Cowls: A World of Supermen and Subterfuge

What like Ez? :V

It doesn't just make them better at personally fighting it makes them more durable, more survivable, cynically speaking we want our more expensive assets to survive things that would kill our cheaper troops. We want them to endure and learn. Not doing anything for them physically in that regard leaves them as squishy as everyone else and risks our investment.

And considering that this is a setting where, yeah, your team leaders are also usually your strongest dudes, on both sides of a fight, I don't really grok your complaint.
The difference in power level between Vector and an Aug is vast - a full up enhancile can charge out in front with the expectation of coming out the other side, a solitary Aug cannot.
Making our troops more durable is a laudable goal, and, as I said, one we should go for once we start enhancing whole teams, but in terms of enhancing one member of a squad only, we'd get far more bang for our buck via improving the squad leader's sensory capacity, thus making it more likely they'll notice potential threats and keep more of the squad alive, than we would ensuring that that one person is the sole survivor when the rest of the team gets shot up in a an ambush.
Making our troops more durable is a laudable goal, and, as I said, one we should go for once we start enhancing whole teams, but in terms of enhancing one member of a squad only, we'd get far more bang for our buck via improving the squad leader's sensory capacity, thus making it more likely they'll notice potential threats and keep more of the squad alive, than we would ensuring that that one person is the sole survivor when the rest of the team gets shot up in a an ambush.

Yeah but like, that's not really what I mean.

Ughmrghrm doing a shit job of explaining it. :V

The way fights seem to work in this setting is that you pit augs with mook support against augs with mook support. Augs tend to fight each other, mooks tend to fight each other, once one side clears out the mooks then they can start applying the mass firepower needed to meaningfully bring down the augs since augs tend to be durable as fuck. Sure there are anti-aug weapons out there but they're mostly unsubtle, expensive, and controlled.

Basically what I'm saying is that we can expect enemy augs to prioritize our own augmented forces. Cut off the head and the body dies and all. And since these troops are going to be our elite dudes and likely taking a leadership role we want them to be able to take a hit, then hit the fuck back and go "no you stay down". And if worst comes to worst and shit goes south (which it always can) they'll also be the most likely assets to survive and report back.

My big issue is that sensory enhancements leave them still largely physically frail in a setting where fights do involve team leaders taking point a lot. Since the most heavily augmented are usually also the more senior ones. Not always but yeah. And these guys are going to be in the field a lot in general. Making them stronger will protect them even against shit they don't or can't see coming.
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Yeah but like, that's not really what I mean.

Ughmrghrm doing a shit job of explaining it. :V

The way fights seem to work in this setting is that you pit augs with mook support against augs with mook support. Augs tend to fight each other, mooks tend to fight each other, once one side clears out the mooks then they can start applying the mass firepower needed to meaningfully bring down the augs since augs tend to be durable as fuck. Sure there are anti-aug weapons out there but they're mostly unsubtle, expensive, and controlled.

Basically what I'm saying is that we can expect enemy augs to prioritize our own augmented forces. Cut off the head and the body dies and all. And since these troops are going to be our elite dudes and likely taking a leadership role we want them to be able to take a hit, then hit the fuck back and go "no you stay down". And if worst comes to worst and shit goes south (which it always can) they'll also be the most likely assets to survive and report back.

My big issue is that sensory enhancements leave them still largely physically frail in a setting where fights do involve team leaders taking point a lot. Since the most heavily augmented are usually also the more senior ones. Not always but yeah. And these guys are going to be in the field a lot in general. Making them stronger will protect them even against shit they don't or can't see coming.
We already bought a load of anti-Aug BFGs for the militia, hence why I think enhancing our teams leaders to help get the most out of the use of those shiny new guns via coordinating their troops is a better idea than trying to just buff the squad leader individually.

BTW @Tempera, @MJ12 Commando, what happened with the Copperfield purchase, the deal with the Grocers, and the efforts to recruit the plant enhancile, Anna?
...Could we make Laine an enhancile? Like, not just fulfill our end of the bargain by giving him better augs, let's sweeten the deal since he's been solid for us thus far. If not now, perhaps open the option as a performance reward in a couple months.
BTW @Tempera, @MJ12 Commando, what happened with the Copperfield purchase, the deal with the Grocers, and the efforts to recruit the plant enhancile, Anna?

The majority vote was to buy Copperfield up outright so you're going to be spending about 8 million over the next year to bring it up to profitability, at which point you will have Mostly Legitimate Tomatoes. I don't think the efforts to recruit Anna went through though I might be mistaken.

...Could we make Laine an enhancile? Like, not just fulfill our end of the bargain by giving him better augs, let's sweeten the deal since he's been solid for us thus far. If not now, perhaps open the option as a performance reward in a couple months.

