Cast in Gold - Evangelion/Exalted

I'm generally not one to nit pick the "sense of scale probelms" in stories, I'm pretty much satisfied if the author at least gives a nod to the "reality" that nothing exists in a vacuum. I often like those kinds of details, but I'm no "spread sheet" artist, nlr do I expect that of the author. book-keeping just takes up time and effort the author could be using to write the story. :)

I just brought up the themes and issues I did because I was wondering how deeply into details you might be going, and that dealing with the problems might be a angle that Shinji could bring his Solar Bullshit to bear on, and perhaps have an effect the world beyond Tokyo 3.

Oh, and in my previous post, I was more jokingly asking what Charm would serve the purpose of getting someone to spill their plans, than actually hoping you would spoil said plans for the story. :p

As per 2nd edition?

You could use Irresistable Salesman Spirit to compel an action "Reveal your plans." as a Presence social attack.

Note that the game doesn't really explain this, but even if you succeed in convincing 'me' to reveal my plans, I can still lie- the compulsion is only I have to respond.

To guarantee truthinesss, you could use Irresistable Questioning Technique from Investigation, which compels the target to answer your questions truthfully. Note that IQT doesn't actually compel the answers- it just prepares the target as such they'll tell the truth unless they resist.
You could use Irresistable Salesman Spirit to compel an action "Reveal your plans." as a Presence social attack.

Note that the game doesn't really explain this, but even if you succeed in convincing 'me' to reveal my plans, I can still lie- the compulsion is only I have to respond.
"I plan... to have lunch! I was thinking a roast beef sandwich."
There are more efficient things a Solar could be doing, like creating sun lamps.

Edit: Misread what you wrote- in that case, the captive anathema would eventally break free, because the only way to stop an Exalt from figuring out how to get out of a jam is to kill them.
I wasn't being entirely serious...

Somehow, my brain made the weirdest jump between 'flaring totemic' and 'riding historic'.

And now I'm having flashes of Fury Road: Exalted Edition. o_O

The whole thing is obviously set in Cecelyne. Infernal!Furiosa is trying to escape Malfeas while Lunar!Max hitches along and fuck's with her plans.

For extra amusement, throw a Lunar/Solar Bond in there. Also, Max's flashbacks could be Past Life visions.

Edit: the image I had in my head for the "Anathema sunlamp" was basically Max tied to the front pole of the pursuit vehicle too.
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More on cold war worldbuilding

This is just general spitballing. But basically, coming right out of the cold war into the 90s Gulf war, and then into Second Impact likely made the United States go full-castling isolationist and pull everything back to the domestic front except where it had prior agreements with like, the UN and NATO and such (and by extension the Pacific fleet).

Because now the warhawks in office Finally had the Big Enemy they had been looking for ever since the end of Vietnam: the Angels, something which Everyone could agree was only out to destroy us.

So you kinda end up with the US reverting back to kind of the 50s mentality of boltholes and personal bomb shelters, the media going in Hard on "where will YOU be when disaster strikes" kind of messaging, and "homeland security" becoming a thing just as hard as it did for us.

Imagine like, instead of all the funding for the past two decades being dumped into foreign wars, it was being rerouted into stuff like Actually making the Missile Defense Shield into something besides a money hole, or reinforcing the interstate system to be a fully-enclosed network of blast-proof tunnels to improve the chances of cross-country infrastructure surviving another major Angel attack (since the 50s was the last time the infrastructure of the nation was suddenly a priority as well).

You are now imagining an entire nation of Burt Gummers.
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So, does this mean... Vault-tec exists? :p
What about ocean going forces, and shipping, are vessels and task forces/convoys under attack by Raksha forces as well?
So, does this mean... Vault-tec exists? :p
What about ocean going forces, and shipping, are vessels and task forces/convoys under attack by Raksha forces as well?

No, Vault-Tec is a product of alternate universe 40s-50s ideology.

I suppose I should explain one key point about the Raksha: They are not and have never been a wholly unified host. They may at times share objectives, forge loyalties as part of their play acting and the like, but it's all pretenses. They are an endless recursive chain of Kirk Lazarus method-actors who will go to any length, even dying for their chosen role.

Raksha are not slavishly devoted to the Death of All things. They are capricious, fickle, transitory things that play at being mortal because it amuses them.

Let's take the Balorian Crusade. It was the one time the Raksha really got their stuff together and unified against anything, being Creation. Balor of the Terrible Gaze set up his vast plan to declare Creation the enemy of all time, and he rallied unbelievable numbers of potent Raksha, shaped and Unshaped to his banner. It would be the greatest story ever, killing Creation and returning Chaos to the glory of Time Not!

