Cast in Gold - Evangelion/Exalted

Oooh, that's certainly a suitably insane idea. Reminds me of a simliar scene in the fantasy anime, "Munto II", where one faction tries to use their literally "Flying Fortress" to "cross-dimensionally" rip the town the heroine lives in up out of the ground, and into another world.
I really wish I had something to say other than describing how awesome I think you are for putting the scenes together the way you do. Praise becomes mindless after awhile... Bah. The imagery you use in each scene is just beautiful. You have a talent for conveying visual scenes without an image. I know you are a talented visual artist too.
Rei was not one for physicality or ostentatious behaviors, at least when piloting. Her connection with her Evangelion had always been distant, but she embraced the feeling of sinking into its self. Her synchronization was just a number, but Rei was the will of the Evangelion. Out the corner of her eye, Nagisa shifted to and fro, letting his black Evangelion visibly limber up.

To her other side was their reinforcements. It was as tall an Eva but unmistakably human, in the same sense as a car or gun, shouting with every plane and weld that it was a feat of technology. Jet Alone 2 was spray painted proudly along its front glacis.

"Heya!" The sunken, frog-like turret head pivoted in its recess and a synthesized, flanging voice popped up in Rei's view alongside a sound-only window. "Which pilot are you?"

Only slightly nonplussed, Rei blinked once before answering. "First Child, Ayanami Rei."

"Nagisa Kaworu, Fourth Children." Unit-03 waved as it hunkered down in the trees.

Ahead, the castle took sweeping, deliberate steps, alternating legs like an insect. Somewhere on the far side, her friends were moving.

The newcomer raised a strange, undulating mechanical arm and flexed its spindly gripers. "NHIS Advanced Weapons research attached to JSSDF! Callsign Vespa! Last one to make it on board buys lunch!"

Vespa and Jet Alone coiled, and vents along its back and sides glowed a fierce blue before a city-shaking roar blanketed the hillside. Trees for hundreds of meters were flattened under the force of the rocket-propelled leap, and Jet Alone hurtled skyward. For a half second, Rei followed the machine's arc before shoving her controls forward. Unit-00 dropped low, gathering power in muscle and tendon before vaulting, Nagisa followed right on her heels.

The human machine landed first, crashing and rolling into the most distant courtyards and curtain walls. It carved a trench of broken stone and rubble that changed from pale blues and pearl greys to chalky white plaster. Above, a dozen surviving VTOLs raked overhead, unleashing gunfire and stitching ragged lines through the increasingly dense fortress. The alien defenders boiled out of every door and archway, some the size of men, and others having to ease through passages better suited for Evangelions.

Rei felt her heels make first contact, pushing up hundred-ton flagstones and cracking them beneath her Eva's soles before she tumbled to a halt. Rising smoothly, she reached out and caught Nagisa and his Eva by the arm. Fat, impossibly huge clumps of snow and ice caked her Eva's single eye, building up in drifts upon its shoulders and chest. Temperature alert warnings pinged up one after another as the air around her seemed to freeze dry before her eyes.

Ahead, Jet Alone flailed listlessly, having landed on its back, and Vespa let out a weak laugh. "How about we call it even on lunch-heads up!"

Nagisa and Rei split, letting Jet Alone raise one arm and open its palm before a shrill crackling wail launched a charged slug from its hand into a slathering maw of teeth. The monster slumped unhealthily even as reinforcements surged to the fore.

Rei shot the other Evangelion a quick look before turning and helping Vespa back upright. "We must keep moving, cautiously."

Voice masking or not, Rei could hear Vespa's pout. "Aww, where's your sense of adventure? What's life if not for the risking?"

"Longer." Rei noted. "Nagisa on point. Vespa- focus."

"Aye-Aye Ma'am!" Jet Alone sketched an awkward salute before falling in alongside Unit-00.

The creature was nearly three kilometers wide, slightly bigger than Tokyo-3 itself, stretching from the hills all the way to lake Ashi. Now standing on the edge, the two Evas and one Jet Alone rushed through the hostile guardian beasts and sentries. The chain stretched high into the sky, hidden by dense clouds and thickening snow and flurries. Overhead, the VTOLs raced through the mist and fog, spitting fire from their chin guns and darting away from flying lion-cavalry.

Frost clung to every static surface, reaching down in huge spans of icicles or building up into strange walls and lurid, saturated ice sculptures. They were cut off from the MAGI, but Unit-00 still had enough of a 'nose' to pick up the imbalance. Rei pushed that out of her mind, focusing instead on husbanding her flagging battery reserves. A trio of greater monsters crashed through a wall of ice, brandishing clubs of knotted root and razor leaf.

Her AT-field flickered out in response, breaking the attack and slicing through limb and bough with impunity. Nagisa swept in, lightning fast and drawing his progressive knife through their flesh.

Rei glanced back at her power gauge and frowned. "We will be reduced to close combat before we reach the objective. Nagisa- your reserves?"

"Not much better than yours!" He reverse-gripped the knife while Jet Alone extended its arms and pulled the surviving third beast back and up.

