Congregation of Despair (Mafia - Second Attempt)

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Gathered within Court are representatives poised to discuss the recent plight and trials...
Day 1 Start (Ends: 3:35 PM EST 6/22)
The group quietly peers around, their identities obscured and the voices they knew as each others gone, warped and distorted, unable to be recognized. Even so glares of suspicion, evaluation of potential threats, and brooding dark thoughts cast a heavy overtone of the situation. Two of the congregation quietly moved the body of the servant over out of the way while another lit a group of torches and passed it around to everyone. "Everyone knows vampires will burn to dust in fire." Whether or not that was true or just rumor it was comforting to many to have some sense of personal defense. Yet another figure speaks: "We should do this for two hours and just burn whoever we decide is the obvious perpetrator. We're the smartest minds of the country after all!" No one disagreed...but for a moment it seemed no one wanted to say anything else...

It wasn't long however...until the first person raised the hand pointing at a figure in the room.

Day 1 has begun. You have 72 Hours until it is over.
-14 Members of the Congregation remain alive. Thus Hammer is set at 8.
-It will naturally end at 3:35 PM EST 6/22/2019

Let the delegations...begin.
Day 1 End- The First Burning / Night 1 Start- Ends:
The first few hands are raised as everyone points at someone most cases purely random acquisition, truly the showing of the bets minds of the nation one might say. Some members look ready to simply torch people, others much more hesitant and thoughtful. A good majority of people turn to face one quiet individual who seems distracted and thinking heavily. Conversation continues as more people turn to face the quiet person until they finally speak up, proclaiming their innocent and pointing at another. In a flash the mob turns at the figure and thrusts out their torches as someone grabs a table cloth soaked in wine and tosses it over them, the covered figure is engulfed in flames as everyone backs away, screams silencing all others arguments and discussions abruptly. The person flails and falls to the ground, desperately rolling to save themselves.

Their movements slow and the flame dies down as most of the tablecloth and their clothing has burned away, they lie there on the cusp of death taking rasping breaths as they say their final words and state their identity. The spell of the fog no longer affecting them as they breath their last, allowing all to confirm, despite the horrific burns.

@TheMaskedReader has been lynched and was Roasted Alive by the Court. They were Cain, Crown Prince

Silence invades the room as the members of the room just realized they've killed the firstborn son of the individual speaks up: Take a break...gather your thoughts. We need to figure this out, look for clues as well. There might be something useful to use in this wing.

Slowly the various veiled figures make their way out of the room and begin to explore the wing...looking for something within their trapped confines that could possibly help them here.

Night 1 has started. It will end in 48 Hours or when All night actions are recieved. Night 1 will end naturally at 4PM EST 6/24/2019.
Day 2 Starts: Grim Tidings (Ends 1:40PM EST 6/27/2019)
As the members of the congregation meet in the dining hall the air of suspicion and distrust only seems to have grown. Thankfully being in a different room prevents the pervading smell of charred flesh from influencing everyone's appetite. However everyone notices that two members of the congregation are...missing. It takes a bit of waiting but eventually everyone agree's it would be best to search for them. The group moves as one, fearful that separating again might result in something bad. It doesn't take long till the first body is found, and a collection of gasps are made as figure is discovered slumped against the wall has various visable holes pierced through them, holes that glow with a radiant light of holy magics. Whats really caught more surprise is the startling identity of the murdered man...

@Yun has been [Pierced by Holy Magics], they were Relgar, King of Xalistra

A few wails are heard as the King himself has died...just after the next in line was burned alive...even if the congregation manages to defeat these vile beings what will happen to this country? Who will lead it in the times to come? Despite that none could think that vampires would wield such a weapon themselves...this obviously must have been a horrific mistake... or a grand deception. Stunned and numb the group quietly moves him into the first room with his son and the servant. However on the way to dong such the group is again stopped cold by a brutal scene...the body lies face-up, An exquisite steak knife stabbed into their chest and a massive pool of blood around the body...the identity is also startling but not nearly as much as Relgar's.

@ComiTurtle has had their [Heart Stabbed and Throat Slit], they were Dvalinn, Ambassador of Lavisgran

The whole reason they were gathered was because of this man, and they were just as efficiently murdered as their king...who could have done such things to him? Were they all to suffer such a fate? Respectfully the group removes the knife and also carries him to be set with the rest of the dead in the first everyone set them down people stare at the scorch marks in the floor where the prince died to the burnings...a reminder of their failure.

Quietly the group returns to the dining hall...and spreads out...momentarily gathering their thoughts until loudly one person starts what everyone was dreading...the congregation has reconvened, and thus discussions begin anew.

Day 2 has begun. It will end in 72 Hours or once hammer has been achieved.
- 11 Players remain standing in the congregation. Thus hammer is set at 6 votes.
- The day ends naturally at 1:40PM EST 6/27/2019

Enjoy the delegations, I certainly am.
Day 2 Ends: Boktor Blaze | Night 2 Starts, Ends EST 6/29/2019
The group begins deliberations as hands are pointed this way and that way, soon the focus falls upon a trio of individuals and what they've done during the intermission. Amid some startling claims and givings of information the group finally seems to reach a consensus and verbally looks elsewhere among the congregation for the most suspect. Some seem to focus on the behavior, others look at the quiet of which is exceptionally quiet. After intense discussions the group's discussion grows aggravated, frantic, seductive, and many other adjectives as the members attempt every bit of persuasion they have to the rest of the group but finally the group turns towards one individual and begin to approach them with torches held in front as they back up into a corner of the room, making one final statement before they are set upon by the fires, some members now not as skittish as before and holding the torch against the accused body as their screams silence any other discussion of the room. The body stops thrashing, the smell of scorched flesh offends everyone's noses once more as the veiled identity of the accused becomes clear to all, even through the hideous burns marking them.

@Absum has been Roasted Alive by the Court, They were Natalia, Duchess of Boktor.

The group backs up, seeing the once proud Duchess another corpse within the wing of the building. As two members silently move forward to collect the newly dead everyone else agree's to reconvene back here in an hour or so, look for more clues. Some members have already started to leave, too disappointed or frustrated by the affairs, or maybe they've gone to mourne or plot? Nobody can tell for sure...and so the night continues.

@Swarmingu has been Replaced. They will be replaced with Either @Terrabrand or @AlphaDelta once both of them get back to me. For now refer to Swarmingu as Player 14 privately this night until I make the announcement of who will be stepping in.

Night 2 has begun. It will end naturally in 48 Hours or once All night actions are received. It will end naturally at 2:15PM EST 6/29/2019
'--Depending on how long it takes for the replacement to arrive this night might be extended, however do not plan on that being the case.

Watch your backs out there...