CoS3 - A Dance of Dreams and Nightmares (HP/UT)

[X] Yes
Undertale Quest yay!
The only thing bugging me is the pictures but that's personal preference so don't worry about it.
[X] Yes

I'm a bit disappointed he didn't recommend anything more. I hope he at least has another one or two recommendations before the end of the trip.
[X] Yes

A food-grade cauldron? Cool beans. Snape is Slytherin, and snakes are cold-blooded.
Disney Princess would take the "Kill 1000 to Save 10000, Kill 1 Million to Save 10 Million"
Kirit-carrot/Snape in a princess outfit? If he were not so cool, that might be a good prank. Frozen is cold. A troll is in Frozen. Disney characters must have some troll blood in them. Half-blood princess. Snakes prey on frogs. Frogs get frozen. Cirno and Suwako. Incident confirmed!
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@Lunaryon Do the clothes that we glitch into sweaters eventually turn back, or do we got a couple dozen identical sweaters in our closet? If the latter, we might want to get several pairs of robes, to replace any we glitch out.
Is this taking him up on his offer to pay for it, or to get it period? Cause we got money, so don't need him to pay for it, but it would be good to get it none the less.

We are a omniglot, yeah. I wonder if it works for written languages as well, doubt it but it would be handy.

Am I correct in assuming that, despite realizing he can talk to animals, Harry managed to never be around a foreign speaker for long and as such not realized his ability extended to human languages?
Or has Harry not even noticed his ability with Animals? It's rather hard to believe he's been completely sheltered from all animals, so that would mean that this ability is a new one if he doesn't know of it at all.
He's offering to get it for you through his contacts. It's slightly more expensive, but not enough to really matter to you.

Part of it is not being around foreign speakers for long periods of time, and the fact that those times have been when out and about to visits to places like the Zoo and whatnot, where they are speaking to each other instead of to Harry or someone, and so those speaking to each other have the same 'flavor' so to speak, which makes it even harder for him to realize something is odd about how they speak.

...He really is Kiritsugu, isn't he?

[X] Yes
...No... But he knew the man before he died.
[X] Yes

I'm a bit disappointed he didn't recommend anything more. I hope he at least has another one or two recommendations before the end of the trip.
He will in a bit when you go Robes shopping. He'll mention some other things he was thinking of grabbing to use up the rest of the time that you'll be getting fitted for.

@Lunaryon Do the clothes that we glitch into sweaters eventually turn back, or do we got a couple dozen identical sweaters in our closet? If the latter, we might want to get several pairs of robes, to replace any we glitch out.
It depends. The majority of the clothes turn back within 15-20 minutes, but it really depends on how bad the freak out is. You do own two of those sweaters now, both with a golden locket with the words 'Best Friends Forever' on them, but you haven't been able to get them open.

You also long a purple robe that appeared during one of your freak outs. Unfortunately that was like two years ago, and it doesn't fit anymore.
He's offering to get it for you through his contacts. It's slightly more expensive, but not enough to really matter to you.
[X] Yes
Part of it is not being around foreign speakers for long periods of time, and the fact that those times have been when out and about to visits to places like the Zoo and whatnot, where they are speaking to each other instead of to Harry or someone, and so those speaking to each other have the same 'flavor' so to speak, which makes it even harder for him to realize something is odd about how they speak.
So yeah, it's just the human component he never noticed.
...No... But he knew the man before he died.
... Now I can't tell if that's confirmation that Snape is a reincarnation, or if there was just another Kiritsugu in this universe.

Different note, might want to change the flavor text to our Shy mallus, since Dudley is friendly with us.
Ollivander's makers of fine wands
You hurry after the professor, who continues walking along through the alleyway.

It's just so cool though. All these people, all living there lives all hidden, and all right in under the noses of the ordinary people.


"Ah... Pr-Professor Snape, sir?" You ask, eye wandering nervously. Energy crackles across your skin for a moment, and you can hear the hiss of static.