You probably could.
The majority vote was to buy Copperfield up outright so you're going to be spending about 8 million over the next year to bring it up to profitability, at which point you will have Mostly Legitimate Tomatoes. I don't think the efforts to recruit Anna went through though I might be mistaken.
Ah, okay, so it's just happening in the background at the moment.
On Enhanciles
Anyways, since you guys have the option of making some low-level enhanciles, I'll probably have to talk about that for a little bit.

The formal point of divergence in Cowls, which as you might have guessed is an alternate history by now, was that in WW2 the Axis powers discovered what's basically a combination of ADAM and Super Soldier Serum, which they called "Giant's Blood" (Naaaazis). They initially used it for its most basic effects-making a man several times stronger and tougher, with superhuman reflexes and fast healing and improved senses. This created some immediate changes-notably the Axis did quite a lot better given a lot of Captain Fascisms until they got rolled by industrial superiority and the Allies' early attempts at making their own supersoldiers. The Axis were still in the lead in supersoldier technology until they were all rolled in late 1946, at which point they had started to experiment with the mutagenic effects of Giants' Blood which weren't "you look like Chris Evans." This technology was handed over to all the allies in the peace treaty. At this point, they weren't called 'enhanciles' but just 'super-soldiers.' These early supersoldier projects were rather fraught with flaws compared to modern enhanciles. Maybe one in a thousand would respond well to the treatment, and of that subset a noticeable percentage would end up eccentric or literally insane. Similarly, they tended to have either just superhuman ability or very basic, animal-style superpowers. Maybe they healed much faster than they should, or they grew retractable claws, or their skin turned into armored plates. None of this 'teleporting around while breaking people's faces' stuff.

When the science of enhanciles became a formal thing, the merely superhuman ones got folded into Generation 1, and the guys with weird biohorror superpowers got turned into Generation 2. This lasted for a decade or two, where the science was mostly in making it easier to treat someone in this fashion and also making it cheaper to produce this magic superman juice. In the present day of 1996 in Cowls, most black-market enhancile clinics will provide these services at a price that's... reasonably affordable and most people are Gen 1/2 compatible. Not for your average street criminal or whatever, but certainly a high-end shadowrunner or corporate spy can get this sort of stuff.

Now, another one of the advantages of Giant's Blood is, well, that treated the right way it lets you do really cool stuff with nerves and machines. Like, integrating the nervous system directly into machine interfaces. Or using the super-healing properties of the stuff to let you cut someone open, plate all their bones with metal, and sew them back up. This was when the first formal 'enhancile' name came into play-the earliest true 'enhanciles' were basically guys with supertech cybernetics which were seamlessly grafted to their minds and bodies by the process (remember, Supersoldier Serum + ADAM). These were the Gen 3s. Gen 4s and 5s are similar-they combine supertech cybernetics and the same mutagens-but they have much more advanced technology which allows them more esoteric powers. Gen 3s were pretty straightforward, with stuff like flight, laser eyes, machine-gun arms, bulletproof pecs, super-strength... Gen 4s and 5s are not. Gen 3s are probably the limit as to what you're getting in a black market enhancile clinic rather than a corporate or military facility. And even then it's hard-the really powerful Gen 3s are reliant on some fairly hefty cyberware that isn't cheaply or easily produced.

The baseline for all enhanciles still includes Giant's Blood. It's what lets their nervous system adapt to managing all the complex technology inside them without any problems-and it means that even someone like Shamus, who is a weak nerd of an enhancile, can take a couple of bullets and probably rip a phone book in half. It's just that for him, the point of the Giant's Blood is not to make him stronger-that's just a happy side effect-but so his brain can seamlessly interface with all the electronic warfare equipment that now replaces his bones, and the remainder of his bone marrow can produce enough blood cells that he doesn't drop dead of anemia because most of his bones are made of computers, and his more efficient muscles and organs produce less heat and can survive it better so he doesn't drop dead of heatstroke when running his hardware. As you get into Gen 4s and 5s things get much more expensive, and the powers get weirder than "I have an electronic warfare suite, my bones are supercomputers, and a wireless modem is in my head."

The GODLIKEs are the epitome of that-they're technically Gen 5 but they're even more radically restructured, and in their case the Giant's Blood infusion isn't really the core framework for their augmentations anymore-they're much more exotic. In their case, they're hooked up to tanks of the good stuff while they're literally being assembled, because they need it to keep their sanity and the physical health of their remaining meat-bits while they're agonizingly torn apart and rebuilt from the ground up. They are conscious through the entire process-it's the only way to calibrate the enhancements they get. Keep that in mind when you meet the setting's equivalent of Superman.

