Create-Your-Own Superhero (or Supervillian) Thread

This looks interesting. I'll throw an entry in.

Name: Mr. Rosa
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Evil(Villain)
Secret Identity: Stone Rosetta
Named Henchmen: Tuna Joe
Nemesis: Haze Edge
  • CQB Expert.
    • Mr. Rosa has trained in various forms of martial arts and has adapted them into his own unique style. Supporting his training is his family heirloom, a WWII Thompson Sub-machine gun that is well kept and maintained. He is an excellent shot with it and has never lost a gunfight with it. In a pinch, he has drum magazines loaded with caseless explosive tipped ammunition.
  • Charismatic voice and visage.
    • Mr. Rosa is as handsome and as compelling as a man can get. He speaks in ways that convinces people that they are on the same side. Never looking down on others, those outside the know see him as an outstanding citizen while those in the know recognize the threat he is should his plans come to fruition. While some criminals gladly toss away unneeded tools, Mr. Rosetta is a man of honor. His followers fight for his ideals that much harder.
  • Logistical Planner.
    • Mr. Rosa is well read and well learned. From the halls of the Harbor Point Library to the streets of the Black Harbor, he has familiarized himself with all aspects of it recognizing everything needed to run a city. His plans rarely have delays or problems with funding. He knows where and how to get this done quickly and efficiently.
Weakness: None.
Before Stone was born, his crime family controlled every aspect of Harbor Point. These were the golden days of Harbor Point. The docks were filled with imports from across the world, the workers toiled at labor industries and everyone went home well paid and their families well fed. Every governmental official, crime lord, and officer bent knee to the real leader of the city and crime was only a ceremonial show of might. Sadly the head of the Rosetta family passed away and without a strong figure to control the aspects of the city, the golden days fractured. These days, the Harbor Point is a shadow of its former self, the docks lay overmanned and under stocked. The Industrial sector is filled with empty factories and crime is an all time high with corruption filling the government and police force.

Stone was raised on the stories of the golden days; how his grandfather and grandmother guided the city to greatness. Inspired and raised to reclaim the city by his family, he has grown into a respectable man with ambition. And so he plans with his mind and speaks with his passion. Follows flock to his family, seeking refuge in a crumbling city or glory or to honor old deeds. Stone is a patient man who will not stop until Harbor Point has been restored under his name.

His greatest foe is Haze Edge, a ninja vigilante who has taken resident in his city. While a powerful foe in combat, that isn't why Mr. Rosa views him as such a threat. Edge has a very strong sense of righteousness that is backed by age old wisdom and refined by contemporary thought and Mr. Rosa knows that when ideals clash, is when things get dangerous.
Name: Elizabeth Grenfield/Gwendolyn Montmartre/Natalya Vorotnikova/others
Age: 5463
Gender: Female
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Secret Identity(Optional): Medea of Colchis
Power(s): Magic.
List of Spells
Flames of Hestia - Elemental - Sends a blast of flames at you. Can also shape the flames into limited configurations, such as a whip or a sword.
Wrath of Poseidon - Elemental - Tidal torrent that washes away anything in front of her.
Medea's Abyss - Invocation - Creates a lightless sphere that has the radius of two city blocks.
Hades' Hand - Necromancy - Raises the recently deceased as zombies. Not particularly tough or bright, and can be put down fairly easily. Beware large numbers of them, though.
Light of Apollo - Elemental - Flare of bright light that blinds anyone in a 5' radius.
Shades of Thanatos - Necromancy - Raise the shades of the deceased, but they can't have physical contact with the living.
Fear of Nemesis - Demonic (Fear) - Scare enemies into running far far away.
Hammer of Zeus - Elemental - Pillar of lightning slams into the ground; AoE effect
Hands of Hephaestus - Demonic (Alteration) - Can change the properties/shape of objects as long as she's in physical contact with them, as well as create items from various surfaces. Said items can only take on the appearance of what they're created from.
Weakness: Her temper when humiliated or abandoned.
Origin: The entity from myth, she fell in love with Jason when he stopped by Colchis with his Argonauts, joining him for various adventures. However, after he abandoned her in Corinth at the end of the voyage, she prayed to her grandfather Helios in the hopes that her grandfather would make Jason suffer. Once she accomplished this, she retired to her home in Colchis and took over ruling it until the Greek empire fell apart. After the empire fragmented, she took to travelling across the globe studying forbidden lore, taking tomes back to her ancestral manor in Colchis, occasionally having run-ins with Selene, the future Black Queen of the Hellfire Club. As the centuries passed, she upgraded her manor in the fashions of the period, as well as engaging in various careers and activities to pass the time, filling up her manor with various accomplishments. In the current decade, she's a mercenary fighting in the Balkans.

