Cast in Gold - Evangelion/Exalted

"Well, shit." Shinji risked a glance up, and saw Vand scratching the back of his head again. "This is just all kinds of creepy."
Scratching the back of his head. Ha! I wonder if he's picking up Shinji-mannerisms from the blood too. And I really hope someone connects the 'Fair Folk' to European legends of them not liking iron. Asuka, you're German and a genius. Do it.

And... 'their dreams have been eaten'? I hope that doesn't mean the Rakasha have basically eaten their souls and left them breathing husks.
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@Shyft I used to like this story. I really did. And now I'm mostly following sputtering inertia. And I think I've figured out why you're attempt to fix things have been falling flat for me. The changes to the writing are good, but cosmetic.

The real problem is unfortunately a fundamental plotting issue: I don't care about the Rakahsha. At all. If they were to all disappear with a strange slurping sound followed by the sound of smacking lips, I'd nod and be glad to get back to the real story.

And that right there is the real problem "the real story". The entire thing with the Rakasha invasion feels like a different story. It doesn't fit. It doesn't gel. It is separate and divergent and jarring. Why? The core of thematics changed. You did this deliberately, trying to explore new tones and types of stories. But from a readers perspective, that means abandoning "the real story", the thing that was enjoyed up to that point. Not only do readers have to like both themes in order to continue enjoying the story, they also need to switch mental categories of what type of enjoyment they come to the story to get. And the abrupt transition didn't help that at all.

Plus you've been threading in trying to make this didactic about the sources, which feels like it comes at the expense of the story.
The fact is @mastigos - I have never been able to please everyone with this story. Ever. At any time. It's not enough Eva for some people, not enough Exalted. Not enough 'Fix Fic', not enough 'Exalted primacy'.

So... I get that the Raksha aren't your cup of tea, but I chose them deliberately over Demons or Gods or Dragonblooded because no one uses them. No player of Exalted fears the Raksha, because they do not understand how a mortal sees them.

I'm going to keep writing what I'm writing. That makes me happier than trying to please everyone.
@Shyft I like the story as is. The real core of the story is the characters, and those continue to be well written, reacting to the situations they're put in, then seeing how they adapt.

Yes, the Raksha are a massive out-of-context twist, but isn't that the starting premise? To throw a massive curveball at the Evangelion setting, by handing Shinji an Exalt, basically out of nowhere? If we can't re-use the starting premise becuae it's "bad" than how was it good in the first place!

I like this story, and as long as YOU, @Shyft, continue to like it, I don't see that changing anytime soon.

Also, the chapter re-write is easier for me to follow, so thanks for thag, too.
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The fact is @mastigos - I have never been able to please everyone with this story. Ever. At any time. It's not enough Eva for some people, not enough Exalted. Not enough 'Fix Fic', not enough 'Exalted primacy'.

So... I get that the Raksha aren't your cup of tea, but I chose them deliberately over Demons or Gods or Dragonblooded because no one uses them. No player of Exalted fears the Raksha, because they do not understand how a mortal sees them.

I'm going to keep writing what I'm writing. That makes me happier than trying to please everyone.
It also makes more sense in a meta way to use the Raksha because being an out-of-context problem that highjacks the whole narrative is their whole "thing", it's their modus operandi. While I sympathize with @mastigos on the shift being abrupt and jarring, I still thoroughly enjoy the story. Especially after the re-write, which is rare for me, I usually don't like when authors go back and rewrite chapters.
Sometimes the twist and turns of the story have left me at a loss, mostly because I'm unfamiliar with Exalted, and the implications of its elements and mechanics. That's pretty much okay, I don't feel the need to understand everything immediately. Some things like the Cyberninja invasion seemed to take an inordinate mount of time to resolve, but that might be more because of getting it piecemeal, rather than reading it in one complete block.

The idea of the "Scenario" ( A Morality Play performed by unwitting Actors) as SEELE and Gendo have known and anticipated it coming to fruition now being canceled and replaced by a "hostile take-over by a new board of entertainment executives" with their own Fresh New Concept appeals to me, because the puppetmasters have become puppets themselves. Well, Gendo still has his agency, his role as commander of Nerve 03 to an extent, but the goal he had bent all his efforts to is suddenly a distant second to simple survival in the new paradigm, if not completely unachievable. The Illuminati though, have been subverted by truly eldritch beings, which provides some amusement in a scenario that has taken a rather grimmer and darker tone, when the situation outside of the Geofront is considered.

A pity the SEELE council isn't able to comprehend their change in fortunes. Though it is ironic that Kihl remains "free", and able to comprehend the ruin of his grand plan.
The fact is @mastigos - I have never been able to please everyone with this story. Ever. At any time. It's not enough Eva for some people, not enough Exalted. Not enough 'Fix Fic', not enough 'Exalted primacy'.

So... I get that the Raksha aren't your cup of tea, but I chose them deliberately over Demons or Gods or Dragonblooded because no one uses them. No player of Exalted fears the Raksha, because they do not understand how a mortal sees them.

