Voting is open
Lieutenant Arisukawa Haruna

Balance Stats
❁ • Work / Life • ❁
❁ • ❁ Warrior / Princess ❁ • ❁
❁ • ❁ Radical / Respectable ❁ • ❁

Tactical Stats
Gunnery 0, Navigation +2, Command +2, Technology -4, Personal -2, Strategy +3

Stress: 3


You collectively vote on the actions of Arisukawa Haruna, the first woman to serve openly in the Imperial Akitsukuni Navy.

This quest is set in a universe which is much like our own circa 1910, but with different politics, cultural norms, and ideas about gender and sexuality, as well as some unusual and advanced technology in places.

We are using this quest to explore themes like breaking the glass ceiling, divergent outlooks on gender and sexuality, colonialism and imperialism, and the place of royalty.

Content Warning
This quest goes some dark places.

There is violence, often explicit, often unfair, often against undeserving targets.

There are not always good options forward. The protagonist is not necessarily a good person.

There is implied content and discussion of sexual harassment and assault.

This is a world where people are often racist, sexist, queerphobic bigots. Sometimes, even the PC and the people they are friends with.

Voting Rules

We will tell you if write-in votes are allowed. If we do not say that write-ins are allowed, they are not. This is to prevent people from unrealistically hedging their bets.

You may proposal other options in a non-vote format, subject to approval, on non write-in votes.

We will tell you when a vote allows approved voting. If we don't say the answer is no, pick an option. We like making people commit.

Discussions makes the GM feel fuzzy.

Game Rules
When we ask you for a roll, roll 3d6. You are aiming to roll equal or under the value of your stat. If you succeed, Haruna gets through the situation with no real difficulties. If you roll above the target value, Haruna will still succeed, but this success will cost her something or add a complication.

Whenever Haruna loses something or faces hardship from a botched roll, she takes Stress. The more Stress Haruna has, the more the job and the circumstances she's in will get to her, and it'll be reflected in the narrative. Haruna must be kept under 10 Stress: if she reaches 10 Stress, she will suffer a breakdown and the results will not be great for her.

Haruna loses stress by taking time for herself, by making meaningful progress on her dreams, and by kissing tall, beautiful women.

Meta Rules
Author commentary is in italics so you know it's not story stuff.

Please don't complain about the system or the fact we have to roll dice. We've heard it before, we've heard it a thousand times across multiple quests. We're not going to change it, and it wears at our fucking souls.

Just going "oh noooo" or "Fish RNGesus Why!" is fun and fine. Complaining at length because you didn't get what you want less so.

If you have a question, tag both @open_sketchbook and @Artificial Girl. If you only tag one of us, you will be ignored. Seriously, we both write this quest.

And yes this is an alt-history type setting with openly gay and trans people, ahistoric medicine, and weird politics. Just... deal, please?

This quest employs a special system called Snippet Votes. Please read this post for more information.
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I find Shinzo an interesting guy and would like to know more about him. I am not going to try to force Haruna into a marriage (and neither are the QM's based on what they said at the votes).

Oh, I don't think they're going to try to? Like, it's not, "If this vote goes this way, Haruna is inevitably going to marry the guy."

But we're going to be publicly pretending to date a guy, in the eyes of society. Or at least, plenty of people will make the obvious set of conclusions. What does that mean for Aiko, what does that mean for going out with her to be seen if we're also trying to play a game of faking certain connections with him to the public? What does that mean for how our free time will be divided, since we just asked about how long-distance relationships in which we have only a limited amount of free time will work?

We asked that, worried about it, and here we are carving a chunk of our very-limited future shore-leave out. Maybe it's worth it, but a lot of people don't seem to be engaging with these factors at all?

And what if there's a situation where we could go to a formal party with him as a 'date' in order to be seen in public to increase both of our cachets? What will you decide then? After all, we wouldn't be actually dating him, let alone marrying him. We'd just be strengthening the impressions that we already voted to make (without asking Aiko first about it at all.)

Edit: LIke, even in the most positive rendition of 'yes' we're in fact sacrificing things involving our actual girlfriend (and our time), at least in the short-term. These might wind up being small, unimportant sacrifices. I hope they do, if they win?
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More like keep her sane. By virtue of her existing, Haruna is a political chess piece. And in chess, the piece is moved by the player. Not making a choice doesn't prevent a choice made for us. And in the future, we will still be pressured to take decisions we do not wish or desire to do. In the future, we will have the option to leverage our personal connections for public policy. Such is the nature of a highly traditional, tightly knit political circle.

