Catching Victory (A Pokemon Quest)

Neptune vs. Ivysaur
"So, two pokemon each?" Jake asks.

"Fine by me." You say. "I'll still win!"

"Alright Bard! This time, I'll show you how great I am." Jake says.

"If you say so" You say as you both leave the Pokemon Center. "But before that, I saw a place where we could battle"


You both go out to a lot near the Pokemon Center. It's surrounded by a chain link fence. The grass is around six inches high with weeds growing everywhere. Aside from a few fast food sacks and some glass beer bottles, the lot is empty.

"Neptune! Let's make it happen!" You call out.

"Sea!" Neptune says as he hope forward.

"Let's do it, Ivysaur!" Jake calls out before tossing a Pokeball.

Son of a...

The Ivysaur pops out of his Pokeball. For a moment, it reminds you of your first battle with Neptune. Same trainers, same opponent, similar arena...

Though Bulbasaur, no... Ivysaur, has gotten a lot tougher.

Then again, so has Neptune.

"And just so you know, he does know grass type attacks this time!" Jake taunts. "You ready Ivysaur?"


"Don't let 'em get to ya, Neptune! You beat 'em before! You cam beat 'em now!" You yell out.


[] Write in a Strategy.
[] Roll up and cry.

... I'll edit this vote after checking out the movesets.

Edit: Oh boy. Type and move-wise, Neptune is outclassed in every way.

[x] Smokescreen to disorient the Ivysaur, then Headbutt over and over again, no mercy. Unless if Neptune gets a few lucky critical hits, he probably would lose any prolonged fight.
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[X] Have Horsea leap over the chain-link fence using his tail, and water-gun. Unless Horsea can more easily cross through a hole in the fence. Being the first to cross means we could have a more defensible position. Ivysaur tries climbing? He's easy pickings. He goes near the hole in the fence? Minor chokepoint. If nothing else, a fence in the way means Ivysaur will have limited motion for vine whip.
-[X] Warn Horsea to be careful of Ivysaur's vines, spores, and leech-seeds. And glass bottles Ivysaur might use. Have Neptune make use of his Sniper Ability. Shooting through the chain-link fence using watergun. Do this as a poke to provoke. Conserve PP if at unfeasible range. If Ivysaur is closing in, order Horsea to reposition to be at a safer distance. If Ivysaur leaves range, it's a stalemate, which is better than losing. If Ivysaur is on the same side of the fence as Horsea, order Horsea to smokescreen, close the distance, then headbutt. A lot. Unless Ivysaur has used growl repeatedly. Bubble if they're on the same side of the fence, and Neptune is held by vines, or if Neptune has really low attack due to growl.
--[X] Jake calls us a cheater pumpkin eater? Nah. Smart people make use of the terrain in battles. Official ones even.
---[X] If Jake further argues that Horsea is out of the arena, meaning we lost, we can bring up the fact that we only chose a place to do battle, and there are some tournaments where leaving the center ring doesn't disqualify a pokemon from the match. Or even begin a ring-out countdown.
----[X] Besides, in cases where practicality matters, will everyone follow these arbitrary rules? Like wild pokemon, or violent criminals? Shit went down in hometown. It's good practice to think outside the box.
-----[X] Back away from your opponent and his pokemon, in case he decides to adhere to your philosophy, and use you as leverage to win the match. Or just attack you in a fit of rage.

I think this would be a more likely option if it was Practical, rather than Sociable Bard.

edit: [jk] Tell Neptune to pose at and taunt Ivysaur.
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[x] Smokescreen to disorient the Ivysaur, then Headbutt over and over again, no mercy. Unless if Neptune gets a few lucky critical hits, he probably would lose any prolonged fight.

nvm found it. This is our best bet as water does jack shit to grass types. damn i wish we knew agility so we get better chance of flinching the target
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[x] Smokescreen to disorient the Ivysaur, then Headbutt over and over again, no mercy. Unless if Neptune gets a few lucky critical hits, he probably would lose any prolonged fight.
The bad part of having all of your pokemon out. 3 pokemon are weak against grass and one whose attacks aren't effective.

So, you want to use the Jostar Family Secret Technique.
It's a strong technique. Neptune reminds me of Caesar Zeppeli. Because bubbles and hasty nature. Only if Caesar ran...
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[x] Smokescreen to disorient the Ivysaur, then Headbutt over and over again, no mercy. Unless if Neptune gets a few lucky critical hits, he probably would lose any prolonged fight.
Neptune vs. Ivysaur Part 2
"Smokescreen and Headbutt!"

You were going to lose round 1. You knew you were going to lose. The plan here was to wear down Ivysaur as much as you could and then beat him with your second pokemon. After that... you'd just have to hope for the best.

Neptune launches a large plume of smoke that engulfs Ivysaur. Before Neptune can move in, a pair of vines shoot out from the smoke. Nuptune leaps over them before charging into the smoke. You can't see anything, but you hear a loud *wham*. Seems like Neptune found his target.

"Ivysaur! Razor Leaf!" Jake yells.

But you didn't see any leaves. Instead, you see a large tower of purple powder emerging from the smoke.

Poison Powder.

"Dang it..." You mutter.

In the smoke, both pokemon are coughing, Neptune from the powder and Ivysaur from the smoke. The poison wracked Neptune's body, but he wasn't about to give up.

