Prologue 4.2
Idea briefcase
Prologue 4.2:
[X] Simple Packaged meals - Cheap and produced for mass consumption. Technically a full meal in every box. Tasty but in a very standardized sort of way.
[X] Intervene
[X] Intervene
-[X] Get to know your new employers. How did they come to be mercenaries? How does the mercenary business work? (3 AP)
-[X] Steve - The Builder. Dispute the unfortunate association with (ugh) manual labor, you can see the merit in a god of building grand works. (4 AP)
-[X] Steve - The Builder. Dispute the unfortunate association with (ugh) manual labor, you can see the merit in a god of building grand works. (4 AP)
Performance 3 + Acting 3 = 6 dice
6d6 = [2, 4, 3, 2, 5, 5] = 21
DC = 15/25 (DCs lowered by skill synergy)
6d6 = [2, 4, 3, 2, 5, 5] = 21
DC = 15/25 (DCs lowered by skill synergy)
You step forward. Shark like grin on your face. "Excuse me Mr. Silicate "
He pauses, assessing you "And you would be?" he asks leadingly.
"Ms. Grimm. A person of no particular importance." The trick is in how you say it. The intonation. The stance. The slight emphasis on the prefix, as if you were just holding back from saying Dr instead of Ms. A self important scientist barely hiding it.
"And the purpose of your visit today?"
"Suppose I was interested in your services".
"As a client or a contractor?" There was something there. In the carefully hidden interest. Now was it money issues? Or was it employee issues.
"If I said there was a lab of no particular renown I wanted a certain item acquired from?"
"Oh 50,000 credits at baseline. Assuming they are truly of no particular renown."
Not money then. "Say instead I represent a certain individual interested in selling their services?"
He doesn't lean forward or anything quite so obvious. But from the glint in his eye you know you have his interest. At least, until he blinks and catches on.
"You play a dangerous game Ms. Grimm".
"I'm a dangerous person." you say, toothy grin returning. "You've been losing teams haven't you. Contractors."
"Don't waste my time telling me things I already know." You can see he is not happy to admit it.
Leader has no trouble connecting the dots. "Pay in full. No trash." she says with a glare.
"Fine dammit." Silicate practically throws the credit stick across the room. "Got three jobs for you too. They're on the stick. Don't dawdle."
Leader just flicks her hair and turns to leave "If I accept. Answer tomorrow."
Silicate grumbles but doesn't say anything as you leave.
A brief stop later to pick up an unmarked box and the pair of you are back on the elevator. Leader turns to you and punches you in the shoulder.
"Ow! What was that for?" You protest in a completely reasonable tone of voice.
"Dangerous person." she says jokingly.
"I'm dangerous!" You don't whine.
Leader scoffs lightheartedly. "Like a kitten. Your words dangerous. Your skills dangerous. You? Don't worry. I can teach."
You take the high road and decline to correct her on the true danger level of kittens.
Gain 3 decent dots.
Gain Leader as a teacher. Can teach Combat (Firearms) at +2.
With that done you sit down for your last task of the week. Researching the god known as "Steve".
An unassuming name. But nobody from the Dominion of Tom would dismiss on that criteria alone. According to what you dig up Steve is known to be the god of great builders. Or rather, the god of those who build great things. You suppose the name is a stylistic choice to draw attention away from the builder.
Academics 2 + Gods 1 = 3 dice
3d6=[3, 1, 3]=7
DC: 5/10/20/40 for Attention/1st/2nd/3rd Contract.
3d6=[3, 1, 3]=7
DC: 5/10/20/40 for Attention/1st/2nd/3rd Contract.
To gain Steve's attention you need to spend at least 10 AP to build something of at least Small Building size.
You must then destroy what you built using explosives before it is observed, except by yourself.
At least a professional level (3 in general + 3 in a specialty) of artistic skill (Precision) or applicable scientific skill is required.
You consider what you found. Peculiar. In theory contacting Steve could be quick comparatively. In practice...
You look at the blank walls of your Cube. There are countless sensors. Monitoring your Cube. Monitoring the building. Monitoring the district. Monitoring the whole city. Very little goes truly unobserved. Would an AI count? Would an automated system? Your research leans towards yes.
Though perhaps you already had a lead. You look down. To where you know the Under Market is. Perhaps there you can find the privacy you need, and explosives as well.
Frustratingly you were not able to find Steve's first contract. Not yet.
One decent dot subtracted for debt payments!
Two low dots subtracted for Simple Packaged meals!
Two low dots subtracted for Simple Packaged meals!