Anyways, in the present day, Gen 3s and 4s are the most common enhanciles, and the guys with weird Gen 5 superpowers are pretty valuable. Immolator and Shamus are both Gen 4s, while you and Darius are Gen 5s. Your current biotech and cybertech departments working together can piece together a Gen 1-3 enhancile or two from scratch although it's going to tax your facilities. This is largely because you have the advantage of almost 60 years of technological advance-modern enhancile surgery and pharmaceutical augmentation uses a lot of secondary and tertiary chemicals and implants to make compatibility easier, to increase the effects, to stave off side effects, etc etc. This is why you can probably enhance just about anyone you need, although it might cost more or less depending on their compatibility, and why you can make enhanciles at all-yours will be decades out of date, but they're still decades-out-of-date military hardware.
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Anyways, since you guys have the option of making some low-level enhanciles, I'll probably have to talk about that for a little bit.

The formal point of divergence in Cowls, which as you might have guessed is an alternate history by now, was that in WW2 the Axis powers discovered what's basically a combination of ADAM and Super Soldier Serum, which they called "Giant's Blood" (Naaaazis). They initially used it for its most basic effects-making a man several times stronger and tougher, with superhuman reflexes and fast healing and improved senses. This created some immediate changes-notably the Axis did quite a lot better given a lot of Captain Fascisms until they got rolled by industrial superiority and the Allies' early attempts at making their own supersoldiers. The Axis were still in the lead in supersoldier technology until they were all rolled in late 1946, at which point they had started to experiment with the mutagenic effects of Giants' Blood which weren't "you look like Chris Evans." This technology was handed over to all the allies in the peace treaty. At this point, they weren't called 'enhanciles' but just 'super-soldiers.' These early supersoldier projects were rather fraught with flaws compared to modern enhanciles. Maybe one in a thousand would respond well to the treatment, and of that subset a noticeable percentage would end up eccentric or literally insane. Similarly, they tended to have either just superhuman ability or very basic, animal-style superpowers. Maybe they healed much faster than they should, or they grew retractable claws, or their skin turned into armored plates. None of this 'teleporting around while breaking people's faces' stuff.

When the science of enhanciles became a formal thing, the merely superhuman ones got folded into Generation 1, and the guys with weird biohorror superpowers got turned into Generation 2. This lasted for a decade or two, where the science was mostly in making it easier to treat someone in this fashion and also making it cheaper to produce this magic superman juice. In the present day of 1996 in Cowls, most black-market enhancile clinics will provide these services at a price that's... reasonably affordable and most people are Gen 1/2 compatible. Not for your average street criminal or whatever, but certainly a high-end shadowrunner or corporate spy can get this sort of stuff.

Now, another one of the advantages of Giant's Blood is, well, that treated the right way it lets you do really cool stuff with nerves and machines. Like, integrating the nervous system directly into machine interfaces. Or using the super-healing properties of the stuff to let you cut someone open, plate all their bones with metal, and sew them back up. This was when the first formal 'enhancile' name came into play-the earliest true 'enhanciles' were basically guys with supertech cybernetics which were seamlessly grafted to their minds and bodies by the process (remember, Supersoldier Serum + ADAM). These were the Gen 3s. Gen 4s and 5s are similar-they combine supertech cybernetics and the same mutagens-but they have much more advanced technology which allows them more esoteric powers. Gen 3s were pretty straightforward, with stuff like flight, laser eyes, machine-gun arms, bulletproof pecs, super-strength... Gen 4s and 5s are not. Gen 3s are probably the limit as to what you're getting in a black market enhancile clinic rather than a corporate or military facility. And even then it's hard-the really powerful Gen 3s are reliant on some fairly hefty cyberware that isn't cheaply or easily produced.

The baseline for all enhanciles still includes Giant's Blood. It's what lets their nervous system adapt to managing all the complex technology inside them without any problems-and it means that even someone like Shamus, who is a weak nerd of an enhancile, can take a couple of bullets and probably rip a phone book in half. It's just that for him, the point of the Giant's Blood is not to make him stronger-that's just a happy side effect-but so his brain can seamlessly interface with all the electronic warfare equipment that now replaces his bones, and the remainder of his bone marrow can produce enough blood cells that he doesn't drop dead of anemia because most of his bones are made of computers, and his more efficient muscles and organs produce less heat and can survive it better so he doesn't drop dead of heatstroke when running his hardware. As you get into Gen 4s and 5s things get much more expensive, and the powers get weirder than "I have an electronic warfare suite, my bones are supercomputers, and a wireless modem is in my head."

The GODLIKEs are the epitome of that-they're technically Gen 5 but they're even more radically restructured, and in their case the Giant's Blood infusion isn't really the core framework for their augmentations anymore-they're much more exotic. In their case, they're hooked up to tanks of the good stuff while they're literally being assembled, because they need it to keep their sanity and the physical health of their remaining meat-bits while they're agonizingly torn apart and rebuilt from the ground up. They are conscious through the entire process-it's the only way to calibrate the enhancements they get. Keep that in mind when you meet the setting's equivalent of Superman.

