To War! Turn 2.5
[x] Plan Divide and Conquer (also fill out our ranks)
-[x] First, congratulate Ghost and his team, then send them out again and tell them to sabotage the Dark Eldar camps, but they have to make it look that its the other Dark Eldar's fault (if they succeed, they will be the first of the reborn Ashen Circle!). We must make the filthy xenos fight each other for the glory of the dark gods!
-[x] While xeno-tech is inherently inferior to human sciences, ask our techmarine (is he a champion too?) to see to the dark eldar technology and if he knows how to further exploit it so that we can use it against the vile creatures.
--[x] Tell him also to recruit from our pool of space marines to train in the ways of the techmarine, also tell him to find cultists who have talent for technology. We must not be this dependent on the Dark Mechanicus, in fact, we'll build our own Mechanicus! one with blackjack and hookers! err... more faith in the true gods.
-[x] Find an Apothecary among our champions and have him assemble a team of fellow brothers with the disposition for healing as well as cultists wise in the lore of medicine to take care of their weak flesh: a lot of brother marines might die in this assault, we must make sure to preserve their progenitor glands.
-[x] Find a Chaplain (Dark Acolyte? since a Dark Apostle is a leader of a warband) among our champions and have him train a new crop of initiates among our brothers who would safeguard the spiritual strength of our chapter: our faith is strong and it is our ultimate weapon!
-[x] hold a prayer-war rally before the assault, have the DE officer be publicly sacrificed!
-[x] consult your sorcerers if they have any visions from the true gods regarding the upcoming battle.
-[X] Have our champion (the one that won the contest) lead the attack, and plan how to isolate and control the slave camps (regardless of our initial plan of sabotaging the dark eldar camps fails or succeeds). First, infiltration by stealth units who will take out any guards (maybe lead by Ghost or by his chosen lieutenant). Second, reinforcement by fast units to prevent counter attack (lead by another champion). Third, Heavy units arrive at the slave camp and take the initiative (this is where we and the sorcerers enter the scene). Lastly, expansion of territory by force (make use of our cultists here lead by our marines).

[X] The slave camps

To War! Turn 2.5

Having considered the issue, you come to a strategy for the invasion.. But first, you'll settle up some preparations at the base, to insure things run smoothly in your absence. "Ghost" You call...

"Yeah, boss?" right behind you, of course. You turn to face him.

"Good work. Let the men know they did well, too." You congratulate him.

"Of course, boss." he responds.

"Also, I want you take the brother marines you took on the scouting trip, and see if you can sabotage both of the infantry camps, and make it look like the others fault" you issue the order that forms the first step of your plan.

"hmm. That'll be an interesting challenge, boss. Well, I'm off, then." he says, and you can tell that he and his chosen forces will be off to the Dark Eldar camps before you know it.

You then have some of the other marines under your command carry the corpses and gear to your chief Techmarine, Juno. Though perfectly pious, he's far too focused on technology and devices to have earned enough favor from the Dark Gods to be called a champion... Which, on the other hand, makes him perfect for the task at hand. Upon reaching the part of the base camp he has converted to a machine shop, you announce "Juno, I want you to take a look at this technology. We stole it from some of the Dark Eldar, as you can see; Ghost lead a scouting effort and caught this lot, and I was hoping you could give us some more options for taking advantage of the technological weaknesses, or perhaps even implement any components worth attention into our tech base."

"Hmmm. I would have to study the devices, we have not previously had significant dealings with the Dark Eldar." Juno says. "We may be able to get some use out of it, but not for some time, Lord Caspian." Damn.

"Very well. I ask that you study the devices, as time allows. Also, I give you my leave to search for technical and mechanically skilled individuals among our brothers and the mortal faithful, and to take any of significant skill under your tutelage." you respond.

"As you wish, my Lord" Juno says, and turns back to his work. You take that as your cue to leave, and go to the Apothecaries among your ranks. None of your Champions possess such skills, but nevertheless...

You arrive, only to find one of your Champions, a Brother Paul, devoted principally to Tzeentch, in discussion with the Apothecaries about... Expanding your healers? "Ah, brothers. Here is Lord Caspian now, as foretold." announces Paul. What? Before you can voice your confusion, Paul continues "Good day, Lord Caspian. Our Lord Tzeentch informed me this morning that you would at last require my skills as an Apothecary-" his what "-today, and that you would order a check among the brothers for the skills to join the ranks of the Apothecaries, as well as among the Cultists for basic medical skill, to teach to tend to the wounded among their own ranks." he says all this with the air of one who has had this conversation before.

