CoS3 - A Dance of Dreams and Nightmares (HP/UT)

...okay, that attraction of Hermione's makes perfect sense now.

Bloody hell, Mordred might be the weakest of this lot, in raw power.
It continues to amuse me how much you guys underestimate the last child of Camelot.
Well. We now understand why Snape is so used to all the wierd shit happening. Not only does he handle Hermione and Harry he has to deal with Dracco and probably other incarnates.

Hogwarts will be an interesting experience with all the bullshit people going to it.
It continues to amuse me how much you guys underestimate the last child of Camelot.
Does she have more abilities than in the Nasuverse? Because she'd need them.

Saturn is a city buster on her own, and far greater if she can summon amd control Type/Saturn.

I'm under the impression that Asriel had some degree of dominion over the foundations of reality itself...but I don't know much about Undertale yet.

That is fucking Bahamut.

Mordred is a badass, but she's going to need to grow beyond her past self to match those three. Becoming a Dragon Animagus (if that's possible) is a start, and her affinity for Dragonfire Magic is a major boon, but...she has no Noble Phantasm, and no preexisting ability to harness the fullness of her draconic heritage.
You have to remember that Servants are majorly nerfed when compared to the actual Heroic Spirits due to how the Class System is set up.


Or rather, the Class System cannot contain the whole power of a Heroic Spirit unless they are formed with a full body to inhabit...
You have to remember that Servants are majorly nerfed when compared to the actual Heroic Spirits due to how the Class System is set up.


Or rather, the Class System cannot contain the whole power of a Heroic Spirit unless they are formed with a full body to inhabit...
I'm aware...and maybe I'm overestimating Bahamut, seeing as he's not a Nasuverse Dragon, but her rivals are a Senshi with a Type at her side, and a being which wields the unified power and souls of half a world, to eldritch effect, and is known as "the god of hyperdeath."

That said, it is never made clear how strong a complete Heroic Spirit is...they are presumably stronger than their living selves, so perhaps I am indeed miscalculating.
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Note, that's a self appointed title. It's commonly joked that The Absolute God of Hyperdeath is a OC Asriel made back before all the Flowey stuff.
Good to know. He's still a reality warping eldritch conglomerate of souls...although, perhaps the Asriel that became Harry isn't quite as powerful. We'll see.
Good to know. He's still a reality warping eldritch conglomerate of souls...although, perhaps the Asriel that became Harry isn't quite as powerful. We'll see.
He did release all those souls at the end, leaving him technically soulless. Though again, there's was also a vote for Flowey, the normal version of him when he isn't hopped up on other people's souls, so there's bound to be something different between the options.
He did release all those souls at the end, leaving him technically soulless. Though again, there's was also a vote for Flowey, the normal version of him when he isn't hopped up on other people's souls, so there's bound to be something different between the options.
Pretty sure Flowey is the version that's soulless and emotionally deficient, not just a weaker version.
Pretty sure Flowey is the version that's soulless and emotionally deficient, not just a weaker version.
Yes. I know. That is what I was referring to his "normal" version, considering he has spent decades (atleast) as that emotionally dead flower doing everything there is to be done in the Underground.

Something has to be different between the options of Flowey and Asriel, despite them being largely the character (really, less than 5 minutes apart), I just have little idea what. Asriel did return all the souls at the end of the game, leaving him none and to return to Flowey over time as the accumulated power fades. That's how the game ends. Even if he did decide to use the last of his power to try for a new life in another world, I don't see how that option would have worked out differently from the Flowey one.
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I'm aware...and maybe I'm overestimating Bahamut, seeing as he's not a Nasuverse Dragon, but her rivals are a Senshi with a Type at her side, and a being which wields the unified power and souls of half a world, to eldritch effect, and is known as "the god of hyperdeath."

That said, it is never made clear how strong a complete Heroic Spirit is...they are presumably stronger than their living selves, so perhaps I am indeed miscalculating.
Sailor Saturn doesn't need a Type.

She's a planet buster on her own.

Asriel, not really sure, but if he's retained even a fraction of his abilities as 'The Absolute God of Hyperdeath' then he's probably rivaling Primate Murder at least.

Bahamut is a Country Buster at least, Planet Buster at most.

Mordred, however is primarily a swordswoman, and I don't know if she had anything beyond Clarent and Secret of Pedigree in her legend. Sue her stats might be higher then her 'Saber' self but she'd still be limited to at most Clarent's maximum range/potential.

Also any of the options Draco, I want Harriel to befriend the rage dragon :p
Also any of the options Draco, I want Harriel to befriend the rage dragon :p
[ ] A slightly chubby boy ...
[ ] A petite girl ...
[ ] A stranger nearly as pale as you are, eyes shimmering gold as she ...
[ ] An annoyed red head, ...
Pretty obviously nope.
Draco isn't here. Any befriending will happen later. If it goes like canon though, will only have to wait till the train cause Draco would be interested in meeting The Boy Who Lived. And he isn't a twat now, so that helps.
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Pretty obviously nope.
Draco isn't here. Any befriending will happen later. If it goes like canon though, will only have to wait till the train cause Draco would be interested in meeting The Boy Who Lived. And he isn't a twat now, so that helps.