Anyways, in the present day, Gen 3s and 4s are the most common enhanciles, and the guys with weird Gen 5 superpowers are pretty valuable. Immolator and Shamus are both Gen 4s, while you and Darius are Gen 5s. Your current biotech and cybertech departments working together can piece together a Gen 1-3 enhancile or two from scratch although it's going to tax your facilities. This is largely because you have the advantage of almost 60 years of technological advance-modern enhancile surgery and pharmaceutical augmentation uses a lot of secondary and tertiary chemicals and implants to make compatibility easier, to increase the effects, to stave off side effects, etc etc. This is why you can probably enhance just about anyone you need, although it might cost more or less depending on their compatibility, and why you can make enhanciles at all-yours will be decades out of date, but they're still decades-out-of-date military hardware.
And how do Augs like L79 measure up on that scale?
[X] Tenfoldshields.

Disaster-proofing for the future, binding a critical asset closer to us, a nod towards idealism... It's got everything I want, really.
Augs versus Enhanciles, part 2
And how do Augs like L79 measure up on that scale?

Orthogonally. Augs go through an entirely different enhancement process, which involves much less "being pumped full of magic super soldier juice" and much more "cyberpunk augmentation." The original idea was that you had all these guys being shot up in land wars in Asia by Chinese and Russian supersoldiers coming back with missing limbs, and the same pressures which existed in real life meant that experienced soldiers quitting merely because they had lost both their legs or something was inconvenient.

The first augs were basically guys with human-equivalent prosthetic limbs and eyes and other things to go back into a fight. When the choice was either finishing your tour of duty and having both your legs and leaving the military with no legs you can see why some people might choose the former. They just kept working on those prosthetics and well, the first elective augs were born at some point in that process, when you could get a significant boost in performance by chopping your arms and legs off and welding shiny black metal to your spine.

Augs are much more... grounded than enhanciles, because they don't have the same instinctive neural plasticity that allows them to manage augmentations as effectively, and thus they generally don't waste the really good supertech on them. If Ez had one of her arms replaced by one that could punch right through a metal wall like rice paper (it'll probably have like, shape-memory musculature and kinetic amplifiers and inertial dampeners and other super-science wacky stuff to do it), because of the neuroplasticity granted by Giant's Blood she could, without any secondary systems or limiters, be able to inherently and instinctively manage it to have fine control over all its strength from "picking up an egg yolk (without breaking the yolk)" to "RIP AND TEAR."

Meanwhile, an aug with the same level of augmentation would have to have a computer system implanted to take their thoughts, then translate them into exactly how much of a strength augmentation factor that arm would give. Their responses with it would be slower, their ability to carefully use it less governed. They can't just plug-and-play high end modifications into the nervous system.

Which is the actual practical limit on augs-technically you could probably shove an aug full of the stuff GODLIKEs are made of. In the practical sense, when you keep in mind the level of computational power and cognitive assistance the aug would need to use it, they'd literally be the size and mass of a superheavy war machine. Which means that it's cheaper to either just build a supertank (which wouldn't require all the expense to miniaturize that kind of crazy crap into a single human being) or like, you might as well blow a million bucks on synthesizing a dose of Giant's Blood and another 2 million on the custom drug regimen to make someone an enhancile.

This is why augs top out at a level which puts them maybe around the first Nazi supersoldiers (or Adam Jensen, or Captain America). It's not because they can't be made better, but at the point you are spending enough to make them that good, the cost of just making them full-up enhanciles starts to become minimal. The advantage of augs is that synthesizing an enhancile's treatment regimen is still expensive personalized medicine, while an aug is much more off-the-shelf cyberpunk. To even start making an enhancile requires a down payment of several million (which is less than it sounds because inflation, ho!), while becoming an aug is like... well, you can afford to become a street samurai if you can buy a decent car, and several million will make one individual into a top-end aug. And a team of high-end augs will probably do pretty well against a very basic enhancile if they have rocket launchers, skills, and surprise.
This is why augs top out at a level which puts them maybe around the first Nazi supersoldiers (or Adam Jensen, or Captain America). It's not because they can't be made better, but at the point you are spending enough to make them that good, the cost of just making them full-up enhanciles starts to become minimal. The advantage of augs is that synthesizing an enhancile's treatment regimen is still expensive personalized medicine, while an aug is much more off-the-shelf cyberpunk. To even start making an enhancile requires a down payment of several million (which is less than it sounds because inflation, ho!), while becoming an aug is like... well, you can afford to become a street samurai if you can buy a decent car, and several million will make one individual into a top-end aug. And a team of high-end augs will probably do pretty well against a very basic enhancile if they have rocket launchers, skills, and surprise.
So Augs are around or a bit less powerful than the original Gen 1 enhanciles then? I'm just trying to gauge the relationship between the two enhancement scheme's ability.
So Augs are around or a bit less powerful than the original Gen 1 enhanciles then? I'm just trying to gauge the relationship between the two enhancement scheme's ability.