Right now, we lose nothing for saying no. Right now, we get something for saying yes. Happiness, as our mother can attest, means nothing to the great machine of politics. To be blunt, happiness is not the sole lens this should be viewed from.

... at what point did I say which side of the argument I fell on? I'm not advocating for one side or the other, just that strictly focusing on 'happiness' is shortsighted and missing the entire point.

Pursuing happiness is not missing the point nor is it shortsighted.

Choosing to not falsify a relationship is important. Integrity is important. What, you think someone - an opponent - would hesitate to use that against Haruna in the future? There's a lot to lose here - the personal relationship(s) that Haruna has built, for example.

I'd argue that going along with this fake relationship is incredibly shortsighted. Haruna doesn't know anything about this guy other than the very surface details that he himself has allowed her to know. Am I taking crazy pills? Is one decent conversation with a stranger now enough to convince Haruna to trust him to not screw her over? That he means well? Worth the fall out from the public thinking we were just pretending to be fashionably lesbian?
The crazy pills here are thinking that just simply scheduling meetings a few more times is going to turn into a long-term emotional relationship. The both of them have clearly understood it will be a charade. This isn't cheating, no more than meeting someone a few times for coffee/dinner is automatically leading to emotional cheating/marriage when no emotional investment is put forth. At most, the relationship that will be formed is friendship. Is Haruna not allowed to have friends? Is Aiko going to hurt every time Haruna forms a friendship? It will be cheating IF Haruna decides to pursue something more, not just because she schedules meeting someone more than once.

There is something to gain here. The friendship of someone that can (indirectly) affect the admiralty is something to gain. And Shinzo isn't a stranger, he's someone who owes their life to Haruna. It's quite unlikely he's going to just up and betray her, there's honour to consider.
The crazy pills here are thinking that just simply scheduling meetings a few more times is going to turn into a long-term emotional relationship. The both of them have clearly understood it will be a charade. This isn't cheating, no more than meeting someone a few times for coffee/dinner is automatically leading to emotional cheating/marriage when no emotional investment is put forth. At most, the relationship that will be formed is friendship. Is Haruna not allowed to have friends? Is Aiko going to hurt every time Haruna forms a friendship? It will be cheating IF Haruna decides to pursue something more, not just because she schedules meeting someone more than once.

There is something to gain here. The friendship of someone that can (indirectly) affect the admiralty is something to gain. And Shinzo isn't a stranger, he's someone who owes their life to Haruna. It's quite unlikely he's going to just up and betray her, there's honour to consider.

I don't think it's going to lead to an 'emotional relationship' (and I've explicitly pointed out he's not going to betray her) but it's pretty blatant that one of the advantages (and disadvantages) gained of this is continuing to allow people, quite a few of them, to perceive her as dating Shinzo. If that wasn't at stake, there'd be an option for, "No, stop the charade, but if you ever want to go get coffee together as friends, I'd be fine with that."
I don't think it's going to lead to an 'emotional relationship' (and I've explicitly pointed out he's not going to betray her) but it's pretty blatant that one of the advantages (and disadvantages) gained of this is continuing to allow people, quite a few of them, to perceive her as dating Shinzo. If that wasn't at stake, there'd be an option for, "No, stop the charade, but if you ever want to go get coffee together as friends, I'd be fine with that."

You may not think it leads to it, but some others posts indicate they do.
You may not think it leads to it, but some others posts indicate they do.

I mean, some of them are skeptical because the same logic that stands here stands for a lot, though not all the way to marriage. As I said, earlier on the page:

"And what if there's a situation where we could go to a formal party with him as a 'date' in order to be seen in public to increase both of our cachets? What will you decide then? After all, we wouldn't be actually dating him, let alone marrying him. We'd just be strengthening the impressions that we already voted to make (without asking Aiko first about it at all.)"

It has all the advantages of the offer that you say now is so good, but even more so.

Like, it's obvious that at least a decent chunk of people draw the line at marriage, but beyond that it seems very... arbitrary?
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"And what if there's a situation where we could go to a formal party with him as a 'date' in order to be seen in public to increase both of our cachets? What will you decide then? After all, we wouldn't be actually dating him, let alone marrying him. We'd just be strengthening the impressions that we already voted to make (without asking Aiko first about it at all.)"