I'm going to keep writing what I'm writing. That makes me happier than trying to please everyone.
For what it's worth I've greatly enjoyed the stuff with the Raksha. In fact I stayed away from this fic for years because I don't like Exalted very much. Yet you've managed to get me interested in both Solars (who I usually have a particular distaste for) and the Raksha with how you've presented them in this story.
I just read through this on, and It is glorious. I just lost an entire day binging it, and don't regret it at all. Thank you, Shyft, for such a wonderful story.
Hahah! Thank you. Do you have any specific thoughts?
Not particularly, except that I did not see the Raksha coming, though in retrospect it was obvious - the strange auroras and a lot of the excess Pattern Green were from their scouting. I do like the change, though - the only thing I regret is that we didn't get to see more of Gendo and SEELE's reactions to the Scenarios suddenly becoming completely irrelevant, though I suppose neither Gendo nor Kihl would allow themselves to visibly panic, even with no one around.

I wonder what the Dead Sea Scrolls say now...

EDIT: And what the things in the upper tunnels are. We know there's a Deathlord involved, but living-shadow-monsters don't fit what little I know of Exalted's underworld. Other Wyld-beasties, maybe?
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Not particularly, except that I did not see the Raksha coming, though in retrospect it was obvious - the strange auroras and a lot of the excess Pattern Green were from their scouting. I do like the change, though - the only thing I regret is that we didn't get to see more of Gendo and SEELE's reactions to the Scenarios suddenly becoming completely irrelevant, though I suppose neither Gendo nor Kihl would allow themselves to visibly panic, even with no one around.

I wonder what the Dead Sea Scrolls say now...

EDIT: And what the things in the upper tunnels are. We know there's a Deathlord involved, but living-shadow-monsters don't fit what little I know of Exalted's underworld. Other Wyld-beasties, maybe?

Why do you think a Deathlord is involved?
Why do you think a Deathlord is involved?
Okay, so it's not know, and going back over some of the details makes me suspect that it could be another Raksha, but when I read this:

Brilliant, opulent, the greatest and wisest of their number idly stroked the most handsome of white-jewel tigers with long, sensual fingers. Glowing skin of the finest alabaster, elegant and a joy to behold, wisdom mixed with grace issued from every pore or gesture. Truly, they were blessed with such majesty and prowess, humbled at the crown of feathered hair and carmine lips.
I immediately thought "Princess Magnificent with Lips of Coral and Robes of Black Feathers".

(Admittedly, my next thought was "but how the heck did she get here?")

EDIT: Actually, upon review of previous chapters, I did find one issue:

Breaking out of the maze, Kaji vaulted up the stairs and onto the rusted observation platforms and attached walkways. They stretched out into the distance, almost infinite. Below on the lower level, black pits filled with massive, too-human bones were arrayed to either side, and hundreds of skulls with stapled vertebrae hung overhead. Kaji glanced over his shoulder to see Ikari pointing ahead. The emergency console, up a few flights of stairs just a few dozen yards away. The station was covered like a bus stop, edged in hazard striping and covered in dust.

Then the Angel leaped off the maze and landed on him, coating its legs in dark crimson.
That "him" is kind of ambiguous, given that the last two references to the character acting are right next to each other. When I first read this, I thought the Angel landed on Kaji, which meant that the next few paragraphs left me very confused.
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Okay, so it's not know, and going back over some of the details makes me suspect that it could be another Raksha, but when I read this:

I immediately thought "Princess Magnificent with Lips of Coral and Robes of Black Feathers".

(Admittedly, my next thought was "but how the heck did she get here?")
Yeah, there was discussion about that bit back when it was first posted. The general consensus (between me, myself, and I) is that it's about 50/50 whether it's a deathlord or a raksha.
Chapter 43: Siege Part 5
Wow, I am a poor, beleaguered writer-person, to have left this thread since October.


* * *

It hadn't really been planned. Things just ended up that way. The debriefing broke up after a few more pointed questions and hastily scribled notes, until Vand declared that he was going to get something to eat and would find Shinji later. Vand didn't let anyone stop him. For the moment left at loose ends, Shinji almost couldn't think of a place to go.

Thusly, nearly all of the senior command staff and the pilot corps with the addition of Makinami-san and her handlers found themselves stuffed in a slow elevator. For an angonizingly long few minutes. In ones and twos, the group spread out across different floors, returning to their stations or to take care of critical tasks elsewhere.

And it looked like Asuka wasn't having much luck finding something to occupy herself either. The two of them were alone in the elevator, silent save for the ceasless clicking from the floor counter. They'd ignored the fact that a random button had been punched at some point, sending them who knew where. Asuka leaned against the far wall, almost drowning in her jacket and hands shoved in the pockets. The 'confirmed-kill' armband he'd made for her hung around one bicep, proudly proclaiming her victory over the Caribbean Angel.

They'd never been particularly chatty with each other, but the sheer awkward weight that seemed to press in on them was far beyond anything Shinji had felt before. Still... "Did Misato tell you about the psychology evaluation?"

"She did." Asuka's lips compressed themselves down into a thin line. "I haven't had the greatest track record with psycholgists though. Misato knew that already."

Shifting his weight from foot to foot, Shinji nodded, more out of a desire to keep the conversation moving. "Sorry to hear that- I won't pry."

"Appreciated." She looked up and turned her head, pointedly letting him see her uncovered eye as she spoke. "We're both feeling pretty shitty about eachother right now, aren't we?"

"Kind of, yeah." Shinji scratched the back of his head and offered her a wry look. "Though I can say I've always appreciated you being so direct. Liked it even. I was always glad someone was."