Augs vary greatly because technically a guy who has implanted muscle stimulators to get SUPER SWOLE and takes bone boosting pills to get bones several times as heavy and tough as regular ones is an aug. He won't be great in a fight once the bullets start flying, even against regular dudes, but he's an aug. On the flipside you have guys who have reflex boosts and cyberlimbs and dermal armoring who are capable of shrugging off light gunfire and reacting several times faster than normal and can kill someone in a single punch. Those are also augs.

The high end tops out at somewhere around the Gen 1s, but most augs are significantly lesser than Captain Reich. Of course there's also quite a few of them...
Augs vary greatly because technically a guy who has implanted muscle stimulators to get SUPER SWOLE and takes bone boosting pills to get bones several times as heavy and tough as regular ones is an aug. He won't be great in a fight once the bullets start flying, even against regular dudes, but he's an aug. On the flipside you have guys who have reflex boosts and cyberlimbs and dermal armoring who are capable of shrugging off light gunfire and reacting several times faster than normal and can kill someone in a single punch. Those are also augs.

The high end tops out at somewhere around the Gen 1s, but most augs are significantly lesser than Captain Reich. Of course there's also quite a few of them...
That's pretty much what I was thinking, that Augs are a spectrum from human baseline to around Gen 1 enhanciles, in terms of power. So, how do Lima Seven Nine rate, and the new squad leaders we're looking to Aug this turn?
That's pretty much what I was thinking, that Augs are a spectrum from human baseline to around Gen 1 enhanciles, in terms of power. So, how do Lima Seven Nine rate, and the new squad leaders we're looking to Aug this turn?

Sorry for getting to you this late-I'm in China now and thus my responses are going to be intermittent for the next two weeks at best-but Lima are probably somewhere close to Gen 1 enhanciles, while the guys you're making are... not.

Lima's scores are largely because they're understrength for a support team, while your aug teams would be twice to three times as large.
An update; I'm working on the next update, but progress is slow as I have real life issues that are taking priority (my grandmother's going into hospital, I'm still sick and my real estate is dicking me around). The next update will hopefully be up tomorrow.

The next update will mark the opening sequence of Shutterbug, so please be prepared.
Downzone 10: Advance
Downzone 10: Advance

Almost as soon as you move your operations to Shutterbug, you begin to miss your old office building.

The new one is more secure, certainly. It's a small two-storey building, built from reinforced titanium and CFRP, with numerous surveillance and check-in systems built in to (hopefully) discourage and-slash-or prevent anyone from infiltrating the building. You've stress-tested it yourself- with a vibroblade, you'd managed to score a deep cut into the outside wall of the building, but the blade had stopped short over an inch from penetrating through.

It's more comfortable than your old office, even. When the operating costs were running that high, paying an extra hundred thousand didn't strain your budget significantly. You've forked out for an upgrade over the standard office supplies Alfonso had outfitted your office with. A pleasant air conditioning system hummed almost silently overhead, and everyone had ergonomic gear now (what a concept!). You've even allowed Shamus to purchase new computer… things. Things he could do computer stuff with.

(You're pretty sure that XL is a clothing size, not a computer thing, but you just shut up and let him buy it. If he wants to hide that he was gaining weight behind the facade of buying more computer stuff, you'll allow it. You're not here to judge your employees for their body shape.)

But you just can't stand the scenery of Shutterbug.

Laine had reported that Shutterbug was overrun with crime. You had half-expected that he had been exaggerating for effect, but if anything, he was downplaying it. Just walking through the streets to get to your office building, you counted sixteen different gang insignias spraypainted on the walls, stopped to greet twenty-one different homeless men and women, and passed by four houses slated for demolition five years ago.

The scenery outside is the architectural equivalent of a meth addict. It's old, it's run-down, and it's unable to do a damn thing to save itself.

You have your work cut out for you.

Alfonso's face on the screen is pixelated. The connection is even poorer than usual- the thickness of your office walls wasn't doing your conference call any favours. It's good enough that you can hear his voice, though, and only cuts out often enough that you can make out four of every five sentences.

You open the meeting by taking attendance. There aren't very many people attending the meeting, honestly- of your enhanciles, only James had followed you to Shutterbug, and both Eamon and Naomi had stayed behind to continue the efforts of your militia back home. Nathan, the leader of Lima Seven-Nine, had stayed behind too, although he'd sent Conor in his place in case you needed an officer (and, you suspect, to keep an eye on you).

Seven people in attendance, then; Conor, Tara, Lucas, Karena, Alfonso, James, and yourself.