With its belly exposed, Nagisa sliced it open and spilt liquid moss across the snow. It froze to his legs, but he flexed and wrenched himself free without slowing down.

Jet Alone shambled along, strangely deft but unmistakably mechanical. "I'm running out of ammo, but I got plenty of power, if that helps."

Rei doubted Jet Alone carried compatible adapters for an Evangelion, but it was a thought worth keeping in mind for later. The trail of ruin they had carved was a white scar across the castle's shifting topside. Like the underside, the top was a series of rising rings towards the sky, dripping with smaller citadels, keeps and bunkers. The VTOLs swung around for another pass, and their chatter broke through across her communication system.

"Bogeys on my tail-"
"Fire warning on engine two."
"Avionics are starting to seize- it's too damn cold!"
"Prepare to break-"

As Rei listened, their voices seemed to climb higher, piqued, squeakier. Following the aircraft overhead, she couldn't think why though. Then a flash of red lit up the clouds.

It started as a spark, but in seconds a concussive, deafening impact broke the clouds and blew the castle top clean of snow and debris. The LCL around her churned to froth and she coughed on the sudden void before drawing in a liquid lungful. Above, the sky had parted and the allied aircraft tumbled from the sky, trailing smoke and fire. The sky itself burned in fitful, thundercrack blasts as gaseous hydrogen lit up and exploded high overhead.

And even beyond that, there was more. Rei followed the heavy, swaying chain up into the clearer sky, only to see a maw ringed with blunt human teeth splitting the air itself. Thick, billowing mist flooded downward, cooling into dense clouds that were almost too stubbornly heavy to move. Nagisa was reeling, and Rei groped blindly for her controls.

Behind them, Vespa was still standing. Gaps in Jet Alone's armor glowed hot, vibrant green, and it raised its arms towards the nearest opponents. The tell-tale crackle and resonant snap of an AT-field echoed off every nearby surface. A cloud of tiny sparks seemed to grow around Jet Alone's limbs, before blasting forward like buckshot. The nearest monster evaporated, rendered unto a mist of ichor and now unnecessary limbs.

Stomping along, Vespa fired another cloud of AT-fields into the swirling melee. "I'm sitting on a nuclear reactor! I can do this all day!"

Glancing sidelong at his communication window, Rei wondered if she had the same look on her face as Nagisa did on his. The notion of something other than an Evangelion manifesting AT-fields was troubling, but they had priorities. Chthonic, stygian, plutonic and myriad priorities.

A distant, muted crack and boom of burning hydrogen masked the whisper of another window opening before Rei's mind, and Asuka's voice barged into her awareness. "Rei, Nagisa! Anyone else- Do you read me?"

Nagisa answered while Rei scanned the horizon and her instruments. "We read you, miss Sorhyu!"

Asuka's voice had flattened, falling into that distant tone of concentration. "Shinji and Aida are on their way, and we got Misato and the others to retreat."

"Good." Rei declared, finally picking out the rising red dot in the distance. The burning clouds filled the air with roiling distortions, but Unit-02 was there. "We have linked up with JSSDF remnants. their callsign is Vespa and I have connected them to you."

"Got it! Shinji, Aida, pick up the pace!" Asuka caroled, but the boys weren't quite past the interference for Rei to hear.

Then Vespa's modulated voice rang out, overflowing with enthusiasm and interest. "Heya! Can't wait for you to join us!"

Rei heard Asuka rear back in her plug, and honestly couldn't blame her. "Is that Vespa- you JSSDF?"

"That I am! Was acting escort before Orange and Black helped us into the Geofront, decided to return the favor!" Vespa's distorted voice was surprisingly upbeat, and Jet Alone cast about, looking for the approaching Evangelions.

Shinji broke into the conversation, letting out a soft grunt. He and Aida-kun were still out of sight. "Sounds good enough to me! We're rushing for the chain, any objections?"

A chorus of 'no's' echoed across the radio, until Vespa chirped. "No problems, but I wanna know who else I'm talking to!"

"Introductions will have to wait." Rei moved to wave Jet Alone forward, pointing with her other hand at the distant red dot arcing through the air. Snow started to fall in thicker flurries, caking the three of them in frosty white. "We'll fight our way up and meet halfway. Be advised, the atmosphere is saturated with hydrogen."

"Chemical warfare sniffers say lots helium too." Vespa noted. "I'm sealed up tight, but the nose knows!"

"... Atmosphere of Jupiter falling down on us. " The red Evangelion turned towards the center of the giant beast, and Asuka mentally pushed a hastily sketched map to the other Evangelions. "We've got less than a kilometer to go and six minutes of power. Make it count!"

Calling their idea a plan was charitable, but Rei pivoted smoothly and faced upcoming ascent without much fear. The chain trailed up into the sky, swaying gently through the frozen clouds despite its massive bulk. Jet Alone twisted with fitful, staccato jerks before its engines spun up into a keening roar. The rockets along its flanks glowed blue and launched it across a hundred meter arc. The human machine crashed and rolled through courtyard and meandering fortified apartments.

