Cast in Gold - Evangelion/Exalted

Conviction was all Ikari Gendo needed. The willingness to do anything and everything in pursuit of a goal. If the scenario had collapsed, the only thing he required was a new one.

Fuyutsuki cradled his shotgun in the crook of his arms. Reflected in the polished elevator door, Gendo could see the old man's hand choked up on the barrel, twisting fitfully. "You are contemplating a bold move, Ikari."

"With the situation as it stands, alternatives are vanishing quickly." Gendo peeled off his white gloves, flexing the scarred skin on his palms. They couldn't sweat anymore.

"Or spending themselves before you can." The old man grinned faintly.

Gendo for his part needed no reminder. The boy had changed, resolute, defiant and now beyond a mere threat. The Third had become unto a force of nature, a storm where only a select few were sheltered in the eye. A luxury Gendo lacked. Mere words had subverted his authority, damning his attempts to secure the future. He was not one to disregard power rhetoric, however. Potent words in the correct ears had taken him so far, after all.

Perhaps now they needed to listen, to the tones of dead gods dreaming.

The elevator descended while compressors and great engines churned in the distance, equalizing air and pressure. The car plunged past alien strata and layers of armor, until it broke open into the vast cavern more than a kilometer beneath Central Dogma. Sliding open with a whisper, the doors opened and that palpable impact of decaying blood and rust filled their noses. Far, far below, nailed to her cross was the Second Angel, pallid white and bleeding without end.

On the gantry, the two men jogged forward, crew shoes beating a gentle rhythm against the metal platforms as they approached the secure archives. Gendo swiped the card and leaned to the side, letting Fuyutsuki sweep his weapon across the open door.

The old man nodded once. "All clear."

Inside, Gendo ignored the old reports and recordings of the Dead Sea Scrolls- they had long since been rendered useless, and his memory of Red persisted. None of the invaders or their strange powers evoked that color in any meaningful sense. The most notable faction were themed around grey and white flames, and the rest were simply an incomprehensible mass of individuals and entourages.

At the far end of the room, a simple, tall cabinet waited, and Gendo tugged it open. Fuyutsuki readied his weapon, not quite aiming it at Gendo's back. "With caution, Ikari."

"It's our last blind look at the Dead Sea Scrolls. If the answer is not here, then we are truly in trouble" Gendo intoned softly, puling out a manilla envelope and easing the flap open.

Two photographs slipped out, marked with translations. Picking the first up, Gendo read it aloud. "'What makes a man-'"

He flipped to the other. "'More than a man?'"

The Commander of NERV frowned, turning to face the armored vault door embeded in the wall and the dusty keypad nearby. "A good suit."

He punched in the code without a word, and Fuyutsuki sucked in a harsh, unsteady breath. Locks churned, clanking faintly behind thick hardened steel as the door swung open on oiled hinges. Past the vaulted door, a light snapped on inside a glass case, and pinned to a wire frame was a pair of slacks, a silk shirt, jacket and tie. Cuff links inset with rubies gleamed bloody crimson in the spotlight.

"It has been a long time since I have laid eyes on such a thing..." Fuyutsuki exhaled and lowered his shotgun; they both knew it would be of no further use here. "Ritsuzen."

Gendo's reply was to tug loose his tie with a fingertip, stepping out of his clothes in the time it took to blink. The pants and undershirt slipped on without a sound, and the virgin-new shoes cradled his feet like Atlas shouldering the world. An old blues guitar riff echoed out in his mind as he adjusted the collar and brushed some imagined dust from his shoulder. The cuff links fit together with a muted click, and Gendo stood attired.

He only just finished with his black tie when the vault exploded.

All four walls and the floor fell away with a roar. both men dropped, airborne and ill-equipped for the experience. Beneath them, churning and writhing through the pools of fetid LCL and underbelly of NERV were monsters, horrors of gaping maws and snapping tentacles. Knights in full plate riding flying horses readied lances of ivory ringed with razored emeralds. Fuyutsuki moved with a speed that defied his age, grabbing his shotgun and blasting the nearest one twice in the face before stealing the mount.

Gendo fell, unconcerned. The silk surrounding him thrummed with improbable potential, and for the first time in a decade, he felt the faintest stirrings of an other against his own sense of self. Guided by instinct, he reached for the cuff link even as he plunged towards the sprawling pool of LCL and clawed tentacles below.

His heartbeat was a power chord. "AT-Field- OSTRACIZE!"

Blood wicked out from the hole punched in his wrist, soaking into the silk sleeve and denaturing to LCL in the space of a breath. Alien muscles and energies clamped down on his body, locking him into a moment of agonizing, exhilarating pain before blooming into a rightness that defied all reason. He twisted rapturously in the embrace of the many strands binding his naked form, back and stomach rippling as it manifested into a newer and more powerful shape around him. Though his arms had been wrenched over his head, the unexpected surge in strength still uplifted him, building in uncontrollable tenor.

It thrummed all around him as a drumming pulsebeat through his veins, and then as his own vital signs, growing in magnitude until it rose up and consumed the man named Ikari Gendo utterly. He could feel it in every cupping, clinging surface that rode tightly up his body with punctuated elastic snaps. At a mighty flex of his limbs, simple bindings shattered into a cascade of tinkling silver motes, throwing flickers of light across his sweat-slicked muscles, the creeping anxiety which had driven him to the vault already forgotten. The air pulsed under the pressure of his release and his hair wove with it, blown wild and untamed by his transformation.

Hovering in the air above the slavering beasts, Gendo stopped. He stared down at himself. He posed.

The suit had changed, painting his limbs in sensual blacks. From his neck down past his hip bones, every glorious, chiseled and hirsute inch of his torso was on display. His pectorals were unto slabs of sculpted tungsten, proof against myriad arrows and slurs.

"So..." Gendo took in a deep, cleansing breath, contemplating the domineering pouch. "This is true power."

A booming burst of flame heralded the arrival of his first opponent- a figure of hot metal, dribbling oil down sizzling planes of rough-hewn anatomy. Gendo nodded, even as Fuyutsuki cheered from the background. The figure towered over Gendo, twenty feet high and proportioned to match, yet the elder Ikari was yet still more potent. Lunging forward across the air, the burning warrior tackled the Commander and pulled him into a tumbling grapple, sending them past the LCL lake and into the Evangelion graveyard.

They scrambled, wrestling and twisting around even as more hot oil drizzled down from red-hot chinks in the enemy's armor. Eyes burned with tongues of flame and Gendo reared back, slamming his head into the thing's golden teeth. Twisting, the pair tumbled around, palming and thrusting for dominance. Gendo wrenched his arms around, folding his foe's limbs up double in a bow, before executing a folding swan and concluding their duel.

Having vanquished his foe, Gendo leaped back to the center of the chamber, vaulting hundreds of yards with a single bound. He stopped again in mid-air, hovering above the roiling mass of tentacles. His second opponent rose out of that undulating mass, casting the limbs aside like the petals of an obscene flower. Milky green skin showed lush curves of a woman that merged into tendrils, vines and roots from knees down into the floor. Her hair was leaves, and her hands ended in wicked claws of gnarled bark. Sap dripped from her lips and she hissed, rising high on a column of pollen and pheromones.

Behind his glasses, Gendo quirked an eyebrow high. There was a Freudian unfurling, and he raised his prowess without lifting a finger. Still slathered in oil, he allowed no equal to his aching skill, and his opponent vanquished herself upon his weapon with a cry that shook the whole Geofront.

Conquest vigorously completed, Gendo turned lazily, wondering what his next challenge would be. It came in the form of a Angel, heralded by a rush of magma and extruded into real space from the skein and weave of its own soul.

He cocked his head to the side. "Ah. Sandalphon. I thought we skipped you."

Gendo proceeded to then axe-kick the Angel into ground, killing it instantly. The recoil and counter-force sent him rocketing skyward into the ceiling. He punched through sediment, dimensional disturbance and supertech armor, all shredding against the indestructible frames of his glasses and ground to powder against the dense masculinity represented by his beard. His chin cracked Tokyo-3 in half, and he pierced the six-legged castle monster from the bottom to the top, which then burst into a miles-wide spray of liquid architecture across the hills.

He stared down at the ruined city, spotting a flash of purple and green. "Shinji. I am proud of you, son."

Evangelion Unit-01 ran to the ragged edge cut through the ground, looking up at the shining star in the sky that was Ikari Gendo. The Eva's head swung forward and the plug shot out, gushing LCL as Shinji ripped free. Gendo descended slowly, until they were only a few meters apart.

The boy looked up at his father, eyes wide and glistening with unshed tears. "Really, father?"

"No." And then Gendo kicked Shinji in the Valor.

Bold RED kanji dominated the sky, punctuating the blow and exulting the technique as for all to see-
The boy screamed, flying across the city as Unit-01 retracted the plug and deactivated. The Second Child screeched unintelligibly somewhere in the distance, but Gendo paid it no mind. He stared at the test-type Evangelion, scowling.

His left pectoral twitched, then his right. Bump- Ba-bump-bump.

Unit-01 shuddered, exploding into a mass of LCL before condensing, drawing inward and shaping itself anew. He held out his arms and was rewarded with one gloriously naked Ikari Yui. She landed on him, arms hooked around his neck and lovestruck. Together, they dropped down to street level, only to watch their son pull himself from the rubble. The golden mark on his brow shined bright, and he stalked towards them, hands at his sides and fists clenched.

When he finally got close enough to speak, Shinji pressed a thumb against the side of his nose and snorted, blowing a wad of blood away. "Celestial Monkey Style- you've been practicing, father."

He dropped into a familiar stance, one that went beyond position of his feet or how he held his arms. "But it is still no match for my Solar Hero Style."

Yui slid down Gendo's front, (still smeared in oil from earlier), cooing happily as she wrapped her (heavenly) naked body against his black-clad thigh. Gendo frowned, and his glasses gleamed in the waning sunlight. At the same time, his nipples seemed to emit their own glorious gleaming illumination...

"Perhaps." He allowed. "But there is something about me that you don't know."

"What's that, father?" Shinji spat, eyes burning hard. Katsuragi, Sorhyu, that civilian girl and the new robot pilot appeared, wielding pom-poms and showing hearts in their eyes.

I-" Gendo ignored them, starring past his glasses and smirking. "- am wasting the entire show budget, here and now."

Shinji cringed as he became unto a storyboard single frame, recoiling and clutching his heart in the next as his voiceover phoned in. "No. No! That's not true! That's impossible!"

The revelation sent the boy reeling, literally and physically picking him up as a slip of paper, with the power and damnable certainty of their genetic lineage. He sailed away, flipping end over end through more of the ruined city before sliding to a halt face-down a hundred yards away. Below, the earth quaked. A pale white hand flailed out from the tear in the Geofront roof, Lilith pulled herself bodily and bloodily free from the underground. Yui stared up at her, and Gendo merely smiled.

The Second Angel looked down at them both with its seven-eyed mask, tilting its misshapen head side to side before seemingly coming to a decision. It bubbled, burbled, exploding into LCL like Unit-01 had before. And like before, it resolved into Yui, who took her rightful place clinging to Gendo's free leg. His two wives ran their hands up and down his thighs, fingers ghosting scandalously high before dancing back down. Striding forward, he moved towards his most important place of power. Linking his fingers together, he leaned forward and planted his elbows on the glossy black surface.

In the ruins of Tokyo-3, Ikari Gendo sat at his desk, with two identical Yui intimately nestled beneath it.

God was in his heaven, and all was right with the world.

Shinji's extended fist disagreed with that. "Heaven. Thunder. Hammer."

The impact tossed Gendo, his wives, and his desk into the air, sending them hurtling across the world until they crashed into what was apparently Katsuragi Misato's apartment. He had never been there, but somehow he knew that it was the only such place worth mentioning in all of Tokyo-3. An alarming amount of time and effort had been expended upon on it. To the detriment of other things, he was sure.

Gendo looked over at the calendar pinned to the wall. "Hmm. April first."
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You really went all out on this, Shyft. It honestly took me until the word 'Freudian' before I realised what was going on.

Well played, you magnificent bastard.
New Threads, Gendo?

"Your gonna like the way you look. I guarantee it."

Alas, Shyft, this is now my head canon, and reading any more of your story could only besmirch that vision. So, we'll have to part ways here.

Okay, not really. :p Yeah, I figure if Gendo was going to wrest the narrative back into his control, he'd need at least something like that setting. No Naked Beach? I am disappoint. :p Or call sonething suitably Teutonic- FKK Freie Körper Kultur. Hey, that actually fits thematically quite well.
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At first I thought it was a dream sequence, since you'd done that before and it had a similar mood. Then I remembered the date.