It has all the advantages of the offer that you say now is so good, but even more so.

Like, it's obvious that at least a decent chunk of people draw the line at marriage, but beyond that it seems very... arbitrary?

Then it's up to the people to draw their lines with their votes. Everyone has their own lines of how far they'll go. I'd rather the votes goes to when the lines are reached with the appropriate information about the circumstances rather than cutting it just because of the possibility we might even reach those lines.
Re: sacrificing Aiko for family approval...

That hasn't happened yet. We aren't going to do that, if it looks like we will I'll vote against it.

That is kinda exactly what this vote is? We have a real relationship, we are being asked to hide it and have our public one be a fake one.

The both of them have clearly understood it will be a charade.

That's really not true. The update left off with marriage clearly still on the table, I am trying to argue that we need to make it clear that any further meetups would not be romantic or lead to marriage. Hence ending the charade. Can you offer any quotes where he understood further dates to be a charade?
[X] Perhaps, but I don't want to entertain this charade further.

I can't help but imagine that the SV answer would be to bring Aiko in and have her okay the plan first just so that everybody is on board. If she okays the plan, great! Work out some times, maybe get her a high paying job straight out of college, get some of that nepotism to work for us for a change. If she says no, scrub it out, nice knowing you, let's get coffee sometime, sailor to sailor.
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After the Date (4-15-1)





but ur probably gonna u pervs

It's a sex scene! Bondage (with stress positions), a bit of slapping, abstract ruminations on past abuse, extremely inept namecalling and dirty talk

This is both a little messier than the stuff in Whispers (Haruna really needs to talk to somebody) but also less, uh, dangerous, I guess? Aiko is a good domme and actually knows what she's doing. Once again, trying to push some limits here.

"So, Haru, how was the date?"

Haruna wasn't a person overly given to expressing much emotion, but you'd learned that what she said and the expression on her face were not necessarily the whole story. There was a lot going on in your princess's head, even if she didn't show it.

So when she said, "It was pleasant enough.", her face neutral, her poise perfect, you knew that she wasn't being completely honest. That wasn't her fault: she had a lifetime of training ensuring that nobody would know what was going on in her head but her. It was still frustrating, though, especially because you didn't know her well enough to actually know what she was thinking.

Did anyone?

"That bad, huh." You teased. That got the ghost of a smile on her face, just for a moment.

"Needless to say, I'll be remaining unmarried for the time being." She said, sitting up next to you and shuffling closer. "He really was an alright guy, but part of the deal would be children, of course."

"Of course." Haruna had made that part clear, too. Until the Navy adopted something like the Western militaries and their parental leave system, she wouldn't be having any kids regardless of the situation. "I don't understand why your mum even bothered, honestly."

"She knows she's right about everything, and figures it's just a matter of time before I realize that myself." She yawned, the night clearly weighing on her. "I imagine that until she dies, I die, or I give up and accept a wedding ring, I'll be in for a series of terrible dates."

She leaned against you, fiddling with her hair to let it down, and as she did the smell of her expensive soaps intensified a moment, freed from the prison of the tight bun. She really had the best of everything.

You sat together in silence a while, listening to the clock tick-tick-tick in the corner, as she nestled in against you, her head resting on your shoulder, your fingers playing in her hair. It was so long, longer than could possibly be practical, but it was beautiful. She was beautiful, so much so you couldn't really believe it.

Still, after seven months, it felt like a fantasy. For a few days this incredible woman would arrive in your life, in a blur of lips and perfume and soft skin, and just as quickly she'd be yanked from it, off on another adventure. Haruna was right, that it was stressful, that it hurt. You worried about her so much, all the time, anxiety in the pit of your stomach as you sat in class and listened to Professor Bourcier drone on about chemical processes, swirling pointless lines against your crisp, expensive note paper between whatever notes you thought useful. It was hard.

But there was something magic about it too.

"So how did you spend your evening?" She asked, after what felt like forever.

"Boringly." You said simply. You'd caught up on some homework.

"So you had more fun than I did."

You smiled, running a finger up the seam in her coat to the button at her neck, and she shivered just from that light touch through the thick fabric.

"Well, I don't know about that. Evening's not over yet." You whispered, your lips brushing her ear. Your finger played at the hooks holding her collar together. A lot of officers you'd seen unhooked those when they weren't on duty, but never Haruna.

"Of course." She muttered back. "There's still a few hours to go."