Except along the way, two things happened- we're not really sure or in what order.
1. the Realm Defense Grid was activated, and the Crusade was beaten back (along with the Great Contagion generally making things difficult as well).
2. Balor was betrayed. (maybe)

Since the crusade, we now have what is called the Church of Balor, which are wholly committed to Balor's great goal... except the reality is that the Raksha really don't want to destroy Creation. If they destroyed Creation, the story would end. They'd have to find some new grand ambition. Oh, the young, hot-blooded Raksha all are true believers in the cause, but the upper forms all agree "Better we have this windmill to tilt at, forever."

It's easy to mistake Raksha as lolrandumb, but they are not inherently cartoonish or absurd. Their nature is to be the absolute horrifying reality of a Merry Melodies cartoon short, to be a being at home in an almost acausal narrative that revels in its lack of persistence.

Think of it like this- Raksha are perfectly rational at being Raksha, but not rational at being rational. They are creatures of whim and chaos, arbitrary and fickle. They don't value things like optimization, efficiency or practicality-unless those things make for a better story to cast themselves a lead role.
So, thoughts from my (ongoing) re-read:

The little details really make the story a joy to read. Ritsuko pausing mid-doughnut as Maya realizes something's wrong with the magi in chapter 28 jumped out at me as an example. The little details that create the images in your mind. (And that's an odd metaphor to use when Asuka and Rei are stuck in the simulators o_O)

Gendo and Fuyutsuki talk about how the Dead Sea Scrolls are changing again, with weird metaphors and such. Lots of Exalted texts use the same methods, it would be interesting if Shinji's influence is doing that. I rather wonder if at some point SEELE will end up with a copy of The Fortress Unvanquishable, Save for Sacnoth.

Looking at the Scrolls (ch 31), SEELE found a point of divergence six months before the third Angel showed up. Maybe whatever happened there opened up the potential for Shinji to Exalt? (Rereading that first sentence makes no sense, is this a divergence from the recorded contents of the scrolls? Remembered contents? Since apparently those two don't always agree. This just raises further questions :confused:)

Ch 33: Ritsuko flipping out about Shinji violating conservation of mass:
"Funny you should ask..." Misato looked up at nothing, smiling softly. "I think he's bringing his new team up to speed."

Stamping out her spent cigarette, Ritsuko's lips compressed down to a thin line. "They're all... local, right?"

Misato crossed her arms and huffed. "For fucks sake, Rits. Shinji isn't conjuring up any new interns."

Still reading, still loving this story, keep up the great work Shyft!

EDIT: Few minutes later:
Shinji however had come out of the ordeal admitting he'd developed a technique to cure rhinovirus infection. And, he added, possibly cancer.
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Thanks for the insights, Shyft. I hadn't been picturing the Raksha as a one cohesive faction anyway. This at least would seem to mean that the various centers of Raksha activity aren't cooperating with other efforts as a matter of policy, unless there is some kind of connection- like, say, one leader seeking to take advantage of a rival's misfortune and grab the prize, perhaps.

I take it that this means that Tokyo 3/Geofront won't be confronted with efforts to reinforce the local invasion, other than the local Raksha's vassals, minions, allies, should any exist not already on the scene. Unless, by whatever means they have to become aware of events, other "Lords" think that what's going on in and around Tokyo 3 has the potential for one heck of a good story.

Hope we get a POV bit from some of the SEELE Council members, as they tear their hair out over what's goin on with their "Scenario". Heck, Numero Uno Kihl is right there in the Geofront...
chapter 42: Alliances - Part 8
The steady beep and wave of an EKG standing too close to her ear was oddly reassuring. Windows stretched across the infirmary floor, including her room, complete with automated blinds. But the Geofront had been dark almost since the invasion, and only harsh floodlights out in the forests lit the cavern. Ritsuko groaned, feeling more rested and put-together than she had been in weeks. Unconsciousness quickly gave way to a wide-eyed general alert as she remembered exactly where she was and what was going on.

Fumbling, she reached for the fuzzy hand that offered her glasses and shoved them on, licking dry lips. "How long was I out?"

"Not long." The blur resolved as Sub-Commander Fuyutsuki. "Just a few days since you and the Inspector recovered ADAM. We're not exactly sure what happened yet, but Pilot Sorhyu, Shinji and I all believe you and he will make a full recovery."

"A few days?" Ritsuko's mind thundered with a hundred questions, and one leaped off her tongue without much prompting. "How widely known-?"

"The degree of code word clearance is being relaxed, somewhat." Fuyutsuki reassured her, grandfatherly and austure as always. "Of the senior command staff, only Katsuragi hasn't been fully read in yet."