Background music for Gendo:
Now no one here will be able to get Gendo Ikari's nipples out of their mind for the rest of the day. Thanks ever so much, Shyft.:mad:
I actually didn't realize what was up until I read paragraphs of uncomfortably pornographic Gendo scene. Thanks for that, really.
What in the flying fuck did I just read?

I almost believed that he was putting on some kind of Essence power armor for a bit, but then I had to imagine his goddamn nipples.
So. After a long, hard look at chapter 42, I realize I'm not in a good pacing situation. I'm perfectly happy with a lot of what I wrote, but it's not quite where I want it to be. To that end, I'm gearing up for a pretty comprehensive rejiggering of the whole chapter.

What does that mean for the thread? At the moment not much- I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the existing versions, but I am going to make sure to save a copy of what I have before I start messing with it, just in case.

The important part, is that well, I'm going to have to repost a fair amount of it, and most of you will have already read it. On top of that, we all know I write really big scenes/chunks. That makes it more than a little difficult to read through, looking for new elements or adjustments.

That's pretty much what's going on. If anyone has anything they'd like to call out as needing work, by all means let me know. I probably won't be able to address everything, but I'd appreciate having more eyes backing me up, if possible.
I saw a burst of activity here and found the April Fools post that I had somehow missed. That was fantastic.
Chapter 42: Alliances - Part 1 REDO
Okay that took me far too long to even get this far. And I'm very aware I'm basically asking you all to read something Again with what are in some places, minor and major changes. However, I think I have succeeded at laying the groundwork. I have a lot more work to do as well.


The stage was set, and everything had to be just perfect. There was a standard that Shinji realized that he held himself to, of being able to do amazing things for amazing people. The restaurant was unbelievable in its majesty, with wide spaces separating the tables, lit with elaborate candlesticks as tiny islands of glowing ambiance. The shadows settled into a thick and warm cloak upon around his shoulders, and the ubiquitous, faceless waitstaff were on hand with a feast fit to his culinary standards.

Sitting across from him in an elegant, sky-blue dress was one Saneda Ayumi. She looked a little older, more mature, almost as if she'd been catching up to his height when he wasn't looking. Shinji for his part had no complaints. She smiled across the candlelight as a violinist gently painted romance with every note and draw of bow against the string.

Over dinner, they talked about nothing and everything, laughing without a care in the world. At least, until Ayumi sobered. Her smile grew brittle, and she folded her hands in her lap even as the violinist played on without heed. "So... Here we are."

"Here we are." Shinji echoed. He wondered for a second, but somehow he knew what she was going to say before she even said it.

"Are we... Here?" She hazarded. "Or going somewhere? I am your first, after all."

To that, he coughed lightly and let out a short, two-note laugh. "I think we are- or could be, I mean."

Ayumi was persistent though."Not all firsts last though, and I think you know that."

"And not all of firsts end, either. I will do right by you." He offered her a hopeful smile in return, but it was a fragile thing. Ayumi, or what he was now realizing as his view of her, gave him a sad smile of her own.

Standing, Ayumi held out her hand for him and led him out onto the dance floor. Suddenly the woman was in his arms and the music was pounding in his ears from a dozen speakers while neon lights and the sweat and heat of hot bodies steamed into the air. A dozen recognizable faces from his daily life spun into a blur, Kensuke over there, Toji with Hikari opposite. NERV's command staff tended bar while the sea of people threw their arms up and cheered as the tracks changed. The violinist continued to play, wearing a rumpled, trendy business suit and unmistakably eighties mirror-shades. He worked the bow and spun the turntables at the back of the room, deploying pounding beats with an unforgettable flair.

Finding his hands full of Misato's hips wrapped in a fantastic short skirt, Shinji blinked once before deciding he was entirely okay with that. The impression of the first real woman in his life laughed and pressed herself against him, complete with unmistakable curves and unbelievably full of life. The club and the dance beat were easy to read, like those too-cool venues in the soaps and dramas she liked to watch. Fitting that he found her there.

"You having fun yet?" That cat-like lilt in her voice was impossible to miss, and Shinji knew without a doubt that she was 'off the clock'.

"With you?" Shinji smiled and tugged her closer. "Always."

Laughing, she hooked her arms around his shoulders and neck while his hands settled on her waist. "And where do you want to go from here, hm?"

"Not sure." He admitted. "But I definitely want you there too."

The floor pitched beneath him and he felt more than heard the slosh and shift of water against the side of the gondola. Venice had flooded under Impact, but he'd seen pictures in the history books. A lovely redhead landed in his lap, clad in saffron silk and scowling at the cliche indignity of a romantic canal ride. The iconic gondolier pushed them along with the staff in one hand, and a violin and bow improbably cradled in the other.

Somehow, he was still playing.

Asuka glared at him from her place in his arms, but it lacked a certain kind of heat. "I think it's clear that you're trying to convince yourself of something, but I'm not sure what."

"Well, obviously I like you." Shinji declared. His own dark blue eyes met her much brighter ones, and he smirked. "I'd like to be your friend- wouldn't say no to dating you, but wow are you scary. You should work on that."

The indignant shriek echoed off into the buildings as she shoved her hands at his face, sending him tumbling into the first fat flakes of winter snow. Shinji had never seen the real thing before, even at the highest mountains in Japan. Clad in heavy winter kimono and traditional sandals, he walked arm in arm with Ayanami Rei. The pair meandered through a temple shrine during the winter festival, one gone from living memory. Hot rice wine warmed their fingers as they listened to the temple drums and bells. Clad in shrine robes, the violinist drew the bow across the strings between the echoing bell tones.

Rei looked up at him, smiling pleasantly. "I think we are happy where we are, yes?"

"Yep." Shinji scooped up a pile of snow and dumped it down the back of her kimono. "Family is a great place to be!"

The snow and temple grounds faded along with Rei's ringing peals of laughter, and Shinji found himself back in the restaurant from before. He spun idly in place, but there was no sign of Ayumi or anyone else- just the faceless waiters and the ever-present violinist. The musician's tone and performance shifted, almost disappointed with how Shinji and his dreams were so boring. Something heavy shook the dream, and the walls seemed to ripple.

The restaurant tables gave way to rows of ornate theatre chairs, but two were occupied. Shinji glanced sidelong and saw Nagisa clad in a charcoal black suit.

"You know, realistically, you can't have them all." Nagisa hummed cheerfully, but the smile didn't quite reach his eyes. "Bench-pressing trucks is impressive, but not even you can carry everyone with you. Something's going to give somewhere."

Shinji nodded, though he didn't exactly know Nagisa that well. It sounded more like his own doubts. "Technically correct, I guess. If I find myself making a rock so big I can't lift it, sounds like time to make that problem into two rocks instead."

"Somehow I knew you'd say something like that. It's rather refreshing." Nagisa's grin widened faintly, then he pointed.

"Hm?" Shinji followed the gesture, turning asthe curtains drew back and up to reveal a stage.

The orchestra was tuning- time to face the music. Violins and flutes played together in a familiar arrangement, a swinging composition that had Shinji tapping his toes and bobbing his head without thinking. Someone shouted from behind the music, maddeningly familiar but unintelligible. Jacques Offenbach's Orpheus in the Underworld filled the air as unseen patrons and waiters clapped in anticipation.

Curtains drew upwards, and the dancers bounced on stage. Tall, with legs reaching to the heavens and a smile to die for. Chestnut auburn hair fell in twin tails and their figures were so wonderfully fine- cinched and full everywhere it counted. Each and every dancing girl flashed identical grins and features. The music swelled with a rising crash, and classic routine carried on in earnest, with the girls bouncing arm in arm and leading with a rising knee and then a hat-kicking high-kick.

And they all were wearing glasses.

A flash and skitter-step of lost seconds distorted his perception, like jump cuts from a choppy action film. The camera focused, and Shinji found himself flat on his back and drowning in dancers. Through the gaps between smiles, curves and frilly, fetchingly-laced and frilled corsets, he saw the violinist staring down at him with their head cocked to one side, declaring that perhaps he wasn't so boring after all.


* * *

Dreams gave way to terrifying consciousness. Not that Shinji was particularly afraid for himself. Surrounded on all sides by cushioning LCL, engineered flesh, armor and nigh-inviolate AT field, he was in one of the safest places in the entire city. No, he was more than a little worried about everyone else. Awake and compensating for a sluggish synchronization, Shinji willed his Evangelion's hands to grab the building-sized hammer by the haft before it bludgeoned him unconscious a second time.

Flashes of red out the corner of his eye told him Asuka was nearby, but neck deep in her own troubles. Twisting, he wrenched the hammer from the latest monster's grip along with the rest of its arm and followed with a swinging right cross. The impact pulverized its mushroom-covered head, and a ruin of spores and shattered stone followed. Vibrant green ichor splashed all over the ruined battlefield, spreading into a thick carpet of mossy loam shot through with toadstools.

The ground shifted beneath his feet- mostly rubble from the past three days fighting. The center of Tokyo-3's fortress city was a ruin- a flattened crater broken up by uneven mounds of debris and destroyed buildings. Whatever these things were, these monster-makers, they had decided now was the time to make a big push. Ranks of soldiers following grey flame banners had marched upon the city- ignoring the railways and access points to the Geofront in favor of their own plan. Unnatural thunder rumbled in the sky overhead, shaking the dust from the still-standing buildings.

They had deployed monsters, building-sized things to clear the way. Then came the infantry, the archers and spear-men, calvary followed with horse-bodied men and women wielding spears for hands. NERV had replied with rapidly dwindling reserves of modern armor, automatic weapons and bullet-proof vests.

"Ten goddam weeks of this, huh?" Asuka groaned.

"And a happy fifteenth to you too." He tossed the gargantuan hammer into the enemy formation just ahead and watched the weapon vanish after it rolled through a column of archers and banner-men.

Below in the ruined streets, men and women were fighting for a handful of meters at a time- hideous and unbelievable trench warfare in the modern era. Mortars competed with longbows for indirect fire supremacy, leaving Shinji and Asuka to stand above as unnatural titans facing monsters from a place stranger than myth. Kicking away the fading corpse of the hammer beast, Shinji strode forward towards the battleground center, and soldiers behind him cheered as he broke an incoming cavalry charge with a road-shaking step.

And then out of thin air, the mushroom-headed hammer beast reappeared, summoned or conjured by some unseen author. The original's corpse slumped into a mound of boiling foliage, but the replacement was unmistakably there. Even as it brought it hammer up to bear, fire and arete surged through Shinji's thoughts.

"The fuck. Shinji!" Asuka hissed, less than a block away but mired in her own melee. "Did you see?!"

The monster hit harder but Shinji fought better- he checked the hammer blow and kicked the beast into the enemy army, growling. "Armies and monsters out of thin-air, like a copy machine!"

* * *

Surrounded on all sides- outnumbered and out-massed, Sorhyu Asuka Langley was in her element. Only her skill and brilliance kept her safe against the six-mawed crocodile with murder on its mind. Dripping with grey-flame banners and heraldry, her ring of monstrous opponents were armed and armored, barding strapped to strange limbs and bolted into scaled hide with crystal pins and ribbons.

Asuka and her partner were nearly floating, so in tune and synchronized. Dropping into a spinning leg sweep, she knocked out a half-dozen legs and wrecked a company of spear-men who were hiding in the shadows of the towering beasts. Rising fluidly, she reached out for the ribbon pins and yanked their glittering lengths from their backs before spinning them into her hands like fighting knives. As their armor fell apart, Asuka lashed out at eyes, noses and stranger glowing organs played by ten-armed organists nestled in rib cages.

"Misato!" Today there was a madness to the enemy's method, and Asuka couldn't help the oddly whimsical thought. Those magical assholes had to wreck most of the surface cameras. "Is this enough yet!?"

The older woman's voice barely rose over the sound of machinery and heavy metal- not the fun kind. "There won't be "enough" until we get something concrete here Asuka! We're going to need as much combat data as we can get! And keep it clean- we're not playing to the crowd!"

Asuka grinned mostly for herself, laughing despite the ongoing battle. "Fine fine, no showboating! How many more angles do you want on Ikari's new tactic of deflecting sledgehammers with his face?"

"I heard that, Asuka!" Through the gaps in the nearby buildings, Asuka saw Unit-01 grapple with the second mushroom-hammer-beast, and he growled across the city on external speakers. "Incoming on your left!"

"You were supposed to!" Asuka's smile widened as Shinji flung his opponent over the buildings between them, save for shaving a few of the top floors off with trailing limbs. She raised her hand and let the beast cleave itself in half across her palm from sheer momentum, drowning in a mantle of lichen for her trouble.

