Congregation of Despair (Mafia - Second Attempt)

I enjoyed the game and I think the design was pretty good, but there was a couple of things that happened which I feel made it unfairly hard for town to win, the mistake in the town doctor's fluff and the town roleblocker never being active prior to being replaced by a culted replacement.
No offence @Cyricubed, but whatever the design was, the way it played seems to have made it unfairly biased against town. Our town roleblocker was inactive until they got replaced, but their replacement was culted without ever having posted as town while apparently there was a very important mistake in the town doctor's fluff.
Eh well our cop got lynched d1, our cult immune got killed by our vig who also died n1 :V
Like, I literally just gave up at some point. That's why nictis was the only one defending me. The whole cult angle was fine for my end, but it made everyone else paranoid and stressed, which really brought down my experience. And when I revealed my role, and then literally no one believed me after I just gave what I was given, I just felt like there wasn't any point. I've been trying to contribute more and actually connect the dots rather than bandwagon around, but when everyone is on edge it's just not fun to try.
No offence @Cyricubed, but whatever the design was, the way it played seems to have made it unfairly biased against town. Our town roleblocker was inactive until they got replaced, but their replacement was culted without ever having posted as town while apparently there was a very important mistake in the town doctor's fluff.
It was mostly awful luck, not Cyri's fault.
I'll say that most of my stress was from outside the game, but I plan on taking an extended break from playing anyways.

But yeah, I think I'll keep Terrabrand's culting in mind if I ever run a proper Cult Game, I won't allow replacements for inactivity.

I might just stick to that rule regardless, having to deal with a sudden Scum late in the Game with absolutely nothing to compare past behavior to is not pleasant.
the way it played seems to have made it unfairly biased against town.

I mean that isn't really Cyri's fault. Culting Terra after they replaced in was a super mean thing for Dovah to do, but Cyri could hardly forbid him from doing it, you know? It'd be slightly arbitrary, I doubt I'd have done anything except let the game play through. Honestly after that Happerry vote I would have absolutely killed Dovah so in large part cult got an advantage from key portions of town just completely collapsing from stress on Day 3; which is admittedly an issue with cult games in general; they're just really high pressure for basically eveeryone. (I'll probably take a break for a couple weeks and then come back into whatever game shows up afterwards, and probably just stay away from cult games in general in the future.)

EDIT: Admittdly just modkilling Swarm would have fixd thins but hey, hindsight.
Like, I can't say for sure until I see what the setup itself was, but I don't think the game itself was the issue @Cyricubed. Just worked out in really unfortunate ways.

I had a delay on my action, so every other night for me and same for DG. So at full strength, every Night but alternating culters.
So basically, Cult every Night but the Roleblocker can't lock you down.

I'm kinda glad that I was right on the reasoning for Terra's Culting, and just kinda annoyed that Terra came in and got to start off as a Scum member but with Town's role.
My own retrospective:

I knew my response to my lynch was bad when I posted it but I still posted because of circumstances. Though I also think I could have done better regardless and I do also know in what way.

However I do need help with the rest of my posting I guess? The reasons given for the lynch on me roughly came down to me being floaty, but well I thought this was my most active/contributing game yet, so um I don't really know how to improve on it? Anyone have advice for that?
I'd also like any advice people can give me since I sure could use it. Everyone always thinks I'm scum.
Culting Terra after they replaced in was a super mean thing for Dovah to do
Ah, sorry. Was the best move that I could think of at the time, sorry again.

Also, gonna say that I'm almost glad I died when I did. My usefullness was shot, and it was incredibly stressfull even just reading through everything. Don't know how I'd have handled actually participating.
Ah, sorry. Was the best move that I could think of at the time, sorry again.

