Closing the vote early since it seems stable. May as well get the update out sooner.
Scheduled vote count started by JayTar on Feb 25, 2024 at 8:59 PM, finished with 25 posts and 8 votes.
[X] Plan: Money, loans and gods.
-[X] Skill training (Academics) (4 TAP)
-[X] Find a job. You desperately need money. It's going to suck. Maybe there some other solution you can figure out? (2 AP)
-[X] Food: You aren't technically starving. But eating only nutrient paste long term is going to cause problems. Figure out a solution. (2 AP)
-[X] Loan: Your finances are dire. You need to figure out what is going on with your loan, before something much worse happens. (1 AP)
-[X] Doctor Infinium – The Mad scientist. The obvious choice. You just need to review your notes. You know you left them here somewhere. (1 AP)
-[X] MD Old Bones - The Physician. A medical doctor is still a doctor you suppose. (4 AP)
[X] Plan Counting Chickens
-[X] Skill training (Academics) (4 TAP)
-[X] Find a job. You desperately need money. It's going to suck. Maybe there some other solution you can figure out? (2 AP)
-[X] Loan: Your finances are dire. You need to figure out what is going on with your loan, before something much worse happens. (1 AP)
-[X] Family: As annoying as your brother is, maybe you should see what he is up to? (3 AP)
-[X] Old man Jack: Near the entrance to your Habitation block sits a old man. He sits there all day, always preforming some sort of hand craft. Whittling. Knitting. You should go give him a peace of your mind about such a shameful display! (3 AP)
-[X] Lab. Science. You need it. It will be a tight fit, but you should be able to squeeze the bare basics into your Cube. If you cut a few corners. Cost: 5 2 Poor dots. Gain poor quality lab. Reveal crafting rules. (1 AP)
[X] Plan: Money, loans and better gods.
-[X] Skill training (Academics) (4 TAP)
-[X] Find a job. You desperately need money. It's going to suck. Maybe there some other solution you can figure out? (2 AP)
-[X] Food: You aren't technically starving. But eating only nutrient paste long term is going to cause problems. Figure out a solution. (2 AP)
-[X] Loan: Your finances are dire. You need to figure out what is going on with your loan, before something much worse happens. (1 AP)
-[X] Doctor Infinium – The Mad scientist. The obvious choice. You just need to review your notes. You know you left them here somewhere. (1 AP)
-[X] Professor Tweed – The Teacher. Hmph. Probably a waste of time. (4 AP)
[X] Plan: Money, loans and gods.
-[X] Skill training (Academics) (4 TAP)
-[X] Find a job. You desperately need money. It's going to suck. Maybe there some other solution you can figure out? (2 AP)
-[X] Food: You aren't technically starving. But eating only nutrient paste long term is going to cause problems. Figure out a solution. (2 AP)
-[X] Loan: Your finances are dire. You need to figure out what is going on with your loan, before something much worse happens. (1 AP)
-[X] Doctor Infinium – The Mad scientist. The obvious choice. You just need to review your notes. You know you left them here somewhere. (1 AP)
-[X] MD Old Bones - The Physician. A medical doctor is still a doctor you suppose. (4 AP)
You pace back and forth within your Cube. Three steps forward. Turn. Three steps back. Just barely enough space for it with everything in storage mode.
Four walls. One door. Two air vents. One bed, currently folded against the wall. One desk and chair, currently folded against the wall. One basic holographic display. One basic phone, currently connected to the display.
A prison cell? Or final refuge. One last island of safety, being eroded by tides of debt and poverty.
No, you will not stand for it. Even if the floor crumbles you will build stairs beneath your very feet. You have everything you need.
Your pride demands no less.
Training alone: 3d3 per TAP
4 TAP spent.
12d3 = [3, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1] = 25 Academics leveled to 2 (0/125)
With manic fervor you tear through your school things. Somewhere in here is your old notebook.
… Ah you didn't remember it being quite so-
With the care and precision of dissecting a cadaver you pick up the notebook and flip it open. Making sure not to get any pink glitter on your hands.
You find your notes on Doctor Infinium. The god of mad science. One of the most well known gods in the Dominion of Tom. Anyone with an ounce of ambition dreams of being a renowned scientist.
By complete coincidence you share a number of personality traits in common with those known to be favored by the god.
Strangely, you can't seem to find anything relating to how the god looks, except the vaguest generalities.
To gain Doctor Infinium's attention you will need to complete a worthy science project. One with at least a total AP cost of 30. To do this you will of course need a lab.
At least a professional level of scientific skill (3 in general + 3 in a specialty) is required. Fortunately you already possess such.
The project must be for entirely self centered reasons. You must be doing it for no reason greater then because you can. You will need an idea.
Once you start the project you must work on it every turn until it is done.
A transcription their first contract is also easy to find:
Doctor Infinium
You, the contracted, must spend at least 1 action a week on inventing or experimenting. In exchange Unshackle Your Inspiration!
Reviewing case studies shows a clear pattern. A cycle of time active in the field, and of great bursts of progress on their inventions. Creating things that would take months or years for anyone else in just weeks.
Once you have the contract, doing various mad scientist things (Like proving your superiority or reverse engineering novel technology) will grant points of inspiration. You may then spend a number of points of inspiration when starting a crafting project to divide the total AP cost by the number of spent points.