Eyecontact firmly engaged, Asuka nodded. "You don't like taking the lead. Never have, right?"

"Not at all no. Not much choice now though." Shinji knew his smile was a little wan and pale, but it was better than even he expected.

Asuka didn't say anything immediately after that, content to let the elevator tick onward to wherever it was going to go. It came to a stop and the doors opened on a floor neither of them recognized. Before they even entertained the idea of leaving, the elevator switched direction and headed back upstairs, while the mechanical counter clicked through it's display.

"It's really dumb- like I feel like I should feel bad for what happened. The fight and attacking you." Shinji exhaled softly before looking up to catch her eye again. "But at the same time I know that.. I was and wasn't myself."

"Like it was 'a good idea at the time'." Asuka pulled herself away from the wall with a soft huff, moving to stand a bit closer. "We shouldn't get into a big circle of pointless apologies, but I do need to say I'm sorry for something. I thought I had let go a lot of those old gripes and problems. I thought I was actually...I don't know. Better than that. Over it."

Asuka wasn't the type to hang her head or shy away when she spoke her mind. No, she looked him right in the eye without flinching. This time, Shinji's answering smile was warmer. "I think I get it. So what now?"

"I think I'm just tired of being angry with you." She shrugged then, and the corners of her lips quirked up. "Tired of being angry in general, or maybe just tired, full stop."

"So..." Asuka hummed, before smiling full and proper with teeth and cheeks. "Start over, and try to actually be friends?"

"Yeah. Back each other up, try not to drive each other crazy?" Shinji found himsef grinning, matching her own with cheer to spare.

It hadn't really been planned. Things just ended up that way. She took a step forward, and he spread his arms on some unspoke cue. Towering over her by more than a foot, her head thumped into his chest while she linked her wrists around his back. They stood together, silent and smiling.

Turning her head with her cheek pressed up against his sternum, Asuka let out a surprisingly contended sigh. "You really are good at hugging... And don't say anything about the ears twitching."

* * *

Horaki Hikari had run out of tears weeks ago, both of grief, relief and stress. Against all odds, her whole family had made it to the Geofront more or less intact, but not unscathed. Stress and famine had aged her eldest sister, carving years into Kodama's face. NERV needed every worker, engineer and technician, which meant her father was out there, working. Not fighting, but pulling twelve and eighteen hour shifts. He came back to the refugee blocks drawn out and haggard. Kodama had taken on the task of distracting Nozomi, leaving Hikari to try and slot back into her old habits. She'd been the mother of the household for almost half her life, and that extended into being the class respresentative for the now defunct 2-A. The school, and the city were just hot craters now. The students survived.

And that left her with Suzuhara Toji. She went for weeks without knowing if he'd been alive, dead or other. Some days she worried, other days she worked. Now that he was here, in a hospital bed, Hikari wasn't sure how she felt. The affection and admiration she'd felt for him, that little flame that grew between them had changed. Not weakened. He'd never needed her as a nurse- he could eat and sit and do anything he wanted... As long as it only needed one arm.

The Geofront hospital was dark and cold, to the point that patients were issued more blankets, and Hikari could see the fog of her own breath. There would be no sunlight piped into the vast chamber for months, if not years.

He sat there, just a few feet away and pointedly not facing her. Twitching, his eyes roved around for something to focus on, and they never failed to find her. "I told you- I'm fine! Just put it down. I can feed myself!"

Hikari looked at her hands, folded in her lap, and was all too aware that he was not talking to her. "T-toji... I'm right here."

"Class re-I mean. Hikari..." He sucked in a shuddering breath. "It's not safe here. You should... I don't want you to leave, but it's not safe."

That little flame grew hotter, and Hikari's eyes flashed dangeorusly while her voice rose in pitch and volume. "You think I don't know that?! You listen here Suzuhara Toji- I want to help you. I want to be by your side and I want to... to... I don't even know anymore but-"

Hikari cut herself off with a furious sound, heartbeats away from awful, vulgar profanity. Toji had turned to face her fully, even if one of his eyes was stubbornly canted another direction and refused to focus. His mismatched shoulders shuddered, and for a moment Hikari thought she'd hurt him somehow. Then the first rumbling sounds of laughter hit her ears. Knuckling at his eyes, Toji wiped away tears as he giggled.

"You're gonna peel paint off the walls someday!" He snickered, red pooling in his cheeks.

Hikari matched his flush with one of her own, and she huffed. "Stop it... Can... Can I actually do anything for you?"

"You've done enough-" He snapped, looking off to one side with a sudden, stricken look. Then his eyes snapped up to hers. "Not you! Hikari!"

"...Toji." She blinked and reached out to take his hand. The little flame guttered slightly, and a little whisp of doubt crept into her mind. Toji always prized is toughguy image, so maybe... A small, playful part of her liked the ploy, and she did her level best to control her voice and watery grin.

"Until you feel more like yourself... Should we see other people?"

* * *

Choking on sudden, bitter laughter, the question thundered around in Toji's mind, and for the life of him, he wished he was Shinji right then. He'd settle for even being Kensuke- they at least would know the words. Hikari's hand laid on his fingers, hot, soft and undeniably human.