"Okay," you say eventually, when that's all finished and James has his sheafs of paper out, ready to take the meeting's minutes. "I've called this meeting as the first of what I hope will actually be monthly meetings this time." Last time had been a disorganized mess, as you'd still been setting up and getting used to everything going on. "Alfonso, has anything changed?"

He shakes his head, or you're pretty sure he does, it's hard to tell given how jerky the movements are on the monitor. "Everything has remained stable since you left," he says. "The militia is still undertaking regular patrols and training, and Naomi is undertaking recruitment efforts to make up for the men you took with you. The gangs seem to be keeping their heads down still."

"Okay." You glance aside at James, who is writing furiously in an attempt to keep up. "In that case, any objections if I move on to the purpose of today's meeting?"

Everyone shakes their heads, although you catch Conor rolling his eyes.

"In that case…"

"The purpose behind today's meeting is to discuss our goals and approach in Shutterbug," you say neutrally. "As I'm sure we've all seen, the region is in a bad state. We don't have the influence here to affect major changes, and we're running with minimal resources again, so we're going to need to work on solidifying our base here."

[] "Before we start, though, we need to settle on a timeline. We can't remain in one place indefinitely if we want to keep expanding, so we need to set a goal and work towards it."
[] Alfonso is the first to speak up. "Three months," he says calmly. "I know it doesn't leave you with much time to work in Shutterbug, but the longer you remain there, the less stable things will get here. I need you back as soon as possible to keep things from going south here."​
[] You continue before anyone can speak. "I think six months is the most appropriate goal. It gives us a substantial length of time to work on gaining influence in the region, although it does mean that Alfonso is going to have to keep an eye on things so his region doesn't get too unstable. I expect we'll come back to trouble there."​
[] James speaks up for the first time in the meeting. "We need at least nine months," he says decisively. "I know this area, or ones like it, at least. If you want to make long-term changes here, we're going to need at least nine months to get them implemented permanently. We'll need a lot more resources, and we'll probably have to make some enhanciles to help keep Alfonso's office safe, but it's what we need."​

That resolved, you move on to the next matter; your resources.

[] "Alfonso is doing his best to get our money flow to increase, but there's only so much he can do for us." You try to keep yourself from sounding too self-deprecating as you continue. "And he was always the better of us at business matters, so don't expect that to change under my leadership. But we're running with next to nothing beneath us, and our quarterly budget is getting tighter all the time, especially as our demands keep increasing. I don't expect we'll have very much time within the next month, especially with all the other demands on our time, so we'll probably only have time for us to focus on obtaining a couple of things."
[] "I'll focus on bringing in money," you begin. "If I can hit up the obvious large gangs, I should be able to free up a lot of the money currently tied up by their leaders. There won't be too much there, but I expect I'll be able to bring in a few hundred thousand before the month's over. A million maximum."​
[] "I'll focus on bringing us in any resources I can get my hands on," you begin. "There's going to be a lot of shady aug clinics and black-market production facilities nearby. It won't bring us in any money immediately, but I'll send anything I get over to Alfonso. They should help our research divisions, and hopefully bring up our quarterly income a bit."​
[] "I'll focus on hitting the really nasty stuff where I can," you begin. "Any human trafficking, sex slavery, really hard drugs, that kind of stuff. It won't help us with getting any money, but it'll raise our influence in the region. And I expect a lot of the people James and I help will be more than willing to seize better job opportunities."​

[] "Presuming that's done without issue," you continue, ""I'll try see what I can do about gathering information on the region. Laine's doing a very good job with that- you should see about giving him a raise, Alfonso, we gave him his augs but he's doing a very good job- but there are certain things people will only be willing to tell me. Or any other high-rank enhancile with spec-ops experience, I guess."​
[] "Presuming that's done without issue," you continue, "I'll see what I can gather about local figures of influence. Where the augs are, what they're doing, what the worst gangs are after, that kind of stuff. Maybe a bit specific, but I don't have the time to be grabbing general information while doing this."​
[] "Presuming that's done without issue," you continue, "I'll see what I can gather about the local economy and whatnot. See where employment's still good, see who the local corps are, see what schools are still bothering to educate people, that kind of stuff. Give us a better idea of the region."​

And with that done, you turn to the last thing you have to deal with today; your militia.