Turn actions:
You have 4 TAP and 10 AP:
Current assets:
6.8 decent dots
1 Basic Habitation Cube.
Current expenses:
Debt repayment 4.8 High dots remain - 1 decent dot per turn.
Simple Packaged meals - 2 low dots per turn.
Available trainers:
Jörmungandr Grimm: Can train Organizational knowledge (AI administrator protocols) and Social knowledge (Clandestine Proceedings) along with their respective general skills. Provides +3 dice.
Leader: Can train Combat (Firearms) along with its respective general skills. Provides +2 dice.
-[] Skill training (Trainer) (Skill or Skill (Specialty)) (x TAP)
[] Work: Things seem to be back to "Business as usual". For however usual this business is. Expected pay: 1-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
[] Food: Perhaps you would like to change your diet? Presents diet options. May be modified by your current wealth level. (1 AP)
[] Networking: Now that you know about the Under Market, maybe you should see if anyone else needs under the table medical work. (3 AP)
[] Now that you have some money, you should look back into the University? Not that you need help with improving your skills. But you weren't one to turn down an advantage. (3 AP)
[] Old man Jack: Near the entrance to your Habitation block sits a old man. He sits there all day, always preforming some sort of hand craft. Whittling. Knitting. You should go give him a peace of your mind about such a shameful display! (3 AP)
[] You noticed the augmentations on the team's two younger members. You know you will have to approach it delicately, but perhaps there is something you can learn from them? Requires Lab (2 AP)
[] Explore the city: The city contains many strange wonders. Some are even useful. Go out and find them. (2 AP)
[] Dive deeper: Beneath the city there are countless forgotten places. Some may even contain treasures. Go out and find them (3 AP)
Gods Research. Roll Academics (Gods) to learn more about the god and what contracts they offer:
[] Steve. Annoyingly you still don't know his first contract. Find it. (3 AP)
[] Doctor Infinium. Perhaps you would like to try looking further? You don't think you will get much at your current skill level. (4 AP)
[] MD Old Bones. Perhaps you would like to try looking further? You don't think you will get much at your current skill level. (4 AP)
[] Professor Tweed Perhaps you would like to try looking further? You don't think you will get much at your current skill level. (4 AP)
[] Supplemental Research: MD Old Bones. You have questions about exactly how limiting his first contract is. Look into it. (
[] Supplemental Research: Write in. Perhaps there is some other question you want answered? (2 AP)
To contact Gods:
Doctor Infinium:
[] Lab. If you want to pursue Doctor Infinium's attention you will need a lab.
--[] Scrape together what can fit in your Cube. Cost:
--[] Buy some second hand equipment instead of pulling things out of the trash. Cost: 5 Low dots. Gain Low quality lab. Reveal crafting rules. (2 AP)
--[] Invest in some proper equipment. Requires larger space then your Cube. Cost: 5 Decent dots. Gain Decent quality lab. Reveal crafting rules. (4 AP)
[] Start crafting. Requires lab. (Variable AP)
MD Old Bones:
[] Arrange for an operating theater. You will need somewhere to work, and make sure you have sufficient supplies. (2 AP)
[] Arrange for a constant stream of patients. (3 AP)
[] Arrange for an assistant. A final line of defense against interruptions. Someone to make sure all your patients arrive on time, and fill any holes in your schedule. (2 AP)
[] Start the marathon. (Consumes all AP until 20 have been spent.)
Professor Tweed:
[] Go looking for a student. (Write in skill/specifics) (3 AP)
[] Teach! (2 AP)
[] Look for a hidden place to build in. See if the Under Market has any leads. Likely to cost at least 1 high dot. (2 AP)
[] Look for a hidden place to build in. Go looking yourself. Beneath the city there are countless forgotten places, and that is exactly what you need. (3 AP)
[] Acquire explosives. The Under Market should have something. Likely to cost at least 1 high dot. (2 AP)
[] Acquire explosives. Maybe you can make them yourself? Requires Science (Chemistry). Requires Lab. (? AP)
[] Start building. Requires location. (Write in what you plan to build) (10 AP)
[] Write in. Perhaps there is something else? (?? AP)
AN: And thus closes turn four. You missed the research roll for Steve's first contract, so I decided to be merciful and discount the AP cost for trying it again.
Or you could go ahead and contact another god. This is after all a Merchant quest, so it's not like the other options will go away.
There is nothing technically stopping you from using Science (biology) for contacting Steve. But you would have to figure out what to make using it that meets the size requirements. I will leave that to you.
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