Covenant: the World of Abrahamic Mythology

Now that I think of it, I kinda feel bad for Christopher Columbus. Not only did he discover the New World and never knew about it, but now there really isn't a way west to India.

Assuming he exists and still tries in this setting.
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Now that I think of it, I kinda feel bad for Christopher Columbus. Not only did he discover the New World and never knew about it, but now there really isn't a way west to India.

Assuming he exists and still tries in this setting.

Not only that, but in this world he'd find the New World inhabited by advanced native civilizations...and they're all Mormons.

This reminds me a little of the time when they actually tried a Biblical D20 setting. Testament.

Not a coincidence!
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Not only that, but in this world he'll find the New World inhabited by advanced native civilizations...and they're all Mormons
Huh. Now I have this image of Sitting Bull in a white suit, a tie, and a bicycle.

So does this mean Jesus sailed to the New World after his resurrection? How else could a Christian sect form independently?
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The first Nephilim were the offspring of human women and the Watchers, an order of angels set to watch over creation at its beginning. The Watchers became corrupt and desired to experience the pleasures of mortal flesh. Not only did they lay with human to create the first Nephilim, but they taught humans much forbidden knowledge, such as magic, metalworking, and writing. For this, the Watchers fell and became devils.

The Nephilim, however, lived on as their own subrace of humans, and came to believe that it fell to them to pick up the mantle of the Watchers. Nephilim generally believe that as half-angels they are more suited to rule than normal humans, pointing to their naturally large stature as further evidence. The Nephilim thus see themselves as destined to become a race of philosopher-warrior-kings, not only ruling over humans but by being stewards over the knowledge that the Watchers taught to humanity.

To this end, Nephilim seek to "collect" knowledge of metalworking, writing, and magic, and forbid their followers from using it. They believe that only they are worthy of using this forbidden lore. Because of this, Nephilim are often talented magicians and weapon smiths in addition to warriors and leaders, however Nephilim do not seek to add to their stocks of collected lore by innovating, instead copying it with almost religious devotion from one generation to the next.

In pursuit of their perceived destiny of ruling over humanity, Nephilim often become kings or warlords of human tribes or even small nations. Many join tribal confederations as champions, where their prowess in battle and traditional arts are highly valued among humans. A few Nephilim-only tribes exist, subsisting on herding and fishing. Nephilim kings often found dynasties, and while Nephilim often take human women as wives or consorts their children almost always inherit their father's immense size.

Nephilim women are considered beautiful despite their large size, and often adorn themselves in elaborate makeup or facepaint. They share Nephilim's traditional affinity for magic and metalworking, and craft beautiful and intricate jewelry and ornamentation. Interbreeding between human men and Nephilim women is much rarer than the reverse.

Because Nephilim are descended from angels, they sometimes manifest strange, inhuman features, from multiple eyes (sometimes in strange places), vestigial wings or ruffs of feathers, or even something as innocuous as an unusual number of fingers. These Nephilim are praised by their kin as particularly blessed, but rarely do they actually exhibit greater proficiency than an average member of their race.

Nephilim and shaitan are opposed to each other on philosophical grounds. Nephilim believe that the Watchers failed in their purpose but that the task of guarding humanity and its knowledge now falls to their half-human progeny. Shaitan find this worldview childish, and believe there is no meaning in life, only pointless suffering.​
Ghouls are a living race, bipedal and hoofed canines in appearance, that can go long periods without eating but when they do subsist entirely on the flesh of dead humans. They mostly live in small, underground communities under or near to human settlements, or else human burial sites. Many an expansive tomb of some ancient king has been turned into a ghoul warren, the ghouls bedecking themselves in the finery meant to be taken with the kings to the afterlife. Ghoul warrens are highly secretive and when discovered they will flee, intending to return or found a new warren nearby, although they will fight viciously when cornered. All ghoul warrens contain a pit of bones where the ghouls discard the leftovers from their food, sometimes arranged in complicated patterns but most often merely piled up and left to scavengers.