Her ancestral manor, now heavily modified with modern materials, and containing a treasure trove of magical knowledge, as well as more than a few weapons from various time periods, is currently in western Georgia, somewhere along the coastline. It's wrapped up in an illusion from an orb in her library, making it look like a bunch of ruins, somewhat desecrated.
Name: Ryan Martinez
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Good
Secret Identity(Optional): (Super) Martinez
Power(s): Super-Competence. He is very competent in everything, from things such as cooking and clean to more complex stuff like crime solving and disaster management. As a result, his surname is often accompanied by the word Super.
Weakness: His obliviousness to things like love and his apathy to most things.
Origin: Ryan Martinez is just a simple normal everyday man working as a teacher in his hometown's high school. He may look unassuming and ordinary at first glance but if you take a closer look, you'll find that he is probably the most amazing man in the world.
Sure, I'll bite. This is a character I thought up for Necessary Evil but never got a chance to play(mostly because nobody I know runs Necessary Evil...siiigh).

Name: Lauren Vain

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Alignment: Neutral Good

Secret Identity(Optional)Codename: Wasteland/Apocalypse, somewhat used interchangeably.

Power(s): Decay-Her touch breaks all things down. The greatest walls grind to sand, the strongest metal rusts to nothing, life withers and dies. The only "exception" seems to be plastic or similar materials, but even then, it's less that her power doesn't function on them and more that they take so long to break down naturally that her power takes a few months to fully erode it. Even a single month and it's pitted and scarred from her presence, it's just the most resilient material yet found(you would not believe how many plastic outfits she goes through on a regular basis). Her power seems to take in what she destroys, and it sustains her; technically, it's how she 'eats', which is fortunate given that her power withers and rots any actual food she touches. At any rate, it seems to be a efficient diet for her, as she hasn't seemed to age ever since her powers manifested.
Additionally, her power seems to...take root, for lack of a better term, in anything living she actually touches. When she touches a living creature(willingly or not), they take longer to waste away, but will do so inevitably without powered treatment, causing the afflicted to waste away and rot to dust. Even with treatment by heroes with Healing powers, the victim will usually suffer long-term medical problems such as weak bones or atrophied musculature. The cause of this effect doesn't seem to be physical in nature, and no abnormal microbes have been found in the tissue of those afflicted(in fact, they're usually noted to have a much lower than average number of microbial life living on them during and immediately after this effect); supers who purportedly have a connection to magic or spirits have described serpentine...things eating away at them on a spiritual level, which recoil and flee or die themselves at the presence of healing powers. The implications, understandably, distress Lauren and those in the know.
(Necessary Evil powerset is effectively Decay with Midas Touch and Infection with Always On and Death in 1-6 hours, Agelessness, Absorption:Life Force(although I don't think that's the "right" power for what I want but there doesn't seem to be a better one), and Immunity:Chemicals)

Weakness: Life Allergy-Healing powers, Life Magic, whatever-she has a violent reaction to these. The only exception is either natural regeneration or healing by sapping the life force of others. Additionally, her power cannot be turned off-which causes more than a few problems, although she's managed to suppress its immediate effects to a range of touch(although those who work in her proximity will likely have shorter lifespans due to the ambient nature of her powers). This also means that while she's entirely immune to poisons or disease, as her body breaks all things down, she's similarly immune to any form of medicine, drug, chemical, whatever, beneficial or otherwise.
Also, while it probably doesn't need to be stated and is probably implied, she's technically not any more physically durable than an ordinary human, and her power does take at least a fraction of a second to break something down-with that regard, it can actually work against her since bullets will puncture her skin before beginning to break apart, knives will cut into her, ect, and then the fragments stuck in her will erode eventually into nothingness which ends up leaving an open, bleeding wound within anything to stop it. She usually needs to sap life force to survive something like that; luckily, quantity can work and enough plantlife can allow her to regenerate enough to not-die.

