Conquest of Shambhala

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Conquest of Shambhala


Xeraxian Account of the Beginning of the World

Shambhala. The...
Chapter 0: A Child is Born
Phoenix, AZ
Conquest of Shambhala


Xeraxian Account of the Beginning of the World

Shambhala. The world of conquest. Here, civilizations rise and fall, mighty empires unite, alliances are formed, tools are formed, magic is learned, and yet, every empire eventually falls. Except one. Ours. Our people will endure forever. For that is Xerax's will. No matter the challenge, we will adapt.

In millennia past, the world was devastated by the monstrous beasts which had torn down past empires, helpless and unable to adapt to the hostile creatures. Then, five centuries ago, Xerax stepped down into time. He founded our civilization, breathing our life into us, and granting us our adaptive abilities. Recognizing that it would take time for us to grow and develop, Xerax stayed in the world and defended us from the monsters while teaching us the forms of adaptation.

He taught us how to use the spark from our farming forms to weed fields and light our houses at night. He taught us the survivalist form, and it's ability to blend into the environment. He taught us the martial form and how to fight the beasts which once preyed upon us. He taught us the empathic form, so we could be more united in purpose. He taught us the scout's form, and how to view far off realms as if you were there. With these forms, Xerax gave us the tools to adapt to any circumstance.

Protected and taught by Xerax, we grew from helpless babes to a mighty village. As years turned to decades, we expanded. A second village was founded. Then a third. Our people explored, the culture of adaptability grew, generations came and went with each generation reaching higher than the last. The Xeraxian civilization was rising, and it was adapting.

Then as decades turned to centuries, our land expanded past the realm that even Xerax could protect on his own, and so, in a final act of selflessness, he sacrificed his life, leaving behind his final gift for our people. Protection. The hazy barrier protects us from the beasts, destroying all who pass through without the key and allows us respite. It enables our very way of life to this day and has caused our people to thrive.

Through the centuries the barrier has protected us, allowing us to expand, keep safe lands, and grow. We will fulfill Xerax's commandment to grow strong and adapt to any challenges which come our way, using the abilities he has taught us, even imitating his example of sacrifice if necessary. For civilizations are truly measured by their adaptability. And we will adapt.


The haze of the barrier in the sky smeared the moon's light, and hid the stars. The midwife's house was a single blaze of brightness in the dark, as light shone from the opening. Inside, a cacophony of sound emerged with the husband's reassurances mixing with the midwife's instructions and the mother's screams.

The midwife took the empath's form, with it's normal light brown skin, black hair. She seemed to deeply feel every pain flashing through the mother's face. She resolutely repeated advice the mother already knew in a reassuring manner, doing her best to convince the mother that everything was alright and she was doing great.

The father, kneeling beside the bedside, contrasted the midwife's lively brown skin and unconcerned expression. His black scaled face was set into a frown as a yellow spark danced above his left elbow. He stroked his wife's hand with his right hand, his left elbow simply ending in the sparks which lit the room. The stoic and stocky man's reassurances took on the soft tone of a kind and gentle soul.

The mother laid on the table, long white hair behind her, covered by a blanket. She maintained her native form, with blue skin streaked with cobalt and sweat. After a final scream from the woman, the midwife knelt, and raised a new figure. Dirty and bloodied, the newborn was brought to the light. After a quick cleaning, she was presented to the mother. Her blue skin shone in the father's light.

"What are you naming her?"

Looking upon their firstborn child, the woman glanced at her husband and spoke, "Pandora."


Pandora looked around her. The world was full of colors, and sounds. Some of the colors were moving. Some of the sounds came from colors. She could feel a lot of sensations on her skin too. The world was so exciting! Her open mouth let out a cry. Colors continued to dance across her vision. She cooed again as her arms wiggled.

Above her, her parents watched. The man had returned to his native form, now with blue skin matching his wife's native form and the child below him. His eyes gazed out from his white hair as he looked upon his daughter. Every aspect of his tall lanky body beamed with pride. The woman, however, looked different. She now had dark brown skin, with black hair. Her build was stockier and shorter than previously, and she gazed upon her daughter with pride.