Ghouls are highly family-oriented as a species. A ghoul warren will be home to an extended family related by blood, although ghouls have been known to adopt other ghouls and even non-ghouls into their family. This grants them the full benefit of their familial bonds, although non-ghouls rarely appreciate this. A few ghouls have even been known to marry non-ghouls, although this rare occurrence is made complicated due to the fact that male and female ghouls are all but identical in appearance, and it is a rare ghoul who is willing to make telling the difference easy for non-ghouls. Ghoul families are led by a single family elder who can be male or female, though of course married couples do share significant power.

Despite their strong familial bonds, ghouls have no respect for their own dead, who may be consumed for sustenance without fanfare. Ghouls are known for their art, which is shocking and known for its dark subject matter, and their macabre sense of humor. Ghouls consider death to be something that other races are far too hung up about - or more specifically, the bodies that the soul leaves behind, viewing human burial customs to be silly and overwrought ceremonies for what is basically a chunk of lifeless meat. Ghoul humor often involves what humans would consider the desecration of corpses or vandalism of graves.

As djinn do not leave behind corpses, they feel comfortable interacting freely with ghouls, and conduct some trade with the larger ghoul communities - being natural diggers, ghouls often stumble upon deposits of precious metals and stones. A few succubi also associate with ghouls on various artistic projects, but these relationships are carried out with great caution.

There are, chillingly, a few ghoul cities. Some of these are in truth undercities, dug under major human cities where several ghoul warrens have converged to form a single community making use of the large food supply. Ghoul cities can have complex societies, with some being ruled by a council of family leaders, others ruled by a single ghoul warlord, and others united into single extended families through complex marriages and adoptions. These undercities usually arrange their boneyards into necropolises, with the bones of centuries becoming part of the architecture. There are also a few isolated ghoul cities that exist in the wilderness and subsist on the slave trade, the slaves often farming the land while being farmed in turn by the ghouls. These cities have extensive boneyards that ring the city, like a second wall.

The largest ghoul city is the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, where a ghoul queen rules over a community of thousands in a macabre parody of the Pharaonic kings of Egypt.
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Succubi are descended from Lilith, the first wife of Adam who refused to submit to being his wife. Their true forms possess wings, horns, hooves, and tails, and usually red skin. However, succubi are shapeshifters, able to alter their appearance at will. All succubi can change from female to male at will - in truth, succubus is considered the gender-neutral term, and succubi treat gender the same way humans treat clothes. A succubus can prefer one form or the other, but ultimately to them gender and biological sex are aesthetic considerations. This has caused no small amount of confusion to humans, and in areas that have had continuous contact with succubi for long periods of time, gender and sexual norms tend to be eroded.

Succubi are defined by their lust, an individual obsession with a field of study, an artistic pursuit, a skill, or indeed a romantic or sexual relationship. Succubus culture considers pursuit of this lust to be the chief goal in life. Thanks to this monomania, succubus artists, scholars, and magicians are often highly skilled. However, succubi have little to no interest in cooperation towards some higher goal, to leaving legacies, or to submitting to a higher power. Succubi also have no interest in leadership, and at most a succubus will get it into their head that if they were in a position of power they could direct more resources towards their lust. Succubus-led regimes tend to flare out rather spectacularly after a short period of time.

Some succubi live in the wilderness as hermits, but many congregate in human cities. Succubi neighborhoods tend to be rather slummy, as succubi have no interest in community organizing or policing. When succubi do associate it is due to personal attachment, mutually beneficial exchanges (of goods or labor), or for recreation. Succubi do not form natural hierarchies, with parent-child relationships, master-apprentice relationships, and a bewildering variety of sexual and romantic relationships being the closest thing their culture has to organization. Succubi also follow an obscure racial religion based around the proximity of their descent from Lilith, the first succubus.

As the most common race, humans provide the most artistic patrons, sexual partners, and fellow researchers for succubi. Human society is hierarchical and organized, and while succubi rarely if ever rise high in it, a sprawling city provide a multitude of places for succubi to go unnoticed, often leading to them being tied to human criminal ventures. Human values of devotion to God and cooperation are greatly at odds with succubi values, though, leading to frequent conflict. Succubi culture has greatly influenced human society, despite repeated episodes of reactionary pogroms. There pogroms are usually ended by succubus-backed regime change, meaning that even if they do not seek positions of power many succubi follow human politics and join radical political movements. Succubi appear often in human histories as writers, artists, or the consorts of the rich and powerful (even if succubi don't seek power, they are still attracted to it).