Two more hulking things surged into the fray, one made of car-sized scrolls sealed with wax, and the other made of swords in shape of man. An arm of blades wrapped around her Eva's bicep and yanked back before she could throw one more punch, and the scrolls unfurled to bind her other arm. Reaching out with her mind and synchronization, Asuka willed her Eva's trailing coat tails to shift, bending and flexing into shape-memory blades and functional limbs.

She ripped hearts from monstrous chests, and her Evangelion was splashed with ink and luminescent blood. "Four-armed and dangerous!"

Rei's voice rippled across the radio and into her mind. "That was terrible."

There were still a double-handful of great beasts to come, and Asuka raised all her limbs as they fanned out. "Okay so it was- can I get some covering fire?"

Riding on the shoulders of those giants were their masters, ugly or beautiful things by turns, beating drums or gesturing imperiously. Rei murmured apologetically as she fired at something out of sight and far off into the distance. "Unfortunately the positron cannon is not useful against ground-based targets."

Asuka nodded absently, mind already turning to how her opponents would move. The fighting had gone on so long, she'd started figuring out how to read their moves- at least some of the time. The controllers and their monsters varied in skill just like people, but there were so many. Asuka shook her head and exhaled harshly into the LCL.

The first attack came as a clawed hay-maker, aiming to rip her Eva's head from its neck. Leaning back, Asuka dodged and only suffered a handful of ragged lines drawn across the paint of her armor. She felt the whip-crack of her Eva's response in her own spine as she swung her head and shoulder forward, stepping into and under the monster's swing and bracing its unnatural elbow beneath her collarbone. It was a move Shinji favored, with a twist of her own.

She reached up with arm and wing to clamp around the thing's wrist and spun against the joint, turning until she wrenched it clean from its socket. Tossing the limb into the eye-chest of the next foe, she threw a rising knee capped in that blunt armor spike into the thing's torso. A sudden flurry of fire support from the surviving armory buildings raked across the remaining monsters, knocking their handlers away from their mounts and leaving the building-sized creatures lost and confused for that vital second.

Rising out of the dust and ruin from finishing those last two off, Asuka exhaled softly. The sky above was dark and tinged purple, thick with clouds that seemed to reach down and touch the tops of the remaining city towers. There was a roar and rush of air high above and masked behind the clouds, sending them spinning and shifting as air-pressure changes and abnormal weather swept over the city.

A dark shape plunged out of the sky, ripping a hole in the clouds and revealing a toothed maw upon the air. Jupiter hung above Tokyo-3 for a split second before the mouth gnashed closed. Above her with claws raked forward, a bird with feathers made of rainbows and joy unfurled its massive wings, casting the whole city in prismatic shadow. Asuka stared up at it, fists clenched against the control yokes.

Then, a beam of eye-searing white and blue screamed across the sky, pulverizing the air as it cut through to spear the titan-bird through the breast and out the back. Rei hummed. "I can however cover you from the air. Nagisa-san is spotting."

Turning to the distant hillside where Rei and Nagisa were camped out, Asuka tossed the pair a jaunty salute. The bird was shattered, falling apart into massive crystal feathers that wrecked more of the city and divided the battlefield up even more. But even as she crushed both giant monsters and throngs of infantry, something nagged at her. The alien infantry scrambled onward, dashing around her Evangelion's toes, blatantly ignoring her and rushing headlong towards the center of the city-crater.

"Misato..." Asuka frowned, more than a little unhappy. "It's looking pretty bad up here!"

* * *

The city shook beneath the thunder of guns and heavy artillery, and Misato listened to her pilots banter. Even while Asuka needled Shinji, Misato knew the data was streaming down into the Geofront as fast as it could flow. There had to be something there they could use. Under her feet, the high-speed cargo rail flung a train car full of soldiers and equipment to the nearest surface exit, not even a quarter-kilometer from the central crater of Tokyo-3. If the city were a diamond five fortress blocks across, then the three-day assault had torn the center block down to the first armor layer.

Misato sighed and shifted fitfully as massive engines dragged the train car upwards, wriggling numb toes inside her rugged, trendy boots. They were a poor match to ill-fitting pants and a ballistic vest. She scanned the car full of soldiers- the last soldiers. It was all NERV could afford, after the perimeter defenses and under-city patrols. The spaces between the surface and the Geofront were thick with things that crawled in the dark, and it seemed that neither side wanted to press their luck. NERV had to brave those spaces anyway, if for no other reason than to clear the way for Evangelions and conventional deployment.

Resisting the nervous urge to check her gear, Misato made a point of looking over everyone else's. "Listen up ladies and gentlemen. After us there is no one else. After us, it's just scientists and civilians. Today was the day that someone up there decided to make a big push, and we've got to push back!"

The soldiers surrounding her didn't shout or stomp, but there was an audible bracing as they squared their shoulders. Their equipment jingled in response, and Misato gave them a grim, starlet smile. Brakes hissed and screeched as they wrenched the car to a stop, and the doors blew open on high-pressure pneumatic jacks. Swinging down and onto the platform hard enough to shake teeth, the doors became a ramp for the hundred or so able-bodied soldiers surging out into the cloudy daylight.

Charging out from the concrete bunker in the shadows of a still-standing armory building, Misato and her reinforcements entered chaos. The streets were choked with hastily shoveled mounds of concrete and rubble, riddled with tangled bands of re-bar and twisted steel beams. Glass shards rattled against the street as unbelievably huge super-trucks plowed through the wide boulevards, shoving aside debris with hastily fitted dozer blades and serving as moving shields for advancing squads of infantry. Conventional tanks formed support columns, dripping with regular soldiers as they rode toward the deeper battleground.

Her hair under her helmet frizzed up without cause or warning, and the eye-searing pulse of a positron blast arched over head. The blast was deafening even through her covered ears, throwing everything into a white fog of noise. Rubbing her ears through her helmet, Misato worked her jaw and hoped the ringing would fade. Makoto hunkered down next to her, glasses safely down in the Geofront and dripping with communications gear. He gave her a decisive nod, looking exactly as scared as she felt right then. She just smiled and gave his arm a pat before charging forward.

As the ringing in her head cleared, Misato reached out for her radio and started calling for status reports. Directly ahead of them only blocks away were Evangelions 01 and 02, both wrestling across the ruined city blocks. The forty-meter tall cyborgs punched through thousand-ton wave of ice and curtains of falling rainbow feathers, and each time they swung, the city trembled.

Arrows of gleaming crystal arced through the air, perforating tank armor and punching through kevlar without pause. Cover was their friend, and Misato dragged Hyuuga alongside the rest of her command squad into the shadow of a fallen buildings. One of the super-mover trucks rumbled ahead, its cabin abandoned and wheel locked forward as it bulldozed into the fray. Knee high to an Evangelion, Shinji scooped it up without a word and used it to beat a cobra-centipede into a greasy smear across the battlefield.

One of her soldiers signaled ahead as it was clear, leading them into a ripped open conduit beneath the street. The city and battlefield were crisscrossed with the things, and the melee had come down to trench warfare. Fully automatic weapons cut down the man-horse cavalry- but for every two dozen they felled, one or two of the greater elites would bat the bullets aside with contemptuous ease. Those needed focused fire, mortars or artillery if they could afford it, and even then...

Everything was coming in waves, despite the chaos. It was orderly and direct in a way that could only suggest intelligence, a plan. It wasn't a battle that could be won from the screens and maps in Central Dogma, even if they had live feed. Misato's hand tightened on the grip of her rifle and she put everything she had into seeing. What was their objective, she wondered. The invaders had fought so hard for the center of the city, and for now, she couldn't even say why. Not until she could see more of the bigger picture.

She shook her head and scowled into the swirling dust and grit, combat glasses already scuffed across one side.

"Misato..." Asuka's voice crackled over the radio, her bravado fading by inches. "It's looking pretty bad up here!"

Calling back, Misato couldn't help but agree. "Asuka- you have no idea."

Behind her, something new thudded up out of one of the nearest surviving launch rails. It moved sluggishly, gleaming silver and so new they hadn't even taken the stickers off.

* * *

He promised everyone he wouldn't do it. He promised himself, swore to it on the horrors he'd seen and the secrets he'd been entrusted with. He swore it on the smiles of the forty-seven girls he'd successfully dated in the past twelve months.

Guttering in at a borderline thirty-two percent synchronization inside Evangelion Unit 04, Aida Kensuke's shit-eating grin spread from ear to ear. "This is fucking awesome!"

* * *

It wasn't really funny, but Shinji couldn't help the tight grin as he heard Asuka start to wind up. Between the two of them, they wrestled and broke the enemy heavy support against their Evas, with Rei and Kaworu as sniper and spotter respectively. Something had told him NERV would find themselves ruing the day that Aida Kensuke got to pilot a Evangelion, but Asuka was already there.

"Nagisa!" The redhead snapped, scalding and desert dry. "You are hereby promoted to Nagisa. Aida Kensuke, you are now Newbie and I am now your one and only god- do not put me to the test. Get your ass into position and geek out if we survive!"

Wrenching a crystal feather from the ground, Shinji swung the surprisingly heavy thing into the nearest great beast, shattering both bone armor and glassy shards in a single blow. Somehow fighting on two fronts with four arms, Asuka managed to call up a tactical map of the city and push it to the pilots. Kensuke's image popped in by way of a communication window along with the four veteran pilots, grinning or ashen-faced depending on where he looked.

"Alright, from this moment forward you listen to me, and you listen with your ears wide open." At Asuka's mental command, a silver pip appeared on the grid and joined the other colored dots, with his marked Unit 04. "As of today all you've seen is the inside of a tuna-can, and this is no simulation."

She dragged a line from the deployment point to another armory building perpendicular to the battle line. "Your sync is hot garbage and that means you will be hot garbage, unless you do exactly as I say, exactly when I say to do it." She punctuated her point by dissecting a monster vividly before their eyes, train of thought unbroken."You will be fighting input delay, so you have to think ahead. Your feet will be eighty-ton bricks, so you have to dance like a ballerina in there to keep standing."

Another monster fell and Unit 02 was already turning away while it slumped, boneless against the building behind it. "You will not be taking chances with that Unit, you will not do that thing they do in the cartoons you have seen. Because you are fire support, and if you stitch a line across my back as I grapple with some unholy monster, the next thing between my hands will be your head."

She had said all this while Kensuke watched her dissect two more monsters for a total of four kills during the diatribe. "Are we totally clear on this?"

Evangelion Unit 04 emerged from the cover of still-standing buildings, hefting an Evangelion-scale gatling cannon in both arms. In his communication panel, Kensuke nodded. "C-Crystal, ma'am."

"Good. Ikari, show him the ropes." Asuka reached behind her Evangelion's back for the hilt parallel to her spine, detonating the rocket assist draw and cleaving a brass and tentacle frog in half with the weight of a building. She readied Wellenbrecher and grinned, shouting across the battlefield with loudspeakers. "Who's ready for the next lesson?!"

* * *

The front line stretched in a staggered zigzag, dug into the street or wrought from piled-up debris. Misato and her squad threw themselves into cover, pelted by loosened concrete and bejeweled feather fragments. The giant bird-thing Rei had shot down littered the battlefield with its remains, and the plumage spilled rainbows across the earth and sky. Huddling in the slumped wreckage of city foundation and what looked like a restaurant kitchen, Misato directed her troops to building a forward command post. Shovels and pry-bars ripped free manageable chunks of concrete and wrecked appliances, shoved around as bulwark against the pounding volleys.

As the trench cleared and the defensive wall grew, a small but vocal part of Misato questioned her sanity. It demanded to know why now, today that she had to take to the field and fight. She quashed that pointed question and the unsatisfactory answers aside, instead turning every bit of her attention on what was in front of her- the enemy. The no-man's land between her forces and the invaders was a fortress city block, some five hundred meters wide and piled high with rubble.

Her Evangelions crisscrossed that field, carving uneven footprints into the ruins and abused city surface. The remains of a department store marked one end, and a half-dozen armory buildings had collapsed in the earlier fighting. Unexploded ordnance the size of compact cars stuck out like brass boulders, mixed in with furniture, wood and plastic. The giants fought ahead NERV's lines or overhead by turns, and their brutal kicks and grapples shook the city down to the first armor layer. Brick, mangled steel and people were thrown into the air with every relentless impact.

Peeking over past a rot-filled refrigerator, Misato wrinkled her nose and narrowed her eyes. Scrabbling things hauled around drums alongside well-ordered blocks of infantry, while living horns bugled out orders across the battlefield. Calvary mingled with pikemen and blocks of archers, who screened smaller squads of mole-men and what looked like living bombs. Golems made of clay urns with sparkling wicks for hair and binding joints, they were ushered into place and detonated, ripping deeper into the substructure of Tokyo-3.