...You'll admit it, if only to yourself. This is not the first time the Changer of Ways has blindsided you, however helpfully. Instead of voicing that, you ask "How long have you been an Apothecary, Brother Paul? I did not know you possessed those skills."

To which he responds, completely deadpan. "Oh, centuries, milord. The Architect of Fate has simply never required me apply the skills in your presence." You're not sure if he's reading your mind or the future, or if you're just that transparent... He always does this, gives you a headache to deal with, which in retrospect is probably part of how you didn't already know...

"Yes. Well. Very good. As Brother Paul said, I foresee a need for the arts of the Apothecary, if not in this next battle, then in the ones after it, securing the hulk and elsewhere. Please see to it." you say, and then leave before Brother Paul can drop any more headache inducing revelations on you.

You consider for a moment checking among your Champions for an appropriate brother to teach the faith among the lower brothers, but then you realize that that is more a task for after the battle, even though you feel it important to be sure of the brothers faith. Instead, you order some of your brother marines to gather everyone in the center of the base camp, and then you go to where Vincent is- just follow the screams, easy enough- and find him... hard at work on the captive. Vincent immediately turns to you, a look of irritation on his face... which flashes into recognition and from there gratitude. "Ah, Lord Caspian. My thanks for the opportunity. I have learned much about the Dark Eldar's operations here, though this one knows not why his superiors chose this place over other options. I assume you desire what information I've gathered?" He asks, clearly pleased at how the torture has gone.

"Along the way. Bring the creature, we'll be performing the appropriate rituals before going off to face the rest of the vermin, ending in the sacrifice of the creature." You inform hm, and start off to the meeting you've called.

Vincent claps some sorcerous bindings over the creatures limbs and mouth and drags it along, saying "As you wish, Lord Caspian. The creature informs me that he has been participating in slave raids upon the Imperial Guard- apparently they are on this Hulk in force, and backed by the Sisters of Battle-, and that they have been fighting off raids by Necrons and Daemons of Father Nurgle. When questioned as to why these Daemons were attacking them, he eventually admitted that they had raided a force of Chaos Marines-Death Guard by the description- and the attacks began after that. Apparently, the group he belongs to has been grudgingly working with another, and fighting off yet other groups of their kind as competition. If they have a greater purpose here, this one was never informed." Vincent informs you along the way. As usual, he frames his interrogation as if it was a conversation, which you know disturbs many members of your Warband.

During the rituals, you have your Sorcerors watch for signs from their respective gods, while you watch for signs generally. You also explain the gist of the plan to your Champions, Sorcerors, and other top agents, and have the Champion of Nurgle that won the tourney, a Brother Mortimer, begin planning the details. The warp is... Strange, this hour, something... not as it has been. You aren't sure... Something... Bright?

You perform the rituals successfully, in spite of your distraction, and at the climax of the rituals, as you offer the still living Dark Eldar to the Chaos Gods... Things take a turn sideways from your expectations. At first, the warp swirls with signs of Slaanesh's attention, but then everything sort of pauses, and the signs slip to the side, almost as if saying "Your turn, my fellow"... and then the creature erupts into Plague Bearers. One... seven... forty nine in all. Hmmm. Nurgle is even more interested than you expected. One of the creatures walks straight up to you and says "Father Nurgle wants the medical camp. Give it over to him, and he will provide a special gift, brewed with your pet Tyranids in mind." Interesting.

Accept Nurgle's Deal?

[] Yes, a special gift sounds great. (Will please Nurgle)
[] No, I have my own plans for the camp. (WARNING: Will greatly displease Nurgle.)

Having given your answer to the creature, you check in with you Sorcerors for what, if any, information they have gathered. "Father Nurgle wishes to strike in tandem with our assault, but something holds his forces busy. He is counting on us, to make up the difference." Damian informs you.

Vincent tells you "my master informs me that the Necrons will be... busy, with other issues, during this next day or so. The Imperials are either too far or don't know where the Dark Eldar are, so we won't have to deal with them yet. He is pleased by our proactive efforts here, and promises... something, he will not say what, or I do not understand, perhaps, down the line, if this goes well. Excuse me, my lord, I must consult with those planning the attack and performing the infiltration... Slaanesh had secret words, for them alone.", and then rushes off to where Brother Mortimer is hashing out a plan with... Ghost has already returned. Well, alright then.

Sylvester tells you "The Dark Eldar will be fighting among themselves when we arrive, so the Changer of Ways has foretold. The touch of Khorne will be on their minds... and maybe even their bodies, if we play this right", the last part with an especially broad grin.