[] You hadn't been able to bring much of your militia to Shutterbug with you. Only Tara, Lucas and Karena were here, and they'd each only been able to hand-pick a squad of less than two dozen men. They are among the more capable of your militia, but less than seventy men won't do much against a place the size of Shutterbug- not without much better equipment. They are augmented, to a degree, so they wouldn't utterly fail within the next month, but you need to build them up.
[] "Tara, Lucas, Karena." The three of them look over at you, a bored expression on Karena's face, the others appearing attentive. "I need you three to focus on building our militia up again. There are a lot of gangs around here, and between the three of you and James, you should be able to get a decent number of members again within the next month."​
[] "Tara, Lucas." The two of them look attentively towards you. "I need you two to focus on building our militia for the next month; it's in a sad state. It'll probably still be in a sad state after, but at least we'll have the numbers to do stuff afterwards. Karena." The woman looks skeptically towards you. "You take the rest of the militia and begin patrolling a two-block radius from here. Get yourself and your troops some action."​
[] "I'm going to assign each of you a different task." Your militia members look curiously towards you. "Lucas, I need you to focus on recruitment. We need at least twice as many as we have now, so you'd better be snappy. Tara, you're on training duty with Conor. Get your men in better shape, and start on the troops Lucas will send you. Karena, you take yours and begin patrolling a two-block radius from here. Get yourself and your troops some action."​
[X] plan HCV

[X] "Before we start, though, we need to settle on a timeline. We can't remain in one place indefinitely if we want to keep expanding, so we need to set a goal and work towards it."
[X] You continue before anyone can speak. "I think six months is the most appropriate goal. It gives us a substantial length of time to work on gaining influence in the region, although it does mean that Alfonso is going to have to keep an eye on things so his region doesn't get too unstable. I expect we'll come back to trouble there."
[X] "Alfonso is doing his best to get our money flow to increase, but there's only so much he can do for us." You try to keep yourself from sounding too self-deprecating as you continue. "And he was always the better of us at business matters, so don't expect that to change under my leadership. But we're running with next to nothing beneath us, and our quarterly budget is getting tighter all the time, especially as our demands keep increasing. I don't expect we'll have very much time within the next month, especially with all the other demands on our time, so we'll probably only have time for us to focus on obtaining a couple of things."
[X] "I'll focus on bringing us in any resources I can get my hands on," you begin. "There's going to be a lot of shady aug clinics and black-market production facilities nearby. It won't bring us in any money immediately, but I'll send anything I get over to Alfonso. They should help our research divisions, and hopefully bring up our quarterly income a bit."
[X] "Presuming that's done without issue," you continue, "I'll see what I can gather about local figures of influence. Where the augs are, what they're doing, what the worst gangs are after, that kind of stuff. Maybe a bit specific, but I don't have the time to be grabbing general information while doing this."​

[X] You hadn't been able to bring much of your militia to Shutterbug with you. Only Tara, Lucas and Karena were here, and they'd each only been able to hand-pick a squad of less than two dozen men. They are among the more capable of your militia, but less than seventy men won't do much against a place the size of Shutterbug- not without much better equipment. They are augmented, to a degree, so they wouldn't utterly fail within the next month, but you need to build them up.
[X] "Tara, Lucas." The two of them look attentively towards you. "I need you two to focus on building our militia for the next month; it's in a sad state. It'll probably still be in a sad state after, but at least we'll have the numbers to do stuff afterwards. Karena." The woman looks skeptically towards you. "You take the rest of the militia and begin patrolling a two-block radius from here. Get yourself and your troops some action."​
[X] James speaks up for the first time in the meeting. "We need at least nine months," he says decisively. "I know this area, or ones like it, at least. If you want to make long-term changes here, we're going to need at least nine months to get them implemented permanently. We'll need a lot more resources, and we'll probably have to make some enhanciles to help keep Alfonso's office safe, but it's what we need."
[X] "I'll focus on hitting the really nasty stuff where I can," you begin. "Any human trafficking, sex slavery, really hard drugs, that kind of stuff. It won't help us with getting any money, but it'll raise our influence in the region. And I expect a lot of the people James and I help will be more than willing to seize better job opportunities."
[X] "Presuming that's done without issue," you continue, "I'll see what I can gather about local figures of influence. Where the augs are, what they're doing, what the worst gangs are after, that kind of stuff. Maybe a bit specific, but I don't have the time to be grabbing general information while doing this."
[X] "I'm going to assign each of you a different task." Your militia members look curiously towards you. "Lucas, I need you to focus on recruitment. We need at least twice as many as we have now, so you'd better be snappy. Tara, you're on training duty with Conor. Get your men in better shape, and start on the troops Lucas will send you. Karena, you take yours and begin patrolling a two-block radius from here. Get yourself and your troops some action."

First, we want to do this properly, and take the necessary time to do so, there's no point just dipping our toes into then dashing back home. So, a 9 month commitment to birth our new territorial expansion.
By the same token, we want to set up a solid foundation, rather than an chasing instant return - finding out who the local notables are and info on them will help structure our future activities, and taking out the "nasty stuff" should do wonders for our rep, and hopefully bring in useful recruits, while we have our militia trio running a production line for our security personnel, recruitment, training, combat blooding. Such a plan also avoids us making too many immediate enemies, as even many of the "normal" gangs probably won't shed too many tears at slavers and such getting taken down, and they're not losing out to us.
By next turn we should be firmly planted as a player in Shutterbug, with a positive reputation, a growing chunk of veteran militia, and the knowledge who the major personalities in the area to guide our next moves.
[X] James speaks up for the first time in the meeting. "We need at least nine months," he says decisively. "I know this area, or ones like it, at least. If you want to make long-term changes here, we're going to need at least nine months to get them implemented permanently. We'll need a lot more resources, and we'll probably have to make some enhanciles to help keep Alfonso's office safe, but it's what we need."