Neptune charges forward and whacked his forehead into Ivysaurs nose. Ivysaur let out a loud cry and stumbled backwards. Neptune tries to hit Ivysaur again, but he lashes out with a pair of vines, hitting Neptune hard.

Neptune flies backwards and shoots a stream of water at Ivysaur. The water gun hits Ivysaur head on, but Ivysaur smacks Neptune again, this time sending him flying.

Neptune tumbles backwards before skidding in the ground. The smoke is letting up so you can see how injured the pokemon are.

"Sea..." Neptune mutters as he lies on the ground. You see the bruises start to form on his head and body. He's staring straight up at the sky unfocused. You sigh. You think about how you could have done things differently. If you picked a different pokemon Neptune wouldn't be hurt right now. But that doesn't matter. It's over.

"You did great, Neptune. Take some time to rest up." You say as you recall Neptune.

"Horsea..." Neptune says as he is pulled back into his Pokeball.

"One down, one to go!" Jake shouts. He has a big smile on his face at his victory.

Ivysaur looks hurt. He's bleeding from his snout and has a bruise on his forehead. Looks like he's taken some hits.

[] Eva
[] Leviathan
[] Joan
[] Adamantine
[] Circuit
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Hmm, Eva could probably sweep, but I think Circuit could be given a chance. Seems like Bard already knows Circuit's move list. I'd be fine with either.

[x] Eva
"It's up to you, Eva! Let's go!"

Eva struts forward with a large smile on her face. Ivysaur lets out a low growl but you can see some beads of sweat form on his forehead.

"Don't worry, Ivysaur, you still have this!" Jake shouts, but Ivysaur just frowns when he looks at Eva.

"I'll knock this guy out in ten seconds flat!" Eva mentally boasts. You can't see it, but her eyes start to glow as she starts to channel psychic energy.

You have a good feeling about this, but you still have to figure out how you're going to go about this.

[] Let Eva handle this.
[] Write in a strategy.
Edited the plan due to MData's informative reply on battle etiquette.

[X] Ivysaur is almost fainted. Psybeam instead of confusion. Same accuracy, more power, less PP, same chance to confuse. Hope that Ivysaur goes down in one hit.
-[X] Heal block on Ivysaur, should Jake use items, especially if Ivysaur uses leech seed in tandem, as it might outstrip Psybeam damage.
--[X] Use items on Eva as needed, if Jake or his pokemon uses items first. Status cures, potions, etc. It's a valid strategy that has not been forbidden from our match.

We not only heal more efficiently, being a field medic, but Eva has Coc Heal Block. It prevents all forms of healing in the later generations of Pokemon, this version included. Includes items in addition to abilities. And if it turns into an item pissing contest, that small chance of confused status should provide that extra push that allows us to continue damaging Jake's pokemon while healing Eva. Meaning we can attack, while Jake is healing his pokemon, making him need to burn through his supplies more quickly than we do ours, if the dice wills it. Capitalism ho!
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Ooh, I like Wienerwagon's idea, if allowed.

[X] Ivysaur is almost fainted. Psybeam instead of confusion. Same accuracy, more power, less PP, same chance to confuse. Hope that Ivysaur goes down in one hit.
-[X] Heal block on Ivysaur, should Jake use items, especially if Ivysaur uses leech seed in tandem, as it might outstrip Psybeam damage.
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Good plan

[X] Ivysaur is almost fainted. Psybeam instead of confusion. Same accuracy, more power, less PP, same chance to confuse. Hope that Ivysaur goes down in one hit.
-[X] Heal block on Ivysaur, should Jake use items, especially if Ivysaur uses leech seed in tandem, as it might outstrip Psybeam damage.
--[X] Use items on Eva as needed. Status cures, potions, etc. It's a valid strategy that has not been forbidden from our match.
For the record, unless they're held items, items generally aren't used during battles. That way, a rich man can't use a a hundred hyper potions to keep their pokemon in the fight.

When fighting a member of the enemy team however, well, they aren't really fighting by any rules, are they?
For the record, unless they're held items, items generally aren't used during battles. That way, a rich man can't use a a hundred hyper potions to keep their pokemon in the fight.

When fighting a member of the enemy team however, well, they aren't really fighting by any rules, are they?
This just means that we would have to rely on Jake being a cheater first to use the plan in its entirety. If he's a sore loser, he might rationalize battling along those lines. Or pretend to not know the etiquette.
"That didn't count!" Jake says, recalling his Bulbasaur, stomping towards you. "I should've won that battle. I-"
And that's when we won fair and square. He just seems to have a chip on his shoulder when it comes to us. Or he wants to impress someone. Or it's just the way he is to everyone? So, get him on the ropes with one pokemon left, and I wouldn't be too surprised if he did something like that, if he didn't first try items with Ivysaur. Money, and bragging is on the line here. Think his overgrown ego can handle a second consecutive loss after all his boasting and attempted one-upmanship?
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[X] Ivysaur is almost fainted. Psybeam instead of confusion. Same accuracy, more power, less PP, same chance to confuse. Hope that Ivysaur goes down in one hit.
-[X] Heal block on Ivysaur, should Jake use items, especially if Ivysaur uses leech seed in tandem, as it might outstrip Psybeam damage.
--[X] Use items on Eva as needed. Status cures, potions, etc. It's a valid strategy that has not been forbidden from our match.