Cowls: A World of Supermen and Subterfuge

While I am all for outreach and social entrepreneurship, we also have functionally no revenue right now correct? I mean we of course want to improve the community, but we also have to think of our bottom line as well.

How about a community center type deal? Send your kids to hang and do and learn stuff for X amount. It'd need to be affordable, but we should be able to do both things you mentioned at once with that.
How about a community center type deal? Send your kids to hang and do and learn stuff for X amount. It'd need to be affordable, but we should be able to do both things you mentioned at once with that.
I'd say the big thing we can offer the locals at the moment is security, returning some degree of law and order, even if it's our law and order, instead of the rule of the gangs. Once we actually have some money coming in, then we can do more on the community outreach front.
I'd say the big thing we can offer the locals at the moment is security, returning some degree of law and order, even if it's our law and order, instead of the rule of the gangs. Once we actually have some money coming in, then we can do more on the community outreach front.

I'm so far against your militia plan I've wrapped around to liking it then disliking it a second time.

Needless to say, I disagree.
I'm so far against your militia plan I've wrapped around to liking it then disliking it a second time.

Needless to say, I disagree.
There's still well over a thousand gangers out there - taking them on without extra personnel is going to restrict our options to the very bloody, and that's before they start deploying their own heavy hitters against our enhanciles and spec-ops.
There's still well over a thousand gangers out there - taking them on without extra personnel is going to restrict our options to the very bloody, and that's before they start deploying their own heavy hitters against our enhanciles and spec-ops.

They are still people.

Discounting the crazies, the assholes, the sadists, and even the drug dealers and addicts.

You still have people who just wanted a family, who needed protection, who stood up for themselves and their families in a less than legit way.

Why do you think my plan, flawed as it is, avoids fighting and focuses on recruiting the good hearts in the organizations? Because I see a gang as a mess of individuals who've made bad decisions, not a disease to be purged.

People in pain need care, not a bullet to the head.
They are still people.

Discounting the crazies, the assholes, the sadists, and even the drug dealers and addicts.

You still have people who just wanted a family, who needed protection, who stood up for themselves and their families in a less than legit way.

Why do you think my plan, flawed as it is, avoids fighting and focuses on recruiting the good hearts in the organizations? Because I see a gang as a mess of individuals who've made bad decisions, not a disease to be purged.

People in pain need care, not a bullet to the head.
Our time table is only two months, you know.
Our time table is only two months, you know.

Community center shouldn't take that long to set up, unless someone with more knowledge on the topic doesn't mind sharing what they know.

Abandoned or cheap large location, buy it, renovate it. Pay people to fix it up, get paid to take care of kids, gives a new job source and community bonding location.

It's a place to start.
That would be a thought actually - set up a weapon deal with the gangs then hit them hard when they turn up for it, to make them extra paranoid and slow down any efforts to rearm.

You actually could, because Ez and Darius combined have enough military contacts that they could easily get crates of guns-and not just the shitty AK-47s and hand grenades gangs typically can get, but like, the high-end stuff that tends to be more found in the hands of shadowrunners, higher-end organized crime cartels (the ones with actual corporate presence), militaries, and corporate security forces. Electromagnetic weapons, lasers, military mobility exoskeletons and all. Of course, you'd have to pay for it somehow, because a good load of those will easily cost you your remaining budget.

It'd probably upgrade the Tactical and Trait ratings of Lima 7-9 by a good degree if you did that though, and you might end up with a SWAT-style unit out of the cops you have.
Mmm. Relatively happy with the way this turned out- Minimal casualties, effective denial of assets, etc- but not so happy about the fact that we weren't able to cover our tracks better.

It's not that bad though. The story was on the third page, and presumably there wasn't that much information put out on this. For now, we just need to take some minor precautions to make sure we don't get caught out for this- Which, yes, does include sidelining L-79 for a while- and focus on less drastic measures of community restoration.

I do still want to hit the drug production centers and coffers of drug money, but if using L-79 to do so leads to us taking a hit in the local community then it's not worth it.

I sort of like the idea of hiring mercs to muddy the waters, but I feel like that's the sort of thing that will backfire: L-79 doesn't like corruption, after all. And, hey, isn't that a good reason why we shouldn't be having L-79 running black ops all the time anyway?

So, for now, L-79 can be Office Security. Actually, it might be a good idea to have them on that in general, because as we know from personal experience other corporations have basically no problem running raids on corporate offices to get an extra little edge.

[X] Sideline Lima Seven-Nine. You'll probably need to sideline them for, hm… the next month, or maybe two. It shouldn't cause a problem if you leave them to guard the office, but if people catch them fighting alongside you in the field while memories of your raids are still this fresh, they'll draw the proper associations. You can kiss your PR goodbye at that point.

As far as our other plans go I think that subverting the local gangs is a little premature, but we can probably pull it off. However, I'm not sure that I'm in favor of the New Militia plan, admittedly as much because it involves using James extensively and risking his bad luck trait kicking in at the worst time as anything else. As such, I'm going to hold off on voting for any plans about how to finish the job at this point.
@Tempera are write-ins allowed?