In the face of atmospheric catastrophe, the alien forces seemed contented to hunker down. However, the castle and gravity itself became their opponent. Rei charged forward, following Nagisa's heels through increasingly ragged holes in the enemy defenses. Rock and metal shattered into powdery plaster, but the ground beneath them surged. Taking one more bounding step, the courtyard beneath her heel dropped away.

Momentum lifted her up into the top of the plug, forcing her to hook a foot around the seat and pull herself back down. Unit-00 was already falling, and panic would do her no good. Her vision tumbled end over end, but on the first rotation, she saw the urban sprawl ahead of her rise up with Nagisa hanging from the edge. Throwing her arms forward, Rei sank her fingers into the shifting stone and held on.

Hauling herself up, she offered Unit-03 a thumbs up before bolting forward. The thin streets were wide enough for an Eva's foot, but they were built to funnel more conventional defenders into a thousand kill zones. She just ran through the buildings. Out the corner of her eye, a flash of green and purple broke through the alien skyline, and two strides later, Shinji and his Evangelion ripped through a towering bunker.

Vespa's rocket-assisted leaps carried her high and far, but before Rei could think to warn her, the hot exhaust set the sky ablaze. Jet Alone was thrown downward, trailing black smoke and tumbling out of control. A flash of red and black crossed her path, and Asuka was there, holding Jet Alone by its armpits and gliding to the ground with a two-stroke beat.

"You guys have a flying Evangelion!" Vespa let out a giddy, electronic shriek while Jet Alone trembled. "That's awesome!"

Asuka dropped her the last few meters to the ground with a thunderous bang, before landing herself and sprinting uphill. "It is, and it's too dangerous for rocket jumps!"

"Aye-Aye Ma'am!" Vespa followed with a laugh.

The castle seemed to stretch, inflating around them as it tried to lift more and more of itself upward. It was becoming a mountain any reasonable soul would not want to climb. Unfortunately for it, they were not a reasonable group. Shinji and Aida almost blithely ignored the ascent, instead choosing to simply punch into the rock and stone with hands raked like claws. The two boys burrowed, piercing a lower level and ripping out on stable ground higher up.

Still side by side, Rei shot Nagisa a look as they approached another armored facade. Buttresses and citadels seemed to pull back into the stone face, leaving it smooth and featureless. Nagisa reached the wall first with speed and a higher synchronization, dropping to a knee and cupping his hands together. Rei took the boost, and Unit-03 flung the prototype and pilot up, a hundred meters. Throwing her arm out, Rei sank her fingers into the rising ledge, and ignored the alerts when Nagisa grabbed her ankle. Together they were an Evangelion ladder, rising swiftly and pulling each other onto the next level.
I wonder what the "Victory Condition" is going to be for this arc? "Just" cutting the chain, or climbing up it to engage those at the other end? The antagonists might "cut" their losses I suppose if the Giant Tobots reach the Chain and start ascending. Or is that too simply? Iirc, some lore about Creation was being referenced here, some undefeatable Lord and Master and/or Fortress...

Ah yes...
The Fortress Unvanquishable, Save for Sacnoth. And it appears to be original fantasy, and written for the "Exalted" RPG fluff.

So, is Gaznac the final "boss"? And what about "Sacnoth"?
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I wonder what the "Victory Condition" is going to be for this arc? "Just" cutting the chain, or climbing up it to engage those at the other end? The antagonists might "cut" their losses I suppose if the Giant Tobots reach the Chain and start ascending. Or is that too simply? Iirc, some lore about Creation was being referenced here, some undefeatable Lord and Master and/or Fortress...

Ah yes...
The Fortress Unvanquishable, Save for Sacnoth. So, is Gaznac the final "boss"? And what about "Sacnoth"?

The Fortress Unvanquishalble is a real thing written by Lord Dunnisay. It's also an influence on the kind of storytelling Exalted is meant to evoke.

For the record, Sacnoth is a sword.
The Fortress Unvanquishalble is a real thing written by Lord Dunnisay. It's also an influence on the kind of storytelling Exalted is meant to evoke.

For the record, Sacnoth is a sword.

Yeah, I changed my post to reflect the origin of the work. I also remembered Sacnoth was a sword. I'm just wondering, are we supposed to be expecting an actual sword, or something more allegorical in nature. Cutting the Chain with an AT Field eould certainly be sword like. As yet, Shinji and the Pilots don't seem to have hit on a symbol comparable to Sacnoth, in that it sends all foes fleeing, and is acknowledged by the Foe to bear the fate of ending them...
Yeah, I changed my post to reflect the origin of the work. I also remembered Sacnoth was a sword. I'm just wondering, are we supposed to be expecting an actual sword, or something more allegorical in nature. Cutting the Chain with an AT Field eould certainly be sword like. As yet, Shinji and the Pilots don't seem to have hit on a symbol comparable to Sacnoth, in that it sends all foes fleeing, and is acknowledged by the Foe to bear the fate of ending them...