MD Old Bones requires a bit more digging. You spin up an Archive browser and get to it, taking notes in your only notebook. A summery leads to a transcription of an interview which is then compared against an obscure database and a series of old journals.
Piece by piece a picture forms.
To gain MD Old Bones' attention you need to spend 20 consecutive AP practicing medicine to help people.
At least a professional level of medical skill (3 in general + 3 in a specialty) is required. Fortunately you already possess such.
It must be done altruistically. No payment or favors may be accepted.
His first contract is:
MD Old Bones
First, do no harm upon your patients.In exchange you gain supernaturally increased emotional resilience.
Through your research you get the impression that Doctor Infinium's first contract is a common type of cost used by many gods. MD Old Bones breaks from this practice.
MD Old Bones' first contract must be something he feels very strongly on.
By the time you set down your notebook it is time for you to eat. Not by the constant pangs of hunger, but by the timer you set to ensure you were consuming the medically required number of calories.
You whimper express your dissatisfaction as you force the packet of nutrient paste down. If you cannot satisfy your stomach, you will have to satisfy your grievances. Technically it wasn't even produced as food, but rather lab supplies. You were lucky you were able to convince that dim lab technician into giving it to you when it expired instead of throwing it out.
Your medical aptitude meant you knew the long term complications you were risking. The paste was missing several nutrients essential for humans, taking a toll on your body. Not to mention the mental strain of consuming nothing but tasteless paste. Obviously you need to fix this. You consider your options and grimace. Without money you weren't going to get far.
[] Stay as is. Costs 1 poor dot per turn. Every turn will inflict a -1 penalty to all mental and physical rolls and a -0.05x penalty to training physical skills until a proper diet is resumed.
[] Add in vitamin supplements and flavoring agents. Costs 3 poor dots per turn. Every other turn will inflict a -1 penalty to all mental rolls until a proper diet is resumed.
[] Creative dumpster diving Costs 1 AP per turn. Exact results dependent on Survival (Foraging) roll, but should have no negative effects so long as you roll decently.
[] Proper packaged meals – Cheap and produced for mass consumption, they taste like utopia on your tongue. Costs 2 low dots per turn. No negative effects.
[] Custom nutrition tailored Haha no you can't afford that right now.
The next problem was your debt. A big problem. If you had money you could at least start paying it off. Enough to prevent it from going to collections. If you had assets perhaps they could fill the hole. You don't.
Your command of the cities systems bought you time. Your scientific education and talents made you eligible for a small grace period. One week. By the end of next week you would need to start paying. Or else. Failure to pay would result in getting progressively shut out of the cities systems. Information. Transportation. The additional burdens caused by this would be the first steps in a death spiral leading to exile, or worse.
You needed money now.
Fortunately you had options.
[] Tutoring (Requires a combined Teaching+tutoring of 3) There is always a market for tutoring. At your skill level you won't be making a great deal, but with work you can tread water at least.
Pay: 3-5 low dots per 2 AP tutoring session. May repeat multiple times per turn. Pay may increase with higher teaching skill.
[] Test subject: (Risky) Technically an option available to any resident of the city, only the most desperate or reckless would consider it. Volunteer for the cities most risky and unhinged experiments.
Pay: 1 decent dot per 1 AP test. May repeat multiple times per turn. Random rolls for severity. On the low end may gain minor negative conditions. On the high end may gain major negative conditions, or even be placed in life threatening circumstances.
[] Shady lab work. (Uses Connections) No reputable lab would hire you on short notice. No reputable lab would have your predecessors notes end so abruptly. Looking down at the samples of human flesh, you wonder if your predecessor is among them.
Pay: 1.5 decent dots per 3 AP. Once per turn. ??? risks. Connections to a shady lab.
[] Back alley doctor (Uses Connections) You didn't expect to come across a posse of kids half way to bleeding out in a back alley. They were very thankful for your help, and curious if you were available for future consultations. Learning that they were mercenaries on their way back from a bad job wasn't even a surprise, but their eclectic collection of augmentations and modifications did make you raise an eyebrow.
Pay: 1-3 decent dots per 2 AP. Once per turn, may be expanded with networking. May be special jobs available. Connections to a shady mercenary team.
AN: And so, the scope of the problem is revealed to you. If you don't pick either of the options that use Connections I will have to figure out something for it later.
Dust Poor + Debts + The Dominion of Tom was perhaps one of the most challenging start combinations possible. You start practically two steps from a cliff. It is fortunate that Connections, and some of your other starting choices provide outs.
Technically you can mix and match money making methods, but this vote is for which one you pursue this turn. Whichever you pick, you will gain one turn of wages immediately.
5 low dots for tutoring, 1 decent dot for test subject. 1.5 decent dots for Shady lab work. 3 Decent dots for Back alley doctor.
Choices with variable pay will in the future depend on skill rolls and other choices you make.
Location: District 12 Commercial Hub. Sub-Level 22. Back alleyway:
[X] Back alley doctor (Uses Connections)
[X] Creative dumpster diving
You turn the corner encounter a cacophony of sound.
"Hold on Leader! Just a little longer!"
"I told you assassinations were bad luck"
"Not the time Skippy!"
"Hold her still!"
Four figures. Two standing ones crowd over a third slumped on the ground, while a fourth stands off to the side. All of them sport injures.
You stride forward confidently, "Make way! I'm a doctor!"
