[X] "So are all those crazy stories I've heard about you true? Are you as awesome as the deputies say you are?"
[X] "How much did this arm run you? Can I pay you back?"
[X] "So... how much trouble am I in?"
"So... Are all those crazy stories I've heard about you true? Are you as awesome as the deputies say you are?"
He chuckles. "Ha! Hardly. I'm afraid the deputies kind of play me up a lot. Yeah, I'm one of the founding members, but I'm really just an incredibly hardworking, workaholic guy willing to grind his knuckles to the bone for his familia. I'm really not all that remarkable."
Your ears fold, tail swaying back and forth. "Sure you're not just being modest?"
He waves his hand dismissively. "No, no. I can assure you, the only thing that separates me from most people is how hard I work myself. The deputies like to tell stories since I'm rarely at the Underworld Dormitory to refute them, but I'm only rarely there because of how hard I'm working out there."
Oh... That's a little disappointing. "Well, how much did this arm run you? Can I pay you back?"
He reaches over to the table next to his chair and sips from a cup of hot tea. "Mmm... No, don't worry about it. This is what a familia is for. We help each other out, no strings attached."
Your ears fold again, frowning. "Are you sure? I mean... I know these arms are really expensive..."
He sighs. "Well, if you insist, I suppose I can think of
something you can do for me. Nothing comes to mind right now, though."
Hm... That'll have to do. "So, the important question..." You gaze down at your lap. "How much trouble am I in?"
"Well, Hades is a little mad you took such a huge risk, but Flora is proud of you. Urist will probably give you a serious talking to, but... Well, the Guild is really happy that you finally offed the Lingering Will. The Dungeon is a safer place now, and you've actually gained a bit of fame because of it. People in the streets are talking, though the Weekly Peregrinator hasn't run a story on it yet."
Weekly Peregrinator... That's Orario's local newspaper. "Well... I'm not sure how I feel about being famous, but..." You blush, fidgeting with the bedsheet. "Um, where are my clothes? And when am I getting discharged?"
"Oh! Right. Here, I brought you a change of clothes." Morn Rower stands up and goes to a nearby dresser, where he grabs a beige tunic, brown breeches, and some leather boots that were folded up on its surface, likely taken directly from your room at the Underworld Dormitory. He places them on your lap, then turns to leave the room. "I'll give you some privacy, Rooster. I know you're a modest one, and I'm nothing if not a gentleman." Sure enough, the High Elf leaves the room, and you stand to get dressed.
As Morn Rower leads you out of the Dian Cecht Familia's clinic and down the street, you can't help noticing that people are shooting you looks and whispering to nearby people. Not everyone, of course, but enough to make you feel self-conscious. Then again, are they looking at you, or Morn Rower? The man
is royalty, after all.
"Here we are!"
You look up to see Morn Rower has led you to a stable, which he heads inside, gesturing for you to stay, and emerges with... A unicorn?!
He's leading it forward by the reigns, and judging from the saddle, it's his personal mount. Morn Rower rides a unicorn? Unicorns are Monsters originally spawned from the Dungeon, but unlike regular Monsters, unicorns are holy beasts who never attack people, and are instead exclusively found on the surface.
"Uh... Vice-Captain, you ride a unicorn?" you stammer.
He nods, rubbing at the holy beast's neck. "Yeah... The High Elf royal family raises them. This one's name is Charlie. I've had this girl as my personal mount for most of my life."
The High Elf mounts his steed, then holds a hand out for you to get on. You take his hand, and Morn Rower pulls you onto the saddle right behind him.
"Hold on tight," he directs. You do, wrapping your arms around his chest.
"Hiyah!" He cracks the reigns and Charlie gallops off down the streets of Orario. You do your best to grip the Vice-Captain's chest tight, though you're self-conscious of your breasts pressing against his back. It's a bumpy ride, though a fast one, and it's no time at all before Morn Rower pulls Charlie up in front of the Underworld Dormitory. You shakily climb off the horse-monster, while Morn Rower looks down at you, reminding you of the visage of a mounted knight.