You monitor the Vox Channels during the initial assault... There's no activity on the Vox until abruptly Ghost announces "Praise the Prince of Pleasure. Everything was exactly, and I do mean exactly, as he told us it'd be. We've got complete control of the slave camps, and all the Dark Eldar here are dead, save the few we got alive." Well, that's stunning. Even when the matter is of interest to the Dark Gods, things don't usually go that well.

After that, the faster elements of your forces, principally the raptors and those riding the rhinos, head out. They apparently got a little lost along the way, because they arrived after your heavies, like yourself, but that's okay, because some of the Dark Eldars own heavy vehicles arrived at the same time as you.

Though not effortless, the fighting goes in your favor in the end. A handful of battle brothers fall to the Dark Eldars poisoned weapons, and unfortunately, the Apothecaries report that the only ways they might be saved are through the intervention of the Gods or by interning them in Dreadnaughts, a fate they likely would not thank you for. You'd also need to acquire the Dreadnaughts, though that would likely be doable, just require trade with fellow Chaos Marines.

Do you...

[] Give a mercy killing to the lethally poisoned Brother Marines
[]Have the Apothecaries preserve them as best they can, we'll get new Dreadnaughts for them
[] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[] Khorne
-[] Tzeentch
-[] Slaanesh
-[] Nurgle
-[] Malal
-[] The God-Emperor

In any event, the slave camps are now under your control.

Where do you go from here, in terms of this conflict with the Dark Eldar?

[] (Write-In plan)

Caspian the Tyrant, Demon Prince of Chaos Undivided.
Damian DeMarch, Sorceror of Nurgle.
Vincent of the Screaming Rose, Sorceror of Slaanesh.
Sylvester Neversmiles, Sorceror of Tzeench.

Chief Techmarine Juno. Chaos Undivided.

'the Ghost', a Champion of Chaos Undivided who excels at stealth.
Brother Paul, a Champion of Tzeentch. Also your chief Apothecary. When did that happen?
1 Champion of Nurgle, significant leadership skills. One of your ten Terminators.
1 Champion of Nurgle. Very interested in learning more of the Emperor. Skilled at relating to ordinary humans, a skill many brother marines lose over the centuries.
16 Champions, 9 in terminator armor details undefined, for now. None have medical skills of note.

30 Rhinos
1 Land Raider
5 Predator Tanks
6 Defilers

1000 Chaos Space marines, undetermined distribution
350 million cultists, undetermined details

1 Carnifex
12 Lictors
1 Tyranid Warrior
30 Raveners
200 assorted Gaunts
5000 Rippers, approximate.

Please refrain from Salt Votes till next update, this is a mid-turn phase only and I don't want too much getting piled on when there hasn't even been an opportunity to reveal the effects of the previous set of Salt Votes.
[X] Yes, a special gift sounds great. (Will please Nurgle)
[X] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[X] The God-Emperor
--[X] Sacrifice some of the Eldar in His name.

Well, lets see, God Emperor:
-Grandfather of Space Marines through the Primarchs
-Hates Xenos, and these Space Marines fell fighting Xenos

Worth a try!
[X] Yes, a special gift sounds great. (Will please Nurgle)
[X] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[X] The God-Emperor
--[X] Sacrifice some of the Eldar in His name.
[X] Yes, a special gift sounds great. (Will please Nurgle)
[X] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[X] The God-Emperor
--[X] Sacrifice some of the Eldar in His name.

Edit: Wait would Slaanesh get pissed at us for sacrificing Eldar to someone other than it?
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[X] Yes, a special gift sounds great. (Will please Nurgle)
[X] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[X] The God-Emperor
--[X] Sacrifice some of the Eldar in His name.
[X] Yes, a special gift sounds great. (Will please Nurgle)
[X] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[X] The God-Emperor
--[X] Sacrifice some of the Eldar in His name.

If this actually work I am going to laugh my ass off.
Edit: Wait would Slaanesh get pissed at us for sacrificing Eldar to someone other than it?
Slaanesh devours the souls of Eldar, and thus may or may not care about the bodies. If you find a way to annihilate the souls (and then use it), that'll definitely irritate Slaanesh, but heck, Slaanesh just now let Nurgle have the sacrificed body of the Dark Eldar officer you captured.
[X] Yes, a special gift sounds great. (Will please Nurgle)
[X] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[X] The God-Emperor
--[X] Sacrifice some of the Eldar in His name.