Your finger pushed the hooks apart, then you started moving down, undoing her buttons one by one, your hand slipping inside to her undershirt. You cupped a hand against her body, running along the fine fabric, and just that alone was enough to get her to sigh and lean closer.

"Please." She whispered back, pleading, pulling at the sleeves of her jacket as her lips pressed against yours. You helped as best you could, getting it off of her and pushing it away, and she broke the kiss, breathing hard.

"Okay,wait, wait. Give me a second."

Right. She had a whole complex about the sanctity of the uniform, as though her peers didn't just leave them strewn about the rooms of their lovers. That's what made her Haruna, though: she took it far more seriously than they ever would.

Haruna picked up her jacket and headed over to the closet, removing each item of clothing in prescribed order and hanging them up carefully, smoothing out the creases with her hands and making sure it all sat square. Even her undershirt was technically Navy-pattern, though she'd commissioned her own set of finer examples rather than settle for the scratchy, formless ones she'd been given, so that was treated the same, like an ancient relic or something.

It took forever, long enough that you found yourself getting bored. Only Haruna could make a beautiful woman getting undressed boring. You pulled your shoulder bag over and started rooting around inside, not really looking for anything, just distracting yourself shuffling through magazines and textbooks until a warm body pressed back up against your shoulder.

"Sorry about that." Haruna said, nestling back into your arms. She was down to just her undergarments: bloomers and a compression bra, all elastic and folded fabric that covered almost all of her chest. She'd said she imported them from Gallia and they were designed for soldiers, and you imagined she wore it with her uniform out of habit. It wasn't the most flattering, sure, but it made her look active and dangerous, which was hot in its own way.

She probably left those on because she wanted you to be the one to take them off.

"Where were we?" She asked quietly, clinging closer to you.

"I dunno. Where do you want to be?" You asked.

You could almost see the gears turning. You always felt with Haruna as though it was a battle for her, between what she wanted and what she'd dare reveal that she wanted.

"... did you bring that rope?" She said finally. It sounded a bit like it took actual effort for her to ask.

You smiled, reaching into your bag, and felt around until you found the end of the hemp rope and pulled it out to show her. She jumped a little when you did, like she was shocked you'd remember, or that you wouldn't want to.

"I also have…" You said, pulling the rest of the rope out and hunting through the bag, your fingers settling on the edge of the cheap magazine. "... this."

During her first visit, you'd spotted a woodcut in Haruna's bag, which… had been a catalyst for the events that had unfolded, let's say. Not long after, through the friends that had introduced you to their Tokei U friends, who in turn had introduced you to some fasciating feminist literature, and there you'd encountered the dizzying depths of the pornography debates that had been raging across campuses, and through that you'd discovered the magazine that the woodcut's artist, Shimomura Okura, worked for now. Said magazine was called Weaver's Art and… was not about baskets.

It had diagrams.

For a few minutes, the two of you spent some silent time pouring over the pages, the little lithographed illustrations, fascinated. There were instructions, stories, photographs, and some more artistic renderings: the magazine was pretty heterosexual, but Haruna was stoicly ignoring that. If they didn't publish one of these for girls into girls, they really should.

Finally, Haruna pointed to the page decisively.

"That one." She said simply.

You read the description quickly. It was recommended that you not leave the captive (they always wrote captive, which made you feel a little ill at ease) in the position too long, any more than twenty minutes, but it shouldn't be a problem.

"Yeah?" You wanted to confirm.

"... I mean, if you're alright with it. I don't want to-"

"Of course I'm alright with it. It's going to be really hot." You assured her. You weren't quite as into it as she was, but bondage was really starting to grow on you. It was fun, having that power over somebody.

Especially a princess.

Haru got that determined look on her face, the one she screwed on whenever she was about to commit to an important decision. "Alright. What do I do?"

"For starters, take off your bra." You instructed. It was no fun doing it yourself, it was all elastical-y. Didn't have anything to untie or unclasp. She did so quickly, face flush, clearly in a rush.

"Put your arms behind your back…" You read. Haruna shifted her arms, and you began tying her wrists, the magazine laying flat so you could reference the diagram. You weren't exactly an expert in knots or anything (Haruna seemed very knowledgeable, though), but the instructions were easy enough to follow.

"Too tight?" You asked, as you finished it.