Half his perception was awash in flower petals, tree branches laden with blossoming flowers, and pastel clouds of romance. The plants grew out of the walls, out of glass and tile. The scent of pollen and springtime flowers competed with the burning scent of hospital disenfectant. He'd have been fine with it if all the cutesy effects were haloed around Hikari, but they weren't. Instead, there was a thing teasing at the edge of his vision. Something that hovered in that little spot where his vision went from color to grey- except that it stayed color the whole time, standing out against the monochrome.

She was there, and then she wasn't- like the most demented game of peek-a-boo. A burst of cloying perfume and fluttering silk was usually all he had to go on, before realizing a glass of water was in easy reach, or that his hospital meal had been cut up for him. She hadn't tried hand-feeding him yet, but Toji knew it was just a matter of time.

The time between Hikari asking her question and his response was less than a second. "No! I'm just-"

Toji froze, just like he did whenever she grabbed his attention. Sitting on his bed without wrinkling the sheets was a vision. A revolting beauty that made his eyes cross, all the more awful for how great she looked. Kimono-clad, curvy, mature, a saccharine fantasy given form with ink-black hair, literal ivory skin and shining amber eyes. A huge, glitzy neckpiece wrapped around her throat, with a horrible decoration embedded in the jewel-encrusted thing. He'd made so many lay-ups with that palm after school.

If only he could squeeze that grip, the thought came suddenly and intrusively, then maybe all his problems would be solved. His mind half entertained the image of his lost fingers twitching to life, before he noticed the curl of her lips, recoiling back from it as he realized just what he had been fantasizing. Her eyes had followed his, and she knew. More than knew, but was willingly and openly wearing his hand around her throat, though as a threat to him or to herself he simply wasn't prepared to dwell on.

Hikari stopped, and followed his stare to what was likely empty space. "'re seeing."

The stranger- the thing sitting next to him pouted cutely as Hikari stared in her direction, like she was teasing them both with some secret joke. Every inch was somehow tailored, playing into a fantasy Toji didn't even know he had. A small part of him was thankful that it hadn't decided to simply copy Hikari or some of his other idle crushes. Of course, he regretted that thought as soon as he had it, because he was pretty sure she could read minds. And for all the creature got right, there was a horrible wrongness too- her eyes were pretty, but abstract and drawn. A real person didn't have animated eyes painted onto their face.

Forcing himself away from her face, Toji screwed his eyes shut and focused on other details and his thankfully imperfect memory. Her whole left arm was taken up by a great shining silver and gold adornment, and one significant finger was litereally dripping with a sheet of chained up diamonds. Toji was no great thinker or master of trivia, but even he could guess at the importance. The handsy-lady had taken away his arm. Taken his hand... And gave it to someone else.

Oddly brave, Hikari moved to sit on the bed, interposing herself with something she couldn't see and would not understand. Branches and filigree seemed to grow out of Hikari's skin and hair, and she did not seem to notice. The alien being matched the teenager's motions exactly. Toji swallowed as he saw Hikari's face blend and merge with the other woman's, two sets of lips moving in just the right sync as to always be visible.

Toji had given his hand away in a fit of valor, and had gotten hitched for his troubles.
Yay! It's back!

And I'm confused, which is normal for this story. Does Vand need to sprinkle Toji with moonshine and yell "the power of Luna compels you!" until the creature goes away? Or is Toji stuck?
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Glad to see Shinji and Asuka managing to patch things up. The Raksha's curse may at least have the unintended effect of pointing out flaws in their respective psyches for them to deal with/shore up.

Hmm, I've seen what I assume to be a picture of Asuka wearing a hat/cap with triangular (cat?) ears several times recently (the last months), was that perhaps an inspiration for her transformation? or just her habit of wearing the A10 connectors in her hair?

Things are unfortunately not resolved at all for Toji. His affliction is quite disturbing, and Lilith's AT Field hasn't stopped it. I hope that Hikari will manage to help him, and that Shinji and Vand can effect some kind of treatment. Not that Toji is the only one...
Hmm, I've seen what I assume to be a picture of Asuka wearing a hat/cap with triangular (cat?) ears several times recently (the last months), was that perhaps an inspiration for her transformation? or just her habit of wearing the A10 connectors in her hair?

The cat-hat is part of her Rebuild 3.0 design, which was obviously tailored to allow for the A20 connectors to sit comfortably beneath the hat.

Gainax/other factors often characterized/associated Asuka with cats well before this (though not as much as Mari). There is a LOT of art of Asuka with cat ears, used as a characterization flag. (she's the prickly kind of cat).

In Cast in Gold, Asuka getting an eyepatch was both a nod to End of Eva with the stabbed eye, and Rebuild. And then I elaborated on it with it being a riff on the Solid Eye. A lot of my off-camera discussion of Asuka has me calling her Big Bossuka for a reason.
In Cast in Gold, Asuka getting an eyepatch was both a nod to End of Eva with the stabbed eye, and Rebuild. And then I elaborated on it with it being a riff on the Solid Eye. A lot of my off-camera discussion of Asuka has me calling her Big Bossuka for a reason.
At least Asuka doesn't have the urge to taste test every animal she comes across.
Yay! It's back!