"Yet? Fuyutsuki Kozo, she will eviscerate someone once she understands what that thing is!" Her harsh whisper was hampered how her cotton tongue caught on her lips.

Nodding, Fuyutsuki idly pulled his chair in a bit closer. "That is a legitimate concern, but one we may have to contend with. The Commander believes otherwise, but NERV may not be capable of fulfilling its intended purpose, for anyone."

A glass of water sat on the table next to her bed. Sitting up in the hospital bed, she gingerly minded the IV lines in her arm and moved to take a few careful sips. She let Fuyutsuki's declaration wash over her. The old man sounded so... relieved, and couldn't help but envy his aplomb. She closed her eyes and hurridly reviewed her last few waking memories, frowning. The retrieval mission with Kaji, making it back to NERV, collapsing... Her mind was on fire, and she couldn't remember the last time her thoughts had been so clear.

"I was coughing up bits of my lungs and soul... Well, maybe not my soul." She sipped more water, throat demanding moisture. "A few days? if you haven't noticed, 'a few days' around here lately could mean the difference between waking up on the other side of the planet or finding out Shinji has weaponized the moon."

"It has been determined that Tokyo-3 and a not insignificant chunk of the Hakone region has rotated ninety-six degrees clockwise." Fuyutsuki smiled thinly. "Lake Ashi is now west of Tokyo-3, instead of south-east."

While she mulled that over, a shadow played across the building. Unit-00 held a half-dozen trailers in its hands, setting them down next to a recently cleared patch of Geofront forest. Its armor was riddled with punctures and streaks of congealed LCL, and most of its left arm was bare down to the flesh. Misato peeked her head in through the infirmary door, waving. Her hair hung in thick wet locks around her shoulders, and her NERV-issue sweats and t-shirt were spotted damp. Her sidearm still dangled under her arm. Ritsuko caught the quick little grin she shot her way, easing inside and sliding the door shut behind her.

"Glad you're up and about. I just checked in on Kaji. He's fine." Misato rolled her eyes with a tired grin. "Attempted to pinch my ass. I might have to let him if he keeps all this up."

Ritsuko looked down at herself, frowning at the hospital gown. Her tan hadn't faded much either. "I need my clothes. And some scratch paper."

The old commander and her friend exchanged a quick look, and Misato cocked her head to one side. "You alright, Ritsuko?"

"Can't complain. Sub-Commander- clothes, paper?" Ritsuko stared through her glasses. The Eva brought to mind AT-fields, and then the invaders and their strange powers. Sorhyu might have been better for the science, but right now she needed a supernatural engineer. "And get Shinji-kun down here, if he can be spared."

Fuyutsuki raised his hands, surrendering. "I'll make the arrangements. Major."

He shuffled out without further comment while Misato took his seat, smiling faintly. "Already working on something?"

Ritsuko shrugged, not willing to voice her thoughts aloud just yet. Hunches, mostly. "What else has been going on?"

"Eh, they tried to drill into the Geofront, and then they dropped a walking castle on Tokyo-3." Misato's grin turned a little rueful. "As of an hour ago, Shinji and Asuka are astronauts, and we got some reinforcements from Tokyo-2. Jet Alone and NHIS helped out. Tokita survived."

Ritsuko shoved a hand beneath her glasses and massaged her face. Despite his presence, she was glad to note the absence of bags under her eyes. "NHIS's project succeeded? How'd they make it here?"

"Believe it or not, Jet Alone can manifest AT-fields. Shinji can confirm it when he gets here." Misato shrugged, smiling despite herself.

Just as Misato finished her brief little summary, Shinji eased his bulk through the door. The look on her face was likely a think to behold, she was sure. Now she really needed him. What did she have though, her resources- the memory transfer machine, and the second generation of metaphysical analysis equipment. An increasingly large stockpile of salvage and recovered material from the invaders, thaumaturgical divination methods...

Ritsuko stared off at nothing in particular while Shinji cleared his throat, hefting a full duffel bag in one hand and MAGI tablet terminal in the other. "Fuyutsuki-sensei said you needed this stuff, and me?"

"Yeah." Ritsuko huffed, reaching out to take the bag into her lap, then gingerly unhooking herself from the life support and intravenous shunts. She ignored Shinji's pinched look. "And then you and I are going to spend thirty minutes designing new soul cameras."

* * *

When the castle fell and straddled Tokyo-3, it carried night with it. Mist and fog clung to the underside, spreading out into a thick blanket that swallowed up guttering campfires and lingering blazes from the earlier battle. Snow started to fall on Japan, for the first time in nearly twenty years. The hundred or so hostages Ayumi could see had started shivering, huddling together for warmth while their captors hovered around them.