Proposed Write-in
[X] The local community aren't so happy with us, fair enough, but nows the time to change that. Your travels overseas have let you interact with the sports culture over there and your neighborhood reminds you of some the shady places over there and the sports programs that brought them together. In the interests of PR and alleviating public distrust you will open up a sports club that runs a range of activities and programs for all ages. You'll use the already present ex-police community center as the opening base for this sports club. (Unlike the wacky pay to play system this is a true community sports club, like its meant to kids can play for just 10 dollars a season).
Here you are
Fuck it.

I'll edit in the other votes later.

[X] The local community aren't so happy with us, fair enough, but nows the time to change that. Your travels overseas have let you interact with the sports culture over there and your neighborhood reminds you of some the shady places over there and the sports programs that brought them together. In the interests of PR and alleviating public distrust you will open up a sports club that runs a range of activities and programs for all ages. You'll use the already present ex-police community center as the opening base for this sports club. (Unlike the wacky pay to play system this is a true community sports club, like its meant to kids can play for just 10 dollars a season).
Hmmm. I'm against recruiting the gangs to act as a militia. It's the sort of thing that we'll regret doing when it backfires hilariously in our faces because there are so many ways it could go wrong. Doubly, triply fucking so when you're proposing to arm them with the weapons we just stole. That's just an incredibly fucking terrible idea.

At least one of the GMs loves hitting players with the consequences of things they don't consider.

I think we should just send out the police to start restoring law and order in the streets. We've stripped the gangs of their weapons, so it's a lot less dangerous to have them out patrolling the streets.

One thing we might be able to do, depending on how far into the future Darius' precog can work, is to have Ez acting as a reserve and responding to incidents that threaten to go bad by showing up and making an example. On the other hand, this does mean pulling Darius away from his other duties.

The sporting idea doesn't actually achieve anything tangible, so I'm against it because we have to husband our resources here.
Hmmm. I'm against recruiting the gangs to act as a militia. It's the sort of thing that we'll regret doing when it backfires hilariously in our faces because there are so many ways it could go wrong. Doubly, triply fucking so when you're proposing to arm them with the weapons we just stole. That's just an incredibly fucking terrible idea.

At least one of the GMs loves hitting players with the consequences of things they don't consider.

I think we should just send out the police to start restoring law and order in the streets. We've stripped the gangs of their weapons, so it's a lot less dangerous to have them out patrolling the streets.

One thing we might be able to do, depending on how far into the future Darius' precog can work, is to have Ez acting as a reserve and responding to incidents that threaten to go bad by showing up and making an example. On the other hand, this does mean pulling Darius away from his other duties.

The sporting idea doesn't actually achieve anything tangible, so I'm against it because we have to husband our resources here.

Slow influx of funds and slow influx of good PR. What more do you need to fit "tangible"?
Slow influx of funds and slow influx of good PR. What more do you need to fit "tangible"?

You need to recoup the losses you'll take from starting up the business in a short enough timeframe that you still have funds available for when your business looks towards growing itself further. If you spend $1m here (the cost of buying a building and grounds to house the sports club, the cost to purchase equipment, the cost to hire coaches, the cost of insurance for when things inevitably go wrong, etc), for instance, and recoup from that $250 a week, it's going to take you four thousand weeks- or eighty years- to recoup the money you invested in it. If you assume you're going to make a lot more money from it- that is, if you assume that the local community has enough money to spend $2,500 a week sending their kids to practice sports that bring in no tangible benefits to their families in the short run- you're still going to be looking at not making the investment back for forty weeks.

The timeframe you've been provided with is two months. Eight weeks, of which one week is already gone. After that, the plan is accelerating, and it will no longer be a matter of gangs within a nine-block radius.

You can afford slow trickles of income, but make sure that it doesn't leave you out in the immediate timeframe.
[X] Sideline Lima Seven-Nine. You'll probably need to sideline them for, hm… the next month, or maybe two. It shouldn't cause a problem if you leave them to guard the office, but if people catch them fighting alongside you in the field while memories of your raids are still this fresh, they'll draw the proper associations. You can kiss your PR goodbye at that point.
[X] And you still have the rest of your battle with the gangs to consider. How are you going to approach the next phase of your operations?
[X] The gangs have been defanged. The obvious next step is to begin to kick ass. 1.5x
[X] Do it alone. Who needs support when you have yourself and Immolator? Two enhanciles should be more than enough to kick the asses of the local gangs. +.3x

[x] Have the former police working the beat with support from Shamus to allow them to better focus on hot spots and reduce response time. Especially since after you BURN THEIR DRUG LABS TO THE GROUND the gangs are going to want to shake down people for protection money. It gives you a good chance to fly the flag and build rapport with the community.

Ok we are only dealing with what, a 9 square block chunk of the city and not the place as a whole right now? a couple dozen cops augmented by a technopath can do a hell of a lot of good especially if public services are atrophied or just plain shitty.
Ok we are only dealing with what, a 9 square block chunk of the city and not the place as a whole right now? a couple dozen cops augmented by a technopath can do a hell of a lot of good especially if public services are atrophied or just plain shitty.
It's a nine-block radius, so 18 square blocks.
[X] Sarpedon

Yeeaaaah the, uh, build a community center option isn't exactly setting my loins on fire and I'm broadly more in favor of pressing our advantage while we still have this window.