Cambions are the offspring of a human and a succubus. Cambions are infertile but in exchange often have great magical aptitude, are skilled politicians and charismatic leaders, and can usually pass unseen as human. Cambions living in succubus neighborhoods are often relied on to clean, guard, run errands, and generally do the things the succubi themselves find boring or tedious. Cambions do these tasks out of a sense of familial responsibility, though many cambions either leave home to seek other opportunities or never meet their succubus parent, depending on the circumstances of their upbringing. For their part, succubi do not have much parental attachment towards their children, and though succubi feel a sense of protectiveness over their progeny, once the cambion reaches adulthood a succubus will cease to treat them as family.
La Macchina
La Macchina

For years the Italian Wars had raged, as foreign powers did battle on Italian soil. Even the Papal States weren't immune to the bloodshed, despite the efforts of the Pope's best holy mages. The city-states of the north were forced to take sides, and to Giovanni it was all becoming quite monotonous. Right now they were with the Germans against the Spanish, before they had been with the French against the Venetians, tomorrow...who knew?

But the wars dragged on, and court alchemists and magicians alike were tapped for new ways of winning the war. Spells of Protection from Bullets were cast as often as possible, invisibility was conferred on assassins, magic was used to scout and send messages across the battlefield. And in the workshops of Florence, engineers had finally produced something they promised would change the war.

Giovanni flipped through the instruction pamhplet he had been given and peered down from his lookout vantage in the peak of the conical war machine. Down below, sitting atop the water tank with her legs crossed, was the only woman in his crew. He considered her a woman, anyway, despite what the alchemists said about elementals. The undine would power the hydraulics that made the wheels turn and trundled the war machine forward. Apparently she could do it with no more mental energy than a man could walk, which was maddening, yet at the same time completely reassuring.

"Lisa, are we ready?"

"Ready, captain!" she said, throwing him a smart salute and winking. For some reason the generals had insisted she wear a uniform, one with a dress down to her ankles and a feathered cap. Giovannia ignored her. According to the alchemists Lisa was no more than a person-shaped concentration of elemental energy. She had no desires, thoughts of her own, or convictions. And yet, she seemed like any innocent young woman, skipping down the streets of an Italian village. Save for the fact that her skin was seafoam green and her hair was a blue so dark it was almost black.

"Man your posts!" Giovanni shouted. His crew scrambled to positions, manning the four-pounder guns. Giovanni peered out through the vision slit and saw the Florentine line pull apart like a curtain. And now it was time for the war machine to take center stage.

The Florentine infantry had held for almost three hours. They had taken a terrible pounding from the Spanish guns, but now the firing stopped as the enemy artillery scrambled to readjust their weapons, aiming them at this new armored threat.

"Incoming!" Giovanni screamed. A few moments later cannonballs struck the conical bronze shield, making it ring like a bell and glancing off. Some buried themselves in the turf, others ricocheted into the packed ranks of Florentine soldiers. Still the machine trundled forwards.

"Saint Mary! The armor held!" he gasped, though of course that was obvious to the crew. If it hadn't worked, they'd all be splattered across the inside of the machine. Including Lisa - she could be damaged, the alchemists said, though if killed she would merely return to elemental energy. Still, Giovanni thought, glancing down at her, he wouldn't like seeing that happen.

The Spanish line drew closer, until the mass of soldiers sharpened and Giovanni could make out individual pikemen. With the war machine finally in gun range, so Giovanni gave the order to start firing. The first four-pounder belched flame and its shot plowed into the front ranks of the Spanish infantry. The gunners quickly pulled it back and reloaded it, while the other two guns fired as well. Giovanni smiled at the way his crew was working so quickly, the drills had been exhaustive but they hadn't been truly prepared for the cramped conditions inside the war machine.

Soon one gun after another was firing, and the Spanish infantry was giving way. The machine was truly intimidating, so far it had held up against direct shots from their artillery with only minor damage, and its had allowed the Florentines to put what was essentially a new artillery unit right in front of enemy lines. Giovanni pumped his fist as another volley mowed down a line of Spanish pikes. The he glanced over to the left.