Last time I used the Sacnoth-referencing quotes, everyone assumed it was Asuka's sword. I suppose I should point out that only Ritsuko ever uttered anything from Fortress Unvanquishable as actual dialogue- all the other instances were epigraphs. Take that as you will~
Well, I'm assuming that the "Narrative" that's necessary to finally end the Raksha Invasion and/or at least secure Tokyo 3 requires some kind of comparable/similar feats, but I might be admittedly reading too much into this.

Certainly, the EVAs and Jet Alone scrambling up the giant "sample drill", and either cutting the "beanstalk" of climbing up it too directly confront the "real" Foe, is pretty darn epic. Add in the time limit of the batteries, and there's potential for even more "Heroic Events", if the Pilots manage to overcome that limit with pluck, creative engineering, and/or sheer Willpower. Shinji for instance has been hampered in using EVA because he cannot synchronise with it nitmally/properly fue to his "Exalted" nature. If he manages to break that threshold, and truly use it to its potential, then that would certainly serm an event that causes the true Leader of the Invasion to say, "fuck this", or accept that Shinji "won" and embraces their fate.
Raksha invoke and 'run' on narrative in a surprisingly literal manner yes, but they're more... creatures made of stories, not creatures beholden to stories. Or, they're only beholden to stories when it empowers and suits them, like the oath mechanics and the like.

The Fair Folk take a lot of inspiration from the sidhe/unseelie myth for obvious reasons. Like the story of Cu Chulainn's geas that protected him. Raksha have oodles of magic that lets them do things like create those oaths and conditions.

Musing more aloud, it's fair to say that Raksha are arbitrary, though they are surprisingly rational in context of themseles. They are not rational in context of Creationborn.
Vespa's pretty great.
Not seeing a whole lot of downsides to Jet Alone if they can bring out AT fields.

And isn't that going to have implications, no matter what method was used to generate an AT Field without an EVA. Did they manage to somehow transplant sufficient EVA parts/core to generate the field, or find a completely new process relating to the incidences of "Pattern Green" that have been flaring up around the planet? Gendo and SEELE will very likely be freaking if they've lost the monopoly on AT Fields.
And isn't that going to have implications, no matter what method was used to generate an AT Field without an EVA. Did they manage to somehow transplant sufficient EVA parts/core to generate the field, or find a completely new process relating to the incidences of "Pattern Green" that have been flaring up around the planet? Gendo and SEELE will very likely be freaking if they've lost the monopoly on AT Fields.

Pattern Green has been associated with Shinji, Thaumaturgy, and now these invaders~

What are the odds that the tech and people behind that is related to those core-material blades the cyborg-ninja-assassins had?

*shakes magic eight ball* Seems likely!
IIRC, the Magi have been recording incidences of "Pattern Green" (thaumaturgy) scattered around the world for a while?
IIRC, the Magi have been recording incidences of "Pattern Green" (thaumaturgy) scattered around the world for a while?

More or less. Ritsuko investigated it on a hunch and realized that Pattern Green was not directly associated with Shinji- he kept tripping the sensors, and was the reason they discovered it, so there's a connection.

A few chapters ago, Ritsuko basically went and said 'okay, is this a local phenomena, is Shinji the source of it all?' and then confirmed that No, he was not. Or at least instead of confirmation, discovered evidence to suggest such. Hence finding Pattern Green all over the world.
I wasn't clear on the source of the worldwide pattern greens. I have a sneaking suspicion that most of them are represenative of people admiring/praising Shinji, following exalted's "Cult" mechanic.
No italics because big post, but enjoy nonetheless!

Shinji yanked his foot forward, just fast enough to avoid the archway behind him before it came screaming down on his heel. Gleaming frosted metal blades inside caught the light of fire and sun above through the clouds. The rising structures had been the most recent obstacle, springing out of the ground and walls to snag wayward limbs. There was no grace or great skill to his piloting, just a stubborn strength that put more trust in the Eva than anything. Piloting itself was an unnatural mode of thought.

Fortunately, he was good at thinking.

Ahead, barely a dozen city blocks away was their objective. The summit loomed ahead of them, rising higher on spinning rings, dripping with smaller fortified structures. Above, the clouds roiled and boomed as heat in the air set off more hydrogen pockets, painting the sky with thunder and fire. Asuka nearly danced through the chaos with sword in hand, and for a split second, it was almost as if he could see her instead of the Eva.

Vaulting another stand of animated architecture, Shinji lowered his shoulders, charging through the stone and metal. Whatever the stuff had been, it gave way into more of that white powdery plaster, leaving a trail of dust in his wake. Rei and Nagisa brought up the middle, while Kensuke and the new machine rushed through the gap he carved like wrecking balls.

The chemical snow and cold gave way to icy rain mixed with sleeting, grainy soot. In the distance, the chain was wreathed in a thick column of dry black smoke edged in red, billowing high and fast. The air shimmered with heat, and the view ahead went liquid, while the smoke bowed out in front of him from pressure and the rush of wind. The other pilots followed in his wake, and he could feel their eyes on his back as the beacon leading the charge.

