[X] Inform him that you have important business on behalf of Father Nurgle on this Space Hulk, and thus will sadly not be able to send forces for the foreseeable future.
What salt vote went into what rumor, I completely forgot what
were the slat votes.
[X] Inform him that you have important business on behalf of Father Nurgle on this Space Hulk, and thus will sadly not be able to send forces for the foreseeable future.
If he still insists throw Nurgle demons at him

Also YYEESS! We're back baby.
I missed this quest a lot and thought it died in a wimpier.
[X] Inform him that you have important business on behalf of Father Nurgle on this Space Hulk, and thus will sadly not be able to send forces for the foreseeable future.
[X] Inform him that you have important business on behalf of Father Nurgle on this Space Hulk, and thus will sadly not be able to send forces for the foreseeable future.
[X] Inform him that you have important business on behalf of Father Nurgle on this Space Hulk, and thus will sadly not be able to send forces for the foreseeable future.

... we could, entirely truthfully, claim that going to join the Black Crusade would violate the standing orders of a Chaos God. Unfortunately, any details of said orders would probably not go well for us, politically.
[x] Tell him that as Emperor is one of true gods so fighting against him will be blasphemy of highest order, there is no need to bleed the our species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. There are far more suitable targets, why not offer true Gods souls and blood of Xenos filth assailing Humanity? After all Coexistence is a contradiction in terms. There is only one universe, it can contain only one race. Humanity!"
[X] Inform him that you have important business on behalf of Father Nurgle on this Space Hulk, and thus will sadly not be able to send forces for the foreseeable future.

WOW! awesome update!
- we found out that there is ANOTHER dark eldar base further north (as well as another ork base)!
- we got Imperials serving us!
- captured a DE vehicle bay!
- captured a DE medical camp! (too bad about losing those Homunculi!)
- got the ripper plague!
- but the most important thing is the Blessing of the God-Emperor!

@Terrabrand how many marines did we lose during these two battles?
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Also YYEESS! We're back baby.
I missed this quest a lot and thought it died in a wimpier.

Went into a coma with a whimper. I was at no point inclined to give up, even with how much this update fought me.

... we could, entirely truthfully, claim that going to join the Black Crusade would violate the standing orders of a Chaos God. Unfortunately, any details of said orders would probably not go well for us, politically.
Honestly, with the right vaguely worded comments you might convince people you are following some stupid sounding Tzeentch plot and have them shrug.

I dunno, Abbadon typically has the support of all the Gods for these Crusades, so we'd have some.... issues.

Okay, kinda been meaning to comment on this for awhile, but I've put some thought into the issue and as a Demon Prince from the Word Bearers you'd have an understanding of this.

See, the thing is, the Chaos Gods really can't agree on anything. You cannot possibly be a person that hits all of their good buttons and none of their bad, so somebody, like Abbadon, who doesn't seem to be actively courting the Chaos Gods, simply 'favored' by them for no clear reason, is, on the face of it, a bit strange.

However... The reason why the Chaos Gods united over Horus was because they viewed the Emperor as an existential threat to themselves, and they could all grudgingly agree that 'I want to not die more than I want to not work with you', so behold the grand alliance of Chaos.

But then Warmaster Horus dies and Abbadon smoothly replaces him. What, then, is his function? Why, he's 'the chosen of all the gods', with authority over all forces of Chaos, to rally them against threats to the Chaos Gods themselves (they don't really care about things running around killing their followers, but they do care about things that might kill them), eg the Emperor, probably Tyranids, definitely Necrons.

SO! Abbadon is actually a figurehead. He gets blessings from all the Chaos Gods to proves he's favored, and then the Chaos Gods have to run orders to give to him past the other Chaos Gods with only orders acceptable to the majority being permissible enforced by a "if you push a minority order of 'just you want it' through on Abbadon, the rest of us will team up and paste you from the Warp" sort of MAD dealie, while nobody tells Abbadon this is what's going on.

Relatedly, the Black Legion gets a certain blanket level of bonuses just for obeying Abbadon, to, again, leave this Existential Threat Exterminator functional and credible to the other Chaos Warbands (so they'll listen when they need a Black Crusade, rather than going 'well, my lord doesn't support you, so who cares') as an authority in the name of the Chaos Gods.

