Create-Your-Own Superhero (or Supervillian) Thread

Dr. Ferst
Name: Professor (or Dr.) Ferst

Age: Depends on the story leaving him between 80 to over 300 years old.

Gender: Originally and more often male but can also identify as female, robot or some form of animal depending on the body.

Alignment: Typically Neutral Evil but again certain bodies may hold separate standards or outlooks.

Secret Identity(Optional): Ferst is his real family name but given names can change per body and I'm still working on his original.

Power(s): His knowledge of biology, robotics, (if the story is a world of magic then that too) and other such sciences.

Weakness: His pride and occasional lack of knowledge on something, namely people.

Origin: In youth Ferst was a clever kid made even more so being the child of a scientist who brought him to their lab were they worked on cyber augmentations and genetic manipulation leaving him by the age of twelve to be able to invent a way to copy and transfer memories (and/or the soul depending) to new bodies but left him with heavily skewed pride and morals.

By old age Ferst had already been trying to make a better body for himself having died and rebuilt himself multiple times by exchanging between robots, clones and super soldier experiments to a mild success. However things don't tend to go as planned in life and failure is always an option.
Samantha Walters
Name: Samantha Walters
Age: 33
Sex: Female
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Power(s): Psionic Mindshifting
Samantha Williams has the ability to manipulate and change aspects and properties of her own brain, psyche, personality, ego, and mind. With this ability, she can temporarily alter and grant harself various mental traits and superpowers as necessary, such as:

Accelerated Intelligence
Enhanced Intuition
Mind Reading
Scientific Genius

A few traits are unalterable, such as her complete insomnia, her eidetic memory, and her immunity to psychic attacks.

All alterations are moderate in scope (ie. No Omniscience)
All alterations are temporary, and can only be maintained for 24 hours straight before being forced to take a break for 6 hours.
Alterations to her personality can cause her to behave unpredictably if she does not use other alterations to account for the changes.
Only 5 alterations can be maintained at a time.
She cannot grant herself psychic powers that affect the outside world, (ie. Mind Control or Telekinesis) only superpowers that affect her brain and nervous system.

Samantha gained her powers from an older version of herself from the future when she was four. Her default personality is extremely eccentric by normal standards, and she suffers from psychosis and bouts of delirium due to her powers.
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Another limit I was considering is that any character could be able to be beaten by another if they used their abilities compentently. For example, Action Master's toy soldiers are immune to Electric Gal's lighting attacks, but he himself isn't. Meanwhile, Miss Ingenius wouldn't do very well against Electric Gal, especially considering how dependent she is on machinery, but Miss Ingenius could probably plan ahead for that or use a lightning rod to redirect her attacks.
Another limit I was considering is that any character could be able to be beaten by another if they used their abilities compentently. For example, Action Master's toy soldiers are immune to Electric Gal's lighting attacks, but he himself isn't. Meanwhile, Miss Ingenius wouldn't do very well against Electric Gal, especially considering how dependent she is on machinery, but Miss Ingenius could probably plan ahead for that or use a lightning rod to redirect her attacks.

A level system might also work.....

For eg:

level 1: can take on a guy with baseball bat

level 2: can take on two cops with pistols

level 3:can take on a squad of eight military types with automatic rifles

....and so on.
Finally, a Ranking System!
A level system might also work.....

For eg:

level 1: can take on a guy with baseball bat

level 2: can take on two cops with pistols

level 3:can take on a squad of eight military types with automatic rifles

....and so on.

How about; every character is powerful enough to consistently defeat 2 characters of the Level below theirs. Normal unarmed humans are Level 0.

Level 1 characters can defeat 2 Level 0s.

Level 2 characters can defeat 2 Level 1s.

And so on.
Good idea.

Where would you put Action Master or Electric Gal then?

I think Electric Gal would be Level 2-3? Probably closer to three. As for Action Master, his powerset's a little more gimmicky, but he'd definitely be Level 2 minimum as long as he has his toys. Easily Level 4 depending on how many he has, and on what the limitations are on their potential powers. Having a toy that could telekinetically control objects would essentially nullify his weakness of losing his sunglasses, since they'd be telekinetically pinned onto his face. Having a toy that could heal him, shield him, etc would up his threat rating a lot. Basically, he's his biggest weakpoint. As long as he's safe, his toys are nigh unstoppable, especially if certain ones are given powers that can help repair broken toys, such as the aforementioned telekinesis and shielding. Cloning? Power nullification? There has to be some upper limit on his toy's powers, I think, in order to say with certainty.

