Voting is open
Lieutenant Arisukawa Haruna

Balance Stats
❁ • Work / Life • ❁
❁ • ❁ Warrior / Princess ❁ • ❁
❁ • ❁ Radical / Respectable ❁ • ❁

Tactical Stats
Gunnery 0, Navigation +2, Command +2, Technology -4, Personal -2, Strategy +3

Stress: 3


You collectively vote on the actions of Arisukawa Haruna, the first woman to serve openly in the Imperial Akitsukuni Navy.

This quest is set in a universe which is much like our own circa 1910, but with different politics, cultural norms, and ideas about gender and sexuality, as well as some unusual and advanced technology in places.

We are using this quest to explore themes like breaking the glass ceiling, divergent outlooks on gender and sexuality, colonialism and imperialism, and the place of royalty.

Content Warning
This quest goes some dark places.

There is violence, often explicit, often unfair, often against undeserving targets.

There are not always good options forward. The protagonist is not necessarily a good person.

There is implied content and discussion of sexual harassment and assault.

This is a world where people are often racist, sexist, queerphobic bigots. Sometimes, even the PC and the people they are friends with.

Voting Rules

We will tell you if write-in votes are allowed. If we do not say that write-ins are allowed, they are not. This is to prevent people from unrealistically hedging their bets.

You may proposal other options in a non-vote format, subject to approval, on non write-in votes.

We will tell you when a vote allows approved voting. If we don't say the answer is no, pick an option. We like making people commit.

Discussions makes the GM feel fuzzy.

Game Rules
When we ask you for a roll, roll 3d6. You are aiming to roll equal or under the value of your stat. If you succeed, Haruna gets through the situation with no real difficulties. If you roll above the target value, Haruna will still succeed, but this success will cost her something or add a complication.

Whenever Haruna loses something or faces hardship from a botched roll, she takes Stress. The more Stress Haruna has, the more the job and the circumstances she's in will get to her, and it'll be reflected in the narrative. Haruna must be kept under 10 Stress: if she reaches 10 Stress, she will suffer a breakdown and the results will not be great for her.

Haruna loses stress by taking time for herself, by making meaningful progress on her dreams, and by kissing tall, beautiful women.

Meta Rules
Author commentary is in italics so you know it's not story stuff.

Please don't complain about the system or the fact we have to roll dice. We've heard it before, we've heard it a thousand times across multiple quests. We're not going to change it, and it wears at our fucking souls.

Just going "oh noooo" or "Fish RNGesus Why!" is fun and fine. Complaining at length because you didn't get what you want less so.

If you have a question, tag both @open_sketchbook and @Artificial Girl. If you only tag one of us, you will be ignored. Seriously, we both write this quest.

And yes this is an alt-history type setting with openly gay and trans people, ahistoric medicine, and weird politics. Just... deal, please?

This quest employs a special system called Snippet Votes. Please read this post for more information.
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[X] Aiko doubles down on last-minute studying to try to get all that engineering knowledge back into her head. (Will make her more competent for schoolstuff)
[X] Aiko takes a few days off to unwind and try to get centered. (+2 Serenity forward to next roll)
Nice to see Mai again. In a previous update, Aiko said something about Mai feeling out of place in the women's group because of class reasons. I was wondering if Aiko was right or if Mai was uncomfortable because she only recently began her transition. Sounds like it was the latter (or both).

I'm glad Mai spelled out the counter-argument to Aiko's budding separatism stuff. Honestly, I wasn't sure why everyone was acting like it was a big deal. But I'm vaguely sympathetic to separatist stuff in theory, so long as it doesn't treat enbies and trans women as guys.

That letter had to suck to read, but hopefully we're through the worst of it. *fingers crossed*

I want Aiko to be in a good place for school, so:
[X] Aiko doubles down on last-minute studying to try to get all that engineering knowledge back into her head. (Will make her more competent for schoolstuff)
[X] Aiko takes a few days off to unwind and try to get centered. (+2 Serenity forward to next roll)

I want to do a snippet vote, but I'm not sure how Aiko should respond. Is it better to tell Haruna about her own difficulties or to try to be a pleasant escape from Haruna's?
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A1-5: Fancy meeting you here
The letter tore a hole in your heart, there was no other way around it. You reread it when you got home from your last shift, then again the next morning. You smudged her beautiful handwriting with tears, as she laid out what had happened to her, how bad it'd been. The letter lacked the usual Opened By Navy Censor stamp her postage usually had, meaning she'd broken the law to send it through the regular post. You couldn't imagine how hard that was, wherever she was out to sea.