The three practically spring back. You idly note their unusual haste, but further observation is put aside in favor of grabbing the medical kit and getting to work.
Medicine 3 + Surgery 3: = 6 dice
6d6 = [2, 2, 2, 6, 3, 4] = 19 + 5 (Basic medical kit) =24
DC: 15/20/25
Bleeding. Leg. Loose bandages. Sloppy, tighten it. Check, head. Neck. Is this armor? Can't cut, loosen and check. Torso. Fine. Breathing? Fine.
Sweep. Arm is bleeding. Pressure. Bandage. Done.
Extremities, cold. Pulse, high. Blood pressure, low. Lost blood. Saline.
… Surprisingly young. Underneath all the armor and blood she had to be at least a few years younger then you. At best. Closer to a teenager then an adult.
You stand up and look around. One around the same age, and two even younger. The two younger ones wear the similar armor while the older one wears something closer to causal clothes, if suspiciously padded. He was also the one you took the first aid kit from.
"So, you said you were a doctor?" the older one asks, clutching his flat cap nervously.
Perception 3 + Body language 3 = 6 dice
6d6=[5, 4, 6, 1, 1, 5] = 22
DC: 10/20
Your first instinct is that he is asking for reassurance. But no, the signs are all wrong for that. The way his eyes tense. The way the other two's hands make aborted twitches for weapons. Fear. They are asking the question, but they don't want it to be true.
So you tell the truth. "I exaggerated a little for expedience." you admit with a wry grin. "Never got any sort of formal certification or practice."
The way the group relaxes vindicates your assumptions. These are people who have bad associations with the word "doctor". How strange.
"She's going to need a hospital" you say gesturing to your patient.
Tense again. Not at you. Not the same. Not a deep instinctual fear, a reasoned concern. Can they not afford it? No their equipment is worth at least something.
"If you have somewhere to take her I will do what I can."
They relax. But not fully. They share a look. Secrecy. They can't go to the hospital because the hospital is public.
Surprisingly it is your patient who breaks the standoff. "She can come." She rasps out, surprisingly conscious. Trying to sit up.
"Don't move you dunce!" You shout. "You lost a ton of blood. I don't know how you are even awake right now."
"Leader is tough!" one of the kids says and you can see all three smiling in relief.
Location: District 12 Commercial Hub. Sub-Level 23. Hidden Safe House:
Their destination ends up being surprisingly close. Just around a corner and down a narrow maintenance tunnel is a converted storage room. It's larger then your Cube, but with five people crowding in it feels smaller.
The one with the cap digs out more supplies and you get to work. It is by no means perfect, but by the time you are done you feel pretty confident.
Going around and helping with the more minor injuries you start to notice certain interesting irregularities.
The younger boy who is introduced to you as Skippy. The muscles on his legs are wrong. You are pretty sure there is something different about the joints too. The younger girl who demands to be called Slick has something in her hands. It's subtle, but you can tell by the way her skin shifts and the patterns on her pores. Some sort of artificial gland. You pretend not to notice but note it for later.
You don't notice anything about the older pair, but that only makes you wonder what they might be hiding.
When everything is done you all sit down to talk. Well lie down in the case of one.
"We really owe you big" the one with the cap, who introduced themselves as Senior starts.
"Please don't tell anyone about us" Skippy adds, nervously tapping his feet.
You stay quiet and let them stew in silence.
"You want money?" Leader bluntly offers.
"I suppose I can accept that" You suppress your excitement. Money!
You quickly get down to negotiations.
Gain 3 decent dots.
They will pay you 1 decent dot per turn to stay on retainer, and an additional 1-2 dots depending on need.
There will be opportunities to earn extra, should you be willing to take some level of risk.
Turn actions:
You have 4 TAP and 10-1=9 AP:
Current assets:
3 decent dots
1 Basic Habitation Cube.
Current expenses:
Debt repayment - 1 decent dot per turn.
Creative dumpster diving - 1 AP per turn
Available trainers:
Jörmungandr Grimm: Can train Organizational knowledge (AI administrator protocols) and Social knowledge (???) along with their respective general skills. Provides +3 dice.
-[] Skill training (Trainer) (Skill or Skill (Specialty)) (x TAP)
[] Work: Things are quiet with Leader's injuries, but you can probably convince them to pay you for the followups on her current injures. Expected pay: 2-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
[] Food: Perhaps you would like to change your diet? Presents diet options. May be modified by your current wealth level. (1 AP)
[] Family: As annoying as your brother is, maybe you should see what he is up to? (3 AP)
[] Old man Jack: Near the entrance to your Habitation block sits a old man. He sits there all day, always preforming some sort of hand craft. Whittling. Knitting. You should go give him a peace of your mind about such a shameful display! (3 AP)
[] Get to know your new employers. How did they come to be mercenaries? How does the mercenary business work? (3 AP)
[] You noticed the augmentations on the team's two younger members. You know you will have to approach it delicately, but perhaps there is something you can learn from them? Requires Lab (2 AP)
[] Explore the city: The city contains many strange wonders. Some are even useful. Go out and find them. (2 AP)
[] Dive deeper: Beneath the city there are countless forgotten places. Some may even contain treasures. Go out and find them (3 AP)
Gods Research. Roll Academics (Gods) to learn more about the god and what contracts they offer:
[] Professor Tweed - The Teacher. Hmph. Probably a waste of time. (4 AP)
[] Steve - The Builder. Dispute the unfortunate association with (ugh) manual labor, you can see the merit in a god of building grand works. (4 AP)
[] Doctor Infinium. Perhaps you would like to try looking further? You don't think you will get much at your current skill level. (4 AP)
[] MD Old Bones. Perhaps you would like to try looking further? You don't think you will get much at your current skill level. (4 AP)
To contact Gods:
Doctor Infinium:
[] Lab. If you want to pursue Doctor Infinium's attention you will need a lab.