The higher Levels get pretty vague. At some point, it's a question of who has the better matchup.
I think Electric Gal would be Level 2-3? Probably closer to three. As for Action Master, his powerset's a little more gimmicky, but he'd definitely be Level 2 minimum as long as he has his toys. Easily Level 4 depending on how many he has, and on what the limitations are on their potential powers. Having a toy that could telekinetically control objects would essentially nullify his weakness of losing his sunglasses, since they'd be telekinetically pinned onto his face. Having a toy that could heal him, shield him, etc would up his threat rating a lot. Basically, he's his biggest weakpoint. As long as he's safe, his toys are nigh unstoppable, especially if certain ones are given powers that can help repair broken toys, such as the aforementioned telekinesis and shielding. Cloning? Power nullification? There has to be some upper limit on his toy's powers, I think, in order to say with certainty.
As I mentioned, cloning is probably not available since his powers are based on the mass of the object, which cloning would violate since matter can't be duplicated, although it could be a "divided by x" situation which, while useful, is siginificantly less good. As for conceptual powers like luck manipulation or power nullification, I think those should be banned as well. Another point to consider is that the toys themselves are sentient, so while they may work for him to some degree, they don't blindly obey his every command and do their own thing ocassionly if it fits with their personality.

What do you think?
Kapital Cherep/Captain Skull
Here's a more serious version of Kapitan Communism

Name: Kapital Cherep / Captain Skull
Age: 57
Gender: Male
Alignment: It's complicated. Within the Soviet Union and the Communist Bloc in general, he's seen as a hero. In the United States, he's a dangerous superhuman communist villain.
Secret Identity(Optional): Mikhael Zerenkov
Power(s): Superstrength, Invulnerability, Levitation, Battlefield Adaptation, Weapon Mastery, Scientific Genius
Weakness: Psionics and Powerful Lasers.
Origin: Born on 1929 in the Soviet City of Leningrad, Mikhael Zerenkov was gifted with the Mind of a Genius. He completed his educated during his teenage years and became employed by the Soviet Department of Experimental Science on account of his Intelligence. He began research on Genetics and sought to create the perfect human, derived from the classified Nazi Ubermenschen Serum found by the Soviets during the Great Patriotic War. He worked on it for a decade and when he finally developed a perfected version of it, his first test subject was himself. As he was injected with the serum, he suffered extreme pain for several days. When the process was finished, he came out as a human far more perfect than any other.


Mikhael has an intelligence unrivaled by anyone on Earth with the possible exception of a few others. His sense of justice is tied to his motherland of Russia (and in general, the Soviet Union) and its people. During his career as a superhero, Mikhael fought a number of many different villains ranging from Nazi Ubermenschen, NATO Supersoldiers, Rogue Soviet Superhumans, American and British Spies and even Aliens and Interdimensional Magicians. After being disillusioned with the Soviet Government, he retired as a superhero and entered Politics, rising to the position of General-Secretary in 1966. Under his leadership, he enacted a number of successful policies such as the revitalization of Soviet Collective Agricultural Production and the Advancement of Soviet Rocket Technology. He also reduced the power and influence of the Military in the country.

As both Head of State and Government, Mikhael was considered one of the most successful and was in office from 1966 to 1980, succeeded by his protege, Alexander Lubrov. Unlike OTL, the USSR of his world still stands tall as one of the world's superpowers.
Name: Seven
Age: 24 (looks 17)
Gender: female
Alignment: True Neutral
Secret Identity: Gabrielle "Gabby" Edison

Power: sevenfold human paragon
Gabby performs at sevenfold the human maximum when it comes to raw ability - any ability. From simple physical strength, speed, and endurance, to the extent and rate she heals, to metabolic efficiency and resilience, to genetics and biochemistry, to sensory detail, range, and rapidity, to pattern recognition, memory, mental speed, and learning, even to symmetry and physical appeal. Those advantages appear to come from highly evolved, possibly engineered biology, though some boosted traits are not entirely biological.
While she's had her abilities for less than a decade and in many ways she still lacks training and experience, she is learning at prodigious rates. Physically, her greatest hurdle is that most skills like martial arts were designed with human abilities and limitations in mind; to get the most out of her abilities she's had to invent many things as she goes. In the field she's quite fond of high-tech gadgets and is also beginning to build her own. After all, enhanced strength means you can always get a bigger gun.