"No, it's perfect." She replied. You checked just to be sure, a bit worried that Haruna wouldn't tell you if they were. Sure enough, you found it hard to wiggle your fingers in, so you loosed the bonds before continuing. Haru made a little noise that might have been annoyance, but you were going to do what was best for her whether she liked it or not.

That was the thing they got you. Haruna wanted to be uncomfortable. She wanted it to hurt a little. After you'd expressed some discomfort at her requests, she'd explained, in terse, cautious language, how it made what was happening feel more real to her, how it gave it impact. She said she fantasized about it, alone in her cabin on long voyages.

That threw you for a bit of a loop. You hadn't understood at first, not like you did now.

You beckoned for her to stand up (it was fun watching her struggle without her hands to steady her) pulled her bloomers off, and then guided her into the position you'd need her, sitting on her knees. She really liked it when you grabbed her and moved her into position, so you made sure to do a bit of that.

"Haru, where's your watch?" You asked, as she got settled.

"Um… it's in my jacket. Right pocket." She replied. You went and retrieved it, popping open the delicate silver timepiece and placing it on the magazine page.

"Okay, the instructions say twenty minutes, so I'm going to take that really seriously, okay?" You explained, committing the time to memory. Haru wisely decided not to complain, so you moved on, securing her wrists to her ankles, before winding the rope up her arms. That was the key to this position, binding the elbows and forcing the shoulders back. As you wound the rope around and pulled tighter, you could feel the pace of her breathing increase, the excitement building in her.

"That good?"

"Mmhm." She responded simply. The rope created a series of little loops around her arms and ran back down through it, and you could tighten it easily. You pulled just a bit, just enough to get her to gasp. She always made such lovely sounds.

"Comfortable, princess?" You asked. She nodded quickly, clearly a bit of a lie, but that was alright. She wasn't supposed to be comfortable, just not actively hurting. "Good. I've got a game in mind for us. There's eighteen minutes left on the clock. Can you make it eighteen minutes without making any noise?"

She nodded again. You both knew this was another lie.

Now you had her tied nice and tight, unable to move much at all, except to squirm, her shoulders drawn back. Time for your secret weapon. You reached into your bag and retrieved a length of cloth you'd bought the week before, probably intended for a sewing project or a headband, and you drapped it over her eyes, tying it behind her head. Just the pace of her breathing alone told you this was something she was extremely into.

You glanced at the watch.

"Sixteen minutes, Haru. Good job so far." You whispered, running a finger across her collarbone. Down a bit. This position left her so exposed, so helpless. You rasped a finger across a bare nipple and she rocked in place a little, her mouth screwed shut, trying to block the sound attempting to escape. You stayed there a while, then shifted your hand down her body. By the time you got where you were going, she was already biting her lip.

Poor princess never stood a chance, really.

Two fingers pressed lightly against her was enough for her to throw her head back, like she was screaming silently. A bit of movement, flexing your fingertips around her clit, got her leg spasming in place, what you could see of her face screwed up to keep the sound in. You played there a while, speeding up, hearing her breath hitch with every little motion.

You leaned in close to whisper in her ear, not letting up a second.

"Eleven minutes."

Then you slipped a finger inside her, and her focus broke. It wasn't much. Just a gasp that escaped her lips, a minor thing. Anyone who was at charitable would ignore it, dismiss it as just a sharp breath. But she didn't want you to be charitable.

When you'd asked Haruna, playfully, how she managed to never show a single emotion on her face, Haruna had explained quite seriously that from her earliest memory to the day she left for the Academy she was in the care of tutors who would correct any imperfection in her poise or posture. They would test her. Make her hold hot teacups, scrap metal across her writing slate, slap her hand with a ruler, and dare her to flinch. If she did, the next lesson would be worse.

Haruna didn't flinch anymore.

Putting together that conversation with the fantasies she'd shared with you, you'd sort of got a picture of what was happening. Haruna had a script: she slipped up, she was punished. You could see her push back against this now, allowing herself little moments of honesty, but it was still always there. And she trusted you enough that she wanted to go back there with you, in a way that was fun and hot and under her control.

"Oh. That's it? You didn't even make it halfway." You said, feeling a smile creep across your face. She probably wanted you to be all stern and disciplinarian, but you just wanted to laugh. There was a delightful absurdity to all this. Your poor, messed-up princess.

"Sorry, miss." She gasped back. That actually did make you laugh, as you pressed back up closer to her, pushed another finger into her, and she collapsed against your shoulder, gasping for air like she was drowning.