--[] Scrape together what can fit in your Cube. Cost: 5 2 Poor dots. Gain poor quality lab. Reveal crafting rules. (1 AP)
--[] Buy some second hand equipment instead of pulling things out of the trash. Cost: 5 Low dots. Gain Low quality lab. Reveal crafting rules. (2 AP)
--[] Invest in some proper equipment. Requires larger space then your Cube. Cost: 5 Decent dots. Gain Decent quality lab. Reveal crafting rules. (4 AP)
[] Start crafting. Requires lab. (Variable AP)
MD Old Bones:
[] Arrange for an operating theater. You will need somewhere to work, and make sure you have sufficient supplies. (2 AP)
[] Arrange for a constant stream of patients. (3 AP)
[] Arrange for an assistant. A final line of defense against interruptions. Someone to make sure all your patients arrive on time, and fill any holes in your schedule. (2 AP)
[] Start the marathon. (Consumes all AP until 20 have been spent.)
[] Write in. Perhaps there is something else? (?? AP) AN: Time for your second turn! As always, ask any questions!
Well, since there don't seem to be any more votes:
Scheduled vote count started by JayTar on Feb 28, 2024 at 10:12 PM, finished with 26 posts and 8 votes.
[X] Plan: Professional development, work and other god
-[X] Skill training (Pharmacology) (2 TAP)
-[X] Skill training (Therapy) (2 TAP)
-[X] Work: Things are quiet with Leader's injuries, but you can probably convince them to pay you for the followups on her current injures. Expected pay: 2-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
-[X] Family: As annoying as your brother is, maybe you should see what he is up to? (3 AP)
-[X] Professor Tweed - The Teacher. Hmph. Probably a waste of time. (4 AP)
[X] Plan: Professional development, work and future construction
-[X] Skill training (Pharmacology) (2 TAP)
-[X] Skill training (Therapy) (2 TAP)
-[X] Work: Things are quiet with Leader's injuries, but you can probably convince them to pay you for the followups on her current injures. Expected pay: 2-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
-[X] Family: As annoying as your brother is, maybe you should see what he is up to? (3 AP)
-[X] Steve - The Builder. Dispute the unfortunate association with (ugh) manual labor, you can see the merit in a god of building grand works. (4 AP)
[X] Plan: Mercs, Medicine and Exploration
-[X] Skill training (Resisting Physical pain) (2 TAP)
-[X] Work: Things are quiet with Leader's injuries, but you can probably convince them to pay you for the followups on her current injures. Expected pay: 2-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
-[X] Get to know your new employers. How did they come to be mercenaries? How does the mercenary business work? (3 AP)
-[X] Arrange for an operating theater. You will need somewhere to work, and make sure you have sufficient supplies. (2 AP)
-[X] Explore the city: The city contains many strange wonders. Some are even useful. Go out and find them. (2 AP)
[X] Plan: Professional development, work and other god
-[X] Skill training (Pharmacology) (2 TAP)
-[X] Skill training (Therapy) (2 TAP)
-[X] Work: Things are quiet with Leader's injuries, but you can probably convince them to pay you for the followups on her current injures. Expected pay: 2-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
-[X] Family: As annoying as your brother is, maybe you should see what he is up to? (3 AP)
-[X] Professor Tweed - The Teacher. Hmph. Probably a waste of time. (4 AP)
Location: District 12 Commercial Hub. Sub-Level 23. Hidden Safe House:
Given the tools made available to you, you are not sure if you should be offended by their meager quality, or impressed with your own skill to have nonetheless prevailed.
The stitches on the so called Leader's leg were mostly healed. You didn't have an x-ray to check with, but you suspected the same was true for the bone beneath.
Perhaps there is something to Leader's supposed resilience? If there is, it pales compared to to your talents.
"Looks like you will be fine by the end of the week." you tell her.
She grunts and leverages herself out of her cot before promptly limping out on a slightly too big crutch.
"Uh" You watch her exit without even a word.
"Sorry about that. Would you mind sticking around for a few hours just in case?" Senior says with a strained smile before chasing after her.
You take the chance to pull out some medical review texts. Your general foundation was excellent, but you had focused more on surgery then anything else. It might do to broaden your horizons.
Training alone: 3d3 per TAP
2 TAP spent.
6d3 = [2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 2] = 12*1.3 = 15 exp Medicine (Pharmacology) leveled to 1 (5/30)
Training alone: 3d3 per TAP
2 TAP spent.
6d3 = [1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1] = 12*1.3 = 15 exp Medicine (Therapy) leveled to 1 (5/30)
Several hours later Leader limps back in and plops right back in her cot. The rest of her team files in behind her.
You look at her in puzzlement before checking her injuries. "You reopened the stitches. They were almost healed! What were you doing?"
"Uh." you hear Skippy vocalize on the other side of the room. Where he was organizing a set of wire cutters and wrenches.
