[X] Explain you have amnesia and just woke up like this.
"Uh... I don't..." You shuffle awkwardly, your hands moving to preserve your modesty. "I don't know."
The Weretiger girl cocks an elegant brow. "You don't know?"
You avert your gaze in shame, feeling bad about lying. "I just woke up like this... I know I'm in Orario and I think I'm in Daedalus Street, but... I can't recall anything else..."
The girl's gaze softens. "You poor thing... Here, wear this. You must be so cold."
She whips off her cloak and holds it out for you to take, which you waste no time in doing so. You wrap the cloak around yourself and hold it tightly closed, grateful to both have something warm to wear and something to cover your shame with. The garment was clearly made for her diminutive frame, though, so it leaves a scandalous amount of your shapely legs on display. You couldn't help but notice the Weretiger girl flinch when your fingers almost touched hers in the process of taking the cloak...
Without her cloak, you again note how petite this Weretiger is. She's not even five feet tall and barely has any semblance of curves. You can't help but catch her eyeing your own chest with clearly concealed interest. She seems to catch herself staring and shakes her head to clear any negative thoughts.
"Oh! I'm Tessa Thompson, by the way. Do you remember your name?" The Weretiger asks, though her eyes return to your chest despite herself. You can't help but be self-conscious about it. You also wonder what's going through her mind... Jealousy... or perhaps perversion?
Right, name. Name... Uh... Wait, what's your name? Tessa tilts her head to the side, stepping a bit closer when she hears only silence from you. "Hello? You okay?"
"Uh... My... My name?" Did that no-show ROB take your name from you in the reincarnation process? They've been known to be jerks, you wouldn't put it past them...
"You know. Your name. What you're called. Name. Ring a bell?" She asks, getting a little frustrated.
Ring a bell... Ring-a-bell... "Ringabelle..." You whisper.
"Hm? What was that?"
At that moment, a rooster crows. It seems it was closer to morning than you thought, and in fact, a bit of light seems to be sneaking in past the tops of the buildings.
"My name is Rooster Ringabelle," you finally say, meeting Tessa's gaze with a resolute look in your eyes. Yes... This is you. You've decided. You're Rooster Ringabelle.
Tessa pauses for a moment, then crosses her arms and sighs. "Well, it's... not the name I would've picked for you, but if that's your name, that's your name. Welcome to Orario, Rooster. I was actually just heading home from work. If you..." She looks unsure, rubbing at her arm and biting her lower lip. She's clearly debating on her next course of action... "If you promise not to make a mess and you mind my brother, you can come by for a bath and change of clothes." She looks up at your height, then down at your chest, sighing. "I don't think any of my clothes will fit you, but my brother's might."
Well, you won't be able to find your way through Daedalus Street without help, so... "Wait, it's sunrise and you were just getting off work?" You point out.
Tessa frowns up at you. "I work nights. Got a problem with that?"
You vigorously shake your head. "Nope, nope. Lead the way, Tessa..."
"Good. C'mon, follow me. I'll lead you to my apartment, Rooster," she says, turning and waving for you to follow.
As Tessa leads you through Daedalus Street, you can't help but find her behavior... odd. She keeps looking around as if she's worried about something following her. Every so often, when you hear voices from further down the street or around the corner, she stops you and leads you down a side road. It's clear she knows Daedalus Street like the back of her hand, but she's not taking the shortest and safest route to her apartment. If it'll mean avoiding someone on the street, she'll take even the most convoluted and shadiest back alley.
Well, you're cold, the snow is still gently falling, and you're following a strange girl through a veritable maze of streets and alleys, but... It might be a good time to ask her some questions. Maybe you can get an idea on Orario's state of affairs, or just ask Tessa about herself.
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