"We have incoming cavalry! Prepare the blades!"

The Spanish cavalry had swung out in a column as was riding at the machine. While Giovanni doubted they would do much harm, if they swarmed all over the machine they might be able to disable it in some way. Several of the guns facing in that direction fired, stalling the charge. By the time the Spanish cavalry swarmed around the machine, one of the men was ready at the lever.


The crewman pulled the lever, and deadly scything blades popped out of the sides of the machine, just under the guns. Springs uncoiled and gears turned, and arms swung out, cutting down horses and men like wheat before a reaper. The cavalry panicked and drew back, some men firing pistols ineffectively at the war machine. Then the Florentine's flying artillery began firing into them. While the Spanish forces had been occupied with the war machine, the Florentines had moved up their artillery and cavalry, and now they were hammering the panicked and disoriented Spaniards.

As the Spanish withdrew, Giovanni looked down from his command post. Lisa was holding on to her arm, water gushing from between her fingers. A bullet must have ricocheted through one of the cannon ports...

"Captain? I've been shot."

Giovanni's chest tightened as he leapt from his chair down into the bowels of the war machine. He grabbed the medical bag - he wasn't even sure if it would work on an elemental, but at least he could staunch the...bleeding? Suddenly everything had become so confusing, and his heart was pounding.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" he asked his crew. Some of them shuffled their feet sheepishly.

"You said to report casualties..." one of them said lamely. Giovanni finished tightening a bandage, it was soon soaked through with her "blood", but they'd get an alchemist. Lisa just stared at him, not even in pain and unaware of whether she should be grateful. Giovanni turned on his crew.

"She is the most vital part of this machine. If she is damaged - no, injured, we may very well be doomed. Next time, inform me, and then ensure her safety before returning to battle. That is an order!"

The crew looked at each other, some nodding and offering Giovanni salutes. Lisa was more than just a mascot or a passenger, she was even more than a piece of equipment. She had an...innocence about her. Giovanni had seen that from the beginning.

Maybe the crew would see it as well.


Later analysis concluded that the war machine was not quite as key to the Florentine victory as it had seemed. It had racked up only a few dozen casualties and had disrupted the Spanish general's command of the field, but the element of surprise was not likely to last very long. Eventually some manner of response to the war machines would be found - the engineers were already anticipating several, from gnomes attacking it from below to bombs planted in its path - but for the Florentine generals, it had proved itself worth the cost and time needed to produce it. And if they could field a formation - well! Orders were sent back to Florence immediately.


In a cluttered workshop in Florence, amid-half finished art projects, machinery, and bubbling alchemical solutions, Leonardo da Vinci looked down at the order for three more of his war machines within the year. He sighed and reached for a notebook to being writing down instructions, pushing aside his sketchbook in the process.

The Florentines had possession of his original designs for the war machine now. If they were going to be built anyway, Leonardo at least wanted to be sure his inventions were built right.
Water elemental-powered tanks? In fantasy Florence? It's more likely than you'd think.

Seriously though, great writing, I really felt for Lisa there.

And I noticed that bit about Leonardo da Vinci. Something tells me he'll be known more as a weapons designer than anything else...
Now that I think of it, I kinda feel bad for Christopher Columbus. Not only did he discover the New World and never knew about it, but now there really isn't a way west to India.

Assuming he exists and still tries in this setting.
He didn't really do that in this world, it was just a bit of propaganda that got stuck to the modern day
He didn't really do that in this world, it was just a bit of propaganda that got stuck to the modern day
I didn't count Vikings and First Nationals since their discovery did not become widespread in the Old World before Columbus. And yes, technically he landed on a Caribbean island, not the mainland.
So, there'll still be an update tomorrow morning, but in the meantime enjoy a bonus oneshot that incorporates elements of Covenant. It's not canon to this timeline (probably), but if you enjoy the idea of an Abrahamic Mythology/Norse Mythology crossover, please check out: the White Christ Comes to Midgard.
You know Mormons showing up in the americas inexplicably despite being on a completely different continent sounds like it would make a good hook for an adventure/campaign in this setting.
Not only that, but in this world he'd find the New World inhabited by advanced native civilizations...and they're all Mormons.