Oh well.

Any bets on whether Hogwarts will still be in one piece after first year?
Sailor Saturn doesn't need a Type.

She's a planet buster on her own.
We were talking about getting Type Saturn as a familiar, summoning a miniature projection of it pretty much, because Saturn goes straight from wrecking squads and blowing holes in buildings to destroying the planet. She doesn't have much between them, so mini-Type Saturn was a funny idea I had and Higure liked it.
Before I start writing the update, I wanna make sure that I have the votes right, can I got a vote count?
Vote Tally : CoS3 - A Dance of Dreams and Nightmares (HP/UT) | Page 36 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[X] A petite girl with black hair that hangs to the small of her back, leaning back against a bookshelf as she idly reads out of a book in her hands... An oddly familiar looking book...
No. of Votes: 9

[X] A slightly chubby boy with dirty blonde hair, ignoring a slightly heated conversation between an old woman and a greying haired man
No. of Votes: 3

[X] A stranger nearly as pale as you are, eyes shimmering gold as she sits back on one of the ladders, watching over a small girl as she reads out loud from a picture book - a look of deep concentration on the smaller girl's face.
No. of Votes: 3

[X] But nobody came
No. of Votes: 3

[X] An annoyed red head, arguing with a grey haired woman with a monocle
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 19
Meeting a girl
"Let's see..." Snape says, looking around the store. "...Please tell me they haven't decided to 'reorganize' everything again." After a few more moments of staring at the vast number of books... He pulls out the list of books, and with a flick of his wrist, he pulls the paper apart into two identical pieces of paper.

Both completely whole and unripped.

"It unfortunately looks like the wizards here have once more decided to try and reorganize the books by a new system." He shakes his head. "And since they have never accepted me trying to show them the Dewy Decimal system, we're going to have to wander the store. Here's the list of books you need. Try and find what books you can. We'll meet back here in an hour. Understood?"

"Yes sir."

After about a half hour of searching, you find yourself coming across someone else your age. A petite girl with black hair that hangs to the small of her back, leaning back against a bookshelf as she idly reads out of a book in her hands... An oddly familiar looking book...

The girl was about a half a head shorter than you, leaning back against the bookshelf, and after a short moment you realized why the book cradled in her hands seemed so familiar.

It was because it was.

It was a book you'd seen a million times easily. A book you've seen at least once a day since for as long as you can remember.

It was the Holy Bible. The book of God, the Holy Word excreta excreta.

"Uhh... Hi?" You say shyly, and the girl started slightly, book snapping shut loudly. "S-sorry."

The girl stares at you for a few moments, before waving slightly with one hand. "Hey, yourself."


"...You want something?"

"No, I was just curious. I haven't seen anyone act particularly religiously since I... uh... learned about Magic... and wizards... and stuff." The girl blinked at that, shifting to a slightly less... confrontational stance.

"Your a Muggleborn?" She asked... and you blink.

"...Maybe? What's a Muggle?" You ask, and the girl nods to herself.

"People without magic. 'Least that's what Mom and Dad call them. I'm Pansy, Pansy Parkinson." She holds a hand out to you, "Scion of the Parkinson family, Proud member of the Sacred 28, Spellcaster unlike any you'll ever meet, and Catholicism Enthusiast. What's your name?"

"Harry, Harry Pott-ah!" You start off fine, but as you start to say your last name, you take a step forward to give a bit of a sweeping bow... and your foot slips on... Nothing? "Owww..." You groan lightly from the floor, as the girl chuckles lightly, before reaching out and not just pulling you to your feet, but completely lifting you off the ground with a single hand.
Now... What do we have here?
Which is insane, because you have to weigh more than she does, and she just picked you up with one hand. ONE HAND.
And why do you feel like me...?
"Potter, as in 'there's a over a hundred different books written about me', Boy-Who-Lived, Slayer-of-Dark-Lords Harry Potter?" Pansy asks, sounding a bit amused.
What? "What?" Perhaps it was the look on your face, or the sure bafflement in your voice. But the girl laughed, as she set you back down on your feet.

"Guess that means you aren't a muggleborn." Pansy says with a grin. "James and Lily Potter are a bit of a legend about our parent's generation. 'The Redeemer' and the 'Brightest Witch in a Generation' they were called. But we can talk about that later, what brings you to Diagon Alley, and more specifically, the Bookshop?"

"Professor Snape is helping me get my school supplies," You say, but before another word can escape, the girl inturrupts.

"Did you say Snape?" She asks, almost looking like there are stars in her eyes. "Mom and Dad won't let me meet him, but I have so many questions for him!" Now, she practically bouncing in place. "Would... would it be okay if I hung out with you till he comes back around? Oh! Or we could go and find him right now!"

Let Pansy hang out with you?
[ ] Sure
[ ] No
[ ] Actually, let's go find Snape now!
[ ] How about you help me find the rest of my schoolbooks, that way we can find Snape even faster
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And I think I got the Friends and Voices fixed. Stupid thing seems to break every time I so much as look at it.