Sappers. Misato leaned against the barrier and huffed. "Why here of all places. It doesn't make any sense. Why now."

"Major?" Makoto breathed, winded and pale. He volunteered to stick with her, freeing up a trained and conditioned soldier for more vital duties.

"Something's wrong." Misato admitted, frowning both at the rotted smell and the nearly incomprehensible enemy strategy. "Or, more wrong than normal. What strategic objective could they be after here? There's nothing here- and easier ways into the Geofront!"

Scanning the battlefield, she stated picking out the rhyme and reason to the tactics, of calvary, spear men and other skirmishers. There was a regularity to their advances, and downright medieval approach. They practiced their own form of combined arms, and only suffered momentarily in the face of armored warfare. In the distance one of the exploding men tripped a natural gas line, and a fireball shot up into the sky-half as tall as an Eva. The flames guttered out as inky black tentacles dripping with diamond-flecked eyes surged out of the smoke, grabbing anything it could reach and crushing them. Whatever lived between the armor layers, it was an enemy to everything.

Makoto handed her a radio before she even asked for it, calling out to the few tanks she had in reserve and telling them to hold position. They didn't question the order. Across the cratered central block, the rival army shifted, beating back the tentacles and stranger things before working to widen the gap. Again the drums and trumpets sounded. A change in formation followed, rippling across the battle line.

"God, what is this, the sixteen hundreds?" She reached for a pair of binoculars, hunting for more detail even as arrows started decorating her cover. "They're signaling each other with horn calls and flags."

The invader's ability to summon an army on demand made getting an estimate of their force difficult, but she could start to see a pattern, even if a weak one. The hand-waved legions folded under heavy fire, and she quickly started to ignore them in favor of the more substantial units that stretched in a half-moon formation on the opposite side of the battle. Backing them up like her own heavy armor and artillery were the massive monsters they seemed to call from nothing or drop in from the sky. The hulking brutes shouldered aside ten and twenty story buildings, adding to the ruins as they moved into the fray. That was fine with Misato- she had her own titans to play.

But even with all of that in her favor, Misato needed Ritsuko most of all.

* * *

Everything sounded like she was underwater, and her left eye refused to focus even in the dim infirmary room. A penlight waved in front of her face, back and forth until her senses finally caught up. Shoving the brightness away, Ritsuko heaved herself upright and filtered through her last waking memories. Kaji, underneath the city structure, and ADAM...

"Apologies for the rude awakening, doctor." Sub-Commander Fuyutsuki tossed the penlight aside and pushed a pair of sweats and matching jacket into her arms. "We've not a lot of time to delay."

Her tongue felt heavy and dry in her mouth, but she worked up some moisture, croaking first before speaking. "Wh-What's going on?"

The radio at Fuyutsuki's hip answered her. The radio at Fuyutsuki's hip answered her. "Sub-Commander! Is she awake? Wait, no one answer that." The signal paused momentarily, before Misato surged back through the fog of static. "Listen Rits, given the mood I am in I will shout you back from hell if need be, but right now I need you to pull something together! Anything from all the data we've got so far!"

"Data for what?" Ritsuko shoved her uncooperative legs into the sweatpants before pulling the sweater over her head. Fuyutsuki had vanished for the moment, but left the radio.

"Big battle on the surface! Going three days now. Enemy's trying to blast a hole through twenty odd armor plates and I want you to tell me why!"

Fuyutsuki returned with a folded wheelchair and set to pulling it open while Ritsuko reached out for the radio. She stared at the red signal light, adrenaline banishing the last bits of lethargy in favor of incredulity. "You want me to give you something actionable in what, fifteen minutes?"

"Sooner if you can!"

Of course she'd say that. Ritsuko sighed and swung herself off the hospital bed and into the chair, cradling the radio handset in one hand while the older man pushed her out into the crowded hallway. "Katsuragi, miracle gambits are your specialty."

The chipper quip was almost lost amidst a burst of gunfire. "Says something about our situation now, doesn't it?"

"Fine fine fine-" Dropping the radio in her lap, Ritsuko looked up at Fuyutsuki. "Get us to the nearest MAGI lab."

* * *

The enemy was gradually reinforcing the center of the crater with shield walls, javelins and cavalry charges. On top of that, they advanced from the growing strong point towards NERV's own line, punching deeper into the defensive crossfire with every assault. The galling part was that it was working. An assault would boil out of cover into a storm of automatic fire, evading at the last second as bejeweled and banner-strewn drummers rallied the troops. Nestled into carefully defended pockets, the sappers would rush out, dig in and explode. She was pretty sure the bomb-men were laughing when the set themselves off.

Ahead, less than a hundred meters away from the command post, a handful of tanks already engaged in combat had moved into cover, hull down and with their turrets allowed free range of fire. Against those, the incoming enemy split and leaped, flanking the armor and savaging the weaker rear facings. It sounded simpler than it worked in practice, but the obvious tactical acumen gnawed at her.

It reminded Misato of herself.

She watched the battle shift and ebb ahead of her. Well, they wanted to blast their way down... "Designated marksmen, mortars and grenadiers, focus fire on the exploding clay men. Pick your targets and fire at will."

The order raced out across her forces, and though she couldn't see it, she could imagine all her soldiers leaping to action. Less than half a minute after she gave the order, the first muted thumps and blasts of propellant launched mortars skyward. Single-shot cracks of gunfire punctuated the launch as the first few bombers were sniped in their trenches. The first explosions triggered sympathetic detonations, daisy-chained into a line of fire and shrapnel that shredded the enemy's ranks.

Radio in hand, she opened her mouth to arrange for another barrage when the refrigerator she hunkered against unfolded into a storm of hooded cloaks and warriors armed with wicked seven-edged knives.

Suddenly, mortars and exploding pot-men seemed less important.

Falling backwards out of the kitchen and into the foundation trench, Misato landed hard in a puddle, screaming as she groped for her weapon. She flung the radio through the curtain of water at her attacker with one hand, cracking the porcelain mask and watching it bleed smoke. Heedless, the thing crossed its knives and vaulted down from the hastily built wall. Misato rolled, tumbling side over side and slamming painfully into a fallen bank of cook tops. Her hands stung from blood scrapes, but she swung her rifle up and squeezed off a shot, then two more into the thing's chest. The cloak and chest plate collapsed like cheap pottery, slumping to the floor and throwing up a noxious cloud of blue smoke and childish stars, moons and twinkling lights.

Another skirmisher charged her, running along the heads and shoulders of her troops and its own allies before swinging left and right with both blades. The knives left glowing silver arcs as they sliced, crossing over each other so fast they seemed to draw a cutting edge upon the air. Makoto slammed into the fighter from the side shoulder first before scrambling back and jamming his bayonet into the thing's face. Asuka had insisted they go out with them affixed.

Seconds blurred into long hours, where shouts for help and soldiers swearing violently against the sneak attack. When one creature blocked bullets with a deft flick of a knife, Misato rolled away from the redirected ricochet and uncurled at its feet before thrusting her bayonet into the man-vase's gut. Heaving herself upright, she sighted down the trench and squeezed off two more bursts, shattering masked hoods and clearing the way for her squad to regroup.

A whirling shadow was the only warning she had before pair of impacts cracked hard into her back. The blades sheared through her ballistic vest, cutting so thoroughly that her webbing and gear fell away from her chest, back to front. She turned her head, and her helmet slipped off from a cut strap. She had never paid much mind to serendipity, but more than ever Misato was thankful she and Ritsuko had always shared similar sizes, even back in college. This particular borrowing had suddenly become a lot more important than any date with an upperclassman. Behind her was the last raider, and she watched it stare with empty clown eyes at the pearly steel breastplate she wore. Emphasis on breast.

Bruised but not bleeding, Misato spat in its face. "Yeah, we're stealing your stuff now too."

All it could do in reply was die by way of Makoto's rifle. Misato slumped away from the rising cloud and jabbed the trench wall with her bayonet before collapsing fully. The radio was at her feet, housing cracked but functional. She called out for her squad to sound off and suppressed the wince when two of her twelve were KIA and another was wounded. They needed her back up and standing tall, rapidly.

She ignored Makoto's offered hand, but shot him and his dust-covered face a ten-thousand megawatt smile for the offer as she heaved herself upright. Rising up and out of the trench, she mounted the slightly smaller mound of kitchen appliances and concrete. All around her, the storm of battle from Evangelions and high explosives lifted her hair like a trailing flag, and the battle continued with no change or end in sight. Glancing left and right, something red and white caught her eye, holding it inexorably.

The fascination was palpable- through the dust and grit of the battlefield, hundreds of meters away, she saw it. The big guy, the commander in chief, the general.

Standing ten feet tall, its sheer presence made the details stand out like a spotlight despite the distance. Clad in heavy, relentlessly ornate armor and wreathed in dancing tongues of white-grey flame, the enemy commander marched forward from his retainers and elite staff. A pole rose from his back, over his shoulder and trailing a silvery silk banner edged in scarlet. The statement was impossibly clear, and Misato knew without a doubt that he had just thrown down the gauntlet. A challenge, a duel to settle all of this.

She couldn't see his eyes through the slit in his visor, but Misato felt him meeting her stare with a steady one of his own. A not insignificant part of her spoke up again, and she realized she was almost willing to take him up on it. Even knowing she'd probably die in the process, simply because it would have been a fantastic death worthy of song and legend for ten-thousand years and ten more.

Then she remembered the radio in her hand, and that artillery that was still waiting for orders.

Despite the explosions that followed, Misato was fairly certain she hadn't seen the last of him. The bruises spreading out across her back were starting to hurt, they were a problem for tomorrow- like paperwork. The wind picked up again, and the clouds parted for a second time. From the great maw in the sky came lightning, blasting craters in the ground as well as any penetrating munition, faster and harder. The bolts discharged, searing hot-blue light into her retinas even as she threw an arm over her face and dove for cover.

Risking a peek past her wrist, Misato saw the lightning converge and crackle. The strikes danced in three long lines across the battlefield before meeting in the center, and in that fraction of a second, split the earth. Left in the new central crater were things, a hopelessly overused word, but it was all she had to fall back on. Tall, spindly with too many joints, she couldn't take them all in at once. Their limbs ended in blades that ended in blades, and as they moved, dust swirled in spiraling columns.

The three new monsters seemed to look at each other, before they extended wind-cloaked arms and began to dance. Misato blinked past the stinging heat in her eyes, gaping openly. The Evas shifted, changing position on some unheard order. The dancers moved without rhythm, discordant. Despite that, they somehow built to a critical mass of spiraling wind and pressure.. Then, the sound of cracking, cutting rock and stone filled the crater.

Fumbling for the radio, Misato called the local commanders and any friendly NERV forces on the line, well-aware of just how insane she sounded. "They've deployed some kind of living drills here, prepare the Geofront against a possible breach!"

The reply came swiftly, even over the dust and noise of the battle. "Affirmative Major, but we can't maintain visual on the target, there's some kind of windstorm up there."

Coughing around a mouthful of fresh dust from fallen ceiling debris, Misato could only sigh inwardly at the events in her life which had brought her to gunning down storybook monsters. "The target is the windstorm! All units, acknowledge new enemy asset as kamaitachi."


So the main issue with the previous version, was that it was all A-Plot (the action sequence) and no B-plot.
Nothing 'Moving' forward as far as intrigue revelation. Some of this is deliberate and part of my 'vision' of the Raksha Invasion.

My question is: Do I succeed in conveying the plot so far?

So, these seven scenes create something of a cohesive plot beat:

NERV is fighting on the surface not just to defend the Geofront, but to gather data.
The Raksha are clearly trying to use Sappers (demolitions) to crack into the Geofront.
Misato needs Ritsuko to do something with that data. (And Ritsuko is now waking up NOW instead of after the castle battle)
Shinji and Asuka have realized the army/monster conjuring is template-based.

Now here's the rub. I'm in a very strange position where I could very easily handwave a lot of the 'information' drama with Shinji, but I consider that boring. It's all very 'Tell' and not Show. Tell works fine for a Game, because you're trying to expedite plot. At the same time, what I have is obviously boring too, so I need to re-evaluate my methodologies.
So the main issue with the previous version, was that it was all A-Plot (the action sequence) and no B-plot.
Nothing 'Moving' forward as far as intrigue revelation. Some of this is deliberate and part of my 'vision' of the Raksha Invasion.

My question is: Do I succeed in conveying the plot so far?