Oh, ok. For some reason I thought it happened after you died :V

But I mean, it's a completely understandable play on your part; I get why you ended up making the choice you did, it just put town in a pretty nasty situation where, as Nictis put it, you have a really good player coming in as scum but with a spare town role PM, and that's unfortunate. But, as Nictis said, a lot of this is less anybody's fault in particular and just kinda how things went down cumulatively.
I can't even really fault you for it @DimensionalGuy, culting Swarmingu when you know that it's going to be either Terra or Alpha just makes sense, new players provide an outside perspective and suddenly there's new info that very well might be against you.
Role PM's
Starting Town roles

You are Ardyis, High Priestess of Vangerlai

Long have you spent in service to the Frozen Lord, as such your pious devotion granted you powerful holy magics to heal and aid the people of the land, and so you rose not only as a devoted priestess, but also as a powerful cleric in your own right. You attend court as the elected representative of the various churches and their respective deities, as you have always been fair and kind. Now with the threat of wonder if it might have done yourself a wise decision in learning some offensive magics.

Protection of the Faithful: Once per night you can PM: Bless [Player] and they will be shielded by unholy corruption for that night.

You will win once all threats to the court are gone.

Note: It should say shielded by holy magics against unholy corruption...I really...really don't know how that got messed up

You are Court Musician Degrelis of the Lute

An artisan of no minor skill you are a court representative for the cultural and personal needs of the citizens. Having been brought up as a bard well versed in the musical of course also had to dabble in magic. It is why your the best in your trade afterall, being able to blend music and magic together.

Lullaby: Your musical notes can conjure a variety of effects, but given the situation the best you can do is direct your song to place someone under a deep sleep, even those that normally don't sleep. Once a night you may PM: Roleblock [Player] to prevent them from taking any action they would normally.

You will win once all threats to the court are eliminated

You are General Tanabris of the 1st File

You've served as commander of the 1st File for a long time, just shortly before the king was crowned after his father. Your constant efforts have ensured the capital city has remained safe and secure, as the 1st File is always the finest and most well trained troops in the country.

Protect the People: You long ago learned to dabble in a strange form of Psionic illusionary magic. You can set a web of subtle magics upon someone that directs people who are looking for someone or wants to do something to someone to instead seek out and target yourself. You long used this to protect fresh troops in battle and take the brunt of an attack upon yourself. Once per night you can PM: Lightning-rod from [Player] and you will direct all actions that target that player towards yourself. Anyone directed will not be informed of such actions, as they will believe to have targeted their original target.

Seal of the Unicorn: An Heirloom passed to each of the commanders of the first file it is enchanted with protective magics, one such protecting you from the vile corruption of the undead, and thus vampires.

You will win once all threats to the court have been eliminated.

Notes: One of the two cult-proof roles found it's way onto a new player, but one that made an impressive 1st showing

You are Celess, First Princess
As the firstborn princess you have always enjoyed the love of the people while giving the same in return. Your kind heart has shown itself to the joy of many within the kingdom. You are not without your vices however, you secretly enjoy spying on people and watching them go about their lives, fascinated with the various interactions outside your royal life.

Vices and Virtue: In this fearful time you figure your long-time vice could prove to be of advantage to the members of the court. Once a night you may PM: watch [Player] and you will be receive visions of who all has visited your target that night safe from discovery, however even the fog veils what these people do to your magics.

You will win once all threats to the court are gone.

You are Melbor, The Royal Adviser

Long have you served the king, being his most trusted consultant in matters of state and country. You started off as his tutor and over time stood by his side as he grew into a respectable king. You would be ashamed if you failed him now in these dark times and as such must put forth your best effort even as the years have begun to catch you.

Errands, Always Errands: Being the royal adviser you better than anyone else knows how to find and follow someone to discuss documents, meetings, and many other things. You can put those skills to use now and once a night send a PM saying: Track [Player] and will follow them studiously, finding out who they visit that night without them knowing of such.