Not a coincidence!

Huh. Now I have this image of Sitting Bull in a white suit, a tie, and a bicycle.

So does this mean Jesus sailed to the New World after his resurrection? How else could a Christian sect form independently?

"The author has declined to comment."

You know Mormons showing up in the americas inexplicably despite being on a completely different continent sounds like it would make a good hook for an adventure/campaign in this setting.

As a Mormon, this entire conversation is hysterical.

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Amphisbaena: The amphisbaena is an African serpent with a head at either end of its body.

Basilisk: The basilisk is called the King of All serpents. This is not due to its particular ferocity or size, but for its gaze, which can kill instantly, and its venom, which is the most deadly of all known substances and is thus highly prized by alchemists. The basilisk is found in Africa, and its only natural enemy is the mongoose, which will immune to its gaze is not immune to its venom.

Caladrius: The caladrius is a small bird, somewhat like a white crow in appearance, which can sense death. When presented with a sick person, they will make eye contact if the person is fated to live and look away if the person is fated to die. Because of this diagnostic ability, they are highly prized by healers for use as familiars.

Catoblepas: A large African beast, the catoblepas is a semi-aquatic bovine whose breath is poisonous. It is able to kill a man instantly, and as a result they are highly feared.

Cockatrice: The cockatrice is found across Europe, and are highly feared for their petrifying gaze. This ability makes it similar to the basilisk, however a cockatrice is a large rooster with serpentine features. Like the basilisk, though, the natural enemy of the cockatrice is the weasel, who alone among all animals is immune to its gaze.

Griffin: The griffin is a large beast found across the mountains of Asia. They are majestic beasts, physiologically a cross between a lion and an eagle, and in the wild are hunters of herd animals such as gazelle and deer. As a result, they will often hunt and kill horses, even those with riders. Griffins can be domesticated and used as mounts, and Prester John owns an enchanted chariot is pulled by griffins. Griffins will also collect treasure, making them targets for treasure hunters, who also prize their feathers, wings, and talons as trophies.

Jaculus: Called the legged serpent, this African snake does indeed possess rudimentary forelimbs which it uses to launch itself out of trees to ambush prey, though it will rarely attack things larger than monkeys or large birds.

Leucrotta: The leucrotta is an African animal, quite unique in appearance for despite having a wolflike body it possesses hooves like a deer, and teeth like nothing else in the mammal kingdom, made of a single ridge of sharpened bone. Leucrottas are scavengers and hunters of small animals, and have the singular ability to mimic the speech of humans, though they are not particularly intelligent and are only able to remember upwards of 100 words.

Manticore: Manticores are dangerous monsters found in Persia. A manticore is a large lion with the tail of a scorpion, a humanlike face, and multiple rows of teeth. Despite their appearance, manticores are not intelligent, and are in fact extremely dangerous hunters who prefer the flesh of men above all else.

Phoenix: The most majestic of all birds, the phoenix is found in Asia and makes its nest from the branches of spice trees such as cinnamon or myrrh. The phoenix, upon laying its single egg, will burst into flames. The heat from its flame is intense and the ashes will stay warm long after the bird has passed, incubating the egg until it is born. Phoenixes are magical birds and their feathers, eggs, and the ashes of their nests are all highly sought for magical purposes, which some naturalists believe is becoming a threat to their population.

Roc: The largest of all birds, a roc is large enough to eat an elephant but more commonly preys upon herd animals and the larger types of fish and sea mammals. Rocs nest along the coasts of the Indian Ocean, from Africa to Indica.

Scitalis: The scitalis is a European serpent with dazzlingly bright scales and a venomous bite. Along among snakes they are warm-blooded and are active even in winter.

Seps: The seps is another African serpent with a dangerous bite, however unlike most serpents which have venom that stops the heart or lungs, the seps' bite causes infection to rapidly set in. The animal goes into shock and dies some time later, while the serpent follows at a distance, waiting for its prey to succumb.

Stryx: The strix is a black bird, somewhat like an owl, that feeds on blood at night. Often associated with vampires, stryx are in fact rarely dangerous to humans, for not only do they prefer to feed on the blood of animals, but they are solitary hunters and a single strix cannot drink more than enough blood in a single night to be a threat to, say, a small child or a particularly sickly elder. Reports of swarms of strix that can drain a man of blood in a single night are unsubstantiated.