Plowing through the last ramp and wall, Shinji broke out onto the summit. The howling gust of wind he generated cut through the smoke and fire, where suddenly the ground stopped. Every bit of his nerve and will went taut as he dug his heels into the ground and skid to a halt, throwing his arms wide while the others piled up against his back. The combined surge of air and impact raised a gale that spun into the sky, blowing away hot gasses and ash until all six of them could see unobstructed.

The chain stretched upwards without apparent end. Each round, oval link was massive, over two hundred meters wide, and they swayed in the wind despite that. Going up, it disappeared into the clouds and smoke. Below, it dropped into a pit, and Shinji had ground to a halt just shy of the edge with the other Evas piled up behind him. Thin, tall towers like gothic lamp posts dotted the rim, standing as tall as the pit was wide and looming over the human machines.

Kensuke and Vespa groaned over the radio, almost speaking the same words at the same time. "He-ey what's the big-Oh."

Past the edge of the pit and below was a volcano, with caldera and seething pool of magma bubbling fitfully at the bottom. The lowest links glowed cherry red, sinking into the molten rock. The crater itself- the castle seemed to be rising outward from the lava, where red hot fortifications and architecture scaled the walls like creeping lichen or coral before spilling over the lip and crawling down the topside surface. Shinji let out a low whistle. The castle grew itself out of this?

"Is any of this bullshit magic making any sense to you at all?" Shooting him a sly smirk via the communication screen, Asuka peeled away from the group and dashed along the rim, coat trailing behind her Eva as she went.

Tugging on his controls, Shinji sighed, but smiled regardless. "If I ever figure out an 'automatically understand magic' technique, you'll be the second to know."

"Holding you to that, Golden Boy!" Asuka smirked before raising her sword. "This thing might get ready to pull the city free any second, so I say the chain looks important enough to cut. Let's get to it!"

Vespa and their machine twisted in place, panning across the battlefield. Even with the voice masking, they managed to sound coy. "Roger! Gotta say though- you guys sound a little too familiar with this kind of stuff. There something you NERV kids aren't telling me~?

"It'd take too long to explain." Shinji admitted, tersely apologetic and unable to say much more. At least they were moving with some kind of purpose, even if they were making it up as they went. "Asuka's right- we're on more than one clock. How are we doing on power?"

The Evangelions replied back with their status and telemetry, with Kensuke having the most battery life at three minutes.

Asuka let out a low growl, facing the chain and standing between two of the gothic towers. "I could use some cover for a second or two. Keep an eye out if the small fry come back."

Rei and Vespa moved up without comment, and Unit-02 shifted, relaxing visibly. Shinji felt the tingling static heat of a manifest AT-field wash over him, resonant with Unit-02's own signature. Rei and Kensuke leaned around Unit-01, surprisingly loud due to their bulk and closeness. The sandy-haired boy was pale and shaking, but his hands were tight on the controls.

Nagisa perked up, smiling. "A sensory expression! Allow me to join you, Sorhyu-san. I mistook your name, but I did read your papers."

"Flirt later, Nagisa, but go for it!"

Seconds ticked by, and Shinji watched their expressions on screen while he kept another eye on motion trackers. Asuka's eyebrows twitched madly, while Nagisa seemed much more serene about things. He knew the other boy well enough to say he carried tension elsewhere though, in the neck and shoulders. The two fields spread out across the caldera, and though Shinji couldn't see it, he knew they were reaching for something. Feeling their altered space extend further, he could sense a reflection in Unit-01's, and a void appeared. Carved into the world was the chain, inviolate as any soul.

"Ah shit- they hardened it somehow, like the fancypants ones!" Asuka's eyes snapped open, and she punched her console with a scowl.

"Hey!" Vespa shifted position and turning towards the chain while raising Jet Alone's arms, and a keening, electric wail and static hum of manifest AT-field rang out. "Before we play the most dangerous game of the floor is lava-"

The human machine lurched, awkward and deliberately off balance as the charge intensified. Channels of green glowed hotly beneath the segmented arms and raised a scintillating cloud of tiny planar fields. The arms curled into the shoulders and bent like tentacles before unfurling with a lightning-fast whip crack. The scattershot blast of altered space shot forward, flung from Jet Alone's hands and deflected off the chain. From below, the massive city-spanning creature groaned, shifting fitfully. The cracked and cooling pavers beneath Shinji's feet trembled, while rubble skittered and bounced from some unseen energy.

Vespa bit off more than a few choice words, lapsing into odd, lilting English while Asuka whistled. "Who did you say you were working with again? Nevermind, we'll find out later. We're sure as hell in for a long debrief."

"Indeed." Rei's voice was soft and intent. "No damage, but we've upset something."

Asuka and her Evangelion nodded before taking a few steps back, and Shinji could see the plan plain on her face. With a running start, she leaped forward, coat unfurling not as full wings but more like a glider to catch the wind. Unit-02 arced through the air, sword in hand and slammed into the chain hard enough to send it swaying twenty meters around.