James is sorta our expert on this kind of urban environment and we'd be remiss not to weigh his judgement accordingly. And he's right y'know? If we want to incorporate Shutterbug as a profitable not-completely-fucked-up part of our holdings we're going to have to devote a lot of time to addressing the underlying systemic issues. We can maybe turn a profit in less time but we won't...idk I don't want to get all flowery but we won't drain the poison out and clean the wound in that frame.

[X] "I'll focus on bringing us in any resources I can get my hands on," you begin. "There's going to be a lot of shady aug clinics and black-market production facilities nearby. It won't bring us in any money immediately, but I'll send anything I get over to Alfonso. They should help our research divisions, and hopefully bring up our quarterly income a bit."

Our opening move needs to lay the path for future ventures. I'm sorta inclined towards taking down the real pieces of work but at the same time if we just bull in and start wrecking up the china shop we're not necessarily fixing things. Like something to consider: people are doing these super shitty things like peddling hard drugs or trafficking people because it's profitable. It's a source of revenue in an economically depressed area. The traffickers are going to be, if not necessarily the largest, than comprise a significant portion of the clinic's clientele. Getting their muscle kitted out. Running maintenance on their fighters, that kind of stuff. And this applies to the richer gangs too.

Everyone fielding combat assets in Shutterbug is going to depend on these clinics in some capacity. Take them out and we do lasting and significant structural damage. People won't be able to get their fighters fixed up as easily. They won't be able to purchase new augs or even dream of making new enhanciles, not without some significant work. And we'll provide a much needed boost to our own augmentation division and make some significant headway in rolling out our own enhanciles. Which we'll badly need to solidify our grip in the ward.

[X] "Presuming that's done without issue," you continue, "I'll see what I can gather about local figures of influence. Where the augs are, what they're doing, what the worst gangs are after, that kind of stuff. Maybe a bit specific, but I don't have the time to be grabbing general information while doing this."

These are going to be our peers, potential allies, and major competition. We need to start figuring out which we can recruit, which we need to force to the negotiating table, and which we need to kill. More than that this helps us figure out what they rely on, who they rely on, which helps us direct our assets with more overall efficacy.

[X] "I'm going to assign each of you a different task." Your militia members look curiously towards you. "Lucas, I need you to focus on recruitment. We need at least twice as many as we have now, so you'd better be snappy. Tara, you're on training duty with Conor. Get your men in better shape, and start on the troops Lucas will send you. Karena, you take yours and begin patrolling a two-block radius from here. Get yourself and your troops some action."

Maaan this is going to really hurt. We'll be recruiting less than either two options but I don't think we can pass up the chance for trained troops. Formalized and standardized training's going to count for a lot in this kind of environment where a lot of people are going to have a patched together mishmash of skills and shit they picked up. Getting a semi-veteran fighting force that knows how to work in concert matters more than raw numbers I think. Plus, as I said earlier, building that sense of camaraderie and membership is important. Getting people to believe in the creepy cyberpunk gasmask is important.

And this way we're not diluting the sort of threat that our uniform, our brand conveys by flooding it with loads of half-indept dudes.
[X] James speaks up for the first time in the meeting. "We need at least nine months," he says decisively. "I know this area, or ones like it, at least. If you want to make long-term changes here, we're going to need at least nine months to get them implemented permanently. We'll need a lot more resources, and we'll probably have to make some enhanciles to help keep Alfonso's office safe, but it's what we need."
[X] "I'll focus on bringing us in any resources I can get my hands on," you begin. "There's going to be a lot of shady aug clinics and black-market production facilities nearby. It won't bring us in any money immediately, but I'll send anything I get over to Alfonso. They should help our research divisions, and hopefully bring up our quarterly income a bit."
[X] "Presuming that's done without issue," you continue, "I'll see what I can gather about local figures of influence. Where the augs are, what they're doing, what the worst gangs are after, that kind of stuff. Maybe a bit specific, but I don't have the time to be grabbing general information while doing this."
[X] "I'm going to assign each of you a different task." Your militia members look curiously towards you. "Lucas, I need you to focus on recruitment. We need at least twice as many as we have now, so you'd better be snappy. Tara, you're on training duty with Conor. Get your men in better shape, and start on the troops Lucas will send you. Karena, you take yours and begin patrolling a two-block radius from here. Get yourself and your troops some action."