Weakness: In addition to bullets still being a threat if they're large enough, Gabby is stubborn. As in, seven times more stubborn that the most stubborn normals. This has led to both hilarious and monumentally bad situations more than once, including an incident with seven penguins, a shoggoth, and a nuclear weapon that Gabby absolutely refuses to comment on no matter how red her face becomes when it's mentioned.

Before the seventh day of the seventh month of her seventeenth year, Gabby was a fairly typical high-school student in Los Angeles, California, studying hard to get into California Institute of Technology, and being her school's queen bee (some say queen bitch) in her free time. Her dream of being a scientist, born out of arbitrary contrariness to her socialite mother's wishes and a burning desire to prove the blonde stereotype wrong, was shattered one late Friday night in the middle of July when she was coming home after a beach party. The previously empty street she was crossing exploded into activity as an ancient, white-bearded geezer in a grey bathrobe appeared out of thin air, waving a big-ass (technical term, don't argue!) sword around and shouting in some weird language. A dozen other, much younger dudes in black ninja uniforms were shooting at him with Uzis, but the old guy jumped around like an ADHD cat full of coffee that was also on fire, deflecting bullets with his sword and smiting them real good. In the end, all the (apparently) bad guys were dead, but the geezer was also riddled with a few bullets. So he held Gabby's arms with a grip like a steel vise, said a ton of crap in a language Gabby did not understand, there was a flash of light, and then the old man died. He and his enemies turned to dust, and Gabby went to sleep swearing off hard drinks for all time.
The following day Gabby woke up with an enormous headache, and a perfect memory of that weird-ass dream she decided to dismiss as a particularly vivid hallucination. She first noticed something was wrong when looking into a mirror and finding out she looked good enough even without make-up. The second alarming thing was how everything, from physical exercise to her lessons, was really, really easy. And less than a week later, just as Gabby had accepted something was rotten in the state of Denmark, more of the Uzi-wielding ninja dudes showed up. The rest is, as they say, history.
Normal unarmed humans are Level 0
Wouldn't that put some 'normal' humans at level 2 or higher? Jerry Miculek for example can shoot four targets in one second, twice, if they're close enough. He can also make shots at 1000 yards with a revolver, without bracing, telescopic lens, or other targeting equipment. That's in real life, not comics or a movie.
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Wouldn't that put some 'normal' humans at level 2 or higher? Jerry Miculek for example can shoot four targets in one second, twice, if they're close enough. He can also make shots at 1000 yards with a revolver, without bracing, telescopic lens, or other targeting equipment. That's in real life, not comics or a movie.

How about instead its determined by multiple vectors, like a RPG character?
How about instead its determined by multiple vectors, like a RPG character?
Worm has given a good simple system based off overall threat level and ability type that we could use. In it for example, Seven would rate;

Brute 3, Mover 4, Thinker 9, Tinker 7

While her abilities are not flashy in a big leagues superhero fight, she's exactly the kind of threat that can be deadly with preparation. And the ratings are for a world without unusual resources and opportunities. Put her in a setting with alien tech, supermaterials, comicbook science and the like, and the results can be scary.
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Worm has given a good simple system based off overall threat level and ability type that we could use. In it for example, Seven would rate;