And I'm confused, which is normal for this story. Does Vand need to sprinkle Toji with moonshine and yell "the power of Luna compels you!" until the creature goes away? Or is Toji stuck?
Kinda stuck. I mean, there's things that... should Vand get word of what's happening with Toji he may have something he can do, but those will likely be more along the lines of 'kill it' rather than just an exorcism. Wearing some item made of cold iron could help from anything further being done to him, but wouldn't actually break the connection between them.

At a guess, Toji's hand has been turned into a Grace, which means that it is part of him on a very deep metaphysical level. And by possessing it (and probably owning it as well, which are distinct things for Fae/Raksha), Anime-eyes has a very strong connection to him as well. If it is, it's probably a Sword Grace which deals with Valor (most likely, what with all the comments about valor). It might be a Ring Grace, which is connected to Temperance and opposite to Valor, but that idea is more based on the fact that it has taken the physical form of an adornment rather than a weapon. Then again, a fist would easily considered a weapon, so...

As for the Raksha itself, she's all but certainly using Assumption of the Person's Heart, which essentially allows the user to possess a Creation-born (with exceptions, pretty much anything that isn't a Raksha themselves). This lets it take an appearance that is meant to provoke some emotion from the possessed/infected/tainted, but otherwise cannot manifest physically with just this, being a spirit only Toji can see (as has been demonstrated in-story) and can only be hurt by things that would allow someone to affect spirits. Due to the plant imagery she favors, she might also have Assumption of Wood Shape, which she could then activate to take physical form with a number of basic plant-related abilities and traits. But anyway, Person's Heart also allows her to choose to grant Toji some of her own abilities/mutations. What she can do so with, and why she would in any particular instance is up for grabs at the moment since we don't know much about her yet, but will likely happen sooner or later.

As for what her (or the hand-lady's) intentions for him are... now that is a question. Obviously, she's married to him (as far as that kind of thing goes for Fae, at least), but what kind of 'wife' she is and what she'll try to influence him to do will depend on her role/story/chosen persona.
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Chapter 43: Siege Part 6
Ten days since the great rescue, Ayumi appreciated her mother and grandmother even more. Against all odds, her whole family had survived the invasion. Maybe not unscathed, but very much present. Nearly anyone over the age of twenty five had lingering, undeniable memories of Second Impact, and the awful humanitarian crises and struggle to survive. At the same time, they brought with them so many hard-learned lessons that made enduring the current situation that much more manageable. How to cook a filling stew, get the most out of lean supplies. Resilience in the face of overwhelming hardship.

Men and women, teenagers, children, elderly and all came together under the shared burdens, supporting each other with blankets and charity. The human spirit could handle natural disaster, or the injustice that people and nations could throw at each other. Ayumi cringed into her shoulders when someone nearby coughed too loud. That same spirit was not meant to endure concerted, inhuman torture.

For most of the refugees, the Geofront was too loud. In her case, almost loud enough to drown out the pounding blood in her ears. Ayumi had woken up with a scream in her throat most nights, and what sleep she had gotten proved to be light and fitful.

Oh, there were ways around it- thaumaturgy pressure points and hugs from her mother, but the wear and tear was plain on her face. On all their faces. Tears had carved two trenches down her cheeks, collecting grime and salty trails that stubbornly resisted the brief showers. Water wasn't being rationed, but they didn't have enough facilities to go around. And on top of that, she was not alone in the strain or misery. People who had gotten closest to the invaders lived in the Geofront with a haunted, hunted look in their eye. A wariness that had them jumping at shadows and keeping hands close to loved ones or weapons. Civilian, soldier, NERV technician- all were worn thin and frayed.

Ayumi hauled herself upright and slapped her face, dragging her fingers down her cheeks and letting out a muffled curse. Tent cities were starting to spring up all around Central Dogma, where most of the non-essential civilians had been quietly pushed aside. The hair on the back of her neck stood up, and she turned. One of The Geofront medics recoiled, stepping hot-iron quick away from the other man's snarl. As the days wore on, more and more of the refugees eyed the strange magical treatments sidelong, hesitant and wary. The logical, experienced voice in Ayumi's head reminded her that she knew better than most how much magic pervaded their lives- her life in particular. Knowing that, she still could not silence the awful, shrill panic that ate her nerves.

The medic and his patient were shouting now, the former cashier shot upright with his fists clenched, eyes wide and raging breath. Ayumi counted two heartbeats before the first punch was throne, and sighed when the impromptu military police pushed through the growing crowds to end the surging conflict. Fights over treatment had happened before, and they would happen again.

She looked up past the tree line, at Central Dogma's damaged main pyramid. Unit-01 had been pulled out of the building, but for most, the terror still lingered.

* * *

It had taken a few days, after Shinji asked a few clerks and aides to help him sort through the refugee census data. Hikari had been a big help as well, as she naturally gravitated towards Class 2-A. From there her authority started to extend into other classes and the greater school population. Gradually, bit by bit, they were identifying every refugee, re-uniting families and friends. But for every victory and reunion, a dozen or more husbands, wives, parents, sons and daughters were confronted with the harsh truth that someone hadn't made it. There was nothing left to bring back, or if anything, nothing human.

Nanba Kasumi had made it though. As had more than a few of her cohorts from the Shinto shrine club, like Kikuchi Ami. Having located them on paper, it was much easier to find them in person. The shrine club had actually... Thrived was not the right word- weathered the storm better than most. It was a local, understandable example of the trend the JSSDF noticed on their trek towards Tokyo-3. When he found their dense collection of tents, Kasumi looked up at him and pushed her recently-shorn hair back out of some long habit. Cut down to an inch, it was much easier to manage in the camps. Ami dodged that particular hassle with a no-nonsense bun.