The man spoke, "What's she thinking Juno?"

"She's confused… and excited… and adapting." There was a hint of pride in the mother's voice.

The two parents watched their newborn child with the wonder that fresh parents alone have. After a long pause, the two returned to their chambers and prepared for sleep, placing the child between them. The couple had never slept as happily as they did that night.


18 months later


"Dada!" Pandora looked towards the horizon from the porch she was sitting on. Juno, seeing Pandora's attention shift, looked up to see her husband as he approached. He still wore his farming skin, evident from the distinctive hobble to his walk, and the black scaly skin covered by his toga. When he saw Pandora looking at him, he lifted his left arm, revealing the missing forearm, the missing sections quickly replaced by sparks which danced to and fro where his hand ought to have been.

"Dada spurgle!" Pandora shouted, smiled, and waved her blue arms at him. He laughed, and hobbled up to her, then reaching down to her, sparks from his left arm flowed just over her body without touching her.

"Spurgle ickle!" Pandora continued laughing and playing as the sparks her father commanded danced all around her.

"How was work today Pluto?" Juno asked.

"Oh, same old same old." Pluto responded while continuing to look at his daughter and play sparks across her figure, "The new farmers don't know a lick about proper pruning." A spark flew in front of Pandora's nose and she tried to catch it. Pluto sighed, "We could use more water and the new field configuration takes some getting used to." Pandora caught a spark just in time for it to go out. "Nothing particularly interesting. How was Pandora today?"

Juno looked thoughtful. "Not too different, you know Pandora. She…"

What did Pandora do?​

[] Imitated her mother (gain trait: People person)
People person: Pandora has been fascinated by people. She seems to understand people more readily than others, and learns quickly from instructors, especially instructors that she knows. She is motivated by people, and prefers to not be alone and appreciates other people's support. (Mechanics effect: gain 2x bonus to learning from an instructor)
People person starting stats:
Mobility: 3
Awareness: 3
Communication: 4
Negotiation: 3

[] Walked around on her own (gain trait: Self-motivated)
Self-motivated: Pandora always works towards reaching her goals, even if it's as simple as self-locomotion. She more easily learns things on her own than others, and and has little problems finding her own motivation for things. She tends to prefer to do things on her own than with groups. (Mechanics effect: 2x bonus to learning and experiences performed on Pandora's own)
Self-motivated starting stats:
Mobility: 5
Awareness: 2
Communication: 1
Negotiation: 1

[] Looked around and observed (gain trait: Observant)
Observant: Pandora is fascinated by the world. There's so much to see and experience, and she wants to see and experience it all! There's so much to learn. She is motivated by seeing and trying new things. She grows tired of doing the same thing over and over again. (Mechanics effect: gain 2x bonus to experience gained from attempting skill challenges)
Observant starting stats:
Mobility: 1
Awareness: 5
Communication: 1
Negotiation: 2

[] Write-in (gain a starting trait and stats subject to QM approval - hours spent learning cannot exceed 1500)

Current accepted write-ins (note: this may not be exactly up to date: read the thread for the latest):

[] Tried to make sparks like her father
Gains trait: Imitator. Pandora carefully observes and emulates those she looks up to. When she watches other do feats she cannot yet do, she is inspired to emulate them and tries ever harder to reach that goal. She is motivated by people she looks up to. (Mechanics effect: 2x boost to experience gained from learning and skill challenges within 24 hours of watching someone perform a skill at a higher level than her.)
Imitator starting stats:

[] Smelled and licked sparks (gain trait: Laser Focus)
Laser Focus - Pandora is endlessly curious and motivated, almost to the exclusion of everything else when given a subject to study. Given a situation and a reason, she can, will, and does poke, smell, lick, and generally examine something until she understands it completely. (Mechanics Effect: Gives X2 bonuses when she examines or discovers things, X1/2 penalties for all other skills while pursuing, nonstacking. Bonus stacks for more tasks done in a row around that subject.)