So, these seven scenes create something of a cohesive plot beat:

NERV is fighting on the surface not just to defend the Geofront, but to gather data.
The Raksha are clearly trying to use Sappers (demolitions) to crack into the Geofront.
Misato needs Ritsuko to do something with that data. (And Ritsuko is now waking up NOW instead of after the castle battle)
Shinji and Asuka have realized the army/monster conjuring is template-based.

Now here's the rub. I'm in a very strange position where I could very easily handwave a lot of the 'information' drama with Shinji, but I consider that boring. It's all very 'Tell' and not Show. Tell works fine for a Game, because you're trying to expedite plot. At the same time, what I have is obviously boring too, so I need to re-evaluate my methodologies.

I like the impression of an impending revelation this time around. It's hard to accept a battle with rakasha as a primary focus, because they're so unreal.
I do think the plot comes through this time around. It still feels like a lot of sound and fury, but that's the wyld.

I have no idea what the fae are doing there, but I like the gradual realizations on the battlefield.
Chapter 42: Alliances Part 2 REDO
There was over a kilometer of earth, rock and armor between her and the surface, but Ritsuko could feel the battle overhead bearing down on her shoulders. Ritsuko heaved herself out of the wheelchair and onto the bench seat, sliding into place before the MAGI console. Pattern recognition and advanced deliberative modelling were still down, but the system was still a computer, waiting for commands. Her fingers danced over the keys, assembling instructions and gathering her tools. If she could not make a miracle, then she could at least get the things needed to code it in place.

Fuyutsuki moved, silent as an old stalking lion between the rows of consoles, fussing with his own terminal. He piggy-backed on her instructions, forgoing speed in favor of accessing their enemy database and patching Misato's direct feeds through. Video from the surface was intermittent and shredded by static and interference, but Misato made up for it with color commentary.

"It bears repeating- dancers made of wind and cutting blades with too many joints! They're carving into the city like the fortress angel!"

Ritsuko shook her head, urging with all her will for the consoles to boot up faster. "Not the weirdest thing we've seen, Katsuragi!"

Misato didn't bother quipping back.

A map of Tokyo-3 spread out across the monitor, awash in a mix of false-color data and empty voids. Damaged sensors and broken connections carved out silent regions spanning several buildings. The center block of the city was nearly black, save for flashes of pattern data and telemetry delivered by the Evangelions via their power cables. Human red mingled with green, and Ritsuko stared at the pixels as they bloomed across the screen.

We can't do anything about hardware. She grabbed a notepad and sketched out a plan to build man-portable pattern sensors. So we solve it with software. I need to get more information out of what data we're receiving...

She glanced at the screen again, seconds ticking by as the battle surged above ground. Green washed over the pattern red for a split second. The video feed dissolved into white noise before snow serpents appeared, winding through the remaining armory towers. Red gave way to green, just for a moment, over and over. Tasking Caspar with diagnostics, Ritsuko directed Balthazar to start formulating a predictive model. As the two brains bowed to her commands, she frowned and bit her lip.

I'm missing something. Red before green. Green over red. She called up the old pattern data from Aida's forays into Tokyo-3. Thaumaturgy events, Shinij's lingering traces strewn across the cityscape... The diagnostics cleared the hardware and sotfware so far, so Ritsuko shoved the old data into the model along with the new and set it to bake while Casper joined in. Without their third member, the MAGI's pattern recognition faltered, but not so far as to be useless.

Thirty seconds ticked by, and Ritsuko distantly heard Misato order an artillery strike.

* * *

Helmetless and for the moment secure in her nascent kitchen-command post, Misato considered the situation and her options. The enemy knew where she was for one, and had already tried calling her out. Obviously they had impeccable taste. Armed with a mental map of the battlefield, she clamped a hand over one ear and held the radio headset to side of her head. What messages she could hear, the wind stole, raking at all and sundry. The sickle-dancers spun into a three-pronged drill of cutting air, building a funnel cloud higher and higher. The storm roared with blast of lightning, while the sudden surging gusts heaved grit and debris into pulverizing sheets.

From her improvised command post, Misato saw her Evas brace into the storm. Electricity thrummed in the massive trailing cables, and their unfurled AT-fields drank in the juice. Makoto grabbed her arm and pulled her around, shouting over the screaming winds.

"Shigeru says they're through the first layer!" He pointed toward the tornadoes. "Thirty minutes to breach!"

Scowling, Misato nodded and inched her way over the mound of wreckage and held her hair down with one hand. Her Evas were still in the thick of it. The bone-shaking rumble of Kensuke's Gatling cannon cut through the storm in jerky bursts, and she caught glimpses of red and purple between blinding waves of dust and shredded concrete. The tornado-drill reached to the sky and was thick enough to swallow an Evangelion whole. Glittering arcs of too-bright steel flashed out, attached to unshapely limbs.

Even as she watched, her forces moved. Acting on their own initiative and her standing orders, infantry advanced or retreated in response to the enemy. Two dozen skirmishes played out across the battlefield, wars in miniature. The reports filtered in one ear and the rest was plain to her eyes. Off to one side and not a hundred meters away, two squads of infantry were hard-pressed by a unit of halberdiers.

Her soldiers favored cover, clinging to the trenches and moving unseen between engagements, and the invaders realized this. The bomb-men had given up on blasting into the Geofront, turning instead to aide strange, monstrous little engineers who filled the pits and obstacles. They paved the way for Calvary and massed infantry charges across more even ground. That in turn played to her forces' advantage as well as the heavy automatic weapons fired across unobstructed fields. Misato knew though, down to her bones, that her soldiers would run out of bullets before the opposing force ran out of swords and spears.

She had to get a read on these things. Raising the radio, she licked her lips and tasted powdered rock and concrete. "Armor, advance and engage."

Tanks, and one of the ultra-heavy earthmovers crashed through an already half-demolished building. Together they pounded a new road into the battlefield, and the cloud of dust and glass was swept up into the air from the cutting winds. A positron blast from the hills behind the city flashed overhead, punching through another monster hidden by the clouds and remaining city skyline. On the ground, Misato's eyes narrowed to thin slits. Start signaling, c'mon...

A distant flag-bearer started shouting, raising his standard while another elf-warrior brought a horn to his lips and started trumpeting. Cavalry broke from the dust and smoke of battle, man-horses swinging around while a squad of archers readied their bows. Misato was about to shout for cover when the archers aimed somewhere else and fired. They filled the air with fire, a river of arrow shafts that the mounted warriors galloped across towards the tanks and their unguarded flanks. Dropping back behind cover, Misato ordered her tank commanders to pop smoke and turn.

Shinji must have seen the attack as well, because he stepped into the path of arrows, dashing half the chargers across the battleground with one knee and shin. Dust filled the wide streets and masked the approaches from all directions, and from there, more of the giant monsters emerged. Misato bit her lip and frowned. The big ones favored the Evangelions, for obvious reasons, but she'd seen even the human-sized, glamorous ones survive direct hits from a tank's primary weapon. There was psychology here, but damned if she couldn't see it.

* * *

"You want me to what?" Asuka yanked on her control yokes, willing both pairs of arms to intercept the monster of the moment.

Ritsuko's voice was a rasping croak, though some of that was due to just coming out of a a soul-damage coma. "Move north-west two blocks- I'm seeing an anomalous reading."

Asuka exhaled hard into the LCL. The snow-dragons spat out bolts of lightning and concussive thunderblasts, and she could feel her Eva's muscles ripple and spasm in the face of the electric surges. One bolt lanced into her fingers and across her chest, hot as a branding iron, but her Eva didn't have a heart to stop. The arc of energy grounded out the opposite leg, and she lashed out with that foot into a driving side kick. Her heel speared the dragon's side, ripping it open and spilling fresh powder snow across the ground.

Tossing a look at Shinji and his battle, Asuka huffed. "On my way."

In terms of distance, two blocks was nothing compared to an Eva, but she had to duck around the enemy armies and dodge two more monsters before Ritsuko told her to stop. Anomalous pattern green, spiking higher than ever seen. Asuka whipped her head around left to right, four eyes filtering her perception into standard binocular vision. Then, at the edge of her view she saw something perched on the edge of a building across the city. She triggered the zoom with an unvoiced thought, and for the life of her, could not think of anything else to say.

"Oh my god it's so fluffy."

* * *

The feed from Unit-02 was... interesting to say the least. She had no idea why Mustela nivalis was perched on a skyscraper parapet this far south- or wearing a shining white winter coat in a Post-Impact world.

"Despite all appearances, it probably is one of the invaders, pilot." Ritsuko flinched at her own choice of word. She'd known the girl for almost a year now and still called her that?

Shaking her head, Ritsuko focused on the telemetry. Pattern green flooded her screen, overwhelming the fleeting drips of red and Asuka's own resonating soul. She'd already hidden the blue cast out by Unit-02's AT-field. All the souls stood as islands of color, and if the theories were correct, then all life on Earth was in some way red. But only mankind had enough to shine out like beacons. The poetic phrasing was Fuyutsuki's handiwork.

Red gave way to green. Red reacted to green. The MAGI spat out their conclusion, limited, but still the work of the finest supercomputer on the planet. She stared at the text crawling across the terminal, and the dry symbolic data linked together into something comprehensible. Every pattern green event ever recorded had one universal commonality: There was always, without fail, a human being nearby.

Knowing the invaders could carve at souls was not as bad as the realization that Ritsuko knew much less than she previously thought. "Pattern green does not exist in and of itself. We're only seeing the reflection off of our AT-fields?!"

Fuyutsuki stood up, rounding on her as she gripped the console. "Akagi!?"

She looked up at him, blinking owlishly behind her glasses before shoving the data over to his screen. A second later his jaw hung slack. "It's a-a chemical stain? radioactive isotope dye for the soul?"

Ritsuko shrugged, but her mind whirled. I can use that. "Sub-co-Profes-" She took a breath, shaking her head. "Fuyutsuki- you remember the improvised MAGI code Shinji helped develop?"

"The symbolic-logic work, yes." He tapped in the keys and brought up what documentation they had- hardly a complete and mature language, but enough.

Ritsuko bit her thumb, settling back down in her seat. Her eyes tracked left and right, reading noting as her thoughts spun up to speed. "Pattern green resonates across souls. We still can't do anything about hardware, but we can maybe supplement it..."

She started crafting pseudo-code, shoving modules off to the old professor as the drafts were completed. Ritsuko's fingers flew over the keyboard, and new MAGI processes started to take shape beneath her hands. A message to Central Dogma made sure Maya was prepared for a live update to the system, and the younger woman replied back with a terse text message, promising her best.

Ritsuko trusted Fuyutsuki to build the more esoteric parts, the elements of the glorified patch that required the softer, squishier aspects of Metaphysical Biology. If he was writing the heart and soul, she stretched the metaphor into the skeleton, nerve and sinew. Magic was science, science was magic. Ritsuko grit her teeth and laughed.

If her idea worked, they were going to use all of humanity as a signal amplifier and antenna.

* * *

There was no point in trying to drill through the center of the city. The top of the Geofront dome had been paved flat just to maximize the armor thickness on all meaningful angles of attack. That one Angel tried drilling, but it was a flying fortress and had incredible anti-everything defenses. Misato bit her lip and exhaled harshly. There were hundreds of weaker points to smash through, Evangelion access tunnels, the railroads and vehicle access. The kamaitachi were drilling right through the street, ignoring the potentially weaker shutters clamped over the armory buildings.

For that matter, why the kamaitachi. She'd seen these things just up and wave their hands, making something into something else. They could have just turned the ground into cheese, or something. Ritsuko was busy, and while that iron was in the fire, she had other resources to draw upon...

Leaning on Makoto and the radio, Misato switched channels. "Shinji, Asuka! You're the closest thing I have to experts- why aren't these guys using magic?"

Busy cleaving through a building and two monsters, Asuka's voice was distant. "Hell if I know! They can interact with AT fields!"

"Ergo-" Nagisa broke in, tone deceptively light. "they can interact with souls!"

Shinji let out a wordless sound of frustration, expressing it with a brutal series of stomps as he disrupted a massing cluster of skirmishers. "Best guess- they either have to dig to the Geofront, or they're choosing to."

Misato didn't like either of those answers.

* * *

The fact of the matter was that Ritsuko really was the best MAGI programmer in the world. Part of that was her insider knowledge, and her admitted obsession with outdoing her mother in all things. Acknowledging that was becoming easier by the day, and the threat of impending existential doom seemed to make her more introspective. Cutting off the rush of thoughts, she focused on the code spilling out from beneath her fingertips. The other part, was that the MAGI could code themselves, generating instructions on predictive models that were fiendishly accurate. At peak performance, the machines could simulate souls- anticipating the much more logical structure of code was simplicity itself.

