Come for the Raifus, Stay for the Plot: Girls' Frontline - Baking Time

G36c's kimono skin awakened a bully I never knew existed in me I got it on CN, when it was on the discount draw.
How do you enhance equipment? I haven't seen a location for it at all, and wouldn't mind upgrading a few of my 1 or 2* gear - gods knows I have enough of it.
Upgrading 2* gear isn't really worth it IMO, except if it's the T exo, since you want every little bit of EVA that you can get. Keep the upgrading effort for 3* and higher.

Do the meme recipes of 150/150/150/150, 151/151/151/151 and 10/10/10/10 long enough, and you'll get good gear. Believe it!
Upgrading 2* gear isn't really worth it IMO, except if it's the T exo, since you want every little bit of EVA that you can get. Keep the upgrading effort for 3* and higher.

Do the meme recipes of 150/150/150/150, 151/151/151/151 and 10/10/10/10 long enough, and you'll get good gear. Believe it!

Can you even upgrade 2-star gear? o_O I wasn't aware you could do that.

Also China's amateur VAs are getting really good. I was pretty impressed with this performance of WA2000 and MP40 (if the subtitles are to be believed.)

Chinese dub when MICA?
Also China's amateur VAs are getting really good. I was pretty impressed with this performance of WA2000 and MP40 (if the subtitles are to be believed.)
I wanna know what they're saying, personally. The subs are in Korean and audio in Chinese, neither of which I can speak or read :p
But yes, the voices match the images pretty well.

Can you get rare drops from auto-battle? I wanna get Springfield's special bullet from 1-4N, yet found it actually kinda tricky to complete while being sure I'd killed everything by myself. Didn't help my main echelon ran out of ammo right before the final foe :p
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@Private Lee O'Malley I summon thee!!!

Can you give us a rough translation of the korean subtitles? You are the only person on here I know that speaks korean.

You will be paid in monster girls.
When you asked for a rough translation, I thought you were asking for the voices and I was like "...what the fuck am I listening to? Holy shit I knew my Korean was bad but I didn't think it was this bad to the point it sounded like a completely different lang- oh wait this is in Chinese."

와쨩, 이미 촬영 시작했어!

"Wajong, (Is that right? Is that an actual gun name?) we already started recording!"


"Oh! Uhh...mmm..."


"Well, well uhh..."

당신을 걱정한 건 아니야!

"H-honestly, I'm not worried at all!"

다만 크리스마스인데 아직 지휘관실에서 바보멍텅구리처럼 잔업 중인 널 보니까

"Even though it's Christmas, you look miserable."

(Not certain about this one, had to use google translate because I don't know what command center meant. I also thought she was initially worried about you, da chief/admiral/whatever the fuck, being busy but even that was me doing a dumb. I read 중인 as 주인 which I only heard in the context of as a master or superior. Then again said context were children books so like take that with a grain of salt.EDIT: Okay in the context of the later sentences, just saying that she says you have a stupid face doesn't make sense so I think it's more you're in a sour mood/depressed or something.)

...조금 불쌍해 보여서 말야.

"...Just sayin' it's bit of a sorry sight y'know."

만약 과로때문에 지휘 실수라도 해서 내 평가에 영향을 미친다면,

"If your command causes me to fuck up and drop in rank"

(Ah shit, without Google Translate, all I got was "In the" thankfully GT helped fill in some of the blanks. BTW none of these translations are one to one accurate so no your waifu does not have this much of a potty mouth.

EDIT: Okay, again, context, she's probably saying something like "If this causes a drop in your ability to lead, then I will falter as well. Something like that. Basic jist is, if you're not working at 100%, she can't either.)

가만 안 둘 거니까!

"I will not stand for it!"

흥, 그래서 이 몸이 마지못해 응원삼아 도와주러 왔으니, 착각하지 말라구!

"Hmph! So that's why I'm here to cheer you up! I'm not doing this because I like you or anything, don't get any wrong ideas you idiot." (Again, not 1 to 1, but she's a tsundere isn't she. Basic jist is that she wants to make you happy because your performance deteroriates when you're not, and if you can't lead, she suffers as a result. She doesn't care for you, she's only concerned with her personal performance it's not like she's doing this for your personal wellbeing b-b-baka!)

와쨩―본론을 말해야지―

"Wajang, get to the point."


"Alright, fine!"





메리크리스마스 아아아아!!! 안돼안돼안돼 지금 찍은 거 지워지워 mp40!