Starting skills:
Mobility: 4
Awareness: 4
Communication: 2
Negotiation: 2

[] Did a little of everything, really (gain trait: Jack Of All Trades)
Jack Of All Trades: Pandora hasn't really had a single preference, as far as you can see. In fact, she seems determined to do everything in every way that she can - and many lessons can cross over from even the unlikeliest of fields. (Mechanics effect: 2x bonus to learning a skill if its level is lower than your highest skill level)
Jack Of All Trades starting stats:
Mobility: 3
Awareness: 4
Communication: 3
Negotiation: 3

[] Be insightful
Pandora sits quietly, watching mama and then dada in turn. Neither are paying attention to her. She feels an odd tickling feeling somewhere she can't place. Finally something snaps, and she notices her parents are communicating. With each other! She lets out a cry of delight, and tries to get both of their attention, babbling incessantly just as she saw them doing.
Mobility: 2
Awareness: 4
Communication: 4
Negotiation: 2
Gain Trait: Insightful. Pandora enjoys teaching, or attempting to teach, others insights she has made. She is motivated by linking together different observations and explaining the links to others. (Mechanics effect: 2x experience gain to a skill for 24h after teaching any related skill to someone else.)

Voting will close at 1 PM Pacific Standard Time on January 22


AN: Welcome to the Conquest of Shambhala! In this story, you control Pandora, the (currently) young protagonist. Her current capabilities are pretty minimal, but she'll get better as she grows up. The first several posts will be fairly large-scale time-skips in which several months to years pass with each update as Pandora grows. This rate of time passing will slow down after a period of time.

This story takes place in an original setting which Pandora will learn about as she grows up (thanks to the capable @Kiba for helping with world building and beta-reading). I'll answer player questions about the setting, but remember that information will be restricted to things that Pandora knows. This means you might get somewhat biased, incorrect, or partial answers. For instance, the first section is a legend. It may or may not be the full and complete truth. Discovering the setting is intended to be a part of the adventure. At the moment, Pandora's knowledge is restricted to the observations of an 18 month old (so, not very much). Feel free to ask questions about which Pandora might know based on her experiences. Or clarification questions on mechanics.

Sounds great Radvic! How do I sign up or participate?

Well, you're welcome to just read the updates as they come out, but I'd encourage you to participate beyond that. Providing commentary or analysis of the scenes will lead to Pandora discovering things she wouldn't have otherwise, and more participants are likely to mean more discoveries (which will have both narrative and mechanical benefits).

But there's skills and mechanics and I don't understand it!

That's ok. I've done my best to create a fairly simple mechanics system you can read about here. If something is still unclear, ask a question. You're likely not the only one who doesn't understand. If things are still unclear, don't worry: while mechanics will play a significant role in the quest, they're intended to be mostly a signpost for you to compare how you're doing in relationship to the rest of the world. You should have a general sense of how good/bad you are at things from just reading the story, and can choose to either specialize or generalize as you wish.

Ok, sounds good and all, but I don't know how to vote! How do I do that?

Voting for this quest will be done using approval voting (using CounterBot as developed by @eaglejarl). This means you can vote for as many options as you want, and the option which receives the most votes will win. So, for instance, if you want Pandora to walk around on her own this update, you can just make a reply which says

[X] Walked around on her own (gain trait: Self-motivated)

If, instead, you just want her to do one of the other options, but don't care which, you can vote for both of the other two options by replying

[X] Looked around and observed (gain trait: Observant)
[X] Imitated her mother (gain trait: Imitator)

Note that the vote itself must be on it's own line, but doesn't require it's own post. If, later, you want to change your vote, you can update your vote either by editing your initial post, or making a new post subtracting your current vote. So, if you made the vote above, and later decided you really wanted Pandora to imitate her mother and not just look around, you could either edit your original post (removing the "Looked around and observed" line), or make a new post which canceled your old vote by having

[-] Looked around and observed (gain trait: Observant)

On it's own line.

Ok Radvic, that's cool and all, but I don't like any of the options anyways!