"I need you to repeat that." You said. You just wanted to hear it again.

"So-sorry, m-m-m-miss!" She managed, muffled by the fabric of her jumper. Cute! You could tell she was already getting pretty close, doing her best to grind her hips against your hand, shuddering each time you bent your fingers.

"One more time?" You requested.

She tried, but the words failed her completely this time, the sound escaping her more a jumbled moan as she reached climax. Mysterious. You had nothing to do with that, obviously.

"Eh. Good enough. You okay still?" You asked quickly. She nodded, biting her lip, clearly barely holding things together. You glanced over to check the watch: You still had five minutes.

"Just enough time for some more, Haru. Want me to keep going?" You asked. Probably not more of the same, though. Your fingers were getting sore.

She nodded, desperately, body still vibrating from the aftershocks.

"A little rougher, maybe?"

"Y-yes." She gasped, her voice pleading. Spirits, it was lovely.

"Well, I suppose you do have it coming, whore." You said, a bit forced. Calling her names was oddly the hardest part, but she insisted she liked it, and to be honest it was a bit thrilling. You'd resolved that it was okay if you were extra nice to her the rest of the time.

You started by pulling off your jumper, as it was getting unbearably warm in here, then you placed a finger on her sternum and traced down to one of her breasts. Just before you reached anything good, just as her anticipation peaked, you instead brought your hand across in a quick, sharp slap to her breast, making sure the impact was shallow. You wanted it to sting, mostly.

You'd read a guide in one of the magazines.

Haruna tried to double over, but with her arms tied back she just wiggled and almost fell with a keen moan. You gripped her shoulders to steady her, brushing stray hair from her face before she ended up eating it.

She anticipated your next question, though. "It's good." She gasped, barely comprehensible, nodding desperately. She wanted more.

Fair enough. You repeated the action on the other side, the gliding finger, the anticipation, the impact, and she practically convulsed, crying out. You could barely restrain yourself from laughing hysterically: you got to slap a princess and call her names because she liked it. Time was looking at someone like her wrong was a death sentence. The, ah, modern age, huh?

"You like that, you slutty… slut? Fuck." You were not the creative type. You compensated with another slap, and though she gasped, the sound of it was a bit different. Not what you wanted.

"Haru? You okay?"

Haruna almost nodded, you could see her almost commit to it, but then she shook her head.

"Belay that." She said, a ragged edge to her voice. Her safe word.

"Oh spirits, I'm so sorry." You said, pulling your hands away. "Was that too hard? Oh no, Haru I'm really-"

"It's okay. Just more… sensitive… than I thought. It's okay. You're okay."

You nodded, which was absurd because she couldn't see you.

"Do you want to be untied?"


You shifted around behind her and started undoing the knots, letting Haruna's shoulders finally relax with a corresponding sigh of relief. You kept talking to her the whole time, working out what had gone wrong, and figured out some changes for next time.

The ropes had maybe been a bit too tight on her forearms, leaving red lines down them, but it wasn't too bad. When you removed her blindfold, you found a messy impression of her fancy makeup against the white fabric, and her fine mascara was a blurry mess across her face. It looked so unlike her.

On the other hand, you had plenty of evidence that she enjoyed herself as well. Even as you were untying her, massaging her wrists and ankles where the rope had been, she was still riding out the aftershocks. She was so sensitive that the accidental brush of your fingers against her back got elicited little sounds of pleasure.

"Are you sure you're okay?" You asked for the twentieth time, lying with her, arms wrapped around her, playing with her hair.

"Yes. It was just too much in the moment." She said quietly. She shuffled and squirmed to turn to face you, planting a kiss messily once she could. "That really was wonderful. You're an artist with your hands."

Fancy nobility type compliments!

"I do my best." You said sheepishly. You were a little distracted, because Haruna was sliding down your body to your bare legs. "Oh, right."

You'd kind of forgotten about yourself in all this.

"Don't worry, we can be gentle for this part." Haruna assured you, pulling aside your skirt. You appreciated her saying that, but you'd come to realize that's not really want you wanted either.

You ran a hand gently through her hair, then seized a clump of it in your fingers. Not pulling, but enough that she'd know you had her.

"I'm sorry, princess, what made you think your punishment was over?"

Spirits, that sounded dumb. But her eyes lit up and she gave a little noise of approval, so it couldn't be that dumb, right?