You look over to Slick who pauses in cleaning suspiciously rust colored stains off of a knife. To Senior who was fretting over a singed spot on his hat. To Leader who meets your gaze with a deadpan stare.
"Never mind."
Gain 3 decent dots
Location: Habitation Block 17-C. Cube 2421:
Free from your work you consider your brother. Your very annoying brother.
Officially he is a sociology tutor in good standing at the Universality. Unofficially you snooped on his schedule. One biweekly study session with only a handful of students. Technically enough to fund his supposedly austere lifestyle.
Anyone else would be fooled by the image of a lackadaisical slacker he puts on. Even you had not thought to prod it too deeply.
But recently your eyes were opened to a darker side to this city. One of mercenaries, assassinations and who knows what else. So perhaps it was time for you to express a little sisterly concern. Plus you were curious.
So you were going to break into his Cube. Turnabout is fair play!
If there was one thing your brother was passably competent at, it was twisting the the cities systems around his fingers. If you were going to match him you would need to be at your very best. Bring only the cleverest loopholes and the subtlest exceptions.
You navigate into the relevant menus in your phone ready to give it your all.
DC = 0
Auto pass!
… And find that you are already on the unrestricted whitelist for his Cube.
Dammit Jörmungandr. It's no fun if you make the victory easy.
The door unlocks at your touch. The inside is much the same as you last saw it. Standard reconfigurable furniture. Slightly fancy holographic computer.
For lack of anything else to do you leaf through his desk for anything interesting. Unfortunately nothing draws your eye.
A little later your brother comes through the door. You know his composure is too great to show anything like surprise, but you like to think the slight pause he makes indicates the same.
"Why hello dear sister, what brings you to my humble home?"
You snort performatively "What I can't just come and visit my darling big brother?"
He grins "Why of course you can. But did anything prompt this sudden impulse?"
"Must I have some ulterior motive?"
Your brother pretends to consider that for a moment. "Yup."
You pout. "I'll have you know I'm here out of authentic sisterly concern. Who knows what sort of dangerous things you could be getting up to on your days off."
"Hmm" He tilts his head slightly, eyes flickering over you. "Read any good books lately?"
"How about started any new jobs? You know those shady labs go through researchers almost as fast as they do test subjects."
You scoff. "As if! Any lab I enter is automatically made reputable by my very presence!"
"What then?" he probes. Searching you for tiny tells.
You smile placidly. No twitch or tic betrays you. "You'll just have to find out."
The standoff holds for a minute longer before your brother breaks it off with a chuckle. "Fine, but you are in the market for good books, I have one for you." He reaches past you to open an absolutely non-standard secret compartment on his desk, pull out a book, and press it into your hands.
You check the title. "An Introduction to Codes and Covert Communication by Nota Pi?"
"See me at my office hours if you have any questions" he adds cheekily. By the infuriating slant of his smile you know you won't be getting anything else useful out of him today.
Not that you don't spend the next hour pestering him just to make sure. A good scientist always tests their conclusions.
Jörmungandr Grimm's primary Social knowledge specially revealed! Jörmungandr Grimm may now train you in Social knowledge (Clandestine Proceedings).
Location: Habitation Block 17-C. Cube 3156:
Back at your Cube you set your sights back to research. Professor Tweed is highly regarded, and you can grudgingly admit the importance of teachers. So it would be foolish to disregard him entirely.
To gain Professor Tweed's attention you will need to personally mentor someone up to a professional level (3+3) in a skill which they then go on to use in a professional capacity.
The student must not have had any significant preexisting level of skill in the subject. (max level of 1)
This teaching must be done purely for the sharing of knowledge. Not payment or favors.
You note that there seems to be a common thread of disallowing cross purposes. Interesting.
You also find his first contract:
Professor Tweed
You, the contracted, must spend at least 1 action a week on teaching. In exchange, you may make simple illusions for the purpose of teaching aids.
Oh you recognize this! You've seen it in action a few times during your stint at the University. While in theory not much different from a high quality holographic slide show, the ability to adjust it with but a thought provides flexibility. The benefit isn't dramatic, but it is noticeable.
At your current level it would increase the dice size of anyone you are teaching by +1
You idly wonder just how far "for the purpose of teaching aids" can be stretched.
You may teach any skill up to your level in the skill.
They gain dice equal to 1+(Teaching skill + specialty)/3
When tutoring one on one, each 2 AP spent may affect all their TAP.
One decent dot subtracted for debt payments! Turn actions:
You have 4 TAP and 10-1=9 AP:
Current assets:
5 decent dots
1 Basic Habitation Cube.
Current expenses:
Debt repayment 4.9 High dots remain - 1 decent dot per turn.
Creative dumpster diving - 1 AP per turn
Available trainers:
Jörmungandr Grimm: Can train Organizational knowledge (AI administrator protocols) and Social knowledge (Clandestine Proceedings) along with their respective general skills. Provides +3 dice.