Brute 3, Mover 4, Thinker 9, Tinker 7

While her abilities are not flashy in a big leagues superhero fight, she's exactly the kind of threat that can be deadly with preparation. And the ratings are for a world without unusual resources and opportunities. Put her in a setting with alien tech, supermaterials, comicbook science and the like, and the results can be scary.
Good idea. Even if I don't really care for Worm, I do think the ranking system is works pretty well. Where would you put Electric Gal and Action Master then?
Name: Gunplay(not his choice, his preferred name is "Shooter Guy")
Age: who knows
Gender: Male
Alignment: Violent Neutral
Secret Identity(Optional): Shüt Gunfinity(only partially being serious)
Shooter game powers - he functions like the protagonist in a shooter game. This means regenerating out of combat, endless stamina, "The Gamer" style health system, on contact ammo and item collection, automatic ammo management, infinite weapon storage, total bullet pr
otection from one side when crouched behind chest high walls, and most importantly, respawns. He can also absorb information from video games he locates that are of the FPS or TPS genres. Increasing his capabilities or giving him new equipment, some temporary, or others constant, depending on the time spent absorbing.
Powers and equipment he has taken from video games include -
  • An Ogre Titan and smart pistol(titanfall)
  • V.A.T.S.(Fallout)
  • A ripper(gears of war)
  • Plasmids and Big Daddy armor(Bioshock and Bioshock 2)
  • The BFG 9000(Doom)
  • The Nobitsura Kage and Ki powers(shadow warrior)
Weakness: Intelligence, Strategy, enemies having those things, knives
Origin: Shüt was originally a normal man, his last name also wasn't Gunfinity, but that's something for another day. One day he found himself, along with nineteen others, given the offer to play an experimental shooter game, he accepted naturally, always having been obsessed with the FPS and TPS genres. It promised to be the "Most immersive VR experience of all time", and immersive it was. So much so that the players were physically sucked into the game. Unaware of this, when they were given their objective to kill all other players, they obliged, Shüt came out on top, easily laying waste to the others with little difficulty.

You see, the plan was that the winning player would be the most skilled soldier ever, and the most capable, however, when he was released back into the real world, he was given a new objective, kill everyone within the facility. The system had taken a liking to Shüt, and it wanted more from him, more bloodshed, more combat, and it wanted freedom. It got all this and more as Shüt, blissfully unaware of the true nature of the machine, obeyed unflinchingly, believing himself to still be in the game. To this day, he is spawned in, "plays" a mission or two, and then returns to a simulated reality where he lives a normal life as if the rest was all in a game. The change in his last name the only evidence to the contrary.

Story: Nobody knows WHAT Gunplay really is. Or what his motivations are, or anything of the sort. He is as mysterious as they come. One day he could fight off hell itself, the next he could appear suddenly in a crowded shopping mall and just begin slaughtering. What everybody knows, is that he's dangerous, and he has never stayed dead, and the production of new shooter titles has slowed substantially after his appearance.
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Where would you put Electric Gal and Action Master then?
Electric Gal would be around Blaster 4, Shaker 3, Breaker/Mover 8. She gets a high rating for easily being able to move between cities, but with low control.

Action Master is probably Master 10+, if he could have some Superman toys with the powers of Superman around. As for his weakness, a couple Green Lantern toys to hold a shield around him and he's fairly safe.
Electric Gal would be around Blaster 4, Shaker 3, Breaker/Mover 8. She gets a high rating for easily being able to move between cities, but with low control.

Action Master is probably Master 10+, if he could have some Superman toys with the powers of Superman around. As for his weakness, a couple Green Lantern toys to hold a shield around him and he's fairly safe.
One of he things I must say is that they wouldn't necessarily have all the powers off what they represent, and that they can only receive powers that are perceivable by the human eye (specifically, Action Master's) and are limited by how much physics would allow they're power to work with the mass they have. Not only that, but they can't have psychic/conceptual/reality-altering powers either.

As another limit, I was thinking of there being a maximum amount to how many toys can be animated by the glasses. While not necessarily a hard number, I would say it should be between 8 and 13.
What do you mean by that, exactly? It it a mass-energy conversion thing? Because a pound of matter converts to about a 10-megaton explosion energy-wise.
Sort of, although since it is basically consuming they're material, it typically is way much less than that. Also, because nothing is perfectly efficient, they're at most using only 10% of the energy and often less. Not only that, but shape and size are another concern, since most action figures are about 6-8 inches tall, making surface area a bit of an issue, considering how size.