The elegant ones lazed about, full of blithe gesture and hedonistic action. For have seemingly lost a battle, they were in good spirits. Clowns, jugglers and performers seemed to fill the cafeteria, milling between hostages or drawing them into obscene games with silk ropes and smiles that cut like glass. The horrors clapped their hands and servant creatures swanned out carrying trays of succulent looking-

Ayumi forced herself to not think about it. When the aliens deigned to notice the state of their captives, the woman with all the arms clapped six hands. A dozen or so of the little living tree men snapped to attention, practically vibrating with apprehension plain on their wooden faces. Ayumi watched as they were put to the torch one by one and consigned to being burned alive. One soft-stepped with hot feet in her direction, burning with silent screams but dancing the whole time. The heat washed over her, making her skin prickle with sweat and uneasy relief. Were they prisoners or guests, she couldn't say.

Pressed up against one wall, Toji trembled despite the sudden bonfires dotting the cafeteria. He clutched his empty sleeve, eyes wide and casting about at things that weren't there. "Totally fine. I can take care of myself. Just put it down and leave it there, like that..."

The leaden weight in her legs was unbelievably heavy, but Ayumi fought past the creak and twinge in her knees. Slowly, she heaved herself up onto hands and knees, pushing aside the glass and fallen ceiling tiles until she reached him. Elsewhere in the cafeteria, a handful of civilians had managed to muster up the strength to go on hunger strike. She watched the sentries and attendance force food down their throats.

Easing around one of the more majestic, foppish courtiers, Ayumi froze when it turned to look at her. It's face was a perfect, symmetrical blend of beautiful androgyny with antlers curled down like blonde ringlets. Its body looked positively sculpted, and it raised a golden, jewel-encrusted goblet, toasting her as the guttering firelight seemed to sing across the gleaming rim. A pair of car-sized tigers made of silk bounded and pounced on each other on the other side of a conjured oak table, snarling playfully. The amber-eyed creature turned away with a delicate sniff, and Ayumi reminded herself that air was necessary to life.

"Hey. Suzuhara." When she finally reached him, she kept her voice low, but the guards and burning men didn't seem to notice or care.

"S-Saneda?" He wasn't focusing. His eyes kept pointing separate directions.

"We-" She licked her lips. "We'll get through this. Right? I have to tell your girlfriend that you were brave... And you need to be there to show her that."

"...Y-Yeah." Toji managed to get one eye fixed on hers, while the other stubbornly looked somewhere off and to the right. "Got it..."

Huddling in a bit closer, Ayumi snuck an arm around his back, trying not to think too much about how accessible that side of his body was. With the walking bonfires filling the cafeteria with warmth and light, the trembling changed flavor. Chills gave way to dread. They obviously wanted the hostages alive for something, if they cared enough to feed and keep them warm... Toji still wasn't focusing. Shifting again, Ayumi gently cupped her hands around his eyes. Almost immediately, he stilled.

Then the shivers started up, but somehow Ayumi could tell they were healthier. Toji shuddered, quaked hard enough that his shoulders thumped into her chest and arms hard enough to sting, but she endured. When the spasms passed, took in a deep, deep breath and exhaled. Then another. He was unimaginably strong, no wonder he had a girlfriend. She laid her head on his shoulder, not quite good, but feeling better than she had in weeks.

A flash of white grabbed her attention, barely catching it out the corner of her eye. It was tough to tell how far away it was, the mist and night sky was playing tricks with perspective, and she was exhausted too.

It approached, moving with grace and short legs across the snow, while the other hostages and the carnival of horrors seemed to ignore it utterly. She couldn't place it, not for any animal in Japan. Not a fox, racoon or dog. The fur was more white than the snow, casting a shining halo in the air and across the ground. It stepped through the gap in the cafeteria wall, bending its long body around the rubble with sinuous ease.

Sitting down on its haunches, it turned a pair of dark obsidian eyes on her. They were flat, black pools at first, but when its eyes met hers, a spark of knowing appeared. With her heart pounding in her chest, Ayumi could only wait while it's whiskers twitched, and it took her measure. The sublime creature spoke without words, and Ayumi felt peace settle into her chest.

Stories end, you will endure, it told her.

Glancing to the side, she opened her mouth with a question on her lips, but stopped. Ayumi couldn't have asked Toji- he couldn't see anything. She looked back, and the beast was gone, not even leaving footprints in the snow...