"Simplest plans are the best plans!" She raised her sword and brought it down, cleaving through alien steel and sending a great chunk into the lava below.

The rumbling rose sharply, and the lava below bubbled, before a sudden surge and jet of heat shot straight up into the air. Temperature alerts blared out all across Shinji's perception, and his readings on Asuka's Eva spiked into the red before falling. The chain drew upwards, with each shifting link clicking together with sounds that shook buildings. Asuka let out a quick yelp, catching her sword with one wing-hand while her legs and other three arms wrapped around the link and held on for dear life.

Out from the lava, glowing hot red and dripping molten stone was a link in the chain, warped into a face with lopsided gemstone eyes and bristling with hot metal horns. A snaggletoothed maw of teeth the size of train cars gnashed, and Shinji could see it drool more lava even as it swayed like a top-heavy snake.

Stumbling away from the edge of the volcano, Vespa wailed and landed on their hands and knees. "The chain is a giant monster- of course it is!"

"For once I'd like something inanimate to be inanimate! Or at least stay that way!" Asuka switched grips and readied her sword again, hacking away as hard and fast as her arm could swing.

The face in the chain squirmed, twisting to look up at the irritation. Shinji could only say it spat in disgust before acting, rearing back in a heavy coil. Diving back down into the lava, the creature dragged the rest of the chain with it. Leaving her sword to her wings again, Asuka scrambled up the chain hand over hand, working for altitude over the pit.

Before Asuka could even ask for help, Shinji moved. The volcano was still printing more architecture, and he realized the giant towers were the latest elements destined for some distant point further down the mountain-creature. The bases were still hot, not quite cooled and crystallized stone, ten meters wide and taller than his Eva several times over. He dropped into a sliding kick, leading with one foot to punch through the tower's lowest point. Shearing through part of the structure, he scrambled back on his hands and knees to yank more material away.

The column listed with a crackling groan, still half-connected at the base, tilting away from the pit and down the mountainside. There wasn't time to speak, but Shinji pointed at the top of the tower, and Vespa raised one of Jet Alone's spindly hands and flashed a thumbs-up. They turned and rocketed upward on blue candleflame jets, braving the smoke and grit. Vespa latched onto the top of the tower, hooking tow cables around the pinnacle and waving ready.

Shinji dug his hands into the cracked base, and a second later Kensuke was there. Together, the purple and silver Evangelions strained, heaving with arms, legs, every bit of muscle they could muster. Their heels punched holes into the paving stones below, and the tower tilted forward towards the chain. As the far end swung over the caldera and into the smoke, Vespa launched forward again and slammed into the far side of the caldera, threading the needle through the chain even as the links reeled down into the magma.

Rei and Nagisa flared their AT-fields, lifting the improvised projectile while Shinji and Kensuke strained against its bulk. Turning, Vespa dashed away from the rim and reeled the spike in over their mechanical shoulders while the winches inside Jet Alone's body sparked and smoked under the strain. With one heaving shout, the five of them ripped the column free and sent it airborne.

The tower sailed through the gap, tall enough to span the crater and spear through massive links. The ends dug into the rim of the caldera and carved a ragged trench through the architecture walls. Above, Unit-02 was nearly thrown clear off, hanging on by two wingtip fingers before pulling herself back upright. Asuka's gnashing growls filled the airwaves, and Shinji turned his attention back to the chain and monster below. Seething, roiling magma reached up for the improvised pin, while the creature dove down into the hot fiery stone. It rose and dove, jerking hard on the pinned chain, and the column strained against the crater walls.

Even as he watched, Shinji moved, waving for the others to follow. "Shore up the ends! We're buying Asuka time!"

"Pair off. Vespa with me. Aida-kun, Nagisa, to the far side." Rei's orders cut through the air and Jet Alone offered Unit-00 a jaunty salute.

Shinji turned back to the chain and looked up to the damaged link. Before he got in Rei and Vespa's way, Shinji dashed ahead, urging his Eva to move fast. His heels pounded against the braced column, shaking loose dust. Odd that it hadn't turned to plaster like everything else though. He vaulted the nearest link and landed on it, hands digging into the rough-cast metal. Each link was banded with smooth stone bearings, almost decoration. Either way, it made for ready handholds. Clawing hand over hand, he raced up the chain and leaped from link to link, until he reached Asuka and Unit-02.

Four green eyes stared down at him for a moment, and the red Evangelion hung off from the chain with both wings shaped into broad hands.

His answer was to reach for his left shoulder pylon and drop the progressive knife into his hand.

"Worth a shot!" Asuka laughed, loud and pleased. "Start carving, rip and tear!"

The chain jerked hard beneath them, and stopped moving just as quickly. A knot of cables around their end dug into the crater lip as the two giants braced the strands over their shoulders. Shinji flipped the knife around in his hand and sliced a hot arc through the nearest hunk of stone, shearing away tons of material with a single slash. Each one of Asuka's sword strokes cleaved off a hundred times more than he did in one go. If she had strength, then he'd carry his end with efficiency.