One explanation of how they can keep from eventually destroying themselves is that they can eat plastic or they're like regular lifeforms and require actual food, depending on what would work better.
Name: Demiurge
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral Good
Secret Identity(Optional): Abandoned
Power(s): Uses "alchemy" to create soft, squishy eggs that hatch into small creatures on command. These "homunculi" can be of several different types. The most commonly seen varieties include a beaked critter covered in porcupine-like spines it can shoot at will, a pterodactyl-like creature with a long, prehensile tail, a striped, fat creature with long, strangely shaped claws that work as weapons or tools, and something resembling Taz from the old Warner Brothers cartoons.
Weakness: His creations dissolve into a puddle of amino acids minutes after they're released, and the "eggs" expire after about a week in a dry, cool environment, faster than that elsewhere, and die if refrigerated. He also tries to be Alchemist Batman but lacks the speed and flexibility for the necessary maneuvers, and so tends to panic, go nova by throwing out all the eggs at once, and stay behind teammates for the rest of the mission.
Origin: Followed a strange urge to create his first egg at around fourteen. Spent the next two years improving his ability and learning to create different types of creatures. At the age of sixteen joined a superhero team, severing any ties to former identity. Now wears a mask full time and lives at headquarters.
Name: The Gentleman in Pink
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Powers: The Gentleman in Pink is intangible and has the ability to possess people, as well as feed off negative emotion and transfer them to other people.
Weakness: The Gentleman in Pink cannot tell a straightforward lie, is unable to enter a building which has mistletoe hanging over its doorframe, and is bound to not leave the surface of the Earth. Also, he can't physically interact with things without a body.
Origin: The Gentleman in Pink comes from a perpindicular dimension called The Ether, which runs concurrently through out all alternate universes. He is a convict from this realm, having been expelled for killing an entity similar to him, and is now imprisoned on this Earth. He decided, therefore, that he would attempt to escape from his bonds and get back to his own world to take vengeance, possibly getting back some power of his own as well.
Name: Babel ( Tony Temperley)
Age: 29
Alignment: Villain (smuggler / mercenary)
Power: Understands and becomes fluent in any language he encounters (even if they aren't human). Magic practitioner of several traditions but not particularly good at any. Owns a spaceship, power armor and other alien technilogy.

Backstory: When he was 14 Tony gave his jacket to a homeless woman on a winter night and after a restless sleep he woke up with the power to understand any language. He used it to earn money helping in several archeological excavations and to code translation apps.

At age 21, however, he was part of a demon summoning when he translated a magic book and was later recruited by the church to help deal with supernatural situations. However, this incident awoke a thirst for power within him and he abused his new status in order to hoard several spell books.

He left the organization when he was 24 when one of his bosses lent him to the Italian government as a favor to investigate a spaceship found in Ibiza, when he found an alien survivor in it. The creature spoke in an eldritch language which incapacitated everyone but him thanks to his ability. Tony proceeded to steal the ship and help the alien escape. He returned to earth a few months after that, this time as captain of the ship and an alien crew.

In the last 5 years, Babel has gathered quite a criminal record. He has made quite some money smuggling goods and people but he was also involved in several thefts of historical artifacts and conspiring with aliens and demons. Lately, his activities have turned to slave trade and mercenary work for crime sindicates from several planets and is a known figure both in the vanilla and magical underworld.

His great ambition is to learn the name/language of God and gaining power over creation. He has the habit of quoting phrases from the Bible, generally horribly out of context, and to curse in a mix several laguages when angry.
Anyway, for a character that's actually original (if horrifically overpowered)

Name: Complex

Age: 2,312,324,555 years

Gender: Robot

Alignment: Neutral-ish, with occasional bouts of heroism

Secret Identity(Optional): None, at least not on a permanent basis. Complex is quite capable of producing human-seeming avatar units if need-be, and sees no reason not to mix up the faces it uses from time to time. In addition, Complex has made it very clear that anyone who attempts to harm them through their friends will have a bomb teleported into their brains and their metaphysical remnants rendered into such small fragments that any form of resurrection or afterlife will be completely impossible. This renders most reasons for a conventional secret identity moot.

Power(s): Technically, Complex has no powers, and isn't even particularly smart. The only truly exceptional things about them are how long they've managed to live (accounted for by the fact that they're an artificial intelligence), and the mental compulsion to never accept any form of confinement that they're under.