I can't emphasize enough that Chaos, thought through, is incredibly political, what with the fact that doing what a Chaos God wants can lead to immediate, tangible benefits anywhere in the galaxy. I actually plan to make a more involved post relating to that later today.

WOW! awesome update!
- we found out that there is ANOTHER dark eldar base further north (as well as another ork base)!
- we got Imperials serving us!
- captured a DE vehicle bay!
- captured a DE medical camp! (too bad about losing those Homunculi!)
- got the ripper plague!
- but the most important thing is the Blessing of the God-Emperor!

@Terrabrand how many marines did we lose during these two battles?

You are 1000 Chaos Space Marines and you kept catching them with their pants down. Some of your marines need healing/bed rest, but the only 'would've been' fatalities were the five brothers now blessed by the Emperor. I didn't even bother making any kind of casualty rolls with the latest update because you kept rolling super well and they are really not the kind of force that punches level with an entire Chapter worth of Chaos Space Marines.
if you start to only focus on emperor will you develop holy powers? also does worshiping him not make all other god your enemy?
if you start to only focus on emperor will you develop holy powers? also does worshiping him not make all other god your enemy?
One would tend to assume that the Chaos Gods would take issue with you worshipping an Existential threat to them, yes. However, Chaos God omniscience is not perfect, and some of the Chaos Gods tics complicate the topic.

You don't know what kind of powers the Emperor might grant. But it's less about worship and more about currying favor, eg Khorne gives superpowers for glorious melee bloodshed not sitting there on your knees beseeching him. One would presume that the Sisters of Battle are at least partially representative.
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One would tend to assume that the Chaos Gods would take issue with you worshipping an Existential threat to then, yes. However, Chaos God omniscience is not perfect, and some of the Chaos Gods tics complicate the topic.

You don't know what kind of powers the Emperor might grant. But it's less about worship and more about currying favor, eg Khorne gives superpowers for glorious melee bloodshed not sitting there on your knees beseeching him. One would presume that the Sisters of Battle are at least partially representative.
does not chaos worship mutate a person? also before they were gods, they were generally benevolent beings, when the Warp was a calm sea. Each one is formed by the emotions of living souls clumped together in the Warp/Realm of Chaos. As life expanded through out milky way they began to influenced by extreme emotions of increased population and with birth of Slaanesh their attributes got permanently mutated to chaotic rather than being a balanced entities. So does worshiping Emperor allow us to reach this balance and protect us from mutation and corruption?

if we continue to sacrifice xenos will we able to speedup his ascension as starchild?

many imperial sacrifice xenos in his name, so why our sacrifices have such effects compared to imperials?

"O Emperor, in wrath rejoicing at bloody wars, fierce and untamed,
whose mighty power doth make the strongest walls from their foundations shake.
All-conquering Master of Mankind, be pleased with this war's tumultuous roar.
Delight in swords and fists red with alien blood, and the dire ruins of savage battle.
Rejoice in furious challenge, and avenging strife, whose works with woe embitter human life!"
- "Accept any challenge, no matter the odds", prayer and vow of the Black Templars

"Trust in the Emperor at the hour of battle.
Trust to him to intercede, and protect his warriors true as they deal death on alien soil.
Turn their seas to red with the blood of their slain.
Crush their hopes, their dreams
And turn their songs into cries of lamentation."
- "Uphold the honour of the Emperor", vow of the Black Templars

"Smite now the scions of the Witch!
Grant us the strength to pierce their unclean flesh!
To cover their fields with the pale form of the blasphemous dead!
To drown the thunder of guns with the shriek of their dying!
To lay waste to their citadels with hurricanes of fire!
To wring the hearts of their kin with unavailing grief!
To send them into the waste of their desolate land in rags and hunger, broken in spirit, worn with travail and begging for the refuge of the grave.
We ask it, in the spirit of wrath, O Master of Mankind!"
- "Abhor the Witch, Destroy the Witch", prayer and vow of the Black Templars
does not chaos worship mutate a person? also before they were gods, they were generally benevolent beings, when the Warp was a calm sea. Each one is formed by the emotions of living souls clumped together in the Warp/Realm of Chaos. As life expanded through out milky way they began to influenced by extreme emotions of increased population and with birth of Slaanesh their attributes got permanently mutated to chaotic rather than being a balanced entities. So does worshiping Emperor allow us to reach this balance and protect us from mutation and corruption?