"You go ahead and head inside, Rooster. I need to hitch Charlie up at the dorm's stable. I won't be more than a moment."
You nod, turning and heading into the Underworld Dormitory, taking a deep breath to steady your nerves.
Oof! You fall to your back as a certain pint-sized Weretiger tackles you to the ground as soon as you enter.
"Rooster, I was so worried about you! Are you okay? You hungry? Tired at all? How's your arm? Wow, that thing is cool, makes you look sexy-I mean, badass! By the way, Ian, Leo, and I Leveled up! I bet you Leveled up, too! Hey, did your boobs get bigger? Need me to get you anything? If you're still recovering, I can be your nurse and make you breakfast in be-"
You place your hand on Tessa's mouth to stop her. "Wait, Tessa, you Leveled up?"
She pulls your hand away and grins. "Yup! That makes me one of the few Level 2 Supporters in Orario! I even got a Development Ability, Cleaning! It's surprisingly useful to clean blood and guts off Drop Loot and Magic Stones!"
Hades walks up, dressed in his apron and headscarf. Flora is by his side, her bo staff in hand and currently hugging her husband's arm.
"Dear, don't be too hard on her. She just wanted to have an adventure," Flora requests.
Hades gazes at you sternly, his expression serious... But then he frowns. He approaches and kneels on one knee before you, Tessa getting off you to give him some space. Leaning forward, the God of the Underworld wraps you in his arms and hugs you to his chest. It feels... paternal.
"I'm just glad you're okay, my child."
"You're not mad?" you ask.
He pulls away a bit, his hands on your shoulders as his curiously red eyes gaze into your golden ones. "You took a risk, and you paid for it with your arm. But you came out of it alive and stronger for it. The members of my familia are their own individual people, and I accept them for who they are and take responsibility for their actions. They may act rashly at times, and they may make mistakes, but at the end of the day, they are my children. You are all... Children of Hades."
You smile, then lean in and hug your familia's God. No... your father. "Thanks... Dad."
"You. Catbirb."
You spine stiffens and you look behind Hades to see Urist looming over you. Hades lets go and you both stand, you looking down at the stoic, sour crabapple.
"Uh... Hi, Craftsman. What's up?"
He looks you up and down, his eyes lingering on your new hand. He reaches into his coat and pulls out a hip flask, old and battered, taking your hand and wrapping your fingers around the worn metal. "You have survived childhood. Enjoy this, young Dorf."
You… uh… "Thhhhanks… mom?"
He nods. "Yes."
You put the hip flask away in your pocket. You've seen him drink from it before, and you should probably replace the current contents with something that can't strip paint at ten paces.
Hades chuckles. "Come, Rooster. I'll update your Status. I'm sure you've leveled up as well."
Your ears perk.
After a drop of blood, the tattoo rises from your back in a sphere of light. Hades kneels over your rear, finger adjusting the numbers as they update.
"Well, you are indeed Level 2."
You grin.
"You have a Skill. Heroic Resolve? I'll have to look that up at the Guild. Ah, and it looks like you have a Development Ability. Rank I in... Charm."
"Yes. It's quite a rare Development Ability," Hades explains.
"So, can I, um... control minds with it, or something?" Your thoughts turn to Charm Person in DnD.
Hades pushes the glowing, floating letters back into your back, then presses a piece of paper to it. "No, it's more... a charisma boost."
Your first Development Ability... and it's charisma?!
Reader Choice
[ ] "How is that useful in the Dungeon?!"
[ ] "This sucks..."
[ ] "Does it work on Monsters?"
[ ] "Well, guess I can use it for discounts and extra breadsticks..."
[ ] "Looks like I'm one step closer to being a magnetic hero."
[ ] Write-in.