"Yes, Harry?" Snape says, without pausing.

"Why..." How is the best way to ask this... "Why do Wizards and Witches hide away from the rest of the world?" You ask, as you glance back to the mouth of the alley.

You can still see the archway even from where you were... it was like a barrier, a wall that separated the world of magic from the ordinary world. And that unnerved you.

"Different people would tell you different things -" Snape says, "From things like 'If muggles knew we existed we'd never get a night's rest, they would want us to solve all their problems' to 'Muggles are too dumb to see what is right under their noses. It's no fault of ours that they don't know about us' and everything in between." He continues his explanation,
"The way I see it... It's a mix of all sorts of different things. One of the biggest things is fear, but there are few who would admit that out loud. When it comes down to it, if the Wizarding world were to pick a fight with the Muggles... They'd lose. Badly. Others are so self-absorbed that they honestly believe that Mundane people are still living in wooden shacks and castles and bath once a month. Then there is the traditionalist point of view who say that since we have been fine without the Muggles for the last thousand years that there is nothing that they can bring to the table now." After a moment, the professor sighs, before shaking his head.
"To be completely honest, they sealed ourselves off away from the rest of the world so long ago that I don't know if they'll ever reach a point where we could reach out to each other again."

After a short while walking through the alleyway, a surprisingly simple task given the number of people in the alley, you arrive in front of a small shop. It was shorter than the surround buildings, but there was a hint of warmth to the store. Across the front there were once letters, but they were pale and peeling free. It didn't matter, as there was an etching in the glass of the door that stated the words "Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC". There was a single wand sitting on a comfortable looking sun-bleached purple pillow.

You follow in after your professor, and somewhere in the depths of the store you can hear the tinkling of a bell. The inside of the store was cozy, though a bit cluttered. In a great sweeping motion, Professor Snape settled into a small spindly chair set off to one side. Reaching into the back of the store are racks upon racks upon racks, holding what could only be thousands of boxes stuffed into place from floor to ceiling so thick that the racks became more like walls. You breathed in, and while the air was dusty and almost a little stifled...

It felt like Home. Not your family's house, but... something else. Something old and new. Like stepping into a forgotten memory. Without the professor to distract you anymore and the energy billowing through the air like currents in an ocean, power danced across your skin and the hiss of static roared in your ears.

"Good day,"You hear a voice say from almost directly behind you. You twirl in place, before slipping but before you crash to the ground, you feel a strong grip catch your shoulder and effortlessly return you to your feet. "Careful there child." Standing there was what looked like an old man, with wide pale eyes and long scraggly gray hair. After setting you back on your feet, the man quickly dusts you off, before turning back to your professor. "Severus, it is good to see you again! Bringing by another strange case are you?" The old man chuckles, "I should warn you, I have a feeling that you are going to have an... odd seven years ahead of you. I've had more cause to go into the back room and pull from the... more interesting stock in the last twelve months than I have in the past six decades."

The potions professor looks a little... worried, may not be the best term, but perhaps concerned. "Oh?"

"Yes, and it all started with that little blonde and her Dragon Bone wand." Ollivander says with a cheeky grin, "But enough on my past and your future - who do we have here?" He turns to you, giving a quick glance over your appearance. "Right," The old man claps his hands, "Let's start then... Mister..."

"Ah, Potter, sir." You say quickly.

"So Polite! Right then Mr. Potter, which arm would you say is your Dominant arm?"

"My left, sir."

"Very good. Now arms out please."

You stick both of your arms out as the man pulls a long measuring tape out from his pocket, before dropping it. It never touches the ground though, instead floating around and measuring parts of your body. It measures from your shoulder to finger, then wrist to elbow, shoulder to floor, knee to armpit and even around your head. All while it measures you, he speaks.