Unicorn: A kind of horse possessing a single horn on its forehead, found in India, the unicorn will only allow itself to be approached by virgins. If approached by another human, they will react violently, attempting to gore the human with their horns. Captive unicorns are highly prized as symbols of purity, and unicorn horns are extremely useful as medicinal and alchemical ingredients.
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Jaculus: Called the legged serpent, this African snake does indeed possess rudimentary forelimbs which it uses to launch itself out of trees to ambush prey, though it will rarely attack things larger than monkeys or large birds.
I imagine this creature is not well tolerated, regardless of its intelligence or culpability.
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Great Creatures
Behemoth, Leviathan, and Ziz

There are three animals who are considered the most magnificent beings in all of God's creation. Famed for their immense size, they sometimes seem more like living landmarks than creatures of the natural world. They divide the world into three between them: Behemoth is the largest thing on land, Leviathan is unopposed by all at sea, and Ziz is the greatest creature to ever take to the air.

Behemoth is a massive beast, larger even than the elephants of Indica or Africa. He walks about on four legs thick as tree trunks, and his head somewhat resembles a hippopotamus, being broad and full of massive tusks. Behemoth often wades in rivers and lakes, and when he does he displaces so much water that it causes floods and may even divert the course of smaller rivers. He strips entire treetops bare, branches and all. Behemoth largely spends his time in Asia, specifically the Central Asian steppe and the deserts of the Middle East. He is mostly harmless, though of course he has been known to tread on farms and small villages simply by accident, and on occasion someone is foolish enough to attempt to fight him, either through hubris or a misguided attempt at self-defense when they perceive him as a threat. As a result Behemoth is pincushioned with arrows, spears, and swords, none of which have managed to pierce through his monstrously thick hide any more than a few feet. A small contingent of pilgrims, naturalists, and thrill-seekers follow Behemoth at a distance of several miles, observing his movements or, in the case of some religious sects, singing praises to the LORD, who they say put the three creatures on Earth as signs of his majesty.

Behemoth has in his nose a metal ring roughly five feet across, which has never corroded or been worn down in any way, though it has been there as long as anyone can remember.

Leviathan is the greatest fish to ever swim in the sea. Longer than even the greatest of whales, she has been sighted in every ocean. Infrequently she may thrash around, causing tidal waves, but she is more commonly a danger to ships, which she may see as food. She can swallow even the largest galleons whole, and on the rare occasion when she is sighted near the surface and encounters a fleet which is willing to give battle, her brazen scales are impenetrable even to shot from cannons. She can breathe fire from her mouth, and the fiery glow of her eyes can be seen even when she is deep beneath the surface - many a sailor has had early warning of her approach by the dim glow of her eyes glimpsed in the deeps. Trying to find Leviathan is somewhat of a greater challenge than finding Behemoth, for the ocean is vast, and many believe that there are places where the ocean does not have a bottom but simply extends down to the Primordial Waters. With that said, there remain some captains who may spend their whole lives in search for Leviathan for various reasons, many of which stem from the superstitions that tend to be passed around by sailors. Many who have seen Leviathan speak of it as a religious experience.

Leviathan has about her neck a massive band of some unknown material that has never corroded despite constant submersion in seawater. Those who have seen it say it somewhat resembles the collar one would put on a tame pet.

Ziz is the greatest of all birds, a great crested hunting bird with a wingspan so wide it can blot out the sun, a beak so large it can swallow an ox, and legs so long it has been known to wade in shallow coastal waters. Ziz is said to be both male and female, though its eggs have never hatched, and are said to contain more liquid than is possible for something of its size. Ziz lays one egg every century or so, and these eggs are highly prized by kings and princes, though they are just as often claimed by charitable religious orders as they can feed hundreds. Ziz makes its nest out of the Cedars of Lebanon - the entire tree, uprooted and carried to its nest in the mountains, which can be in the Levant, the Caucases, Iran, or even points further east. Ziz moves its nest every few hundred years for unknown reasons. The nests that are left behind are often claimed by pilgrims and religious orders and converted into shrines or monasteries with the hollowed eggshells serving as centerpieces. Many of these orders incorporate singing and music into their worship. Ziz hunts both by land and sea, catching large sea creatures such as sharks or whales, hoofed land mammals, griffins, the occasional elephant, and even the rare sin dragon. In addition, it feeds on rocs the same way a hawk feeds on pigeons.