To her and her handlers?
Unknown. As far as anyone has been able to piece together, Lauren spontaneously developed her powers sometime when she was 19, unfortunately in a crowded public area. Everything within a five-block radius became desiccated ruins, save a single scared girl. At first, they assuming it to be a superpowered terrorist attack, and that she was the culprit(being the only person to survive), but they quickly realized their mistake when she actively tried avoid touching the responders but otherwise surrendered peacefully, if fearfully. Her internment at High Security site(dedicated to her alone, as she isn't technically a criminal) is willing, and while every once in a while some supervillain attempts to 'liberate' and 'recruit' her from her imprisonment(most just wanting to exploit her powers), they're all mostly confused when she doesn't go along with them and retreats with the wardens deeper into the facility. It's designed to keep people out and only contain the effects of her power, after all.
In the world of Necessary Evil(which, again, is what I originally thought her up for), I imagine that her High Security Facility would serve as a Secret Base type area with her guards as 'henchmen', and she'd be helping the villains not out of a desire to conquer the world, but more to restore the old government and in hopes of not being used as a weapon of mass destruction by the invaders. Not that she's entirely comfortable with the fact that, effectively, she's using herself as a weapon of mass destruction against them.

In truth?
Lauren Vain is Entropy Incarnated. Think the Wyrm pre-insanity from the Old World of Darkness-except it doesn't have any memories of what it is, and is embodied into a mortal(complete with banes spawning from her and embedding themselves into mortals!). Her powers are only as weak as they are because she constantly fights against them-if she broke down her mental barriers and went full A-God-Am-I mode, she could theoretically be the end of all things, first turning the earth to dust, then eroding it further into void, and moving on to the rest of the solar system, ad infinium as The Wyrm Ascendant consumes all creation. ...Theoretically, anyways. She doesn't have any intention of realizing her potential, at any rate.
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Name: Blood Queen
Age: 58 (appears young however)
Gender: Female
Alignment: Villain
Secret Identity(Optional): None. Birth name is unknown; she refuses to divulge it to protect her relations.
Power(s): Blood-based human augmentation and creature creation

The woman known as Blood Queen developed her powers naturally in adolescence. She set out to use her powers legally for profit, and only slowly slid into the criminal life style; even today despite her ferocious sounding name she's actually an "honorable opponent", minimal force style of villain. She's even been known to stand with the heroes when the threat involved is sufficiently large, mostly out of self interest; although her aid in such cases generally leans heavily towards the "stay way back behind the front lines and send in the minions" school of assistance.

In appearance she's a tall, young looking (when unmasked) woman; when "on business" she wears a rather intimidating set of organic "power armor", designed to look as ferocious as possible, all red and black with plenty of spines, blades, armored tentacles and so forth. She's a fan of psychological warfare; think less "spiky Dark Lord", and more "the thing that stalks people in a horror movie".

Her powers mainly stem from her blood, a substance which enhances or alters pretty much anything remotely organic; since of course her body is permanently filled with it, she's a prime beneficiary. Exactly what it does depends on what it touches, and what she commands it to do.

The most straightforward application of her blood is to animate it; she can cause it to slice its way out of her skin (she is fortunately insensitive to pain), and cause itself to form into weapons, tentacles, shields and so forth. Notably she regenerates blood at an incredible rate, and so doesn't suffer from expelling large amounts of it; still she only has so much at a time so while she can create useful extensions with this power, they aren't all that large.

When infused into living creatures her blood augments them, making them faster, stronger, regenerate damage and so forth. Since she herself is filled with her own blood, she is of course the immediate beneficiary of this. For other people the blood only has a temporary effect, and is consumed by healing; if they want to keep their augmentations, they need periodic infusions of blood from her. She has used this to create large numbers of loyal minions; normally she needs no stronger threat than that of refusing to give them more blood to keep them in line. She can also use this ability essentially as a healing power; she simply infuses just enough blood for the healing function to kick in, but little enough that it's consumed in the healing process.

Since she is of course filled with her own blood, she always has the maximum amount of augmentation from it. She's strong, fast, tough, and heals in moments from nearly anything short of disintegration. You can blow a hole through her heart and she probably won't even fall over before she heals. And if you blow her to pieces her blood can and will reach out and pull all the bits right back together. As well her blood keeps her permanently young. Minions of hers who are regularly given blood share this benefit to a lesser degree; they still age, but slowly.

