[X] Yes, a special gift sounds great. (Will please Nurgle)
[X] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[X] The God-Emperor
--[X] Sacrifice some of the Eldar in His name.
[X] Yes, a special gift sounds great. (Will please Nurgle)
[X] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[X] The God-Emperor
--[X] Sacrifice 20 of the Eldar in His name.
[X] Yes, a special gift sounds great. (Will please Nurgle)
[X] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[X] The God-Emperor
--[X] Sacrifice 20 of the Eldar in His name.

If twenty doesn't work we can try other possibly holy numbers until we are out of Eldar or Wounded.
[X] Yes, a special gift sounds great. (Will please Nurgle)
[X] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[X] The God-Emperor
--[X] Sacrifice 20 of the Eldar in His name.
20 Sons, 20 legions, 20 losses.
the update was awesome! I'm glad that it went so well...

ummm... shouldn't we interrogate the captured dark eldar first?

@Terrabrand the slave camp is in the middle of both dark eldar cams right? can we communicate with the Death Guard legion and the daemons of nurgle? i was hoping we can attack the camp that they are closest to... btw, are both dark eldar factions still fighting? also since we are in a hulk, do we have time to send men to find a way above the camps of both dark eldar? I was hoping we can 'drop' by on them... or attack them from below...

alright guys, here are the camps that we can attack:

[] the slave camp this has been liberated
[] The footsoldier camp closer to the vehicle camp. (currently fighting those near the slave camp)
[] The footsoldier camp closer to the slave camps.(currently fighting those near the vehicle camp)
[] The vehicle camp. (probably preparing to move out?)
[] The makeshift arena. (probably in an all-out melee?)
[] the medical camp. (being attacked by nurgle forces?)

pick your poison, and i'll form a plan around it. However, I think we should attack the vehicle camp first then move on to the medical camp. or attack both at the same time! I was hoping we can keep a couple of Homonculi as slave-teachers/pets but yeah, dealing with Nurgle seems a smarter move.

@veekie @Vanestus @Lord Scoro @ebolasos @KlavoHunter @chriswriter90 @Tinkerer @Artemis1992 @Night_stalker what do you guys think?

tentative battle plan...
[x] For the Plague Lord!
-[x] interrogate the surviving eldar for any information (other camps, ships, their archons and kabals? how did they got here in the first place?) before sacrificing them.
-[x] Praise the gods and make a speech congratulating your battle-brothers for their faith, skill, and courage.
-[x] make sure that Brother Paul has all the resources he needs to ensure the safety of the Progenoid Glands of our fallen battle-brothers. (in case the god-emperor saw them worthy enough to serve him in the afterlife. in other words, if beseeching the god-emperor fails, the glands would be in safe hands.)
-[x] tell Ghost to make sure both dark eldar footsoldier camps are too busy fighting each other to wonder about what's happening with the other camps (he can do this by assassinating scouts, killing a few DE if the fighting starts to die down or sabotaging communication nodes). he should also do the same at the makeshift arena.
-[x] your heavy troops as well as vehicles (i.e. the terminators), lead by you Lord Caspian, should engage the DE at their vehicle camp. capture their vehicles whenever possible, but don't hesitate to destroy them either.
-[x] Brother Mortimer (hopefully wearing terminator armor won't hinder him much), along with sorcerer Damian and 10 champions (those not wearing terminator armor) as well as the faster troops (i.e. raptors and rhinos) are to meet with the forces of nurgle and attack the medical camp. send greetings and salutations to our new allies (hopefully, the death guard won't backstab us)
-[x] Another Champion of Nurgle interests you in the fact that he is interested in the God-Emperor, find out why. If he is also interested in the fate of the ordinary mortals, have him become your liaison regarding the affairs of the cultist and slaves.
-[x] Prepare the re-education of the slaves about the true gods. find out if any of them have useful skills (officers? engineseers? sororitas?). If they 'disrespect' the gods, well, its time to show them why you have the moniker of Tyrant!
-[x] have our two remaining sorcerers as well as the necessary number of marines (maybe 100?) and cultists be our reserve force to reinforce one of the attacks or both.
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Go for the medical camp. Coordinate with Papa Nurgle's forces, remove their scary advantage, and possibly free some more converts to our cause.
how do you like my tentative battle plan? it would divide our forces, but with a lot of luck errr... i mean blessings of the dark gods, we can overrun both medical and vehicle camps before the two DE factions and the Arena mobilizes against us.
how do you like my tentative battle plan? it would divide our forces, but with a lot of luck errr... i mean blessings of the dark gods, we can overrun both medical and vehicle camps before the two DE factions and the Arena mobilizes against us.
Don't think we'd get Dark Eldar to break in time, they're kinky shits.