Fuyutsuki completed his own block of code seconds after her, having assembled the thaumaturgical concepts into something resembling a coherent framework. They didn't have time to test the code, to do anything reasonable with implementation. Instead, Ritsuko could only trust the MAGI to address its own faltering steps and adjust accordingly. With Melchior gone, the systems were two-thirds as fast, and they relied on the human element to resolve the inevitable conflicts and interpretations.

Ritsuko forced her fingers to stop shaking and hit enter. "Fifty-fifty says the MAGI brains explode."

He frowned, shaking his head. "No bet."

Seconds crawled by, punctuated by the sound of battle from the radio at the end of the console. Screens were filled with streaming code and progress bars, patch application ticking higher and higher. One faltered, flashing angry warning red before restarting- a stumble, but not a fall. Ritsuko's hands found a counter edge wrapped her fingers around it, knuckles white and taut. Then another meter flickered, a third, more cascading failures as the MAGI rejected the hasty update. Ritsuko hissed, tapping in abort commands and recovering functionality, bypassing the automatic procedures in favor of her mother's shortcuts.

The old man gave her a grave nod. "Again, Akagi."

Scrubbing her eyes, she nodded. Scanning the code once more, she appended a few sections, expanding some, truncating others. There was a significant part of her that was painfully aware she was not following any sane methodology, but Misato demanded her brilliance and her intuition... The second attempt progressed further than the first, and the third almost reached ninety percent. She raised her fist at the screen but held back at the last second, finally tracking down the last errant bracket and closing the code.

One hundred percent flashed on her screen, and though she couldn't see it, the MAGI accepted the new code and turned inward, generating new commands that defied conventional computer science.



"We just taught the MAGI thaumaturgy."

"So we did."

Misato's voice broke out through the radio, pitched high and piqued. "You did what now? Nevermind- I need something here Rits!"

Reaching for the radio, Ritsuko exhaled hotly, full of stress and drained."Data's coming in now, Katsuragi!"

The reality was that pattern green did not exist- or better to say they had never detected it directly. Instead they only saw the reflection. But like any phenomenon, what could be perceived could be measured. Pushing the information to a larger screen, Ritsuko watched as the MAGI started to pick out patterns amidst the chaos. The same blooms and whorls, rippling across the pinpricks that represented simple human souls. The Evas by comparison had broader, more dominating blue-type AT-fields that gave superior returns, filling the voids where sensor coverage was weakest.

Despite that, she could still see something else, something in the background. An anomalous return. A lingering afterimage that painted the sensor map... She cast that aside- not important. The patterns started to resolve, and other monitors flickered with useful data. One pattern, two, six, twenty. Recognizable, repeatable traits. Shinji did it, and these things did it too. His technique of promised victory had the same result every time and now she could prove it.

Fuyutsuki frowned, standing up and silhouetted by the glare of the big screen. "Akagi- the MAGI are interpreting pattern intensity, aren't they?"

He was right. The MAGI had taken the thaumaturgic patch and expanded upon it. The brigher patches on screen were active, pulsing with whatever energy and magic the invaders brought to bear. Shinji too. His mark stood out, overlapping the location-data of Evangelion Unit-01. There were a dozen other anomalous hot spots, active and teeming with some urgent power. One though, near Asuka... The MAGI picked it up nearly as fast as she did, bracketing the outlier and offering an assessment.

"Ritsuko?" Misato's voice trampled through her thoughts in a rapid rush. "Data? Anything?!"

* * *

Misato grit her teeth, cuddling close to cover. Something loud and fiery surged overhead, and she grabbed Hyuuga, wrenching him around hard enough to wedge his nose into her cleavage. Ritsuko, true to form, always gave her qualified answers.

"It's not the miracle you ordered, Katsuragi!" Static, gunfire and the muted impact of arrowheads nearly overwhelmed the sound of Ritsuko's voice. "But I think I can tune the AT-field against these things!"

A light shove sent Hyuuga twisting away, leaving him sputtering for breath while Misato leaned on the radio strung between them. "Lemme guess- you won't be able to do anything until after the battle."

"Unfortunate no- but we're seeing over a hundred concrete, repeated magical events. Stay safe, Katsuragi!"

Leaving the radio aside, Misato reached into her shredded vest and yanked out a thin notebook, hurriedly thumbed through the pages. She heard Asuka shouting for support, calling for Kensuke. Misato heard more than saw the response, where the silver Unit 04 lumbered out of cover and unleashed a torrent of fire across the enemy line of battle. Focusing on the cramped handwriting and necessary shorthand, she scanned what assets she had left. The cupboard was nearly bare, with almost all reserves expended and only the most outlying defenses across Japan even theoretically stocked.

She had less than five thousand soldiers deployed in the city at that very moment, not counting free agents and the skeleton defensive crew below ground. In the hills on three sides, she had four rocket batteries. Just four, and not one replacement. She nodded to Makoto and roughed out a quick plan before trusting him to his part.

As he relayed her orders for the probing assault, Misato called her pilots and those soldiers locked in combat. "Be advised, rocket artillery barrage is incoming. Evangelions- I want you to stay in the field as long as you can. I need to see what these things can do."

The pilots chimed in one after the other, followed by the squads and mechanized infantry. Her radio crackled. "We'll hold them as long as we can Major- ETA on bombardment?"

Misato glanced at Makoto, who waved his hand with two fingers extended. "Two minutes soldier. Be ready to move- the rockets won't wait!"

Seconds after her order, the great batteries fired. The distant roar and rushing air of launching rockets was nearly lost in the fury of the storm. Risking a glance past the barricades and across the battlefield, Misato watched as the enemy signaled. Archers turned to face the new attack, drawing arrows made of glittering dust, strung with musical notes.

Some small part of her still rebelled at the insanity of a bow and arrow being used to intercept rocket artillery, but absurd or not, it worked. The arrows shot skyward in the blink of an eye, splitting the dozen rockets from nose to tail. The heavy ordnance drifted in the air for a lingering second, before fuel and payload detonated several hundreds of meters above and far off target. Even before the last echoes faded, Misato was demanding updates on enemy troop movement and where her forces were at.

Five Evangelions, with a mixed set of gear. Armor and infantry, and her last three artillery barrages. Those wind-drills had to go down- there was no doubt in her mind. The question was how. She looked back over the front line, watching her soldiers shift and move in response to the tide of battle. A sergeant some twenty meters away bellowed at his squad to get down as more arrows raked his position. Above and forward, near the enemy's leading edge, Asuka and Shinji were tearing into the steadily growing mass of great beasts and monsters that were dead set on keeping them occupied.

Another deafening burst of gunfire raked across the battlefield, and Misato followed the line of glowing tracers back to Unit 04 and Aida Kensuke. Some of the shots were blocked like any other, deflected by sword or claw. Others were blithely ignored. The vast majority though tore great gaping holes in ranks of infantry and cut bloody lines through four or so unlucky monsters. Kensuke fired another burst, and from the opposite side a line of tanks opened up with machine guns. Caught on both sides, the elite defenders split their focus to defend against all comers...

By that point, all she had was a hunch... But Misato lived and died by her hunches.

Pulling the radio back from Makoto, Misato switched channels and flooded the battlefield with her voice, roaring into the radio. "We're going to press these things until they break! All forces- pick your targets and fire at will!"

They didn't need much encouragement. The thunderous crash of cannons and rapid fire weapons filled the air, pounding the enemy from three or more directions. Seconds rushed by while the enemy surged to counter. The archers reformed, but Kensuke was ready for them, unleashing hell with his Gatling and draining ammo. Misato howled into the sound and dust, laughing despite herself. The long fusillades cut the changing ranks to ribbons, ripping huge gaps in the heaving throngs of faceless infantry. Only the blatantly elite remained in those ragged furrows, standing in mired craters of rubble and churned earth.

But then Misato saw monstrous shapes drop out of the clouds and swirling grit, ambling towards her newest pilot.

"Shinji, Asuka! Kensuke's in trouble!" She pressed on the radio, not caring that she was still broadcasting across all channels. "Kensuke! Protect that weapon!"

Even as she gave that order, the enemy continued its counter-offensive. If they could defend on two or even three sides at once, they could probably attack just as easily. There had to be a limit, and she was going to find it. "C'mon you fancy bastards... pull forward and overextend."

The battle surged in almost liquid waves, where humans and metal lunged headlong into a wall of shields and spears. Something had to give, and soon. Turning back to her ad-hoc command post, she looked around for something- anything she could use to pull ahead. a slash of dingy white stood out against the dry soil and rubble.

"...This is far too convenient." She huffed and started digging. Her squad joined in seconds later, and in moments, they had pulled a ragged Japanese flag out of the rubble.

Misato pointedly ignored Makoto's incredulous stare as she grabbed a bit of refuse and tied the flag to it. "You can't be serious."

Dropping the rifle, Misato ran a hand through her hair before clipping the radio to her belt and pulling out her pistol. Flag in one hand and weapon in the other. "Serious enough- wish me luck!"

She vaulted cover before Makoto could open his mouth, flag in hand and charging forward. Even caked with dirt and sodden with brackish water, the flag was brighter than the smoke and fire of battle. On the ground, her tanks and mortars let loose with all weapons, pouring everything they had into the attack. Raising her sidearm without much thought, she fired into the nearest throng of menagerie soldiers. When she ran out of bullets, she grabbed the flag with both hands and smashed it into the nearest head she could find.

Above, her Evangelions moved. Unit 01 cast a long shadow over the battlefield, having long been stripped of paint and dry gouges carved in its armor. Misato scrambled through the melee, even as the horned Evangelion straddled her tiny slice of the war and wrestled with the nearest clawed and awful monster. Shinji's rising knee summoned a storm that nearly ripped the flag from her hands, almost pulling her off the ground entirely.

She crossed ten meters of unbelievably hellish terrain, then twenty. The air was hot and rough in her lungs, filled with smoke and fury like she'd never felt before. The radio at her hip squawked, demanding orders, clarification. Vaulting the fallen facade of an office building, Misato slid through an open an broken window, weaving through the wreckage and out the other side.

Nearly a third of the way across the battlefield, cut off from her own forces and waving a goddamned flag, Misato stood out for everyone to see.

A hundred thousand teeming, knobby-limbed pikemen raised their weapons in a blood-thirsty cheer. Archers played their bows like harp strings, and the horse-men pounded their chests and shields, howling into the storm. She could read their intent plain on their faces. The enemy boiled from cover, forgoing orderly lines of battle for glory and the flag in her hand.

Her plan was stupid. Absurd. Insane. And yet it worked.

Unhitching the radio from her hip, Misato kept her expression level and waved the flag, waiting. "C'mon. Little closer..."

They moved faster than she did, crossing tens of meters at a time without pause. The cavalry rapidly overtook the infantry, swarming over the ruins and wreckage towards her. There was no diversion- no one calling them back into formation. She started trembling in place as more of the huge monstrous beasts emerged out of the clouds, raining down and joining the charge. Now more than a third of the way across the central crater, the enemy split to weave around the kamaitachi.

When the unbelievable mass of soldier-monsters and stranger things were a hundred meters, ten seconds away, Misato raised the radio to her lips. "Artillery- target the kamaitachi! Fire everything you've got!"

She was close enough that the kamaitachi were pulling the flag straight away from her, and sucking in every other loose bit of refuse, cloth and whatnot throughout the battlefield. Her hair was stretched and plastered dry against one side of her head, billowing while the wind-dancers pulled the air into the drill. Or, more meaningfully, she was close enough that she'd be under the blast radius when the rockets hit.

Ahead, the enemy's raucous, over-extended charge seemed to falter, losing steam as pointed ears picked up on the roar of solid fuel engines. Now the grey flame army moved with a purpose, an urgency that Misato could see even through their unbelievable skill. The counterattack guttered to a halt with the opposing forces line almost a hundred meters away from Misato, and NERV's defenders a bit more than twice that behind her.

Horns and drums heralded the sweeping change in formation as the rush melted. To her left, Kensuke and his silver Evangelion fumbled a reload. That hint of weakness was sign the horde needed. The grey flame army waved their collective arms to call forth more great beasts to the battle, bearing down on the new pilot. Misato's heart pounded in her chest, and overhead, the rockets streaked closer.

Asuka shouted over the battlefield, voice carrying across external speakers and over the wind and sounds of war. "Newbie! Heads up!"

"I know I know!" Kensuke stumbled back, but one heel slipped into a broken surface plate and sent him toppling backwards with a deafening bang.