When her blood is infused into dead creatures things get a little stranger. The blood "heals" the damage of death, re-animating them essentially as automatons controlled by her. In the process it also mutates them in somewhat unpredictable ways; she can give a general direction for the mutations like "big and dangerous", but even she is never quite sure what she'll get. If the subject is human they are resurrected with their knowledge intact if their brain isn't too badly damaged, but without their self-awareness; intelligent, but in a robotic sort of way. Think less "zombie" and more "Terminator". They are also dependent on her blood, but fall into hibernation and eventually die again without it rather than merely losing their powers.

The last thing she can do with her blood is mix it with organic or partially organic matter that isn't a single creature or the remains of one, like soil or a leaf pile. The blood in this case consumes the matter and reshapes it into a wholly novel creation. She again has only a limited control over the result but can give a general direction for it. When used to make creatures the results tend to be short-lived and stupider than ones made from pre-existing creatures, but she can use this technique to rapidly create small armies of expendable minions on short notice; picture her walking across a field scattering blood as a horde of bizarre creatures spawn from the earth behind her.

She can also however use this technique to create organic tools and devices, and has a small but effective armory of them. Like her more conventional creations, these tools require regular infusions of her blood to keep functioning; however if let to "die" and then "resurrected" with more blood they will undergo the mutation process a second time to a lesser degree, allowing her to refine their functions. This in fact is where her organic power armor comes from; she created the first version from random organic detritus, and by numerous repeated applications of her blood and its mutation ability has by trial and error "evolved" it into a quite powerful set of equipment.

She can communicate with and control her blood at distance; something she uses with her minions sapient and otherwise. For her non-sapient creations this grants her full control over them, as well as the ability to see through their senses. For her human servants her control is more limited; she can sense things through them, and has limited control over their own sense and actions. She can't outright puppet them, but she could if she wished paralyze them, cut off their sense or or inflict whatever sensations she pleased on them. However only uses her control this way in dire necessity; she uses it like that rarely enough that many of her minions never realize she can. She considers the carrot a much better means of control than the stick, and her ability to grant enhancement via her blood is a carrot that works best if it's not seen as a threat.

This sometimes causes issue when she uses her blood augmentation to heal people. The beneficiaries or their associates will worry that she might use her ability to control or disable them; especially since she's been known to heal even wounded heroes and bystanders. Partly because she dislikes unnecessary killing, and partly because she accurately calculates that they won't go after a villain like that nearly as hard as one who leaves corpses everywhere. And her motivation is profit, not dead people.

Their fears are actually baseless; her control only lasts as long as the blood is still present and active, as soon as its consumed in the healing any control she has vanishes. But they have only her word for that. She has on occasion taken advantage of this on purpose to heal a hero, and had them then avoid facing her out of fear she'd take control of them.
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Name: Grendel
Alignment: Villain. Hired muscle.
Powers: Super strength and resilience. Natural resistance to drugs and poisons. Heals faster than normal. Disinhibition aura.
Appearance: Eight feet tall, ugly as sin and with grayish skin. Dirty short black hair, croocked teeth and nose. Wears whatever he can find that fits him, while he prefers custom made leather clothes and animal pelts, he has been seen wearing clothes ranging from dresses for pregnant women to curtains worn as togas depending on his economic situation at the time.

Origins: Grendel was a monster the lived at the bottom of a well. One day, a frustrated man screamed into it complaining about his woes and made a habit out of it, going everyday there to complain about the world. Having never met another person, Grendel identified this man as his parent and God; from his shouts he learned to talk and about the world, gaining a twisted perspective of it, valoring evil above good as that was the only thing he knew.

One day, the man stopped coming. As time passed, Grendel grew worried and eventually climbed out of the well. He now searches for his 'father', in a world he doesn't understand and unable to comprehend good. He Works as hired muscle and takes part in every vice without care about others but one. He believes himself to be the next step above humanity and chosen by his god to spread his message by actions rather than words.

Behaviour: Rage is his most common emotion, as that was what he learnt from his parent and he is prone to go into rampages when fighting against héroes. He also has a tendency for shouting, whoring, drinking and doing drugs, the later two in great amounts to surpass his natural resistance. Due to his larger size, he has problems using small firearms but he can manage by cutting the guard around the trigger. He prefers the larger calibers and more potent weapons, shotguns and machineguns. If unavailable, he fights like a brawler and often uses heavy objects to hit with or throw around with his super strength. While not particularly Smart, he does posses cunning while fighting, particularly when using his opponents' reluctance to let innocents be hurt.