You will win once all threats to the Court have been eliminated

You are Dvalinn, Ambassador of Lavisgran

Having come from Lavisgran with news of the fall of the Silverbird you called upon this meeting to discuss the threat of the dreaded group that took it down. Now with the threat of vampires amongst you as the city outside falls victim to their evil deeds you've decided to take the matter of things into your own hands lest ye all fall victim to the ever threat of slow bureaucratic process of voting...damn imperials, just kill the bloodsuckers and be done with it!

Divine Flames: Before being an ambassador you were a righteous warrior blessed with the ability to wield some holy magics. Skills with the blade will keep you alive but these magics now will surely prove lethal to this scourge. Once a Night you may PM: Kill [Player] and set out to eliminate the potential threat. Know however that choosing wrong may fill you with doubt...rendering you unable to act the next night.

You will win once all threats to the court have been eliminated

Notes: While not cult-proof, they would lose the ability to kill once culted thus not creating a cultafia

You are Relgar, King of Xalistra

You've ruled this country for a long time and are an exceptionally benevolent ruler. Under your rule Xalistra has prospered and grown more wondrous, having focused on ensuring that your people are safe, educated and healthy. As time went on you acquired a family of your own, and have prospered. Of course being the king you attend this meeting and host it. That being's your utmost priority to ensure the safety of your subjects by making wise decisions.

Voice of the King: Despite the wretched appellation of night that obscures your identities, your voice can carry the persuasive weight of authority that you've honed over the years. During the course of the congregation you have access to 4 extra votes that you may use during the day. You may only use a maximum of two per day and once used they cannot be recalled. These votes will be applied to your final lynch target. To use these votes PM- Multivote: Once or Twice during the day phase.

The Divine Crown: Thankfully your regalia is heavily blessed with holy magics and grant you a small number of protective boons, one such being that you are shielded from the vile bite of a Vampire. Under the circumstances you refuse to take this crown off to not leave yourself vulnerable...even if it does feel constrictive sometimes and give you crown hair.

You will win once all threats to the Court have been eliminated.

Notes: The only other cultproof role

You are Cain, Crown Prince

As the firstborn of the king you have always worked to stand tall and be a respectable person, as one day you are expected to fill your father's shoes in leading this fine country. As such you've always made it a point to be educated, thoughtful, and considerate. You rarely hesitate and ensure the best for those who listen to you.

Judge of Character: Expecting to one day lead this country has put some expectations on you, and as such you've learned to be able to judge ones intents and thoughts to a good degree. If anything this one of your best skills and as such, once per night you can PM: Judge [Player] to find out if they work for the court, or against it!

You will win once all threats to the court have been eliminated.

So the last three you'll notice you lost by the start of day 2 and were a good chunk of town's power in the end. The rest of the town was vanilla's of varying flavor

The Vampires

You are Zo'Seras, Vampire Lord

As one of the leaders of the Scarlet Hand you have been long in subverting and bringing various citizens of this kingdom under your thralldom...even going so far as to induce the queen into your unholy pact. You revel in the control and brutality that you force upon the citizens you've thralled even now. Having cast this pall of obscurement your magical efforts are devoted to holding it in place. However as an elder vampire you still have a job to do…

Unholy Pact of the Vampire: You, your fellow vampire, and your thralls within the court can all communicate secretly here: Vampiric Gatherings

Growing Thralls: Once per night you may send a PM saying: Bite [Player] and convert them into a willing thrall. Thralls will gain the same win conditions as you and lose their original alignment. Thralls will continue to carry out your will even under the circumstances you suffer final death, but cannot make more thralls. Once you successfully bite someone you cannot perform a bite the next night. You cannot bite at the same time as Laine, but should you both attempt to do so you will override her.

Elder Vampire's Fortitude: As and elder vampire normal mortal methods of killing you are ineffective, even laughable to you sometimes. You are considered Night Kill Immune to normal methods of killing.

Your teammate is: DimensionalGuy

You will win once you gain uncontestable control of the vote.

You will lose if you, your fellow vampire, and all of your thralls are eliminated.