As for the recovery of gene-seed, all he should need is the Narthecium, comes with some stasis tubes for them already, IIRC.
Don't think we'd get Dark Eldar to break in time, they're kinky shits.

As for the recovery of gene-seed, all he should need is the Narthecium, comes with some stasis tubes for them already, IIRC.
I don't think we have one though, what we know is that Paul was an apothecarion, but gm didn't state that he also has the necessary equipment. maybe he'll clarify? @Terrabrand does Paul have the necessary equipment to act as our apothecary?

how about the rest of my tentative plan?should we attack both camps or just the medical? personally, i think we can attack two and have enough for a reserve force.
how about the rest of my tentative plan?should we attack both camps or just the medical? personally, i think we can attack two and have enough for a reserve force.
Well, if they're going after one another, might as well double team 'em.

Maybe also make some... offerings to the Prince of Excess, hir loves Eldar.
Well, if they're going after one another, might as well double team 'em.

Maybe also make some... offerings to the Prince of Excess, hir loves Eldar.
yeah, the sacrifices are already part of the voting options and is separate on the actual battle plan...

[X] Yes, a special gift sounds great. (Will please Nurgle)
[X] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[X] The God-Emperor
--[X] Sacrifice some of the Eldar in His name.

[x] Battle Plan: For the Plague Lord!
-[x] interrogate the surviving eldar for any information (other camps, ships, their archons and kabals? how did they get here in the first place?) before sacrificing them.
-[x] Sacrifice some of the DE to Slaanesh to placate him and to earn his favor in fighting the DE.
-[x] Praise the gods and make a speech congratulating your battle-brothers for their faith, skill, and courage.
-[x] make sure that Brother Paul has all the resources he needs to ensure the safety of the Progenoid Glands of our fallen battle-brothers. (in case the god-emperor saw them worthy enough to serve him in the afterlife. in other words, if beseeching the god-emperor fails, the glands would be in safe hands.)
-[x] tell Ghost to make sure both DE footsoldier camps are too busy fighting each other to wonder about what's happening with the other camps (he can do this by assassinating scouts, killing a few DE if the fighting starts to die down or sabotaging communication nodes, or whatever, he's the expert). He should make sure that no DE survivors from the other camps warn the DE at the makeshift arena.
-[x] Another Champion of Nurgle interests you by the fact that he is interested in the God-Emperor, find out why. If he is also that concerned about the fate of the ordinary mortals, have him become your liaison regarding the affairs of the cultist and slaves, though he shouldn't spread the gift of the plague lord, we might need this mortals healthy.
-[x] Prepare the re-education of the slaves about the true gods. find out if any of them have useful skills and knowledge (officers? engineseers? sororitas?). If they 'disrespect' the gods though, well, its time to show them why you have the moniker of Tyrant!
-[x] your heavy troops as well as the other vehicles other than the predator tanks (i.e. the terminators,land raider) and the greater number of marines, lead by you Lord Caspian, should engage the DE at their vehicle camp. capture their vehicles whenever possible, but don't hesitate to destroy them either.
-[x] Send greetings and salutations to our new nurglite allies (via ritual) and ask about their situation. After that, our forces attacking the medical camp shall be lead by Brother Mortimer (hopefully wearing terminator armor won't hinder him much), along with sorcerer Damian, 10 champions (those not wearing terminator armor), a number battle-brothers that Mortimer thinks he might need, as well as the faster troops (i.e. raptors and rhinos) overwhelming the camp's defenders as quickly as posssible. Ask our nurglite sorcerer if Father Nurgle won't mind if we can have a couple of the Homonculi as playthings after the battle, if not then its no big deal (hopefully, the death guard won't backstab us... we will backstab them first though if its the Will of Tzeench)
-[x] The slave camp should be fortified and prepared for a counter-attack. Also have our two remaining sorcerers as well as the necessary number of marines (maybe 100?), the predator tanks, and the cultists be our reserve force to reinforce one of the attacks or both. Always check-in on our main base and make sure that nothing untoward is happening over there.

edited: moved sacrifice to Slaanesh into the Battle Plan. @Night_stalker you're right, its should be included in the battle plan.
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[X] Yes, a special gift sounds great. (Will please Nurgle)
[X] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[X] The God-Emperor
--[X] Sacrifice some of the Eldar in His name.