You wrote a sprawling letter back, sent it, and then had to bury your feelings as best you could. School was coming up soon and you needed to be ready for it after the conclusion of the mid-summer holiday. There would be tests to study for, papers to write, and projects to assemble and you needed to be on top of your game. 'Good enough' was not good enough for you, you were an ambassador in the school, you and your classmates. You cut some of the WEL activities out of your schedule and devoted more time in your day to hitting the books, either at home or the library on campus.

You also decided to spend more time on yourself, which meant enjoying a good book or a nice cup of tea or just doing nothing when you needed to. You were catching up on a serial story, written by some Army medical officer or somesuch: you'd started reading it just before you arrived in Tokei, and fallen behind, but now it was on hold due to the author's duties and it made you feel you could catch up. It was set about thirty years ago and was a domestic drama of sorts, about a woman who becomes the mistress of this awful banker, hoping to use the money to establish a life for herself and her girlfriend rather than having to marry.

It was a hard read, but fuck did it resonate with you. A mixture of awful and cathartic, you were greatly enjoying it, though you really hoped it wouldn't do something awful, like having that medical student become a love interest who rescues the protagonist. Eww.

You were just about caught up with it, and just about refreshed on your studies, when the first day of school inevitably arrived and you shuffled off a crowded streetcar and back onto campus. They'd strung up a huge banner welcoming students and extolling them to study hard for their country, and there was a little stand set up to buy war bonds. No doubt wishing to part some of the richer students from as much of their allowance as possible through patriotic urges.

As you moved past the table staffed by patriotic young fellows, one of them who was handing out leaflets and trying to urge others to give to the effort, moved to follow you despite your best efforts not to make eye contact. He was wearing an Army uniform with a few minor medals on his chest: they sometimes let soldiers who went above and beyond take a break from the front by putting them on war bond duty.

"You there, miss? Can spare something for the boys at the front?" He smiled, like he was trying to be charming. "Just a ten-yen bond! That's enough to run a motor-ambulance a day, to save dozens of lives!"

Ten yen you didn't have. Sure, you had some money, but it was money you needed to live. Almost all of it was eaten by rent and what food wasn't grown in the garden, and the remainder… what if you got sick? Or needed to replace something vital?

Your father wasn't rich, but your family were well off--he pulled in a good amount from the store and was intensely frugal about personal spending. You remembered that he steadfastly refused to invest in most of the new devices he sold to others. "There's nothing wrong with the one we have," was his constant refrain. Even when there was.

Instead, he invested his money in you and your brothers getting the best education he could afford--though Hideaki getting into the Academy was a godsend, since it meant he could afford to send both you and Junji to Tokei to attend school. He also refused to invest in the stock market much, nor did he trust his money in banks. All lessons you had learned from him, which meant that you made every sen count.

Which was all a factor in you simply pretending not to hear the man. This was a wonderful multipurpose strategy you employed with just about every man you weren't professionally obligated to interact with, even the ones not trying to get your money, because it annoyed them terribly but gave you enough plausible deniability to simply breeze on by. You heard him speak up again, this time sounding a bit more aggravated. Let him be--if you tried to explain you couldn't afford it it'd just take up precious time in your day you really didn't want to waste on this man.

"Hey, Miss? Miss, can you hold up a- are you just going to ignore someone trying to help out his country?"

You looked beside you, like you figured he must be talking to somebody else. The secret was just buying enough time to get far enough away to not be worth bothering anymore. There was always the fear in the back of your mind he might try to grab your arm and force you to listen, but he wouldn't dare in a space this public, right?

You made it around the corner and through the doors. Safe. Time to get to class.


Your first class today was on dry chemistry, with your particular focus being the reactions useful for batteries and the processes involved in manufacture and use. All theory, of course, but the last minute burst of furious studies was already paying off, because everything in the lecture sounded vaguely familiar and your first project, a dense wall of related equation in need of solutions, didn't seem that daunting at all. Hell, you got one done when the professor went on an unrelated rant about patent wars in Europa over the nickle-cadmium battery and how he was absolutely cheated out of hundreds of thousands of dollars etc etc. You'd learned to tune that stuff out.