That's fine, I welcome and encourage active player participation, including forging your own path by creating your own options. If you have an original idea which isn't encompassed by the available options, or want to provide more details on an existing option, you can make a new plan. In fact, many times, I expect the best course of action will not be covered by any option. To do this, simply make a vote for something which nobody has voted for. For example, you could make a new plan by making a post which included a new thing Pandora did or trait she gains such as:

[X] Down with the Patriarchy!
Pandora ignores every male she ever sees and refuses to interact with any of them aside from Dada. They're all dumb and weird. Mechanics effect: bonus to fighting men, penalty to communicating with men.

If somebody else made a write-in you like, you can just copy their vote line. So, if a different poster make the above post, you could second it by simply making a post with a line which said:

[X] Down with the Patriarchy!

But I have another problem that you haven't addressed. What about that?

No worries, if I haven't explained something, please let me know. You probably aren't the only one misunderstanding. Feel free to ask any question you want. I'll do my best to answer it.
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This quest is focused on the story with mechanics serving as a necessary evil. The mechanics are GURPS 4e, and can also be largely ignored after character creation (read: when the main character reaches adulthood).

Pandora: 6 cycle old Xeraxian Farm Girl

Primary Attributes
ST: 6
DX: 6
IQ: 9
HT: 9

Secondary Attributes
Damage = 1d6 -4
BL = 7.2 lbs
HP = 6
Will = 10
Per = 10
FP = 9
Basic Speed = 3.75
Basic Move = 3.00


Adaptation: level 6
This is the mystical ability of Xeraxians. The time one takes to change forms is given by 1 minute divided by level. Each two levels grants a new Xeraxian form. HP and FP are independent between forms and base attributes may be modified.
Known forms: Scout Form, Empath Form, and Survival Form

Empathic Reading: level 2
The Empath form allows the user to experience other people's emotions as various physical effects. You must be able to see or touch the subject to affect them. Concentrate for one second and roll a Quick Contest of IQ vs. the subject's will. Modify the roll for range penalties tot he subject. If you win, you can understand the feelings, images, and general intent of the subject as a physical phenomenon you have learned to interpret. You can maintain Empathic Reading for as long as you wish without further concentration. If you switch to another person, you must stop reading your current subject and roll a Quick Contest with the new subject. Each level of Empathic reading you take allows an additional person to be read at the same time.
If you lose a contest, you may try again, at a cumulative -2 per repeated attempt on that subject in the past hour. Should you critically fail, you cannot read that person again for 24 hours.

Chameleon: level 2
As a result of training in the Survivalist form, you can change your surface pattern to blend into your surroundings. In any situation where being seen is a factor; you get a +2 per level to Stealth skill when perfectly still, or a +1 per level if moving. Clothing reduces this bonus to a +1 per level when you are motionless, with no bonus if you are moving.

Avatar Casting: level 4
As a result of training in the Scout form, you can project an avatar into a different place, from which you can experience sensations. Additional levels unlock additional senses and an additional 10 meters of range.


Farming (IQ/Average): 10
This is the skill of growing things. It is usually used to earn a living, but you can also use it to answer theoretical questions about or solve problems related to agriculture.

Sewing (DX/Easy): 7
This is the ability to work with fabric using the tools of your tech level. A successful skill roll lets you repair damaged clothing (orany other item made of cloth), modify garments (useful when you must wear another person's clothing, perhaps to impersonate them), or create new clothing or costumes from suitable materials.
Make an IQ-based roll to design clothing.

Stealth (DX/Average): 7
This is the ability to hide and to move silently. A successful roll lets you conceal yourself anywhere except in a totally bare room, or move so quietly that nobody will hear you, or follow someone without being noticed.
If someone is specifically on the alert for intruders, the GM will roll a Quick Contest between your Stealth and the sentinel's Perception.
You can also use this skill to stalk game. A successful roll (and about 30 minutes) gets you within 30 yards of most animals. Another roll, at -5, gets you within 15 yards.

