of the war, allowing him access the higher mysteries of magic but also obligating him to the protection of humanity. Which came in high demand during World War 2.

Following the end of the wars he entered a period of seclusion and self pity due to his harrowing experiences fighting the Axis, only emerging when the backlash from ignoring his duties as Magus took it's toll on his ability to use magic. He set out once again, this time taking an apprentice in young Piper Sandoval, this time to protect the world from threats more subtle than any he had fought before.


Name: Piper Sandoval

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Alignment: Chaotic Good-ish

Secret Identity(her mage sobriquet): Howling Gale

Power(s): Primary skill is a savant like capacity for a specific but powerful form of transformation magic based on birds. Her most developed ability is the power to transform any inanimate object she touches into a flock of birds of roughly the same size, control them with sub vocal commands, and transform them back into the previous object with a thought. This seemingly innocuous ability affords her a lot of destructive potential. She is also slowly mastering a spell to transform herself as a form of fast transportation. Her power with magic is fresh and unaffected by the time or place of it's use. She is also far more socially adjusted than her master and is able to guide the pair through society more easily. More physically fit and energetic than her master, as well as more mentally and emotionally stable.

Weakness: In all other aspects of magic she is middling at best. Her "modern" mindset (as described by Casper) hampers her ability to grasp magic on a theoretical level. Due to her youth she is impulsive, self-indulgent, and has a hard time taking things seriously. Her compassion and lack of understanding of the nuances of the magical world blind her to the necessities of her position. And her lack of regard for Casper's counsel is only beneficial half the time.

Origin: Piper is the child of a Honduran immigrant and an American woman, born in the Southwest United States. Due to her between worlds upbringing, the death of her father, and her status throughout her adolescent and teen years as a chronic underachiever and troublemaker she became something of an outsider, and thus found herself the target of various spirits and beast that prey on the outsiders of society.

She was saved by Casper Crick, and due to having few options, and tempted by the offer of money to send to her family she joined Crick as his apprentice. Her study of magic quickly coalesced into an overly specialized discipline, leaving Crick with a substandard student, but she refused his offer to strip her of magical ability to live a normal life, as she had grown to like having powers. Both for her own enjoyment and the allure of being a hero. They now travel together, searching for the threats against humanity that emerge between the cracks in the world.

Secretly Crick wishes to groom an heir to his status as Magus in order to put an end to his long service, and even though her skill in magic is lacking, he hopes Piper will build the grit and experience to take on the mantle.
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