Notes: Uncontestable falls under the following: Town has no way to kill or outvote the cult and the SK is out of the game. In this case of cult victory it was 3 Town-3 Cult but the Multivoter, Vig, and SK were all already out of the game, meaning ties would happen until someone else was culted, meaning cult victory is inevitable. This one had Nk-proof simply to make it less likely for the cult to be rng wiped out by day 2, although it was still possible if Sk used strongman right away

You are Laine, Queen of Xalistra

There was once a Queen whose people loved her and in turn she loved them back. Fighting for the rights of the downtrodden and the helpless while also being fair towards those capable and well off...but she feared to depart this mortal coil of life...that was...until her savior came. She whispered sweet nothings into the Queen's ear, promising eternal life, the undying love of her people, and power beyond what she had held before. Thus you accepted the pact and became a Young Vampire, Immortal, and powerful. You of course knew the necessity was that the city would have to be razed...but you could always get more people to love and be loved, you have all the time in the world after all.

Unholy Pact of the Vampire: You, your fellow vampire, and your thralls within the court can all communicate secretly here: Vampiric Gatherings

Growing Thralls: Once per night you may send a PM saying: Bite [Player] and convert them into a willing thrall. Thralls will gain the same win conditions as you. Thralls will continue to carry out your will even under the circumstance you and your new love perish, but they cannot make more thralls. Once you successfully bite someone you cannot perform a bite the next night. You cannot preform a bite at the same time as your master Zo'Seras.

Beloved Queen: Everyone of this kingdom knows their Queen is a loving and caring woman and would never expect you to do anything that goes against the court. You are treated as a Godfather.

Your teammate is: Dovah

You will win once you gain uncontestable control of the vote.

You will lose if you, your fellow vampire, and all of your thralls are eliminated.

You are now a Vampiric Thrall and thus have had your alignment changed.

Affirmation of ability kept: The only role that doesn't acquire this is the Vigilante, as they lose their ability upon being culted.

Voices of the Masters and Servants: The whispers in your mind are more than a reminder of your place in life, they also allow private communication between your masters and those like you. You may talk with them in here: Vampiric Gatherings

You now win as long as your masters and other servants of theirs have Uncontestable control of the vote. Should your masters die you will continue to carry out their will until your own demise.

And Finally...

You are Lycus, Deranged Butler

It started with small things you felt were unfair. That you had to make sure all the maids and butlers were doing their job correctly. Watch over their could live with that. received a note with the information of the vampires...your family had been killed...drained of blood they said, an agonizing and gruesome death. That's it...these accursed vampires...these bloody nobles that couldn't protect your family...protect your poor Granddaughter...they have to all die. You have all the tools...Sharpened tools and utensils to kill...the right food prepared wrong kills soon enough...and on top of there is the jars of Wyvern oil...once lit it won't go out until it burns through anything it touches, thankfully stone is pretty safe so it won't spread….

They Must all die: You have a variety of kills available to you to dispose all of these horrible people. Once a night you may send a PM stating: Kill [Player] and you will go out and murder them in vicious justice. Your Kill Flavor is [Heart Stabbed and Throat Slit]. Thankfully the exceptionally fine silver might even kill did warn people to be careful handling the Silverware.
-Additionally 2 times this game you may send a PM stating: Poison [Player] and that night you will instead poison their refreshments with magically imbued poisons. They will die the following night with the kill flavor [Lethally Poisoned] just be careful to remember which apple is the poisoned apple.
-Additionally 2 times this game you may send a PM stating: Strongman [Player] and that night you will douse them in Wyvern Oil and Ignite them, ensuring the death of even the most resilient of monsters and men. The Kill flavor for this is [Burned to the Bone] . You swear you heard a guitar chord when you considered this method...something about being bad? Who cares, vengeance will be yours.