Focusing, Shinji swung around to the far side of the chain and hopped across the gap- they had to break both sides or it'd just stay stuck like a hook. Wrenching hard on the controls, he brought his legs up and knees first, slamming into the stone rings and smashing through the first few surface meters. Knife in hand, he hacked and clawed, digging hard for the center core.

The chain jerked again, and Kensuke bit off a panicked yelp. Glancing down, Shinji caught a fleeting snapshot of the battle below. Kensuke and Nagisa stood on the column like a balance beam, dodging thick tentacles of molten magma and leaving them to wrap around the column. Shinji could feel Unit-03's AT-field flicker out, letting Nagisa cut down the tendrils and send them back to reform with almost careless economy.

Shoving the worry aside, Shinji focused on the task at hand. Now elbow deep, he stabbed the knife into the side of the link and switched grips. Behind him, he felt every ringing impact through the chain as Asuka lashed against the chain with sword and grasping wing. Her blows were coming faster now, almost blurring together. Braced with half his arm in the rock cowling, Shinji pulled. His Eva's muscles bulged in response, splitting the armor along the left arm from wrist to shoulder like busted seams. Without tension and wholeness, the stone shattered against his leverage, and he shook his arm free of dust before grabbing his knife once more.

A sharp, wrathful crack caught his ear, and Shinji didn't need to look. The column fractured, collapsing in the middle with his friends and allies still fighting along it. The battle below was cut through with sound and thrumming vibration, along with the roar of wind and smoke. The choking black ash filled his view and coated every surface, while the heat above the caldera thickened the air with endless ripples. That distinctly artificial wail and screech of Jet Alone's AT-field spun up, launched with a bone-shaking thunderbolt.

Shinji didn't see what happened, but whatever happened beneath him shook the chain-monster from bottom to top. He nearly lost his knife against the furious vibration, but snatched it out of the air at the last second and swung back to carve a long ragged line into the next layer. The next strike went easier, faster, with stone falling apart in great sheets and bands with every hack and slash.

Asuka silently pushed a countdown timer into his perception, paired with a view of her own perspective. The chain's exposed inner metal core dominated her attention- she had struck so hard and fast, both her sword's edge and the chain glowed faint red. "Shinji! Dig in and Cut on three!"

He just gave her a terse nod, intent on slicing through the next layer and then the one after, getting closer to the core a handspan at a time. Every move pulled down buildings worth of stone and sent it tumbling into the smoke and fire. Then, Shinji heard her voice count in his mind, silent and all-encompassing in focus. One.

The face in the chain thrashed, jerking hard against the fallen tower and sending the whole length swaying even as the chain itself could not reel in. His controls were unnecessary, holding on with synchronization and will to win. Another sudden yank left him half-hanging mid air by a hand, but Asuka never lost count. Two.

Shinji rode the momentum on the way back, blade in his left hand glowing hot ultrasonic and angled for the kill. "Three!"

Two blades sliced through metal, and for a split second, all was still. The magma bubbled a few hundred meters beneath them. The other three Evangelions plus Jet Alone were almost frozen in place, and the snarling beast-chain was hung in mid-air, mid lunge.

And then the instant passed, and Shinji was caught without warning. The sky and clouds appeared in a blur of rushing wind, while the immediate acceleration strained his Eva's joints from head to toe, letting out awful cracks and creaks. Inside the plug, Shinji was pressed down hard against the seat. The plastic and metal complained, bowing out with stress. The monstrous castle spasmed beneath him, writhing in pain while growing smaller and distant as he was lifted higher and higher. He watched his knife tumble away from fingers, and only caught the barest glimpse of his friends crawling away from the volcano rim.

Out the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of fluttering red and black. Asuka was still there, tangled up in the broken chain worse than he was, with wingtip fingers wedged too tight to pull free. Unit-02 looked up, and he followed Asuka's attention up, past the clouds and into the sky above the city. The chain was reeling in, and taking them with it. They'd already climbed over a thousand meters, and the air was growing colder and stranger by the second. The chain punched and cut through thick clouds of helium and hydrogen, mixed with more pedestrian atmosphere, and they saw the maw of the sky stretch wide, kilometers across.

Then they were through. The chain shivered, knocking both Evas loose and sending them tumbling helplessly above an ocean of banded red and brown clouds. The night sky stretched out in every direction with every full rotation, and Shinji's inner ear rebelled as he fought for control. Only the leaden fullness of LCL in his stomach kept him from vomiting. Whim, intuition and luck was all he had. Shinji swung his Eva's arms, his legs, counter to the rotation and fighting his own center of gravity...

"Oh fuck." Asuka exhaled, already stable, and Shinji remembered she'd probably trained for this. "We're in space."

Alarms and environmental hazard alerts filled his plug a half-second after Asuka's declaration, and she was absolutely correct- they were in space. Jupiter dominated the local area, but all around them were things. Platforms made of smoky glass that drank in starlight, massive whale-ships with palaces stretched across spiderwebs spanning between them. Behind him, the portal showed Tokyo-3 from the top, and the maw-gullet on this side was already closing.