Karate (DX/Hard): 4
This skill represents any advanced training at unarmed striking, not just the Okinawan martial art of karate. Roll against Karate to hit with a punch (at no -4 for the "off" hand), or Karate -2 to hit with a kick. You cannot use Karate to attack with claws, teeth, etc., or with a blackjack - use Brawling (p. 182) for that. Karate skill does let you make several special attacks however; see Special Unarmed Combat Techniques (p. 403).
Karate improves damage: if you know Karate at DX level, add +1 per die to basic thrust damage when you calculate damage with Karate attacks: punches, kicks, elbow strikes, etc. Add +2 per die if you know Karate at DX + 1 or better! Work out damage ahead of time and record it on your character sheet.
Karate allows you to parry two different attacks per turn, one with each hand. Your Parry score is (skill/2) +3, rounded down. This parry is not at the usual -3 for parrying a weapon barehanded, or greatly reducing the likelihood of injury when you defend against an armed foe. In addition, Karate gives an improved retreating bonus when you parry; see Retreat (p. 377). For more on parrying barehanded, see Parrying Unarmed (p.376).
To use Karate, any hand with which you wish to strike or parry must be empty (but you are free to wear heavy gauntlets, brass knuckles, etc. to increase damage). Because Karate relies heavily on footwork, all Karate attacks and parries take a penalty equal to your encumbrance level. For instance, Heavy encumbrance would give you a -3 to hit or to parry an enemy attack.

Judo (DX/Hard): 4
This skill represents any advanced training at unarmed throws and grapples - not just the eponymous Japanese martial art.
Judo allows you to parry two different attacks per turn, one with each hand. Your Parry score is (skill/2) + 3, rounded down. This parry is not at the usual -3 for parrying a weapon barehanded, greatly reducing the likelihood of inury when you defend against an armed foe. In addition, Judo gives an improved retreating bonus when you parry; see Retreat (p.377). For complete rules for parrying barehanded, see Parrying Unarmed (p. 376).
On the turn immediately after a successful Judo parry, you may attempt to throw your attacker if he is within one yard. This counts as an attack; roll vs. Judo skill to hit (Note that in an All-Out Attack, you cannot attempt two throws, but you can make one attempt at +4.) Your foe may use any active defense - he can parry your hand with a weapon! If his defense fails, you throw him.
When you throw a foe, he falls where you please. On a battle map, he lands in any two hexes near you. One of these hexes must be his starting hex, your hex, or any hex adjacent to one of those hexes. Your victim must roll against HT; a failed roll means he is stunned! If you throw him into someone else, that person must roll against the higher of ST+3 or DX+3 to avoid being knocked down.
Finally, you may use your Judo skill instead of your DX for any DX roll made in close combat except to draw a weapon or drop a shield. If you grapple a foe using Judo, and he fails to break free, you may make a Judo attack to throw him on your next turn, exactly as if you had parried his attack.
To use Judo, any hand with which you wish to parry or grapple must be empty. Because Judo relies heavily on footwork, all Judo rolls and Judo parries take a penalty equal to your encumbrance level. For instance, Heavy encumbrance would give you -3 to hit or to parry an enemy attack.

Meditation (Will/Hard): 10
This is the ability to calm to emotions, control the mind, and relax the body. To use this skill, you must concentrate for (20 - skill) seconds, minimum one second, and then roll vs skill. On a success, you enter a trancelike state, which you maintain for hours.
A meditative trance is required for certain rituals and is a common preparation for prayer.

Teaching (IQ/Average): 12
This is the ability to instruct others. If you have Teaching at level 12+, you may act as a teacher for game purposes.

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Info Sheet
Info Sheet
There is a player made character sheet which you can copy and edit to test out builds. Below is the official current character sheet. Note that it contains spoilers.