"Every Ollivander wand has a core of a powerful magical substance, Mister Potter. We use unicorn hairs, phoenix tail feathers and the heartstrings of dragons, though given the last year I am thinking of expanding my core selection. No two Ollivander wands are the same, just as no two unicorns, dragons or phoenixes are quite the same. And of course, you will never get such good results with someones wand."

You watched as the old man moved about the shelves, taking down some of the boxes and moving them around. With a snap of his finger the measuring tape fell to the floor in a small heap, before the plank of wood it was on flips over and placed it under the floor.

"Hmm... Interesting..." He reaches out, grabbing a single thin box from the multitudes, sliding the top off, revealing a beautiful wand. "Try this one, Hornbeam, at just under nine inches with a Phoenix feather core."

Taking the wand, you gave it a wave around. It didn't take to long before the old man snatch it from your hand, before replacing it at once.

"Oak, fourteen inches with Dragon heartsting, firm and unyielding. Try –"

You started to try – but you could barely raise the wand when it, too, was snatched back by the old man.

"No, no – here, Cottonwood at twenty one inches with unicorn hair. Go on, go on, try it out."

And so you tried wand after wand after wand. Whatever the old man was looking for, he wasn't finding it, and honestly, this was all so interesting - the different types of woods felt different in your hands, as did the various cores that were inside. Dragon heartstring was warm to the touch and seemed to almost sing when it gave off effects. Phoenix feather was grumpy, it took a moment to judge you, and while some of them took a liking to you, they were still surly and didn't want to cast. Unicorn hairs were harder to describe, but came in what could only be described as three different 'flavors' as it were - Wands that seemed to almost leap from your hand in joy when it touched your magic, wands that completely shut down and wouldn't cast at all, and those who just sort of huffed at you with a sort of feel of 'go on then, let's just get this over with'.

It was really interesting, and before long you had almost stopped waving the wands about in total and was spending more time trying to understand the different feelings that you were getting from each wand.

"I'm surprised," Ollivander said with a smile, "It's quite rare to see someone already starting to get a feel for how wands react to them. When I say that the wand chooses the wizard, I am in no way joking. Once you graduate in seven years time, if you are interested, I'd be glad to take you on. Teach you the craft."

"But first I need to find the perfect wand for you." The old man looked so joyous it almost looked like he was going to burst into son-

And he started whistling.
It's a beautiful day outside
You froze. Spine tingling shivers running down your back.
Birds are singing
Your hands clench and unclench, as static dances about your fists
Children are laughing
Numbers slice through the air around you, shifting and warping - numbers become letters, then symbols, and again numbers.
On days like this
Weeds like you
The shirt and jeans shiver, almost dancing across your skin, turning into a long flowing robe, marked with a strange symbol on the front.
NO! You can't lose focus!
You take a deep breath. You can't lose yourself.

You don't know what it is about this tune.
You feel the weight of your sins on your back

...Then sounds stop, and you breathe.

"I appologize, I had no idea that idle tune in my head would... make you react like that." You hear Ollivander say, and you glance up to see the old man looking properly contrite. "Though..." Suddenly, he slaps his forehead. "OF COURSE! One moment!" The old man practically pirouettes and disappears into the back of his store.

"...This is a thing." Snape says after a moment, and you glance over to see him palming his face. "This is a thing that I'm going to have to deal with, isn't it?" At this point you can tell that the question really isn't towards you, but more to the world itself. Taking a deep breath and sitting back up, Professor Snape locks eyes with you. "Right. This is a thing. Fine, I can deal with this. Just means brewing even more Calming droughts."

Before you can really ask what the professor means, the old man returns, triumphantly holding two different boxes.

And even from this distance, you can hear both wands calling out to you. In very different ways. He places both boxes down on the counter, before opening the two.

"I have two wands here, and seeing what I have seen..." Ollivander nods to himself. "I have a feeling both of these will answer your call." He picks up the first wand, and places it in your hand. At first glance it looks much like many of the other wands you have seen in the store.