Behind her, the courtier with the curling antlers raised its hand and pulled a pair of captives to their feet. With a gesture, it bid them fight to the death for their enjoyment.
I've always downplayed the horror of the Rakasha in my own Exalted games. Villains who could be swept aside easily by my players seemed useless.
I guess I forgot how mortals see them.
A flash of white grabbed her attention, barely catching it out the corner of her eye. It was tough to tell how far away it was, the mist and night sky was playing tricks with perspective, and she was exhausted too.

It approached, moving with grace and short legs across the snow, while the other hostages and the carnival of horrors seemed to ignore it utterly. She couldn't place it, not for any animal in Japan. Not a fox, racoon or dog. The fur was more white than the snow, casting a shining halo in the air and across the ground. It stepped through the gap in the cafeteria wall, bending its long body around the rubble with sinuous ease.

Sitting down on its haunches, it turned a pair of dark obsidian eyes on her. They were flat, black pools at first, but when its eyes met hers, a spark of knowing appeared. With her heart pounding in her chest, Ayumi could only wait while it's whiskers twitched, and it took her measure. The sublime creature spoke without words, and Ayumi felt peace settle into her chest.

Stories end, you will endure, it told her.
Luna? The fuck are you doing here?
Wai, Shyft-sensei has gifted us with more pearls of prose! :)

The steady beep and wave of an EKG (machine?) standing too close to her ear was oddly reassuring. Windows stretched across the infirmary floor, including her room, complete with automated blinds. But the Geofront had been dark almost since the invasion, and only harsh floodlights out in the forests lit the cavern. Ritsuko groaned, feeling more rested and put-together than she had been in weeks. Unconsciousness quickly gave way to a wide-eyed general alert as she remembered exactly where she was and what was going on.
Welcome back, Rits, to this Mad, mad,mad, mad, mad, .... world.
Fumbling, she reached for the fuzzy hand that offered her glasses and shoved them on, licking dry lips. "How long was I out?"

"Not long." The blur resolved as Sub-Commander Fuyutsuki. "Just a few days since you and the Inspector recovered ADAM. We're not exactly sure what happened yet, but Pilot Sorhyu, Shinji and I all believe you and he will make a full recovery."

"A few days?" Ritsuko's mind thundered with a hundred questions, and one leaped off her tongue without much prompting. "How widely known-?"

"The degree of code word clearance is being relaxed, somewhat." Fuyutsuki reassured her, grandfatherly and austere as always. "Of the senior command staff, only Katsuragi hasn't been fully read in yet."

"Yet? Fuyutsuki Kozo, she will eviscerate someone once she understands what that thing is!" Her harsh whisper was hampered how her cotton tongue caught on her lips.

"Glad you're up and about. I just checked in on Kaji. He's fine." Misato rolled her eyes with a tired grin. "Attempted to pinch my ass. I might have to let him if he keeps all this up."
Ritsuko looked down at herself, frowning at the hospital gown. Her tan hadn't faded much either. "I need my clothes. And some scratch paper."

The old commander and her friend exchanged a quick look, and Misato cocked her head to one side. "You alright, Ritsuko?"

"Can't complain. Sub-Commander- clothes, paper?" Ritsuko stared through her glasses. The Eva brought to mind AT-fields, and then the invaders and their strange powers. Sorhyu might have been better for the science, but right now she needed a supernatural engineer. "And get Shinji-kun down here, if he can be spared."
Wow, Rits, you've really drunk the koolaid, you said that without choking. :confused: "Supernatural Engineer", indeed.
Fuyutsuki raised his hands, surrendering. "I'll make the arrangements. Major."

He shuffled out without further comment while Misato took his seat, smiling faintly. "Already working on something?"

Ritsuko shrugged, not willing to voice her thoughts aloud just yet. Hunches, mostly. "What else has been going on?"

"Eh, they tried to drill into the Geofront, and then they dropped a walking castle on Tokyo-3." Misato's grin turned a little rueful. "As of an hour ago, Shinji and Asuka are astronauts, and we got some reinforcements from Tokyo-2. Jet Alone and NHIS helped out. Tokita survived."
"Tuesday, then?" "Tuesday. Or Thursday. A day that ends in y, anway. " "Anyway, 'Walking Castle'?" "Yeah, but like a giant sampling device with legs. With a giant chain from Jupiter. "
Ritsuko shoved a hand beneath her glasses and massaged her face. Despite his presence, she was glad to note the absence of bags under her eyes. "NHIS's project succeeded? How'd they make it here?"

"Believe it or not, Jet Alone can manifest AT-fields. Shinji can confirm it when he gets here." Misato shrugged, smiling despite herself.

