Congregation of Despair (Mafia - Second Attempt)

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Gathered within Court are representatives poised to discuss the recent plight and trials...


Residant Bird.
United States
Gathered within Court are representatives poised to discuss the recent plight and trials befalling their neighbor, Lavisgran. Those present are only the most prestigious of men and women earning their right to do so by merit and valor. However… just as the list of titles and names was nearly halfway through its expected hour of progression, a servant burst into the room and slammed the doors behind him. Frantically he uttered, "Good men! The city is under attack! Our own townsfolk are killing each other! Kinsfolk drawing blades on each other, the entire city is in panic! Its vampires my King! They wish to turn us all into mindless thralls! The guards have, begun locking up this wing of the castle for our pro- for your mandatory safety, good lords and ladies." Just as he swallowed another deep breath to spew hectic sentence, the room is veiled in a suddenly burgeoning mist, the beams of light cascading through the windows are drained of their vigor the colors of night filling the room, despite it being midday just moments earlier. As everyone recollects themselves and their bearings they find they can no longer discern one face or voice in the crowd from any other… except one. The servant who brought warnings collapsed on the ground, his eyes glassy and dead focused towards the ceiling.

One figure makes the first move, approaching the servant, kneeling down beside them to confirm the group's fears… "He's been drained of blood...there are vampires among us." Many of the figures gasp, creating distance between themselves and other figures finding a wall or column to put to their back. One voice shouts "We must leave!" Then another "No! We must discover this vampire scum, We can not let them out, the mastermind must be present here. We will not leave this wing of the castle until they are gone… we shall convene every day and figure out who among us is suspicious and eliminate them… but be wary...some of us may be working with the enemy… we start today… we start now."

Hello and welcome to my second game of Mafia I am running! The game has been designed for 17 players but can reach up to 19 players and has shrink room thought in if necessary. Players of all experiences are encouraged to have fun with the game! Thank you for showing interest!

A personal thank you for @Pawn Lelouch who has helped me balance out the game to the best of our abilities!

Another small thank you for @ComiTurtle who having seen the original post up tossed up a cleaner looking opening post!

All roles will be randomly assigned.
  • The game will be separated into Day and Night phases. Each Day phase is 72 hours or when hammer drops, each Night phase is 48 hours or when I get all the Night Actions. If you have an extremely good reason, I may give an extension.
  • Don't post during the night phase unless you are the recently lynched player. If you are lynched you are allowed 1 final post of no game value before the next day phase begins.
  • Always always always post at least once per Day Phase! It'd be nice if you did it once every 24 hours.
  • Lynches happen when a single player has received the definite majority of the current votes (is 9 at 16, 8 at fifteen, 8 at 14, etc), ending the day instantly. If no player receives the majority of votes before 72 hours has passed, the player with the plurality of votes will be lynched.
  • When you vote for someone, vote for them by like so: [x] Lynch [player name]. To rescind your vote, vote [x] Null.
  • Do not write illegible, hidden, or coded messages. Invisitext isn't as cute as you think it is.
  • DO NOT DISCUSS THE GAME WITH OTHER PLAYERS OUTSIDE THIS THREAD. Only talk to another player elsewhere if there is something in your role that allows it. If you're talking elsewhere, impersonating other players is not allowed.
  • DO NOT EDIT YOUR POSTS. If you gotta fix something, doublepost.
  • DO NOT DIRECTLY QUOTE YOUR ROLE PM'S. If you gotta mention it, paraphrase.
  • GM reserves the right to distribute information as they see fit in response to attempts to use role card information itself as a verification method, at will. I suggest you don't.
  • When you die, you stop posting. The only exception is if you are lynched, in which case you get one final post. This post is of no game value. This means nothing pertaining to your role, alignment, or potential night actions.
  • If you've got a question, or you're confused about something, ask me.
  • Finally, do not act against the spirit of the game. This is a nebulous term, but includes such things as "Taking your ball and going home". Always keep fighting for yourself, always be trying to win. Don't give up, basically.

1. @ComiTurtle has had their [Heart Stabbed and Throat Slit] Night 1, they were Dvalinn, Ambassador of Lavisgran, a member of the Court
2. @Nictis
3. @QTesseract
4. @Happerry has been lynched and was Roasted Alive by the Court Day 3. They were Varkistad the Guild-master
5. @TheMaskedReader has been lynched and was Roasted Alive by the Court Day 1. They were Cain, Crown Prince, a member of the Court
6. @Nanimani
7. @Dovah
8. @Broken Base has [Escaped], they were Lycus, The Butler
9. @Absum has been lynched and was Roasted Alive by the Court Day 2. They were Natalia, Duchess of Boktor, a member of the Court
10. @Terrabrand
11. @DimensionalGuy has had their [Heart Stabbed and Throat Slit] Night 2, They were Laine, Queen of Xalistra, a Vampire
12. @Yun has been [Pierced by Holy Magics] Night 1, they were Relgar, King of Xalistra, a member of the Court
13. @Oshha
14. @1KBestK

1. @AlphaDelta

1. @Swarmingu - Replaced to inactivity Day 2/Night 2
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Put me in reserves. Ironically I'm now trying to resurrect/reboot my old Vampire RP so though the flavor compels I'm not sure I want to take the time away from planning that out.
Less than 24 hours and already have 10 people and two reserve!

Edit: That's great btw!
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Praise be, that's so many! 17! Canne thou wene? Such a mighty host! O mighty and Wise GM.