에에!? 이거 벌써 7번째잖아!

"W-wha?! But this is already the 7th take!" 상관없어! 뭣땜에 내가 이런 부끄러운 일을 해야만 하는 거야!"I don't care! Why the fuck do I have to do this embarassing shit?!"
하지만 와짱이 먼저 찍자고 했는 걸?

"But weren't you the one who asked me to do this in the first place?"

와, 와아아아아아앙 (>/////<)


So yeah, this is a very rough translation with multiple liberties taken on translation. I think Kei or Guderian or someone else has a much better grasp at Korean than I do (More than likely Guderian since he's Korean too.) so if you want an actual good translation use google translate ask 'em.
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Also China's amateur VAs are getting really good. I was pretty impressed with this performance of WA2000 and MP40 (if the subtitles are to be believed.)
The subtitles are like super bad in many places. Like when wa says wo chai mei yo lai dan xing ni the subtitles read bu si dan xing ni (which is absolutely horrific Chinese btw) for some strange reason. Same thing when she's saying you're pitiful. I can't read Korean so I have no clue about the closed captioning.

"Wajong, (Is that right? Is that an actual gun name?) we already started recording!"
Actually for some reason they're saying Wa-chan. I have no clue why they used Japanese honorifics when they're speaking in Chinese and the subtitles read Wa-Xiao Jie but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"Oh! Uhh...mmm..."


"Well, well uhh..."

당신을 걱정한 건 아니야!

"H-honestly, I'm not worried at all!"

다만 크리스마스인데 아직 지휘관실에서 바보멍텅구리처럼 잔업 중인 널 보니까

"Even though it's Christmas, you look miserable."

(Not certain about this one, had to use google translate because I don't know what command center meant. I also thought she was initially worried about you, da chief/admiral/whatever the fuck, being busy but even that was me doing a dumb. I read 중인 as 주인 which I only heard in the context of as a master or superior. Then again said context were children books so like take that with a grain of salt.EDIT: Okay in the context of the later sentences, just saying that she says you have a stupid face doesn't make sense so I think it's more you're in a sour mood/depressed or something.)

...조금 불쌍해 보여서 말야.

"...Just sayin' it's bit of a sorry sight y'know."

만약 과로때문에 지휘 실수라도 해서 내 평가에 영향을 미친다면,
Minor details, but she specifically mentions that the commander is (willingly) doing overtime work over Christmas, and that's why he looks pitiful. Also when she's talking about the commander, she calls him an idiot ('ben dang' means idiot egg) and she specifically says she's not worried about you in particular.

And there's like some subtle inflections from her word choice like when she says that you're pitiful she uses the xi zai xi, which is like a 'whether I want to admit it or not' type of thing but this isn't the mandarin lesson thread so I'm not going to bother.
Can you even upgrade 2-star gear? o_O I wasn't aware you could do that.

Also China's amateur VAs are getting really good. I was pretty impressed with this performance of WA2000 and MP40 (if the subtitles are to be believed.)

Chinese dub when MICA?

There has been an english subtitled version of this vid for a while now, here:

Battle themes for the upcoming CN server's Continuum Turbulence (spoilers obviously):

Well, didn't expect her from today's daily four crafts but I guess she's a damage dealer:

On the other hand, my 2-4N grinding has yielded me some results:

so far i've gotten three gold sabots and two gold X-type exos (the ones that just add small amounts of evade)
somebody shoot me

At least CZ75 is proving rapidly hilarious. Her animator must have had such a fun time.
Yield so far from 60+ equip tickets
Gold HEAP, Gold Ammo Box, 3 Gold Armors, 4 Gold Suppressors, 1 Gold PEQ.
About half a dozen T3 exos.

Not one, single, fucking T4 exo.
Yield so far from 60+ equip tickets
Gold HEAP, Gold Ammo Box, 3 Gold Armors, 4 Gold Suppressors, 1 Gold PEQ.
About half a dozen T3 exos.

Not one, single, fucking T4 exo.

~110 crafts.

Three PEQs, three crit scopes, two EOTs, two armor plates, three goddamn X4s, two HEAPs, one HV, one suppressor...

and one T4 exo.

Recipes used, ~half and half (but got T4 from ammo): 230/80/150/80 to target scopes, and 62/250/152/92 to target ammo.

I didn't need these quick productions or contracts anyways, no no no...

tears of rage at t-doll rate up coming soon