Also pets aren't reaaally worth the investment. They take iirc three years to pay off investment in battery costs.
So I'm reading the furniture description now and
Great Library: Classical Governor Portrait said:
"Books are the president of human knowledge."
Supposedly this is a quote by Shakespeare, but presidents didn't exist during his time... If humans are always correct, then perhaps this is proof that books can send you across time and space. -- Sten
suddenly Sten is the best character
All the library item descriptions are quotes being responded to by various T-Dolls and it is absolutely worth reading them. Heck, I'm going to copy them out here for posterity's sake.
Great Library: Classical Chandelier said:
"Books are lamps containing mankind's accumulated wisdom."
Hah, based on statistics of war from the past hundred-odd years, it's obvious this is referring to wisdom of self-destruction. -- Ingram
Edge harder, Ingram
Great Library: Library Fireplace said:
"Education! Science! To study is to light the torch! We're launching every syllable of every word to Mars!"
Launch to Mars? Are we asking for help from the Martians? Can we ask them to bring food? -- OTs44
The Martians will probably make the situation worse if you've watched movies before... -- OTs14
Great Library: Bookshelf Wall said:
"Books are tools to build up our souls."
Do we even need to read books since we don't have souls? -- Type64
If you need it then read it. -- Type56-1
Great Library: Library Chair Left/Right said:
"Knowledge is power." -- FMS
"Power is justice!" -- Bren Ten
"The winner is justice!" -- SVD
"Cuteness is justice!" -- MkG28
"The three of you, get out." -- P99
Great Library: Library Sofa Bed said:
"Reading is to the spirit as what exercise is to the body."
Therefore, both are bad for us. Only the sofa heals the body and spirit. -- F2000
Great Library: Library Moving Stairs said:
"Books are the stairs of human progress."
No one knows where the stairs will lead... Perhaps we shall see it soon. -- Vector
Great Library: Classical Round Table said:
"Besides barbaric countries, the entire world is ruled by books."
Huh, books couldn't really rule over much then, especially nowadays. -- Negev
ouch negev
Great Library: Classical Lamp said:
"Books are like a magic lamp, illuminating the longest and dimmest road of one's life."
That's right! When I open an e-book on my tablet, the backlight is great for lighting at night! -- M1873
Great Library: Library Desk said:
"The act of learning demands from people the greatest tensions and the greatest entheusiasm."
No, the S.F. do. -- KXG
No, games do! -- RFP
Great Library: Library Reading Stand said:
"All books are dreams if not blades; you can kill through words, or you can entrance through words."
I've gained a profound insight from this. You can avoid arguing if you just fight. -- Type97S
M99, get someone who isn't hopelessly stupid to read aloud next time. -- Z62
Great Library: Luxurious Bookshelf said:
"People who stop studying will stop thinking." -- MP446
People who only read comics all day have already stopped thinking long ago. -- Mosin-Nagant
Great Library: Bookshelf with Stairs said:
"Books are the best anesthetic for the soul." -- Quote from AK47
"Some people only absorb the toxins within books." -- Quote from Suomi
I-Is Suomi making a crack about the Communist Manifesto here?
Great Library: Library Round Rug said:
"I leap onto books just like a starving person leaps onto bread."
Yes, I know that feeling, but mine's even stronger. I'll leap even when I'm not hungry, just like this! Bang--! -- FFC
FFC confirmed for fiend
Great Library: Classical Floor said:
"A scholar may not necessarily possess knowledge. True knowledge is to recognize knowledge, to be to ruminate on it, to be able to work."
What.... don't we study because we don't want to work... I'm tired, time for a break..... -- M249
Oh shit the Late Night Kitchen set also has quotes damn-
Late Night Kitchen: Cooking Room Window said:
PSM: ...What a beautiful night.
T33: Even if there was canned salmon in the bread you ate?
PSM: I thought it was really tasty though. Why did everyone say it was bad?
T33: Uhh... this must be because... everyone wanted to surprise you?
Late Night Kitchen: Cooking Utensil Hanging Rack said:
Type79: Please watch, Miss Cooking Supervisor, we just need to add a little salt, then we can proceed to the next step!
MP40: Little... so how much is that?
Type79: However much you like?
MP40: (Writes on notebook) Type79's language and mathematics module needs to be checked.
MP40: Your name is also going on ze list...
Late Night Kitchen: Cooking Room Shelves said:
m45: Eh? Ak5, have you seen the bread that I've just finished baking?
Ak5: I think P7 took it just now along with a can of canned fish... Eh? Why are you laughing? Big sis?
Late Night Kitchen: High Stool Left/Right said:
M500: Hey, shorty, you're not gonna help?
S-Shorty: No, my hands can't reach the table...
M500: We have a stool right here!
S-Shorty: It's too tall as well... (sobs)
Super Shorty's life confirmed for unending short joke
Late Night Kitchen: Washing Machine said:
P7: Ciao, Miss Cutey! Come and order some red wine and bread! It'll make you plump and juicy!
SPAS12: Is that so? I think cola and burgers are good enough for me.
ARX160: (Sigh) Really? I'll have a taste...
P7: Please finish it in one bite, since... it's really troublesome to clean up. (Quietly)
Late Night Kitchen: Cooking Room Refrigerator said:
Welrod: I'm never opening it in the middle of the night ever again! Bren's sardine pie kept staring at me, and those lampreys that Ribeyrolles added to the pie... they're still alive!
Casual reminder that retired T-Dolls typically end up as servers/service industry
Late Night Kitchen: Cooking Counter said:
FMS: AAT, remember next time that this type of bread doesn't need to be scored. You don't need to make any cuts on it.
AAT52: Scored? You mean the cuts aren't made for fun?
Late Night Kitchen: Cooking Sink said:
Type81R: T92, I didn't expect you to finish washing dishes this quickly.
T91: I've worked at a tea shop before. You're also pretty quick yourself.
Type81R: Ugh... I've worked on a train before... The "peanuts, beer and sausages here! Coming through, comrade!" type of work...
So apparently some of them
are converted A-Dolls? I keep hearing conflicting messages on that.
Late Night Kitchen: Cooking Stove said:
AR70: How's the heat?
SAT8: Al dente!
AR70: Uh... what?
SAT8: Oh, tradition is the essence of my country's dishes, and even the terminology is saved in my neural cloud.
AR70: That's... just a common saying...
Late Night Kitchen: Giant Roast Turkey said:
M1873: Hahahahah! I watched that episode of Mr Nut! So this is how you guys eat turkey!
Bren: Yeah, unlike you guys who eat this every year to celebrate surviving treason.
holy shit bren
Late Night Kitchen: Late Night Kitchen Rug said:
Gr G36: Here are the ingredients for making grilled sausages. Do you think we're missing anything?
Gr G36C: How about we add some spices? Like... parsley?
Gr G36: Okay♪ Come and help me.
N-Not even G36 is a competent cook... THE MORE YOU KNOW
Late Night Kitchen: Cooking Floorboard said:
Lee-Enfield: Please do not rollerskate in the kitchen, especially while I'm making butter... Shut up and stand still! IDW, please clean up this battlefield after I'm done.
[IDW intensifies]
aaand that's the last of the furniture descriptions I can access from the Exchange Ticket shop.
EDIT: So apparently the QUOTE=blah tag will eat anything after a comma, good to know...