You had two classes back to back, the second being an economics class that filled in credits and just seemed proper to have, and you shuffled out of your seat and through the halls, pushing past students without such pressing concerns. The two classes were, of course, in different buildings entirely, and you cut through a lesser-used hall so you could pick up to a jog and save some time. Classes had been cut back as the student body shrunk with the war, so you weren't expecting anyone.

You especially weren't expecting the guy who stepped around the corner as you jogged past, which sent both of you sprawling to the ground in a flutter of books and papers.

"Oh Spirits, sorry-" He began, but you were quit to cut him off, irritated you might now be late.

"Can't you watch where you're going?" You snapped, quickly scooping up your books and folders and stuffing them into your overloaded bag. Along the way, you found a pair of almost comically thick glasses, and you glanced over to see the man pawing uselessly at the ground trying to find them.

You winced. Maybe not the best comment to have made.

"Sorry, here." You said, handing him his glasses. You actually had to hold them quite near his face before he properly registered it and could take them, pushing them back on sheepishly.

"Sorry, are you okay?" He asked, blinking as he vision adjusted.

"I'm fine, just late for class," you replied. More irritation was seeping into your voice. Technically not yet late but if you had to stand here and be chatted up you might well be. You stuffed the last of your books into your bag and took off, though you glanced back to make sure he was okay. Looked like. Phew.


You finally got home, classes finished and brain completely drained, and dumped your bag out in your room. Only then did you notice an extra book, a thin booklet on orbital mechanics and the solar system, positively filled with math you presumed had to do with gravity. Apparently folks were hunting for an eleventh planet.

The name inside the cover was Hirayama Takuro, written in huge, careful characters.

You didn't have time for this, you had quotas to meet before you could study. You put the book aside and stepped out to work on some flashlights under the sun. Another girl had some helmets she was painting set up on posts nearby and was enthusiastically slathering grainy paint onto them, making you glad you'd changed into your comfortable and worn-down house kimono the moment you got home.

Curious, and not wanting to go back inside to get your hat as the sun climbed overhead, you placed one of the unpainted helmets on your head. With the padding inside it was actually fairly comfortable, if a bit heavy. You imagined you'd feel pretty safe in a trench with this protecting you.

"Hey! Private Kishimoto! There's a visitor for you!" You jumped, startled by Mai's voice and turned towards her, hurriedly removing the helmet from your head.

"At the door? For me? I'm not expecting anyone. Who is it?" You asked. Mai shrugged.

"Some older guy? He didn't say what he wanted." Your heart leaped into your throat. Was it your father? The only older man who would possibly come to your home was your father. Was something wrong? Mother sick? But why would he come all this way not not send a telegram? You set the helmet down and hurried into the house and into the front sitting room where the guest had no doubt been left to wait for you. You hurried inside and then skidded to a stop, feeling immensely confused. This man was… not your father.

He was dressed neatly in a Western business suit of expensive cut and material, something far too ostentatious for your father who preferred simple traditional clothes whenever possible. There had been a hat, gloves, and cane on the low table next to the front door where everyone left their mail. He had a gold watch chain? And gold cufflinks? He had a full head of dark hair, graying at the temples. There was a monocle on a chain dangling from one lapel and he had high, aristocratic looking cheekbones. He would have been quite classically handsome in his youth, if you were any judge. Whoever this man was, he couldn't possibly be related to you. Your family was the furthest thing from aristocratic you could imagine.

Why did he look familiar?

"Ah, Miss Kishimoto?" The man said in a polite, refined voice that jolted you back to your senses. You'd been staring, hadn't you? You bowed hurriedly and he did the same, though in a much more stately manner.

"Yes, I'm Kishimoto Aiko. What can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if perhaps you had an hour or two free. I imagine you're busy, but I was hoping you could spare some time? I'd like to get to know the woman my daughter is dating."

Oh fuck.

He paused (you swore for dramatic effect), then offered another bow and a business card.

"Prince Arisukawa Tokiari, vice-minister for Internal Economic Development. I'm hoping you haven't already eaten?"