Just as Misato finished her brief little summary, Shinji eased his bulk through the door. The look on her face was likely a thing to behold, she was sure. Now she really needed him. What did she have though, (of?/what her?) her resources- the memory transfer machine, and the second generation of metaphysical analysis equipment. An increasingly large stockpile of salvaged and recovered material from the invaders, thaumaturgical divination methods...

Ritsuko stared off at nothing in particular while Shinji cleared his throat, hefting a full duffel bag in one hand and a MAGI tablet terminal in the other. "Fuyutsuki-sensei said you needed this stuff, and me?"

"Yeah." Ritsuko huffed, reaching out to take the bag into her lap, then gingerly unhooking herself from the life support and intravenous shunts. She ignored Shinji's pinched look. "And then you and I are going to spend thirty minutes designing new soul cameras."

* * *

When the castle fell and straddled Tokyo-3, it carried night with it. Mist and fog clung to the underside, spreading out into a thick blanket that swallowed up guttering campfires and lingering blazes from the earlier battle. Snow started to fall on Japan, for the first time in nearly twenty years. The hundred or so hostages Ayumi could see had started shivering, huddling together for warmth while their captors hovered around them.

The elegant ones lazed about, full of blithe gesture and hedonistic action. For have seemingly lost a battle, they were in good spirits. Clowns, jugglers and performers seemed to fill the cafeteria, milling between hostages or drawing them into obscene games with silk ropes and smiles that cut like glass. The horrors clapped their hands and servant creatures swanned swarmed? out carrying trays of succulent looking-

Ayumi forced herself to not think about it. When the aliens deigned to notice the state of their captives, the woman with all the arms clapped six hands. A dozen or so of the little living tree men snapped to attention, practically vibrating with apprehension plain on their wooden faces. Ayumi watched as they were put to the torch one by one and consigned to being burned alive. One soft-stepped with hot feet in her direction, burning with silent screams but dancing the whole time. The heat washed over her, making her skin prickle with sweat and uneasy relief. Were they prisoners or guests, she couldn't say.
:o Worse, Ayumi. Honored Guests. Great way to show how alien the Raksha and their court are, Shyft.
Pressed up against one wall, Toji trembled despite the sudden bonfires dotting the cafeteria. He clutched his empty sleeve, eyes wide and casting about at things that weren't there. "Totally fine. I can take care of myself. Just put it down and leave it there, like that..."

The leaden weight in her legs was unbelievably heavy, but Ayumi fought past the creak and twinge in her knees. Slowly, she heaved herself up onto hands and knees, pushing aside the glass and fallen ceiling tiles until she reached him. Elsewhere in the cafeteria, a handful of civilians had managed to muster up the strength to go on hunger strike. She watched the sentries and attendants force food down their throats.

Easing around one of the more majestic, foppish courtiers, Ayumi froze when it turned to look at her. It's face was a perfect, symmetrical blend of beautiful androgyny with antlers curled down like blonde ringlets. Its body looked positively sculpted, and it raised a golden, jewel-encrusted goblet, toasting her as the guttering firelight seemed to sing across the gleaming rim. A pair of car-sized tigers made of silk bounded and pounced on each other on the other side of a conjured oak table, snarling playfully. The amber-eyed creature turned away with a delicate sniff, and Ayumi reminded herself that air was necessary to life.

"Hey. Suzuhara." When she finally reached him, she kept her voice low, but the guards and burning men didn't seem to notice or care.

"S-Saneda?" He wasn't focusing. His eyes kept pointing separate directions.

"We-" She licked her lips. "We'll get through this. Right? I have to tell your girlfriend that you were brave... And you need to be there to show her that."

"...Y-Yeah." Toji managed to get one eye fixed on hers, while the other stubbornly looked somewhere off and to the right. "Got it..."

Huddling in a bit closer, Ayumi snuck an arm around his back, trying not to think too much about how accessible that side of his body was. With the walking bonfires filling the cafeteria with warmth and light, the trembling changed flavor. Chills gave way to dread. They obviously wanted the hostages alive for something, if they cared enough to feed and keep them warm... Toji still wasn't focusing. Shifting again, Ayumi gently cupped her hands around his eyes. Almost immediately, he stilled.

Then the shivers started up, but somehow Ayumi could tell they were healthier. Toji shuddered, quaked hard enough that his shoulders thumped into her chest and arms hard enough to sting, but she endured. When the spasms passed, took in a deep, deep breath and exhaled. Then another. He was unimaginably strong, no wonder he had a girlfriend. She laid her head on his shoulder, not quite good, but feeling better than she had in weeks.
Oh, bravely done, Ayumi. That just might garner you attention though...:(
A flash of white grabbed her attention, barely catching it out the corner of her eye. It was tough to tell how far away it was, the mist and night sky was playing tricks with perspective, and she was exhausted too.