Tossing the flag away, Misato cast about for cover, painfully aware that she could not outrun rocket artillery. Behind her, Evangelion Unit 01 roared.

Or maybe that was Shinji, over the radio. "Misato- dammit! Asuka! Help! Rockets!"

Before the redhead could answer, Shinji was moving, lunging twenty meters at a time and racing towards the kamaitachi. The Eva all but vaulted over her head, and Misato fell backwards, thrown by the landing impact and tremors. Unit 01 skid forward, carving parallel trenches with its heels before grinding to a halt before the funnel cloud.

Asuka cut across the battlefield towards Kensuke, leaping into the air and releasing her power cable in favor of battery power. Her Eva's coat reshaped into wings and heaved her aloft, and in that same move, she spun and threw her sword. The building-sized blade tumbled awkwardly, passing harmlessly and unharmed through the storm-drill before landing in Shinji's waiting hands. He spun on one foot and drove the tip into the ground, just ahead of Misato.

The archers readied their bows even as the Evangelions turned back to the monsters and massed infantry. NERV's defenders cut into unprotected flanks with automatic weapons, cannons and mortar, but there were still too many. Asuka landed feet first on a pair of statue-warriors, both as big as her Eva. Her wings formed into raking claws and clamped down on two more great beasts, giving Kensuke that precious time he needed.

Sluggish, stuttering and slow, the silver Evangelion drew back the receiver and loaded a fresh drum of ammo. In the center of the battlefield, bows were drawn and arrows loosed. This time the gleaming shafts formed into an almost unbroken river of sparkling silver, like a cutting laser. The massed archers swung their beam skyward, cutting through the high clouds and sighting in on the incoming rockets.

Kensuke didn't bother standing up. Heaving the Gatling cannon up and at angle, he let loose with a stream of fire, screaming over the radio. Misato watched the tracers cross the air and slice through the stream of arrows, scattering the defensive beam into stardust. Braced behind Asuka's sword on one side, Misato waited for the boom.

Unbelievable, soul-shaking sounds filled her awareness for the following few seconds. She didn't bother to count the individual explosions. Somewhere, Misato knew the exact ordnance loaded in those distant silos, but the specific number seemed so unimportant right then. The ground jumped and heaved beneath her, banging painfully into her knees and shaking the Eva-scale sword from tip to hilt.

As the last lingering echoes of the barrage faded, a near silence fell over the battlefield. Misato gingerly eased herself out from beneath the sword's shadow, peeking around the edge and at the central crater.

The funnel cloud had vanished, and the three kamaitachi stood motionless, ugly and spindly in all the worst ways. They had too many limbs and not enough bulk, like a ballerina dancer made of melted candle wax and studded with razor blades. A gaping pit had been carved into the top layer of Tokyo-3, and the grey flame army waited, almost pensive. Those with recognizable faces looked at her, then glanced at each other, expressions oddly neutral. For the moment, the innumerable warriors lowered their spears and swords. With a shuddering groan, the dancers slumped like broken puppets.

One by one, the invading army of lurid, beautiful horrors stood tall, threw their weapons to the ground and raised their hands to the air, acknowledging their defeat with thunderous applause.

So, carrying on more B-plot with Ritsuko and her frantic, fast development of better pattern-sensing methods. I'm particularly proud of the new information- specifically the realization that Pattern Green does not exist. That being said, I fully agree that a lot the verbiage was technobabble. I like it because it sounds fun, but I understand that in the grand scheme of things, it's not as tightly written as it could be. It works though, so I am happy.

From here, we understand that even if nothing can happen in this battle, there is still something to progress onward to as the two metaphysical systems find more points of contact.

The other thing that I realized while writing this, was that at the core, I am writing a story that has a lot of different themes, and am in fact actually trying to make a thematic statement from arc to arc as the story progresses. I think that doesn't always come through in my writing, and Exalted is generally not read with a mind towards narrative themes either.
I'm particularly proud of the new information- specifically the realization that Pattern Green does not exist.
Personally, I can't say that I'm that surprised. No matter what Ritsuko says, calling it 'Pattern Green' wasn't a name MAGI pulled out of their hat.

After all, Red/Green color blindness is a thing!

Chapter 42: Alliances - Part 3 REDO
A gaping hole had been ripped into Tokyo-3's skyline. Even from the low hill of Tokyo-3 Municipal High, Ayumi could see through the toppled skyscrapers and armory buildings. Giant monsters prowled the streets, stomping into the fray while canons, rockets and gunfire echoed off every surface. The high clouds were a nearly solid ashen sheet, and the searing white laser blasts from the outlying hills cast dark shadows across the sky.

The prisoners and their captors watched the battle for two days straight. Or, the prisoners had been forced to watch. They were taken in groups to relieve themselves, while food and water were carried to them by knobby faced tree-creatures. No matter what they did, the tall and glamorous wardens knocked out walls and made the way clear for the captured civilians to see the battle.

The humans were pointedly not allowed to sleep. Ayumi wondered if she would ever sleep again.

With bleary, bloodshot eyes, Ayumi stared across the cafeteria. Past the broken wall and over the low slung buildings that made up the outlying immobile city. A thunderclap and staccato burst of explosions had thrown a column of dust and rock into the air. Just before that she saw the Evas, three of them now, move and shift to each others aide. The red one- Sorhyu - tossed her sword to Shinji in purple. Massive weapons and deafening gunfire shook the city, and the school felt the rumble of guns through their shoes and aching legs.

Their captors were enraptured. The little servants toiled ceaselessly and paid no attention, but now Ayumi noticed. After the whirlwinds were destroyed, the greater and grander individuals stood out starkly by comparison. Be they glorious or grotesque, it wasn't how they looked that mattered. It was their behaviors, the looks in their eyes. Some beheld the battle with vacant adoration. Others took in the distant carnage with a naked lust. The apparent leader, that woman of hands- all her fingers twitched fitfully. Bubbling absurdity crept up into Ayumi's throat, and she choked down the laughter- the thought of them eating popcorn.

Listlessly, she cut her attention across the crowd of filthy, sleepless humanity After... everything, she'd given up questioning the truth of what she was seeing, inside and out. So far though, no pink elephants or waking dreams. A dozen meters away, Toji was pressed against a wall, sniffling audibly, pale and sweating rivulets. He clutched at his stump shoulder with his free hand, and aggressively looked straight forward at nothing. A low, resonant rumble pulled his eyes skyward, and Ayumi followed his attention up. She wasn't alone either- whispers of excitement and interest broke out in a thrumming, expectant wave. Again, Ayumi imagined popcorn.

The mood was contagious, or perhaps they made it a contagion. Prisoners turned to the sky and those who were lucky or privileged enough to have chairs inched forward in their seats. Even the Evas turned to look up.

Above the clouds, the maw of the sky opened wide, throwing out misty white gasses and coating the city with frost. Past gaps in the thunderheads and storm, Ayumi watched the shadow of space give way to Jupiter's curve. Then that was gone, hidden by some formless bulk. The maw snapped closed and drew the storm into an overturned funnel, and the rush of displaced air lashed at the city below. A shadow stretched inside the clouds, and Ayumi's eyes followed the leading edge as it raced overhead and out past the edges of the city.

That was when the rain started.

The fog in sky above Tokyo-3 darkened, rapidly compressed as something unbelievably vast pressed down on it from above. The air and water had no chance to get out of the way. The first raindrops arrived as a nearly uniform sheet that pounded the whole city down to the shores of Lake Ashi. Between blocks and alleyways, the sudden deluge wiped the air clean of smoke and grit. Inside the school cafeteria, broken gutters and holes in the roof let the water rush inside.

Six great white marble pillars punched through the black, sodden clouds. Tall as buildings, they slammed into the ground all around Tokyo-3. Not just the central fortress, but the surrounding static neighborhood. Tremors raced through the ground, knocking over chairs, tables and walls. Distant buildings slumped into further ruin, and Ayumi was sent sprawling. Heaving herself out of a puddle, she looked up to see the clouds part.

An inverted castle-fortress straddled Tokyo-3 and pushed the rain aside. Towers and redoubts mingled with courtyards and a dozen other things she couldn't even describe. None of it obeyed gravity, and Ayumi gaped at the sprawling ranks of monster and soldier. Down in the ruined city center, Shinji handed Sorhyu her sword, while they both helped the silver one to its feet. She watched the Evangelions stand, exhausted and worn.

All around her, the invaders thrummed with anticipation.

* * *

The impact of its landing traveled all the way down to Central Dogma. Decades-stagnant dust from both the interior dome fell in choking sheets upon the Geofront forest. Inside the command center, more dust sprinkled down in fitful trails on consoles. The holographic display scattered off of the powder, throwing multicolored light every direction. Views of the surface were limited- shaky feeds from the Evangelions, or what sensors were still functional on the depleted armory buildings. A carnival of horrors without end rained down from the massive thing straddling Tokyo-3.

Sitting at his proper chair, Ikari Gendo frowned.

The junior staff were busy collating the data, fueled by coffee and thaumaturgical massage. Pressed on all sides by an invader that adhered to no consistent strategic objective or tactical doctrine... Gendo quietly grit his teeth. The technocratic authority of NERV teetered in the balance, and the boy-Solar had done no small amount of damage.

Exhaling softly, he discarded those thoughts in favor of something more presently actionable. The Evangelions were deployed, and Katsuragi continued to apply her myopic brilliance exactly as expected. Fuyutsuki stood by, silent and supportive as a granite pillar. Kihl Lorenz, meanwhile, stared up at the screens, mouth open and hidden by a gnarled, trembling hand. Nerve damage, not nerves. The council head's introduction and reaction to the new and strange magic was telling.

Before he could follow up on that thought, Lieutenant Ibuki let out a squawk. Casper and Balthazar reached out to every screen, declaring anomalous contact detected, flooding the displays with angry red warning graphics.

From her station, Ibuki banished the alerts in favor of meaningful context. "Remote MAGI access?! Melchior's tapped back into the system!"

"Unlikely- Melchior's brain should have expired weeks ago." Fuyutsuki uttered loud enough for the crew to hear. "Diagnostics?"

"Ongoing!" Ibuki focused on her console while Aoba shouldered the burden of coordinating the intra-geofront logistics and working with the surface.

Gendo waited, needing only to decide.

"Connection traced to-" Ibuki's voice faltered. "Terminal Dogma!"

The commander stood up, hands on his command podium and ready to give the order, when the MAGI intervened again.

Pattern Blue in Terminal Dogma.

* * *

As the alert swept across Tokyo-3, Misato let out a long, heartfelt curse. "Sonnovabitch!"

Sighting downrange through her scope, Rei could not help but agree. "Major- be advised the enemy has us surrounded on all sides."

Nagisa had already moved to engage the literal rain of beastmen and monsters that landed nearby, banishing their cloud-mounts with simple flicks of his AT-field. She left him to that task. Taking aim across the city, Rei willed her Eva to squeeze the trigger. A thunderous, white-hot blast of ordered positrons pierced through two already-ruined buildings and into the rising mass of enemy soldiers, while the over-pressure wave wiped a kilometer-long span air clean. Shinji and Asuka offered her a distant, Evangelion-scale salute while NERV's conventional forces formed up on Misato's position. Behind them, the enemy boiled, eager to push the charge.

Discarding the spent capacitor, Rei reloaded the positron cannon. That, she decided, would not be allowed.

Biting of another curse, Misato growled across the radio. "No kidding- Okay we've got to punch through the hills and get back into the Geofront! Our fallback point is Access Seventeen-C. Ten minutes out, and I say the universe owes us a favor! Rei, Nagisa, keep us covered on the way in!"

Rei reloaded once more, aimed and fired, carving a new trench into the armor layer. As the metal and concrete slag cooled, shadowy things burst out of the vents and undercity, reaching for anything near by be it friend or foe. The advancing column of tanks and infantry crawled forward, inexorable but slow with Shinji at the lead and Aida-kun bringing up the rear.

"You know these things don't quit!" Asuka lashed out with her sword, cleaving through tentacles and stranger things. "And they're going to be on our asses every step of the way!"

From behind, Rei heard a peculiar, screeching roar. Of air and engines screaming, shifting as the source approached. Gunmetal shapes flashed by overhead, rigid and unmistakably man-made. Rockets tumbled out and blasted forward from their stubby wing-pods, carving brief gaps in the storm of enemy infantry. Rei watched as their engines pivoted, and as one the six or so JSSDF VTOLs waggled their wings in salute.

Perhaps it was their friendship, Rei wondered, that let Misato and Shinji both speak in unison. "...Thank you, universe?"