"No, sir." You said mechanically, still a little in shock. You clasped the business card tightly in both hands as if it were some sort of talisman, all the while screaming internally about the fact that you were wearing your rattiest house kimono.

"Wonderful! Come on, the car's waiting, I'll have you back in no time."

You wanted to say no, but what you said instead was-

"Yes, just let me get changed." Then you scampered back to your room, hunting for your nice clothes. There was a really nice dress that Haruna had gotten you somewhere (well, you'd mentioned it and she'd wired you the money for it like it wasn't a thing, you couldn't say no and you told yourself it was really for her to see you in… which she still hadn't…). Mai was sprawled out with a novel, having presumably returned to her reading after informing you of the visitor.

"Hey, who's lord fancy out there?" Mai asked. She must have stepped in. "Somebody's dad?"

You tossed the business card atop your books so you could get to the back of your stuff.

"My girlfriend's dad." you said as you struggled back into your slip and dress, then bent to look in the small mirror you shared with Mai to hurriedly apply some makeup. It wasn't up to the usual standard you liked when you went out with Haruna, but you were in a hurry, okay?

"Oh yeah, you mentioned she was some old family. Lucky." Mai said, then she went back to her book.

You straightened a last few stray hairs, decided that this would have to be good enough (when you'd met her mother you'd had a whole staff of maids to make you look presentable, which had been fucking weird) and headed back out to the front room with your handbag. Mister (No, Lord, you could hear Haruna's mum correcting you in your head) Arisukawa was waiting, hat, gloves, and cane in hand. He smiled and offered you his arm.

"Ah, you look lovely. I can see why my daughter finds you so hard to let go of. Shall we?" He lead the way out through the front garden to the street where a large, Akitsukunki blue car idled in the street. The chauffeur, who had been trying to shoo curious neighborhood kids away, hurriedly moved to open the passenger door for the two of you. You slipped inside, trying to act less flustered than you felt. You had to get your wits about you. You had a chance to talk to one of the most powerful men in the country, who was also your girlfriend's dad. You had to be sharp and make a good impression, but beyond that, this could change your life.

Vote by plan. Choose which options Aiko will pursue. Her stats are currently +1 Activism, -1 Serenity (with a +2 bonus that will apply if used here), +3 Patriotism, -3 Free Time.

Failures will worsen the impression you leave. You can choose all four if you wish, but if you fail all four rolls then your relationship with Haruna's father will, correspondingly, be much worse.

[ ] See if you can find out where Haruna is posted, get an idea of the horrible conditions that made her turn to the bottle. (Roll +Patriotism)​
[ ] See if you can convince him that maybe his daughter having a girlfriend from a commoner family isn't so bad (Roll +Activism)​
[ ] Bring up how little you've ended up seeing Haruna, and how badly you wish she had a post closer to home. The man has serious pull, maybe he can do something. (Roll +Serenity)​
[ ] Beyond leaving a good impression, try to impress him with your studies and knowledge. He'd be an incredible career contact. (Roll +Free Time)​
[ ] Just try to have a pleasant dinner without pushing too much on anything (Roll nothing and have a perfectly nice meal, but no chance to improve your relationship with him or get extra perks out of the dinner).​
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[ ] See if you can find out where Haruna is posted, get an idea of the horrible conditions that made her turn to the bottle. (Roll +Patriotism)

As much as awful fascination is pulling... Knowing more might just make her feel worse.

@Artificial Girl are all four options a roll, or do the latter two affect our stats? (+Free Time, not Roll +Free Time, is listed currently)
I'd love the last option, but our free time roll is kinda poor atm unfortunately. Leaning towards + activism and maybe + patriotism.
[ ] See if you can find out where Haruna is posted, get an idea of the horrible conditions that made her turn to the bottle. (Roll +Patriotism)

As much as awful fascination is pulling... Knowing more might just make her feel worse.

@Artificial Girl are all four options a roll, or do the latter two affect our stats? (+Free Time, not Roll +Free Time, is listed currently)

They are all rolls. Just missed adding that during the final write up.
[x] See if you can convince him that maybe his daughter having a girlfriend from a commoner family isn't so bad (Roll +Activism)
I think just Activism, Haruna wants to be a proper leader so getting her pulled back would devastate her which means Serenity is out of the question.
We could do Patriotism as well.