-[] Skill training (Trainer) (Skill or Skill (Specialty)) (x TAP)
[] Work: Things seem to be back to "Business as usual". For however usual this business is. Expected pay: 1-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
[] Food: Perhaps you would like to change your diet? Presents diet options. May be modified by your current wealth level. (1 AP)
[] Now that you have some money, you should look back into the University? Not that you need help with improving your skills. But you weren't one to turn down an advantage. (3 AP)
[] Old man Jack: Near the entrance to your Habitation block sits a old man. He sits there all day, always preforming some sort of hand craft. Whittling. Knitting. You should go give him a peace of your mind about such a shameful display! (3 AP)
[] Get to know your new employers. How did they come to be mercenaries? How does the mercenary business work? (3 AP)
[] You noticed the augmentations on the team's two younger members. You know you will have to approach it delicately, but perhaps there is something you can learn from them? Requires Lab (2 AP)
[] Explore the city: The city contains many strange wonders. Some are even useful. Go out and find them. (2 AP)
[] Dive deeper: Beneath the city there are countless forgotten places. Some may even contain treasures. Go out and find them (3 AP)
Gods Research. Roll Academics (Gods) to learn more about the god and what contracts they offer:
[] Steve - The Builder. Dispute the unfortunate association with (ugh) manual labor, you can see the merit in a god of building grand works. (4 AP)
[] Doctor Infinium. Perhaps you would like to try looking further? You don't think you will get much at your current skill level. (4 AP)
[] MD Old Bones. Perhaps you would like to try looking further? You don't think you will get much at your current skill level. (4 AP)
[] Professor Tweed Perhaps you would like to try looking further? You don't think you will get much at your current skill level. (4 AP)
[] Supplemental Research: MD Old Bones. You have questions about exactly how limiting his first contract is. Look into it. (2 1 AP)
To contact Gods:
Doctor Infinium:
[] Lab. If you want to pursue Doctor Infinium's attention you will need a lab.
--[] Scrape together what can fit in your Cube. Cost: 5 2 Poor dots. Gain poor quality lab. Reveal crafting rules. (1 AP)
--[] Buy some second hand equipment instead of pulling things out of the trash. Cost: 5 Low dots. Gain Low quality lab. Reveal crafting rules. (2 AP)
--[] Invest in some proper equipment. Requires larger space then your Cube. Cost: 5 Decent dots. Gain Decent quality lab. Reveal crafting rules. (4 AP)
[] Start crafting. Requires lab. (Variable AP)
MD Old Bones:
[] Arrange for an operating theater. You will need somewhere to work, and make sure you have sufficient supplies. (2 AP)
[] Arrange for a constant stream of patients. (3 AP)
[] Arrange for an assistant. A final line of defense against interruptions. Someone to make sure all your patients arrive on time, and fill any holes in your schedule. (2 AP)
[] Start the marathon. (Consumes all AP until 20 have been spent.)
Professor Tweed:
[] Go looking for a student. (Write in skill/specifics) (3 AP)
[] Teach! (2 AP)
[] Write in. Perhaps there is something else? (?? AP) AN: And turn 3! As always, ask any questions you like.
Setting the vote to end in roughly 48 hours: Mar 5, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Give people time to see the plans and vote.
Might end it sooner if there is no activity, but the voting is currently a little sparse. Which is a shame because we are getting to the point where the choices start to reflect on what sort of path you want to start down! What god you want to reach out to first is a big choice.
Update going to need a short while. Maybe tomorrow.
Scheduled vote count started by JayTar on Mar 2, 2024 at 11:37 PM, finished with 30 posts and 10 votes.
[X] Plan: Preparing the Foundation
-[X] Skill training (Jörmungandr) (Social knowledge (Clandestine Proceedings)) (2 TAP)
-[X] Skill training (Jörmungandr) (Organizational knowledge (AI administrator protocols)) (2 TAP)
-[X] Work: Things seem to be back to "Business as usual". For however usual this business is. Expected pay: 1-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
-[X] Food: Perhaps you would like to change your diet? Presents diet options. May be modified by your current wealth level. (1 AP)
-[X] Get to know your new employers. How did they come to be mercenaries? How does the mercenary business work? (3 AP)
-[X] Steve - The Builder. Dispute the unfortunate association with (ugh) manual labor, you can see the merit in a god of building grand works. (4 AP)
[X] Plan: The arrangement of the workplace and normal food.
-[X] Skill training (Jörmungandr Grimm) (Clandestine Proceedings) (2 TAP)
-[X] Skill training (Chemistry) (2 TAP)
-[X] Work: Things are quiet with Leader's injuries, but you can probably convince them to pay you for the followups on her current injures. Expected pay: 2-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
-[X] Food: Perhaps you would like to change your diet? Presents diet options. May be modified by your current wealth level. (1 AP)
-[X] Arrange for an operating theater. You will need somewhere to work, and make sure you have sufficient supplies. (2 AP)
-[X] Arrange for an assistant. A final line of defense against interruptions. Someone to make sure all your patients arrive on time, and fill any holes in your schedule. (2 AP)
[X] Plan: Final Godly Review
-[X] Skill training (Jörmungandr) (Social knowledge (Clandestine Proceedings)) (3 TAP)
-[X] Skill training (Science (Chemistry)) (1 TAP)
-[X] Work: Things seem to be back to "Business as usual". For however usual this business is. Expected pay: 1-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
-[X] Get to know your new employers. How did they come to be mercenaries? How does the mercenary business work? (3 AP)
-[X] Steve - The Builder. Dispute the unfortunate association with (ugh) manual labor, you can see the merit in a god of building grand works. (4 AP)
[X] Plan: Final God and First Student
-[X] Skill training (Jörmungandr) (Social knowledge (Clandestine Proceedings)) (3 TAP)
-[X] Skill training (Teaching) (1 TAP)
-[X] Work: Things seem to be back to "Business as usual". For however usual this business is. Expected pay: 1-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
-[X] Go looking for a student. (Write in skill/specifics) (3 AP)
--[X] The gang of mercs, argue that they need someone capable to administer first aid if they don't want the weird accidents they keep having to kill one of them before you arrive to save their live. First student to competence is free!