* * *

Misato had designed Tokyo-3 to be hard to assault and difficult to escape, a 'flypaper' strategy that relied on unbroken lines of supply and communication, with means of rapid deployment anywhere in the city. One by one, each of those things failed, and now Tokyo-3 hurt her forces as much as it did the enemy. Harried on all sides, she hunkered down in her simple jeep while Makoto kept an ear to the radio. The Geofront had no Evangelions. No anti-angel weaponry. Their last line of defense was the self-destruct in Terminal Dogma, and that would crack the Geofront open like an egg.

"Goddamned Pattern Blue now of all times." She hissed, before shouting orders up the line to support the Evas. "If they fall- we're all going to walk home!"

Locked onto one of the few roads leading outside the city, Misato and her troops could not afford to climb the slopes-not with the enemy building up like snowdrifts from all over. Arrows rained down from every angle, but her soldiers endured, while the VTOLs overhead turned around for another pass. They loosed more rockets into the forests, burying whole battalions of fairy-tale warriors under broken tree and earth.

Shinji's voice echoed out over the battlefield, and Misato looked ahead. "Something's coming!"

Seconds after that, Ritsuko took over the whole communication system, broadcasting in the clear. "Incoming Pattern Green Anomaly!"

Misato couldn't quite tell where it started, points of brilliance almost appearing out of thin air between the hills and the castle overhead, blooming into radiant green stars before spreading wide. The bubbles merged into an almost solid, shimmering pane of energy that seemed to wash through the world. Brighter than the darkness and reflecting the headlights of her jeep, it caught the yellow-reds of the fires burning all along the hillsides. It swept and burbled over the earth, frothing like a wave, and when it it, all Misato could do was hold on. Sticky, cloying fingers oozed into her body, her soul, and she felt the borrowed breastplate shiver in sympathy.

For a moment, the trees weren't, the air and ground stank of fear, and everything Misato could see was for a brief moment something else. Tanks and APCs changed as the wave passed, unfolding into metal flower-vehicles while their crew bailed out. The lucky ones at least. As the surge passed, she caught glimpses of still-living men and women merged with their consoles. Misato held down her hair with one arm, and her stomach turned as the road lurched. She leaned out of the door to shout a warning up the line, but her voice was silence and doves, spilling out of her mouth and flapping into the air.

Hyuuga stared at her as she sank back into her seat, bouncing while the road groaned.

The ground shook, and Misato pushed those thoughts aside in favor of the new threat. Beneath their tires and feet, the six-lane highway cracked, ballooning up in segments, while earth moved on either side of the pavement. One pair, two pair, six pair of legs, more ripped free of the ground. At the head of the column, Shinji and his Eva reared back, grappling with a monstrous caterpillar-scorpion...

"The road's turned into a goddamned monster!" Misato rubbed her eyes, then grabbed the radio. "All-units, get off the road and make a break for it- Evangelions will cover you!"

As orders went, it was easier said than done. The road-serpent reared back, animated by whatever strange working had overtaken the world. The alien army had fallen back for the briefest of moments.

* * *

Kaji Ryoji did not have much direct experience with Ikari Gendo as Commander of NERV. He'd met the man before over the past decade, but had made an effort to stay out from under the man's thumb until the last possible moment. The Committee sending him and his favorite girl to Japan was serendipity, as far as he was concerned. Sneaking ADAM out under their collective noses was the product of some nameless inspiration, a spark caused by the mission to deploy SEELE's little toy against the fortress Angel.

Now though, Kaji considered the past five minutes as entirely too much experience.

The alert came while Kaji was in the command center, on the bridge next to Ritsuko's empty station. Without the right training or experience, he'd been left to do little more than dig his fingers into the seat of Ritsuko's chair, white-knuckled and rigid. The holographic displays only showed slices of the battle above ground; flashes of strangeness that were both fantastic and unhappily familiar after all this time. Asuka and the kids were out there- Misato was still out there, fighting undeniably deadly things out of cartoons, dog-eared paperbacks and ancient video-games.

Ikari turned command over to Fuyutsuki before descending from on high to speak with Khil. Barely ten words were exchanged, before Ikari made for the exits. That same drive to know, the one that pushed him back to Japan, that stayed his hand when Nagisa dangled secrets in his face, made him follow. Ikari Gendo was not a fool or obviously suicidal, so as they marched through empty corridors, Kaji could at least guess that there was a plan. Realizing that made him all the happier he'd taken to wearing a tactical vest at all times- flashlight, grenades, knife, check...

Ikari barely glanced at him and his inventory as they stalked down Central Dogma's corridors towards an elevator, the same one Rei had led them to just weeks ago.

As the elevator whisked them down until the floor display clicked over to crossed-out cards. Kaji glanced at the older man while idly gripping his pistol. "What do you think is down there?"

"An Angel."

"Well, obviously." The elevator doors opened, revealing the dark cavernous industrial spaces that made of Terminal Dogma. "What can we do about it?"

Ikari did not answer, and that inspired no good feeling what so ever.

Moving along the gantries, Kaji drew his weapon while Gendo straightened his white gloves. "So. You have a plan, I take it. One you don't feel like sharing with the class, that's fine."

"So if I were a betting man- and I can say with some degree of certainty that I am- you have some sort of down-to-the wire contingency down here, other than an Evangelion or the self-destruct." Even as he said that, Kaji mentally paused. The Evangelion graveyards are here, so...

He shook that thought off, humming with more cheer than he felt. "Not that the self-destruct helps. You need unanimous MAGI consensus which we are most certainly not getting- unless Ritsuko pushes the big red button. Plus, we're down here, and I don't think you plan on dying for your scenario, or the Committee's."

Ikari unbuttoned his jacket and pulled a small pistol from a concealed holster. "In that regard, you are correct, Inspector."

Off the stairs and onto the bottom floor, Kaji spun around to get his bearings. A few hundred yards ahead were all of those clones and their tanks, plus the memory transfer machine in the structure above it. There was no hint of the battle going on overhead, not this far down. Ikari moved, with all the stony silence of a sphinx and just as inscrutable. Oh Katsuragi, if only you could see me now. Playing plucky comic relief to the hardest headcase in Japan.

The cavernous spaces of Terminal Dogma were not silent. Installations at least ten years old or more churned ominously in the darkness and faint red light. As far as Kaji was concerned, it was easy on the eyes, but hard on the soul. Seconds ticked by, and the Commander marched resolutely up to a console, possibly the only console in the whole area. Flanked on all sides by rising columns of decade-old concrete, it was something of a defensible position.

Kaji kept his weapon at the ready, scanning both ends of the open-air corridor while Ikari worked. Finally, the older man grumbled. "The intruder was here. Minute ago."

"Lovely." The air was chokingly moist. Kaji ripped his tie off completely, dimly aware of the scent of blood coming from the walls. "You do know that conventional wisdom states that we should flee from the monster, right? It's how it always goes in slasher films."

Ikari did not offer much more than a wordless grunt, before adding. "I do not watch films."

Then, the sound of metal on stone echoed out through the maze-like structure. Flashlight in hand, Kaji took note of the grated metal floor. Swallowing thickly, he double-checked his weapon before offering Ikari a careful nod. Together they moved toward the sound, step by step. Silent, crimson strobes flashed from all edges of the complex, declaring the Pattern Blue for all of two people.

The metal-on-stone sound echoed out again, then a third time. Not footsteps, but more like grinding. Kaji frowned, and a trickle of sweat beaded down the back of his neck before soaking into his collar. The sound rang out again, closer. Movement out the corner of his eye sent him whirling, flashlight casting a bright cone across a bare stretch of grilled walkway and concrete walls.

"I get the distinct impression I'm forgetting something..." Kaji muttered, walking up to the source of the sound. It was a flake of the walls, chipped off and stuck between gaps in the flooring. "Oh. Right."

Kaji looked up, and his flashlight followed.

Overhead and poised on the edge of the concrete maze was a mass of man-made plastic, flesh joined to metal, and eerie, smooth planes. It was an extrusion, a mathematical scultpure or hole that kinked and stretched out into space in alien ways. The invaders were terrifying because of how fantastic they looked. The Angels, meanwhile, were simply too perfectly alien to allow in a sane universe. Three legs, four arms and two familiar, unadorned electronic faces dripped from the lop-sided, hunchbacked figure, and nestled in the crook of its arm was the MAGI brain case.

The angel-cyborg hybrid screamed, voices distorted, electronic and human. "Rrrr-rRRRUUUUU-UUN!"

So. There are more than a few differences here- notably, I cut out the entire castle fight. This is not to say I have deleted it, but its inclusion highlighted a problem I tend to have with writing. Before I forget, this section is the first part of 'Act 2' in the chapter, such as it is, and it replaces the castle-battle as the centerpiece.

As for that problem, I essentially was spending too much time illustrating movement through space, and not enough time on plot. I personally do not hew to the idea that every single scene must advance plot-plot, as I prefer and enjoy writing character interaction and progression. This is why Shinji continues to not be archetypical Solar, because it's simply more fun for me to write, instead of a perfectly rational victory-engine.

Anyway- so I was spending a lot of time jazzing up movement, and confusing that for story. Now, I know that movement and positional information can be dramatic- if a character needs to be somewhere in a hurry, that can be quite tense! I, unfortunately, failed to maintain that tension with the original castle battle.

Part of the point of the castle battle was to help introduce Vespa's character, her personality, before we knew it was Mari. Notably the "Last one on buys lunch!" comment, and the rest of her quips. I believe I succeeded at that goal, at the expense of bogging down the rest of the chapter.

To better articulate my frustration- and this is actually a comment on Spacebattles/Sufficient Velocity as well, but cuts are not easy. Which is to say, it is very difficult as a writer to write "And then X happened, leading to Y, Scene Starts." Is difficult. It's frustrating and obnoxious having to pedantically track truly asinine levels of detail just to satisfy some level of suspension of disbelief, or make the action clear.

As an example, I had the sequence where Shinji, Asuka and Kensuke were running to climb the leg. I made a big production out of describing it, blow by blow, really playing up all the details. It was some 1000-2000 odd words last I checked.

Advice from numerous sources basically told me that I could not write "Shinji, Asuka and Kensuke scaled the monstrous castle's leg before vaulting up on the creature's surface."

I get that that sentence is boring, but wow is it succinct. I also continued to be frustrated with an inability to understand what that advice actually meant.

Now, the most damning criticism, the thing that prompted me to even get on this revision, was the following: "It's the same as last chapter but moreso!"

This is what lead to the rejiggering of Ritsuko's inclusion- I had intended for her to wake up after the first two battle sequences were over, mostly because I did not want her to have a contrived eureka moment. I dislike writing those as they often frustrate me. I also dislike writing Exalted as getting those moments too often. I agree they can GET them, just, it's easy to fall into bad habits.

The Pattern Blue Plot (and return of the Cyborg Ninjas) had always been planned, but I decided, after rejiggering, to make it happen here as part of Chapter 42's expanded 'B-plot', instead of Chapter 43+ like I originally envisioned. I know I don't talk about it much- to a fair amount of consternation I imagine, but I do plan the story out in fair detail. I imagine I lost a lot of my earlier readership when they realized the thread wasn't friendly to jokes and speculation as they would have hoped. I guess I just don't have the temperament for that.

Now, a lot of people over the course of this story's life have consistently see-sawed between More Exalted! and More Evangelion! I've never satisfied everyone with my decisions, and really don't want to try. It's why I focused the story so much on NGE in the first place, as opposed to a wish-fulfillment romp with Solar Aesthetics. The tone of the story has changed dramatically since I started writing it, as the first 10-15 chapters barely broke 2000 words, and were much more situational and context-comedy.

I look back at some of those gags and early, faltering attempts at plot with fondness and mute horror, by turns.

And, I have hinted often and now more recently have stated, part of my inclusion of Exalted elements is to correct misconceptions. This is why I did not Exalt the core cast, or wildly include Exalted buzzwords like Artifacts or Sorcery. I knew that adding them would be cheap thrills and not meaningful plot. They're a wonderful thought experiment- like what would Shogoki be like with Artifact Armor?

But at the same time, without really getting into it, just giving the Eva magic armor is... the same thing as saying it has supertech armor. It's irrelevant to the narrative. I started the Raksha invasion knowing generally what I was doing, because what most people see from Exalted are The Exalted. That's fine. I'm however just as invested in the setting of Creation and it's rich details.

Above all else the Raksha Invasion -as an arc- is an experiment- just like the VR arc was back in chapter 26-29 or so. It may fail and I will have learned my lesson, but I will not concede defeat. I intended to hit themes with this Chapter, and I may succeed, I may fail. Time will tell.

Hmm, that seems to be it for my post-mortem.
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