"Sorry miss." Haru said, putting on her smallest and most diminutive voice. It still made you laugh.

"I'm going to need to hear that again."

The update is from Aiko's perspective, and sort of follows thoughts and action in parallel as Aiko thinks about why Haruna is the way she is. Haruna from the outside is emotionally almost unreadable, but Aiko is aware that under that she's a pretty vulnerable person. Aiko resents Haruna always being gone, but tries to romanticize it, which probably isn't too great.

Haruna comes off as a total perfectionist to people around her. She takes forever just getting her uniform off because she has to make sure she hangs everything properly and smooths all the creases.

Aiko is easily bored and easily distracted. Her mind wanders a lot. I kinda wrote her drawing on my own experiences with ADHD.

Akitsukuni has a version of the Feminist Sex Wars that Aiko has tenuously brushed against in her time in school. It also has magazines with erotic content.

Weird real-life note that didn't make it in: Japan actually does have a Thing with bondage which has roots in a classical martial art of knot-tying for securing prisoners (and torturing them in public). That then made the jump to theater due to the increasing symbolism that was incorporated into it, where it was adjusted to be less totally fucking brutal and more aesthetically pleasing. That made it a recurring motif in a lot of art, including erotic art (which is a whole other deeply fascinating topic), and its popularity then waxed and waned for a few centuries. One such resurgence was just starting up at the real life point our story begins, though it wouldn't really take off for another decade with the works of Seiu Ito. Bondage as a practice in the West starts really taking off after the occupation of Japan for some reason, and sorry for the tangent but this is just so cool? It's like the perfect intersection of history nerd and perv, it's where I live.

Anyway, as previously alluded to, Haruna's sex life with people she trusts involves her putting herself in positions where she's feels powerless, uncomfortable, even a bit of pain, especially in a structure where it's framed as a punishment. Aiko speculates that Haruna is into this because she was made to feel this way a lot growing up by tutors and stuff, owing to the harsh punishments used in order to shape her into this person who is so capable of hiding her emotions, and in this context she can frame its as fun and under her control to reclaim that space.

Aiko, for her part, is pretty into it. I mean, she's buying those magazines.

Oh, and sports bras exist in this universe.
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One such resurgence was just starting up at the real life point our story begins, though it wouldn't really take off for another decade with the works of Seiu Ito. Bondage as a practice in the West starts really taking off after the occupation of Japan for some reason, and sorry for the tangent but this is just so cool? It's like the perfect intersection of history nerd and perv, it's where I live.

Anyway, as previously alluded to, Haruna's sex life with people she trusts involves her putting herself in positions where she's feels powerless, uncomfortable, even a bit of pain, especially in a structure where it's framed as a punishment. Aiko speculates that Haruna is into this because she was made to feel this way a lot growing up by tutors and stuff, owing to the harsh punishments used in order to shape her into this person who is so capable of hiding her emotions, and in this context she can frame its as fun and under her control to reclaim that space.

Aiko, for her part, is pretty into it. I mean, she's buying those magazines.
The amount of porn I've read where I'm not into it, and actually taking notes is... well, I can count it on the hand I usually don't have free. But yeah. It's cool, it's interesting, it's insightful into Haruna and Akio's characters, and even if it isn't my thing someone else probably just had a very good night.

Enthusiastic golf clap from me.
Oh, and sports bras exist in this universe.
How? No, really, without at least somewhat modern synthetic elastic fabrics, how? Or do they have somewhat modern synthetic elastic fabrics, and if so has that had any impact on the rest of fashion? Or is it just someone (probably Europan, given their relative egalitarianism in terms of acceptable activities for the fairer sex) had a bright idea and figured out how to make it work with natural latex rubber for elasticity?

Edit: Also, that was pretty great. Smut-as-character-study is a bit unusual, but that was very effective. And also hot, not gonna lie.

Edit edit: Responsible safeword use, ho! That should not be as goddamn fucking rare as it is /irritated
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How? No, really, without at least somewhat modern synthetic elastic fabrics, how? Or do they have somewhat modern synthetic elastic fabrics, and if so has that had any impact on the rest of fashion? Or is it just someone (probably Europan, given their relative egalitarianism in terms of acceptable activities for the fairer sex) had a bright idea and figured out how to make it work with natural latex rubber for elasticity?
Did you know that elastic fabric was invented in the late 19th century? I did some quick research and it turns out that all the technologies needed weren't just around but in some cases were mature in 1912.