"Ikari...sama?" Kasumi blinked, before bowing, much lower than she really needed to. She didn't say much more, and Shinji was fairly certain she didn't want to fall into a trap of crediting him for miracles or her survival... despite significant evidence implying he might very well have. He certainly appreciated that.

"Nanba-san, Kuchiki-san." He offered them both the most winsome smile he could muster, which had a considerable effect to say the least. He took a seat, noting the rest of the shrine club and more than a few new faithful poked their heads out of nearby tents. "I'm glad you're all right-"

"Sonova- Rei was right!" And there was Asuka barging in, tone high and teasing, wearing borrowed sweats and her leather jacket. "You do have a cult!"

Nanba cringed with a sense of good-humor, but smiled gamely. "I.. It's not really a cult. Shinto is-"

"It's okay, I was just joking." Asuka stopped held a hand against the beret she'd borrowed from Misato, but Shinji could tell when her ears twitched. "When I heard he was looking for you, I just wanted to see for myself."

Shinji just rolled his eyes and let out a playful little sigh, before giving Nanba-san a put upon look, saying more with his brief expression than most epic poems. Asuka for her part made a grand show of not noticing and obligingly letting him speak. Friendship was going to be interesting to say the least...

Focusing back on the matter at hand, Shinji cast about for something to do and spied a fire pit set up between the tents. Woodcraft was a good segue into what he wanted to know, so he grabbed some kindling and branches before sitting down on a felled log bench. "If you haven't heard, a lot of people who... handled our situation had stumbled onto some kind of protective habit or ritual."

Nanba and Kikuchi both nodded, as more of the group started to gather around the impromptu lecture. Asuka plopped down next to him, eye on the fire pit and listening intently.

He started arranging the logs just so, into the most auspicious manner. In any practical sense, it was the same advanced technique as proper wilderness survival, but he knew just enough about will and magic to make it more than that- if only by comparison. "Like Misato- that is to say Major Katsuragi- her pet devised a warding method against the invaders."

"For context, Misato's pet is a genetically modified Penguin and is likely a genius." Asuka clarified. "By human standards."

"Right-" Shinji smiled thinly as he fashioned a fire bow from some string. "It ranged from stuff like people staying indoors in their owned homes to singing songs about making the rain go away."

Nanba-san nodded. "There's a.. Feeling though, a sense that you did something, when the ritual worked."

"That's right- one of the basic requirements of Thaumaturgy is that you must have will." Shinji inhaled quietly and gently blew on the smouldering coal he'd coaxed out. It did not take much more to bring the fire to a proper, crackling blaze. "I wanted to talk to you all about your experiences- figure out what your rituals were and why they worked."

The two... priestesses, if Shinji had to give them a title, looked at each other and then back at him sporting identical, chagrined looks. Blood pooled in their cheeks, and they let out a short laugh. "It's... we spent a lot of time invoking shrine guardians and trying to.. intercede on behalf of the kami enshrined in our temple."

At that, Shinji winced and scratched the back of his head. "Which reminds me." He smiled apologetically. "There's been a miscommunication about what I am and what I represent, and I just kind of found out about this myself, so..."

It was not every day that one had to explain about how gods were real. Shinji thought they took it well.

* * *

"So that have a cult, Golden boy!" Asuka laughed, feeling the actual humor bubble up deep within her. Reality itself seemed to conspire to make Shinji's life interesting, and there she was, able to enjoy it."

"Stop calling them that!" Shinji reached over and shoved her shoulder, hard enough to move her but no more.

He wasn't upset in the least though, and Asuka could see him mentally pouring over everything they'd discussed across the campfire. Now the two of them headed back through the external refugee camp towards Central Dogma, and the critical care medical wards. A very specific group of casualties had been sequestered there, and Asuka even then was wondering how to... do something. Her new ears twitched fitfully beneath the beret.

Desperate for something to occupy her hands, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a bittersweet memory. The pen was heavy and kind of bulbous, ill-suited for spinning across her fingers, but Asuka managed. She'd long since drained the reservoir of ink just for that reason. Wright might want it back, or his family.

"Vand called them Raksha, right?" Shinji nodded, glancing at the pen long enough to half-recognize it before letting it go without comment. They both stopped to let a cluster of refugees pass by before moving on. "So with a ridiculous reduction, conventional warfare is about the destruction of an enemy's ability to fight back, or the act of claiming and securing territory."

"Ignoring any political or social considerations, because other than playing with their food, we don't know how they think." Shinji let the observation hang in the air as they headed indoors.

The pressure change was painful, popping all four of Asuka's ears one after the other. "Right. The Geofront- can we secure it, and then start taking back the outside?"

"Maybe. I'd lean towards no." Shinji admitted. "Thaumaturgical wardings are strong, but a sufficiently determined opponent can get around them. I could make a ward to specifically keep you out, and it'd certainly make you think twice..." He paused, humming. "Most wards are less about being force fields and more about appealing to the path of least resistance. If you're too tough to get to, the threat moves on."

Asuka nodded, and her mouth was set into a grim line. "And from what I've heard, we're not the sole focus of these things. They're all over Japan doing whatever they want."

