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Can we rent out shipyards to civilian interests?
No. It is a military shipyard that parliament wants reserved for military purposes. While it might change in the future, under the laws of the Kingdom of Alexandria, it is illegal to use military shipyards for non-military interests except in a state of emergency.
Basicly be a commander in a backwater region if u want to have a similar effect and not be overwhelmed with numbers and stuff.
Are you going to do Exploration Missions @Oshha? Ergo the Exploration missions from Star Trek TBG and Star Trek From the Ashes?
?Since my favourite quest is no longer dead and has left me focused on its genre and setting
This one - The First Hero: a First-Gen Superhero Quest - Original - Superhero
So I don't get it, will this quest be rebooted or is it dead?
Korporati ask.