The SCALP EG/Storm Shadow's RCS is listed in scientific notion in the database.
I know the VLO/LO aircraft can't bet it in detection range, but the way Command determines probability of a hit makes aircraft better able to avoid being hit by missiles. That combined with being able to fly nearly twice as fast (950kts vs 570kts) and being able to shoot back makes them much desired.
I don't need them to shoot down F-16s, and if I did, the F-22 can missile truck 10 AMRAAMs at a time.
The problem is to strike the enemy radars, as they'll target your ammunition, launched by stealth planes or LO ones, and you cannot get into such a close range as to prevent any interception. For the air combat, yeah, you don't
need F-22 or such.
My point was more into countering the posts I've seen here saying that you would have needed stealth planes to take out the IADS. From what I'm seeing of the answers from those who have the game, it looks like that VLO planes would have been a good thing to have, but not a "game-changer". Loads of cruise missiles to perform a saturation strike, OTOH... Dedicated jamming aircrafts would also have been a winner here.
A B-2 being detected 30 km out and its PGM being taken out by enemy defence is quite an interesting counter-point to the proponents of stealth as a silver bullet sending everything else into irrelevance. It gives an advantage, but a well-managed defensive grid flying F-16 and willing to take losses is clearly a tough opponent to consider, especially as they targeted your tankers.
This was a RAND Institute scenario offered to show how a numerically inferior force of F-22 could be annihilated by Su-27 willing to take losses, as even with Pk=1 for the AMRAAM and Pk=0 against the F-22, the tankers would end up being destroyed.
By the way, how is the MdCN RCS here? As the sea-launched version of the SCALP has a less stealthy shape, I expect it to be slightly bigger, but how much in the game?
More general question: how much of a game-changer would a stealthy tanker plane be? Or a stealthy AWACS, being able to be hard to detect and follow as it shuts down its radar? And I'm not talking about makeshift stuff like using the F-35 or so in these roles.