Ziz's current nest is in the Hindu Kush mountains, where between hunts it perches on one of the high peaks or ledges and sings, while below a small city of worshipers and ambitious treasure hunters wait for it to abandon its nest so they can move in. Ziz's song is considered hauntingly beautiful by all those who hear it, and were one to listen while under the effects of a Speak to Animals spell, the song would translate as an unceasing hymn of praise to the LORD. There have been many attempts to record and reproduce it over the years, but the language of birds is not easily transcribed, and the melody is not easily reproduced by human throats.​
Merfolk are a race of humanoids with the lower body of a fish. They live in shallow seas and can breathe both air and water. Merfolk society is enigmatic due to the difficulties in communication - while spells and potions that allow one to breathe water are known, spells that protect against the dangers of living on the sea floor - the cold, the pressure, the lack of sunlight - are rarer and extremely expensive. Thus, what has been gathered has mostly been from those who visit the shallows, which are the frontiers of the merfolk nations. Merfolk cities are located on the continental shelves, and the shallow coastlines are where fisherfolk, scouts, explorers, and hunters go. In other words, those merfolk who humans interact with invariably occupy the fringes of their society.

Merfolk society is communal, with personal possessions being restricted to what an individual can carry on them - as a result what wealthy merfolk there are wear their wealth in the form of jewelry and ornamentation. Merfolk society is not very warlike, although they are skilled with the use of tridents and spears. They most often hunt fish and sea mammals, but shark hunts are a famous sport of theirs. Merfolk material culture seems to be based primarily on whatever is at hand, incorporating shark's teeth, seashells, and fish bone, as well as salvage from sunken ships and wreckage they find washed out to sea. They do not have a tradition of metalworking, and as a result human jewelry and tools are highly prized, and when they are not easily gained through salvage merfolk will seek to gain them through trade, offering fish and seafloor treasures such as pearls in exchange.

Merfolk adopted human religions only recently. Saint Murigen, the first mermaid to be baptized as a Christian, is said to have converted the merfolk of the Atlantic (or at least some of them) to Christianity, while Abdullah the merman is generally considered the first Muslim, founder of the merfolk of the Indian Ocean's tradition of following Islam. Obviously merfolk religious practices are different from human ones - merfolk cannot make the pilgrimage to Mecca, nor can they follow many of the dietary practices such as communion. Merfolk doctrine mostly follows an oral tradition, though they do have a practice of carving certain religious laws into stone on undersea monoliths. As a result, merfolk religion is often idiosyncratic and is considered backwards or primitive by many surface dwellers.​
So this isn't an "official update" but I had to share this with you.

I recently had a dream about the world of Covenant, specifically I was reading a lost book of the Bible that described King David's policies vis a vis magical creatures. It mainly talks about him arresting gnomes, deporting dark elves and satyrs, and seizing the property of succubi to raise funds. Seems like a pretty good prelude to King Solomon enslaving roughly half of all djinn a short time later.

The obvious thing here that's interesting is that dark elves and satyrs don't even appear in Covenant, as dark elves are a Norse thing and stayrs are Greek (and what are dark elves doing in the Middle East anyway?). Clearly my brain got some wires crossed.

It also reminded me that according to certain apocyrpha, David did have a succubus lover while Solomon enslaved succubi along with djinn and other devils. In Covenant, these things are naturally true, and Solomon had a cambion half-brother who was more than likely purged.

So, what do you think, has Covenant seeped to far into my subconscious?
So this isn't an "official update" but I had to share this with you.

I recently had a dream about the world of Covenant, specifically I was reading a lost book of the Bible that described King David's policies vis a vis magical creatures. It mainly talks about him arresting gnomes, deporting dark elves and satyrs, and seizing the property of succubi to raise funds. Seems like a pretty good prelude to King Solomon enslaving roughly half of all djinn a short time later.