"Possibly the world." Shinji waved her into the infirmary, his domain more than anything. He must've noticed her nerves, because he stopped. "Are you alright?"

She let out a low, growling sigh and pulled off her hat, lettig her ears spring upright. "It's... We got hit with movie magic mutations, like old school radioactive monster stuff. We've got a living gold man and tree women and who knows what else. I'm just... I'm going to help them."

Shinji was quiet for a long moment, before giving her a firm, approving nod. "They're in Ward C, down the hall... If you want me to go with you, I can."

"I'm working up to it." Admitting that she wasn't ready somehow made her feel better. "So what's Mister Weasel been up to?"

He kindly ignored how abrupt the change in topic was and smirked. "Studying. He's been reading and talking to Ritsuko nearly every hour since that last briefing."

"Bullshit." Asuka found a desk sat on it, mindful not to knock anything over. Pen locked between her fingers, she crossed her arms over her chest with a speculative hum. "He learns languages by blood...?"

"And he has a way to even do more than that- he told me." Shinji stretched, reaching for the ceiling until his spine popped. "But it's not the same as really learning it. He doesn't know enough about us. Earth. I think this really is an entirely new world to him, with a new history. Maybe even new physics. He wanted to know about our Elemental Poles, and I had to tell him we only have North and South. He thought the southern pole was a blistering desert at first too."

"So he's got to learn just as much about what we do, as we have to learn about you, him and these Raksha." Asuka let out a long, all-too-necessary groan before giving the pen one last look and putting it away. "Maybe I can find the time, I'll see about tutoring him."

* * *

The Geofront was cold at night, colder still after the surface was glassed. What few hanging structures remained offered no light save for their blinking red caution beacons. Shivering despite her jacket, Rei stepped out of Central Dogma into the greater refugee camp with a mental eye on the shining tulmut of their souls. Kanesawa-san was a steadfast point of reference now- some small part of her would always be with him. All around her, the mingling civilians, soldiers and NERV personnel pulsed against her Absolute Territory, as well as their own.

It was calming, though many regions were frayed and weak. She stayed away from those.

Her memories of the drugs were long faded, but one element stood out in how during the hazy days, she sometimes recognized people by their boundaries, not their face or voice. In the darkness, lit by firelight and the rationed flood lamps, she could not see far or much. Even so, two familiar presences approached. None so intimate as say Misato, Shinji or Asuka, but familiar nonetheless.

Stepping into a clearing, Rei glanced left and right, and could not help the look of surprise on her face. Kaneshiro Katsuo and Takegane Shujumi stood across from her, and the three of them formed an implicit triangle, framed by tents, trees and people. They looked at her, probably just as surprised as she felt. The two upperclassmen survived.

She blinked once, twice, and said the first thing that came to her mind.

"The two of you asked me out on a date, within minutes of each other."

And that was when she realized with no small amount of chagrin that her social skills were still unpolished.
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Extra " there.
Poring. Pouring is liquid, poring is 'going over in detail'.

Really, Rei? That just occurred to you? ~sigh~

Good to see Asuka and Shinji getting along better. The overall situation is still highly fucked, though.
Hmm... does people praying to Shinji actually work?

In Creation/Exalted metaphysics, you can pray to anything. The major limitation is can the subject of prayer use it.

For example, 'by jove' or 'good heavens' are examples of incidental prayers that Heaven itself accepts as part of just 'doing business'. Nobody gets a cult from this though. Organized worship to a specific individual is called a Cult, and the main definition of a Cult in Creation is 'you pray regularly'.

A Priest in mechanical terms is someone who has the priesthood merit/trait, and if they're not invested by some greater being, they have to keep at it as their acutal day job.

Anyway- So let's say you pray to a rock. Under normal circumstance,s that rock can't use prayer or even hear your prayers. What instead happens due to how Creation works is the least god of that rock hears the prayers. That least god now has a cult and can start using the prayer power.

An Exalt can also receive prayer power- but the key here is that Exalts cannot hear prayer. Gods can.

So if someone prays to Shinji, regularly in an organized fashion, he gains a Cult background rating. This means he among other things regenerates Motes faster and/or can regenerate a point or two of willpower per day.
Chapter 43: Siege Part 7
So only 1300 words this time, but retail is brutal

* * *

The altered veterans had been isolated from the rest of the Geofront early, shuffled out of sight in an already tense powder keg. Survivors became scapegoats with surprisingly little prompting, and their all-too-obvious casualties were a terrible reminder of what was still out there. Men and women had walked out into a war and had come back monsters.

There was a perfectly understandable aversion to physical disability and deformity. Of otherness that the human mind categorized as unwelcome or unsafe. The rational part of Asuka's mind registered that feeling, and she forced herself to suppress that part of her. As she eased in through the ward doorway, Asuka noted their posture, the bearing. All were older than her, experienced or career soldiers and almost no fresh-faced new recruits. The youngest one among them was at least seven years her senior. They still wore their uniforms where they could, or hospital gowns otherwise.

It was easier in some ways to take in the veterans and their ongoing conditions as... Something, she wasn't wholly sure how to articulate it even to herself. The mutations were almost cartoonish in how comprehensive they appeared. There was no sense of a fallible, human author behind their changes, just the uncompromising weight of reality-shaping magic. The mutations were random, incoherent and unfair, like all wounds sustained in the line of fire.