Yes to Nurgle for the fact, he is one of the gods we worship, he sent us help, and to get special gifts from him is good for us.
Pissing of the guy who many of your men worship, sends you demons to help you, and can make any plauge he can think of is a bad idea to me.
The God-E. For the fact I want to see what happens. EXPERIMENT TIME!
Edit: see they can share, things, somewhat.
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[X] Yes, a special gift sounds great. (Will please Nurgle)
[X] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[X] The God-Emperor
--[X] Sacrifice some of the Eldar in His name.
[X] Yes, a special gift sounds great. (Will please Nurgle)
[X] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[X] The God-Emperor
--[X] Sacrifice some of the Eldar in His name.

Let's see... direct offer from Nurgle, and a shot at opening a connection to the Emperor through fighting the enemies of humanity. I see nothing wrong with this.
Also, somebody needs to come up with a war-plan at some point. None of the votes yet say what to do next, just how to answer the interrupts.
Also, somebody needs to come up with a war-plan at some point. None of the votes yet say what to do next, just how to answer the interrupts.
Can we have info on enemy numbers.
If not scout run to see what's going on up ahead.
(Other than will sacrificing the DE to Emps use all of the caputred ones or will there be like some leftover.)
Ignore, reread to post no more DE captured.
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[X] Yes, a special gift sounds great. (Will please Nurgle)
[X] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[X] The God-Emperor
--[X] Sacrifice some of the Eldar in His name.

This is the entire point of the unorthodox religious views we are taking. PRAISE BE TO THE FIVE!
Can we have info on enemy numbers.
The camps in this section don't actually have all that many Dark Eldar. Your Marines are perhaps 2-1 outnumbered by each of the 2 fighter camps (and you're Chaos Marines, you're overwhelmingly better than most non-elites and some elites from all factions), which is to say 4-to-1 in total, assuming they are working together. and you have cultist support besides. You took down what you think is probably most of the heavy vehicles from that camp, at least assuming they weren't from yet more camps you haven't seen.

This is the entire point of the unorthodox religious views we are taking. PRAISE BE TO THE FIVE!


[] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[] Khorne
-[] Tzeentch
-[] Slaanesh
-[] Nurgle
-[] Malal
-[] The God-Emperor

Though you don't usually try to keep Malal pleased, admittedly, for obvious reasons.
Though you don't usually try to keep Malal pleased said:
How many brothers are there dying/needing God help
And who does each one worship respectively.
Call on their Patron God to help them and the Emps for all of them due to being space marines.
Edit: no clue how I did this
How many brothers are there dying/needing God help
And who does each one worship respectively.
Call on their Patron God to help them and the Emps for all of them due to being space marines.

A handful of battle brothers

I realize it's not entirely clear, but this is literal in the sense that I mean 5.

EDIT: You are Word Bearers, or were anyways. The common battle brothers are by definition Chaos Undivided if they aren't Berserkers or Plague Marines or something.


You didn't reply to my salt vote, did you perhaps miss it?

You mean this vote?

[x] Plan Divide and Conquer (also fill out our ranks)
[X] Salt Vote: Tzeentch in his generosity cures the Crimson slaughter of there curse, they no longer hear the voices of the dead scream for Kranon there leader has been granted knowledge on bending the dead to his will, if he proclaimed Tzeentch the best over old Khorne flakes.

None of the Salt Votes of the past round are visible yet... mostly. One or two are peaking through, but not very clearly. They'll be more apparent down the line, at least the ones that have succeeded well enough to be attempted by the group and that by their nature would be visible to the warband.
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[X] Yes, a special gift sounds great. (Will please Nurgle)
[X] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[X] The God-Emperor
--[X] Sacrifice some of the Eldar in His name.
--[X] Just in case it doesn't work out, have the Apothecaries preserve them as best they can, we'll get new Dreadnaughts for them
[X] Yes, a special gift sounds great. (Will please Nurgle)
[X] Beseech one of the gods to intervene and save the dying Battle Brothers
-[X] The God-Emperor
--[X] Sacrifice some of the Eldar in His name.
Including the God-Emperor in our worship? We may as well start asking things from Him sooner rather than later.

So, okay, we don't have a battle plan yet, and we don't have Dark Eldar prisoners to sacrifice.

Let's make sure our plan includes taking some prisoners to sacrifice in case our initial prayers to the Emperor fail to incite a healing miracle. 100 is a logical maximum target for prisoners to sacrifice for our 5 badly wounded brothers, though a tricky demand... 20 sacrifices should be enough, though. No need to go overboard trying to non-lethal takedown enemy elites, and end up getting more badly wounded brothers in the process.

My current thoughts on strategy are simple, do something to distract or neutralize one camp whilst destroying the other. Perhaps some scheme of armor painting and decoration, to make the DE think that we are more than one separate force?