You still have people who just wanted a family, who needed protection, who stood up for themselves and their families in a less than legit way.

I'm not unsympathetic but there's a large number of people embroiled in some really nasty shit. Look at what we pulled from the illegal bio-lab.

"Biomod facility is secure. No wounded on our side. Two KIA on theirs, one aug. Most of the hostiles are WIA. We're pulling the blueprints off of the server now and we've got an armored car coming to haul the gear away. Lots of black market stuff, more fit for pit fighters than soldiers. Wolvers, ripperjaws, weaponized cyberlimbs, dermal plate, intramuscle stims, black-market reflex augs-the old kind that give you Parkinsons' after a decade… we're doing a good job keeping this shit off the streets."

It's a fairly complex situation and romanticizing the competition as poor stray dogs in need of a good home isn't exactly doing anybody any favors. Sure, yeah, some of them are like what you said; just people trying to support their families and guard their little slice of the world, protect whatever it is they have left. The reports indicate as much. But there's enough out there who think that wiring weaponry for ripping and mauling into their foot-soldiers, who think that making raw, violent, augs tweaked out on combat stims and with integrated arsenals, is a just dandy idea.

So...y'know. :V
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[X] Sarpedon

Yeeaaaah the, uh, build a community center option isn't exactly setting my loins on fire and I'm broadly more in favor of pressing our advantage while we still have this window.

I'm not unsympathetic but there's a large number of people embroiled in some really nasty shit. Look at what we pulled from the illegal bio-lab.

It's a fairly complex situation and romanticizing the competition as poor stray dogs in need of a good home isn't exactly doing anybody any favors. Sure, yeah, some of them are like what you said; just people trying to support their families and guard their little slice of the world, protect whatever it is they have left. The reports indicate as much. But there's enough out there who think that wiring weaponry for ripping and mauling into their foot-soldiers, who think that making raw, violent, augs tweaked out on combat stims and with integrated arsenals, is a just dandy idea.

So...y'know. :V

Which doesn't make mass murder and arson more acceptable? That's the conclusion you reached as well, right?
Guys. Remember that unless @Tempera and @MJ12 Commando have changed their minds, we have two choice slots:
a) What do we do with Lima Seven-Nine
b) What other thing do we do

Not what wide swathe of other things do we do, but our single next step in the plan. If you are voting for 'put together a community center,' you are by necessity just leaving the gangs alone for the next time-increment.
Which doesn't make mass murder and arson more acceptable? That's the conclusion you reached as well, right?

>Mass murder

What are we gunning them down in the streets? Is that what you think it is? That's not really the impression I pulled, that we're going to form up a posse and go door to door and start shooting people in front of their families or dragging them into the streets to be lynched. And it's not really doing your position many favors if you're going to be that absolutist about it.

Sure, yeah, we bump off some people. Gang leaders or important lieutenants or the people protecting them. We hurt them. We burn down their drug labs and have the corrupt-in-our-favor police do their actual jobs and start pulling people off the streets. We hurt their sources of income. We hurt their manpower pools, their "tax collectors". They might not be able to hold them for long but as long as it buys us more breathing room y'know?

And it's a pretty nasty one-two combo considering we've pretty heavily disarmed them.

So...yeah? When the leading alternatives are "brand ourselves as just another big gang by building a corporate militia out of the bits of the conquered gang right off the bat" and "sit down and make a community center", I'd say I've kinda reached the same conclusion Sarp has. We're a cyberpunk corporation that specializes in violence. This is our bread and butter.
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I'll try to make it short and sweet.

We need to deal with the gang presence, if only because of the shitty majority of the individuals within them, yes.

But wholesale slaughter and ass kicking isn't the answer here.

1. It's addressing the symptoms, not the actual disease.
2. It puts a giant target on our heads as likely being the recent arsonists.
3. It does exceedingly little to endear us to the city, since we are brutalizing and killing those who are just trying to get by alongside the chronic fuckups.

So no, can't cosign that.

[X] Plan: Quell the Flames

[X] Sideline Lima Seven-Nine. You'll probably need to sideline them for, hm… the next month, or maybe two. It shouldn't cause a problem if you leave them to guard the office, but if people catch them fighting alongside you in the field while memories of your raids are still this fresh, they'll draw the proper associations. You can kiss your PR goodbye at that point.

And you still have the rest of your battle with the gangs to consider. How are you going to approach the next phase of your operations?
[X] Immolator has a past as an [Ex Gang Member] and should be able to spearhead efforts figure out who'd take a second chance as a recruit of yours that's actually worth the effort. Shamus can back him up with any of his skills as a [Hacker] if and when necessary. [+2]

(Immolator finds groups and individuals to recruit, the company backs him up, and Shamus is on call)

I'm willing to edit the plan to have a second person to lead this operation as well, but otherwise I'm sticking with this.