It approached, moving with grace and short legs across the snow, while the other hostages and the carnival of horrors seemed to ignore it utterly. She couldn't place it, not for any animal in Japan. Not a fox, raccoon or dog. The fur was more white than the snow, casting a shining halo in the air and across the ground. It stepped through the gap in the cafeteria wall, bending its long body around the rubble with sinuous ease.
Oh, Hai There, (not) Kyuubi. Ayumi, if it asks you to make a wish...don't
Sitting down on its haunches, it turned a pair of dark obsidian eyes on her. They were flat, black pools at first, but when its eyes met hers, a spark of knowing appeared. With her heart pounding in her chest, Ayumi could only wait while it's whiskers twitched, and it took her measure. The sublime creature spoke without words, and Ayumi felt peace settle into her chest.

Stories end, you will endure, it told her.
...:o that isn't really reassuring. I notice it doesn't make any comments as to what she might yet have to endure
Glancing to the side, she opened her mouth with a question on her lips, but stopped. Ayumi couldn't have asked Toji- he couldn't see anything. She looked back, and the beast was gone, not even leaving footprints in the snow...

Behind her, the courtier with the curling antlers raised its hand and pulled a pair of captives to their feet. With a gesture, it bid them fight to the death for their enjoyment.

Woo, plenty of, well, abstract horror to close things. I notice the creature didn't indicate what Toji's fate might be.:(
A short scene here, setting us up for the last act of the chapter.

* * *

The Geofront was dark, save for the dim red caution lights that traced out the monorail tracks overhead, or the lamps that hung down from the retracted civilian buildings. Dark and cold, enough that Asuka hugged her leather jacket around her even tighter and shivered in her plugsuit. The trees nearest Central Dogma had been felled, not carefully, but an Evangelion's hand was only so precise. Still, they had no shortage of material for expansion. Tent cities had sprung up around the central pyramid and between the low-slung research labs, with thin roads winding between them all.

Ahead and some ways off, Rei and Unit-00 cradled a boxcar full of supplies in both hands. Munitions, salvage from a half-dozen JSSDF bases. None of them had linked up with any sailors from the Pacific Fleet- too dangerous to push for the coast when Tokyo-3 was the safest, most defensive position in all of Japan. The case with Wright's pen sat heavily in a jacket pocket. Asuka let her eyes drift closed, focusing the majority of her attention on her own Eva, helping unload the JSSDF caravan and Jet Alone's gear.

Weapons, armor, tanks, spare parts for VTOL attack craft. Explosives, bullets, and more importantly, soldiers willing to use them. Misato hadn't mentioned a head count, but Asuka was pretty sure the Geofront got ten thousand fresh fighters, and another twenty thousand who'd be up for more after rest and breakfast. Shinji was just going to adore handling that. As for her, it was tricky lifting flatbeds of cargo with massive fingers, but she managed.

A shrill whistle and snarl of feedback echoed out across the pummeled forest, and Asuka turned with her Eva's head to see one of the old demonstration platforms lit up with spotlights and surrounded by soldiers. It was the same place she'd tested that dumb ceramic gun, actually. Misato trooped out on stage, microphone in hand and pushing her hair back along the way. The crowd pressing up against the stage was a mix of curious civilians, established refugees and mostly newcomers from Ishida's convoy. They were the easiest to spot, looking relieved, with good reason.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen." Misato's voice rang out through the speakers and washed over the crowd, upbeat and intent. "We have a castle walking all over Tokyo-3, the enemy has pressed us back to our gates, and General Ishida has seen fit to grace us with reinforcements."

"And now, we have the initiative." At Misato's command, projectors cast holograms above the stage, stretching out to display the Tokyo-3 city scape and topography. "Forward observers tell us the enemy is focusing on corralling the wounded castle, leaving dozens of potential targets undermanned."

She waved, and the displays advanced to recon photos, showing former city structures taken over and encrusted with filigree and pearl-grey banners. "Armories, pens for those winged-lions, staging grounds and weirder places..."

"Think about it- we've already proven we can take their stuff." Winking, Misato rapped a knuckle against the lift-and-separate breastplate, unmistakably theirs but now hers. "Looks pretty good on me, don't you think?"

Asuka shook her head with a silly little huff, smiling despite herself. Only Misato.

But then the older woman sobered, standing straighter and giving her audience a level stare. "Our most important objective though, are the prison camps. Five of them, in fact."