Haruna van't ask her dad to interfere in her favor without looking incredibly weak.
But, if the unknown girlfriend ask about how she's treated, and dad discovers the situation on his own, he might be able to pull something.

On the other hand, we might not want to draw too much attention to Haruna's recent exploits.
[x] Plan: A brave New Age
-[x] See if you can find out where Haruna is posted, get an idea of the horrible conditions that made her turn to the bottle. (Roll +Patriotism)
-[x] See if you can convince him that maybe his daughter having a girlfriend from a commoner family isn't so bad (Roll +Activism)
Only then did you notice an extra book, a thin booklet on orbital mechanics and the solar system, positively filled with math you presumed had to do with gravity. Apparently folks were hunting for an eleventh planet.
Eleven? So ten known, with not!Mercury, not!Venus, Gaya, not!Mars, and not!Jupiter for sure. Five
Not!Saturn and Not!Neptune are likely, as not!Uranus. That's eight.
Ceres was actually listed as a planet for a while, so if not!Ceres never got the boot, that's nine.
That means Ten is possibly not!Vesta, not!Triton, assuming Triton didn't get captured, or possibly not!Theia if it survived the meeting with Gaya billions of years ago.

[ ] Aiko reads part of the booklet that are various proposed names for Planet Eleven. Some of them are very silly.

[x] Plan: A brave New Age
Oh, I didn't realize we could do more than one thing.

[x] Plan: A brave New Age
[ ] Someone decides to make a movie about Haruna. It is appallingly inaccurate.
[ ] Haruna and crew "capture" a "Caspian Spy" who they're pretty sure is a very drunk and/or lost fisherman.
[ ] Someone at Aiko's school is putting up pro-communism posters. Someone else is defacing them.
[ ] Someone at Aiko's school is putting up pro-communism posters. Someone else is defacing them.
Brings back some real memories. I never quite escellated to wheatpasting, but got very good at finding places to put socialist fliers that were defacement resistant, like sliding them through the gaps into locked display cases. When I had time, I also liked to reflier once a day or so, putting up twice as many as got torn down each time until they got the message. Good times.
Ok so roll odds...
Her stats are currently +1 Activism, -1 Serenity (with a +2 bonus that will apply if used here), +3 Patriotism, -3 Free Time.
Rolls with be classic PbtA style: 2d6+Stat. 7-9 good, 10+ great, on a 6 or less we introduce some shocking twists. Rolls are not without consequence if you fail!
Patriotism (+3): 91.67% at least good, 58.33% great
Activism and Serenity (+1): 72.22% at least good, 27.78% great
Free Time (-3): 16.67% at least good, 0% great

So definitely want the patriotism roll, and then prolly one of the +1 rolls...activism 1. seems more long term useful and 2. doesn't use up a temp bonus, so:

[x] Plan: A brave New Age
-[x] See if you can find out where Haruna is posted, get an idea of the horrible conditions that made her turn to the bottle. (Roll +Patriotism)
-[x] See if you can convince him that maybe his daughter having a girlfriend from a commoner family isn't so bad (Roll +Activism)

As for snippets... @open_sketch @Artificial Girl am i right in assuming the dinner will be at one of the family houses? If so, and if this isn't completely out of character for the family, i am of course obligated to do my usual brand of snippet:
[] There is a (stray?) cat at the house where they are to have dinner, and Aiko is very frustrated to have to keep her poise and not go pet the cat...luckily she gets a chance to do so when Lord Arisukawa has to step in another room for a moment

[ ] Haruna's dad is telling family stories while dropping Aiko off and her roommates realize exactly WHO she is dating.
[x] Plan: A brave New Age
-[x] See if you can find out where Haruna is posted, get an idea of the horrible conditions that made her turn to the bottle. (Roll +Patriotism)
-[x] See if you can convince him that maybe his daughter having a girlfriend from a commoner family isn't so bad (Roll +Activism)
[] Haruna's Dad isn't that recognizable, but he does look vaguely familiar to some of Aiko's acquaintances, like they'd seen him once in some photograph. Familiar enough to set them wondering... if only a little bit.
If y'all want an identity reveal, Aiko just left a piece of paper with the dude's name in her room where it is visible to anyone.
Voting is open