Just managed to pick up OTs-14 myself! Hunt took longer than I thought - about 5 hours with time off for minor repairs and all. 15 wins out of 20 attempts. Only had 2 tries where she flat-out killed me. The rest mostly boiled down to "searched the wrong end of the map, bugged out after running out of ammo". Roughly 25-30 quick repairs used (I had a few complete doll destructions that resulted in 7+ hour repair times). And I did use the Finder, I just kinda gambled when I got 3 results and won more than I lost.
Thanks again for the advice - I should hopefully be built up better by the time the next major thing comes around. I think the tipping point for me (other than getting the attackers all 75+) was three changes to my Boss Killer HG/RF team.
1. Subbed out PPK for IDW, and managed to rush her levels up to 77 by the end. Skill was at level 5-6. Much simpler than trying to get PPK up to 80 and hoping for good gear. Welrod is probably going to be a major player, so I did not mind leveling her to 80+. Fiddled with the formation some, and found that the one that caused the least amount of extra damage to everyone was a sideways capital T. IDW was at 6, Welrod at 5 who then moved to 9 once engaged with the boss herself. That kept the backrow pretty safe.
I had been steering clear of IDW because of annoyance at some of the memes, but she definitely earned all the work put into her.
2. Had some breakthroughs in constructing equipment - my first 4* and 5* exo-frames. I managed to build them up, so IDW, Welrod, and UMP9 were all at least +10 on evasion. I was mostly just 2* until a day or two ago. Now if I can get some 4* or 5* bullets that are not more shotgun shells....
3. The secret sauce - I subbed out G43 and put in HK416 with the Lab16 Nightvision. Normal accuracy meant she didn't miss much, the strong grenade helped take out Ouroborus, and her targetting frontrow enemies while the rifles shifted to the backrow helped keep things manageable. And she would chew through the scouts that the rifles had more problems with.
Stupidest/silliest thing I did - My very first run, I found her just south of the center helipad. Clear shot at her.... it was only as I engaged that I realized that I never turned auto-supply back on after corpse running, and thus only 2 of the dolls in the squad actually had bullets.
Best thing - final battle with Ouroborus, after having fought through 2-3 enemy squads to get to her. I had been having IDW run around to avoid missiles barrages while toggling auto-skill off-and-on to try to avoid wasting skills during the invincible phases. Ouroborus finally manages to down IDW... the same instant she herself finally fell. Simultaneous head-shots. The rest of my dolls were pristine.
I also speed-levelled ST Ar-15 to go with M4A1 in my AR/SMG squad. Sadly, no 3* or better dropped during the Ouroborus runs.
Random question - is Ouroborus fighting you with a split, missile-launching Segway, or is it just me?