Shinji cast about for an answer, an idea. He could vent reserve LCL for thrust, but they were already hundreds of meters away from the portal. His battery life ticked over to fifty nine seconds, and there was no time for an AT-field experiment.

But another field brushed against his, and Shinji watched Asuka spread her Eva's wings. A rainbow halo appeared behind her for a fraction of a second, and she beat towards him across the vacuum. "Hang on Golden Boy!"

Asuka and her Evangelion slammed into him hard enough to send them both tumbling back for the portal, and he watched her batteries drain with every surge of altered space. Fighting down the nausea, Shinji twisted them both, grappling with inertia and more. The maw was closing faster, teeth grinding together at two ends like a puckered zipper. Atmosphere above Japan rushed out in misty whorls and billowing clouds of expanding gas, and they were still moving too slow.

"Have to move faster, Asuka! Faster!" Shinji twisted in his seat, bracing his legs around the console.

The hum and tingle of manifest AT-field surged harder, and Asuka's low, rising shout of effort fought its way past gnashing teeth. Unit-02's helmet shifted, and four new eyes snapped open and glowed with white fire. Her wings beat against hard vacuum, sending them rocketing forward faster than he thought possible. The acceleration and absolute certainty of action pressed in on his body, forcing LCL from his lungs.

He risked a look over his shoulder. The maw was almost sealed shut, with only the faintest hints of Japan showing through the gaps. He turned back to Asuka, but Unit-02 powered down in his arms, wings going slack and listless as they curled around them both. Well, he trusted her to get them this far. Now it was his turn.

Five hundred meters out, Shinji fought their shared tumble has hard as he dared. He hauled the red Evangelion around, keeping it and Asuka as far from impact as possible, draining power with every curl and cartwheel. At a hundred meters, the last few chinks between the teeth ground together, and now the maw itself began to seal itself into nothingness. Halfway gone at fifty meters, twenty five, ten-

Unit-01 punched through the building-sized incisor like a bullet, leaving it a jagged and cracked ruin of enamel and bone. The impact sheared off his Evangelion's shoulder pylons and shattered his Eva's helmet. Vacuum and stars gave way to rushing air that shocked Shinji through his Eva's nerves. The portal sealed up completely, and the noonday sky above the clouds was bright, blue and clear.

The two Evangelions tumbled lazily, and the Hakone region spread out beneath them both. Forty seconds of power and two minutes of free fall. Hands back on the controls, Shinji grit his teeth. Right, that was still a problem. The radio came back with a half-dozen voices, Rei and Kensuke loudest among them, and somehow Misato from NERV. He tuned them out- he had to focus. Sinking down into synchronization, Shinji reached for the AT-field.

Asuka did it all the time, it couldn't be that hard.

Wind caught on his Eva's armor, whistling around the broken gaps and planes of Unit-01's helmet before curling away into foamy contrails. Unit-02 hung limp in his arms, with the coattail wings fluttering behind and catching every stray gust. The castle was still standing over Tokyo-3, but it shambled and shuffled, letting out odd groans of pain and more. It made for an easy target, at least. The two Evangelions pierced through the cloud cover, dropping ten meters a second and going no faster. There was no computer to help him, just will and theory. Shinji unfurled the field and held on tight.

A half-second before impact, he realized he never even once considered ejecting.

The new crater stretched out for several city blocks, leveling courtyards, citadels and curtain walls for hundreds of meters all around. Unit-01 slumped in the very bottom, wedged uncomfortably beneath an inert Unit-02. Shinji settled back into his seat and exhaled. Telemetry and pilot vitals all showed green across the board, and even Asuka's was a steady positive despite her silence.

The battle might have ended, but he could still hear the war all around him. It ebbed, but it had not ended, not yet. What lingering aches and soreness faded, draining away as he willed his body to heal. Staring at those green lights on his console, Shinji couldn't help but laugh. There had been no magic solution, no perfect technique or absolute expression of his prowess. Just a team, working together. Asuka had been glib about it, but even he wondered as to when he'd reach that critical point. That time he'd discard the Evangelion entirely.

Perhaps he would, eventually. But not today.

"Uuugghhh... I think I blacked out." The redhead groaned woozily. Asuka's communication window was crowded out by views of three pilots and NERV officers, while Vespa's sound-only tab let them laugh freely.

"Yeah." Shinji sat back in his plug while Rei, Kensuke, Nagisa and Vespa all reached into the new crater and pulled them out. "Get us back to the Geofront. I think we're done here."
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Okay, suitably epic! I like that part, how in the end it didn't come down to Golden Sun bullshit, but the works of man, used by humans (more or less) working together, avert the largest crisis. For now, the portal is shut, and hopefully will be for the next while. There are still some the Fae/Raksha in Tokyo 3 I guess, though. Tokyo 3 isn't cut off any more though, correct? They would be able to receive reinforcement/replenishment?