I. am. the. Butler. :
Simply put, you're the butler, everyone knows Butlers are bad-asses, your no exception. You can stalk around in the darkness better than anyone else at this congregation. Your actions are so perfected with grace and to always have your work seen, but for you to be a whisper of the mind that it was butler who did it so. You cannot be detected while preforming actions. In addition, your burning desire for vengeance will likely overpower any attempt to meddle with your mind from it's goals

Overall in hindsight there are some small things I would have changed--
1: Made the lightning rod X-Shot, as terrabrand pointed out cult naturally had no way to work around it without grabbing other town roles which may or may not have been protected as well. Making it X-Shot would likely curb it just enough, probably 3 or 2 shot depending on size. Would probably grant it a 1-shot bulletproof as a compensation.
2: In large sizes: Make the doctor unable to self-visit
3: Improve the Sk's Poison Kill, In hindsight I feel there wasn't enough reason to use it given the circumstances.

oh...and 4: Not mess up my role-pm's flavor.
I'd also like any advice people can give me since I sure could use it. Everyone always thinks I'm scum.
Assume everyone already thinks there's a good chance you're lying. I had much the same problem when I joined the SV mafia community, and I think that's the biggest thing that helped me adapt my mindset to one that seemed town. If your goal is to help out your fellow town, you can't just give the truth and hope they'll accept it, no matter how much simpler that would make the game. Also, @Nictis has some bad habits in this, but he also has some really good ones to copy in terms of staying alive while seeming scummy to basically everyone.
Eh well our cop got lynched d1, our cult immune got killed by our vig who also died n1 :V
It was mostly awful luck, not Cyri's fault.
I mean that isn't really Cyri's fault.
but I don't think the game itself was the issue @Cyricubed.

I totally get that how things played wasn't Cyri's fault, I just don't think it was fair to let the inactive town novice player get replaced by an active scum veteran player with a town role because how were we suppose to deal with that?

That said, I am confused by one thing. From what 1K and Cyri have said, Cyri only just caught the mistake with 1K's doctor power and that confuses me because Cyri corrected the mistakes I made regarding my powers once times that they came up.
I used my lightning rod on Nictis last night to protect him from being culted if he wasn't already part of the cult. I thought I visited him, but re-reading the fluff made me realise that I hadn't. I used my lightning rod on him when we were heading back to our rooms and making it so that anyone visiting Nictis would visit me instead. I have checked with Cyricubed and any watching AND tracking actions would be redirected towards me so if QT tracked Nictis and Nami watched Nictis, then they would have both ended up watching me instead from what Cyricubed told me when I inquired further about how my lightning rod power worked
Mechanically you visit nictis to clear confusion.
This is just confirmed in my mind by the fact that you claimed that your doctor power was a shield of unholy corruption would explain to me why the Seal of the Unicorn reacted against whoever visited me when QT called out you as the one who visited me. This is further reinforced when Nictis tries claim that your unholy magic is necromancy.


Just want to privately confirm with you that you know I never mentioned anything about your seal going off in any of your nights so far yes? Otherwise what you say is your domain, carry on.

But when 1K's claim about how their power worked came up multiple times by multiple posters and 1K apparently made it an incorrect claim, did Cyri never inform 1K that their power was protection from unholy corruption rather than protection by unholy corruption?

I'd also like any advice people can give me since I sure could use it. Everyone always thinks I'm scum.

I don't think that was your fault. It was due to how you describe your powers working that convinced me that you were scum and Cyri has already admitted that was a mistake. Thanks to that mistake, I don't think it was possible for you to convince me that you were not cult.
Night Actions Revealed
Night one
Multivoter-Yun - No Actions
Tracker-QTesseract - Track Nictis
Vigilante-ComiTurtle - Kill Yun
LightningRod-Oshha - LR From Nictis
Roleblocker-Swarmingu - Block Dovah
Doctor-1KBestK - Heals QTesseract
Watcher-Nanimani - Watch Nictis
Vanilla 1- Happerry - No Actions
Vanilla 2-Nictis - No Actions
Vanilla 3-Absum - No actions
Cult NK-proof(Elder) Dovah - Bite Nictis
Cult GF(Queen): DimensionalGuy - No action
Butler: Broken Base - Kill ComiTurtle