The displays changed again, offering high-angle shots of the high school. Pumpkin lanterns dotted the outskirts while stone walls and battlements meshed with wide boulevards. The fortifications merged into the hills and dribbled down into the urban ruins surrounding the campus. To Asuka, it looked worse at night.

Rei cut in, speaking to Unit-02 directly and Asuka herself through the synchronization. "The enemy appears to appreciate a high school drama."

"That fits far too well." Asuka felt her lips pull away into a morbid grin fit for the gallows before turning her attention back to the stage.

Misato's briefing continued, speaking with a hand clutching her cross while the soldiers seemed to hang on every word. "Tokyo-3 Municipal High seems to be the greatest concentration of prisoners in the city, as well as enemy forces. I have the right number of Evangelions and pilots for the operation, but now I need soldiers on the ground to save our people. I can't order any of you out there, not hours after the last big push, but I can ask."

The cheer raised dust from the ground. Stomping, shouting, almost the whole crowd pumped their fists in the air, all but demanding their presence. Thousands of people, tens of thousands- almost the whole crowd. From Unit-02's perspective, Asuka could only stare as she realized only the wounded didn't raise their hands. Couldn't- but she saw on their faces, reading it plain as day. They were there. Misato had been forced to take two steps back, swept up by the sudden surge of sound and power.

Nestled in her little section of the Geofront, Asuka smirked. The older woman still talked like a movie trailer, and Asuka for the life of her could not tell if Misato did it naturally or had to practice.

Bracing, she marched back up to the front of the stage and nodded as the noise died down. "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. I would use all of you if I could. Unfortunately, I cannot."

When Misato had their attention firmly hooked, she carried on. "Let me be clear- our sole objective is to secure any and all prisoners and refugees before returning to the Geofront. These are your families and friends, not squares on a map, and we'll need fresh forces holding the gates when we get back."

The crowd stilled, hushed quiet beneath the sound of distant machinery and strange underground breezes. "The surface is lost, and taking it back is not an option. We do not have the manpower, resources or time. "Once the mission is complete, we are going to pull back and fortify, with the Geofront serving as our defensive cradle of mankind.""

Telling soldiers they lost never seemed to work out, in Asuka's experience, but Misato's no-nonsense delivery seemed to fire them up, hands twisting around tools handles and weapon barrels.

"There's not going to be a frantic period of rebuilding after we win, no idyllic few weeks or months between attacks." Misato stared out across the gathered mass of soldiers and civilian refugees. "Make no mistake, we're in this for the long war, and we're planning accordingly."

Misato grinned, full with shining white teeth, and Asuka couldn't help but stand up straighter. "So with that in mind, I'll outline the operation to save everyone."
A great "We are Canceling the Apocalypse" moment there, Shyft. Along with a bit of "not the end, not the beginning of the end, but, perhaps, the end of the beginning."
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This is just a single line out of a hypothetical scene which will happen... Eventually. I just wanted to share.

"The fuck is that. The fuck is that, the fuck . Is tha- oh no that's just Europa."
This is just a single line out of a hypothetical scene which will happen... Eventually. I just wanted to share.

"The fuck is that. The fuck is that, the fuck . Is tha- oh no that's just Europa."

You sir are a tease. That said, if no celestial bodies get sliced in half (so, the battle of jupiter in getter robo armageddon keeps flashing into my mind) i am going to be very dissapointed. ♡
This is just a single line out of a hypothetical scene which will happen... Eventually. I just wanted to share.

"The fuck is that. The fuck is that, the fuck . Is tha- oh no that's just Europa."

"Boson Jumping"? :p

I guess the next time the Raksha leave a handy-dandy "beanstalk" hanging around, the EVAs will be better equipped for, uh, "EVA" :p . That, and maybe some way to not have to climb up, like booster rockets...and/or reconfiguring the EVA catapults for aerial launches?

An interesting fact about the Jupiter planetary system- it has some savage levels of ionizing radiation because of the strong magnetic field and the solar wind (iirc) and getting in between Io and Jupiter is contraindicated, because of the "flux tube" which will fry anything not shielded, or inert.
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"Boson Jumping"? :p

I guess the next time the Raksha leave a handy-dandy "beanstalk" hanging around, the EVAs will be better equipped for, uh, "EVA" :p . That, and maybe some way to not have to climb up, like booster rockets...and/or reconfiguring the EVA catapults for aerial launches?

An interesting fact about the Jupiter planetary system- it has some savage levels of ionizing radiation because of the strong magnetic field and the solar wind (iirc) and getting in between Io and Jupiter is contraindicated, because of the "flux tube" which will fry anything not shielded, or inert.

I did not know any of that! Fascinating!