Xeraxian: Pandora can speak Xeraxian
Observant: Pandora is fascinated by the world. There's so much to see and experience, and she wants to see and experience it all! There's so much to learn. She is motivated by seeing and trying new things. She grows tired of doing the same thing over and over again. (Mechanics effect: gain 2x bonus to experience gained from attempting skill challenges)
Determined. Pandora knows that true power only comes to those who work for it. She wants to become stronger and will work towards it (Mechanics effect: increase to training time and thus hours earned to spend on skills during updates)
Meditation: Pandora regularly looks in on herself and studies her mind. She is acutely aware of who she is and her place in the world. This grants her the clarity of mind to investigate more cerebral pursuits. (Mechanics effect: x2 effectiveness on training spent on mental or mystical skills).
Small: As a young person, Pandora is weak. -2 dice to all physical interactions

Delphia is a childhood friend of Pandora's. Due to her mother taking the martial form while pregnant with her, Delphia is a one-form. She is unable to Adapt as other Xeraxians are, and is instead doomed to live her whole life in the Martial form. As such, she has made it her mission to be the best martial form she can be, focusing on training and using her form.

Leo is a childhood friend of Pandora's. He is a talkative fellow who grew up wanting to be just like his brother Perseus. Hence, he learned and has a fair proficiency in, the survivalist form. He is a year older than Pandora.

Delos is the city nearest the farming community Pandora lives in. Once a year, a group of farmers leave the community to travel to Delos. Delos is considered a minor city by Xeraxia at large.

Xera is the most powerful city in Xeraxia. It is the initial place of Xerax's descent, and, as such is a highly religious city. The rulers of this city all take the native form. It houses the main temple of Xerax

The First Temple of Xerax. This temple is the main place of worship for Xerax, and the place of training for his priests. Rumor has it that the temple blesses graduates with fragments of Xerax's power, enabling them to perform many feats. Rumors of what feats Xeraxian priests can achieve are debated, but include flying, teleportation, fighting in non-Martial forms, mind control, summoning Xerax, and prophesy. Xeraxian priests are silent when questioned about their powers, saying simply that they will "Adapt to the challenge."

Lamia is the second oldest city in Xeraxia. It produces many of the leaders of the civilization, and is the central area of knowledge. Some argue that the inhabitants of Lamia put their own interests above those of Xeraxia. From here are mechanical innovations produced, and governmental structures created. It houses two academies.

The governance school is a legend filled department is where the governing class is determined. Said to be very selective of who it accepts. Graduates are highly trained in the Empath form and often go on to rule or coordinate cities or settlements.

Informally known as the dropout school. This school takes all who wash out of the governance school. Graduates from here normally take roles as peacekeepers, midwives, or doctors in various districts.

Pellon is founded near a swamp. The people here are of a military bent, with virtually every inhabitant knowing and having training in the Martial form. The nearby swamp is said to be inhabited by monsters. It houses the millitary academy.

The military academy produces the finest fighters in all of Xerax. Graduates of the academy are well versed in the martial form. There are rumors that they can use weapons in the martial form.

Asine exists at the intersection of two large rivers. It is considered the artistic center of Xerax. It is herelded as the artistic and farming center of Xeraxia. Many skilled patrons offer apprenticeships from here.

Pylos was recently founded and is considered the foremost achievement of Xeraxia. It is half sheltered by the barrier, half unsheltered. From here Xeraxian plans to extend their empire beyond the barrier are formed and enacted. It houses the expedition academy.

The expedition academy trains students in all they need to know to live outside the barrier. Graduates know a little of everything, from how to grow grain, to how to build defensive structures, and are sent out to extend Xerax's reach.
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[X] Looked around and observed (gain trait: Observant)

2x bonus XP? Sign me up! :D

e: On the other hand, social skills are pretty great, as is learning from instructors, so...