-[X] Steve - The Builder. Dispute the unfortunate association with (ugh) manual labor, you can see the merit in a god of building grand works. (4 AP)
[X] Plan: Preparing the Foundation
-[X] Skill training (Jörmungandr) (Social knowledge (Clandestine Proceedings)) (2 TAP)
-[X] Skill training (Jörmungandr) (Organizational knowledge (AI administrator protocols)) (2 TAP)
-[X] Work: Things seem to be back to "Business as usual". For however usual this business is. Expected pay: 1-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
-[X] Food: Perhaps you would like to change your diet? Presents diet options. May be modified by your current wealth level. (1 AP)
-[X] Get to know your new employers. How did they come to be mercenaries? How does the mercenary business work? (3 AP)
-[X] Steve - The Builder. Dispute the unfortunate association with (ugh) manual labor, you can see the merit in a god of building grand works. (4 AP)
Location: District 12 Commercial Hub. Sub-Level 7. Processing Center 4:
This is a waste of time. You are sitting in front of a trash disposal chute, waiting for a hauler-bot to come by to unload its self and give you a brief window of opportunity to snatch something.
But you have money now. You could be buying food. Your time is worth more then this drudgery.
Naturalism: 2 + Foraging 2 = 4 dice
4d6=[6, 3, 6, 1]=16
DC: 10 + 15 (Did not assign action) – 10 (Only for part of the turn) = 15
Idea. You turn and stride purposefully after the closest hauler-bot as it slowly trundles away on its treads.
The location is much as you had expected. A nearby almost-automated warehouse. Circling around you find the building's employee entrance and walk in like you own the place.
You quickly come to the building's single human operator. A dour man surrounded by screens displaying diagnostic and logistical information.
"One of your customers just canceled their order while it was in mid transit" you confidently allege. In truth you had no such knowledge, but simply made an educated guess based on previous trends.
The drone manger scratches their nose and looks at you dully. "What of it?"
"You will give me the returned packages instead of sending them for re-processing. I am doing a gastronomical study and require the material."
His body language expresses a distinct dissatisfaction with his wage vis-a-vis the current circumstances. "Sure whatever".
He presses a few buttons and you walk out of the warehouse with an armful of T-N meals. Enough calories to last you a few days, even if you won't be getting any of the special benefits.
Well not unless you start ordering them yourself.
[] Pure nutrient paste No not again.
[] Nutrient paste with vitamin supplements and flavoring agents. Costs 3 poor dots per turn. Every other turn will inflict a -1 penalty to all mental rolls until a proper diet is resumed.
[] Scavenging and Foraging - The current state of affairs. Costs 1 AP per turn. Exact results dependent on Survival (Foraging) roll, but should have no negative effects so long as you roll decently.
In theory you may forgo this AP cost, in exchange for a large difficulty increase to the roll.
[] Simple Packaged meals - Cheap and produced for mass consumption. Technically a full meal in every box. Tasty but in a very standardized sort of way. Costs 2 low dots per turn. No negative effects.
[] Nutrient dense - Nutrient enriched synthmeat and top geneline hydroponics. More expensive then normal meals, but give benefits to physical development. The protein shakes remind you uncomfortably of the nutrient paste, but at least they have some flavor. Costs 6 low dots per turn.
A random physical skill gains +0.05x training multiplier every turn for the duration of the turn.
[] Custom Nutrition Tailored - Custom synthesized meals for an individuals needs and pallet. T-N meals are the premium option, at least, for an unrefined consumer. Normally costs 1 high dot upfront for the necessary tests and lab work. You can substitute this for a DC 15 Science (Biology) roll. If the roll fails, it repeats every turn until it succeeds.
Costs 1.2 decent dots per turn.
Pick a skill. Gain +0.05x training multiplier to that skill so long as you are on this meal plan.
Location: Habitation Block 17-C:
With that done, it is time for the book your brother gave you. You read it of course.
It takes a very conversational tone. At times directly addressing the reader. The lack of body language to analyze throws you but you push through. What a strange writing style.
Then you drop by your brother's so called office hours afterwards. That is, you invite yourself into his Cube when you know he will be there and start demanding answers.
Training With Jörmungandr: (3+3)d3=6d3 per TAP
2 TAP spent.
12d3 = [1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3] = 24*1.3 = 31 exp
Social knowledge (Clandestine Proceedings) now at 1 (21/30)
Training With Jörmungandr: (3+3)d3=6d3 per TAP
2 TAP spent.
12d3 =[3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2] = 31 exp
Organizational knowledge (AI administrator protocols) now at 31/90
What started as some simple clarifications on the nature of sign-countersign verification quickly devolves into one of your old sibling games. "Spot the loophole."
You end up getting really into it, and by the time you leave you feel like you have made great progress. Not nearly enough to beat your annoying brother, but perhaps soon at this rate.
Location: District 12 Commercial Hub. Sub-Level 23:
"Finally!" Leader gets up to stretch and you don't stop her. "No offense. Work needs work."
