Civilization VI: AKA: Screw you and your Aztec musketmen, Montezuma!

Funny enough when it comes to civ games the it was generally only Montezuma, Shaka Zulu that regularly declared war on me even if they had no chance though I liked how the games pretty much used let you do things like wipe out elite tanks and infantry with samurai and legions given the right conditions and experience...

Though there that one game Gandhi decided I was the warmonger to hate and attacked and was the only civilization to surprise launch nukes at me... I might have overreacted a tad by nuking all his cities in response and then razing them to the ground afterwards creating a desert and calling it peace but one doesn't simply nuke Rome.

Ah, yes, Ghandi's words, as always, are backed by nuclear weapons.
Funny enough when it comes to civ games the it was generally only Montezuma, Shaka Zulu that regularly declared war on me even if they had no chance though I liked how the games pretty much used let you do things like wipe out elite tanks and infantry with samurai and legions given the right conditions and experience...

Though there that one game Gandhi decided I was the warmonger to hate and attacked and was the only civilization to surprise launch nukes at me... I might have overreacted a tad by nuking all his cities in response and then razing them to the ground afterwards creating a desert and calling it peace but one doesn't simply nuke Rome.
On that day, Mohandas K. Ghandi learned, Roma is not something to give a black eye to. For Roma returns the blow with one infinitely worse.
Honestly, I've never been able to be friendly with Gandhi because every time I meet India he's all "What? You defended yourself against an Aztec invasion 500 years ago? Don't talk to me you horrible warmonger!"

Even when someone else declares war on me, the AI like to act as if you're the one to blame. I just hope this new expansion pack can fix the whole war monger penalty system or a Diplomatic Victory is going to be almost impossible to get.
Diplomacy has always been a mess in Civilization games. Beyond Earth (in my opinion) was the only one that got it right, but since that game was a flop otherwise it got mostly ignored.
Honestly, I've never been able to be friendly with Gandhi because every time I meet India he's all "What? You defended yourself against an Aztec invasion 500 years ago? Don't talk to me you horrible warmonger!"

Even when someone else declares war on me, the AI like to act as if you're the one to blame. I just hope this new expansion pack can fix the whole war monger penalty system or a Diplomatic Victory is going to be almost impossible to get.
Apparently they will be implementing a greivance system that will cover this.
Maori are insane.

They are practically guaranteed to outperform almost any other civ given equal starts (No AI bonuses and paradoxically no Legendary starts since they wouldn't benefit) at the start of the game-, with only a nation like Sumeria or Montezuma rushing possibly stopping them.

The ability to coastal settle their cap without the usual housing/amenity problems of lacking clear water would allow you to take a coastal tile with only the yields, defensiveness and resources being the criteria, plop down a fishing boat and use the culture bomb to conga line into more territory, possibly accessing luxuries normally too far from the city.

If they find a stone tile, they could use their free builder and two starting pop to get food and hammers for Stonehenge - with access to fishing boats coupled with free production in forests giving the player a good chance for excellent food economy without having to sacrifice on production. In fact, you get enough production/hammers from forest tiles that you might want to fully focus the builder on getting boats, pastures and quarries up. They would likely not beat China in a wonder rush, but they are one of the nations that could try and have a chance.

Alternatively, the two-pop and bonuses can be used to quickly spam settlers and boats, spreading across islands and coastlines other players are still not even contemplating on settling. Those cities can then use their forest bonus to start producing faster than normal, setting up buildings, defenders and builders without needing to wait for lumber mills or mines to get sufficient production.

If no norway (LOL) in the game, they could turn themselves into a terror of the seas, rushing for coastal harass and strike across the coasts with triremes and galleys before anyone even has the tech for building ships of their own.

However, I do have a question: is chopping down forests considered harvesting? Because if they are unable to cut down forests you might never gain access to certain resources because they spawn on a forest/rain-forest tile.
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If someone could make a Ryse and Fall type mod for Civ VI the Americas would now be pretty lit with all the native civilisations.
Just need the Iroqouis, Seminole, and maybe the Cahokians to balance that. Maybe Inuit?
to be fair, there's 3 civs in North America and 3 in South America now, so it's better balanced, a tad empty, but certainly better balanced.
Now we just need Denmark to be added and the trifecta will be complete!.. No, I don't know what they would do that isn't covered by Norway or Sweden either, but I want them dagnabbit!

Also, adding Sweden better mean you have added Astrid Lindgren as a great writer as well! The lady deserves the credit!
HOLY SHIT SUPER-CONQUEROR BATMAN!!! First promotion/pick of the unique Governor + Suleiman's unique ability = 70% production for siege units (!!!) + any relevant military policies = this nation is going to go ape-shit once they get to catapults!

Fuck Archers, Suleiman is a Catapult Proponent!
HOLY SHIT SUPER-CONQUEROR BATMAN!!! First promotion/pick of the unique Governor + Suleiman's unique ability = 70% production for siege units (!!!) + any relevant military policies = this nation is going to go ape-shit once they get to catapults!

Fuck Archers, Suleiman is a Catapult Proponent!
Urban is goimg to be getting a lot of orders for his cannons. RIP anybody in artillery range.
Hmm, actually when does the first Governor point appear again? It might be that catapults are too soon for the governor to be active.
Still, 50% production without any micro or policy picks is nothing to scoff at.