Come for the Raifus, Stay for the Plot: Girls' Frontline - Baking Time

Who even has RoF tiles and a useful buff skill? I can't find anyone other than 2-star HGs, most of whom's tiles are fairly bad. And then there's PPK, who's tiles give the most +RoF of all HG at 32%. Is she who you're talking about?

Clear and HS2000. We don't actually have them yet, but we're probably getting DJMax soon-ish and HS2000 is the Isomer crate exclusive.
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Who even has RoF tiles and a useful buff skill? I can't find anyone other than 2-star HGs, most of whom's tiles are fairly bad. And then there's PPK, who's tiles give the most +RoF of all HG at 32%. Is she who you're talking about?

Grizzly and Mk23 don't conflict for spots. I do need more Mk23's though, I've only got 2 a lv 100, one of which isn't at SL 10 yet. Mk23 has typically been part of my MG/SG teams, but if I'm not running any of those she can go in RF teams. I used her as part of M200's squad back during the Valhalla crossover with good results.
She has a RoF buff skill, which Arcus was saying won't be as desirable for Isomer ranked. I should've said "Who even has RoF tiles, and a useful buff skill other than RoF?" Stechkin, 5-7, and Calico all have good tiles and useful RoF buffing skills, and I have all of them.

Clear gives 40% damage and 40% acc, though the buff is only applied to a single doll (the way the skill works is weird and another example of how Mica can't write skill descriptions).

Oh right, on the opposite end, there's actually MP446 Mod, who we may or may not get in time for Isomer. 36% FP tiles, but her mod 2 skill gives a 20% ROF buff for 4 seconds. Which is shorter than most ROF skills, but actually not so bad when you consider that most RFs have 5/8 uptime.

Apart from that C93 also has a ROF buffing skill and FP tiles, but it's very unlikely we'll get her before Isomer. And then there's Webley, but she's tied to Polarized Light so there's no way we're getting her early.
She has a RoF buff skill, which Arcus was saying won't be as desirable for Isomer ranked. I should've said "Who even has RoF tiles, and a useful buff skill other than RoF?" Stechkin, 5-7, and Calico all have good tiles and useful RoF buffing skills, and I have all of them.

I... don't remotely understand why RoF wouldn't be valuable with the right teams, especially in regards to Calico who also carries a pretty large accuracy tile on maps where you're fighting 35-40 EVA unarmored enemies alongside 10-15 EVA armored enemies, at night, with RFs. As long as you aren't going all in on it, you can still mix in enough FP/critical damage multipliers to clean house.

Example: M950A (Calico)+Px4+Grizzly will provide 110% accuracy from tiles, or you could sub Grizzly for SAA for another 50%. Then you can put in two RFs; one with a sure-hit, high damage skill (read:Grape or M200) to kill gundams, and the other with any bog-standard self-buff (though Type 4, T5000 and SRS will excel here for varying reasons).

The main thing to keep in mind is what tiles are less necesssary based on the RFs you put in. M200 doesn't care about RoF, while Type 4 benefits less from crit damage since her piercing shots don't crit.

Fairies are a pretty important balancing factor as well, for the same reason; if your team ends up lacking accuracy relative to other things because the HGs that work with them don't provide that, a fairy that -does- will serve them well. Candidates for accuracy-boosting fairies that also provide other useful stats and skills are Illumination (38% crit damage/90% accuracy), Warrior Fairy (25% FP+80% accuracy as well as skill for +20% FP/+10% ROF), Rescue Fairy (32%FP+80% accuracy), or Taunt Fairy* (18% FP+25% crit damage+58% accuracy).

*Don't use her skill here, for the love of god. The reason being is that gundams will spawn -much- further back than they did in CT, giving them time to walk up and missile spam your echelon if they stop for whatever reason, including if they stop at the Taunt dummy.
So you're saying those are not useless.
Rescue Fairy's never been a bad statstick; her skill just has no in-combat use.

There's actually a number of fairies that aren't bad statsticks; the thing is if it's worth having them at all compared to feeding them to the devil engine Parachute fairies. It's the reason why I don't have a sniper, barrier, or twin fairy; the first two's skills are useless, and with how late Twin was added for me personally, it's not worth raising one when I already have -three- Taunt fairies (one 5 star, one 3 star, one 2 star) that will do the job just as well for when the dummies are needed with a bit more statstick, to boot.
Hm. I have enough 3.5"s to flash one T-Doll to 100. Who should I be (considering) bumping that I haven't already?

In particular, are there any vaguely common-ish dolls that I should set up a duplicate of?
The rate up was only partially a lie this time. I got both of the new RFs, but the new AR continues to elude me. I got two more G11's as a consolation prize though. Shame she does so poorly against armor.

QBU-88's skill looks interesting, but 4 Shiki's skill simply looks good. Being unable to miss is a godsend for night missions, and the pierce effect should help on mob clearing.
Excuse, what is this?

SV . . . What. The hell. Is. This.
I'd say it's worth a play. Above par story for gachas, very FTP friendly, and recently got a load of newby friendly stuff added so you get a load of stuff for clearing early story to help you build your teams.
VERY FTP friendly you say? From 1-10, where on that scale do it lye?
Premium currency has a number of free ways to get it from login bonus and weekly share / faketweet + game milestones like S ranking maps for first time and clearing some achievements.

Premium currency is also only used for intrastructure- extra slots, of which squad and unit slots are the only ones that really impact gameplay. The only gacha mechanic is for costumes, and you get an alright number of the tokens for that from daily weekly quests.

Actually crafting units uses contracts and resources, both of which you get from logistics downtime runs and dailies rather than dosh, and you can easily stockpile them as well.

So like, 8-9 on the FTP scale, only thing really stopping it being a ten is that extra squad slots are very useful, and while they're the main priority for free gems if you want to max out squad slots you're going to need to pay a little to do in reasonable time, even if just a couple pops of monthly card.

Gameplaywise its map node turn based strategy, with each squad you deploying being up to 5 units in whatever formation you made them go in. So squad comp is a large part of the strategy pre map. You dont need to do much in battle micro unless you're going max esports in ranking maps, skill use can be automated, so it's not v intensive to play.
4 for 4 from rate up today. Granted it was less intensive than the other rateups but still it feels great.

So, I'm gonna try this game.

That Jewish gun looks nice. I like her art. Is she a F2P character?
I... don't remotely understand why RoF wouldn't be valuable with the right teams, especially in regards to Calico who also carries a pretty large accuracy tile on maps where you're fighting 35-40 EVA unarmored enemies alongside 10-15 EVA armored enemies, at night, with RFs. As long as you aren't going all in on it, you can still mix in enough FP/critical damage multipliers to clean house.

I mean, the main focus is killing 2 - 3 very heavily armored and heavily force shielded targets with the strelets being a secondary priority because they're not as threatening and 2B will help to clear them out. Stechkin isn't Calico but still gives plenty of ROF, and the damage boost won't go unnoticed either. Meanwhile the 5-7 Px4 combo is just plain gross in terms of the raw buffs it can give you.

That's why I said the ROF tiles from HS2000/Clear might be sufficient for some RFs. More ROF is nice, but you shouldn't have any reason to run 7 Calicos. At most I'd go for 3.
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