"I admit, you have me curious. How exactly does your work work?"
She considers you for a few moments before shrugging. "Sure. Follow." She sets off walking, and this time you follow.
Senior meets you at the door and leads you to a simple hover car. A short ride later he drops you off next to a minor cargo elevator making some small comment about watching the kids. You follow Leader in and it starts a long slow acceleration down.
You finally get tired of the silence. "So where exactly are we going?"
"Under market"
"For what purpose."
"Get contracts. Get equipment."
"Do a lot of assassinations?"
You give her a look. "What then?"
She regards you in return. You get the impression she isn't trying to be rude. Just that she is laconic out of habit.
"Espionage. Theft. Steal data. Destroy data."
"Who hires you?"
"Laboratories. Workshops."
"Who do you target?"
"Laboratories. Workshops." she repeats with exactly the same intonation.
You sigh. Or course. Petty academic sabotage. Or perhaps not so petty. You can never escape it. "What about you and the team? How did you get into this business?"
No answer. You turn and look. For the first time in the conversation Leader seems tense. Now you could back off, but nah. You are a scientist and science never fears a question. "I noticed certain biological irregularities. Augmentations".
The tension ratchets. Like something invisible is pressing down on you. You don't allow yourself to sweat. "Sometimes the data is someone" Leader says.
You nod, like that is the most natural thing in the world. Why wouldn't it be? Slowly the tension drains away into the silence.
Further conversation is interrupted by light coming through the elevator's mesh grating. Three of the four walls around the elevator fall away into a vast open space.
You see a fissure. No you realize. Vast stalactites. Each the size of buildings and made of faintly glowing purple crystal. They hang out over- over- over-
Mental fortitude: 2 + Noticing Manipulation 2 = 4 dice
4d6 = [6, 2, 6, 3] = 17
DC = 15/??
DC reduced by 1
You shut your eyes and reestablish your mental equilibrium. Feeling the way your eyes and thoughts skate off of it. It is all you can do to notice it is even happening.
"That is the void."
The elevator never stopped accelerating until it switched to decelerating. You should have noticed that. Idly you run the physics calculations in your head. You could have traveled kilometers.
"That is- shouldn't the void be deeper?" The void was one of those things everybody learns about in school but never really thinks about. Below a certain elevation all matter starts to disintegrate. The only thing that kept all the continents supported was the natural repulsion the denser elements experienced when they approached it.
"It is. "
"But-" No you consider, this truly is a fissure except upside down. The top of a trench carved into the substratum. You aren't deep enough to truly reach the void. Not unless you took a really long fall. "How many places are there like this in the city?"
"Dunno. At least a couple."
You stop asking questions and take the time to pull yourself together. The Leviathan who steps out of the elevator is cool, calm and collected.
Leader leads you down one of a dozen metal catwalks spanning over the abyss to a disturbingly normal office, except for the glass floor.
An equally nondescript man greets you, except for the glass eye. "Your late. I expected you last week." he accuses Leader.
"Trash information. Trash job." Leader returns.
"Any due diligence is your responsibly."
The two get into a tense argument. You do your best to follow along.
Social knowledge 2 + Clandestine Proceedings 1 = 3 dice
3d6 = [3, 6, 2] = 11
DC = 10
It's posturing. Posturing and leverage. Leader can't outright admit how the mission went bad. It explains why she waited to report back. Showing up with an injury would have been a sign of weakness.
The man, who's name you learn is Silicate, knows this and pressing her on it to keep her on the back foot. You catch what you are pretty sure are veiled references to prior "screw ups" too.
Perception 3 + Body Language 3 = 6 dice
6d6 = [5, 5, 3, 2, 5, 6] = 26
DC = 15/25
Leader is bluntly, not very good at this. She keeps her cool well enough, but her rhetorical style is akin to planting her feet and trading blows leaving her vulnerable to Silicate's verbal undermining. By her the stiffness in her stance she isn't happy, but is trying to just push through. Grin and bear it, metaphorically.
Silicate is harder to read. But you are too good to let his icy demeanor fool you. In part he sees this as just business. Cruelly twisting the knife to squeeze out as many credits as he can. Underneath however is fragility. Something has shaken him up recently, and he isn't nearly as secure as he is trying to project.
The only question is what you plan to do with this knowledge.
[] Stay quiet. This is a dangerous situation with dangerous people. No reason to sick your neck out.
[] Intervene You can talk the talk, and act the act. Who's to say you aren't some up and coming scientist here to make a deal? Well if you were you aren't impressed with what you see. Apply some pressure and see if you can get Silicate to crack.
AN: Your luck for this turn was kinda crazy. You see that Organizational knowledge training roll? Less then 1% chance. If you had rolled that for Clandestine Proceedings instead you would have gone from level 0 to 2 in just 2 TAP.
Your social skills got a real workout. The focus they were given in character creation was interesting. Leviathan is no socially inept stereotype. Hope I represented that well.
Surprised by just how unanimous the vote is turning out. I guess the current financial situation discoursed any of the more advanced meal plans. Anyway going to close the vote now since it seems pretty set.
Scheduled vote count started by JayTar on Mar 6, 2024 at 7:28 PM, finished with 8 posts and 7 votes.
[X] Simple Packaged meals - Cheap and produced for mass consumption. Technically a full meal in every box. Tasty but in a very standardized sort of way.