It feels much much different however. At first it has the same sense of surliness that you have felt from all of the other wands with Phoenix feather cores, but the moment it touches your hand, the air hums, a wind rising from nowhere to ruffle your hair like an affectionate hand on your head. "Eleven inches of Holly, with a Phoenix feather core, nice and supple. I couldn't quite find it, but I felt its call from the moment you stepped in the store. Reason why I handed you so many with Phoenix feather cores, actually." With a deft hand, the old man plucks the wand from your grasp, and places in back in the slot in the box. "Under normal circumstances, we'd be done. A wand that is a match for you is difficult enough to find, but..." His eyes slide over to the other wand.

"I think that this may be even a better match." He draws forth something... strange. It looked like a wand at a glance, but it was quite different at the same time. Instead of the organic look that all the previous wands had had, this one was smooth and polished with a faint green glow pulsing from within. "This is quite possibly the most unique piece of wandwork I have ever seen." The old man said, "Thirteen inches long, on the dot with a shaft of Fulgurite and a core of Pallasite, before being polished to a shine." He held the wand up to the light, and it shined and glittered as the light scattered across it.

"As I said, this is one of the strangest wands I have seen. It's Thirteen inches, which is something that no Wandcrafter would EVER do. Numbers are really quite important when it comes to magic, and the number thirteen is a very, very bad number. Under any normal circumstance, this wand would be something that I would never put into circulation. But this wand is anything but normal. The core is Pallasite, otherwise known as a type of Meteoric Glass. It's not actually glass, but Peridot crystals held together in an Iron-Nickel matrix. Then the shaft is Fulgurite, also called Petrified lightning. It's created when lightning strikes a beach at the perfect time."

You have a choice. Both of these wands very obviously call to you. And you can feel that they are both quite powerful.
Which do you choose?
[ ] Holly and Phoenix Feather
[ ] Meteoric Glass and Petrified lightning

What next?
[ ] Flourish and Blotts Bookseller
[ ] Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions
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[X] Meteoric Glass and Petrified lightning
-[Q] You did like shooting stars.
[X] Flourish and Blotts Bookseller
[X] Meteoric Glass and Petrified lightning
[X] Flourish and Blotts Bookseller

Never really liked that brother wands bullshit, caused lots of cop outs later in the series. Also, we are always looking for more things to learn, so bookstore is a must.
Energy crackles across your skin for a moment, and you can hear the hiss of static.

...Hmm, interesting. Also,

And he started whistling.
It's a beautiful day outside
You froze. Spine tingling shivers running down your back.
Birds are singing
Your hands clench and unclench, as static dances about your fists
Children are laughing
Numbers slice through the air around you, shifting and warping - numbers become letters, then symbols, and again numbers.
On days like this
Weeds like you
The shirt and jeans shiver, almost dancing across your skin, turning into a long flowing robe, marked with a strange symbol on the front.
NO! You can't lose focus!
You take a deep breath. You can't lose yourself.

You don't know what it is about this tune.
You feel the weight of your sins on your back

Hora hora~

It seems like Harry's having a lot of problems trying to suppress the Absolute God of Hyperdeath and Omega Flowey once he gets set off. And I'm really starting to think that Ollivander might be this world's version of Zelretch. Which makes him offering Harry an apprenticeship even more amusing than normal. It kinda feels like he set off Harry intentionally too, so as to get a better feel of his magic.

As for the seems like they're both calling out to the duality of Harry's nature. We could go the safe route with the Phoenix feather wand, while the Meteoric Glass wand channels Flowey/Asriel more, which is prolly gonna spell fun times in the future., I'll go for the shiny.

[X] Meteoric Glass and Petrified lightning
[X] Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions
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[X] Meteoric Glass and Petrified lightning
[X] Flourish and Blotts Bookseller

more deviations from canon *cackles*
[X] Meteoric Glass and Petrified lightning
[X] Flourish and Blotts Bookseller

Who needs comfort and affection from a wand when you got a meteorite one!