Yun dies to Comi
Comi dies to BB
Dovah is blocked by Swarmingu
Oshha Redirects QT and Nanimani to themself.
'->Nanimani - See's QTesseract visit Nictis
'->QTesseract - Tracks Oshha visiting Nictis

Night 2

Tracker-QTesseract - Track Dovah
LightningRod-Oshha - LR From Nanimani
Roleblocker-Terrabrand - Block 1KBestK
Doctor-1KBestK - Heals Oshha
Watcher-Nanimani - Watch Oshha
Vanilla 1- Happerry - No Actions
Vanilla 2-Nictis - No Actions
Cult GF(Queen) DimensionalGuy - Bite Terrabrand
Cult NK-Proof(Elder): Dovah - do nothing
Butler: Broken Base - Kill DimensionalGuy

QTesseract see's Dovah do nothing
Oshha redirects nobody from Nanimani
Nanimani see's no one visit Oshha
1KBestK is blocked by Terrabrand
Terrabrand gets culted by Dimensional Guy
DimensionalGuy gets killed by Broken Base

Night 3

Nictis- None
QT- Track 1KBestK
Oshha- LR Terrabrand
Nanimani- Watch Oshha
1KBestK- Heals Oshha
Terrabrand(Cult)- Roleblock Oshha
Dovah(Cult Recruiter NKproof)-Bite QTesseract

Oshha blocked by terrabrand and blessed by 1KBestK
Nanimani see's Oshha visited by Terrabrand and 1KBestK
QT see's 1KBestK visit Terrabrand
Dovah Cults QT
That said, I am confused by one thing. From what 1K and Cyri have said, Cyri only just caught the mistake with 1K's doctor power and that confuses me because Cyri corrected the mistakes I made regarding my powers once times that they came up.
But when 1K's claim about how their power worked came up multiple times by multiple posters and 1K apparently made it an incorrect claim, did Cyri never inform 1K that their power was protection from unholy corruption rather than protection by unholy corruption?

I'm not trying to criticise Cyri here. I'm just geninuely confused that this mistake only got caught after the game ended when Cyri caught both of the mistakes I made regarding stuff I claimed about my powers in the thread when 1K's mistake got brought up so much more. Again, not trying to criticise or complain, just stating my surprise that this happened since I felt that Cyri was very on ball when it came to catching mistakes regarding powers.
But when 1K's claim about how their power worked came up multiple times by multiple posters and 1K apparently made it an incorrect claim, did Cyri never inform 1K that their power was protection from unholy corruption rather than protection by unholy corruption?

I admit I didn't catch that the claim wasn't made, I don't always watch the game and sometimes I have to catch up with what the players post while managing what I do irl, last two days have been really busy for me and I only truly noticed it once the game ended. I apologize for such but I'm not perfect.
The problem is that, well, if cyri said anything about it, it would either be just to me and that would do nothing but remind me how fucked I was, or it would be public and I would basically be proven by it and we would win. It was a catch 22 as the result either way would be that the agency of the players (particularly me) was going to be taken away. Either the game was decided for town/me or against it.
The problem is that, well, if cyri said anything about it, it would either be just to me and that would do nothing but remind me how fucked I was, or it would be public and I would basically be proven by it and we would win. It was a catch 22 as the result either way would be that the agency of the players (particularly me) was going to be taken away. Either the game was decided for town/me or against it.

If you had claimed that Cyri had corrected you in private, I would have probably believed due to Cyri having done that for me.
If you had claimed that Cyri had corrected you in private, I would have probably believed due to Cyri having done that for me.
I sincerely doubt everyone would have bought that, especially given there are at least three people that would point out I could have faked it. The 'slip' would still be there, and even if it did get some people to question if I was scum, that would still leave an opening to present an alternative target in Nictis.