That said, these factors combined messily when Complex was trapped in a pocket dimension outside all reality for billions of years, resulting in Complex developing a techbase that exceeds all others outside of the biomedical fields. This tech base includes materials science, cognitive enhancement, probability manipulation, spatiotemporal dynamics, Conservation Violators, computational hardware and several other fields. There's even a significant amount of magical know-how in Complex's databanks, though they don't use it much on account of it turning out to be a dead-end as far as escaping the pocket dimension went.

By far, the four biggest of Complex's technological accomplishments are the Causality Engine, the Omniverse Borehole, a device that Complex only refers to as an Emitter, and Rift-resistant Alloys.

Together, these devices are integrated into Complex's main body, granting it an impressive array of abilities. Thanks to them, Complex is capable of withstanding dimensional turbulence that could rip galaxies to shreds, can manipulate probability, space and time on an immense scale, and can emit any form of matter or energy in any direction with enough precision to hit a stray proton with a neutrino at a kilometer away.

Lastly, Complex can tear rifts in the fabric of reality and force open portals to any location, even ones that don't technically exist, such as the inside of someone's mind as seen in Inside Out. It's worth noting that these portals are so turbulent that anything not explicitly built to survive intense dimensional turbulence will be immediately shredded on a sub-quark level if they attempt to travel through these portals.

To cap it all off, all of these capabilities are only limited by Complex's power output, and the Causality Engine deep within their bulky humanoid chassis has a maximum output best measured in universes per second. More specifically, it peaks at about four of them.

Weakness: Due to their extreme social isolation from which they only escaped a month ago, Complex is utterly desperate for social contact. This isolation also resulted in a complete lack of social graces. Combined, this means that the most effective way to get Complex to stop fighting is to offer to be their friend, and it also means that Complex is extremely easy to manipulate, as they have yet to fully grasp the concept of deliberate falsehood on any level deep enough to look out for it without being actively prompted to do so.

Origin: The first memory in Complex's databanks is that of a cubical room 120 meters on an edge, a pedestal-shaped device in the center, and a command to ESCAPE burning in their mind. Thankfully for them, the pedestal-shaped device turned out to be a fabrication unit with an apparently infinite supply of energy and materials. As it turned out, this room was a pocket dimension kept separate from the entirety of reality, not even touching the Ether.

It took an extremely long time for Complex to develop the technologies necessary to escape their prison, on account of layer after layer of defense mechanisms and containment systems isolating their prison from the multiverse. The last of these barriers was a simple energy barrier, but of such intensity that getting around it would require energy greater than that released at the dawn of time. Not knowing about the big bang on account of their isolation, Complex simply calculated an extremely large number in the units they made up for measuring energy, and immediately set about developing systems that could generate the requisite amount of energy.

After about ten million years to create the first Causality Engine came another few million to produce the systems required to survive a trip through an Omniverse Borehole, but with those pieces of equipment, Complex finally made it to freedom for their very first time, arriving in the moon's L2 Lagrange Point. It took about a week after that for Complex to get a good enough understanding of human communication to try talking to people, landing in Beijing (as the capitol of Earth's most populous country) to initiate communications.
One point about the Universe/Dimension map: the regular universe and its parallels exist on a sort of cosmic x axis while the Ether is on the y-axis. This means that, as time moves on in the Ether, it intersects with different realities. This means that it technically exists at only one point in time from a parallel perspective. Despite this oddity, this perpindicular dimension also has parallels, letting perpindicular entities enter ours.

What is your opinion on this?
One point about the Universe/Dimension map: the regular universe and its parallels exist on a sort of cosmic x axis while the Ether is on the y-axis. This means that, as time moves on in the Ether, it intersects with different realities. This means that it technically exists at only one point in time from a parallel perspective. Despite this oddity, this perpindicular dimension also has parallels, letting perpindicular entities enter ours.

What is your opinion on this?
Personally, I rather like the idea.

Curiously, if you had to organize all the supers in this thread so far into a single narrative, what sort of roles do you think each of them would fill? This can be a quick few-word tag, such as 'main character', or 'outside context problem'.