[X] Imitated her mother (gain trait: People person)
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[X] Looked around and observed (gain trait: Observant)

2x bonus XP? Sign me up! :D
Note that observant will get you twice as much XP for a specific skill when you do a specific challenge involving that skill. This means that Pandora will grow much faster when going out and doing things, but learn much slower (in fact, half as fast) as if she had taken people person should she learn from a school or someone teaching her. I'll edit the description to make it more clear.
[X] Walked around on her own (gain trait: Self-motivated)
[X] Looked around and observed (gain trait: Observant)
[X] Tried to make sparks like her father

These two are hands-on options. What I'm hoping for is this would incentivize us to explore the world firsthand.
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@Radvic Can you explain to me the four skills (Mobility, Awareness, Negotiation, Communication) and what the skills govern, beyond what the name itself applies? Can there be overlap (e.g., Communication and Negotiation seem to have a lot of similarities from the name alone; Awareness may be relevant in noticing cues that can be exploited for Negotiation...)?
@Radvic Can you explain to me the four skills (Mobility, Awareness, Negotiation, Communication) and what the skills govern, beyond what the name itself applies? Can there be overlap (e.g., Communication and Negotiation seem to have a lot of similarities from the name alone; Awareness may be relevant in noticing cues that can be exploited for Negotiation...)?
Good questions!

Mobility is what Pandora uses to get around. Awareness is what she uses to view and understand the physical world. Communication is how well she's able to impart her ideas and desires to others. Negotiation is how well she's able to convince others to go along with her point of view. I've edited those descriptions into the character sheet.

Overlapping skills can provide bonuses. Most of those bonuses will be in the form of rolling that skill with a dice less than 100 (e.g. comunications level d 10 for a negotiation where clear communication is important). The exact level is dependent on how related to the task at hand the skill is. Note there are more skills than just the four shown, they are simply all that Pandora has access to right now. I've edited that description into the mechanics.
[X] Imitated her mother (gain trait: People person)

[] Tried to make sparks like her father.
^Would this be an acceptable write in?
Self-motivated: Pandora always works towards reaching her goals, even if it's as simple as self-locomotion. She more easily learns things on her own than others, and and has little problems finding her own motivation for things. She tends to prefer to do things on her own than with groups. (Mechanics effect: 2x bonus to learning and experiences pursued of Pandora's own accord)

Pandora only gains the 2x buff when someone's not teaching her? Or does she only get the 2x buff when someone's not encouraging her to learn the thing?
[] Tried to make sparks like her father.
^Would this be an acceptable write in?
Absolutely. If that passed, then I would assign what I think is an appropriate trait of approximately the value that the other options have and allocate stat points accordingly.


Pandora only gains the 2x buff when someone's not teaching her? Or does she only get the 2x buff when someone's not encouraging her to learn the thing?
Pandora gains the 2x buff when she pursues training on her own. Instruction provided by others is unaffected (I've edited the description to be more clear). Note that this applies to both training on her own, and using skills on her own.
[X] Looked around and observed (gain trait: Observant)
[X] Tried to make sparks like her father.
So basically, the people here are shape-shifters/form-changers. They have multiple forms they can shift between, which they received from some God-guy, along with the philosophy of adaptability.

So, thoughts: Are the original forms the only ones they can use, or have they developed/can they develop new ones? And if they can, what is the political situation regarding it? Like are there those who believe that Xerax's forms are holy and the only true ones, or do they embrace the idea of adaptability and progress? Maybe split down the middle?
@Radvic What about the Observant trait? It says that we only get the 2x buff from using skills: how does that work? Do we have to be physically rolling for challenges, or can these things be done naturally (e.g., Mobility can be used whenever we move around, and not just when we're rolling die to crawl towards Mummy)?
Oh, neat! Coming here from r/rational. Last time I did something like this was the a Sliver quest, and we built Excel spreadsheets to model population growth :3

Hmm @ first choice.

Question: I'm not clear on the when Observant applies, versus specifically Self-Motivated. It seems like Observant is strictly better, as it would apply to most (all?) cases where Self-Motivated would also apply.

Question: (Edit) How does the 2x from People Person stack with instructor bonus? If the instructor is a 1.5x, do we multiply the bonuses:
\[xp \times (2 \times 1.5) = 3 \times xp\]
, or sum:
\[xp \times (2 + 1.5) = 3.5 \times xp\]

It seems like the big question is whether to focus on learning what's already known, or to focus on learning what no-one knows.