The Chaos Gods gift mutations (or punish with them, it varies.), but worshiping them per se does nothing, save probably draw their attention. (Exposure to the warp can also cause mutation separately).

The lore on the Chaos Gods is fairly variable and some of my interpretations are probably not specifically anywhere in canon, in part because several points in canon are, frankly, moronic and implausible, and in part because canon is so variable that resolving certain points with each other requires creativity.

if we continue to sacrifice xenos will we able to speedup his ascension as starchild?

You don't know.

many imperial sacrifice xenos in his name, so why our sacrifices have such effects compared to imperials?

You don't know why or even if it really is anything you are doing (it totally is to some extent with that natural 100).

Nevertheless, I am willing to point out that the prayers you referenced there are religious veneration while going to war, whereas you actually killed prisoners as an explicit offering to a god after taking them alive. But the details of how and why things are different are things you'll have to discover through action.
The Chaos Gods gift mutations (or punish with them, it varies.), but worshiping them per se does nothing, save probably draw their attention. (Exposure to the warp can also cause mutation separately).

The lore on the Chaos Gods is fairly variable and some of my interpretations are probably not specifically anywhere in canon, in part because several points in canon are, frankly, moronic and implausible, and in part because canon is so variable that resolving certain points with each other requires creativity.

You don't know.

You don't know why or even if it really is anything you are doing (it totally is to some extent with that natural 100).

Nevertheless, I am willing to point out that the prayers you referenced there are religious veneration while going to war, whereas you actually killed prisoners as an explicit offering to a god after taking them alive. But the details of how and why things are different are things you'll have to discover through action.
so all it is about clear intent of worshiper who is sacrificing, not something vague as war hymn?
Yeah, save for the fact that he'd very likely make a bee-line for us, and we'd then die when he rips us apart bare handed.
You... Well, as is, you'd lose, but Caspian is a Demon Prince, so you are less far below Lorgar than a mere Chaos Lord would be. You could be at the advantage when he tries that, though, if you keep your secrets long enough and gain enough advantages in the meantime to match his 'lol almighty Demon Prince' status.
You... Well, as is, you'd lose, but Caspian is a Demon Prince, so you are less far below Lorgar than a mere Chaos Lord would be. You could be at the advantage when he tries that, though, if you keep your secrets long enough and gain enough advantages in the meantime to match his 'lol almighty Demon Prince' status.
Lorgar is a Daemon Primarch.

We'd last 10 minutes, tops.
Lorgar is a Daemon Primarch.

We'd last 10 minutes, tops.
Daemon Primarchs is honestly a bit of a silly concept-not to say that the Primarchs didn't make for really nasty Daemon Princes, but that they are automatically above other Daemon Princes because they specifically were once Primarchs? A bit silly, in my opinion.

However, the key thing I was thinking is if, you know, you have, say, managed to revive the God-Emperor by the time he learns... Well, that's a whole different one-sided fight, if Lorgar doesn't bring some serious back-up.
Daemon Primarchs is honestly a bit of a silly concept-not to say that the Primarchs didn't make for really nasty Daemon Princes, but that they are automatically above other Daemon Princes because they specifically were once Primarchs? A bit silly, in my opinion.

However, the key thing I was thinking is if, you know, you have, say, managed to revive the God-Emperor by the time he learns... Well, that's a whole different one-sided fight, if Lorgar doesn't bring some serious back-up.
Well, they kicked Greater Daemons asses when alive and Daemonhood is supposed to be an upgrade so it makes sense to me that they would be pretty far above most princes and greaters.
Well, they kicked Greater Daemons asses when alive and Daemonhood is supposed to be an upgrade so it makes sense to me that they would be pretty far above most princes and greaters.
Eh, my basic assumption runs thusly: to a very large degree, your power as a worshipper/demon of Chaos is however much your patron or patrons gives you. They give you more if you earn more favor-which you mostly get by doing things, in fairly direct proportion to the impressiveness of the deeds. Accordingly, if you were the kind of guy who could singlehandedly unite a planet-like most of the Primarchs do-, prior to becoming a Demon Prince... well, you're going to be handed a bigger piece of the Khorne Pie (or whatever god ascended you) than someone who couldn't do have as amazing of things as you-and as a result did not do half as amazing of things as you.
[X] Inform him that you have important business on behalf of Father Nurgle on this Space Hulk, and thus will sadly not be able to send forces for the foreseeable future.