[x] Battle Plan: For the Plague Lord!
guys, please poke holes in my plan, I might have missed something, like we can probably scale the walls of the hulk and drop down on the unsuspecting camps instead of attacking head-on.
[X] Yes, a special gift sounds great. (Will please Nurgle)
[X] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[X] The God-Emperor
--[X] Sacrifice some of the Eldar in His name.

[x] Battle Plan: For the Plague Lord!
How much munitions we got?

Could drop some of the walls onto them.
yup or tunnel under... gm haven't replied to my questions yet though. though I am curious what our techmarine Juno would do if he can combine imperial vehicles w/ dark eldar vehicles.. probably some awesome tech-heresy! like an anti-gravity land raider?
yup or tunnel under... gm haven't replied to my questions yet though. though I am curious what our techmarine Juno would do if he can combine imperial vehicles w/ dark eldar vehicles.. probably some awesome tech-heresy! like an anti-gravity land raider?
Tunneling would take too long, now, dropping the walls....

As for the tech, I dunno, their stuff is really fragile, and likely to be vaped when we hit 'em.
[X] Yes, a special gift sounds great. (Will please Nurgle)
[X] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[X] The God-Emperor
--[X] Sacrifice some of the Eldar in His name.

[x] Battle Plan: For the Plague Lord!
This plan is very good to me.
Including the God-Emperor in our worship? We may as well start asking things from Him sooner rather than later.

My point was...

[] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[] Khorne
-[] Tzeentch
-[] Slaanesh
-[] Nurgle
-[] Malal
-[] The God-Emperor

6 gods to pray to, not 5.

the slave camp is in the middle of both dark eldar cams right?

Actually... I realize it's not super clear, but

[] The footsoldier camp closer to the vehicle camp.
[] The footsoldier camp closer to the slave camps.
[] The slave camps.
[] The vehicle camp.
[] The makeshift arena.
[] the medical camp.

One of the footsoldier camps is close to the slave camps, the other the vehicle camp. More or less the vehicle camp is to the 'east', one of the footsoldier camps is near it and shares colors, then you have the arena in the middle and the medical camp to the 'north', with the other footsoldier camp to the 'west' and the slave camps beyond even that farther west.

Three camps full of slaves-

Also, it's plural slave camps. Though you've already taken them all.

Go for the medical camp. Coordinate with Papa Nurgle's forces, remove their scary advantage, and possibly free some more converts to our cause.
Aside from the Plague Bearers you summoned...

"Father Nurgle wishes to strike in tandem with our assault, but something holds his forces busy. He is counting on us, to make up the difference." Damian informs you.

The Nurglite forces on the Hulk our busy with something. You don't know what.

I don't think we have one though, what we know is that Paul was an apothecarion, but gm didn't state that he also has the necessary equipment. maybe he'll clarify? @Terrabrand does Paul have the necessary equipment to act as our apothecary?

You have multiple fully equipped Apothecaries, including Paul. You had no clue he was one previously.

Could drop some of the walls onto them.

Signs point to 'no'. (I actually hadn't considered the point, but with it raised I rolled for stability of the areas. Too stable for that to be feasible, especially given a lack of super-heavies. )

Also, keep in mind that the northern Vehicle Bays here are mostly cramped conditions... A point I admittedly derped on with this update, but I'll just say the Slave Camps are in a fairly open section and had a clear path from your base. Don't count too much on larger vehicles or open combat.
Well, that's a bad sign.

If they're not with Necrons or the Eldar.... What are they doing?

Welllll, you know one possibility.

"As you wish, Lord Caspian. The creature informs me that he has been participating in slave raids upon the Imperial Guard- apparently they are on this Hulk in force, and backed by the Sisters of Battle-,

Imperial Guard and Sisters of Battle are somewhere around here. As I'm sure you know, they are famous buddies to Papa Nurgle!

...No seriously, the Nurgle forces could be fighting them. Also, random Tyranids and Orks are an option on any space hulk. Also, you still have like two whole factions unaccounted for.

... Space Hulks are big.