There's also the question of Adaptability as a cultural and mythological ethos. Does this imply that we'll be able to change later, or that it's a good idea to focus on being able to be adaptable? This is made further interesting by the "Forms", and how they play in the narrative (rather than the mythos) - it's not "a farm form", it's "dad's farm form." This makes me think we'll get different sets of stats, but that we're choosing our core being. Who are we when all masks are discarded?

In the end... It's always about people. You can't get anything big done on your own - alone, you're a one. With many, you're a multiple. You can be a person who does what no-one else has ever done... or you can find many such people and learn from all of them. Everyone is unique, but no one is alone.

[x] Imitated her mother (gain trait: People person)
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@Radvic What about the Observant trait? It says that we only get the 2x buff from using skills: how does that work? Do we have to be physically rolling for challenges, or can these things be done naturally (e.g., Mobility can be used whenever we move around, and not just when we're rolling die to crawl towards Mummy)?
The observant trait is related to challenges, new experiences, and doing things right at the edge of your ability. This does not translate to faster learning from being taught (as People Person does) or self teaching in general (as Self-motivated does). It provides a 2x bonus when you do something which requires a dice roll. That said, as I do not intend to write out every single challenge that Pandora attempts during these initial large-time updates, this will be treated a 2x bonus to learning in general. It does however, change how she will attempt to learn.
Have a sample vote tally:

CounterBot, version 1.5

Plan name: Looked around and observed (gain trait: Observant)

Voters: @Cariyaga, @eaglejarl, @elpachosan, @Zeitgeist Blue
Num votes: 4

Plan name: Imitated her mother (gain trait: People person)
Voters: @Cariyaga, @rangerscience, @The Grey Mage
Num votes: 3

Plan name: Tried to make sparks like her father.
Voters: @Cariyaga, @eaglejarl, @The Grey Mage
Num votes: 3

Plan name: Imitated her mother
Voters: @Hannz
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Walked around on her own (gain trait: Self-motivated)
Voters: @Zeitgeist Blue
Num votes: 1

Number of voters: 7

Voting closes at 1 PM PST on January 22


Remember that if you want to add a vote for a new option, you just need to add a
[X] Thing I want to vote for
line (preferably in a new post: otherwise it might cause problems), and if you want to remove a vote, you can either edit your original post, or make a post with
[-] Thing I no longer want to vote for

Also, note that while the counterbot does its best to interpret a variety of options (e.g. itallics, bold, color all are ok), it struggles with different words on the voting line. I'll do my best to interpret votes which are in a different format (e.g. "Imitated her mother" instead of "Imitated her mother (gain trait: People person)", but the surest way to ensure you are correctly understood is to make it identical to the others who voted for that option. So, while counterbot says "Looked around and observed (gain trait: Observant)" is winning, it is actually a tie between that and "Imitated her mother (gain trait: People person)".

I will also reiterate my original statement about thoughtful write-ins often being more powerful than pre-existing options. Happy voting :)
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Absolutely. If that passed, then I would assign what I think is an appropriate trait of approximately the value that the other options have and allocate stat points accordingly.
So could you tell us in advance what said trait is? I'd prefer to know what it is if I wanted to vote for it.

Or do you want us to make one up?
So could you tell us in advance what said trait is? I'd prefer to know what it is if I wanted to vote for it.

Or do you want us to make one up?
If you want to make one up, you are welcome to (though it would be subject to review). The trait I currently expect to give the current write-in is (unless you guys want a different one):

Imitator: Pandora carefully observes and emulates those she looks up to. When she watches other do feats she cannot yet do, she is inspired to emulate them and tries ever harder to reach that goal. She is motivated by people she looks up to. (Mechanics effect: 2x boost to experience gained from learning and skill challenges within 24 hours of watching someone perform a skill at a higher level than her.)
> I will also reiterate my original statement about thoughtful write-ins often being more powerful than pre-existing options.

Heh. What about supplimenting pre-existing options with a thoughtful write-up? People skills are definitely my choice no matter what, but I could flavor it up some :D

PS - What's the voting schedule you're going for? Daily? Every N days? Variable (let us know)?