The developments of women's undergarments is another one of those I Could Talk About This Forever topics but its a place where the tendency for women's clothing to favour aesthetics over practicality were felt particularly hard, because as an industry it catered pretty exclusively to wealthier women who were more excluded from the workforce (or oftentimes, advertised and targeted for those women's husbands and/or their households while they searched for marriages), while poorer women had to make do with solutions from cottage industry.

In the Europa of Gaya, this is much less of a pressure.
The developments of women's undergarments is another one of those I Could Talk About This Forever topics but its a place where the tendency for women's clothing to favour aesthetics over practicality were felt particularly hard, because as an industry it catered pretty exclusively to wealthier women who were more excluded from the workforce (or oftentimes, advertised and targeted for those women's husbands and/or their households while they searched for marriages), while poorer women had to make do with solutions from cottage industry.
...I'm torn between "you should do a series of essays on those topics because I would love to read them" and "good heavens girl you're already writing five quests and a full-fledged RPG that's plenty for any three people".
Honestly I'm down for... mini-essays, a batch of links, some namedropped authors and books. Learn more about cultures and lives outside your own experiences, you know? Helps me as a writer too.

Especially since I got crazy enough to try writing Sailor Moon.
Honestly I'm down for... mini-essays, a batch of links, some namedropped authors and books. Learn more about cultures and lives outside your own experiences, you know? Helps me as a writer too.

Especially since I got crazy enough to try writing Sailor Moon.
That's super not my place to do something like that. There's plenty of historical resources about Japan written by Japanese people, you should go read those! Please don't mistake my amateur research for web fiction with actual expertise. Even when it comes to like, western history, you should be reading trained academics for reference material, not uneducated casuals like me looking stuff up for fiction.
That's super not my place to do something like that. There's plenty of historical resources about Japan written by Japanese people, you should go read those! Please don't mistake my amateur research for web fiction with actual expertise. Even when it comes to like, western history, you should be reading trained academics for reference material, not uneducated casuals like me looking stuff up for fiction.
Sorry, should have clarified. I did mean stuff that's less historical and cultural academia, and more... well, I do have a shelve of feminist and LGBTQ+ books and my local library. But it's the personal experiences, opinions, the completely unique accounts that only a single individual can give that I'm looking for. How we consume, interpret, and produce media gives insight into the author and what communities they belong to, and that's not getting into how much fun I've had reading this literary universe. I've got GLQ on one knee, Gaya on the other, and a half-filled notebook on the desk.

If you'll forgive my bluntness, I'm a straight, white, middle-class dumbass from Indiana. I'm here to shut up, have fun, learn, and maybe grow as a person. When I say I am interested in what you have to say, I mean I'm interested in what you have to say about things familiar and new to this Hoosier. So yeah, Professor open_sketchbook, the class has been fun and I look forward to more.
Okay, I feel like I might have come across a bit wrong. What I'm getting at is more "I enjoy your perspective on things, and would enjoy reading your perspective on more things", not "I enjoy your historical stuff and would rather read more of it than look up actual historical sources". Frankly, if I had the time and money and effort to spend reading buying and reading a ton of dead-tree books, I'd start working my way through the Hugo and Nebula lists long before I picked up a Japanese history book. But I find you and your writing, specifically, to be thought-provoking, and would enjoy as much of it as you're willing to produce, and on an almost-entirely personal rather than pseudoacademic level.

Edit: dammit, ninja'd.
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Okay, but in this particular case, I don't want to give my perspective? My perspective is not valuable here. If this is something you are really interested in, please find people who have either the lived experiences or the training to be able to talk about it properly. I'm barely comfortable writing these characters in an explicitly fictionalized alternate universe, okay?

If you want to know more, please find and focus on marginalized voices from cultures whose narratives are not centered (and often suppressed) by our own. Please do not get this stuff second hand from people like me.
Okay, but in this particular case, I don't want to give my perspective? My perspective is not valuable here. If this is something you are really interested in, please find people who have either the lived experiences or the training to be able to talk about it properly. I'm barely comfortable writing these characters in an explicitly fictionalized alternate universe, okay?

If you want to know more, please find and focus on marginalized voices from cultures whose narratives are not centered (and often suppressed) by our own. Please do not get this stuff second hand from people like me.
OK then. I'll stick around, I mean, but this is the last I'll be making a public spectacle of myself around here. Subject: dropped.
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