It was something she was slowly beginning to internalize as Raksha.

As she approached, men and women creaked fitfully with limbs made of living wood and gnarled bark, sinking feet or hands dripping with thin roots into huge buckets of dark soil. Others were trussed up in supporting rigs and improvised casts, trying to hold up their altered anatomy against gravity or their own mass. Delicate Hooves made of glass that shattered under the weight of human bone and muscle, or constantly molting feathers. An unlucky few had to be sedated, for they hungered only for the flesh of other people and had nearly driven the other soldiers to madness. As far as she knew, Shinji had already exhausted his knowledge in preserving their lives, but further treatment eluded him.

Asuka felt her new ears twitch under her borrowed beret and swallowed the nausea.

She entered the recovery ward with all due poise and pride as fitting her station of Evangelion pilot. Respect was earned, and she already held them in high regard. Asuka passed by a mirror, one that had been turned away from the greater crowd to face the single entrance. Her red-clad legs stuck out from beneath the leather jacket, and Misato's borrowed beret did a passable job of hiding her ears. She still looked closer to fourteen than fifteen. A wounded soldier was given accolades and medals. A wounded child was given pity and swaddling care.

A handful of the 'lucky' ones had turned their mutations to their own ends, harnessing or harmonizing them in a way that Asuka could only think of as suspicious. Not of the soldiers, but of the Wyld that Vand spoke of. The recovery ward's defacto spokesperson was a staff sergeant by name of Kentaro, and for good or ill, had been called Kin-taro more than a few times. The man towered over her, over Shinji -the tallest person she knew- and out-massed them both. Shinji had made concrete furniture with thick, dense padding for the man to sit on, and Asuka could tell that the rest of the Geofront was not built for Kentaro's golden body.

The sergeant nodded as she approached, his own face rendered in polished metal, smooth enough that she could see her own blurry reflection. "Pilot."

"Sergeant." He- they all deserved their ranks.

Those nearest to Asuka and Kentaro, who could stand up and face her did so, a handful of others turned as best they could until eyes were upon her. Eyes, or the remaining equivalents. She didn't exactly have a speech in mind but-

"Hey!" another soldier bristled, cutting her thought off and forcing her to watch his spines shaking hard. "Kid's aren't supposed to- oh, Sorhyu."

The sound carried loud and hard in the quiet room, over the muted beep and drip of medical equipment. Her eyes flicked from one face to another, while her prosthetic helpfully tagged faces with little digital boxes, numbered as well. Five, seven, twelve, more. She had the whole room waiting on her.

Asuka shoved some metaphorical steel into her spine, standing tall as she forced herself to look them all face on. Right at that moment, a great deal of her good ideas and intentions seemed less than stellar. "I wanted to... see all of you."

"Yeah, and?" The bristly, spiny man huffed, and Kentaro was too slow to intervene. "You're not Ikari and you're not injured, so why do you get to come in here when our families don't? My daughter's out there in the Geofront."

"I-" Asuka stopped, and couldn't hold back the cringe. She pressed on, reaching up to pull off her beret. She let the new appendages on her head say everything she needed to.

Without the hat, everything seemed a bit louder, more precise as far as directionality. Her ears were an almost unqualified improvement... If not for being foul mutations. The soldiers and shaped around her seemed to take in her own deformity with a wary distance. There was judgement there, too. She could read the evaluation, the measurement of their hurt against her own, and Asuka cringed again, realizing how just how badly she'd miscalculated.

"Pilot Sorhyu." Kentaro's tone was level, almost normal, if not for the hint of dead and tired just beneath the surface. "As similar as your situation is to ours, there are a lot more differences."

His declaration seemed to open the floodgates. One voice after another rang out, ranting almost at the injustice of their injuries. Bough-limbs shook, impotent and willowy. Asuka found herself taking an unwilling, subconscious step back, then another. Crystal skin, awful, multi-part insectoid mandibles, skin that peeled away into gauzy reams of parchment. Her ears twitched and twisted, angling on every sound and rasping complaint. That expanded sense of hearing made it clear- she was surrounded, and caught in a trap of her own making.

Fists clenched at her sides, Asuka nodded mostly to herself and pushed back. They were frustrated, angry, but not at her. Soldiers who couldn't get back to the fight. "I understand, but I just wanted to... To help. I think know what you're going through."

"You think so? Just look at me-" One soldier lifted his pebbly gray trunk with a free hand. "I'm the goddamned elephant man!"

There was no recovering after that outburst. Her extra ears flatted down against her skull, and even as she turned away, she heard the cries and criticisms clearly. Days and weeks of worry and frustration seemed to bleed out all at once, none of it directed at her, but unmistakable in tone. She was walking, talking and living. Not invalid like half the wounded lying in their beds or carefully arraged life support systems.

Kentaro cleared his throat, and she could hear hm clear over the rising crowd. "I think you belong somewhere else, Pilot. We're here for the duration..."

"I'm-" She almost said sorry, and she was- for intruding on them, but also for their wounds and more. They didn't want to hear pity though, same as her. "I'll come back."

Sorhyu Asuka Langley did not retreat when she could help it. She was not so proud as to admit she'd been routed. How could she understand when her own pain was so cute?