The obvious thing here that's interesting is that dark elves and satyrs don't even appear in Covenant, as dark elves are a Norse thing and stayrs are Greek (and what are dark elves doing in the Middle East anyway?). Clearly my brain got some wires crossed.

It also reminded me that according to certain apocyrpha, David did have a succubus lover while Solomon enslaved succubi along with djinn and other devils. In Covenant, these things are naturally true, and Solomon had a cambion half-brother who was more than likely purged.

So, what do you think, has Covenant seeped to far into my subconscious?


The British Isles are, for many, the farthest end of the world. It is indeed still largely untamed, with a wilderness fraught with dragons and magical beasts, and a population of Nephilim who persist despite wars past with humans, who always seek to push back the wilderness.

In addition, the furthest west of these isles, Avalon, is home to a race of humanlike beings who are enigmatic and, many say, dangerous to deal with. The Fair Folk, or Fey, appear as tall, fair-skinned and fair-haired humans, who are skilled in enchantments. They have intervened multiple times in Britain's history in the past, in the form of famous historical figures such as Morgana and the Lady of the Lake. Other Fair Folk have married human kings or knights, and there is more than a drop of fairy blood in the Kings of England. The Fair Folk's home isle of Avalon is dangerous to outsiders, as are those forests and moors on Ireland and Britain which they frequent.

The British Isle's most famous king, Arthur of Camelot, is held in state on Avalon - not dead, merely under an enchantment to sustain him following his wounding at the Battle of Camlann. He will be returned, claim the Fair Folk, when Britain needs him most. The Fair Folk are notably reticent to share their origins, with those schools of thought (notably the Gnostics) who claim the vampires and werewolves of the east are from another world also believing that Fair Folk are immigrants from another reality as well. An equally persistent tale is that the Fair Folk still possess some way to journey back and forth between worlds, and the secret of doing so is kept safely guarded in Avalon.

The Fair Folk have many such sinister rumors about them.

The Welsh people, notably, have several tales about a mysterious land far to the west. They speak of men such as Saint Brendan and Prince Madoc, and of ships of colonists that the motherland lost contact with long ago. As yet, none have given much credence to these tales, and so the eyes of the world are turned towards the spices of the mystic east, rather than the uncharted and distant west.

However all of that is about to change.

As the 15th Century draws to a close, it is a dark time for Christendom. England has just come through the Wars of the Roses, where the Knights of the Round Table were forced to take sides in one of the bloodiest conflicts to date in the British Isles. France is shocked as the Inquisition discovers that the Knights Templar have been subverted by a cult of the archdevil Baphomet, and chaos reigns as the order is forcibly disbanded. The popes in Avignon, Rome, and Istanbul squabble endlessly over doctrine. The Teutonic Knights fall to infighting as the twin plagues of lycanthropy and vampirism take hold within the orders.

Italy is rocked by the Italian Wars, where the great powers of Europe fight for influence on Italian soil. Inventors like Leonardo da Vinci are urged to come up with ever-more deadly alchemical weapons and war machines. Even the Papal States are not immune, as rival factions seek to earn the allegiance of the pope, his powerful holy magics, and access to powerful relics such as the Lance of Longinus. The land is thick with mercenaries, spies, and assassins.

The crumbling Holy Roman Empire is beset by witch hunts, pogroms, and the depradations of vampires and werewolves slowly spilling west from the Slavic lands. Hungry, Poland-Lithuania, and the Ottomans struggle to contain the growing armies of the vampire king of Wallachia, Vlad the Impaler. Despite this, the fall of Constantinople is still fresh in the minds of Europe, and many consider Vlad the Impaler the only thing that could halt the Ottoman conquests...

As Spain and Portugal compete over trade routes and influence in the Mediterranean or plot to circumnavigate Africa, a ship makes landfall in the Azores...from the west.

The year is 1492.
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France is shocked as the Inquisition discovers that the Knights Templar have been subverted by a cult of the archdevil Baphomet
Suddenly, the People's Crusade and the Fourth Crusade take on a whole new meani-
As Spain and Portugal compete over trade routes and influence in the Mediterranean or plot to circumnavigate Africa, a ship makes landfall in the Azores...from the west.

The year is 1492.